Valentin Heimes

German priest

Wikimedia Commons category is Johann Valentin Heimes

Born 1741-03-11 in Hattenheim (Q1589004)
Died 1806-07-23

Valentin Heimes is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12489700w
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDheimes
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp00539796
P13049DDB person (GND) ID11883553X
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID11883553X
P8168FactGrid item IDQ654823
P2163FAST ID240151
P227GND ID11883553X
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/12lqjn9hb
P13226Hessian Biography person (GND) ID11883553X
P10553IxTheo authority ID694968226
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID11883553X
P244Library of Congress authority IDnr88010842
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID143094041
P8440Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID080-01877-001
P8748Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank (GND) ID11883553X
P3365Treccani IDvalentin-heimes
P214VIAF cluster ID27868460
P9441Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit IDWIAG-Pers-EPISCGatz-12633-001
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJpDVVD3wg4KJrv7ybkFKd

P1598consecratorFriedrich Karl Joseph von ErthalQ87611
Johann Georg Joseph von EckartQ64744983
August Franz von StraußQ64775160
P27country of citizenshipGermanyQ183
P1343described by sourceAllgemeine Deutsche BiographieQ590208
P734family nameHeimesQ36886288
P735given nameValentinQ852779
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGermanQ188
P106occupationCatholic priestQ250867
Catholic bishopQ611644
Catholic deaconQ25393460
P39position heldauxiliary bishopQ75178
titular bishopQ948657
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Wikimedia Commons Images

P1442: image of grave

FileName: Johann Valentin Heimes Wandgrab St Vincentius Hattenheim Rheingau.jpg

Description: Wandgrab Johann Valentin Heimes (* 11. März 1741 in Hattenheim; † 23. Juli 1806 ebenda), Weihbischof von Mainz. Kath. Kirche St. Vincentius, Hattenheim im Rheingau. Gefertigt in ehemals schwarzem Lahnmarmor.

Artist: Marion Halft

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Attribution is required.

Reverse relations

consecrator (P1598)
Q55130995Andreas Joseph Fahrmann
Q61353Karl Theodor von Dalberg
Q1403238Stephan Alexander Würdtwein

Q27581000Heimes, Valentinmain subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Johann Valentin Heimeswikimedia
      Johann Valentin Heimeswikipedia

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