Konrad Ferdinand Geist von Wildegg

German priest (1662-1722)

Born 1662-02-22 in Ravensburg (Q6832)
Died 1722-01-15 in Constance (Q3834)

Konrad Ferdinand Geist von Wildegg is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDgeist
P8168FactGrid item IDQ654621
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/121v8796
P8440Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID069-01347-001
P9441Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit IDWIAG-Pers-EPISCGatz-10248-001

P1598consecratorMarquard Rudolf von RodtQ1261984
P27country of citizenshipGermanyQ183
P735given nameKonradQ18156186
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGermanQ188
P106occupationCatholic deaconQ25393460
Catholic bishopQ611644
Catholic priestQ250867
P39position heldauxiliary bishopQ75178
titular bishopQ948657
vicar generalQ1044528
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

consecrator (P1598)
Q64734044Claude-Antoine Duding
Q55851053Franz Theodor von Guttenberg
Q373883Giuseppe Firrao il Vecchio
Q880773Johann Franz Schenk von Stauffenberg
Q1695456Johann Martin von Eyb

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