Edgar Salin

German economist (1892–1974)

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Edgar_Salin

Abstract is: Edgar Bernhard Jacques Salin (10 February 1892 – 17 May 1974) was a German economist, historian, and translator. Born on 10 February 1892 in Frankfurt, he studied political economy and jurisprudence, completing his PhD at Heidelberg University in 1913 with a thesis on the economic development of Alaska under the supervision of Alfred Weber. After habilitating at Heidelberg in 1920 with a monograph on the political thought of Plato, Salin taught there and at Kiel before taking up a position as Professor of National Economy at the University of Basel in 1927, which he held until 1962. He served as Chancellor of Basel University. He founded the journal Kyklos at Basel in 1947. Salin's economic theory integrated influences from John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, and Friedrich List. He supported far-reaching economic interventionism. In the 1920s he was associated with the poet Stefan George and his circle, and George's aestheticist outlook influenced Salin throughout his career. He was a proponent of European integration, and after World War II he became a prominent critic of ordoliberalism, particularly the work of Wilhelm Röpke. In addition to his economic research, Salin published a series of translations of Plato. He died on 17 May 1974 in Veytaux, Switzerland. Salin was awarded the Goethe Plaque of the City of Frankfurt in 1962 and the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1972.

Born 1892-02-10 in Frankfurt (Q1794)
Died 1974-05-17 in Veytaux (Q68071)

Edgar Salin is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2381Academic Tree ID54531
P9097American Academy in Rome ID12426374
P5731Angelicum ID45170
P6231BDELIS ID76649
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID108747911
P5019Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online IDsalin-edgar
P11496CiNii Research ID1140563741756716672
P8849CONOR.BG ID77244168
P1280CONOR.SI ID47850339
P13049DDB person (GND) ID118750925
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID118750925
P701Dodis IDP7926
P2163FAST ID147492
P2600Geni.com profile ID6000000045889675903
P9044GEPRIS Historisch person ID5110268
P227GND ID118750925
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/1213h4y9
P902HDS ID029928
P13226Hessian Biography person (GND) ID118750925
P269IdRef ID077238761
P10553IxTheo authority ID060584432
P8189J9U ID987007299566705171
P13183JudaicaLink person (GND) ID118750925
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID118750925
P9918Kallías IDPE00055355
P11249KBR person ID14370621
P10881Kieler Gelehrtenverzeichnis ID9ad1f334-a989-0421-19db-4e79dace170d
P244Library of Congress authority IDn84223714
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID242255
P1284Munzinger person ID00000018951
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA02053846
P3348National Library of Greece ID100476
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810575946205606
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID070562873
P349NDL Authority ID00525811
P691NL CR AUT IDskuk0004974
P1695NLP ID (old)a0000002891446
P1015NORAF ID90280233
P1207NUKAT IDn2008127532
P648Open Library IDOL1062774A
P12458Parsifal cluster ID165580
P866Perlentaucher IDedgar-salin
P4293PM20 folder IDpe/015325
P5739Pontificia Università della Santa Croce ID69908
P8982Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana ID14976
P3368Prabook ID954158
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID33051
P3365Treccani IDedgar-salin
P8750Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID325465
P11182UOM ID78044
P1017Vatican Library ID (former scheme)ADV10100702
P8034Vatican Library VcBA ID495/132083
P214VIAF cluster ID62344288
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJB8qFpJWHQ6MyGKWBHt8C

P512academic degreeDoctor of PhilosophyQ752297
P166award receivedGoethe Plaque of the City of FrankfurtQ1534190
Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of GermanyQ10905276
P27country of citizenshipGermanyQ183
P1343described by sourceHeidelberg Scholar Lexicon 1803–1932Q48711337
P1889different fromEdgar SalinQ16403764
P184doctoral advisorAlfred WeberQ76514
P185doctoral studentMarion Gräfin DönhoffQ62443
Talcott ParsonsQ203913
Carl Christian von WeizsäckerQ1037331
Ulrich SonnemannQ2476742
P69educated atHeidelberg UniversityQ151510
P108employerHeidelberg UniversityQ151510
University of BaselQ372608
P734family nameSalinQ25114436
P735given nameEdgarQ2660560
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGermanQ188
P1559name in native languageEdgar Salin
university teacherQ1622272
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

doctoral advisor (P184)
Q1037331Carl Christian von Weizsäcker
Q62443Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
Q203913Talcott Parsons
Q2476742Ulrich Sonnemann

Q2112115Prognos AGfounded byP112
Q76514Alfred Weberdoctoral studentP185
Q16403764Edgar Salindifferent fromP1889

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Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)ادجار سالينwikipedia
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