Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

scientific journal

Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology is …
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APC-funded journalQ73365221

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P495country of originPolandQ36
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectphysiologyQ521
P127owned byPolish Physiological SocietyQ67201773
P1056product, material, or service produced or providedprinted matterQ1261026
P1476titleJournal of Physiology and Pharmacology

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published in (P1433)
Q36084514"Local Food - Nutraceuticals": an example of a multidisciplinary research project on local knowledge.
Q80512887'Do not resuscitate order' in neonatology: authority rules
Q9550018511-dehydro thromboxane B2 levels after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease during a one year follow-up period
Q5125215613C-methacetin breath test correlates with clinical indices of liver disease severity in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
Q7145593513C-urea breath test for detection of Helicobacter pylori and its correlation with endoscopic and histologic findings
Q3952454215-deoxy-D12,14-prostaglandin J2 suppresses RANTES expression by inhibiting NADPH oxidase activation in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric epithelial cells.
Q390002133-Fluoromethcathinone, a structural analog of mephedrone, inhibits growth and induces cell cycle arrest in HT22 mouse hippocampal cells
Q732109764-Aminopyridine induces positive lusitropic effects and prevents the negative inotropic action of phenylephrine in the rat cardiac tissue subjected to ischaemia
Q965916084-hydroxynonenal and oxidative stress in several organelles and its damaging effects on cell functions
Q320610265-HT1A receptor agonists buspirone and gepirone attenuate apomorphine-induced aggressive behaviour in adult male Wistar rats
Q487437685-HT7 receptors modulate GABAergic transmission in rat hippocampal CA1 area
Q342528226-methoxytryptophol reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced lipid peroxidation in vitro more effectively than melatonin
Q440660637-Nitroindazole enhances amphetamine-evoked dopamine release in rat striatum. an in vivo microdialysis and voltammetric study.
Q51144182A 3-year clinical and radiographic study of implants placed simultaneously with maxillary sinus floor augmentations using a new nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite.
Q33220987A cDNA macroarray resource for gene expression profiling in ruminant tissues involved in reproduction and production (milk and beef) traits.
Q80512848A common oxygen sensor regulates the sensory discharge and glomus cell HIF-1alpha in the rat carotid body
Q52391367A comparison between the automatized impedance cardiography and pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiography methods for measurements of stroke volume (SV) and systolic time intervals (STI).
Q40654648A comparison of febrile responses induced by LPS from E. coli and S. abortus in unrestrained rats placed in a thermal gradient
Q46294531A downregulation of nNOS is associated to dysmotility evoked by lipopolysaccharide in rabbit duodenum.
Q71437656A histamine H2 receptor antagonist, roxatidine, stimulates mucus secretion and synthesis by cultured rabbit gastric mucosal cells
Q74011955A long-term fish diet modifies the toxic properties of human partially oxidized LDL on vascular preparations in vitro
Q46294514A low halogenated biphenyl (PCB3) increases CYP1A1 expression and activity via the estrogen receptor beta in the porcine ovary
Q53240654A low vitamin A status increases the susceptibility to cigarette smoke-induced lung emphysema in C57BL/6J mice
Q73213689A method for measurements of hydraulic conductivity of biological membranes in vitro
Q40733552A moderate dose of cycloheximide does not prevent the febrile response to endotoxin but interfere with induction of pyrogenic tolerance in rabbit
Q35844772A mutein of human basic fibroblast growth factor TGP-580 accelerates colonic ulcer healing by stimulating angiogenesis in the ulcer bed in rats
Q38208235A new face of endocannabinoids in pharmacotherapy. Part I: protective role of endocannabinoids in hypertension and myocardial infarction
Q38208236A new face of endocannabinoids in pharmacotherapy. Part II: role of endocannabinoids in inflammation-derived cardiovaascular diseases
Q43197276A new membrane G protein-coupled receptor (GPR30) is involved in the cardiac effects of 17beta-estradiol in the male rat.
Q48174162A new model of gastric bleeding induced in rats by aspirin plus clopidogrel under stimulation of acid secretion. Prophylactic effects of antiulcer drugs
Q43094788A new specific and useful tool in differential diagnosis of periodontitis.
Q78054636A new ulcer model, "unhealed gastric ulcers", induced by chronic treatment with indomethacin in rats with acetic acid ulcers
Q72090538A note on distribution of human plasma levels of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid
Q44340988A novel non-opioid binding site for endomorphin-1.
Q85195412A novel pathophysiological-based panel of biomarkers for the diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Q82929771A novel post-and-core restoration system--results of three years of clinical application of the "Wuerzburg Post"
Q44269536A novel, potent and selective inhibitor of the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase (GW274150) reduces the organ injury in hemorrhagic shock.
Q52034447A partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine sites facilitates spatial learning in aged rats.
Q47799105A pattern recognition method to distinguish gradual unilateral diaphragm paralysis in the cat.
Q41954001A pilot study on the ability of clinoptilolite to absorb ethanol in vivo in healthy drinkers: effect of gender.
Q37273067A postgenomic integrated view of prostaglandins in reproduction: implications for other body systems
Q85610395A preliminary investigation of the mechanisms underlying the effect of berberine in preventing high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in rats
Q41041787A recombinant fragment of Helicobacter pylori CagA affects proliferation of human cells.
Q83180526A role of hydrogen peroxide producing commensal bacteria present in colon of adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in perpetuation of the inflammatory process
Q28571362A search for colocalization of serotonin 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A receptors in the rat medial prefrontal and entorhinal cortices--immunohistochemical studies
Q43673758A single corticosterone pretreatment inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation.
Q42709021A study comparing the efficacy of antimicrobial agents versus enzyme (P-gp) inducers in the treatment of 2,4,6 trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced colitis in rats
Q48366344A synergistic interaction between histamine and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on cyclic AMP production in the chick pineal gland
Q46735799ACE inhibitor and AT1 antagonist stimulate duodenal HCO3- secretion mediated by a common pathway - involvement of PG, NO and bradykinin.
Q48691313ACTH 4-9 analogue facilitates the antiimmobility effect of antidepressants and dopamine agonists in swimming rats
Q42447380ATP activates phospholipase C in the cat carotid body in vitro
Q42500369ATP-induced CA2+-signaling enhances rat gastric microvascular endothelial cell migration
Q84144493AVE 0991-angiotensin-(1-7) receptor agonist, inhibits atherogenesis in apoE-knockout mice
Q84056115Abdominal aorta anastomosis in rats and stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157, prophylaxis and therapy
Q28192893Abnormal eicosanoid-pattern of peripheral white-blood cells in gastro-intestinal cancer
Q44104736Abrogation of mitochondrial transcription in smooth muscle cells impairs smooth muscle contractility and vascular tone
Q78787312Abstracts of the XXII Congress of the Polish Physiological Society. 4-7 September 2002, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Q44171566Accumulation of specific ceramides in ischemic/reperfused rat heart; effect of ischemic preconditioning.
Q64924658Acid and neutral lipase activity in lymphocytes of patients with increased serum cholesterol and triglyceride level.
Q35742412Acid-sensing protective mechanisms of duodenum.
Q92538232Acrylamide toxicity and cholinergic nervous system
Q46814838Acrylamide-induced prenatal programming of intestine structure in guinea pig.
Q79572678Actin cytoskeleton and beta-actin expression in correlation with higher invasiveness of selected hepatoma Morris 5123 cells
Q43076910Action potential clamp and mefloquine sensitivity of recombinant 'I KS' channels incorporating the V307L KCNQ1 mutation.
Q40838815Actions and interactions of endothelins, prostacyclin and nitric oxide in the gastric mucosa.
Q73803894Actions of several substituted short analogues of porcine galanin on isolated rat fundus strips: a structure-activity relationship
Q33780660Actions of sodium valproate on the central nervous system.
Q46487164Activation of endocannabinoid transmission induces antidepressant-like effects in rats.
Q44389563Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma impedes Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide interference with salivary mucin synthesis through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/erk pathway.
Q44066043Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma suppresses inducible cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase during oral mucosal ulcer healing.
Q46034191Activation of the metabolic sensor-AMP activated protein kinase reverses impairment of angiogenesis in aging myocardial microvascular endothelial cells. Implications for the aging heart
Q51051417Acute anti-fibrillating and defibrillating potential of atorvastatin, melatonin, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid demonstrated in isolated heart model
Q46291273Acylation stimulating protein is associated with pregnancy weight gain.
Q52992564Adaptation of gastric mucosa to stress. Effect of ranitidine
Q46201961Adaptation of myosin heavy chain mRNA expression after implantation of poly(3)hydroxybutyrate scaffolds in rat m. latissimus dorsi.
Q36827859Adaptation of pancreas to repeated caerulein-induced pancreatitis in rats
Q71437648Adaptive cytoprotection by ammonia and urea-urease system in the rat gastric mucosa
Q39232549Additional effects of bisphenol A and paraben on the induction of calbindin-D(9K) and progesterone receptor via an estrogen receptor pathway in rat pituitary GH3 cells
Q39660085Adenosine 5'-triphosphate is the predominant source of peripheral adenosine in human B lymphoblasts
Q67903605Adenosine deaminase activity in the human duodenal mucosa in relation to gastric acid secretion
Q35540897Adenosine mediation of mesenteric blood flow
Q72895292Adenosine modulates reactive hyperemia in rat gut
Q36710681Adipocytokines - novel link between inflammation and vascular function?
Q85056558Adipohormones as prognostric markers in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Q38314931Adiponectin and leptin receptors expression in Barrett's esophagus and normal squamous epithelium in relation to central obesity status
Q48471384Adiponectin, resistin and subclinical inflammation--the metabolic burden in Launois Bensaude Syndrome, a rare form of obesity.
Q42976865Administration of low doses of tumor necrosis factor-alpha protects rat liver from ischaemic damage and reperfusion injury.
Q100736877Administration of warfarin accelerates the recovery in ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis
Q54103284Adrenal-renal portal circulation contributes to decrease in renal blood flow after renal artery stenosis in rats.
Q42512831Adrenergic regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis under basal and social stress conditions
Q79623056Adrenergic stimulation and blocking of hormonal secretion activity of cultured cow granulosa cells
Q71989535Adrenergic systems 100 years after Discovery of Adrenaline. The symposium on the occasion of English and Polish contribution to the discovery of adrenaline. Cracow, Poland, May 26, 1995. Abstracts
Q96591612Adropin suppresses insulin expression and secretion in INS-1E cells and rat pancreatic islets
Q89832451Adropin, nesfatin-1 and angiotensin II receptor expression in the abdominal aorta in ovariectomized rats after nesfatin-1 treatment
Q40110893Advance directives and the concept of competence: are they a moral barrier to resuscitation?
Q67890432Advances and Perspectives in Reproductive Endocrinology of Domestic Animals. Symposium proceedings. Olsztyn, Poland, August 30-September 2, 1992
Q49160959Advances in reproductive endocrinology of fish
Q37649285Adverse effects of nutritional programming during prenatal and early postnatal life, some aspects of regulation and potential prevention and treatments.
Q35742416Afferent signalling of gastric acid challenge.
Q57246336Age and continuous lactose challenge modify lactase protein expression and enzyme activity in gut epithelium in the rat
Q46632375Age and hypertension related changes in genotypes of MTHFR 677C>T, 1298A>C and PON1 -108C>T SNPs in men with coronary artery disease (CAD).
Q54018332Age dependent changes of insulin receptors in rat tissues.
Q38305706Age-dependent changes in bovine skeletal muscle transcriptomic profile.
Q51889997Age-dependent changes of airway obstruction parameters
Q92249518Age-related changes in the local intestinal renin-angiotensin system in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q44949124Age-related changes of NA(+), K(+) - ATPase, Ca(+2) - ATPase and Mg(+2) - ATPase activities in rat brain synaptosomes.
Q47876613Age-related circadian variations of cardiac and respiratory components of the carotid baroreflex in humans
Q46484373Age-related peculiarities of breathing regulation and antioxidant enzymes under intermittent hypoxic training.
Q48552844Age-related response of the genioglossus muscle EMG-activity to hypoxia in humans.
Q84268226Ageing influences the effect of pre-hypoxic administration of clonidine, an alpha₂-adrenoceptor agonist, on post-hypoxic vasomotricity
Q82791999Aging and expression of heme oxygenase-1 and endothelin-1 in the rat carotid body after chronic hypoxia
Q48304046Aging impairs transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor in human microvascular endothelial cells: implications for angiogenesis and cell survival
Q44304729Aging with quality of life--a challenge for society
Q43763672Agonist of dihydropyridine receptors, BayK8644 depresses excitation-contraction coupling in myocytes of guinea pig heart
Q41116697Akt1 binds focal adhesion kinase via the Akt1 kinase domain independently of the pleckstrin homology domain
Q39711937Alcoholic beverages and gastric epithelial cell viability: effect on oxidative stress-induced damage
Q92538223Aldosterone and mineralocorticoid receptors in regulation of the cardiovascular system and pathological remodelling of the heart and arteries
Q48460091All genes encoding enzymes participating in melatonin biosynthesis in the chicken pineal gland are transcribed rhythmically
Q71532918Alloxan stimulation and subsequent inhibition of insulin release from in situ perfused rat pancreas
Q83751135Alpha-ketoglutarate stabilizes redox homeostasis and improves arterial elasticity in aged mice
Q46487168Alpha-synuclein A30P point-mutation generates age-dependent nigrostriatal deficiency in mice
Q38618578Alteration in expressions of RhoA and Rho-kinases during pregnancy in rats: their roles in uterine contractions and onset of labour
Q92335001Alteration of peptidergic gut-brain signaling under conditions of obesity
Q40396939Alterations in glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in plasma and saliva in relation to disease activity in patients with Crohn's disease
Q43486082Alterations in the hypoxic ventilatory response with advancing age in awake rats
Q89152463Alterations in the liver of intrauterine growth retarded piglets may predispose to development of insulin resistance and obesity in later life
Q80512890Alterations of tumor and normal tissue of human lung cancer resection specimens after isolation perfusion
Q51820063Altered expression of T lymphocyte surface markers in children with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.
Q46878132Altered expression of adenosine receptors in heart of diabetic rat.
Q81185805Altered expression of angiotensin AT1a and vasopressin V1a receptors and nitric oxide synthase mRNA in the brain of rats with renovascular hypertension
Q47716067Altered expression of immune surface markers in children with recurrent infections of respiratory tract.
Q50054228Altered monocyte calcium-sensing receptor expression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
Q34737812Altitude adaptation through hematocrit changes
Q39753416Ambivalent role of gallated catechins in glucose tolerance in humans: a novel insight into non-absorbable gallated catechin-derived inhibitors of glucose absorption.
Q43925261Aminergic control of vasopressin secretion in the conscious rat
Q46801962Aminophylline treatment in meconium-induced acute lung injury in a rabbit model.
Q42759137Amiodarone attenuates apoptosis, but induces phospholipidosis in rat alveolar epithelial cells
Q52290630Amphetamine enhances natural killer cytotoxic activity via beta-adrenergic mechanism.
Q57144681An endogeous defensive concept, renewed cytoprotection/adaptive cytoprotection: intra(per)-oral/intraastric strong alcohol in rat. Involvement of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 and nitric oxide system
Q46956559An immunohistochemical study of endocrine cells in the stomach of hypertensive rats.
Q47229559An observational cohort study of 3 units versus 5 units slow intravenous bolus oxytocin in women undergoing elective caesarean delivery
Q40110886Analysis of early death based on the prediction model in Wegener's granulomatosis with pulmonary and renal involvement.
Q44190864Analysis of immediate ex vivo release of nitric oxide from human colonic mucosa in gastrointestinally mediated allergy, inflammatory bowel disease and controls
Q38905944Analysis of microRNA expression in canine mammary cancer stem-like cells indicates epigenetic regulation of transforming growth factor-beta signaling
Q40105633Analysis of the correlations between oxidative stress, gelatinases and their tissue inhibitors in the human subjects with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Q43100899Analysis of the effect of neuropeptides and cannabinoids in gastric mucosal defense initiated centrally in the rat.
Q44623008Angiogenic activity of porcine granulosa cells co-cultured with endothelial cells in a microcarrier-based three-dimensional fibrin gel
Q53411511Angiogenic activity of sera from patients with systemic autoimmune diseases in relation to clinical, radiological, and functional pulmonary status
Q83355428Angiogenic activity of sera from silicosis and pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis patients in relation to lung function tests
Q90901169Angiotensin 1-7 formation in breast tissue is attenuated in breast cancer - a study on the metabolism of angiotensinogen in breast cancer cell lines
Q46878128Angiotensin II via AT1 receptor accelerates arterial thrombosis in renovascular hypertensive rats.
Q41095622Angiotensin II--derived peptides devoid of phenylalanine in position 8 have full psychotropic activity of the parent hormone
Q44843506Angiotensin IV stimulates the activity of tyrosine kinases in rat anterior pituitary gland acting via AT1-like receptors?
Q48755104Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and atherosclerosis.
Q46013794Angiotensin metabolism in rat stomach wall: prevalence of angiotensin-(1-7) formation.
Q46377587Angiotensin-(1-7) receptor Mas agonist ameliorates progress of atherosclerosis in apoE-knockout mice
Q35038914Angiotensin-(1-7): an active member of the renin-angiotensin system.
Q42976853Angiotensin-(1-9), the product of angiotensin I conversion in platelets, enhances arterial thrombosis in rats.
Q28571680Angiotensinogen and angiotensin-converting enzyme mRNA decrease and AT1 receptor mRNA and protein increase in epididymal fat tissue accompany age-induced elevation of adiposity and reductions in expression of GLUT4 and peroxisome proliferator-activa
Q83170049Angiotensinogen metabolism in rat aorta: robust formation of proangiotensin-12
Q79220830Angiotensins II and IV modulate adrenocortical cell proliferation in ovariectomized rats
Q36715144Animal responses to extreme conditions: a lesson to biomedical research.
Q70461766Antagonism of receptors for gastrin, cholecystokinin and GRP/bombesin in postprandial stimulation of exocrine pancreas in dogs
Q47716281Anthropometric chest structure of Polish centenarians.
Q91889628Anti-asthmatic effects of volatile organic compounds from Chamaecyparis obtusa, Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis, or Larix kaempferi wood panels
Q64969087Anti-inflammatory effects of Allium schoenoprasum L. leaves.
Q51655209Anti-inflammatory effects of atorvastatin treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A controlled pilot study
Q28242607Anti-inflammatory effects of extracts from some traditional Mediterranean diet plants
Q95488126Anti-inflammatory effects of nesfatin-1 in rats with acetic acid - induced colitis and underlying mechanisms
Q49635187Anti-inflammatory effects of nesfatin-1 on acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats: involvement of cyclo-oxygenase pathway
Q38705497Anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced small bowel injury
Q34147979Anti-microinflammatory lipid signals generated from dietary N-3 fatty acids via cyclooxygenase-2 and transcellular processing: a novel mechanism for NSAID and N-3 PUFA therapeutic actions
Q38923816Antiangiogenic potential of grape stem extract through inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor expression.
Q42727029Antibiotic treatment with ampicillin accelerates the healing of colonic damage impaired by aspirin and coxib in the experimental colitis. Importance of intestinal bacteria, colonic microcirculation and proinflammatory cytokines.
Q44496842Antibody response to inactivated subunit influenza vaccine in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis
Q43854026Antibody response to influenza vaccination in patients suffering from asthma
Q90594866Anticoagulant-related gastrointestinal bleeding: a real-life data analysis on bleeding profiles, frequency and etiology of patients receiving direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists
Q47240650Anticoagulative effects of the inhaled low molecular weight heparin certoparin in healthy subjects
Q33554174Antiinflammatory effect of BPC 157 on experimental periodontitis in rats.
Q46424000Antileukotriene treatment and allergic rhinitis-related cough in guinea pigs
Q81596165Antioxidant properties of Mediterranean food plant extracts: geographical differences
Q58567173Antioxidant protection against cosmic radiation-induced oxidative stress at commercial flight altitude
Q79579126Antioxidant treatment prevents cardiac protein oxidation after ischemia-reperfusion and improves myocardial function and coronary perfusion in senescent hearts
Q73034790Antioxidants with carcinostatic activity (resveratrol, vitamin E and selenium) in modulation of blood platelet adhesion
Q86074213Antioxidative enzymes activity and malondialdehyde concentration during mitoxantrone therapy in multiple sclerosis patients
Q73474051Antiplatelet action of losartan involves TXA2 receptor antagonism but not TXA2 synthase inhibition
Q40296912Antipyretic activity of N-acetylcysteine
Q77346245Antithrombotic activity of losartan in two kidney, one clip hypertensive rats. A study on the mechanism of action
Q45069742Antithrombotic effect of L-arginine in hypertensive rats.
Q79917740Antithrombotic effect of tissue and plasma type angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in experimental thrombosis in rats
Q58567182Antithrombotic medications and their impact on fibrin clot structure and function
Q43262162Antral ulcers induced by alendronate, a nitrogen-containing biphophonate, in rat stomachs - prophylactic effect of rebamipide.
Q89832462Apelin decreased placental hormoine secretion by human trophoblast BeWo cells via apelin receptor, protein kinase A and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 activation
Q36709880Apical NA+/H+ exchangers in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract
Q44495592Apnoeic responses to intracarotid nicotine challenge in anaesthetized cats.
Q74569041Apnoeic responses to pulmonary and systemic challenge of capsaicin in cats
Q45922277Apolipoprotein E4 allele is associated with substantial changes in the plasma lipids and hyaluronic acid content in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Q48150999Apomorphine-induced upregulation of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in male rats is independent from development of aggressive behaviour.
Q33845818Apoptosis and autophagy in involuting bovine mammary gland.
Q33845136Apoptosis and autophagy in mammary gland remodeling and breast cancer chemotherapy
Q33220983Apoptosis and autophagy induced by TGF-B1 in bovine mammary epithelial BME-UV1 cells.
Q78054650Apoptosis in gastric mucosa with stress-induced gastric ulcers
Q33893857Apoptosis in the gastric mucosa: molecular mechanisms, basic and clinical implications.
Q82929724Application of a diagnostic-therapeutic procedure using implant-supported dental prosthesis as a preventive therapy for candidiasis of upper gastrointestinal tract in complete denture users
Q88699019Application of stem cells in denstistry for bone regeneration
Q90283096Application of ventricular tachyarrhythmia definitions of the updated Lambeth Conventions provides incompatibility with earlier results, masks antifibrillatory activity and reduces inter-observer agreement
Q38844547Aquaglyceroporins in the kidney: present state of knowledge and prospects
Q72184660Are histamine H1 receptors involved in ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rat heart?
Q79623081Are probiotics effective in the treatment of fungal colonization of the gastrointestinal tract? Experimental and clinical studies
Q39049121Arecoline inhibits interleukin-2 secretion in Jurkat cells by decreasing the expression of alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and prostaglandin E2.
Q92249528Arginine and tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation in rats with salt-induced blood pressure increase: minor hypotensive effect but improvement of renal haemodynamics
Q89832467Arterial structure and function and its short- and long-term changes after bariatric surgery
Q95495523Artificial saliva and its use in biological experiments
Q42507249Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-linked inhibition of luteal cell progesterone secretion in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin treated cells.
Q28217595Ascorbic acid attenuates aspirin-induced gastric damage: role of inducible nitric oxide synthase
Q50265510Aspirin's ability to induce intestinal injury in rats is dependent on bile and can be reversed if pre-associated with phosphatidylcholine
Q39889009Assessment of co-existence of Helicobacter pylori and Candida fungi in diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Q51284037Assessment of incretins in oral glucose and lipid tolerance tests may be indicative in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome aggravation
Q94461468Assessment of leptin-to-adiponectin ratio in prediction of insulin resistance and nutrition status in a geriatric female population
Q54450401Assessment of neurotoxicity of pharmacological compounds during early neural development of human embryonic stem cells.
Q45925477Assessment of the antioxidant effectiveness of alpha-lipoic acid in healthy men exposed to muscle-damaging exercise.
Q44398078Assessment of the effect of socioeconomic factors on the prevalence of respiratory disorders in children
Q90901202Association between PNPLA3[G]/I148M variant, steatosis and fibrosis stage in hepatitis C virus - genetic matters
Q51820025Association between clinical activity and high-resolution tomography findings in pulmonary Wegener's granulomacytosis.
Q47389584Association between standard laboratory and functional tests of coagulation in dilutional coagulopathy: an in vitro study
Q73494922Association of Helicobacter pylori infection with coronary heart disease
Q38806029Association of adiponectin and leptin-to-adiponectin ratio with the function of platelets in morbidly obese patients
Q100736873Association of anticardiolipin antibodies, complement and leptin with the severity of coronary artery disease expressed as syntax score
Q43172536Association of oxidative stress and GST-T1 gene with childhood bronchial asthma
Q53774313Association of the immunohistochemical detection of gamma-glutamyl transferase expression with clinicopathological findings in postmenopausal women with endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterus
Q51361393Association of the physical activity with leptin blood serum level, body mass indices and obesity in schoolgirls
Q44738181Association of the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity and in the stomach.
Q45821519Asthma management at primary care level: symptoms and treatment of 3305 patients with asthma diagnosed by a family physician.
Q46688648Asthma, allergy, and respiratory symptoms in centenarians living in Poland.
Q90283124Astragalosides modulates contractile function of toad gastrocnemius muscle
Q34501273Asymmetric dimethylarginine, an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, interacts with gastric oxidative metabolism and enhances stress-induced gastric lesions
Q39258662Atorvastatin does not impair endothelial cell wound healing in an in vitro model of vascular injury
Q51307373Atorvastatin enhanced nitric oxide release and reduced blood pressure, nitroxidative stress and rantes levels in hypertensive rats with diabetes
Q46713716Atorvastatin-induced endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in endothelial cells is mediated by endoglin.
Q47262414Atrial natriuretic peptide ameliorates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction without influencing systemic circulation.
Q45179935Atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide changes after epicardial percutaneous left atrial appendage suture ligation using LARIAT device
Q48520268Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits neurohypophysial hormones' release in the rat (in vitro and in vivo studies).
Q48833732Atrial natriuretic peptide secretion following subarachnoid hemorrhage in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q73894753Attachment of Helicobacter pylori strains to human epithelial cells
Q52290218Attitude toward alcoholics and their families
Q44730747Augmentation of the NO-cGMP cascade induces anxiogenic-like effect in mice.
Q50433547Auriculo-vestibular symptoms related to structural and functional disorders of stomatognatic system
Q95495622Autologous cord blood transfusion in preterm infants - could its humoral effect be the kez to control prematurity-related complications? A preliminary study
Q84073997Axial rotation in the lumbar spine following axial force wrench
Q50673962BAY x 1005 attenuates atherosclerosis in apoE/LDLR - double knockout mice.
Q83149241BPC 157 therapy to detriment sphincters failure-esophagitis-pancreatitis in rat and acute pancreatitis patients low sphincters pressure
Q81599119Bariatric surgery in Poland from 1993 to 2003
Q51472994Basal and postprandial gut peptides affecting food intake in lean and obese pregnant women.
Q34578808Basal and postprandial plasma levels of PYY, ghrelin, cholecystokinin, gastrin and insulin in women with moderate and morbid obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Q71944523Basic and clinical aspects of Helicobacter pylori infection. International symposium of Jagiellonian Medical Faculty Fundation, Cracow, Poland, December 18, 1995. Abstracts
Q42468117Bastadin 12 and ryanodine reveal similarities between thapsigargin- and tetrabromobisphenol A-induced intracellular Ca(2+) release in cultured cerebellar granule cells.
Q38245363Beclin-1 and its role as a target for anticancer therapy
Q68002475Behavioural effects of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in rats
Q58567142Beneficial anti-inflammatory effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker in the treatment of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
Q90468596Beneficial dose-independent influence of Camellia sinensis supplementation on lipid profile, glycemia, and insulin resistance in an NaCl-induced hypertensive rat model
Q46487133Beneficial effect of alpha-lipoic acid on lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
Q89447119Beneficial effect of combined spironolactone and quinapril treatment on thrombosis and hemostasis in 2K1C hypertensive rats
Q40025093Beta-carotene and arachidonic acid induced DNA methylation and the regulation of pro-chemotactic activity of endothelial cells and its progenitors.
Q39711926Beta-carotene inhibits Helicobacter pylori-induced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in human gastric epithelial AGS cells.
Q47688023Bi-directional CB1 receptor-mediated cardiovascular effects of cannabinoids in anaesthetized rats: role of the paraventricular nucleus
Q42494138Bidirectional action of extracellular ATP on intracapillary volume of isolated rat renal glomeruli
Q39787781Bile acid transport in hypercholesterolemic resistant rabbits
Q39708349Bile acids are multifunctional modulators of the Barrett's carcinogenesis.
Q46844474Biliopancreatic diversion in Poland
Q40075383Bioavailability of aspirin in rats comparing the drug's uptake into gastrointestinal tissue and vascular and lymphatic systems: implications on aspirin's chemopreventive action
Q41487565Biochemical aspects of H. pylori adhesion
Q35246669Biogenic amines and the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis in ewes
Q57128047Bioimpedance vector pattern in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Q39198502Biological activity of Helicobacter pylori components in mammalian cells: is it independent of proteinase-activated receptors?
Q34597330Biological effects of 2-oxoglutarate with particular emphasis on the regulation of protein, mineral and lipid absorption/metabolism, muscle performance, kidney function, bone formation and cancerogenesis, all viewed from a healthy ageing perspective
Q42221362Biological properties of human skeletal myoblasts genetically modified to simultaneously overexpress the pro-angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor-A and fibroblast growth factor-4.
Q37405819Biological role of liver X receptors.
Q47614922Biological status of adult patients with cystic fibrosis.
Q46735828Biphasic effect of ethyl alcohol on short-term potentiation of the respiratory activity in the rabbit.
Q74590234Biphasic effect of protein kinase C on rat renal cortical Na+, K+-ATPase
Q73364034Biphasic response to lipopolysaccharide from E. coli in the isolated ventilated blood-perfused rat lung
Q54130376Bis azo dye liquid crystalline micelles as possible drug carriers in immunotargeting technique.
Q50780097Bis azo dyes--studies on the mechanism of complex formation with IgG modulated by heating or antigen binding.
Q50780095Bis-azo dyes interference with effector activation of antibodies.
Q41087809Bismuth therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection. A review of five years experience at a university hospital in Norway
Q43262146Blockade of 5-HT(1A) receptors in the phrenic nucleus of the rat attenuated raphe induced activation of the phrenic nerve activity
Q46573035Blockade of NMDA receptors in postnatal period decreased density of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive axonal arbors in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult rats.
Q43076904Blockade of calcium channels and AT1 receptor prevents the hypertensive effect of calcilytic NPS 2143 in rats
Q48151007Blockade of nitric oxide formation impairs adrenergic-induced ACTH and corticosterone secretion
Q40222395Blockade of nitric oxide formation in the rat brain does not disturb development of endotoxin tolerance
Q95527886Blood pressure-independent hypotrophy of the heart, kidneys and conduit arteries after 7-nitroindazole administration to Wistar rats from the prenatal period to adulthood
Q80512872Body balance in patients with systemic vertigo after rehabilitation exercise
Q50755089Bond disorders of a patient with asthma: a case study.
Q49635196Bone mineral density and the 570A>T polymorphism of the bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) gene in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a cross-sectional study
Q36084532Bonistein (synthetic genistein), a food component in development for a bone health nutraceutical
Q46801941Bradykinin in ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat lung
Q37809944Brain and cardiovascular diseases: common neurogenic background of cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory diseases
Q57825360Brain derived neutrophic factor, a link of aerobic metabolism to neuroplasticity
Q72184670Brain protein synthesis in rats with portacaval shunts
Q92335025Brain region-dependent changes in the expression of endocannabinoid-metabolizing enzymes in rats following antidepressant drugs
Q77468060Brain-Gut Axis in Gastrointestinal Protection and Damage. 15 September 2001, Cracow, Poland. Abstracts
Q74827968Brain-Gut Axis in Gastrointestinal Protection and Damage. Proceedings of an international conference. Cracow, Poland
Q37277516Brain-gut and appetite regulating hormones in the control of gastric secretion and mucosal protection.
Q28256298Brain-gut axis and its role in the control of food intake
Q38293053Brain-gut axis in gastroprotection by leptin and cholecystokinin against ischemia-reperfusion induced gastric lesions
Q35562727Brain-gut axis in pancreatic secretion and appetite control
Q37809946Brain-gut axis in the modulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion
Q90901166Breast cancer surgery decreases serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentrations in middle aged women: relationship to the serum C-reactive protein concentration
Q41687930Breath tests in Helicobacter pylori infection: methodological aspects
Q51670900Bronchodilator, vasodilator and spasmolytic activities of Cymbopogon martinii.
Q95432947Bronchodilator, vasodilator and spasmolytic activities of methanolic extract of Myrtus communis L
Q40926517Bulbospinal catecholamine neurones and sympathetic pattern generation
Q102210481CD49d and CD49e induce cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance through the nuclear factor-κB pathway in Burkitt lymphoma
Q97432045COVID-19 - more than respiratory disease: a gastroenterologist's perspective
Q58411932COX-2 is not involved in thromboxane biosynthesis by activated human platelets
Q73494934CagA-positive Helicobacter pylori infection may increase the risk of food allergy development
Q77346223Calcitonin gene-related peptide can attenuate or augment pancreatic damage in caerulein-induced pancreatitis in rats
Q48279647Calcium channel blockers impair the pituitary-adrenocortical responses to central adrenergic receptors stimulation
Q46735796Calcium overload increases oxidative stress in old rat gastrocnemius muscle
Q85195447Calluna vulgaris extract modulates NF-κB/ERK signaling pathway and matrix metalloproteinase expression in SKH-1 hairless mice skin exposed to ultraviolet B irradiation
Q46623014Can doxazosin inhibit the hypertension-induced changes of endocrine cells in the stomach of spontaneously hypertensive rats?
Q37730321Can gastric cancer be prevented?
Q43227234Cannabidiol-induced lymphopenia does not involve NKT and NK cells.
Q79546747Cannabinoids in acute gastric damage and pancreatitis
Q44843512Capasaicin induced deafferentation enhances the effect of electrical vagal nerve stimulation on food intake and body mass.
Q54373520Carbon monoxide-mediated humoral pathway for the transmission of light signal to the hypothalamus.
Q42034723Carbonic anhydrase activity in the vas deferens of the cotton leafworm - Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) controlled by circadian clock
Q48170393Carboxyebselen a potent and selective inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
Q79181222Cardiac and regional haemodynamic effects of endothelin-1 in rats subjected to critical haemorrhagic hypotension
Q83355410Cardiac chemoreflex sensitivity in critically ill patients
Q54520360Cardiac effects of osteostatin in mice.
Q46098345Cardio-respiratory interaction and autonomic dysfunction in obesity.
Q54686883Cardioprotection of exogenous erythropoietin in mice with ligature-induced aortic stenosis: effects on maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy.
Q37982265Cardioprotective role of sphingosine-1-phosphate
Q43197274Cardiovascular activity of milk casein-derived tripeptides and plant sterols in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Q34835487Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal toxicity of selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors in man.
Q79623101Cardiovascular and neurohormonal responses to lower body negative pressure (LBNP): effect of training and 3 day bed rest
Q79632457Cardiovascular effects of centrally acting orexin A in haemorrhage-shocked rats
Q95409557Cardiovascular effects of ethanol extract of Rubus chingii Hu (Rosaceae) in rats: an in vivo and in vitro approach
Q74011947Cardiovascular effects of histamine administered intracerebroventricularly in critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats
Q51716955Cardiovascular effects of methacholine-induced airway obstruction in man.
Q84893189Cardiovascular effects of the combination of levosimendan and valsartan in hypertensive Dahl/Rapp rats
Q74011959Cardiovascular, metabolic and plasma catecholamine responses to passive and active exercises
Q92335030Carotenoids produced by yeast biomass protect mechanisms regulating endothelial barrier function from lipopolysaccharide-induced damage in the rat heart
Q39851961Carvedilol and adrenergic agonists suppress the lipopolysaccharide-induced NO production in RAW 264.7 macrophages via the adrenergic receptors
Q36715153Castration in male pigs: techniques and animal welfare issues
Q48789160Catecholaminergic regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activity
Q51138659Catecholamines reduce transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 desensitization in cultured dorsal root ganglia neurons
Q33220985Cathepsins and BID are involved in the molecular switch between apoptosis and autophagy in breast cancer MCF-7 cells exposed to camptothecin
Q46440845Cationic porphyrin-mediated photodynamic inactivation of Candida biofilms and the effect of miconazole
Q37677447Caveolae, caveolin and control of vascular tone: nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) regulation.
Q28574226Celastrol overcomes HSP72 gene silencing-mediated muscle atrophy and induces myofiber preservation
Q94461467Celiac disease: a multi-faceted medical condition
Q43227233Cell junction disruption after 36 h milk accumulation was associated with changes in mammary secretory tissue activity and dynamics in lactating dairy goats
Q46201967Cell passage and composition of culture medium effects proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblast-like cells from facial bone.
Q50584877Cell-specific cytotoxic effect of pyrazole derivatives on breast cancer cell lines MCF7 and MDA-MB-231.
Q84893191Cellfood™ improves respiratory metabolism of endothelial cells and inhibits hypoxia-induced reactive oxygen species (ros) generation
Q81179673Cellular components of the bronchoalveolar lavage correlate with lung function impairment and extrapulmonary involvement markers in active sarcoidosis
Q83751140Cellular uptake of coumarin-6 as a model drug loaded in solid lipid nanoparticles
Q48712333Central TNF-alpha elevates blood pressure and sensitizes to central pressor action of angiotensin II in the infarcted rats.
Q36709864Central and local (enteric) action of orexins.
Q35742428Central and peripheral mechanisms by which ghrelin regulates gut motility
Q43852145Central and peripheral neural aspects of gastroprotective and ulcer healing effects of lipopolysaccharides
Q34490888Central and peripheral neural control of pancreatic exocrine secretion
Q83149247Central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) may attenuate somatic pain sensitivity through involvement of glucocorticoids
Q43951710Central histamine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats--haemodynamic studies.
Q72610600Central histaminergic mechanisms in the corticosterone response to clonidine
Q48833716Central histaminergic mechanisms mediate the vasopressin-induced pituitary adrenocortical stimulation.
Q43852157Central nervous stimuli increase duodenal bicarbonate secretion by release of mucosal melatonin
Q48402474Central nervous system peptide and amino acid modulation of luteinizing hormone and prolactin secretion in the pig
Q36709860Central regulation of food intake in ageing.
Q98296615Central serous chorioretinopathy induced by drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4
Q61631558Central single and chronic administration of morphine stimulates corticosterone and interleukin (IL)-6 in adjuvant-induced arthritis
Q48092641Centrally administered galanin modifies vasopressin and oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of euhydrated and dehydrated rats
Q79707994Centrally applied ghrelin affects feeding dynamics in male rats
Q44066074Centrally applied vasopressin intensifies hypotension and bradycardia after hemorrhage in shr rats.
Q91332424Cereal grass juice in wound healing: hormesis and cell-survival in normal fibroblasts, in contrast to toxic events in cancer cells
Q43852154Cerebral and gastric histamine system is altered after portocaval shunt
Q48806314Cerebral angiogenesis after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and endothelin receptor blockage with BQ-123 antagonist in rats
Q48399243Cerebroprotective effect of angiotensin IV in experimental ischemic stroke in the rat mediated by AT(4) receptors
Q44269540Cerivastatin potentiates nitric oxide release and enos expression through inhibition of isoprenoids synthesis.
Q47389591Changes in U937 cell viability induced by stress factors - possible role of calmodulin
Q50584881Changes in caveolin-1, caveolin-3 and vascular endothelial growth factor expression and protein content after botulinum toxin A injection in the right masseter muscle of dystrophin deficient (mdx-) mice
Q95563654Changes in contractile properties and action potentials of motor units in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle during maturation
Q48577325Changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor gene expression after an increase in carbon monoxide concentration in the cavernous sinus of male wild boar and pig crossbread
Q90901173Changes in growth hormone secretion and leptin receptor mRNA expression under the influence of leptin and adrenocorticotropin in pituitary cells of early weaned ewe lambs
Q85056561Changes in insulin like growth factors, myostatin and vascular endothelial growth factor in rat musculus latissimus dorsi by poly-3-hydroxybutyrate implants
Q44933070Changes in intracellular calcium concentration influence beat-to-beat variability of action potential duration in canine ventricular myocytes
Q52149775Changes in melatonin synthesis parameters after carbon monoxide concentration increase in the cavernous sinus.
Q43850676Changes in pancreatic lysosomal enzymes activity as the potential factors leading to diabetic enteropathy
Q34147973Changes in renal autacoids in aged human hypertensives
Q42502803Changes in the membrane potential can affect pepsinogen secretion of isolated rat chief cells
Q58567157Changes in the vasoactive effects of nitric oxide, hydrogen sulfide and the structure of the rat thoracic aorta: the role of age and essential hypertension
Q47730225Changes in viability of rat adipose-derived stem cells isolated from abdominal/perinuclear adipose tissue stimulated with pulsed electromagnetic field
Q83355394Changes of airway obstruction parameters in healthy children caused by mother's smoking during pregnancy
Q79313779Changes of cough reflex sensitivity induced by cancer radiotherapy of chest and neck regions
Q46294503Characterisation of the signal transduction cascade caused by propofol in rat neurons: from the GABA(A) receptor to the cytoskeleton.
Q47819295Characteristics of insulin receptor binding to various rat tissues
Q91229058Characterization and biological effects of Hypericum extracts on experimentally-induced - anxiety, oxidative stress and inflammation in rats
Q44623002Characterization of "unhealed gastric ulcers" produced with chronic exposure of acetic acid ulcers to indomethacin in rats
Q71437652Characterization of CCK receptor-mediated effects on intracellular calcium of porcine chief cells
Q74097848Characterization of antichemotactic factor extracted from the gastric mucosa of rats
Q90362136Characterization of changes in the configuration of action potentials in the mouse, guinea pig, and pig sinoauricular node after application of channel blockers of the rapid and slow delayed rectifier potassium currents
Q38618581Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL1) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 (CXCL2) modulate the activity of TRPV1+/IB4+ cultured rat dorsal root ganglia neurons upon short-term and acute application
Q52867371Chemokine RANTES is increased at early stages of coronary artery disease.
Q50526814Chemopreventive effects of Calluna vulgaris and Vitis vinifera extracts on UVB-induced skin damage in SKH-1 hairless mice
Q47876663Chemoreceptor and vagal influences on genioglossal muscle responses to inspiratory resistive load.
Q39214303Childlessness and adoption: the experience of loss as a source of suffering
Q40548369Cholecystokinin in the control of gastric acid and plasma gastrin and somatostatin secretion in healthy subjects and duodenal ulcer patients before and after eradication of Helicobacter pylori.
Q46544904Chronic NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration in C57BL/6J mice induces a sustained decrease in c-kit positive cells during development of cardiac hypertrophy
Q48180878Chronic but not acute antidepresant treatment alters serum zinc/copper ratio under pathological/zinc-deficient conditions in mice.
Q51820029Chronic crusting, nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and relapse rate in pulmonary Wegener's granulomatosis.
Q47935801Chronic kidney disease leads to hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha to hypoxia inducible factor-2alpha switch in the gastrocnemius muscle
Q34577520Chronic mountain sickness: the reaction of physical disorders to chronic hypoxia.
Q37393637Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an update on nuclear signaling related to inflammation and anti-inflammatory treatment.
Q49635259Chronic orexin-A (hypocretin-1) treatment of type 2 diabetic rats improves glucose control and beta-cell functions
Q40826815Chronic stress adaptation of the nitric oxide synthases and IL-1β levels in brain structures and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity induced by homotypic stress.
Q57825354Chronic stress changes prepulse inhibition after amphetamine challenge: the role of the dopaminergic system
Q46801991Cigarette smoke-induced NF-kappaB activation in human lymphocytes: the effect of low and high exposure to gas phase of cigarette smoke
Q44943681Cinacalcet, a calcimimetic, prevents nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug-induced small intestinal damage in rats
Q43076893Ciprofloxacin inhibits proliferation and promotes generation of aneuploidy in Jurkat cells.
Q45305567Circadian rhythms of melatonin and cortisol in manifest Huntington's disease and in acute cortical ischemic stroke
Q70779561Circadian variation of mitochondrial succinic dehydrogenase and microsomal cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase activity in the liver of sexually immature and mature rats
Q47301660Cleavage of prothrombin bound in immune complexes results in high thrombin enzymatic activity.
Q41691098Clinical applications of cardiopulmonary interactions
Q46801995Clinical efficacy of short-term treatment with extra-fine HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in patients with post-infectious persistent cough.
Q39049110Clinical evaluation and cellular electrophysiology of a recessive CLCN1 patient
Q73474037Clinical pharmacology of eicosanoids, nicotine induced changes in man
Q96591614Clinical significance of activin A and myostatin in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and progressive weight loss
Q40790214Clinical use of antacids.
Q34605032Clinical usefulness of probiotics in inflammatory bowel diseases
Q58567134Clinicopathologic charcterization of sorafenib-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress in human liver cancer cells
Q44730725Clonidine-induced coronary vasodilatation in isolated guinea pig heart is not mediated by endothelial alpha2 adrenoceptors
Q73034787Co-operation between particulate and soluble guanylyl cyclase systems in the rat renal glomeruli
Q48442470Cognitive evoked response potentials in patients with liver cirrhosis without diagnosis of minimal or overt hepatic encephalopathy. A pilot study.
Q71841345Collagen mRNA and fibronectin are increased in healing gastric ulcers in man
Q39258668Collagen receptors α(1)β(1) and α(2)β(1) integrins are involved in transmigration of peripheral blood eosinophils, but not mononuclear cells through human microvascular endothelial cells monolayer
Q74097802Combination immunotherapy which neutralises the effects of TNF alpha and IL-1 beta attenuates the circulatory failure and multiple organ dysfunction caused by endotoxin in the rat
Q46121421Combination of budesonide and aminophylline diminished acute lung injury in animal model of meconium aspiration syndrome.
Q52144767Combination of hyperhomocysteinemia and ischemic tolerance in experimental model of global ischemia in rats
Q45069743Combined chronic treatment with citalopram and lithium does not modify the regional neurochemistry of nitric oxide in rat brain.
Q79623077Combined effect of different lactic acid bacteria strains on the mode of cytokines pattern expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q47342941Combined stimulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor and inhibition of cannabinoid CB1 receptor act synergistically to reduce food intake and body weight in the rat
Q83355314Comorbidities as an element of multidimensional prognostic assessment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Q70779568Comparative analysis of effects of imidazoline drugs on isolated rat heart atria
Q84074025Comparative animal study on hard tissue integration and bone formation of different Nobel Biocare implants
Q95564527Comparative effect of pioglitazone, quercetin and hydroxy citric acid on the status of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Q47807068Comparative effects of the short QT N588K mutation at 37 degrees C on hERG K+ channel current during ventricular, Purkinje fibre and atrial action potentials: an action potential clamp study
Q47999955Comparison between the effects of lisinopril and losartan on the cougn reflex in anesthetized and awake rabbits
Q46801977Comparison of a statin vs. hypolipemic diet on the oxidant status in hemodialyzed patients with chronic renal failure.
Q46610614Comparison of acetaminophen toxicity in primary hepatocytes isolated from transgenic mice with different appolipoprotein E alleles
Q45904262Comparison of anti-inflammatory properties of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists rosiglitazone and troglitazone in prophylactic treatment of experimental colitis.
Q51820084Comparison of cellular and biochemical markers of airway inflammation in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an induced sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid study.
Q39822602Comparison of cellular and tissue transcriptional profiles in canine mammary tumor
Q35236392Comparison of cerebrocortical microvascular effects of different hypoxic-ischemic insults in piglets: a laser-speckle imaging study.
Q48084163Comparison of gene expression profiles in neuropathic and inflammatory pain.
Q46801950Comparison of induced sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cell profile during the treatment of pulmonary sarcoidosis.
Q97432064Comparison of phenolic compounds, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of extracts prepared from Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica L.) leaves
Q46083595Comparison of prostaglandin and cimetidine in protection of isolated gastric glands against indomethacin injury.
Q42276028Comparison of the anti-inflammatory and therapeutic actions of PPAR-gamma agonists rosiglitazone and troglitazone in experimental colitis
Q46121423Comparison of the effects of low-dose vs. high-dose aminophylline on lung function in experimental meconium aspiration syndrome.
Q48084838Comparison of the efficiency of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger or Na+/H+ exchanger inhibition and their combination in reducing coronary reperfusion-induced arrhythmias
Q48930716Competitive and non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists induce c-Fos expression in the rat anterior, cingulate cortex
Q47975317Complement activation contributes to ventilator-induced lung injury in rats
Q47037336Complex estrogenic regulation of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in rats
Q46291283Components of metabolic syndrome and their impact on fetal growth in women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Q51785978Concentration of bovine pregnancy associated glycoprotein in plasma and milk: its application for pregnancy diagnosis in cows.
Q79313770Concentration of endothelin in plasma and BALF fluid from asthmatic patients
Q51820106Concentration of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in serum of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a degree of airway obstruction and disease progression.
Q86074182Concentrations and activities of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 and their inhibitors (TIMPS) in chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Q90594869Conjugated linoleic acids diminish glycogen synthase and glycogen synthase kinase-3 expression in muscle cells of C57BL/6J mice - in vitro and in vivo study
Q39681444Contribution of epidemiology in Poland for better understanding of the natural history of diseases in gastrointestinal tract.
Q37649283Contribution of genomics to the understanding of physiological functions.
Q43197273Contribution of neuronal nitric oxide (no) synthase to N-acetylcysteine-induced increase of NO synthase activity in the brain of normotensive and hypertensive rats.
Q45197663Contribution of the calcineurin signaling pathway to overload-induced skeletal muscle fiber-type transition.
Q37273059Control of development of gastrointestinal system in neonates
Q37405830Control of neurohypophysial hormone secretion, blood osmolality and volume in pregnancy.
Q43882323Control of salivary phospholipid content and composition
Q35246682Control of the LH surge mechanism in the female pig
Q91229026Controlled aerobic training improves endothelial function and modifies vascular remodeling in healthy adults with high normal blood pressure
Q45925490Convergence of nasal and tracheal neural pathways in modulating the cough response in guinea pigs.
Q86074186Conversion L-tryptophan to melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract: the new high performance liquid chromatography method enabling simultaneous determination of six metabolites of L-tryptophan by native fluorescence and UV-VIS detection
Q33819627Coronary vascular endothelium-myocyte interactions in protection of the heart by ischaemic preconditioning.
Q51820018Correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and pulmonary Wegener's granulomacytosis activity.
Q83355399Correlation between the stage of cystic fibrosis and the level of morphological changes in adult patients
Q80512943Correlation of exhaled nitric oxide with nitrogen oxides and selected cytokines in induced sputum of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
Q80512946Correlation of spirometric parameters taken at a single examination with the quality of life in children with stable asthma
Q34154071Correlation of the -3826A >G polymorphism in the promoter of the uncoupling protein 1 gene with obesity and metabolic disorders in obese families from southern Poland
Q92580738Corrigendum to "Pretreatment with low doses of acenocoumarol inhibits the development of acute ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis" J Physiol Pharmacol. 2015; 66(5): 731-740
Q47799128Cortical activity during hypoxic hyperventilation
Q28579289Cortical localization of dopamine D4 receptors in the rat brain--immunocytochemical study
Q48348655Cortico-pontine theta synchronization phase shift following monoaminergic lesion in rat.
Q38812651Corticotropin releasing factor receptor 1 antagonist differentially inhibits freezing behavior and changes gamma-aminobutyric acidergic activity in the amygdala in low- and high-anxiety rats
Q35809342Corticotropin releasing factor signaling in colon and ileum: regulation by stress and pathophysiological implications
Q73210988Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) increases beta-endorphin (beta-end like) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid of rats with vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage
Q28574752Cortistatin and pituitary hormone secretion in rat
Q41087831Cost-effectiveness of H. pylori eradication.
Q46801921Cough reflex sensitivity in children with suspected and confirmed gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Q43172526Cough reflex sensitivity in various phenotypes of childhood asthma.
Q45756141Cough reflex sensitivity is increased in the guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis
Q46121419Cough reflex sensitivity testing in in seasonal allergic rhinitis patients and healthy volunteers
Q46735843Cough sensitivity in allergic rhinitis
Q46484375Cough sensitivity in localized scleroderma with no clinical symptoms from lower airways
Q48465309Countercurrent transfer of dopamine from venous blood in the cavernous sinus to the arterial blood supplying the brain - the perfused rabbit head as an experimental model
Q47183136Crataegus special extract WS 1442: up-to-date review of experimental and clinical experiences
Q36715158Critical evaluation of probiotic activity of lactic acid bacteria and their effects.
Q41087819Critical evaluation of the treatment of peptic ulcer diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori infection.
Q42482415Cross talk between NO and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in the modulation of signal transduction in blood vessel
Q52144768Crossfit training changes brain-derived neurotrophic factor and irisin levels at rest, after wingate and progressive tests, and improves aerobic capacity and body composition of young physically active men and women
Q37406634Crossroads of cytokine signaling--the chase to stop muscle cachexia
Q102210489Cucumis sativus and Cucurbita maxima extract attenuate diabetes-induced hepatic and pancreatic injury in a rat model
Q81309746Current status of lung transplantation in Poland: experience of the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases
Q37406605Current trends in follow-up of trophoblastic function in ruminant species.
Q71841350Cycle dependent LH/hCG receptor gene expression in porcine nongonadal reproductive tissues
Q36217332Cyclic GMP metabolism and its role in brain physiology.
Q91332432Cyclic nucleotide-dependent relaxation in human umbilical vessels
Q48439485Cyclical nocturnal oxygen desaturation and impact on activities of daily living in elderly patients
Q40389794Cycloheximide-mediated sensitization to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cell line COLO 205; role of FLIP and metabolic inhibitors.
Q53295636Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is the key event in pathophysiology of Barrett's esophagus. Lesson from experimental animal model and human subjects
Q74590214Cyclooxygenase-2 selective and nitric oxide-releasing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gastric mucosal responses
Q41026655Cyclosporine A-induced nephrotoxicity is ameliorated by dose reduction and conversion to sirolimus in the rat.
Q91229054Cysteinyl leukotrienes predominantly mediate cisplatin-induced acute renal damage in male rats
Q58178545Cysteinyl-leukotriene receptors in pulmonary vessels
Q89152454Cystinyl and pyroglutamyl-beta-naphthylamide hydrolyzing activities are modified coordinately between hypothalamus, liver and plasma depending on the thyroid status of adult male rats
Q33414985Cytochrome P-450 metabolites in renal circulation and excretion--interaction with the nitric oxide (NO) system.
Q79632488Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases in control of renal haemodynamics and arterial pressure in anaesthetized rats
Q40739568Cytokines regulate plasminogen activation system in astrocytoma cells.
Q41463510Cytological assessment of the epithelial cells of the nasal mucous membrane after local fluticasone therapy
Q46801954Cytoplasm-nuclear trafficking of CREB and CREB phosphorylation at Ser133 during therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q42523602DDT- and DDE-induced disruption of ovarian steroidogenesis in prepubertal porcine ovarian follicles: a possible interaction with the main steroidogenic enzymes and estrogen receptor beta.
Q43197270DNA methylation, induced by beta-carotene and arachidonic acid, plays a regulatory role in the pro-angiogenic VEGF-receptor (KDR) gene expression in endothelial cells.
Q44171574DOI, an agonist of 5-HT2A/2C serotonin receptor, alters the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in the rat parietal cortex
Q48439444Daily changes in cardiac and vascular blood pressure components during breath holding episodes in obstructive sleep apnea patients after day-shift and night-shift work
Q94461470Daily oral administration of chlorogenic acid prevents the experimental carrageenan-induced oxidative stress
Q48834360Daily pattern of EEG activity in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions
Q48408266Daily pattern of breathing in healthy young men.
Q48372685Damage to the nucleus accumbens shell but not core impairs ventral tegmental area stimulation-induced feeding
Q39905823Decorin deficiency in diabetic mice: aggravation of nephropathy due to overexpression of profibrotic factors, enhanced apoptosis and mononuclear cell infiltration.
Q28270863Decreased Toll-like receptor-5 (TLR-5) expression in the mucosa of ulcerative colitis patients
Q74569043Decreased hypotensive responsiveness to nitric oxide donor S-nitroso N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (SNAP) in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats
Q39084807Decreased secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor is associated with increased apoptosis in vascular tumor derived endothelial cells
Q47664475Deep brain stimulation alters light phase food intake microstructure in rats
Q28218266Deficiency of cyclooxygenases transcripts in cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells of aspirin-sensitive asthmatics
Q36637800Defining health/illness: societal and/or clinical medicine?
Q91332438Defining sex differences in selected lipid metabolites of blood plasma in Wistar rats
Q34011436Defining the blood plasma protein repertoire of seven day old dairy calves - a preliminary study
Q28186400Delay in oral mucosal ulcer healing by aspirin is linked to the disturbances in p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation
Q85397005Deletion of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer/CD147 induces altered cardiac extracellular matrix remodeling in aging mice
Q43076906Demand-induced ischemia in volume expanded isolated rat heart; the effect of dichloroacetate and trimetazidine
Q100380690Demetylation of the sex-determining region Y gene promoter and incidence of disorder of sex development in cloned dog males
Q43449606Depolarization of the intergeniculate leaflet neurons by serotonin - in vitro study
Q51842350Depression and memory: a comparative study of young and old women.
Q37677438Desmosealin and other components of the epidermal extracellular matrix.
Q73494945Detection of Helicobacter in the liver of patients with chronic cholestatic liver diseases
Q104469321Detection of immunoreactive aldosterone in murine gastrointestinal tract
Q92580704Detection of resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs in the clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Slovakia through comparison between phenotypic and genetic methods and evaluation of resistance levels with clinical parameter
Q46808009Detrimental effects of testosterone on post-myocardial infarction remodelling in female rats.
Q46623040Developmental changes in endothelium-dependent relaxation of the chicken ductus arteriosus.
Q85610385Dextran sulfate sodium induces pan-gastroenteritis in rodents: implications for studies of colitis
Q34553597Diagnostic value of different serological tests for tuberculosis in Poland.
Q37060148Diagnostics in pulmonary hypertension.
Q47964192Diazepam and its metabolites in the mothers' and newborns' hair as a biomarker of prenatal exposure
Q46800895Dibucaine displaceable sarcolemmal Ca2+ fraction in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes
Q50773364Dietary intake and biochemical risk factors for cardiovascular disease in two rural regions of Crete
Q35567955Dietary supplementation with dried chicory root triggers changes in the blood serum proteins engaged in the clotting process and the innate immune response in growing pigs
Q90362144Dietary threonine prevented stress-related mucosal diseases in rats
Q95554684Diets with no or low amounts of dietary fiber can reduce small intestinal ulcers induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs
Q51811472Differences between properties of male and female motor units in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle.
Q97432076Differences in anti-endothelial and anti-retinal antibody titers: implications for the pathohysiology of acute and chronic central serous chorioretinopathy
Q38352096Differences in growth and transcriptomic profile of bovine mammary epithelial monolayer and three-dimensional cell cultures.
Q46121441Differences in oxidative status, lung function, and pulmonary surfactant during long-term inhalation of medical oxygen and partially ionized oxygen in guinea pigs
Q79313790Differences in responses upon corticosteroid therapy between smoking and non-smoking patients with COPD
Q46201972Different bone sesitivity to malformations induced by procarbazine in fetal rats
Q42759119Different effects of simvastatin on ex vivo monocyte cytokine release in patients with hypercholesterolemia and impaired glucose tolerance
Q92822540Different nutrient intake and prevalence of gastrointestinal comorbidities in women with endometriosis
Q43673751Different receptor subtypes are involved in the serotonin-induced modulation of epileptiform activity in rat frontal cortex in vitro.
Q79313754Differential effects of heterocyclic amines on poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase A
Q46013813Differential effects of in vivo PPAR alpha and gamma activation on fatty acid transport proteins expression and lipid content in rat liver.
Q91889611Differential effects of nitric oxide deficiency on primary tumour growth, pulmonary metastasis and prostacyclin/thromboxane A2 balance in orthotopic and intravenous murine models of 4T1 breast cancer
Q44559038Differential expression of genes involved in the calcium homeostasis in masticatory muscles of MDX mice
Q74097807Differential inhibition of human prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-1 and -2 by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Q73034773Differential responses of hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells to anti-inflammatory cytokines: IL-4, IL-13 and IL-10
Q44511925Differentiation of pancreatobiliary cancer from benign biliary strictures using neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Q43100888Differentiation potential of stem cells from human dental origin - promise for tissue engineering
Q44838407Digestive endoscopy from rigid to fiber-optic instruments; the Polish contribution to the development of gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Q73545344Dihydropyridine receptors functioning as voltage sensors in cardiac myocytes
Q53165519Dimethyl sulfoxide in a 10% concentration has no effect on oxidation stress induced by ovalbumin-sensitization in a guinea-pig model of allergic asthma
Q54090861Direct protective action of epidermal growth factor on isolated gastric mucosal surface epithelial cells
Q28255755Discovery by Jaworski of Helicobacter pylori and its pathogenetic role in peptic ulcer, gastritis and gastric cancer
Q42705817Disrupted brain thyroid hormone homeostasis and altered thyroid hormone-dependent brain gene expression in autism spectrum disorders
Q92249538Disruption of histamine/H3 receptor signal reduces collagen deposition in cultures scar myofibroblasts
Q33220986Dissimilar effects of LY 294002 and PD 098059 in IGF-I-mediated inhibition of TGF-beta1 expression and apoptosis in bovine mammary epithelial cells.
Q46623024Dissociation between the effects of P1, P4-diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) on renal haemodynamics and tubular function in anaesthetized rats
Q74011971Dissociation of parathyroid hormone and cyclic-3', 5'AMP effects on Na-Pi uptake by cells isolated from proximal straight tubules of rat kidney
Q37708995Distinct generators for aspiration and expiration reflexes: localization, mechanisms and effects
Q39873988Distinction between voluntary cough sound and speech in volunteers by spectral and complexity analysis.
Q46803826Distinguishing the strength of hypoxic stimulus in intermittent hypoxia.
Q43190606Distribution and neurochemical characterization of sensory dorsal root ganglia neurons supplying porcine urinary bladder
Q40926510Distribution and pharmacology of alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the central nervous system.
Q41565946Disturbances of autonomic nervous system activity and diminished response to stress in patients with celiac disease
Q47877308Disturbances of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) estimated by short-term heart rate variability recordings.
Q48531143Disturbed angiogenic activity in sera from obstructive sleep apnea patients.
Q51564874Disturbed gastric motility and pancreatic hormone release in diabetes mellitus
Q46735832Divergent effects of bicuculline and picrotoxin on ketamine-induced apneustic breathing
Q46522635Diverging oxidative damage and heat shock protein 72 responses to endurance training and chronic testosterone propionate treatment in three striated muscle types of adolescent male rats
Q43587798Diverging respiratory effects of serotonin and nicotine in vagotomised cats prior to and after section of carotid sinus nerves
Q90192327Diverse inhibition of forkhead box O1 activity by linoleic acid isomers - potential role in lipid metabolism in HepG2 cells and livers of C57BL/6J mice
Q40564024Diversity of endurance training effects on antioxidant defenses and oxidative damage in different brain regions of adolescent male rats
Q28567140Diversity of immunophenotypes of endothelial cells participating in new vessel formation following surgical rat brain injury
Q46487138Division of motor units into fast and slow of the basis of profile of 20 Hz unfused tetanus.
Q100736879Docosahexaenoic acid inhibits ethanol/palmitoleic acid-induced necroptosis in AR42J cells
Q43850680Does chronic ethanol administration have influence on pancreatic regeneration in the course of caerulein induced acute pancreatitis in rats
Q45910439Does different approach during pancreatoduodenectomy influence intestinal migrating myoelectrical complex recovery? Study in experimental pig model
Q37062754Does melatonin play a role in aging processes?
Q47716085Does night work favor sleep-related accidents in police officers?
Q48439469Does night-shift work induce apnea events in obstructive sleep apnea patients?
Q47935771Does signaling of estrogen-related receptors affect structure and function of bank vole Leydig cells?
Q83355309Does the established cause of chronic cough depend on diagnostic approach?
Q41151754Does the membrane potential control incorporation of tubulovesicles into the secreting apical membrane of the rat parietal cell?
Q45713286Dopamine D1-like receptors agonist SKF 38393 increases cFOS expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus--impact of acute and chronic cocaine
Q79713066Doppler study of the peripheral flows in early gestation
Q42486730Dose-and-time dependent effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin (TCDD) on progesterone secretion by porcine luteal cells cultured in vitro
Q39251377Dose-dependent electrophysiological effects of the myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil in canine ventricular cardiomyocytes
Q72610588Double-blind crossover study of ranitidine and ebrotidine in gastro-esophageal reflux disease
Q48408235Driving performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Q90524628Drug adherence and drug-related problems in pharmacotherapy for lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia
Q39373717Drug delivery systems improving chemical and physical properties of anticancer drugs currently investigated for treatment of solid tumors
Q37889549Drug-mediated ototoxicity and tinnitus: alleviation with melatonin
Q28376971Dual action of nitric oxide in pathogenesis of indomethacin-induced small intestinal ulceration in rats
Q51045067Dual effect of ethanol on inward rectifier potassium current IK1 in rat ventricular myocytes.
Q45197670Dual role of endogenous nitric oxide in development of dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in rats
Q35988572Duodenal mucosal protection by bicarbonate secretion and its mechanisms
Q41392492Duodenocutaneous fistula in rats as a model for "wound healing-therapy" in ulcer healing: the effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157, L-nitro-arginine methyl ester and L-arginine
Q43751252Dynamics of changes in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and angiogenesis in stress-induced gastric ulceration in rats
Q60321174Dynamics of sodium retention in preascitic cirrhotic rats assessed through parathyroid hormone injection
Q35969118Dynamics of the melatonin MT1 receptor in the rat parotid gland upon melatonin administration
Q71699430Dysfunction in gastric myoelectric and motor activity in Helicobacter pylori positive gastritis patients with non-ulcer dyspesia
Q46977156Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system activity is responsible for gastric myoelectric disturbances in the irritable bowel syndrome patients
Q45284829Dysfunctional uveoscleral pathway in a rat model of congenital glaucoma
Q79313775Dyspnea and quality of life in patients with pulmonary fibrosis after six weeks of respiratory rehabilitation
Q44623000EPR investigation of in vivo inhibitory effect of guanidine compounds on nitric oxide production in rat tissues
Q42918962ERK 1/2 and PI-3 kinase pathways as a potential mechanism of ghrelin action on cell proliferation and apoptosis in the porcine ovarian follicular cells
Q46408308Early effects of short-term endurance training on hormonal responses to graded exercise
Q54491360Early-effect of bariatric surgery (Scopinaro method) on intestinal hormones and adipokines in insulin resistant Wistar rat.
Q72895290Effect and mechanism of sucralfate on healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers in rats
Q42482421Effect of 5-week moderate intensity endurance training on the oxidative stress, muscle specific uncoupling protein (UCP3) and superoxide dismutase (SOD2) contents in vastus lateralis of young, healthy men.
Q33154065Effect of 6-week endurance training on hemodynamic and neurohormonal responses to lower body negative pressure (LBNP) in healthy young men.
Q46013810Effect of Candida colonization on human ulcerative colitis and the healing of inflammatory changes of the colon in the experimental model of colitis ulcerosa.
Q80171983Effect of IL-6 deficiency on myocardial expression of fatty acid transporters and intracellular lipid deposits
Q48268382Effect of L-NAME, a specific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, on corticotropin-releasing hormone-elicited ACTH and corticosterone secretion
Q72776992Effect of NG-nitro-L-arginine on pressor action of arginine vasopressin in normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats
Q46262231Effect of Na+ current on excitation-contraction coupling in ventricular myocytes of guinea pig heart
Q43130147Effect of UVA and 8-methoxypsoralen, 4, 6, 4'-trimethylangelicin or chlorpromazine on apoptosis of lymphocytes and their recognition by monocytes.
Q28572289Effect of a non-peptide NK-2 tachykinin receptor antagonist on LH, FSH, and prolactin release by rat hemipituitaries in vitro
Q74590231Effect of a short-term dietary creatine supplementation on high-energy phosphates in the rat myocardium
Q73510334Effect of acceleration stress on salivary cortisol and plasma cortisol and testosterone levels in cadet pilots
Q90192341Effect of acute exercise on mRNA and protein expression of main components of the lipolytic complex in different skeletal muscle types in the rat
Q51578673Effect of adiponectin on the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, P450 side chain cleavage enzyme and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase gene expression, progesterone and androstenedione production by the porcine uterus during early pregnancy
Q51391593Effect of adrenalectomy and corticosterone on cocaine-induced sensitization in rats.
Q46735798Effect of adrenalin, insulin and contractions on the content of the free fatty acid fraction in skeletal muscle.
Q44066072Effect of adrenergic antagonists and cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the nicotine-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activity
Q44066060Effect of allopregnanolone on d-[3H]-aspartate release and [3H]-glutamate uptake in the hippocampus of kainate-treated mice.
Q46013820Effect of alpha-lipoic acid on LPS-induced oxidative stress in the heart.
Q43130154Effect of antidiuresis on renal creatine metabolism.
Q40025103Effect of apoE genotype and vitamin E on biomarkers of oxidative stress in cultured neuronal cells and the brain of targeted replacement mice.
Q28212129Effect of aspirin on cysteinyl leukotrienes production by eosinophils co-cultured with epithelial cells
Q40826818Effect of atrial pacing on the level of bioactive sphingolipids in the heart ventricles of the rat.
Q67896980Effect of bed rest on the adenine nucleotides concentration in human blood platelets
Q48502541Effect of bone morphogenetic protein-15 on gonadotropin-stimulated synthesis of hyaluronan and progesterone in porcine ovarian follicle
Q81584983Effect of cAMP analogues on glomerular inulin space of isolated rats renal glomeruli
Q35394621Effect of cannabinoid receptors 1 modulation on osteoporosis in a rat model of different ages
Q46350637Effect of carotenoids on in vitro proliferation and differentiation of oval cells during neoplastic and non-neoplastic liver injuries in rats.
Q43852149Effect of central and peripheral actions of histamine and its metabolite N-alpha methyl histamine on gastric secretion and acute gastric lesions
Q80512786Effect of central hypervolemia on respiratory function
Q44268606Effect of cerebral ventricles perfusion with morphiceptin and Met-enkephalin on trigemino-hypoglossal reflex in rats.
Q44495610Effect of combined treatment with imipramine and amantadine on the central dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in rats.
Q46408295Effect of combined treatment with imipramine and metyrapone on the immobility time, the activity of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and immunological parameters in the forced swimming test in the rat.
Q71437660Effect of compound 48/80 on mast cells and biogenic amine levels in brain structures and on corticosterone secretion
Q72184678Effect of compound 48/80 on the thalamic mast cells, serotonin level and corticosterone secretion in rats
Q44171584Effect of constitutive- and inducible-cyclooxygenase in the carbachol-induced pituitary-adrenocortical response during social stress
Q57825357Effect of corticotropin releasing hormone and corticotropin releasing hormone nist on biosynthesis of gonadotropin relasing hormone and gonadotropin relasing hormone receptor in the hypothalamic-pituitary unit of follicular-phase ewes and contributio
Q72184682Effect of corticotropin releasing hormone on the pituitary-adrenocortical activity under basal and social stress conditions
Q46878140Effect of curcumin on atherosclerosis in apoE/LDLR-double knockout mice.
Q48267181Effect of cyclic adenosine monophosphate on the G protein-dependent inward rectifier K(+)-like channel current in medial prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons
Q44389572Effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the CRH-induced pituitary-adrenocortical activity during crowding stress
Q44495608Effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the vasopressin induced ACTH and corticosterone response during crowding stress.
Q54272936Effect of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition by meloxicam, on atrogin-1 and myogenic regulatory factors in skeletal muscle of rats injected with endotoxin
Q35119164Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on memory and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in a rat model of vascular dementia
Q72282930Effect of denervation and tenotomy on 5'-nucleotidase activity in rat skeletal muscles
Q44171576Effect of different muscle shortening velocities during prolonged incremental cycling exercise on the plasma growth hormone, insulin, glucose, glucagon, cortisol, leptin and lactate concentrations.
Q73210980Effect of ebrotidine on gastric mucosal inflammatory responses to Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide
Q40333997Effect of econazole and benzydamine on sensory neurons in culture
Q74011951Effect of endothelin-1 receptor antagonist BQ-123 on basilar artery diameter after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in rats
Q72090535Effect of endothelin-3 on blood pressure in conscious spontaneously hypertensive [SHR] and DOCA-salt hypertensive rats
Q78054689Effect of endotoxin on protein degradation and lipid peroxidation of erythrocytes
Q44949097Effect of endurance training on the sphingomyelin-signalling pathway activity in the skeletal muscles of the rat.
Q28581974Effect of eplerenone on hypertension-associated renal damage in rats: potential role of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ)
Q39501558Effect of ethanol and acetaldehyde at clinically relevant concentrations on atrial inward rectifier potassium current IK1: separate and combined effect
Q47964987Effect of exercise intensity on the slow component of oxygen uptake in decremental work load exercise.
Q68002468Effect of exercise on adenosine deaminase activity in rat skeletal muscles
Q42807189Effect of extremely low frequency of electromagnetic fields on cell proliferation, antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes--an in vitro study
Q42700695Effect of fluoxetine and resveratrol on testicular functions and oxidative stress in a rat model of chronic mild stress-induced depression.
Q48556321Effect of galanin on substance P- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-induced nociceptive trigemino-hypoglossal reflex in rats.
Q68002473Effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid and muscimol on corticosterone secretion in rats
Q73211006Effect of genistein, tyrphostin and herbimycin on prolactin-stimulated progesterone production by porcine theca and luteal cells
Q90283091Effect of ghrelin on the apoptosis of various cells. A critical review
Q45822926Effect of ghrelin receptor agonist and antagonist on the activity of arcuate nucleus tyrosine hydroxylase containing neurons in C57BL/6 male mice exposed to normal or high fat diet
Q39683063Effect of gliclazide on nucleotide excision repair (NER) and non-homologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) in normal and cancer cells
Q43634189Effect of high-protein diet on glycolytic processes in skeletal muscles of exercising rats.
Q83180528Effect of hydrogen peroxide of bacterial origin on apoptosis and necrosis of gut mucosa epithelial cells as a possible pathomechanism of inflammatory bowel disease and cancer
Q72282927Effect of hypothermia on the insulin--receptor interaction in liver plasma membranes
Q70802352Effect of hypothermia on the insulin-receptor interaction in adipose plasma membranes
Q71532915Effect of hypothermia on the insulin-receptor interaction in skeletal muscle plasma membranes
Q44389570Effect of hypothyreosis on the content of ceramides in rat tissues.
Q74569064Effect of indomethacin on nicotine-induced ACTH and corticosterone response
Q73364046Effect of ischemic preconditioning on endothelial dysfunction and granulocyte adhesion in isolated guinea-pig hearts subjected to ischemia/reperfusion
Q83118409Effect of ischemic preconditioning on pancreatic regeneration and pancreatic expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor-A in ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis
Q53659553Effect of ivabradine, captopril and melatonin on the behaviour of rats in L-nitro-arginine methyl ester-induced hypertension
Q48306842Effect of ketanserin and amphetamine on nigrostriatal neurotransmission and reactive oxygen species in Parkinsonian rats. In vivo microdialysis study.
Q42455628Effect of leptin on thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion and nitric oxide release from pituitary cells of ewe lambs in vitro
Q97432051Effect of lithium carbonate on the function of the thyroid gland: mechanism of action and clinical implications
Q43763655Effect of local injection with basic fibroblast growth factor (BFGF) and neutralizing antibody to BFGF on gastric ulcer healing, gastric secretion, angiogenesis and gastric blood flow.
Q52774071Effect of long-term culture on the biological and morphological characteristics of human adipose tissue-derived stem Cells
Q47292197Effect of long-term vagal stimulation on food intake and body weight during diet induced obesity in rats
Q90901181Effect of low dose L-NAME pretreatment on nitric oxide/reactive oxygen species balance and vasoactivity in L-NAME/salt-induced hypertensive rats
Q71532931Effect of low-carbohydrate-ketogenic diet on metabolic and hormonal responses to graded exercise in men
Q84893227Effect of maternal tobacco smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke on the levels of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) in urine of mother and the first urine of newborn
Q28580075Effect of melatonin on the vasopressin secretion as influenced by tachykinin NK-1 receptor agonist and antagonist: in vivo and in vitro studies
Q48713299Effect of melatonin supplementation on plasma lipid hydroperoxides, homocysteine concentration and chronic fatigue syndrome in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferons-beta and mitoxantrone
Q51131773Effect of mild psychological stress on physiological responses to exercise in men.
Q46408303Effect of moderate incremental exercise, performed in fed and fasted state on cardio-respiratory variables and leptin and ghrelin concentrations in young healthy men.
Q98296599Effect of natalizumab treatment on metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
Q54373526Effect of nebivolol treatment on atherosclerotic plaque components in apoE-knockout mice.
Q46291265Effect of neonatal endotoxemia on the pancreas of adult rats.
Q90901177Effect of ostarine (enobosarm/GTX024), a selective androgen receptor modulator, on adipocyte metabolism in Wistar rats
Q50526817Effect of partial and complete blockade of vanilloid (TRPV1-6) and ankyrin (TRPA1) transient receptor potential ion channels on urinary bladder motor activity in an experimental hyperosmolar overactive bladder rat model
Q39479234Effect of phoshpodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibibtors on eotaxin expression in humen bronchial epithelial cells
Q47384572Effect of phosphate supplementation on metabolic and neuroendocrine responses to exercise and oral glucose load in obese women during weight reduction
Q48833745Effect of pinealectomy and melatonin on vasopressin-potentiated passive avoidance in rats.
Q53647569Effect of piperine, a major component of black pepper, on the pharmacokinetics of domperidone in rats.
Q54074542Effect of prolonged dynamic exercise on plasma adrenomedullin concentration in healthy young men.
Q38724527Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on endoplasmic reticulum stress
Q42808757Effect of quercetin on kinetic properties of renal Na,K-ATPase in normotensive and hypertensive rats
Q43130150Effect of quercetin on paraoxonase 1 activity--studies in cultured cells, mice and humans.
Q43951697Effect of repeated treatment with mirtazapine on the central alpha1-adrenergic receptors.
Q73260881Effect of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca release into diadic region on Na/Ca exchange in cardiac myocytes
Q43852160Effect of sensory nerves and CGRP on the development of caerulein-induced pancreatitis and pancreatic recovery
Q98296607Effect of sex and localization dependent differences of Na,K-ATPase properties in brain of rat
Q50917629Effect of shiitake (Lentinus edodes) extract on antioxidant and inflammatory response to prolonged eccentric exercise
Q45042114Effect of sitagliptin on the working memory and reference memory in type 2 diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats: possible role of adiponectin receptors 1.
Q43850674Effect of social stress on COX-1 and COX-2-induced alterations in the adrenergic agonists-evoked hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses
Q45193765Effect of sodium butyrate on the small intestine development in neonatal piglets fed [correction of feed] by artificial sow.
Q43227238Effect of sodium butyrate supplementation in milk replacer and starter diet on rumen development in calves.
Q39987607Effect of some antidepressants on the low corticosterone concentration-induced gene transcription in LMCAT fibroblast cells.
Q52096882Effect of sprint cycling and stretch-shortening cycle exercises on the neuromuscular, immune and stress indicators in young men.
Q44066049Effect of static handgrip on plasma adrenomedullin concentration in patients with heart failure and in healthy subjects
Q48309240Effect of subacute poisoning with bifenthrin on locomotor activity, memory retention, haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters in mice
Q48109758Effect of subdiaphragmatic vagotomy and cholinergic agents in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity
Q95488114Effect of tachycardia on lipid metabolism and expression of fatty acid transporters in heart ventricles of the rat
Q49635218Effect of tachycardia on mRNA andf protein expression of the principal components of the lipolytic system in the rat's heart ventricles
Q49906145Effect of the different doses of acrylamide on acetylocholinoesterase activity, thiol groups, malondialdehyde concentrations in hypothalamus and selected muscles of mice
Q88699074Effect of the intracellular calcium concentration chelator BAPTA acetoxy-methylester on action potential duration in canine ventricular myocytes
Q58567165Effect of thiol antioxidants on lipopolysaccharide-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in pulmonary epithelial cells
Q72895301Effect of thyrotropin on phospholipid composition in thyroid plasma membranes
Q43951702Effect of tianeptine and fluoxetine on the levels of Met-enkephalin and mRNA encoding proenkephalin in the rat.
Q62034362Effect of triiodothyronine on phospholipid metabolism in skeletal muscles of the rat
Q73034797Effect of triiodothyronine on the content of phospholipids in the rat liver nuclei
Q67948827Effect of vasopressin and V1 receptors blockade on hypotensive action of ANP in normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q42976847Effect of venlafaxine and nicotine on the level of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in rat brains.
Q48215473Effect of vitamin E on cerebral cortical oxidative stress and brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression induced by hypoxia and exercise in rats
Q71699445Effect of vitamin E on peroxidation and permeability of the peritoneum
Q72184674Effect of work rate on cardiorespiratory response to rhythmic-static exercise
Q45196145Effects 3-aminobenzamide on ultrastructure of hippocampal CA1 layer after global ischemia in gerbils.
Q46808024Effects of 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline on the behavioral effects of cocaine in rats
Q43763666Effects of 17-beta estradiol and estriol on NMDA-induced toxicity and apoptosis in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons
Q44171571Effects of 5-HT1B receptor ligands microinjected into the accumbal shell or core on the cocaine-induced locomotor hyperactivity in rats
Q81185797Effects of a bradycardic agent on postischemic cardiac recovery in rabbits
Q74569055Effects of acid-degraded products of leminoprazole on acid secretion, mucus secretion and synthesis, and indomethacin-induced damage in cell culture
Q46660265Effects of activated neutrophils on isolated rings of rat thoracic aorta
Q51483774Effects of alfacalcidol on the contractile properties of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle in adult and old rats
Q42492566Effects of alteration in fluid balance on angiotensinogen gene expression in the rat.
Q84268198Effects of amitriptyline, fluoxetine, tranylcypromine and venlafaxine on rat vascular smooth muscle in vitro--the role of the endothelium
Q44495613Effects of angiotensin II and its receptor antagonists on motor activity and anxiety in rats
Q40104181Effects of body temperature on post-anoxic oxidative stress from the perspective of postnatal physiological adaptive processes in rats
Q47975310Effects of budesonide on the lung functions, inflammation and apoptosis in a saline-lavage model of acute lung injury
Q51563423Effects of calcium channel antagonists on the reinforcing properties of morphine, ethanol and cocaine as measured by place conditioning.
Q28572895Effects of calcium sensitizer OR-1986 on a cardiovascular mortality and myocardial remodelling in hypertensive Dahl/Rapp rats
Q68282778Effects of calmidazolium, carbachol and derivatives of cyclic GMP on the longitudinal internal resistivity in rabbit atrial trabeculae
Q46050495Effects of chronic neuronal nitric oxide-synthase inhibition on arterial function and structure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q43172512Effects of cigarette smoke borne reactive nitrogen species on salivary alpha-amylase activity and protein modifications.
Q37393634Effects of cigarette smoke on the lung and systemic immunity
Q86087801Effects of cilostazol on the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol after oral and intravenous administration in rats
Q71841355Effects of cisplatin and selenite on the level of thiols in pig blood platelets
Q43852162Effects of continuous microchip (MC) vagal neuromodulation on gastrointestinal function in rats
Q47820647Effects of continuous positive airway pressure on exercise capacity in chronic heart failure patients without sleep apnea.
Q92538238Effects of controlled physical activity on immune cell phenotype in peripheral blood in prehypertension - studies in preclinical model and randomised crossover study
Q44843483Effects of deoxycorticosterone on renal vascular reactivity and flow-pressure curve in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Q100380693Effects of dietary gamma-cyclodextrin on voluntary activity and muscle strength in mice
Q73545360Effects of different intensities of cold stress on certain physiological phenomena related to skeletal health in a hypogonadal rat model
Q94461469Effects of direct oral anticoagulants on thromboelastographic parameters and fibrin clot properties in patients with venous thromboembolism
Q46573039Effects of estrone on quisqualate-induced toxicity in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons
Q48669226Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on oxidative balance in brain of rats.
Q42976848Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on the parameters of oxidative stress in heart.
Q47619073Effects of fluoxetine and melatonin on mood, sleep quality and body mass index in postmenopausal women
Q95409555Effects of gadolinium chloride on basal flow and compression-induced rapid hyperemia in the rabbit masseter muscle
Q71532923Effects of grayanotoxin-I on threshold intensity and compound action potential of frog sciatic nerve
Q71699424Effects of heat shock and teprenone on ethanol-induced damage to cultured rabbit gastric mucosal cells
Q46735840Effects of homogenization of induced sputum by dithiothreitol on polymorphonuclear cells.
Q50501869Effects of hyperthyroidism on lipid content and composition in oxidative and glycolytic muscles in rats.
Q40423763Effects of hypovolemia on hypercapnic ventilatory response in experimental hyperthermia
Q44843525Effects of indomethacin and rofecoxib on gastric mucosal damage in normal and Helicobacter pylori-infected mongolian gerbils.
Q45196134Effects of inhaled corticosteroids on cough in awake guinea pigs with experimental allergic rhinitis--the first experience
Q45196140Effects of intranasal capsaicin challenge on cough reflex in healthy human volunteers
Q46735845Effects of intranasal histamine on the cough reflex in subjects with allergic rhinitis.
Q46801960Effects of meconium on airway reactivity to histamine and acetylcholine in vitro
Q83149233Effects of melatonin and tryptophan on healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers with Helicobacter pylori infection in humans
Q46557168Effects of mibefradil, a blocker of T-type Ca2+ channels, in single myocytes and intact muscle of guinea-pig heart.
Q81185800Effects of moderate physical training on blood pressure variability and hemodynamic pattern in mildly hypertensive subjects
Q50641519Effects of neuraminidase on apoptosis of blood lymphocytes in rats with implanted Morris tumor.
Q72777014Effects of nicotine on the concentration of native and cryptic Met- and Leu-enkephalin in peripheral tissues
Q30833297Effects of nitric oxide and prostacyclin on deformability and aggregability of red blood cells of rats ex vivo and in vitro
Q77346234Effects of nitroglycerin on energy metabolism of rat reticulocytes
Q44295850Effects of nitrosative stress and reactive oxygen-scavenging systems in esophageal physiopathy under streptozotocin-induced experimental hyperglycemia.
Q79579146Effects of novel plant antioxidants on platelet superoxide production and aggregation in atherosclerosis
Q43227231Effects of ovariectomy in prepubertal goats
Q82792065Effects of oxygen breathing on inspiratory muscle fatigue during resistive load in cycling men
Q46735858Effects of p53 inhibitor on survival and death of cells subjected to oxidative stress
Q79707998Effects of peripheral or central GLP-1 receptor blockade on leptin-induced suppression of appetite
Q40008525Effects of peripherally and centrally applied ghrelin in the pathogenesis of ischemia-reperfusion induced injury of the small intestine
Q42727031Effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors-gamma ligands on dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in rats
Q91229065Effects of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor sildenafil on the respiratory parameters, inflammation and apoptosis in a saline lavage-induced model of acute lung injury
Q42457187Effects of phytoestrogen daidzein and estradiol on steroidogenesis and expression of estrogen receptors in porcine luteinized granulosa cells from large follicles
Q50708121Effects of pioglitazone and high-fat diet on ceramide metabolism in rat skeletal muscles.
Q42816403Effects of plant extracts on angiogenic activities of endothelial cells and keratinocytes
Q38435094Effects of prenatal hypoxia on pulmonary vascular reactivity in chickens prone to pulmonary hypertension.
Q34617661Effects of probiotic and prebiotic on gastrointestinal motility in newborns
Q71613369Effects of prostaglandin of E, F and I series, leukotriene C and platelet activating factor on amylase release from isolated rat pancreatic acini
Q72777009Effects of prostaglandins on [Ca2+]i and adenylate cyclase activity in isolated porcine gastric mucous cells
Q30830890Effects of reactive oxygen species action on gastric mucosa in various models of mucosal injury
Q51286851Effects of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on fibrosis in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Q72282924Effects of saturated and polyunsaturated fat enriched diet on the skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in young rats
Q80171999Effects of somatostatin-14 and the receptor-specific somatostatin analogs on chromogranin A and alpha-subunit (alpha-SU) release from "clinically nonfunctioning" pituitary adenoma cells incubated in vitro
Q89832453Effects of stress preconditioning on vulnerability of gastric and small intestinal mucosa to ulcerogenic action of indomethacin in rats
Q72047349Effects of submaximal physical exercise and immobilization in bed on the adenine nucleotides concentration in human blood platelets
Q73260893Effects of sucralfate and its components on indomethacin-induced damage to cultured rabbit gastric mucosal cells
Q51537572Effects of surfactant/budesonide therapy on oxidative modifications in the lung in experimental meconium-induced lung injury
Q44346861Effects of synthetic analogues of human opiorphin on rat brain opioid receptors.
Q49635229Effects of tadalafil (PDE5 inhibitor) and roflumilast (PDE4 inhibitor) on airway reactivity and markers of inflammation in ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in guinea pigs
Q44268608Effects of thapsigargin on stimulation frequency--dependent changes in mitochondrial calcium in rat cardiac myocytes
Q45925485Effects of the cannabinoid receptor ligands on anxiety-related effects of d-amphetamine and nicotine in the mouse elevated plus maze test.
Q79313785Effects of the phosphodiestrase-4 inhibitor rolipram on lung resistance and inflammatory reaction in experimental asthma
Q79313778Effects of thorax irradiation on citric acid-induced cough in guinea pigs
Q74011963Effects of three-day bed rest on metabolic, hormonal and circulatory responses to an oral glucose load in endurance or strength trained athletes and untrained subjects
Q41937207Effects of time of day and the wingate test on appetite perceptions, food intake and plasma levels of adipokines
Q79313752Effects of training on the ventilatory response to hypoxia
Q95564529Effects of treatment with melatonin and tryptophan on liver enzymes, parameters of fat metabolism and plasma levels of cytokines in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease--14 months follow up
Q48405152Effects of two types of restraint stress on spontaneous behavior of Sprague-Dawley and Lewis rats
Q46493033Effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on voltage-dependent Ba(2+) currents in the guinea-pig gastric antrum.
Q47262405Effects of vagal neuromodulation and vagotomy on control of food intake and body weight in rats
Q50115807Effects of vasopressin and analogue [d(CH2)1(5), Tyr (Me)2, Val4, delta 3Pro7)] AVP on learning and memory in rats chronically treated with ethanol.
Q92580734Effects of vinclozolin exposure on the expression and activity of SIRT1 and SIRT6 in the porcine ovary
Q96591610Effects of whole-body electromyostimulation exercise and caloric restriction on cardiometabolic risk profile and muscle strength in obese women with the metabolic syndrome: a pilot study
Q42705815Effects of xenoestrogens on streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
Q46801993Efficacy and safety of once or twice daily inhalation of extrafine HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in patients with mild to moderate asthma.
Q34571687Efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication taking into account its resistance to antibiotics.
Q84073990Efficacy of healing process of bone defects after apicectomy: results after 6 and 12 months
Q98296592Efficacy of supplemented Er-xian decoction combined with acupoint application for poor ovarian response
Q43197267Efficacy of tramadol in combination with doxepin or venlafaxine in inhibition of nociceptive process in the rat model of neuropathic pain: an isobolographic analysis
Q92580724Eicosanoid profiling in effluent of isolated perfused heart of Tgαq*44 mice with advanced heart failure
Q28218140Eicosanoids, aspirin-intolerance and the upper airways--current standards and recent improvements of the desensitization therapy
Q46700113Electrical activity of canine gallbladder.
Q47327533Electrical vagus nerve stimulation decreases food consumption and weight gain in rats fed a high-fat diet
Q83355334Electrocardiographic changes in patients with spontaneous pneumothorax
Q48439503Electroencephalographic and respiratory activities during acute intermittent hypoxia in anesthetized rats.
Q85195408Electrophysiological correlates of attentional processes in patients with liver cirrhosis without minimal or clinically-overt hepatic encephalopathy
Q46013797Electrophysiology and pharmacology of the optic input to the rat intergeniculate leaflet in vitro.
Q91889621Elevated plasma levels of tissue factor as a valuable diagnostic biomarker with relevant efficacy for prediction of breast cancer morbidity
Q50468688Elevated serum osteoprotegerin is associated with decreased osteoclastic differentiation in stenotic aortic valves
Q48713284Elimination of extracellular dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex of conscious mice analysed using selective enzyme and uptake inhibitors
Q37677443Elucidating structure-function relationships from molecule-to-cell-to-tissue: from research modalities to clinical realities.
Q48538313Embelin supplementation of in vitro maturation medium does not influence nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of pig oocytes
Q26782677Emerging role of fecal microbiota therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal diseases
Q35745112Emerging roles of proteasomes in ischemia-reperfusion injury of organs.
Q51530648Encoding meal in integrated vagal afferent discharge.
Q41079426Endocrine events prior to puberty in heifers: role of somatotropin, insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins
Q73510337Endogenous nitric oxide in the control of esophageal motility in humans
Q40851505Endogenous nitric oxide proves not to be involved in the inhibition by IL-1beta of TGF-alpha-stimulated proliferation of RGM1 cells
Q88699005Endogenous systems involved in exercise-induced analgesia
Q73364031Endothelial no release caused by red wine polyphenols
Q45069736Endothelial protection from reperfusion injury by ischemic preconditioning and diazoxide involves a SOD-like anti-O2- mechanism
Q28194563Endothelial secretogogues and deformability of erythrocytes
Q48300329Endothelial-mediated regulation of cerebral microcirculation.
Q41069569Endothelin-1 stimulates the biosynthesis of tumour necrosis factor in macrophages: ET-receptors, signal transduction and inhibition by dexamethasone
Q78054645Endothelin-1, interleukin-4 and nitric oxide synthase modulators of gastric mucosal injury by indomethacin: effect of antiulcer agents
Q73210995Endotoxaemia in rats: role of NO, PAF and TXA2 in pulmonary neutrophil sequestration and hyperlactataemia
Q81902457Endotoxaemia in rats: role of leukocyte sequestration in rapid pulmonary nitric oxide synthase-2 expression
Q50072504Endotoxemia in newborn rats attenuates acute pancreatitis at adult age.
Q42519491Endotoxemia in the infant rats modulates HSP60 protein level in the pancreatic acinar cells
Q33819637Endotoxin-endothelium interactions in "low-perfusion state" research
Q46121426Endotoxin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in rabbits: contribution of neuropeptides
Q48712374Endurance training increases plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentration in young healthy men.
Q72090543Energetic state of the postischemic myocardium and its relation to contractile failure
Q95563652Enhanced expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the myocardium ameliorates the progression of left ventricular hypertrophy in L-arginine treated Wistar-Kyoto rats
Q38316474Enhanced expression of leptin following acute gastric injury in rat.
Q80493403Enhanced expression of mineralocorticoid receptors in the heart after the myocardial infarct in rats
Q48345897Enhanced food and water intake in renin transgenic rats.
Q42759131Enhanced phenotypic and functional maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells from patients with active Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Q45749952Enhanced proliferation and progesterone production by porcine granulosa cells cultured with pseudorabies virus growth factor (PRGF).
Q50801484Enhancement of the physicochemical qualities of gastric mucus by sofalcone.
Q41566647Enkephalinase activity in the intestinal epithelial cells of the fetus of 19 days and their immortalized and transformed counterparts the SLC-cell lines
Q40739574Eosinophil-epithelial cell interaction augments cysteinyl leukotrienes synthesis.
Q46121434Eosinophilic airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.
Q53701523Epidemiological study on Helicobacter pylori infection and extragastroduodenal disorders in Polish population.
Q41687904Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection with special reference to professional risk
Q33850568Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori: transmission, translocation and extragastric reservoirs
Q73894739Epidemiology of cagA/vacA genes in H. pylori isolated from children and adults in Poland
Q44140776Epidemiology of dyspepsia: discriminant value of smoking and Helicobacter pylori status as predictors of peptic lesions in primary care
Q43843103Epidemiology of peri/intraventricular haemorrhage in newborns at term.
Q67948821Epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression in human salivary glands. An immunohistochemical study
Q43130168Eplerenone improves vascular function and reduces platelet activation in diabetic rats
Q71455884Eradication of Helicobacter pylori and gastrin-somatostatin link in duodenal ulcer patients
Q53654298Esophagoprotective activity of angiotensin-(1-7) in experimental model of acute reflux esophagitis. Evidence for the role of nitric oxide, sensory nerves, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha and proinflammatory cytokines.
Q26864576Essentiality and toxicity of vanadium supplements in health and pathology
Q36276644Essentials in the diagnosis of acid-base disorders and their high altitude application.
Q46408290Estradiol modulates the synapsins phosphorylation by various protein kinases in the rat brain under in vitro and in vivo conditions.
Q71437635Ethanol and benzodiazepines. The influence of CGS 8216 on the ethanol-induced hypothermia and motor incoordination in mice and rats
Q46808020Ethanol suppressed seizures in lindane-treated rats. Electroencephalographic and behavioral studies
Q39169114Evaluation of apoptotic activity of new condensed pyrazole derivatives
Q50601729Evaluation of fluorescence-based methods for total vs. amplifiable DNA quantification in plasma of lung cancer patients
Q89447105Evaluation of glucose metabolism in children with growth hormone deficiency during long-term growth hormone treatment
Q95409551Evaluation of hyperprolactinaemia with the use of the intervals for prolactin after macroforms separation
Q53307541Evaluation of matrix metalloproteinases in serum of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with pattern recognition methods
Q57152479Evaluation of melatonin effectiveness in the adjuvant treatment of ulcerative colitis
Q92249510Evaluation of platelet reactivity during combined antiplatelet therapy in patients with stable coronary artery disease in relation to diabetes type 2 and the GPIIB/IIIA receptor gene polymorphism
Q89492687Evaluation of selected protein biomarkers of renal function in rats with an experimental model of acute cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis treated with N-acetylcysteine
Q46201964Evaluation of shape and size changes of bone and remodelled bone substitute after different fixation methods.
Q46801958Evaluation of the cough reflex and airway reactivity in toluene- and ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness
Q92822549Evaluation of the effect of liposomes loaded with chlorogenic acid in treatment of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced murine colitis
Q42608554Evaluation of the saliva cortisol levels in patients under prosthetic treatment due to functional disorders of the masticatory organ
Q46977164Evaluation of the time-stability of an alternative research model based on isolated rat gastrointestinal strips.
Q42976858Evaluation of urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulphate excretion in women at different age with irritable bowel syndrome.
Q35363202Evidence for an infarctive pathogenesis of acute and chronic gastroduodenal ulceration
Q39924875Evidence for state-dependent block of DPI 201-106, a synthetic inhibitor of Na+ channel inactivation, on delayed-rectifier K+ current in pituitary tumor (GH3) cells.
Q43076902Evidence for the involvement of NADPH oxidase in ischemia/reperfusion-induced gastric damage via angiotensin II.
Q83400584Evidence-based therapy according to the guideline for gastric ulcers is cost-effective in Japan
Q82792061Excitability and rhythmicity of tracheobronchial cough is altered by aspiration reflex in cats
Q34052398Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle revisited
Q33379568Excitatory neurosteroids attenuate apoptotic and excitotoxic cell death in primary cortical neurons.
Q39205475Exendin-4, an analogue of glucagon-like peptide-1, attenuates hyperalgesia through serotonergic pathways in rats with neonatal colonic sensitivity
Q48439458Exercise capacity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Q72047346Exercise thermoregulation in Thai and Polish male subjects
Q81584979Exercise training and 3-day head down bed rest deconditioning: exercise thermoregulation
Q80512836Exhaled breath condensate analysis: evaluation of a methodological setting for epidemiological field studies
Q37393631Exhaled carbon monoxide as a new marker of respiratory diseases in children
Q46801944Exhaled nitric oxide concentration in patients after heart transplantation.
Q35742450Exocrine pancreas; molecular basis for intracellular signaling, damage and protection--Polish experience.
Q39108003Exogenous administration of visfatin affects cytokine secretion and increases oxidative stress in human malignant melanoma Me45 cells
Q44337903Exogenous melatonin abolishes mechanical allodynia but not thermal hyperalgesia in neuropathic pain. The role of the opioid system and benzodiazepine-gabaergic mechanism
Q46878124Exogenous melatonin delays gastric emptying rate in rats: role of CCK2 and 5-HT3 receptors.
Q46457953Experimental allergic rhinitis-related cough and airway eosinophilia in sensitized guinea pigs.
Q31140766Experimental and clinical studies of neonatal eeg mapping--methodical prerequisites and data interpretation
Q33189427Experimental and practical approaches to the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy
Q39753426Experimental and simulation studies on the mechanisms of levetiracetam-mediated inhibition of delayed-rectifier potassium current (KV3.1): contribution to the firing of action potentials
Q92538244Experimental autoimmune myocarditis in rats and therapeutic histamine H1 - H4 receptor inhibition
Q45166746Experimental healing of preexisting gastric ulcers induced by hormones controlling food intake ghrelin, orexin-A and nesfatin-1 is impaired under diabetic conditions. A key to understanding the diabetic gastropathy?
Q43262164Experimental hypothyroidism increases content of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in the heart.
Q52025860Experimental inflammatory bowel disease--role of T cells
Q44812540Experimental methods of abdominal aortic aneurysm creation in swine as a large animal model
Q28168160Experimental production of peptic ulcer, gastric damage and cancer models and their use in pathophysiological studies and pharmacological treatment--Polish achievements
Q84074030Experimental research on the possibilities of maintaining thermal conditions within the limits of the physiological conditions during intraoral preparation of dental implants
Q42472029Experimental studies as an inspiration for clinical investigation.
Q30671618Experimental studies on the anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects of sodium and calcium pentosan polysulphate.
Q92335010Exploiting iron-binding proteins for drug delivery
Q46100115Exploring cumulus-oocyte-complex-oviductal cell interactions: gene profiling in the bovine oviduct.
Q34306266Exploring novel colon-targeting antihistaminic prodrug for colitis
Q28565560Exposition of newborn rats to bacterial endotoxin impairs pancreatic enzyme secretion at adult age
Q92580698Exposure to air pollution and oxidative stress markers in patients with potentially malignant oral disorders
Q42772694Exposure to sixty minutes of hyperoxia upregulates myocardial humanins in patients with coronary artery disease - a pilot study
Q42283890Expression and release of leptin and proinflammatory cytokines in patients with ulcerative colitis and infectious diarrhea
Q39851958Expression of 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 receptors in Caco-2 cells and their role in the regulation of serotonin transporter activity.
Q56899897Expression of CD152 (CTLA-4) in children with autoimmune thyroiditis and +49 A/G polymorphism of exon 1 of the CTLA-4 gene
Q46121432Expression of CREB-binding protein and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma during formoterol or formoterol and corticosteroid therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q42497696Expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate (R)(GluN2B) - subunits in the brain structures of rats selected for low and high anxiety
Q50650213Expression of SDF-1-CXCR4 axis and an anti-remodelling effectiveness of foetal-liver stem cell transplantation in the infarcted rat heart.
Q47819259Expression of adrenomedullin in portal hypertensive gastric mucosa of rats
Q28584254Expression of alpha-synuclein in different brain parts of adult and aged rats
Q46801974Expression of anion exchanger 3 influences respiratory rate in awake and isoflurane anesthetized mice.
Q41730678Expression of endothelin-1, and endothelin A and B receptors in portal hypertensive esophagus of rats
Q51335162Expression of ghrelin and its receptor in porcine ovarian follicles collected from prepubertal and estrous cycle animals
Q38294522Expression of leptin and long form of leptin receptor genes and proteins in pituitary of cyclic and pregnant pigs
Q79313766Expression of macrophage surface markers in induced sputum of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Q46048170Expression of nerve growth factor in rat stomach. Implications for interactions between endothelial, neural and epithelial cells
Q46293447Expression of nerve growth factor, its TrkA receptor, and several neuropeptides in porcine esophagus. Implications for interactions between neural, vascular and epithelial components of the esophagus.
Q48807882Expression of neurotrophins and their receptors in human CD34+ bone marrow cells
Q48090544Expression of orexin A and B in the porcine hypothalamus during the oestrous cycle
Q48136363Expression of orexin receptors 1 (OX1R) and 2 (OX2R) in the porcine hypothalamus during the oestrous cycle
Q95495530Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors is regulated by gonadotropins and steroid hormones in in vitro porcine ovarian follicles
Q49635181Expression of purinergic P2X7 receptors in subpopulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in early-stage of chronic kidney disease
Q38522384Expression of serum response factor in normal rat gastric mucosa.
Q43172533Expression of superoxide dismutase and matrix metalloproteinase type 2 in diaphragm muscles of young rats.
Q73213679Expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1 and epidermal growth factor in caerulein-induced pancreatitis in rat
Q39586767Expression profile of proinflammatory genes in neutrophil-enriched granulocytes stimulated with native anti-PR3 autoantibodies
Q96591620Extracellular vesicles in follicular fluid of sexually mature gilts' ovarian antral follicles - identification and proteomic analysis
Q45197666Extract of grapefruit-seed reduces acute pancreatitis induced by ischemia/reperfusion in rats: possible implication of tissue antioxidants.
Q74624867Extragastroduodenal manifestations of H. pylori infection. 29-30 August 1999. Cracow, Poland. Abstracts
Q35246658Extragonadal gonadotropin receptors, their distribution and function
Q51929954Factors influencing lung function: are the predicted values for spirometry reliable enough?
Q50596656Factors influencing quality of anticoagulation control and warfarin dosage in patients after aortic valve replacement within the 3 months of follow up.
Q54300919Factors influencing the restitution of the duodenal and colonic mucosa after damage.
Q85195421Farnesoid X receptor regulates vascular reactivity through nitric oxide mechanism
Q40654638Fe(2+)-initiated chemiluminescence in rats with high hemoglobin-oxygen affinity during fever.
Q48369486Feasibility of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale in a sample of geriatric in-hospital patients.
Q68002470Feedback control of pancreatic secretion in rats. Role of gastric acid secretion
Q37730315Feeding behavior and body weight development: lessons from rats subjected to gastric bypass surgery or high-fat diet
Q38883374Fenofibrate subcellular distribution as a rationale for the intracranial delivery through biodegradable carrier
Q40599756Fever induced oxidative stress: the effect on thyroid status and the 5'-monodeiodinase activity, protective role of selenium and vitamin E.
Q50500839Fibroblast growth factor-21 and omentin-1 hepatic mRNA expression and serum levels in morbidly obese women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Q44886489Fibrogenic response of hepatic stellate cells in ovariectomised rats exposed to ketogenic diet
Q67899711Fibronectin and fibrinogen degradation products stimulate PMN-leukocyte and mast cell degranulation
Q34168621Flavonoids and nitric oxide synthase.
Q36084519Flavonoids and the aging brain.
Q72090542Flow dependence of factor X activation by tissue factor-factor VIIa
Q82162376Fluid consumption, electrolyte excretion and heart remodeling in rats with myocardial infarct maintained on regular and high sodium intake
Q44268603Fluidising effect of resorcylidene aminoguanidine on sarcolemmal membranes in streptozotocin-diabetic rats: blunted adaptation of diabetic myocardium to Ca2+ overload.
Q51820077Food allergens and respiratory symptoms.
Q34617654Food-based strategies to modulate the composition of the intestinal microbiota and their associated health effects.
Q48497128Force generated by fast motor units of the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle during stimulation with pulses at variable intervals.
Q46461732Formation of new blood vessels during gastric ulcer healing. Role of bone marrow derived endothelial progenitor cells
Q51619093Forms of physiological aliasing within the heart rate fluctuations by higher frequent respiratory movements
Q46013822Four close bupranolol analogues are antagonists at the low-affinity state of beta1-adrenoceptors.
Q43190607Fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene is overexpressed in colorectal cancer.
Q82929739Free DIEP-flap reconstruction of tumour related defects in head and neck
Q30935825Free intracellular calcium ([CA2+]i) in opioid sensitive cells of the porcine anterior pituitary.
Q79220858Frequency of Helicobacter pylori infection in children under 4 years of age
Q48408227Frequency of distribution of inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha gene polymorphism in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Q46801934Frequency of distribution of leptin receptor gene polymorphism in obstructive sleep apnea patients.
Q43100904From gastroprotective to proulcerogenic action of glucocorticoids on the gastric mucosa.
Q36359727From nerves and hormones to bacteria in the stomach; Nobel prize for achievements in gastrology during last century.
Q73803898Fucoidan improves the renal blood flow in the early stage of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in the rat
Q34945887Function of nociceptin and opioid OP4 receptors in the regulation of the cardiovascular system.
Q79632498Functional analysis of eicosanoids from white blood cells in sepsis and SIRS
Q72498406Functional and structural changes of isolated rat parietal cells during membrane potential modulation
Q36972459Functional aspects of eicosanoid metabolism
Q28218155Functional eicosanoid test and typing (FET) in acetylsalicylic acid intolerant patients with urticaria
Q46772481Functional eicosanoid test and typing (FET) of peripheral blood cells in eicosanoids related diseases.
Q30935809Functional studies on sciatic nerve blood flow in respect to its vascular supply and tonic neural activity
Q42476554Functional, histological structure and mastocytes alterations in rat urinary bladders following acute and [corrected] chronic cyclophosphamide treatment
Q28218170Functional-eicosanoid-test (FET) and disease
Q70779553Future treatment of peptic ulcer: is there room for anti-infective drugs?
Q74789714GABA content and GAD activity in colon tumors taken from patients with colon cancer or from xenografted human colon cancer cells growing as s.c. tumors in athymic nu/nu mice
Q42918949GABAergic and glutamatergic currents in hippocampal slices and neuronal cultures show profound differences: a clue to a potent homeostatic modulation
Q48267139Galanin affects vasopressin and oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system in haemorrahaged rats
Q46878149Galanin influences vasopressin and oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of salt loaded rats.
Q79313801Gas exchange abnormalities in patients listed for liver transplantation
Q67885611Gastric acid inhibitory profile of ebrotidine, a novel H2-receptor antagonist in humans
Q44838401Gastric analysis with fractional test meals (ethanol, caffeine, and peptone meal), augmented histamine or pentagastrin tests, and gastric pH recording.
Q36619958Gastric cancer and Helicobacter pylori infection
Q38195498Gastric cytoprotection by prostaglandin E₂ and prostacyclin: relationship to EP1 and IP receptors
Q71690017Gastric cytoprotective activity of endogenous 5-HT
Q46573043Gastric mucin secretion in response to beta-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptor activation is mediated by SRC kinase-dependent epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation
Q81185829Gastric mucosal cell homeostatic physiome. Critical role of ER-initiated membranes restitution in the fidelity of cell function renewal
Q42447377Gastric mucosal expression and luminal release of growth factors in gastric carcinoma and duodenal ulcer patients before and after eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Q38530379Gastric mucosal protection: from the periphery to the central nervous system.
Q43100886Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 counteracts morphine-induced analgesia in mice.
Q41087815Gastric secretion and the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer in the Helicobacter pylori infection
Q43771877Gastric secretion and ulcer healing in mouse stomach infected with cytotoxin expressing strain of Helicobacter pylori
Q44838398Gastric secretion--from Pavlov's nervism to Popielski's histamine as direct secretagogue of oxyntic glands.
Q42918964Gastric ulcer healing and stress-lesion preventive properties of pioglitazone are attenuated in diabetic rats
Q65000309Gastric ulcerogenic and healing impairment effects of risedronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate in rats. Comparison with alendronate and minodronate
Q35081780Gastrin mediated down regulation of ghrelin and its pathophysiological role in atrophic gastritis
Q39084810Gastrin promotes intestinal polyposis through cholecystokinin-B receptor-mediated proliferative signaling and fostering tumor microenvironment
Q40518361Gastroenterological research in domestic animals--past, present and future perspectives
Q82119723Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. Preface
Q37649287Gastrointestinal tract and digestion in the young ruminant: ontogenesis, adaptations, consequences and manipulations.
Q38325759Gastroprotection and control of food intake by leptin. Comparison with cholecystokinin and prostaglandins.
Q30832754Gastroprotection by pentoxyfilline against stress-induced gastric damage. Role of lipid peroxidation, antioxidizing enzymes and proinflammatory cytokines
Q100736878Gastroprotective and cicatrizing activity of the Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. leaf hydroalcoholic extract
Q46412862Gastroprotective effects of flavonoids in plant extracts
Q88699068Gender differences in hemostatic and inflammatory factors in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a pilot study
Q95495568Gender-related effect of cold water swimming on the seasonal changes in lipid profile, ApoB/ApoA-I ratio, and homocysteine concentration in cold water swimmers
Q44332331Gene expression and peptide localization for LH/hCG receptor in porcine small and large luteal cells: possible regulation by opioid peptides.
Q43850659Gene expression of NMDA receptor subunits in rat adrenals under basal and stress conditions
Q51819051Gene expression profile analysis in laryngeal cancer by high-density oligonucleotide microarrays
Q45927386Gene expression profiles of progestin-induced canine mammary hyperplasia and spontaneous mammary tumors.
Q48310192Generation of membrane-bound catechol-O-methyl transferase deficient mice with disctinct sex dependent behavioral phenotype
Q54639576Generation of nitric oxide from nitrovasodilators modulates the release of histamine from mast cells.
Q41116686Genetic and environmental predictors of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot ulcer: a pilot study
Q100380687Genetic variant c.711A>T in the hepatobiliary phospholipid transporter ABCB4 is associated with significant liver fibrosis
Q44417098Genistein affects parathyroid gland and NaPi 2a cotransporter in an animal model of the andropause
Q54250003Genistein alleviates testicular ischemia and reperfusion injury-induced spermatogenic damage and oxidative stress by suppressing abnormal testicular matrix metalloproteinase system via the Notch 2/Jagged 1/Hes-1 and caspase-8 pathways
Q42455623Genistein and daidzein affect in vitro steroidogenesis but not gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes in adrenals of pigs
Q84970496Genomic and proteomic approach to analysis of growth, development, and neoplasia. Proceedings of the 24th Congress of the Polish Physiological Society. September, 11-13, 2008. Lublin, Poland
Q41565955Genotypic and clinical differences of seropositive Helicobacter pylori children and adults in the Polish population.
Q95482831Ghrelin accelerates the healing of oral ulcers in non-sialoadenectomized and sialoadenectomized rats
Q45925499Ghrelin ameliorates colonic inflammation. Role of nitric oxide and sensory nerves.
Q36705946Ghrelin and melatonin in the regulation of pancreatic exocrine secretion and maintaining of integrity
Q44730731Ghrelin attenuates the development of acute pancreatitis in rat.
Q36705951Ghrelin in the postnatal development of the gastrointestinal tract.
Q38175658Ghrelin role in hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis
Q42918969Ghrelin signaling in human mesenteric arteries
Q44949102Ghrelin-a new gastroprotective factor in gastric mucosa.
Q48384297Glial scar instability after brain injury.
Q50451079Glucocorticoid receptor mediates the expansion of splenic late erythroid progenitors during chronic psychological stress
Q54131130Glucosamine in serum of patients after myocardial infarction subjected to rehabilitation training
Q42473967Glutamate exocrine dynamics augmented by plasma glutamine and the distribution of amino acid transporters of the rat pancreas
Q46808028Glutamatergic neurons of rat medial prefrontal cortex innervating the ventral tegmental area are positive for serotonin 5-HT1A receptor protein
Q43094792Glutamine and alanyl-glutamine dipeptide reduce mesenteric plasma extravasation, leukocyte adhesion and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) release during experimental endotoxemia.
Q43130160Glutathione prevents the early asthmatic reaction and airway hyperresponsiveness in guinea pigs
Q40513074Glycoconjugates with NeuAc-NeuAc-Gal-Glc are more effective at preventing adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric epithelial cells than glycoconjugates with NeuAc-Gal-Glc
Q70779564Glycosulfatase activity of Helicobacter pylori towards gastric sulfomucin: effect of nitecapone
Q53091883Glyprolines exert protective and repair-promoting effects in the rat stomach: potential role of the cytokine GRO/CINC-1.
Q97432057Gold nanoparticles phytoreduced with Cornus mas extract mitigate some of gliadin effects on Caco-2 cells
Q47967185Gonadoliberin (GnRH) and its copper complex (Cu-GnRH) enzymatic degradation in hypothalamic and pituitary tissue in vitro.
Q57825355Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and kisseptin-10 regulate nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group a member 1/catenin beta 1/ nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 activity in female rat anterior pituitary gland
Q81365122Gradual disappearance of vacuolated enterocytes in the small intestine of neonatal piglets
Q43262160Greeen tea extracts lower serum folates in rats at very high dietary concentrations only and do not affect plasma folates in a human pilot study.
Q77327185Growth Factors and Polyamines in Mucosal Protection and Repair, International symposium. Cracow, Poland, September 12, 1998. Abstracts
Q85056552Growth is dependent on the exocrine pancreas function in young weaners but not in growing-finishing pigs
Q34398978Guanylin and related peptides.
Q40280286Guidelines in the medical treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection
Q37889545Gut clock: implication of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal tract.
Q71455880H. pylori corpus gastritis--relation to acid output
Q43763669Haematological, blood gas and acid-base effects of central histamine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats
Q79632452Haemodynamic responses to the dynamic exercise in subjects exposed to different gravitational conditions
Q47742785Haemostatic factors and intraluminal thrombus thickness in abdominal aortic aneurysm. Is secondary fibrinolysis relevant?
Q92822570Hawthorn revisited: time- and dose-dependent cardioprotective action of WS-1442 special extract in the reperfusion-induced arrhythmia model in rats in vivo
Q28212149Healing of chronic gastric ulcers in diabetic rats treated with native aspirin, nitric oxide (NO)-derivative of aspirin and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor
Q53266871Health-related quality of life after the surgical treatment of obesity.
Q56927493Heart rate reduction with ivabradine in the early phase of atherosclerosis is protective in the endothelium of ApoE-deficient mice
Q28182406Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in gastric adaptation to aspirin in Helicobacter pylori infection
Q36954223Heat shock response in gastrointestinal tract
Q43857513Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in coronary artery disease: influence of H. pylori eradication on coronary artery lumen after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. The detection of H. pylori specific DNA in human coronary atheros
Q73894751Helicobacter pylori and gastric adaptation to repeated aspirin administration in humans
Q73894747Helicobacter pylori and impaired gastric secretory functions associated with duodenal ulcer and atrophic gastritis
Q42484294Helicobacter pylori and its eradication in rosacea
Q36619954Helicobacter pylori and its involvement in gastritis and peptic ulcer formation.
Q41687909Helicobacter pylori as a pathogen and carcinogen
Q33850563Helicobacter pylori associated gastric pathology
Q74080371Helicobacter pylori eradication and antral intestinal metaplasia--two years follow-up study
Q74080364Helicobacter pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer disease is cost-beneficial: a Belgian model
Q43476594Helicobacter pylori from duodenal ulcer patients expresses inducible nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in vivo and in vitro.
Q36619974Helicobacter pylori in liver diseases.
Q47677377Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity and its implications for gastric infection, periodontal health, immunology and dyspepsia.
Q71455923Helicobacter pylori infection after gastrectomy and vagotomy in duodenal ulcer patients
Q41087802Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric motor dysfunction.
Q73711334Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric pathology. Cracow, Poland, April 25-26, 1997. Abstracts
Q73894744Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric secretion in duodenal and gastric ulcer patients--the effect of eradication after one year
Q33850576Helicobacter pylori infection and skin diseases
Q36619969Helicobacter pylori infection in coronary artery disease
Q74080376Helicobacter pylori infection in early gastric adenocarcinoma: relationship between histologic subtypes and ulcer-formation
Q37614116Helicobacter pylori infection in gastric cancerogenesis.
Q36619964Helicobacter pylori infection in pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Q71455912Helicobacter pylori infection in the etiopathogenesis of duodenal ulcer in children
Q40255152Helicobacter pylori inhibits expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in human epithelial cell line. Importance of Cag A protein
Q43511568Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide activity in human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocyte cultures.
Q33850579Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide-mediated gastric and extragastric pathology.
Q42522199Helicobacter pylori stimulates gastric acid secretion via platelet activating factor.
Q41566654Helicobacter pylori toxin inhibits growth and proliferation of cultured gastric cells-Kato III.
Q73474059Helicobacter pylori, gastrin and cyclooxygenases in gastric cancer
Q36619947Helicobacter pylori: microbiology and interactions with gastrointestinal microflora
Q33152853Hemodynamic and neuroendocrine predictors of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) intolerance in healthy young men.
Q71532894Hemodynamic responses to brief hyperoxia in healthy and in mild hypertensive human subjects in rest and during dynamic exercise
Q53317294Hemoglobin - a novel ligand of hepatocyte ectopic F1-ATPase
Q90362140Heparanase link between vasculogenesis and angiogenesis as well as a predictive factor of a shorter survival rate
Q85195416Heparin inhibits protective effect of ischemic preconditioning in ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis
Q33378321Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in a patient with lung embolism and left-sided pneumonia: a case report.
Q48267175Hepatic and systemic effects of rosuvastatin on an experimental model of bile duct ligation in rats.
Q80512806Heterogeneity of antibody response to myobacterial antigens in different clinical manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis
Q52351616Hierarchies of healing in gut mucosal injury
Q91229051High activity of the endogenous opioid system and acute but not chronic stress influence experimental colitis development in mice
Q39787775High anti tumor activity against rhabdomyosarcoma cells and low normal cells cytotoxicity of heat shock protein 90 inhibitors, with special emphasis on 17-[2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethyl]-aminno-17-demethoxygeldanamycin
Q100736875High concentration of uric acid failed to affect endothelial function of small mesenteric arteries, femoral arteries and aortas from aged Wistar-Kyoto rats
Q79917738High content of MYHC II in vastus lateralis is accompanied by higher VO2/power output ratio during moderate intensity cycling performed both at low and at high pedalling rates
Q39735591High dietary fructose does not exacerbate the detrimental consequences of high fat diet on basilar artery function
Q43076891High hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol produces generalized convulsions and brain damage in rats. A counteraction with the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736).
Q48514933High levels of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1/sFlt1 and low levels of vascular endothelial growth factor in follicular fluid on the day of oocyte retrieval correlate with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrom regardless of the stim
Q71841347High renin arterial hypertension due to occlusion of the adrenal veins in the rat
Q44338621High voluntary alcohol consumption, in experimental liver cirrhosis is hardly responsive to opioid antagonist treatment.
Q47909420High-fat diet with stress impaired islets' insulin secretion by reducing plasma estradiol and pancreatic GLUT2 protein levels in rats' proestrus phase
Q38618584Hippo pathway - brief overview of its relevance in cancer
Q43850670Hippocampal vasopressin (AVP) dialysis and the conditioned eyelid reflex in rabbits
Q45069760Histamine H3 receptors modulate reactive hyperemia in rat gut.
Q34749501Histamine H3 receptors--general characterization and their function in the cardiovascular system
Q43763662Histamine in stress ulcer prophylaxis in rats.
Q72498439Histaminergic components in carbachol-induced pituitary-adrenocortical activity
Q34312410History and current status of Polish gastroenterological pathology.
Q53347781History of Polish gastrointestinal radiology.
Q34547010History of Polish gastrointestinal surgery.
Q53347793History traces of gastrointestinal motility in Poland.
Q42515612Homocysteine induces endothelial dysfunction via inhibition of arginine transport.
Q67877657Hormonal regulation of ovarian function in vivo and in vitro
Q74569061Hormonal responses to exercise in girls during sexual maturation
Q41583873Hormonal, secretory and morphological alterations in gastric mucosa in the course of Helicobacter pylori eradication in patients with duodenal ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsia
Q52294266Hospital staff and smoking habits: do we need modification of smoking behavior in Polish hospitals?
Q91229047Host nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor-2 defense system determines the outcome of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
Q79313813How accurate is spirometry at predicting restrictive pulmonary impairment in children with myasthenia gravis
Q30388035How to improve the safety of biologic therapy in Crohn's disease
Q39878709How to select study designs and parameters to investigate the effect of mouthrinses? Part I: rationale and background.
Q84074015How to select study designs and parameters to investigate the effect of mouthrinses? Part II: comparisons between the parameters used
Q39149828Human acclimation to work in warm and humid environments.
Q81179691Human cytomegalovirus DNA level in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Q42446062Human endothelial lecitin-like oxLDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) expression is not associated with impairment of endothelium-dependent vasoreactivity in conduit vessels
Q53575750Human muscle fatigue: the significance of muscle fibre type variability studied using a micro-dissection approach.
Q28287366Human opiorphin is a naturally occurring antidepressant acting selectively on enkephalin-dependent delta-opioid pathways
Q90594860Human skeletal muscle-derived stem/progenitor cells modified with connexin-43 prevent arrhythmia in rat post-infarction hearts and influence gene expression in the myocardium
Q83333986Human ventilatory efficiency and respiratory sinus arrhythmia during head-up tilt
Q81309689Humoral immune response against mycobacterial antigens in bronchoalveolar fluid from tuberculosis patients
Q79313764Humoral immune response against mycobacterial antigens in children with tuberculosis
Q102210486Hydrogen sulfide in the nucleus tractus solitarii regulates gastric acid secretion in rats
Q57144696Hydrogen sulfide modulates gastric acid secretion in rats via involvement of substance P and nuclear factor-κB signaling
Q53176756Hydrogen sulfide-induced colonic mucosal cytoprotection involves T-type calcium channel-dependent neuronal excitation in rats
Q91229024Hypercholesterolemia antagonized heart adaptation and functional remodeling of the mitochondria observed in acute diabetes mellitus subjected to ischemia/reperfusion injury
Q38195499Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for the neuronal system disorders
Q89492667Hyperoxia blunts renal sympathetic nerve activity response to acute intermittent hypercapnia in rats
Q48012508Hyperventilation assists proarrhythmia development during delayed repolarization in clofilium-treated, anaesthetized, mechanically ventilated rabbits
Q45196136Hypoglossal and phrenic nerve responses to changes in oxygen tension during picrotoxin-induced seizures in the rat.
Q90524642Hypoglycemic side effects of sulfonylureas and repaglinide in ageing patients - knowledge and self-management
Q73684918Hypotensive effect of angiotensin II after AT1-receptor blockade with losartan
Q48169169Hypotensive function of the brain angiotensin-(1-7) in Sprague Dawley and renin transgenic rats
Q85610410Hypotensive, vasorelaxant and cardiodepressant activities of the ethanol extract of Sideritis raeseri spp. raeseri Boiss & Heldr
Q45925500Hypotrophic effect of long-term neuronal NO-synthase inhibition on heart and conduit arteries of the Wistar rats.
Q34577513Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy
Q40459528Hypoxia-induced sickness behaviour.
Q47876606Hypoxic ventilatory profile in the anesthetized rat.
Q44730736IGF-1 stimulates production of interleukin-10 and inhibits development of caerulein-induced pancreatitis.
Q43197256IL-6 and IL-8 responses of colorectal cancer in vivo and in vitro cancer cells subjected to simvastatin.
Q50616415IL-6 deficiency increases fatty acid transporters and intramuscular lipid content in red but not white skeletal muscle.
Q42808800Ibuprofen administration during endurance training cancels running-distance-dependent adaptations of skeletal muscle in mice
Q46146839Identification of a presynaptic cannabinoid CB1 receptor in the guinea-pig atrium and sequencing of the guinea-pig CB1 receptor
Q89447123Identification of potential small-molecule protein-protein inhibitors of cancer metastasis by 3D epitope-based computational screening
Q48399234Imipramine and citalopram reverse corticosterone-induced alterations in the effects of the activation of 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors in rat frontal cortex.
Q28579632Imipramine counteracts corticosterone-induced alterations in the effects of the activation of 5-HT(7) receptors in rat hippocampus
Q54790070Immunoblot analysis of immune response to cell surface antigens of different Helicobacter pylori strains.
Q43094789Immunohistochemical comparison of differentiation markers on paraffin and plastic embedded human bone samples.
Q81185819Immunohistochemical expression of FGF-2, PDGF-A, VEGF and TGF beta RII in the pancreas in the course of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis
Q33850584Immunology of Helicobacter pylori infection
Q96591622Immunomodulation inhibits the development of endometriosis in rats
Q38220333Immunomodulatory and potential therapeutic role of mesenchymal stem cells in periodontitis
Q38803446Immunomodulatory effect of riboflavin deficiency and enrichment - reversible pathological response versus silencing of inflammatory activation
Q44302687Immunomodulatory effects of Lactobacillous plantarum and Helicobacter pylori CagA⁺ on the expression of selected superficial molecules on monocyte and lymphocyte and the synthesis of cytokines in whole blood culture.
Q86074203Impact of adenosine receptors on immunoglobulin production by human peripheral blood B lymphocytes
Q38307913Impact of ethanol on innate protection of gastric mucosal epithelial surfaces and the risk of injury
Q47383694Impact of excessive gestational weight gain in non-smoking mothers on body fatness in infancy and early childhood. Prospective prebirth cohort study in Cracow.
Q42476038Impact of matrix metalloproteinase-9 overexpression on synaptic excitatory transmission and its plasticity in rat CA3-CA1 hippocampal pathway
Q40309478Impact of obesity and nitric oxide synthase gene G894T polymorphism on essential hypertension
Q84144480Impaired angiogenesis in aging myocardial microvascular endothelial cells is associated with reduced importin alpha and decreased nuclear transport of HIF1 alpha: mechanistic implications
Q41026646Impaired effect of activation of rat hippocampal 5-HT7 receptors, induced by treatment with the 5-HT7 receptor antagonist SB 269970.
Q43100893Impaired gastric ulcer healing in diabetic mice: role of methylglyoxal.
Q39884693Impairment by allyl isothiocyanate of gastric epithelial wound repair through inhibition of ion transporters
Q44843516Importance of brain-gut axis in the gastroprotection induced by gastric and remote preconditioning.
Q30968736Importance of ghrelin in hypothalamus-pituitary axis on growth hormone release during normal pregnancy in the rat
Q33748426Importance of luminal and mucosal zinc in the mechanism of experimental gastric ulcer healing
Q51978103Improvement in the face/name association performance after three months of physical training in elderly women.
Q49906224In memoriam: Professor Andrzej Trzebski
Q74097812In situ measurement of nitric oxide, superoxide and peroxynitrite during endotoxemia
Q81309681In vitro angiomodulatory activity of sera from type 2 diabetic patients with background retinopathy
Q72777002In vitro culture of human peritoneal mesothelium for investigation of mesothelial dysfunction during peritoneal dialysis
Q73211000In vitro effect of glutathione precursors on cytotoxicity of amino acids to human mesothelial cells
Q45370845In vitro effect of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) ligands on prostaglandin E2 synthesis and secretion by porcine endometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy
Q42436887In vitro effects of genistein and daidzein on the activity of adrenocortical steroidogenic enzymes in mature female pigs
Q38312086In vitro effects of luteinizing hormone, progesterone and oestradiol-17β on leptin gene expression and leptin secretion by porcine luteal cells obtained in early pregnancy
Q52650402In vitro model of vasculo-angiogenesis: demonstration that bone marrow derived endothelial progenitor cells form new hybrid capillary blood vessels jointly with gastric endothelial cells
Q40679521In vitro studies of activation of phagocytic cells by bioactive peptides
Q83769563In vitro study on the effects of some selected agonists and antagonists of alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors on the contractility of the aneurysmally-changed aortic smooth muscle in humans
Q60176860In vitro testing the potential of a novel chimeric IgG variant for inhibiting collagen fibrils formation in recurrent hereditary gingival fibromatosis: chimeric antibody in a gingival model
Q48308096In vivo and in vitro effects of hyperglycemia on Na+ -K+, Ca+2, Mg+2-dependent ATPases activity in brain synaptosomes of aging rats.
Q95495596In vivo and in vitro studies on multidirectional mechanism of anti-allergic activity of budesonide
Q74097865In vivo effect of growth hormone on DNA synthesis and expression of milk protein genes in the rabbit mammary gland
Q38208234In vivo models for cancer stem cell research: a practical guide for frequently used animal models and available biomarkers
Q34578974In vivo visualization of epidermal growth factor receptor and survivin expression in porcine pancreas using endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle imaging with confocal laser-induced endomicroscopy
Q44501013Inactivation of mechano-sensitive dilatation upon repetitive mechanical stimulation of the musculo-vascular network in the rabbit
Q48691325Increase in cardiodepressant factor release from the posterior pituitary lobe after angiotensin II infusion into the internal carotid artery
Q51569300Increase in oxytocin and vasopressin concentration in the blood outflowing from sella turcica region after superior cervical ganglion stimulation in rat.
Q74590225Increase in vasopressin concentration and cardiodepressant activity in the blood dialysates after NMDA and hypertonic saline administration
Q48616040Increase in vasopressin release into the hypophysial portal blood after superior cervical ganglion stimulation in rat
Q48663640Increase of cardiodepressant activity in medium incubating the posterior pituitary lobe in situ during vagal nerve stimulation in rat.
Q40365517Increase of heat shock protein gene expression by melatonin in AR42J cells
Q30423459Increased aortic atherosclerotic plaque development in female apolipoprotein E-null mice is associated with elevated thromboxane A2 and decreased prostacyclin production.
Q40172767Increased circulating endocan in patients with cirrhosis: relation to bacterial infection and severity of disease
Q48215460Increased gene expression of catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes in adrenal glands contributes to high circulating catecholamines in pigs with tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
Q47836842Increased gene expression of selected vesicular and glial glutamate transporters in the frontal cortex in rats exposed to voluntary wheel running
Q51820047Increased levels of interleukin-12 and interleukin-18 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis.
Q40232532Increased number of endothelial progenitors in peripheral blood as a possible early marker of tumour growth in post-menopausal breast cancer patients
Q54149110Increased pneumotoxicity of lipopolysaccharide from E.coli in nitric oxide deficient blood-perfused rat lungs
Q43172521Increased pro-inflammatory activity and impairment of human monocyte differentiation induced by in vitro exposure to cigarette smoke.
Q79220796Increased reactive oxygen species contributes to kidney injury in mineralocorticoid hypertensive rats
Q86074210Increased serum osteoprotegerin in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency receiving conventional hydrocortisone substitution
Q46124462Indirect role of beta2-adrenergic receptors in the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of NSAIDS.
Q46879493Indomethacin-induced generation of reactive oxygen species leads to epithelial cell injury before the formation of intestinal lesions in mice
Q49635281Induced pluripotent stem cells in modeling and cell-based therapy of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Q46735860Induced sputum eosinophils, bronchial reactivity, and cough sensitivity in subjects with allergic rhinitis
Q83355415Induced sputum in patients with interstitial lung disease: a non-invasive surrogate for certain parameters in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Q51820035Induced sputum metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in relation to exhaled nitrogen oxide and sputum nitric oxides and other inflammatory cytokines in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q51138638Induction of autophagy in the porcine corpus luteum of pregnancy following anti-androgen treatment
Q42450454Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress impairs insulin-stimulated vasomotor relaxation in rat aortic rings: role of endothelin-1.
Q41593025Induction of ornithine decarboxylase in normal and protein kinase C--depleted human colon carcinoma cells
Q49965155Inflammation increases oxidative DNA damage repair and stimulates preneoplastic changes in colons of newborn rats
Q33977391Inflammatory bowel disease--Polish contribution.
Q35742446Inflammatory bowel diseases and brain-gut axis.
Q79313804Inflammatory markers in the exhaled breath condensate of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis
Q50598952Inflammatory response in visceral fat tissue and liver is prenatally programmed: experimental research
Q48366350Influence endothelin ETA receptor antagonist--BQ-123--on changes of endothelin-1 level in plasma of rats with acute vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage
Q46124444Influence of 5-aminoisoquinolin-1-one (5-AIQ) on neutrophil chemiluminescence in rats with transient and prolonged focal cerebral ischemia and after reperfusion
Q40214447Influence of N-acetylcysteine on ICAM-1 expression and IL-8 release from endothelial and epithelial cells
Q72498424Influence of SIN-1 and sodium nitroprusside (NANP) on ox-LDL metabolism in macrophages
Q34601108Influence of Viburnum opulus proanthocyanidins on stress-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damage.
Q73684896Influence of acute cerebellar lesions on somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in cats
Q73212068Influence of age on the immediate heart rate response to the active orthostatic test
Q47279114Influence of an early adrenergic blockade on thrombotic infarct size and myocardial metabolism
Q47332906Influence of an upright body position on the size of intrapulmonary blood shunts in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis
Q46294509Influence of body carbohydrate store modification on catecholamine and lactate responses to graded exercise in sedentary and physically active subjects
Q74569046Influence of cadmium intoxication on thromboresistance of vascular endothelium in rabbits
Q44843528Influence of central and peripheral administration of pancreatic polypeptide on gastric mucosa growth
Q46914702Influence of chest gamma-irradiation on cough response in awake guinea pigs.
Q44730743Influence of cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the central histaminergic stimulations of hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal axis
Q83118445Influence of extracellular pH on the modulatory effect of zinc ions on Kv1.3 potassium channels
Q45069738Influence of ferulic acid on circulatory prooxidant-antioxidant status during alcohol and PUFA induced toxicity.
Q53087589Influence of fundectomy and intraperitoneal or intragastric administration of apelin on apoptosis, mitosis, and DNA repair enzyme OGG1,2 expression in adult rats gastrointestinal tract and pancreas
Q53381047Influence of gastrin on the expression of cyclooxygenase-2, hepatocyte growth factor and apoptosis-related proteins in gastric epithelial cells.
Q53464804Influence of gelsolin deficiency on excitation contraction coupling in adult murine cardiomyocytes.
Q32872152Influence of ghrelin on gastric and duodenal growth and expression of digestive enzymes in young mature rats.
Q43864105Influence of hydration state on hormonal responses to exercise in dogs
Q92538228Influence of hypoxia prevailing in post-infarction heart on proangiogenic gene expression and biological features of human myoblast cells applied as a pro-regenerative therapeutic tool
Q80593651Influence of ischemic preconditioning on blood coagulation, fibrinolytic activity and pancreatic repair in the course of caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
Q78743107Influence of leptin administration on the course of acute ischemic pancreatitis
Q47644210Influence of mechanical hippotherapy on skin temperature responses in lower limbs in children with cerebral palsy
Q37062760Influence of melatonin and its precursor L-tryptophan on Th1 dependent contact hypersensitivity.
Q42807196Influence of melatonin on cell proliferation, antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes--an in vitro study.
Q48033298Influence of melatonin supplementation on serum antioxidative properties and impact of the quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients
Q34065777Influence of microinjections of D,L-homocysteic acid into the Botzinger complex area on the cough reflex in the cat
Q48268369Influence of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on the vasopressin-induced pituitary-adrenocortical activity and hypothalamic catecholamine levels
Q44949115Influence of nonselective ET(A)/ET(B) receptor blockade on renal function in conscious rats: effects of renal denervation
Q84361438Influence of nuclear factor-κB inhibition on endothelin-1 induced lung edema and oxidative stress in rats
Q28578904Influence of oleoyl-estrone treatment on circulating testosterone. Role of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoenzymes
Q67877647Influence of opioids on LH secretion in gilts during the estrous cycle
Q53113675Influence of physical activity on psychosomatic health in obese women
Q39879478Influence of pleural macrophages on proliferative activity and apoptosis regulating proteins of malignant cells
Q39876505Influence of potent and selective beta-adrenoceptor agonist, CL 316243, on the contractile response of non-pregnant human myometrium.
Q47373342Influence of premedication with alprazolam on the occurence of obstructive apneas. A prospective randomized double-blind study
Q49635248Influence of preterm delivery on ghrelin and obestatin concentrations in maternal plasm, milk and their expression in mammary epithelial cells
Q83118393Influence of renal denervation on renal effects of acute nitric oxide and ETA/ETB receptor inhibition in conscious normotensive rats
Q46121420Influence of selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 3 and 4 on cough and airway reactivity.
Q44268626Influence of several convulsants on the protective activity of a non-competitive AMPA/kainate antagonist, LY 300164, and lamotrigine against maximal electroshock in mice
Q52207939Influence of sodium nitroprusside "NO-donor" on psychotropic activity of angiotensin II
Q43172515Influence of stimulation of nasal afferents on expiration reflex evoked from vocal folds
Q48590272Influence of the "open field" exposure on calbindin D28K, calretinin, and parvalbumin containing cells in the rat midbrain - developmental study.
Q70802342Influence of the central histaminergic systems on the pituitary-adrenocortical response to met-enkephalinamide
Q43951715Influence of the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) on the brain-blood barrier permeability in cerebral ischemia in rats.
Q84074019Influence of the implant cervical topography on the crestal bone resorption and immediate implant survival
Q44326678Influence of the multidrug transporter inhibitors on the activity of Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channels
Q42759135Influence of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) agonist, rosiglitazone and antagonist, biphenol-A-diglicydyl ether (BADGE) on the course of inflammation in the experimental model of colitis in rats.
Q44171562Influence of the stimulation of carotid body chemoreceptors on the gastric mucosal blood flow in artificially ventilated and spontaneously breathing rats.
Q48030472Influence of the stimulation of central chemoreceptors on the gastric mucosal blood flow in artificially ventilated and spontaneously breathing rats
Q71699439Influence of thyroid hormones on exercise tolerance and lactate threshold in rats
Q34350127Influence of tianeptine on melatonin homeostasis and psychosomatic symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Q55055906Influence of tobacco smoke on the pharmacokinetics of citalopram and its enantiomers
Q48369476Influence of type of treatment for sleep apnea on activities of daily living in a sample of elderly patients with severe sleep apnea.
Q36337230Influence of vagal nerve stimulation on food intake and body weight--results of experimental studies
Q43172517Influence of xanthine derivatives on cough and airway reactivity in guinea pigs.
Q46802002Inhalation of tobramycin in patients with cystic fibrosis: comparison of two methods
Q37393642Inhaled insulin--does it become reality?
Q51569831Inhibition of Bach1 ameliorates indomethacin-induced intestinal injury in mice.
Q40042187Inhibition of Barret's adenocarcinoma cell growth by simvastatin: involvement of COX-2 and apoptosis-related proteins.
Q40294740Inhibition of NOS-2 induction in LPS-stimulated J774.2 cells by 1, 5-isoquinolinediol, an inhibitor of PARP.
Q50584874Inhibition of blood platelet adhesion by phenolics' rich fraction of Hippophae rhamnoides L. fruits
Q45378063Inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 2 by vaginal lactobacilli
Q46735818Inhibition of nuclear factor-kappaB attenuates artherosclerosis in apoE/LDLR - double knockout mice.
Q95409559Inhibition of phosphodiesterase 3B in insulin-secreting cells of normal and streptozocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats: implications for insulin secretion
Q46121407Inhibition of salivary amylase activity by cigarette smoke aldehydes
Q39631048Inhibition of the cardiac L-type calcium channel current by the TRPM8 agonist, (-)-menthol
Q28217593Inhibitors of cyclooxygenases: mechanisms, selectivity and uses
Q54149104Inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis and ischemia/reperfusion attenuate coronary vasodilator response to pinacidil in isolated rat heart
Q79220800Inhibitory effect of Ca(2+) on ATP-mediated stimulation of NPR-A-coupled guanylyl cyclase in renal glomeruli from spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats
Q96591624Inhibitory effect of alpha-lipoic acid on mitochondrial dysfunction and interleukin-8 expression in interleukin-1beta-stimulated ataxia teleangiectasia fibroblasts
Q79917744Inhibitory effect of antipsychotic drugs on the Con A- and LPS-induced proliferative activity of mouse splenocytes: a possible mechanism of action
Q90362129Inhibitory effect of octyl-phenol and bisphenol A on calcium signaling in cardiomyocyte differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells
Q92822558Inhibitory effects of herbal decoction Ojeoksan on proliferation and migration in vascular smooth muscle cells
Q72895295Inhibitory effects of indomethacin on growth and proliferation of gastric carcinoma cells KATO III
Q46623035Insulin acutely upregulates protein expression of the fatty acid transporter CD36 in human skeletal muscle in vivo.
Q36217352Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) mRNA levels and chicken muscle growth
Q48273968Insulin-like immunoreactivity (IRI) in the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system: effect of dehydration and haemorrhage
Q72282937Insulin-secretional effect of exogenic amino acids in rabbits
Q77346228Interaction between L-arginine: no system and cyclooxygenase metabolic products of arachidonic acid in coronary autoregulation
Q41026668Interaction between orexin A and cannabinoid system in the lateral hypothalamus of rats and effects of subchronic intraperitoneal administration of cannabinoid receptor inverse agonist on food intake and the nutritive utilization of protein
Q53165523Interaction between selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors and capsaicin-sensitive afferent sensory nerves in pathogenesis of stress-induced gastric lesions. Role of oxidative stress
Q28200641Interaction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) with Helicobacter pylori in the stomach of humans and experimental animals
Q80593655Interactions between leptin and exendin-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist, in the regulation of food intake in the rat
Q80171992Interference by leptin with Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide-induced cytosolic phospholipase A2 activation in gastric mucosal cells
Q51820041Interferon gamma production in the course of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Q49906124Interferon lambda 2 promotes mammary tumor metastasis via angiogenesis extension and stimulation of cancer cell migration
Q34168625Interleukin 1beta induces functional prostaglandin E synthase in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Q42759115Interleukin 1β-induced synthesis and secretion of prostaglandin E₂ in the porcine uterus during various periods of pregnancy and the estrous cycle
Q98296611Interleukin 25, thymic stromal lymphopoietin and house dust mites in pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
Q70779550Interleukin-1 and experimental gastric ulcer healing in the rat
Q90524580Interleukin-6 deficiency modifies the effect of high fat diet on myocardial expression of fatty acid transporters and myocardial lipids
Q42759111Intermingled modulatory and neurotoxic effects of thimerosal and mercuric ions on electrophysiological responses to GABA and NMDA in hippocampal neurons.
Q36123424Intermittent hypoxia: mechanisms of action and some applications to bronchial asthma treatment.
Q36619951Interplay between Helicobacter pylori and the immune system. Clinical implications.
Q79220842Interspecies differences in the force-frequency relationship of the medial gastrocnemius motor units
Q35742435Intervention of GI neuropeptides in pancreatic growth and regeneration: comparison with cholecystokinin.
Q39884690Intestinal MMC-related electric fields and pancreatic juice control the adhesion of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to the gut epithelium--in vitro study.
Q36217347Into the unknown--the death pathways in the neonatal gut epithelium.
Q43763678Intracellular reduced glutathione content in normal and type 2 diabetic erythrocytes: effect of insulin and (-)epicatechin
Q40437205Intracerebroventricular injection of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitors attenuates fever due to LPS in rats
Q40429543Intracerebroventricular injection of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitors does not influence febrile response in rats during turpentine abscess.
Q48199313Intracerebroventricular physostigmine enhances blood pressure and heat loss in running rats.
Q47935777Intraepidermal nerve fiber density in vulvar lichen sclerosus and normal vulvar tissues
Q35894455Intramolecular signaling in immunoglobulins -- new evidence emerging from the use of supramolecular protein ligands
Q54620734Intramyocardial protein therapy with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-165) induces functional angiogenesis in rat senescent myocardium
Q43473468Intraperitoneal zinc administration increases extracellular zinc in the rat prefrontal cortex
Q37406612Intrarenal vasodilator systems: NO, prostaglandins and bradykinin. An integrative approach
Q46801966Intratracheally administered corticosteroids improve lung function in meconium-instilled rabbits
Q43850682Investigating potential anxiolytic, antidepressant and memory enhancing activity of deprenyl
Q100380689Investigation of seminal plasma chitotriosidase-1 and leukocyte elastase as potential markers for 'silent' inflammation of the reproductive tract of the infertile male - a pilot study
Q34901993Investigations about N-aminopropyl transferases probably involved in biomineralization.
Q42506733Involvement of Helicobacter pylori infection in neuro-hormonal control of food intake.
Q38844546Involvement of P2 receptors in regulation of glomerular permeability to albumin by extracellular nucleotides of intra-/extra-glomerular origins
Q44843535Involvement of central and peripheral histamine H(3) receptors in the control of the vascular tone and oxygen uptake in the mesenteric circulation of the rat.
Q43850671Involvement of constitutive (COX-1) and inducible cyclooxygenase (COX-2) in the adrenergic-induced ACTH and corticosterone secretion
Q47349517Involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor and corticotropin-releasing factor 2 receptors in pathogenesis of ischemia/reperfusion-induced enteritis in rats
Q48460080Involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor receptors type 2, located in periaquaductal gray matter, in central and peripheral CRF-induced analgesic effect on somatic pain sensitivity in rats
Q51365705Involvement of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 products in acceleration of ulcer healing by gastrin and hepatocyte growth factor
Q43262159Involvement of cyclooxygenase 2 and prostagladin E(2) in the effects of insulin on gastric emptying in male rats
Q95564533Involvement of cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 activity in the therapeutic effect of ghrelin in the course of ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats
Q48629217Involvement of cyclooxygenase-1, prostaglandin E2 and EP1 receptors in acid-induced HCO3- secretion in stomach
Q31910653Involvement of cyclooxygenase-derived prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide in the protection of rat pancreas afforded by low dose of lipopolysaccharide
Q92335035Involvement of epithelial-mesenchymal transition-inducing transcription factors in the mechanism of Helicobacter pylori-induced fibroblasts activation
Q43763659Involvement of heat shock proteins in the healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers in rats
Q48173623Involvement of hindbrain and peripheral prostanoids in gastric motor and cardiovascular responses to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat
Q38637062Involvement of microRNAs in the inflammatory pathways of pulmonary sarcoidosis
Q48970637Involvement of nitric oxide in central histaminergic stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Q43130161Involvement of oxytocin in the nucleus tractus solitarii on central cardiovascular control: interactions with glutamate
Q40542233Involvement of platelet activating factor in immediate heart response to lipopolysaccharide.
Q44843493Involvement of proopiomenalocortin-derived peptides in endogenous central histamine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats.
Q46956573Involvement of prostaglandin E receptor EP3 subtype and prostacyclin IP receptor in decreased acid response in damaged stomach
Q44268623Involvement of prostaglandins in the nicotine-induced pituitary-adrenocortical response during social stress.
Q46977152Involvement of sensory afferent fibers and lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of stress-induced gastric mucosa damage.
Q44949108Involvement of some 5-HT receptors in methamphetamine-induced locomotor activity in mice.
Q47819268Involvement of the central noradrenergic system in cholinergic stimulation of the pituitary-adrenal response
Q45925481Involvement of the cholinergic system in the central histamine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats.
Q43130170Involvement of the histaminergic system in cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats.
Q52878724Involvement of the histaminergic system in the resuscitating effect of centrally acting leptin in haemorrhagic shock in rats
Q95432951Involvement of the monoaminergic system in the antidepressant-like activity of chromium chloride in the forced swim test
Q44843489Involvement of the renin-angiotensin system in endogenous central histamine-induced reversal of critical haemorrhagic hypotension in rats.
Q42523911Involvement of vagal nerves in the pancreatostimulatory effects of luminal melatonin, or its precursor L-tryptophan. Study in the rats.
Q44349540Involvement of vagal opioid receptors in respiratory effects of morphine in anaesthetized rats.
Q80512933Ion mobility spectrometry in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis: results of a feasibility study
Q45193771Ion transport in rabbit caecum at 12 and 36 months of age.
Q74080350Is Helicobacter pylori infection a risk or protective factor for mucosal lesions development in patients chronically treated with acetylsalicylic acid?
Q72282887Is bradykinin (BK) a physiological vasodilator in the gut?
Q26991672Is fatty liver always benign and should not consequently be treated?
Q43227236Is melatonin involved in the irritable bowel syndrome?
Q48416616Is torpor only an advantage? Effect of thermal environment on torpor use in the Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).
Q43100890Ischemic preconditioning attenuates gastric ischemia-reperfusion injury through involvement of glucocorticoids.
Q81630435Ischemic preconditioning of the hindlimb or kidney does not attenuate the severity of acute ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis in rats
Q79579130Ischemic preconditioning prevents endothelial dysfunction, P-selectin expression, and neutrophil adhesion by preventing endothelin and O2- generation in the post-ischemic guinea-pig heart
Q45122153Isolation and characterization of rat gastric microvascular endothelial cells as a model for studying gastric angiogenesis in vitro.
Q41730683Isolation of morphologically and functionally intact gastric mucosal microvessels rapid communication
Q46956549Isoprenoid depletion by statins antagonizes cytokine-induced down-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide expression and increases NO synthase activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Q31863679Isoprostanes in atherosclerosis
Q43262165Isoproterenol induces in vivo functional and metabolic abnormalities: similar to those found in the infarcted rat heart
Q84273798Journal of physiology and pharmacology. Preface
Q46487130Kaempferol, but not resveratrol inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme.
Q34550445Kinase expression and chromosomal rearrangements in papillary thyroid cancer tissues: investigations at the molecular and microscopic levels
Q50716727Kinetics of calcium ion concentration accompanying signal transduction in neutrophils from children with increased susceptibility to infections.
Q43172530Kinetics of calcium ion concentration accompanying transduction of signals into neutrophils from diabetic patients and its modification by insulin.
Q72895299Kinins and thrombolysis
Q51701600Knee motion analysis of the non-loaded and loaded knee: a re-look at rolling and sliding.
Q38818749Kynuramines induce overexpression of heat shock proteins in pancreatic cancer cells via 5-hydroxytryptamine and MT1/MT2 receptors
Q43850667Kynurenine and its metabolites in the rat with experimental renal insufficiency
Q91889641L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acids slow down dialysate-induced senescence in human peritoneal mesothelial cells
Q45069749L-carnitine protects gastric mucosa by decreasing ischemia-reperfusion induced lipid peroxidation.
Q73545379LH/hCG receptors in the porcine uterus--a new evidence of their presence in the cervix
Q39016193Labeled [³H]--thymidine incorporation in the DNA of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes due to MT₂- and not MT₃- melatonin receptor
Q52057847Labile products of vascular endothelium as mediators and modulators of the functions of the central nervous system.
Q45925493Lack of effect of naltrindole on the spinal synergism of morphine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
Q88699013Lactate in cardiogenic shock - current understanding and clinical implications
Q64449110Lactobacillus by-products inhibit the growth and virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Q50177258Lafutidine, a histamine H2 receptor antagonist with mucosal protective properties, attenuates 5-fluorouracil-induced intestinal mucositis in mice through activation of extrinsic primary afferent neurons
Q30351540Language and thinking: analysis of breathing-related phraseology.
Q39753431Large-conductance K+ channel openers induce death of human glioma cells.
Q71532927Laryngeal constriction produced by capsaicin in the cat
Q80512845Late consequences of respiratory system burns
Q28079600Latest aspects of aldosterone actions on the heart muscle
Q80512840Left ventricular dysfunction in patients with interstitial lung diseases referred for lung transplantation
Q79572664Leptin and age-related down-regulation of lipogenic enzymes genes expression in rat white adipose tissue
Q38314401Leptin and long form of leptin receptor genes expression in the hypothalamus and pituitary during the luteal phase and early pregnancy in pigs
Q37406602Leptin as a nutritional signal regulating appetite and reproductive processes in seasonally-breeding ruminants.
Q44949118Leptin decreases renal medullary Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase dependent mechanism
Q46878151Leptin does not seem to influence glucose uptake by bovine mammary explants
Q48306831Leptin effect on nitric oxide and GnRH-induced FSH secretion from ovine pituitary cells in vitro.
Q38297430Leptin gene and protein expression in the trophoblast and uterine tissues during early pregnancy and the oestrous cycle of pigs
Q46291279Leptin gene, leptin gene polymorphisms and body weight in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus type I.
Q46100118Leptin influences histidine dipeptides and nitric oxide release from anterior pituitary cells of sheep in vitro.
Q45193763Leptin is able to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion via activation of duodeno-pancreatic reflex and CCK release
Q40182486Leptin is the modulator of HSP60 gene expression in AR42J cells
Q46802011Leptin measurement in urine is a reliable method of monitoring its secretion in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Q38301492Leptin, gastrointestinal and stress hormones in response to exercise in fasted or fed subjects and before or after blood donation
Q78054666Leucocytosis, thrombocytosis, and plasma osmolality during rest and exercise: an hypothesis
Q43172528Leukotriene B4, 8-iso-prostaglandin F2 alpha, and pH in exhaled breath condensate from asymptomatic smokers.
Q85911512Leukotrienes biosynthesis in vascular surgery patients during perioperative period
Q45221801Leukotrienes in mucosal damage and protection
Q71532911Liberation of thyreotropin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the controllable and uncontrollable stress and after administration of naloxone in rats
Q80997240Light and scanning electron microscopy evaluation of the postnatal small intestinal mucosa development in pigs
Q43130143Light pulse induces ALA-S gene expression in the rat Harderian gland.
Q38265155Lipid peroxidation, reactive oxygen species and antioxidative factors in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal lesions and mechanism of protection against oxidative stress - induced gastric injury.
Q39440207Lipid rafts mediate epigallocatechin-3-gallate- and green tea extract-dependent viability of human colon adenocarcinoma COLO 205 cells; clusterin affects lipid rafts-associated signaling pathways
Q44730728Lipidomic processes in homeostatic and LPS-modified cell renewal cycle. Role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway in biomembrane synthesis and restitution of apical epithelial membrane.
Q52530743Lipopolysaccharide a virulence factor of Helicobacter pylori: effect of antiulcer agents
Q48267164Lipopolysaccharide changes sialylation pattern in the mouse central nervous system
Q44412918Lipopolysaccharide of Helicobacter pylori protects gastric mucosa via generation of nitric oxide
Q91229029Lipopolysaccharide-induced redistribution of myocardial connexin43 is associated with increased macrophage infiltration in both normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q100736874Lipoxin (LTX A4 5S, 6R, 15R) levels drastically decrease after 5 years of hemodialysis treatment
Q47742820Liver X receptor agonist T0901317 enhanced peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta expression and fatty acid oxidation in rat skeletal muscle
Q84074022Load transfer by fine threading the implant neck--a FEM study
Q91229043Local regulators of seasonal reproduction processes in uterus masculinus of an adult male European bison (Bison bonasus, Linnaeus 1758)
Q37998375Local retrograde and destination transfer of physiological regulators as an important regulatory system and its role. Facts and hypothesis.
Q36967696Localization and biological activities of melatonin in intact and diseased gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
Q90901195Localization dependent sensitivity of cerebral Na,K-ATPase to irradiation induced oxidative imbalance in rats
Q42624766Locomotor activity and behavior of mutant mice deleted for gastrin gene expression
Q82929751Long term evaluation of biomaterial application in surgical treatment of periodontosis
Q48233550Long-term effect of prazosin administration on blood pressure, heart and structure of coronary artery of young spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q80171975Long-term effects of early administered sildenafil and NO donor on the cardiovascular system of SHR
Q47923546Long-term feeding with bioactive tripeptides in aged hypertensive and normotensive rats: special focus on blood pressure and bradykinin-induced vascular reactivity
Q43850663Long-term intake of milk peptides attenuates development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q73474045Losartan inhibits the adhesion of rat platelets to fibrillar collagen--a potential role of nitric oxide and prostanoids
Q90362132Losartan metabolite EXP3174 reduces the weight of formed thrombus in 2K1C hypertensive rats
Q33224583Loss of interstitial cells of Cajal after pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) in gastrointestinal tract of the rats.
Q80512906Low amplitude daily changes in reflex ventilatory response to progressive isocapnic hypoxia
Q83187882Low concentrations of an nitric oxide-donor combined with a liposoluble antioxidant compound enhance protection against reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts
Q84268233Low dose pioglitazone does not affect bone formation and resorption markers or bone mineral density in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats
Q88699040Low placental visfatin expression is related to impaired glycaemic control and fetal macrosmia in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes
Q82555944Lumican inhibits B16F1 melanoma cell lung metastasis
Q35742425Luminal CCK and its neuronal action on exocrine pancreatic secretion
Q42443826Luminal hydrochloric acid stimulates rapid transepithelial ion fluxes in rodent esophageal stratified squamous epithelium
Q35742408Luminal sensing in the gut: an overview
Q36123420Lung function--clinical importance, problems, and new results.
Q48609058Lung protection in cardio-pulmonary bypass
Q79917733Lupin protein attenuates the development of hypertension and normalises the vascular function of NaCl-loaded Goto-Kakizaki rats
Q91332426Lycopene induces apoptosis by inhibiting nuclear translocation of β-catenin in gastric cancer cells
Q79623113Lymphocyte DNA damage in rats challenged with a single bout of strenuous exercise
Q54356201Macroautophagic process was differentially modulated by long-term moderate exercise in rat brain and peripheral tissues.
Q53480569Magnetic field anti-inflammatory effects in Crohn's disease depends upon viability and cytokine profile of the immune competent cells
Q84715707Magnetically induced vagus nerve stimulation and feeding behavior in rats
Q91889668Male reprotoxicity associated with Sophora japonica treatment: evaluation of cellular and molecular events in vitro
Q89492672Managing of ventricular reperfusion tachyarrhythmias - focus on a perfused myocardium
Q82929745Mandible, maxilla and cervical spine--a functional unit?
Q50944698Mantidis ootheca induces vascular relaxation through PI3K/AKT-mediated nitric oxide-cyclic GMP-protein kinase G signaling in endothelial cells
Q48408245Mask leakage in continuous positive airway pressure and C-Flex.
Q47388999Maternal allergy as a potential source of variability of exhaled nitric oxide in children non-sensitized to common domestic allergens
Q35246616Maternal behavior and neuroendocrine regulation of suckling-mediated anovulation in cows
Q51245048Maternal first trimester parameters in the prediction of excessive fetal growth in pregnant women with metabolic syndrome
Q47968814Maternal high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation had gender difference effect on adiponectin in rat offspring
Q90192334Maternal high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation provokes depressive-like behavior and influences the irisin/brain-derived neurotrophic factor axis and inflammatory factors in male and female offspring in rats
Q45035892Matrix metalloproteinase 9/neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinasess type 1 complexes are localized within cardiomyocytes and serve as a reservoir of active metalloproteinase in porcine female myocardium
Q46294541Matrix metaloproteinases activity during the evolution of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the immature rat. The effect of 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA).
Q44734101Measles virus-derived peptide/food antigen adducts facilitate the establishment of antigen specific oral tolerance
Q40069433Measurement of angiotensin metabolites in organ bath and cell culture experiments by liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization - mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS).
Q51773366Measurement of occlusal forces in the therapy of functional disorders with the use of botulinum toxin type A.
Q74569049Mechanism by which indomethacin delays the healing of acetic acid-induced ulcers in rats. Role of neutrophil antichemotactic and chemotactic activities
Q46735786Mechanism of acrolein-induced vascular toxicity.
Q54373538Mechanism of action of Trolox on duodenal contractility.
Q46880741Mechanism of inhibition of smooth muscle of guinea-pig taenia coli by chloramphenicol.
Q37125625Mechanisms for exercise training-induced increases in skeletal muscle blood flow capacity: differences with interval sprint training versus aerobic endurance training
Q88699093Mechanisms involved in the development of the small intestine mucosal layer in postnatal piglets
Q41691092Mechanisms of acute respiratory distress syndrome: role of surfactant changes and mechanical ventilation
Q40926523Mechanisms of catecholamine secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells.
Q51568914Mechanisms of circumduction and axial rotation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb.
Q42976850Mechanisms of hydrogen peroxide-induced vasoconstriction in the isolated perfused rat kidney.
Q37889551Mechanisms of immunological tolerance to the antigens of the central nervous system. Skin-induced tolerance as a new therapeutic concept
Q35038907Mechanisms of superoxide production in human blood vessels: relationship to endothelial dysfunction, clinical and genetic risk factors.
Q36716182Mechanisms of vascular dysfunction after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Q43428803Mechanisms of vasodilatatory effect of perivascular tissue of human internal thoracic artery
Q47389595Mechanisms of vasorelaxation induced by total flavonoids of Euphorbia humifusa in rat aorta
Q53258456Mechanisms promoting physiological cells progression into tumorigenesis
Q46801986Mechanisms underlying cigarette smoke-induced NF-kappaB activation in human lymphocytes: the role of reactive nitrogen species.
Q33893862Mechanisms underlying the regulation of motor unit contraction in the skeletal muscle.
Q73510353Mediation by nitric oxide of the carbachol-induced corticosterone secretion in rats
Q36084523Mediterranean food and health: building human evidence
Q46121415Medullary raphe midline is involved in production of expulsive expirations in anesthetized rabbits.
Q38725637Melanocortin-4 receptor agonist (RO27-3225) ameliorates soleus but not gastrocnemius atrophy in arthritic rats
Q48466027Melatonin affects the oxytocin and prolactin responses to stress in male rats
Q37859563Melatonin and aging: prospects for human treatment
Q37062756Melatonin and its influence on immune system.
Q46350653Melatonin and its precursor L-tryptophan prevent acute gastric mucosal damage induced by aspirin in humans
Q36954215Melatonin and its role in oxidative stress related diseases of oral cavity.
Q46883562Melatonin and omentin: influence factors in the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome?
Q37062750Melatonin and serotonin effects on gastrointestinal motility.
Q82596988Melatonin and succinate reduce rat liver mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes
Q37062746Melatonin as modulator of pancreatic enzyme secretion and pancreatoprotector.
Q46124451Melatonin decreases homocysteine level in blood of rats.
Q37062742Melatonin defeats neurally-derived free radicals and reduces the associated neuromorphological and neurobehavioral damage
Q92249543Melatonin from slow-release implants upregulates claudin-2 in the ovine choroid plexus
Q36711047Melatonin in gastroprotection against stress-induced acute gastric lesions and in healing of chronic gastric ulcers
Q36705942Melatonin in humans.
Q40309484Melatonin in the thyroid gland: regulation by thyroid-stimulating hormone and role in thyroglobulin gene expression
Q92335020Melatonin influences the expression and oligomerization of amylin in rat INS-1E cells
Q38752541Melatonin metabolite, N(1)-acetyl-N(1)-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), attenuates acute pancreatitis in the rat: in vivo and in vitro studies
Q44843532Melatonin precursor; L-tryptophan protects the pancreas from development of acute pancreatitis through the central site of action.
Q88699047Melatonin receptors subtypes (MT1 and MT2) in the uterus masculinus of mature male european bison. Biological and seasonal reproductive role
Q40042170Melatonin stimulates HSP27 phosphorylation in human pancreatic carcinoma cells (PANC-1).
Q49635271Melatonin, advanced oxidation protein products and total antioxidant capacity as seminal parameters of prooxidant-antioxidant balance and their connection with expression of metalloproteinases in context of male fertility
Q46704777Melatonin-induced glycosaminoglycans augmentation in myocardium remote to infarction
Q83751156Melatonin-induced protein synthesis in the rat parotid gland
Q48384271Membrane association of N-oleoyl-dopamine in rat brain
Q34350119Membrane estrogen receptors - is it an alternative way of estrogen action?
Q48384279Memory, depression, and progressing old age in women.
Q50760870Mesenteric artery reactivity and small intestine morphology in a chicken model of hypoxia-induced fetal growth restriction
Q73510344Metabolic alkalosis induced by pre-exercise ingestion of NaHCO3 does not modulate the slow component of VO2 kinetics in humans
Q46844462Metabolic and antioxidative changes in liver steatosis induced by high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet in rabbits
Q43076900Metabolic and hormonal responses to body carbohydrate store depletion followed by high or low carbohydrate meal in sedentary and physically active subjects.
Q35246627Metabolic and reproductive hormones during lactation and the post-weaning period in sows
Q51277344Metabolic effects of subchronic peripheral oxytocin administration in lean and obese zucker rats
Q82556027Metabolic mapping by enzyme histochemistry in living animals, tissues and cells
Q38245364Metabolic modulators of the exercise response: doping control analysis of an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (GW501516) and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR).
Q83149259Metabolic syndrome in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Does it have any impact on the course of pregnancy?
Q91889604Metabolomic study of altered energy metabolism during global forebrain ischemia and ischemic precoditioning in blood plasma in homocysteine treated rats
Q42976856Metformin-induced regulation of the intestinal D-glucose transporters.
Q36217338Methods for the detection of antioxidants which prevent age related diseases: a critical review with particular emphasis on human intervention studies.
Q43130152Mice lacking cannabinoid CB1-, CB2-receptors or both receptors show increased susceptibility to trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis
Q46844530Miconazole activity against Candida biofilms developed on acrylic discs.
Q90524548Microbial patterns in patients with histamine intolerance
Q36767704Microcirculatory and motor effects of endogenous nitric oxide in the rat gut.
Q89152448Microdomain elements of airway smooth muscle in calcium regulation and cell proliferation
Q51582395Microdose 14C-urea breath test in detection of Helicobacter pylori.
Q54509271Microvessel density and CpG island methylation of the THBS2 gene in malignant ovarian tumors.
Q79713057Microvessel density assessment in benign and malignant endometrial changes
Q90362148Microwave-assisted synthesis and characterization of novel chitosan-based biomaterials for pelvic organ prolapse treatment
Q44269550Misoprostol as agonist of IP2 receptor.
Q42808791Missorting of cathepsin B into the secretory compartment of CI-MPR/IGFII-deficient mice does not induce spontaneous trypsinogen activation but leads to enhanced trypsin activity during experimental pancreatitis--without affecting disease severity.
Q43481398Mitoxantrone ability to induce premature senescence in human dental pulp stem cells and human dermal fibroblasts
Q37677445Modeling the neurovascular niche: implications for recovery from CNS injury.
Q48648574Moderate exercise decreases nitric oxide exhalation in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
Q79632445Moderate exercise training reduces arterial chemoreceptor reflex drive in mild hypertension
Q42460668Moderate-intensity interval training increases serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor level and decreases inflammation in Parkinson's disease patients
Q34583396Modern methods of endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract
Q42628087Modulary effects of oxytocin and carbetocin on stress-induced changes in rat behavior in the open-field
Q39924883Modulation by testosterone of an endogenous hERG potassium channel current
Q46956570Modulation of CCK-8-evoked intracellular Ca2+ waves by hydrogen peroxide in mouse pancreatic acinar cells.
Q72776999Modulation of LDL catabolism by sodium nitroprusside and PGE2 in human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q91229031Modulation of anterior pituitary cell luteinizing hormone secretory activity by neuropeptide Y in early pregnant pigs
Q53709842Modulation of buccal mucosal calcium channel activity by salivary mucins
Q84715700Modulation of connexin-43 by omega-3 fatty acids in the aorta of old spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q33623010Modulation of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) signaling through receptor splicing in mouse pituitary cell line AtT-20--emerging role of soluble isoforms.
Q67807910Modulation of gastric mucosal calcium channels activity by platelet-derived growth factor
Q71841338Modulation of human sympathetic periodicity by mild, brief hypoxia and hypercapnia
Q39823275Modulation of inflammatory response by pentoxifylline is independent of heme oxygenase-1 pathway.
Q50917633Modulation of metabolic and cardiac dysfunctions by swimming in overweight rats on a high cholesterol and fructose diet: possible role of adiponectin
Q36709876Modulation of oxidative DNA damage repair by the diet, inflammation and neoplastic transformation
Q45193759Modulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion by melatonin and its precursor; L-tryptophan. Role of CCK and afferent nerves
Q104469319Modulation of sympathoadrenergic contractions by perivascular adipose tissue in mesenteric arteries of rats with different level of body adiposity
Q28322397Modulation of testicular functions by testicular opioid peptides
Q49906102Modulation of the endocannabinoid system by the fatty acid amide hydrolase, monoacylglycerol and diacylglycerol lipase inhibitors as an attractive target for secretory diarrhoea therapy
Q90594874Modulatory effect of concomitant administration of sitagliptin and vitamin E on inflammatory biomarkers in rats fed with high fat diet: role of adiponectin
Q39711921Modulatory effect of gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on angiogenesis in muscle and tendon healing.
Q46124446Modulatory effect of ghrelin in prepubertal porcine ovarian follicles
Q83355426Modulatory effect of sera from patients with various types of pulmonary fibrosis on mononuclear cell induced angiogenesis in relation to pulmonary function
Q80512936Modulatory effect of sera from sarcoidosis patients on mononuclear cell-induced angiogenesis
Q42493686Modulatory effects of steroid hormones, oxytocin, arachidonic acid, forskolin and cyclic AMP on the expression of aquaporin 1 and aquaporin 5 in the porcine uterus during placentation
Q48443176Modulatory role of substance P on gonadotropin and prolactin secretion in the rabbit
Q45417371Molecular alterations in fibroblasts exposed to Helicobacter pylori: a missing link in bacterial inflammation progressing into gastric carcinogenesis?
Q50562934Molecular background and physiological consequences of altered peripheral serotonin homeostasis in adult rats perinatally treated with tranylcypromine
Q28265225Molecular basis of chronic inflammation in lung diseases: new therapeutic approach
Q40294736Molecular characterization and intracellular regulation of the human serotonin transporter in Caco-2 cells.
Q36232662Molecular hydrogen affords neuroprotection in a translational piglet model of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Q34335351Molecular imaging of epidermal growth factor-receptor and survivin in vivo in porcine esophageal and gastric mucosae using probe-based confocal laser-induced endomicroscopy: proof of concept
Q40459520Molecular mechanism of emotional fever--the role of nitric oxide.
Q52507710Molecular mechanism of histamine release: the role of intermediate filaments and membrane skeletons.
Q53513381Molecular mechanism of programmed cell death in the gut epithelium of neonatal piglets.
Q46350639Molecular mechanism of protection against chemically and gamma-radiation induced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells
Q37406626Molecular targets of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): specificity and interaction with membrane lipid rafts
Q39753420Monocytes and vascular endothelial cells apoptosis. Role of p-HSP27.
Q34313317Morphine enhances nitric oxide release in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract via the micro(3) opiate receptor subtype: a hormonal role for endogenous morphine.
Q84073994Morphological evaluation of bone defect regeneration after treatment with two different forms of bone substitution materials on the basis of BONITmatrix
Q85231602Morphometric analysis of muscle fibre types in rat locomotor and postural skeletal muscles in different stages of chronic kidney disease
Q44495603Mouse mammary epithelial histamine system.
Q35894458Mouse models of experimental atherosclerosis.
Q72047351Mucosal adenosine deaminase activity and stump ulcer healing
Q41647995Mucosal chemokines in Helicobacter pylori infection
Q43784311Mucosal flora in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - an overview.
Q37730317Mucosal strengthening activity of central and peripheral melatonin in the mechanism of gastric defense
Q41647983Mucus and H. pylori
Q74080358Multicenter evaluation of dual-therapy (omeprazol and amoxycillin) for Helicobacter pylori-associated duodenal and gastric ulcer (two years of the observation)
Q42282292Multifactorial mediation of post norepinephrine induced intestinal hyperemia.
Q50917648Multiplexed immunoassays for simultaneous quantification of cardiovascular biomarkers in the model of H(G)-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME) hypertensive rat
Q42478442Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype 4 is essential for cholinergic stimulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion in mice - relationship to D cell/somatostatin
Q34980851Muscarinic receptor subtypes in the alimentary tract
Q42540973Muscle rigidity induced by fluphenazine in rats is antagonized by L-DOPA, an antiparkinsonian drug
Q44268614MyHC II content in the vastus lateralis m. quadricipitis femoris is positively correlated with the magnitude of the non-linear increase in the VO2 / power output relationship in humans
Q97432084Mydrane intracameral injection site can be an alternative to mydriatic drops instillation in cataract surgery
Q36435325Myocardial calcium compartmentation and contractile control
Q68272594Myocytes isolated from porcine coronary arteries: reduction of currents through L-type Ca-channels by verapamil-type Ca-antagonists
Q74590221Myoelectric bowel activity in ischemia/reperfusion damage. Role of sensory neurons
Q38150289Myogenic cells applications in regeneration of post-infarction cardiac tissue
Q88699087Myokine irisin-induced protection against oxidative stress in vitro. Involvement of heme oxygenase-1 and antioxidazing enzymes superoxide dismutase-2 and glutathione peroxidase
Q95353277Myosin heavy chain composition in the vastus lateralis muscle in relation to oxygen uptake and heart rate during cycling in humans
Q53596456N-acetylcysteine effectively diminished meconium-induced oxidative stress in adult rabbits
Q100380692N-acetylcysteine modulates effect of the iron isomaltoside on peritoneal mesothelial cells
Q46956547N-methylnicotinamide inhibits arterial thrombosis in hypertensive rats
Q42435380NADPH oxidase and uncoupled nitric oxide synthase are major sources of reactive oxygen species in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Potential implications for immune regulation in high oxidative stress conditions.
Q45196148NMDA glutamate receptor antagonism and the ventilatory response to hypoxia in the anesthetized rat.
Q28218145NO-releasing aspirin exerts stronger growth inhibitory effect on Barrett's adenocarcinoma cells than traditional aspirin
Q39999004Nanoparticle carbon black driven DNA damage induces growth arrest and AP-1 and NFkappaB DNA binding in lung epithelial A549 cell line.
Q34536883Napoleon Cybulski--Polish pioneer in developing of the device for measuring blood flow velocity
Q53204303Natural chemopreventive alternatives in oral cancer chemoprevention
Q44389567Negative chronotropic effect of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the cardiac pacemaker tissue
Q35766609Nerve growth factor injected into the gastric ulcer base incorporates into endothelial, neuronal, glial and epithelial cells: implications for angiogenesis, mucosal regeneration and ulcer healing.
Q89832442Nesfatin-1 protects from acute pancreatitis: role of melanocortin receptors
Q79572656Neural aspects of ghrelin-induced gastroprotection against mucosal injury induced by noxious agents
Q34490894Neural aspects of prostaglandin involvement in gastric mucosal defense
Q35742430Neural control of the release and action of secretin.
Q35742432Neurally-mediated and neurally-independent beneficial actions of melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract
Q34474700Neuro-hormonal control of food intake: basic mechanisms and clinical implications
Q51480690Neuroendocrine control of metabolic homeostasis in Polish centenarians.
Q37074888Neuroendocrine factors in salt appetite
Q33748422Neurogenic and myogenic resting skin blood flowmotion in subjects with masked hypertension.
Q44268617Neurokinin A and the neurohypophysial response to melatonin: in vitro studies.
Q36716171Neuropeptides in neurogenic disorders of the cardiovascular control.
Q95519435Neuroprotective effect of resveratrol against late cerebral ischemia reperfusion induced oxidative stress damage involves upregulation of osteopontin and inhibition of interleukin-1beta
Q46573058Neurotoxic action of 6-hydroxydopamine on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in rats sensitized with D-amphetamine
Q46735806Neurotransmitter mechanisms in the enhancement of the hypoxic ventilatory response by antecedent hyperoxia in the anesthetized rat.
Q67896982Neutrophils-induced increase of adenosine triphosphate depletion in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes with impaired energy metabolism
Q71699449New approach to 13C-urea breath test: capsule-based modification with low-dose of 13C-urea in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection
Q40790208New aspects of clinical pharmacology of antacids
Q38637057New aspects of pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation: remodelling of intercalated discs
Q38724531New cationically modified pullulan attenuates atherogenesis and influences lipid metabolism in apoE-knockout mice
Q46735838New developments in the treatment of COPD: comparing the effects of inhaled corticosteroids and N-acetylcysteine.
Q27010992New facts and the concept of physiological regulation of the dopaminergic system function and its disorders
Q46807990New galanin(1-15) analogues modified in positions 9, 10 and 11 act as galanin antagonists on glucose-induced insulin secretion.
Q91160303New insight into organic anion transporters from the perspective of potentially important interactions and drugs toxicity
Q42217275New insight into oseophageal injury and protection in physiologically relevant animal models
Q38700365New insight into the direct anti-inflammatory activity of a myokine irisin against proinflammatory activation of adipocytes. Implication for exercise in obesity
Q47876514New insights into physiology and pathophysiology by resistance-volume recordings
Q28071587New insights into tryptophan and its metabolites in the regulation of bone metabolism
Q48402488New pathways in animal reproductive physiology frontiers and perspectives
Q52650401New tregitopes inducing adaptive regulatory T cells in mice
Q44495590Nifedipine inhibits the hypoxia-induced decrease in plasma renin activity in conscious dogs.
Q33371479Nitric oxide (NO)-releasing aspirin and (NO) donors in protection of gastric mucosa against stress
Q42744351Nitric oxide (NO)-releasing aspirin exhibits a potent esophagoprotection in experimental model of acute reflux esophagitis. Role of nitric oxide and proinflammatory cytokines.
Q35991083Nitric oxide and prostaglandin systems in the stimulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by neurotransmitters and neurohormones
Q46623016Nitric oxide and prostaglandins in the clenbuterol-induced ACTH and corticosterone secretion
Q27863326Nitric oxide and superoxide in inflammation and immune regulation.
Q51595225Nitric oxide and the interrelation between intestinal motility and pancreatic secretion in fasted and fed dogs.
Q92249513Nitric oxide as a modulator in platelet- and endothelium-dependent antithrombotic effect of eplerenone in diabetic rats
Q35038901Nitric oxide as a unique signaling molecule in the vascular system: a historical overview
Q74097844Nitric oxide as mediator of bradykinin-induced pancreatic circulatory and metabolic responses
Q44495601Nitric oxide decreases renal medullary Na+, K+-ATPase activity through cyclic GMP-protein kinase G dependent mechanism.
Q34511722Nitric oxide effect on the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity.
Q46487135Nitric oxide in the adrenergic-and CRH-induced activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Q70779557Nitric oxide inhibits the myoelectric activity of the small intestine in dogs
Q44171556Nitric oxide interferes with salivary mucin synthesis: involvement of ERK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.
Q54196299Nitric oxide is involved in the mediation of gastric blood flow and tissue oxygenation
Q46735822Nitric oxide mediates the interleukin-1beta- and nicotine-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical response during social stress
Q73364042Nitric oxide release from normal and dysfunctional endothelium
Q44622994Nitric oxide synthase activity in blood vessels of spontaneously hypertensive rats: antioxidant protection by gamma-tocotrienol
Q44843486Nitric oxide synthase inhibition and elevated endothelin increase oxygen consumption but do not affect glucose and palmitate oxidation in the isolated rat heart
Q28373670Nitric oxide, superoxide radicals and mast cells in pathogenesis of indomethacin-induced small intestinal lesions in rats
Q39711932Nitric oxide-induced IL-8 expression is mediated by NF-kappaB and AP-1 in gastric epithelial AGS cells.
Q48605750Nitric oxide-mediated nonadrenergic noncholinergic relaxation of piglet pulmonary arteries decreases with postnatal age.
Q41691076Nitric oxide. A key mediator in sepsis and endotoxaemia?
Q49906181Nitroso-sulfide coupled signaling triggers specific vasoactive effects in the intrarenal arteries of patients with arterial hypertension
Q84268220Nitroxide pirolin reduces oxidative stress generated by doxorubicin and docetaxel in blood plasma of rats bearing mammary tumor
Q44269545No-dependent vasodilation induced by nebivolol in coronary circulation is not mediated by beta-adrenoceptors or by 5 HT1A-receptors.
Q51146878Nocturnal resveratrol administration inhibits chemically induced breast cancer formation in rats
Q50709015Nocturnal secretion of melatonin in patients with upper digestive tract disorders.
Q46632368Non A beta component of Alzheimer's disease amyloid and amyloid beta peptides evoked poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-dependent release of apoptosis-inducing factor from rat brain mitochondria
Q47716056Non-invasive measurement of circulation time using pulse oximetry during breath holding in chronic hypoxia
Q35990180Non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q47820667Non-invasive ventilation: comparison of effectiveness, safety, and management in acute heart failure syndromes and acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q57179238Non-ischemic heart preconditioning
Q31118206Non-linear relationship between oxygen uptake and power output in the Astrand nomogram-old data revisited.
Q89492678Non-responsiveness and tachyphylaxis to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment in naive patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration
Q40790205Non-ulcer dyspepsia and gastritis--clinical aspects
Q37277535Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding--guidelines on management
Q80512851Noninvasive ventilation during weaning
Q48479473Nonlinear dynamics of the cardiovascular parameters in sleep and sleep apnea. In memory of Alberto Malliani (1935-2006)--a brave heart and beautiful mind.
Q39140925Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) sparing effects of glucosamine hydrochloride through N-glycosylation inhibition; strategy to rescue stomach from NSAID damage
Q28182429Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs impair oral mucosal repair by eliciting disturbances in endothelin-converting enzyme-1 and constitutive nitric oxide synthase
Q48005025Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced failure of lower esophageal and pyloric sphincter and counteraction of sphincters failure with stable gatric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in rats
Q41082387Noradrenaline and ATP: cotransmitters and neuromodulators.
Q80512853Normocapnia following noninvasive ventilation in acute exacerbations and chronic state of obstructive pulmonary disease
Q37060150Novel approaches to enhance pulmonary delivery of proteins and peptides.
Q102210479Nuclear factor-κB - importance, induction of inflammation, and effects of pharmacological modulators in Crohn's disease
Q36084528Nutraceuticals as anti-angiogenic agents: hopes and reality
Q67877653Nutrition-endocrine interrelationships in the lactating and weaned sow
Q81365132Obestatin stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice enzymes through a vagal pathway in anaesthetized rats - preliminary results
Q48486596Obstructive sleep apnea and the quality of life.
Q48408212Obstructive sleep apnea in heart failure patients: evidence for persistent conduction disturbances or sinus node dysfunction.
Q48439477Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: the effect of diabetes and autonomic neuropathy
Q47716228Occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea in a group of shift worked police officers.
Q67802491Occurrence of ovulation after intracerebroventricular infusion of substance P in 6-OHDA pretreated female rats
Q39631043Oenothera paradoxa defatted seeds extract containing pentagalloylglucose and procyanidins potentiates the cytotoxicity of vincristine.
Q91160310Oligonol prevented the relapse of dextran sulfate sodium-ulcerative colitis through enhancing NRF2-mediated antioxidative defense mechanism
Q42759123Omega-3 fatty acids and atorvastatin suppress ventricular fibrillation inducibility in hypertriglyceridemic rat hearts: implication of intracellular coupling protein, connexin-43
Q92822553Omentin, vaspin and irisin in chronic liver diseases
Q33920018Omeprazole fails to suppress up-regulation of gastric mucosal endothelin-converting enzyme-1 by Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide.
Q84893210On the benefit of whey-cultured Lactobacillus casei in murine colitis
Q67863630On the metabolism of prostaglandin E1 administered intravenously to human volunteers
Q43763675On the role of serotonin2A/2C receptors in the sensitization to cocaine.
Q35742422On the tissue-specific processing of procholecystokinin in the brain and gut--a short review.
Q50468684One session of exercise or endurance training does not influence serum levels of irisin in rats
Q49635234One session of exercise regulates cathepsin B activity in the livers of trained and untrained rats
Q71455919One week treatment with omeprazole, clarithromycin and tinidazole or lansoprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole for cure of Helicobacter pylori infection in duodenal ulcer patients
Q30388196One-stage palate repair improves speech outcome and early maxillary growth in patients with cleft lip and palate.
Q90594877Ongoing pain in streptozotocin model of diabetes in the rat: correlation with cutaneous cheminociception
Q39753410Only live Helicobacter pylori is capable of caspase-3 dependent apoptosis induction in gastric mucosa epithelial cells
Q67877655Ontogeny of gonadotropin action in the rat ovary
Q43262155Ontogeny regulates creatine metabolism in rat small and large intestine.
Q48829979Open field stress and neurons containing calcium-binding proteins in the piriform cortex of the rat.
Q44332351Opioid agonist/antagonist effect of naloxone in modulating rabbit jejunum contractility in vitro.
Q45069745Opposite influence of MPEP, an mGluR5 antagonist, on the locomotor hyperactivity induced by PCP and amphetamine
Q41758649Oral Helicobacter pylori, its relationship to successful eradication of gastric H. pylori and saliva culture confirmation.
Q88699098Oral Lactobacilli and salivary acidic proline-rich proteins (APRP-1/2) in dental caries
Q46149230Oral N-acetylcysteine reverses hyperoxia-related cough suppression in guinea pigs.
Q71455865Oral cavity as permanent reservoir of Helicobacter pylori and potential source of reinfection
Q91229061Oral supplements of combined fructo- and xylo-oligosaccharides during perinatal period significantly offsets acrylamide-induced oxidative impairments and neurotoxicity in rats
Q47923562Orally administered angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitors captopril and isoleucine-proline-proline have distinct effects on local renin-angiotensin system and corticosterone synthesis in dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
Q38724534Orexin A modulates INS-1E cell proliferation and insulin secretion via extracellular signal-regulated kinase and transient receptor potential channels
Q52650405Orexin A modulates endocrine function and viability of porcine pancreatic islets
Q47821665Orexin A reverses propofol and thiopental induced cytoskeletal rearrangement in rat neurons.
Q54639041Origin of circulating acute phase cytokines: modified proteins may trigger IL-6 production by macrophages. Preliminary report.
Q43692271Ornithine decarboxylase in large bowel mucosa: regulation by gastrin, secretin and EGF
Q47876647Outcomes of CPAP treatment in a sleep laboratory specialized in neuropsychiatry.
Q36503107Outlined history of the development of the world and Polish cardiac surgery.
Q43100898Over-dose insulin and stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157. Attenuated gastric ulcers, seizures, brain lesions, hepatomegaly, fatty liver, breakdown of liver glycogen, profound hypoglycemia and calcification in rats.
Q43190609Overexpression of the fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene in inflammatory bowel disease
Q39134676Overview of the preclinical pharmacological properties of Nigella sativa (black seeds): a complementary drug with historical and clinical significance
Q28078730Overview of the role of vitamins and minerals on the kynurenine pathway in health and disease
Q89832435Oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in prediabetes and diabetes
Q46121439Oxidative stress markers in the blood of persons with different stages of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Q73210992Oxidized low density lipoprotein inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase, GTP cyclohydrolase I and transforming growth factor beta gene expression in rat macrophages
Q47993886Oxygen breathing and ventilation.
Q36715175Oxygen uptake kinetics: Why are they so slow? And what do they tell us?
Q71532908Oxytocin and prolactin release after hypertonic saline administration in melatonin-treated male Syrian hamsters
Q48712326Oxytocin in the cardiovascular responses to stress.
Q79579150Oxytocin release after bleeding in rat: the role of sympathetic and renin-angiotensin system
Q28581908Oxytocin release from the rat neurohypophysis into the blood: effects of tachykinin NK-1 and NK-2 receptors agonists and antagonists
Q28261060Ozonation of human blood increases sphingosine-1-phosphate in plasma
Q71455860PCR for identification and typing of Helicobacter pylori isolated from children
Q44887219PEPCK mRNA localization in proximal tubule and gene regulation during metabolic acidosis
Q80171978PPARalpha agonist induces the accumulation of ceramide in the heart of rats fed high-fat diet
Q53347790Pancreas; pancreatitis--Polish accomplishments.
Q30994954Pancreatic damage and regeneration in the course of ischemia-reperfusion induced pancreatitis in rats
Q78054655Pancreatic regeneration after chronic ethanol feeding in rats
Q54448318Pancreatic secretion differs according to the genotype of growing pigs.
Q89832446Pancreatitis-associated protein-1 suppresses apoptosis in cerulein-stimulated pancreatic acinar cells in response to nuclear factor-kappa B activation
Q33934164Paracetamol-inhibitable COX-2.
Q44269557Paradoxical augmentation of bradykinin-induced vasodilatation by xanthine/xanthine oxidase-derived free radicals in isolated guinea pig heart
Q54338206Paramount levels of ergothioneine transporter SLC22A4 mRNA in boar seminal vesicles and cross-species analysis of ergothioneine and glutathione in seminal plasma
Q40110900Parental attitudes and social competence in adolescents.
Q73684912Partial purification and identification of cardiodepressant factor from the posterior pituitary lobe in rats
Q43262154Participation of leukotriene C(4) in the regulation of suicidal erythrocyte death
Q100380688Participation of the intestinal microbiota in the mechanism of beneficial effect of treatment with synbiotic Syngut on experimental colitis under stress conditions
Q43227235Pasture-feeding of Charolais steers influences skeletal muscle metabolism and gene expression
Q36716175Pathophysiological mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias as a key for optimal nonpharmacological treatment.
Q40337108Pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of pain in most common locations in cancer patients
Q40780694Pathophysiology and pharmacology of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Q34743781Pathophysiology of ageing.
Q89152451Pathophysiology of drug-induce peripheral neuropathy in patients with multiple myeloma
Q82046551Pathophysiology of portal hypertension
Q40790201Pathophysiology of reflux oesophagitis and peptic ulcer
Q46878145Pathways of glomerular toxicity of cyclosporine-A: an "in vitro" study.
Q37060145Patient's adherence in asthma
Q46801981Patterns of intrathoracic gas volume and airway resistance in children with asthma.
Q38365357Peptidyl hormones of endocrine cells origin in the gut--their discovery and physiological relevance
Q90468592Performance evaluation of histone deacetylases in lungs of mice exposed to ovalbumin aerosols
Q84073978Perfusion culture promotes differentiation of oral keratinocytes in vitro
Q34288627Perifocal and remote blood-brain barrier disruption in cortical photothrombotic ischemic lesion and its modulation by the choice of anesthesia
Q44495597Peripheral distribution of kynurenine metabolites and activity of kynurenine pathway enzymes in renal failure.
Q51494629Peripheral mechanisms of intestinal dysmotility in rats with salsolinol induced experimental Parkinson's disease.
Q83118419Peripheral mechanisms of intestinal dysmotility in the morphine tolerant and dependent rats
Q37057074Perivascular adipose tissue as a messenger of the brain-vessel axis: role in vascular inflammation and dysfunction.
Q40105625Perivascular tissue mediated relaxation - a novel player in human vascular tone regulation
Q54043853Permissive effect of molsidomine towards cardioprotective action of iloprost in myocardial ischemia in cats
Q85911515Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor ligands affect progesterone and 17β-estradiol secretion by porcine corpus luteum during early pregnancy
Q45860748Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha activation induces unfavourable changes in fatty acid composition of myocardial phospholipids.
Q46255673Perpetuation of misinterpretations due to lack of methodical insight. A critical re-evaluation of the determination of 45Ca release from intact guinea-pig atria
Q40872110Perspectives of anti-H. pylori vaccination
Q58567188Pharmacogenetic considerations of anticoagulant medication
Q100380686Pharmacological agents and natural compounds: available treatments for osteoporosis
Q57118426Pharmacological and dietary factors in prevention of colorectal cancer
Q26782680Pharmacological caspase inhibitors: research towards therapeutic perspectives
Q38783473Pharmacological characterization of lipidized analogs of prolactin-releasing peptide with a modified C- terminal aromatic ring
Q64983337Pharmacological doses of melatonin reduce the glycosaminoglycan level within the infarcted heart scar
Q46623046Pharmacological impact on loop gain properties to prevent irregular breathing
Q43130165Pharmacological inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis: effects on the heart conductance
Q43852152Pharmacological regulation of gastric acid secretion in the apical membrane of parietal cells; a new target for antisecretory drugs
Q34536890Pharmacology at the Jagiellonian University in Kracow, short review of contribution to global science and cardiovascular research through 400 years of history
Q71671517Pharmacology of histamine liberation. Cationic amphiphilic drugs and mast cells
Q102210485Phase angle and vector analysis from multifrequency segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis: new reference data for older adults
Q70802338Pheochromocytoma--the catecholamine dependent hypertension
Q71532935Phosphate supplementation prevents a decrease of triiodothyronine and increases resting metabolic rate during low energy diet
Q37132525Phosphodiesterase 3A expression is modulated by nitric oxide in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells
Q42470218Phosphodiesterase isozymes involved in regulating acid secretion in the isolated mouse stomach
Q71532939Phospholipase D mediated transphospatidylation as a possible new pathway of ethanol metabolism in isolated rat pancreatic acini
Q46807998Phosphorylation potential in the dominant leg is lower, and [ADPfree] is higher in calf muscles at rest in endurance athletes than in sprinters and in untrained subjects
Q38015294Photodynamic therapy in melanoma--an update
Q34957380Phototherapy with low-level laser influences the proliferation of endothelial cells and vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta secretion
Q46623048Phrenic nerve activity is enhanced by 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT in spontaneously breathing anesthetized rats.
Q41691095Physiologic, metabolic and mediator responses in posttrauma ARDS and sepsis: is oxygen debt a critical initiating factor?
Q36217342Physiological ageing: role of p53 and PARP-1 tumor suppressors in the regulation of terminal senescence.
Q44495616Physiological and chemical characteristics of antibacterial activity of pancreatic juice.
Q38409665Physiological and environmental factors associated with central fat distribution in pubertal girls.
Q43227237Physiological and morphological effects of long-term vagal stimulation in diet induced obesity in rats.
Q36705938Physiological and pathological consequences of identification of very small embryonic like (VSEL) stem cells in adult bone marrow.
Q34308414Physiological background of the change point in VO2 and the slow component of oxygen uptake kinetics.
Q46293326Physiological functions of the human finger
Q37277526Physiological mediators in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced impairment of gastric mucosal defense and adaptation. Focus on nitric oxide and lipoxins
Q41429074Physiological, immunohistochemical and molecular aspects of gastric adaptation to stress, aspirin and to H. pylori-derived gastrotoxins.
Q37273072Physiology and pathophysiology of liver inflammation, damage and repair
Q48025879Pituitary galaninergic system activity in female rats: the regulatory role of gonadal steroids
Q43825065Placental leptin and its receptor genes expression in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes
Q85231606Placental vascular endothelial growth factor expression in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes
Q44495605Plasma adrenomedullin response to maximal exercise in healthy subjects.
Q102210491Plasma fibrin clots of pulmonary embolism patients present increased amounts of factor XIII and alpha2-antiplasmin at 3 months' anticoagulation since the acute phase
Q51301244Plasma ghrelin and interleukin-6 levels correlate with body mass index and arterial blood pressure in males with essential hypertension
Q86087796Plasma histamine and tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis at various stages of disease
Q36709883Plasma proteome analysis: 2D gels and chips.
Q45196138Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 controls the process of the in vitro sprout formation.
Q67823124Platelet activating factor (PAF) inhibitor (TCV-309) reduces caerulein- and PAF-induced pancreatitis. A morphologic and functional study in the rat
Q44843503Platelet-activating factor mediates Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide interference with salivary mucin synthesis via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent constitutive nitric-oxide synthase activation.
Q41082404Platelets in fibrinolytic system.
Q46121428Pleural fluid adenosine deaminase and interferon gamma as diagnostic tools in tuberculosis pleurisy
Q46802010Pleuritis as the first symptom of pulmonary embolism: a case report.
Q74097817Pneumotoxicity of lipopolysaccharide in nitric oxide-deficient rats is limited by a thromboxane synthase inhibitor
Q34536877Polish thread in the history of circulatory physiology.
Q44171591Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in the cat carotid body in hypoxia and hyperoxia
Q46735855Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 is a novel nuclear target for cholinergic receptor signaling in the hippocampus.
Q79181236Poly-C specific ribonuclease activity correlates with increased concentrations of IL-6, IL-8 and sTNFR55/sTNFR75 in plasma of patients with acute pancreatitis
Q34398970Polyamines and cell migration.
Q39804524Polyviewed expression of the altered contractility of the guinea-pig ileum after ischemia in situ and superfusion in vitro.
Q46638057Popular species of edible mushrooms as a good source of zinc to be released to artificial digestive juices
Q40389790Position of STAT-1 alpha in cycloheximide-dependent apoptosis triggered by TNF-alpha in human colorectal COLO 205 cancer cell line; role of polyphenolic compounds.
Q33819642Positive and negative outcomes of L-arginine therapy in cardiovascular diseases.
Q46802024Positron emission tomography findings in obstructive sleep apnea patients with residual sleepiness treated with continuous positive airway pressure.
Q89492674Possible role of garlic oil in ameliorating renal injury after liver ischemia/reperfusion in rats
Q34501279Postnatal administration of 2-oxoglutaric acid improves articular and growth plate cartilages and bone tissue morphology in pigs prenatally treated with dexamethasone.
Q82046534Postprandial response of ghrelin and PYY and indices of low-grade chronic inflammation in lean young women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Q51904819Postural changes associated with public speech tests lead to mild and selective activation of stress hormone release.
Q102210493Potassium-dependent sodium/calcium exchanger 3 (Nckx3) depletion leads to abnormal motor function and social behavior in mice
Q39451302Potential anti-inflammatory effects of 5-lipoxygenase inhibition--exemplified by the leukotriene synthesis inhibitor BAY X 1005
Q48648560Potential confounding factors in measurement of exhaled nitric oxide.
Q79220792Potential involvement of a propranolol-insensitive atypical beta-adrenoceptor the vasodilator effect of cyanopindolol in the human pulmonary artery
Q81596157Potential parapharmaceuticals in the traditional Polish diet
Q77468470Pre-exercise acidification induced by ingestion of NH4Cl increases the magnitude of the slow component of VO2 kinetics in humans
Q90192338Predictability of the duration of motor blockade induced by unique injection of intrathecal prilocaine - an observational study
Q47820742Prefrontal control of respiration
Q36715148Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) as pregnancy markers in the ruminants
Q50666523Prenatal exposure to hyperoxia modifies the thromboxane prostanoid receptor-mediated response to H2O2 in the ductus arteriosus of the chicken embryo
Q95488118Pretreatment with low doses of acenocoumarol inhibits the development of acute ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis
Q43262161Pretreatment with obestatin inhibits the development of cerulein-induced pancreatitis
Q84073969Prevalence and characterization of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and colonization in dentists
Q39873992Prevalence and correlates of allergic diseases among children
Q71455906Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in children dependently on age and living conditions
Q88699054Prevalence of anemia in relation to socio-economic factors in elderly Polish population: the results of PolSenior study
Q46129807Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in health care workers in Poland assessed by interferon-gamma whole blood and tuberculin skin tests.
Q43997016Prevalence of sleep apnea syndrome in hemodialyzed patients with end-stage renal disease
Q34298949Prevention and treatment of ulcers induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: an update
Q42976861Prevention by lansoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor, of indomethacin -induced small intestinal ulceration in rats through induction of heme oxygenase-1.
Q83149264Prevention of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat ovarian tissue with the on-off method
Q40659315Preventive effects of procyanidin A2 on glucose homeostasis, pancreatic and duodenal homebox 1, and glucose transporter 2 gene expression disturbance induced by bisphenol A in male mice
Q50917656Pro-resolution, protective and anti-nociceptive effects of a cannabis extract in the rat gastrointestinal tract
Q30318734Probiotic bacteria Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 attenuates acute gastric lesions induced by stress.
Q51820022Procalcitonin as an indicator of systemic response to infection in active pulmonary Wegener's granulomacytosis
Q81139165Proceedings of the International Conference: Advances in Pneumology, 10-12 May 2007, Wuppertal, Germany
Q84075673Proceedings of the The International Symposium of Young Scientists "Human and Animal Development: Regulatory Mechanisms", September 9-10, 2008, Lublin, Poland, a satellite to the XXIV Congress of the Polish Physiological Society
Q40182163Production of prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2 in resting and IL-1beta-stimulated A549, HUVEC and hybrid EA.HY 926 cells
Q44802203Professional burnout and stress among Polish physicians explained by the Hobfoll resources theory.
Q30403853Professor Jerzy Kaulbersz, pioneer of Polish gastroenterology
Q37859564Professor Ludwik Rydygier father and legend of Polish surgery
Q104469315Prognostic and predictive roles of DNA mismatch repair status in colon cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy: a retrospective study
Q47716241Prognostic risk factors in patients with interstitial lung disease referred for lung transplantation
Q90192318Prognostic usefulness of serum myostatin in advanced chronic liver disease: its relation to gender and correlation with inflammatory status
Q73894755Proinflammatory cytokines and Helicobacter pylori stimulate CC-chemokine expression in gastric epithelial cells
Q46672933Proinflammatory genes expression in granulocytes activated by native proteinase-binding fragments of anti-proteinase 3 IgG.
Q38064984Prolactin--not only lactotrophin. A "new" view of the "old" hormone
Q53258451Proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of choline deficient ethionine supplemented diet-rat oval cells under the influence of 2-methoxyestradiol
Q79623062Proliferative processes within the equine corpus luteum may depend on paracrine progesterone actions
Q43197257Prominent role of liver in elevated plasma palmitoleate levels in response to rosiglitazone in mice fed high-fat diet.
Q51364421Pronociceptive effects induced by cutaneous application of a transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel agonist methylglyoxal in diabetic animals: comparison with tunicamycin-induced endoplastic reticulum stress
Q47793251Proopiomelanocortin but not vasopressin or renin-angiotensin system induces resuscitative effects of central 5-HT1A activation in haemorrhagic shock in rats
Q78054660Properties of ventricular myocytes isolated from the hypertrophied and failing hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q48018760Prophylactic effect of egualen sodium, a stable azulene derivative, on gastrointestinal damage induced by ischemia/reperfusion, double antiplatelet therapy and loxoprofen in rats
Q46956564Prophylactic potential of montelukast against mild colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium in rats
Q45925484Propionate reduces the cytokine-induced VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 expression by inhibiting nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) activation.
Q48275255Propofol alters vesicular transport in rat cortical neuronal cultures.
Q43197269Propofol protects rat astroglial cells against tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cytotoxicity; the effect on histone and cAMP-response-element-binding protein (CREB) signalling
Q44066066Propranolol modifies platelet serotonergic mechanisms in rats.
Q40384424Prostaglandin D2 produced by hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase contributes to LPS-induced fever.
Q78054632Prostaglandin E receptor subtypes involved in stimulation of gastroduodenal bicarbonate secretion in rats and mice
Q39851964Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) synthesis is regulated by conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in human macrophages
Q40679474Prostaglandins and arterial wall lipid metabolism--in vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo radioisotopic studies
Q35742440Prostaglandins and brain-gut axis.
Q46294518Prostaglandins and interleukin-1beta in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to systemic phenylephrine under basal and stress conditions
Q36296001Prostaglandins and ulcer healing
Q36296003Prostaglandins as mediators of COX-2 derived carcinogenesis in gastrointestinal tract
Q36715164Protecting the cellular energy state during contractions: role of AMP deaminase
Q79713072Protective and therapeutic effect of heparin in acute pancreatitis
Q74097851Protective effect of calcitonin gene-related peptide against caerulein-induced pancreatitis in rats
Q85195431Protective effect of grape seed and skin extract on garlic-induced erythrocyte oxidative stress
Q83400595Protective effect of oral Lactobacilli in pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis
Q46956545Protective effects of early treatment with lipoic acid in LPS-induced lung injury in rats.
Q40564018Protective effects of melatonin against thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats.
Q90901190Protective effects of vortioxetine in predator scent stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder in rats: role on neuroplasticity and apoptosis
Q80593659Protective influence of melatonin against acute esophageal lesions involves prostaglandins, nitric oxide and sensory nerves
Q54055144Protective role of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in lipopolysaccharide--induced pancreatic damage (a new experimental model of acute pancreatitis).
Q43262152Protein kinase C mediated high glucose effect on adenosine receptors expression in rat B lymphocytes
Q51103105Proteome of spleen CD4 lymphocytes in mouse preimplantation pregnancy
Q82792058Provocation of aspiration reflexes and their effects on the pattern of cough and reflex apnea in cats
Q79313758Psychological influence on the psychical state of hemodialysis patients
Q46573049Psychosocial stress affects the involvement of prostaglandins and nitric oxide in the lipopolysaccharide-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response.
Q48486570Psychotherapy of the unemployed: determinants of efficacy
Q45943894Pterostilbene induces accumulation of autophagic vacuoles followed by cell death in HL60 human leukemia cells.
Q41154820Puerperal influence of bovine uterine health status on the mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory factors.
Q47716203Pulmonary function between 40 and 80 years of age.
Q46013799Pulmonary hypertension modifies responsiveness of sinoatrial cells of rat hearts to adrenomimetics and activators of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in a gender-dependent way.
Q82792072Pulmonary surfactant: ultrastructural features and putative mechanisms of aging
Q85195437Pulsating electromagnetic field stimulation of urothelial cells induces apoptosis and diminishes necrosis: new insight to magnetic therapy in urology
Q39708344Pulsating electromagnetic field stimulation prevents cell death of puromycin treated U937 cell line.
Q39232541Pulsed electromagnetic field affects intrinsic and endoplasmatic reticulum apoptosis induction pathways in MonoMac6 cell line culture.
Q37406615Purinergic regulation of glomerular microvasculature and tubular function
Q50955714Quality of life during one-year observation of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis awaiting lung transplantation
Q50798446Quality of life of patients after laryngectomy.
Q50798452Quality of life of patients with diseases of sinuses.
Q49635242Quantification of selected elements in ovarian tumours and their potentials as a tissue classifier
Q83118414Quantitative characteristics of somatostatin-like cells in the stomach of uraemic rats
Q84254485Quantitative distribution and localization of calcitonin gene-related peptide-like cells in the stomach of two kidney, one clip rats
Q53576985Quantitative study of soybean-induced changes in proliferation and programmed cell death in the intestinal mucosa of young rats.
Q102210483Quercetin attenuates naso-sinusal inflammation and inflammatory response in lungs and brain on an experimental model of acute rhinosinusitis in rats
Q95495552Quercetin in association with moderate exercise training attenuates injuries induced by experimental diabetes in sciatic nerves
Q46350632RAS inhibitors decrease apoptosis of acinar cells and increase elimination of pancreatic stellate cells after in the course of experimental chronic pancreatitis induced by dibutyltin dichloride
Q41687921Ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin for the eradication of H. pylori
Q91332429Rapid blood pressure increase after renal denervation in anaesthetized rats: interaction of oxidative stress and neuronal nitric oxide synthase
Q37425481Reactive modifications of the autonomous time structure in the human organism
Q39816494Reactivity of chicken chorioallantoic arteries, avian homologue of human fetoplacental arteries
Q70802348Reactivity of isolated human right atria to norepinephrine in various disease states
Q39338823Rebamipide attenuates nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) induced lipid peroxidation by the manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) overexpression in gastrointestinal epithelial cells.
Q57144704Recent advances in the role of AMP-activated protein kinase in metabolic reprogramming of metastatic cancer cells: targeting cellular bioenergetics and biosynthetic pathways for anti-tumor treatment
Q37972047Recent advances in understanding the relationship between adenosine metabolism and the function of T and B lymphocytes in diabetes
Q51850648Recognition of gait disturbances in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus using a computer dynography system
Q48724604Recurrence of arterio-venous malformations with life-threatening complications in a pregnant woman with hereditary teleangiectasia
Q39823268Reduced ghrelin in endothelial cells plays important mechanistic role in aging-related impairment of angiogenesis.
Q42482111Reduced mechanosensitivity of duodenal vagal afferent neurons after an acute switch from milk-based to plant-based diets in anaesthetized pigs
Q72090536Reducing effect of atrial natriuretic factor on Na, K-ATPase activity in rat kidney
Q44171559Reduction of rise in blood pressure and cortisol release during stress by Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) in healthy volunteers.
Q35988579Reefs in experimental gastroenterology--cyclic activities of the gastrointestinal tract.
Q47876534Reflex respiratory responses to progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia and normocapnic hypoxia in normocapnic and hypercapnic obstructive sleep apnea patients
Q68002464Regional heterogeneity of myocardial blood flow within the rabbit left ventricle during haemorrhagic hypotension
Q43190603Regional hypoxia correlates with the uptake of a radiolabeled targeted marker of angiogenesis in rat model of myocardial hypertrophy and ischemic injury.
Q89492669Regular cold water swimming during winter time affects resting hematological parameters and serum erythropoietin
Q53623631Regular exercise alleviates renovascular hypertension-induced cardiac/endothelial dysfunction and oxidative injury in rats
Q26865898Regulation and molecular mechanisms of calcium transport genes: do they play a role in calcium transport in the uterine endometrium?
Q37405814Regulation by exercise of skeletal muscle content of mitochondria and GLUT4.
Q67877649Regulation of bovine intra-luteal function by peptide hormones
Q42506940Regulation of cGMP synthesis in cultured podocytes by vasoactive hormones.
Q34147957Regulation of cyclooxygenase isoforms in the renal thick ascending limb: effects of extracellular calcium.
Q44730720Regulation of expression of stromyelysin-1 by proinflammatory cytokines in mouse brain astrocytes.
Q40512320Regulation of feeding behavior, with special reference to histamine.
Q71636349Regulation of gastric mucosal calcium channel activity by an antiulcer agent, ebrotidine
Q35742437Regulation of gastrointestinal mucosal growth during aging
Q74097825Regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and GTP cyclohydrolase I (GTP-CH I) gene expression by ox-LDL in rat vascular smooth muscle cells
Q37406608Regulation of progesterone synthesis and action in bovine corpus luteum.
Q67877650Regulation of steroidogenesis in the bovine placenta
Q91160316Regulation of steroidogenic function of mouse Leydig cells: G-coupled membrane estrogen receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor partnership
Q36414995Regulation of the expression of cyclooxygenases and production of prostaglandin I₂ and E₂ in human coronary artery endothelial cells by curcumin
Q92580717Regulatory effect of dexamethasone on tracheal calcium processing proteins and mucosal secretion
Q53701290Relamorelin and other ghrelin receptor agonists - future options for gastroparesis, functional dyspepsia and proton pump inhibitors-resistant non-erosive reflux disease
Q73803906Relation between expression of TNF alpha, iNOS, VEGF mRNA and development of heart failure after experimental myocardial infarction in rats
Q43197258Relation of adrenergic receptors, which have roles in gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect of adrenal gland hormones, with cyclooxygenase enzyme levels in rats
Q41425580Relations between Fc epsilon RI crosslinking-induced mast cell activation and adhesion to fibronectin.
Q90283129Relations between markers of cardiac remodelling and left ventricular collagen in an isoproterenol-induced heart damage model
Q77468465Relationship between EMG blood lactate, and plasma catecholamine thresholds during graded exercise in men
Q39787786Relationship between Vac A toxin and ammonia in Helicobacter pylori-induced apoptosis in human gastric epithelial cells.
Q43172523Relationship between airway wall thickness assessed by high-resolution computed tomography and lung function in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Q73894759Relationship between antibody to cytotoxin and Helicobacter pylori infection
Q51820087Relationship between nutritional status and pulmonary function in adult cystic fibrosis patients.
Q74011968Relationship between the tension-time area and the frequency of stimulation in motor units of the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle
Q74590217Relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor and angiogenesis in spontaneous and indomethacin-delayed healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers in rats
Q79313811Reliability of the capsaicin cough reflex sensitivity test in healthy children
Q47964203Remifentanil reversibly abolished phrenic long term facilitation in rats subjected to acute intermittent hypoxia
Q44495595Renal haemodynamics and natriuretic responses to intravenous administration of diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in rat.
Q46623029Renal hyaluronan content during experimental uncontrolled diabetes in rats
Q33282340Renal tissue NO and intrarenal haemodynamics during experimental variations of NO content in anaesthetised rats.
Q97432040Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in management of hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic
Q45711238Repeated blockade of 5-HT₇ receptors depresses glutamatergic transmission in the rat frontal cortex
Q48109773Repeated co-treatment with imipramine and amantadine induces hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression in rats.
Q51238754Repeated cures with paracetamol worsen sarcopenia in old rats with suboptimal food intake
Q44623018Repeated handling, restraint, or chronic crowding impair the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical response to acute restraint stress
Q43100891Repeated recurrence of gastric mucosal lesions in rats after a single treatment with compound 48/80, a mast cell degranulator.
Q45105486Repeated restraint stress enhances glutamatergic transmission in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus
Q34481518Repeated treatment with mirtazepine induces brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression in rats
Q72282891Reperfusion after brief repetitive ischemia in porcine myocardium does not alter expression of creatine kinase MM or mitochondrial ATPase mRNAs
Q48695731Repetitive apneas reduce nonlinear dynamical complexity of the human cardiovascular control system
Q54792055Repetitive muscle compression reduces vascular mechano-sensitivity and the hyperemic response to muscle contraction.
Q41687913Resistance of Helicobacter pylori to macrolides and nitroimidazole compounds. The current situation
Q100380691Resistin is not a useful insulin resistance marker for non-obese patients
Q80512792Respiratory dysfunction in patients with Marfan syndrome
Q72498432Respiratory potentials recorded from the human hindbrain
Q45259410Respiratory responses to acute intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia in awake rats.
Q47876626Respiratory responses to voluntary and reflexly-induced stepping movements in normal subjects and spinal patients
Q47716148Respiratory sinus arrhythmia among menopausal women after exposition to extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields
Q73034793Response of aorta connective tissue matrix to injury caused by vassopressin-induced hypertension or hypercholesterolemia
Q73210999Response of human blood platelet membrane to sodium selenite
Q42457183Response of hypothalamic oxytocinergic neurons to immobilization stress is not dependent on the presence of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH): a CRH knock-out mouse study
Q48749730Responses of the red nucleus neurons to stimulation of the paw pads of forelimbs before and after cerebellar lesions
Q44389575Responsiveness of renal glomeruli to adenosine in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats dependent on hyperglycaemia level.
Q51581060Result of oral intake of glucose by healthy subjects and patients with essential hypertension on the binding and degradation of 125I-insulin by erythrocyte receptors.
Q52567684Results of revisional operation following vertical banded gastroplasty performed due to morbid obesity--comparison between restoration of vertical banded gastroplasty and conversion of gastric bypass up to three years.
Q43739123Resveratrol protects against acute chemotherapy toxicity induced by doxorubucin in rat erythrocyte and plasma.
Q34615871Resveratrol reduces endothelial oxidative stress by modulating the gene expression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) and NADPH oxidase subunit (Nox4).
Q104469317Resveratrol reduces excessive cholesterol accumulation in Goto-Kakizaki rat, a model with congenital type 2 diabetes
Q42482409Reversal of the postischaemic suppression of coronary function in perfused guinea pig heart by ischaemic preconditioning
Q83355397Right ventricular function in patients with severe interstitial lung disease: a Tissue Doppler imaging study
Q43673748Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine1B receptors and 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibition in the cocaine-evoked discriminative stimulus effects in rats.
Q35742443Role of COX inhibition in pathogenesis of NSAID-induced small intestinal damage.
Q33850559Role of Helicobacter pylori infection in extragastroduodenal disorders: introductory remarks
Q40582469Role of Helicobacter pylori infection in gastro-duodenal secretion and in pathogenesis of peptic ulcer and gastritis
Q51103112Role of Mas receptor antagonist (A779) on pressure diuresis and natriuresis and renal blood flow in the absence of angiotensin II receptors type 1 and 2 in female and male rats.
Q36709868Role of adiponectin in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
Q46408319Role of afferent nerves and sensory peptides in the mediation of hepatic artery buffer response.
Q86074216Role of anti-HSP 60/65 antibodies in atherogenesis in patients with type 2 diabetes and lower limb ischemia
Q37406630Role of autophagy in mammary gland development
Q74590211Role of basic fibroblast growth factor in the suppression of apoptotic caspase-3 during chronic gastric ulcer healing
Q40567119Role of brain-gut axis in healing of gastric ulcers.
Q51820091Role of bronchoalveolar lavage in the initial diagnosis of smoking-related interstitial lung diseases.
Q73545383Role of calcitonin gene related peptide in the modulation of intestinal circulatory, metabolic, and myoelectric activity during ischemia/reperfusion
Q36686059Role of capsaicin-sensitive neurons in the control of intestinal blood flow and oxygen uptake
Q77346205Role of caspase-3 and nitric oxide synthase-2 in gastric mucosal injury induced by indomethacin: effect of sucralfate
Q42133539Role of cholecystokinin in postprandial and vagally stimulated duodenal and gallbladder motility in dogs
Q46796493Role of circadian rhythm and endogenous melatonin in pathogenesis of acute gastric bleeding erosions induced by stress
Q42493679Role of curcumin in protection of gastric mucosa against stress-induced gastric mucosal damage. Involvement of hypoacidity, vasoactive mediators and sensory neuropeptides
Q48930740Role of dopamine in the secretory function of corpus luteum in cattle.
Q37405837Role of endocannabinoids in cardiovascular shock
Q44268612Role of endogenous melatonin and its MT2 receptor in the modulation of caerulein-induced pancreatitis in the rat.
Q71437642Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic secretion
Q43197254Role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in aggravation of indomethacin-induced gastric damage in adjuvant arthritic rats.
Q46878120Role of endothelin-1-dependent up-regulation of leptin in oral mucosal repair
Q45925497Role of epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation in the activation of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) in leptin protection of salivary gland acinar cells against ethanol cytotoxicity.
Q37277531Role of feed-regulating peptides on pancreatic exocrine secretion.
Q41691085Role of free radicals in septic shock
Q42484300Role of gastrin in gastric cancerogenesis in Helicobacter pylori infected humans.
Q46121408Role of gender and pubertal stage on cough sensitivity in childhood and adolescence.
Q38924407Role of glutathione metabolism and glutathione-related antioxidant defense systems in hypertension
Q37730311Role of heat shock proteins in gastric inflammation and ulcer healing
Q28192086Role of histamine H3 receptors in the regulation of gastric functions
Q40582474Role of histamine in regulation of blood flow in the injured gastric mucosa of the cat.
Q42808750Role of hormonal axis, growth hormone - IGF-1, in the therapeutic effect of ghrelin in the course of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis
Q73684898Role of interleukin-4 in down-regulation of endothelin-1 during gastric ulcer healing: effect of sucralfate
Q37273063Role of leptin during perinatal metabolic programming and obesity.
Q44730738Role of leptin in the control of postprandial pancreatic enzyme secretion.
Q42829069Role of leptin, ghrelin, angiotensin II and orexins in 3T3 L1 preadipocyte cells proliferation and oxidative metabolism.
Q52480999Role of leukotrienes and platelet activating factor in gastric mucosal damage and repair
Q48212462Role of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-dependent macrophages in gastric ulcer healing in mice
Q77346208Role of mast cells as a trigger of inflammation in Helicobacter pylori infection
Q34655674Role of melatonin in upper gastrointestinal tract
Q36933372Role of mucus in gastric mucosal protection.
Q37405833Role of neuropeptides in central control of cardiovascular responses to stress.
Q46911436Role of nitrergic and endothelin pathways modulations in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male rats
Q72184667Role of nitric oxide in gastroduodenal alkaline secretion
Q48173610Role of nitric oxide in the control of the gastric motility within the nucleus ambiguus of rats
Q44949123Role of nitric oxide in the nicotine-induced pituitary-adrenocortical response
Q36855850Role of nitric oxide in the pancreatic vascular and metabolic responses associated with activation of capsaicin-sensitive neurons
Q48554664Role of nitric oxide in the vasopressin-induced corticosterone secretion in rats
Q83751147Role of nitric oxide-synthase and cyclooxygenase/lipooxygenase systems in development of experimental ulcerative colitis
Q47799094Role of nose breathing in genioglossus muscle response to hypoxia in older and younger subjects
Q43673744Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in the healing of gastric ulcers in rats.
Q40441845Role of p53 tumor suppressor in ageing: regulation of transient cell cycle arrest and terminal senescence
Q37346212Role of paraventricular nucleus vasopressin V1A receptors in the response to endothelin 1 activation of the subfornical organ in the rat.
Q67840573Role of polyamines in gastroprotection induced by epidermal growth factor
Q42976862Role of potassium channels in rabbit intestinal motility disorders induced by 2, 2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH).
Q45069764Role of prostaglandins and nitric oxide in the lipopolysaccharide-induced ACTH and corticosterone response.
Q28192884Role of prostaglandins in gastroprotection and gastric adaptation
Q40459511Role of prostaglandins in heme-induced fever.
Q41442642Role of prostaglandins in the stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by adrenergic and neurohormone systems.
Q38436701Role of proton pump inhibitors in preventing hypergastrinemia-associated carcinogenesis and in antagonizing the trophic effect of gastrin
Q41172903Role of selected peptides in the vagal regulation of gastric motor and endocrine pancreatic function.
Q50991886Role of sensory afferent nerves, lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes in the carbon monoxide-induced gastroprotection against stress ulcerogenesis
Q53870903Role of sensory nerves in gastroprotective effect of anandamide in rats
Q42436748Role of sensory nerves in pancreatic secretion and caerulein-induced pancreatitis
Q67715415Role of sulfation in the processing of gastric mucins
Q28568687Role of tachykinin receptors and melatonin in oxitocin secretion from isolated rat hypothalmo-neurohypophysial system
Q51696270Role of tachykinins in the control of pancreatic secretion and circulation
Q35742448Role of the brain-gut axis in alcohol-related gastrointestinal diseases--what can we learn from new animal models?
Q36694032Role of the endogenous nitric oxide in the vasodilatory tone and CO2 responsiveness of the rostral ventrolateral medulla microcirculation in the rat
Q42452906Role of the noradrenergic system in the secretory function of the corpus luteum
Q78054675Role of thromboxane A2 and platelet activating factor in early haemodynamic response to lipopolysaccharide in rats
Q38175657Roles of cellular polyamines in mucosal healing in the gastrointestinal tract
Q44843522Roles of endogenous prostaglandins and cyclooxygenase izoenzymes in mucosal defense of inflamed rat stomach.
Q46487144Roles of nitric oxide (NO) and NO synthases in healing of dextran sulfate sodium-induced rat colitis.
Q37277544Roles of short-chain fatty acids receptors, GPR41 and GPR43 on colonic functions.
Q47344458Rumex acetosa L. induces vasorelaxation in rat aorta via activation of PI3-kinase/Akt- AND Ca(2+)-eNOS-NO signaling in endothelial cells
Q38168625SIRT7 an emerging sirtuin: deciphering newer roles
Q74569052SU-840, a novel synthetic flavonoid derivative of sophoradin, with potent gastroprotective and ulcer healing activity
Q36716167Sadness and broken hearts: neurohumoral mechanisms and co-morbidity of ischemic heart disease and psychological depression.
Q52874911Safety and efficacy of intravenous cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in therapy refractory Crohn's disease patients
Q44726268Safety of reagents for infection testing: results of the market surveillance by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medicinal Devices until end 2006.
Q44269559Saline containing phosphatidylcholine liposomes possess the ability to restore endothelial function damaged resulting from gamma-irradiation
Q27013857Saliva and oxidative stress in oral cavity and in some systemic disorders
Q71455895Salivary and gastric luminal release of epidermal growth factor under basal conditions and after pentagastrin stimulation in healthy subjects and in duodenal ulcer patients before and after eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Q46418193Salivary oxidative status in patients with oral lichen planus
Q39169119Salt is an oxidative stressor for gastric epithelial cells
Q46350643Satiety signalling histaminergic system and brain-gut peptides in regulation of food intake in rats with portocaval anastomosis
Q28213561Screening and modulation of extracellular signals by mucous barrier. Serum glycosylphosphatidylinositol phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) releases protective mucous barrier from oral mucosa
Q79623053Seasonal changes in cryoprotectants concentrations in Helix pomatia snails
Q97432070Second-phase validation study of an alternative developmental toxicity test using mouse embryonic stem cell-derived embryoid bodies
Q53716897Secretin, cholecystokinin and the biliary canalicular secretion in the rat
Q45069753Secretion of gastric mucus phospholipids in response to beta-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptor activation is mediated by SRC kinase-dependent epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation.
Q28165745Secretory dysfunction of vascular endothelium limits the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor quinapril on aggregation of erythrocytes in experimental hypertension
Q35664546Secretory functions of the vascular endothelium
Q40124645Selective central activation of somatostatin receptor 2 increases food intake, grooming behavior and rectal temperature in rats.
Q73474042Selective inhibition of arachidonic acid epoxidation in vivo
Q45925487Selective inhibition of guanylate cyclase prevents impairment of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in endotoxemic mice.
Q47295962Self-injuries in adolescents: social competence, emotional intelligence, and stigmatization.
Q44647132Sense of social interaction in the elderly
Q54600010Sensitivity of natural killer cells to activation in the process of ageing is related to the oxidative and inflammatory status of the elderly
Q43852140Sensory nerves and calcitonin gene related peptide in the effect of ischemic preconditioning on acute and chronic gastric lesions induced by ischemia-reperfusion
Q28213575Sensory nerves in central and peripheral control of pancreatic integrity by leptin and melatonin
Q37425478Serotonin receptors and site-selective agents
Q96591616Serum betatrophin and irison levels in hepatocellular carcinoma
Q90192331Serum endocan level in diabetes mellitus of patients with cirrhosis and risk of subsequent development of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Q92580712Serum fatty acid binding proteins as a potential biomarker in atrial fibrillation
Q90283117Serum galectin 3, galectin 9 and galectin 3-binding proteins in patients with active and inactive inflammatory bowel disease
Q51417941Serum gastrin and gastric enterochromaffin-like cells during estrous cycle, pregnancy and lactation, and in response to estrogen-like agents in rats.
Q73894762Serum melatonin, corticosterone and thyroid hormones in irradiated rats: effect of exposure during various times of day and of light regimen
Q95495541Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) correlates with clinical and endoscopic activity in ulcerative colitis but fails to predict activity in Crohn's disease
Q89492690Serum progesterone concentrations on the day of oocyte retrieval above 9.23 ng/ml may predict ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome risk in in vitro fertilized patients
Q90524595Serum rantes, transforming growth factor-β1 and interleukin-6 levels correlate with cardiac muscle fibrosis in patients with aortic valve stenosis
Q34743785Serum response factor: discovery, biochemistry, biological roles and implications for tissue injury healing
Q42918958Sesbania grandiflora diminishes oxidative stress and ameliorates antioxidant capacity in liver and kidney of rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Q43471776Several statins increase body and liver fat accumulation in a model of metabolic syndrome
Q83355383Severe respiratory distress caused by central airway obstruction treated with self-expandable metallic stents
Q34287805Sex-dependent changes in cerebellar thyroid hormone-dependent gene expression following perinatal exposure to thimerosal in rats
Q88699061Sex-specific response of renal Na,K-ATPase to prenatal angiotensin 2 exposure and increased salt intake in offspring
Q28568457Short term 13-cis-retinoic acid treatment at therapeutic doses elevates expression of leptin, GLUT4, PPARgamma and aP2 in rat adipose tissue
Q38345962Short, 12 mer fluorescently labeled methylphosphonated oligonucleotides to visualize beta-actin MRNA in vivo
Q51284034Short-term antidiabetic treatment with insulin or metformin has a similar impact on the components of metabolic syndrome in women with gestational diabetes mellitus requiring antidiabetic agents: results of a prospective, randomised study
Q95564535Short-term calorie restriction and refeeding differently affect lipogenic enzymes in major white adipose tissue depots of young and old rats
Q44944308Short-term cardiovascular effects of selective phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor olprinone versus non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor aminophylline in a meconium-induced acute lung injury
Q50689474Short-term changes of serum potassium concentration induced by physical exercise in patient with arterial hypertension treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor alone or in combination with statin
Q48648597Short-term depression of inspiratory activity following tonic vagal stimulation.
Q44532668Signal-averaged P-wave ECG as a marker of atrial electrical instability in patients with right ventricular dysfunction.
Q83355352Significance of pulmonary vagal afferents for respiratory muscle activity in the cat
Q28192887Significance of salicylate intolerance in diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract
Q53654292Significant deterioration of anti-atherogenic efficacy of nebivolol in a double (apolipoprotein E and endothelial nitric oxide synthase) knockout mouse model of atherosclerosis in comparison to single (apolipoprotein E) knockout model.
Q84361449Significant, but limited collateral blood flow increases occur with prolonged training in rats with femoral artery occlusion
Q39373722Simple obesity and renal function
Q46801970Single-dose versus two-dose dexamethasone effects on lung inflammation and airway reactivity in meconium-instilled rabbits.
Q39875452Sirt7-dependent inhibition of cell growth and proliferation might be instrumental to mediate tissue integrity during aging.
Q43094796Skeletal muscle relaxants inhibit rat tracheal smooth muscle tone in vitro.
Q85911498Skeletal muscle wasting occurs in adult rats under chronic treatment with paracetamol when glutathione-dependent detoxification is highly activated
Q37687737Sleep and breathing in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Q48471369Sleep apnea syndrome and snoring in patients with hypothyroidism with relation to overweight.
Q43407922Sleep disorderd breathing and recurrence of cerebrovascular events, case-fatality, and functional outcome in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack
Q48486592Sleep disordered breathing in the elderly: a three year longitudinal cohort study
Q47716254Sleep disordered breathing in the elderly: comparison of women and men.
Q57144688Sleep disturbance and disease activity in adult patients with inflammatory bowel diseases
Q43492111Sleep related breathing disorders in patients with ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attacks: respiratory and clinical correlations
Q40366419Sleep study in patients with overweight and obesity
Q50477002Sluggish gallbladder emptying and gastrointestinal transit after intake of common alcoholic beverages
Q47935846Small molecule inhibitors of DNA-PK for tumor sensitization to anticancer therapy
Q72282940Social crowding stress diminishes the pituitary-adrenocortical and hypothalamic histamine response to adrenergic stimulation
Q47598881Social isolation-induced epigenetic changes in midbrain of adult mice
Q33780665Social stress adapts signaling pathways involved in stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Q40042179Sodium butyrate-dependent sensitization of human colon adenocarcinoma COLO 205 cells to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis.
Q82929778Soft tissue integration in the neck area of titanium implants--an animal trial
Q68031538Solcoseryl in prevention of stress-induced gastric lesions and healing of chronic ulcers
Q46340996Solute diffusion through stripped mouse duodenum.
Q43197260Solute-free water retention in preascitic cirrhotic rats following intravenous water loading.
Q48737765Some behavioral effects of AMPA/kainate receptor agonist and antagonists
Q51981170Some behavioural effects of carbamazepine - comparison with haloperidol
Q73545351Sources of activator Ca2+ for galanin-induced contractions of rat gastric fundus, jejunum and colon
Q51138648Spatial differences of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 within abdominal aortic aneurysm wall and intraluminal thrombus
Q36716186Specific features and roles of renal circulation: angiotensin II revisited.
Q61945865Spectrophotometric methods as a novel screening approach for analysis of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase activity before treatment with 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy
Q94461471Spent hops (Humulus Lupulus L.) extract as modulator of the inflammatory response in lipopolysaccharide stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages
Q91160321Sperm mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress as possible reasons for isolated asthenozoospermia
Q45942520Spinal transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel induces mechanical hypersensitivity, increases cutaneous blood flow, and mediates the pronociceptive action of dynorphin A
Q50452606Spirometric measurements and physical efficiency in children and adolescents with hearing and visual impairments.
Q83355430Spirometric parameters in malnourished girls with anorexia nervosa
Q50460995Spirometric values and aerobic efficiency of children and adolescents with hearing loss.
Q51781364Spirometry in preschool children: time has come for new reference values
Q43130156Spironolactone, but not enalapril, potentiates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha and Ets-1 expression in newborn rat kidney.
Q43850661Spleen damage in endotoxaemic mice: the involvement of nitric oxide
Q45915432Spleen volume changes during adrenergic stimulation with low doses of epinephrine.
Q43197263Spontaneous calcium oscillations in urinary bladder smooth muscle cells
Q80512859Sputum screening for lung cancer in radon exposed uranium miners: a comparison of semi-automated sputum cytometry and conventional cytology
Q46487147Src kinase-mediated parallel activation of prostaglandin and constitutive nitric oxide synthase pathways in leptin protection of gastric mucosa against ethanol cytotoxicity
Q95357642St. John's wort may ameliorate 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid colitis off rats through the induction of pregnane X receptors and/or P-glycoproteins
Q50689485St36 electroacupuncture activates nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive potassium channels to promote orofacial antinociception in rats
Q46735850Stability of ascorbyl palmitate molecule in the rat brain.
Q44202570Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 heals cysteamine-colitis and colon-colon-anastomosis and counteracts cuprizone brain injuries and motor disability
Q92538248Standarized Tribulus terrestris extract protects against rotenone-induced oxidative damage and nigral dopamine neuronal loss in mice
Q37687734Statistical analysis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations in clinical studies: expectations and limitations.
Q47716111Statistical evaluation of ventilatory patterns in response to intermittent hypoxia in the rabbit.
Q36715168Stearoyl-CoA desaturase--a new player in skeletal muscle metabolism regulation.
Q36709871Stem cells as a two edged sword--from regeneration to tumor formation.
Q28308109Stem cells for neural regeneration--a potential application of very small embryonic-like stem cells
Q45069734Step and ramp induction of myocardial ischemia: comparison of in vivo and in silico results.
Q36100893Stereoselectivity of tradinterol's inhibition on proliferation of airway smooth muscle cells induced by acetylcholine through suppressing Ca(2+) signalling
Q42503417Stimulation by nitric oxide of gastric acid secretion in bullfrog fundic mucosa in vitro
Q71437638Stimulation of arachidonic acid release from thyroid phospholipids
Q46013826Stimulation of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibitor dichlorobenzamil in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells and mouse aortic smooth muscle cells.
Q39229108Strategies for Helicobacter pylori eradication in 1995: a review of international and Belgian experience
Q26991698Stress and the gut: pathophysiology, clinical consequences, diagnostic approach and treatment options
Q88699033Stress urinary incontinent women, the influence of age and hormonal status on estrogen receptor alpha and beta gene expression and protein immunoexpression in paraurethral tissues
Q48301242Stress-induced behaviour in adult and old rats: effects of neonatal asphyxia, body temperature and chelation of iron
Q79623046Stress-induced enhancement of activity of lymphocyte lysosomal enzymes in pigs of different stress-susceptibility
Q28564749Stress-induced rise in endothelaemia, von Willebrand factor and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis activation is reduced by pretreatment with pentoxifylline
Q85610407Strong association between fibronectin accumulation and lowered cathepsin B activity in glomeruli of diabetic rats
Q58447899Structural and functional development of small intestine in intrauterine growth retarded porcine offspring born to gilts fed diets with differing protein ratios throughout pregnancy
Q90468614Structural and molecular adaptations to dexamethasone and unacylated ghrelin administration in skeletal muscle of the mice
Q46735792Studies of phosphodiesterase effects on adipose tissue metabolism in obese subjects by the microdialysis technique.
Q46124439Studies on antioxidant properties of polyphenol-rich extract from berries of Aronia melanocarpa in blood platelets.
Q44127589Studies on gastroprotection induced by capsaicin and papaverine
Q43587791Studies on the effects of lipopolysaccharide on lipid peroxidation of erythrocyte and its reversal by mannitol and glycerol.
Q73510331Study with two prokinetics in functional dyspepsia and GORD: domperidone vs. cisapride
Q91332440Subacute exposure to amygdalin influences compact bone remodeling of rabbits
Q71699426Subserosal application of transforming growth factor-beta 1 in rats with chronic gastric ulcers: effect on gastric ulcer healing and blood flow
Q74097871Substrate oxidation at rest and during exercise: effects of menstrual cycle phase and diet composition
Q51785956Successful ageing of nonagenarians is related to the sensitivity of NK cells to activation.
Q30313433Successful therapy of Clostridium difficile infection with fecal microbiota transplantation
Q90594882Sulodexide modulates the dialysate effect on the peritoneal mesothelium
Q95617441Superactive human leptin antagonist reverses leptin-induced excessive progesterone and testosterone secretion in porcine ovarian follicles by blocking leptin receptors
Q46573053Superoxide dismutase activity and expression in human venous and arterial bypass graft vessels.
Q46121443Superoxide dismutase mimetic modulates hyperoxic augmentation of the diaphragmatic response to poikilocapnic hypoxia in non-vagotomized rats.
Q53459488Superoxide is a potential culprit of caspase-3 dependent endothelial cell death induced by lysophosphatidylcholine
Q46573029Superoxide- and nitric oxide-derived species mediate endothelial dysfunction, endothelial glycocalyx disruption, and enhanced neutrophil adhesion in the post-ischemic guinea-pig heart
Q88699080Supplementation with camelina oil prevents negative changes in the artery in orchidectomized rats
Q73894742Suppression of Helicobacter pylori protease activity towards growth factors by sulglycotide
Q34490881Surveillance of the gastrointestinal mucosa by sensory neurons
Q28574450Survivin is a key factor in the differential susceptibility of gastric endothelial and epithelial cells to alcohol-induced injury
Q71437644Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to antimicrobial agents: effect of ebrotidine and ranitidine
Q37677440Syndecan signaling: when, where and why?
Q72184663Synergistic antiplatelet action of nitric oxide (NO) with PGD2 and its metabolite PGJ2--relevance for cerebral circulation?
Q46124464Synergistic effects against post-ischemic cardiac dysfunction by sub-chronic nandrolone pretreatment and postconditioning: role of beta2-adrenoceptor
Q64987908Synthesis and biological properties of new chimeric galanin analogue GAL(1-13)-[Ala10,11]ET-1(6-21)-NH2.
Q67899710Synthesis and macromolecular organization of gastrointestinal mucin
Q44269548Synthesis and thrombolytic activity of new thienopyrimidinone derivatives.
Q95357646Systemic and local effects of intragastric administration of the habanero fruit (Capsicum chinense Jacquin c.v.) in rats
Q37393639Systemic treatment by inhalation of macromolecules--principles, problems, and examples.
Q28292283Systemically active human opiorphin is a potent yet non-addictive analgesic without drug tolerance effects
Q36082445TGF-beta signaling pathway: its role in gastrointestinal pathophysiology and modulation of ulcer healing
Q80512939TNFalpha and INFgamma inducing capacity of sera from patients with interstitial lung disease in relation to its angiogenesis activity
Q37406639Targeting Clusterin in prostate cancer
Q37406623Telomere shortening and ageing of the immune system.
Q83118384Temperature dependent contribution of Ca2+ transporters to relaxation in cardiac myocytes: important role of sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase
Q73034784Temporary elevation of pancreatic lysosomal enzymes, as a result of the omeprazole-induced peripancreatic inflammation in male Wistar rats
Q28218167Testing and typing of eicosanoid-patterns
Q46013806Testing conception of engagement of imidazoline receptors in imidazoline drugs effects on isolated rat heart atria.
Q79313794Testing of cough reflex sensitivity in children suffering from allergic rhinitis and common cold
Q35742419Testing of visceral sensitivity
Q80233466Tetanic depression in fast motor units of the cat gastrocnemius muscle
Q39037528Tetrodotoxin blocks native cardiac L-type calcium channels but not CaV1.2 channels expressed in HEK cells
Q71841344Thapsigargin inhibits the effects of noradrenaline and high [Ca2+]o on kinetics but not on amplitude of contraction in the single myocytes of guinea-pig heart
Q51149242The 13th Annual International Conference on Gastrointestinal Research and the International Conference on Ulcer Research (ICGR/ICUR). Preface
Q28578578The 5-HT(7) receptor antagonist SB 269970 counteracts restraint stress-induced attenuation of long-term potentiation in rat frontal cortex
Q52541238The C-terminal region of the focal adhesion kinase F1 domain binds Akt1 and inhibits pressure-induced cell adhesion
Q52003269The Gln223Arg polymorphism of the leptin receptor gene and peripheral blood/bone marrow leptin level in leukemic children
Q43076895The MAPK-dependent regulation of the Jagged/Notch gene expression by VEGF, bFGF or PPAR gamma mediated angiogenesis in HUVEC.
Q81164349The NHE3 inhibitor AVE1599 stimulates phrenic nerve activity in the rat
Q51770016The S140G KCNQ1 atrial fibrillation mutation affects 'I(KS)' profile during both atrial and ventricular action potentials
Q49906210The X/A-like cell revisited - spotlight on the peripheral effects of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 and ghrelin
Q98296603The activation of complement system in different types of renal replacement therapy
Q95554680The adaptive role of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide in vasoactive responses of thoracic aorta is triggered already in young spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q42808745The adipose tissue gene expression in mice with different nitric oxide availability
Q73684892The adrenal renal vascular connection plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension in the rat
Q73510328The adrenal-renal vascular connection contributes to increase in renal vascular resistance during an experimental hypotension in the rat
Q47876570The aging carotid body
Q43076907The aging heart: changes in the pharmacodynamic electrophysiological response to verapamil in aged rabbit hearts.
Q54322644The analgesic and anticonvulsant effects of piperine in mice.
Q35040184The annexin-1 knockout mouse: what it tells us about the inflammatory response.
Q92538254The antiatherogenic effect of new biocompatible cationically modified polysaccharides: chitosan and pullulan - the comparison study
Q47402201The antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like effects following co-treatment with escitalopram and risperidone in rats
Q38862945The antiproliferative action of [D-Arg(1), D-Phe(5), D-Trp(7,9), LEU(11)] substance P analogue antagonist against small-cell- and non-small-cell lung cancer cells could be due to the pharmacological profile of its tachykinin receptor antagonist.
Q74789704The antithrombotic effect of captopril and losartan on experimental arterial thrombosis in rats
Q44843509The anxiolytic-like activity of AIDA (1-aminoindan-1,5-dicarboxylic acid), an mGLu 1 receptor antagonist.
Q95488107The assessment of serum concentration of adiponectin, leptin and serum carbohydrate antigen-19.9 in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis
Q51354113The association of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism with obesity and metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Polish children
Q33464421The capability of androgen aromatization by bank vole Leydig cells in vitro: the effect of aromatase inhibitor
Q33850592The carcinogenic effect of H. pylori on the gastric epithelial cell.
Q63432876The cardiovascular effects of salidroside in the Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat model
Q47727824The central analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the methanolic extract of Carthamus oxycantha
Q48743752The central histamine level in rat model of vascular dementia
Q84268204The clinical aspects of Helicobacter heilmannii infection in children with dyspeptic symptoms
Q51368724The common adiponutrin variant p.I148M does not confer gallstone risk but affects fasting glucose and triglyceride levels.
Q51335167The content of myosin heavy chains in hindlimb muscles of female and male rats
Q90192323The current proteomic landscape of the porcine liver
Q38220334The current view on biological potency of cationically modified chitosan
Q37827659The current view on the role of leukotrienes in atherogenesis
Q91229020The cyclooxygenase-2/prostaglandin E2 pathway and its role in the pathogenesis of human and dog hematological malignancies
Q43076898The decrease in JNK- and p38-MAP kinase activity is accompanied by the enhancement of PP2A phosphate level in the brain of prenatally stressed rats.
Q52507851The detection of specific acute phase serum protein complexes and immune complexes by congo red binding
Q34335347The differences in sleep profile changes under continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy between non-obese, obese and severely obese sleep apnea patients
Q71437630The dihydropyridines modulate neurotensin inotropic action paradoxically
Q38923820The dynamics of heat shock system activation in Monomac-6 cells upon Helicobacter pylori infection
Q48764074The effect of NMDA antagonists on footshock-induced fighting behavior in chronically stressed rats
Q41082396The effect of NO/EDRF and monocytes/macrophages on LDL-oxidation
Q57144714The effect of Tropaeolum majus L. on bacterial infections and in vitro efficacy on apoptosis and DNA lesions in hyperosmotic stress
Q48784199The effect of a single whole-body irradiation with a lethal dose on catecholamine levels in the pineal glands of rats.
Q54446790The effect of acute and prolonged endurance exercise on transforming growth factor-beta1 generation in rat skeletal and heart muscle.
Q44066057The effect of amphetamine sensitization on mouse immunoreactivity.
Q48109765The effect of an endogenous compound 1-methyl-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroisoquinoline on morphine-induced analgesia, dependence and neurochemical changes in dopamine metabolism in rat brain structures
Q44952263The effect of antagonist of receptors for gastrin, cholecystokinin and bombesin on growth of gastroduodenal mucosa and pancreas.
Q71709683The effect of caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis on the levels of serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in various rat tissues
Q72282918The effect of chloramphenicol on mucosal transference of glucose in mice; the role of intestinal alkaline phosphatase in this process
Q78054679The effect of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, selenite and a conjugate of cisplatin with selenite [(NH3)2Pt(SeO3)] on oxidative stress in blood platelets measured by chemiluminescence method
Q46956566The effect of concomitant stimulation with cholecystokinin and epidermal growth factor on extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity in pancreatic acinar cells.
Q73545369The effect of dietary-induced obesity on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and total plasma antioxidant capacity
Q84361468The effect of doxycycline on atherogenesis in apoE-knockout mice
Q48747757The effect of drugs acting on CCK receptors and rat free exploration in the exploration box
Q46101749The effect of endurance training on muscle strength in young, healthy men in relation to hormonal status.
Q57124560The effect of estrogen receptor agonists on pancreaticobiliary duct ligation induced experimental acute pancreatitis
Q77468474The effect of exercise training intensity on thyroid activity at rest
Q34213286The effect of exogenous apelin on the secretion of pancreatic juice in anaesthetized rats.
Q51562074The effect of fasting and physical exercise on plasma leptin concentrations in high-fat fed rats.
Q79313780The effect of fiberoptic bronchoscopy on exhaled nitric oxide
Q48819030The effect of fundectomy on pancreatic secretion in anaesthetized rats.
Q51602094The effect of high fructose intake on renal morphology and renal function in rats
Q47699089The effect of hydrogen sulfide-releasing naproxen (ATB-346) versus naproxen on formation of stress-induced gastric lesions, the regulation of systemic inflammation, hypoxia and alterations in gastric microcirculation
Q84569894The effect of lateral electrical surface stimulation (LESS) on motor end-plates in an animal model of experimental scoliosis
Q90468619The effect of long-term melatonin supplementation on psychosomatic disorders in postmenopausal women
Q43699704The effect of menadione on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ and contractions of single guinea-pig cardiomyocytes
Q46294501The effect of montelukast on atherogenesis in apoE/LDLR-double knockout mice
Q54230472The effect of nafamostat mesilate (FUT-175) and gabexate mesilate (FOY) on multiorgan oxidant-antioxidant balance in acute experimental pancreatitis.
Q51376495The effect of naloxone on trigemino-hypoglossal reflex inhibited by periaqueductal central gray stimulation in rats
Q43197253The effect of nebivolol on atherogenesis in apoE-knockout mice
Q51463692The effect of nitrendipine on renal haemodynamics and tubular reabsorption and its neural control in anaesthetised rats with chronic renal failure.
Q28186408The effect of nitric oxide donors and L-arginine on the gastric electrolyte barrier
Q71841342The effect of nitric oxide donors on the release of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) from rabbit platelets in vitro
Q95564531The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on expression of connexin-40 in Wistar rat aorta after lipopolysaccharide administration
Q48629368The effect of orexins on intestinal motility in vitro in fed and fasted rats.
Q42512836The effect of oxytocin on hCG action in phosphoinositide turnover in porcine myometrial smooth muscle cells
Q44171588The effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha (PPARalpha) agonist, fenofibrate, on lipid peroxidation, total antioxidant capacity, and plasma paraoxonase 1 (PON 1) activity.
Q37809947The effect of physical activity on the brain derived neurotrophic factor: from animal to human studies
Q50596653The effect of pregabalin - codeine combination on partial sciatic nerve ligation - induced peripheral mononeuropathy in rats
Q52667101The effect of pregnane X receptor agonists on postprandial incretin hormone secretion in rats and humans
Q73260908The effect of prostacyclin analogue--iloprost on the pancreas regeneration after caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
Q73260887The effect of prostacyclin and nitric oxide on deformability of red blood cells in septic shock in rats
Q27024407The effect of reactive oxygen species on the synthesis of prostanoids from arachidonic acid
Q45325817The effect of resveratrol on contractility of non-pregnant rat uterus: the contribution of K(+) channels
Q46487148The effect of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak on contractile activity of guinea pig heart myocytes depends in activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.
Q91229034The effect of selective agonists of opioid receptors on in vitro secretion of steroid hormones by porcine endometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy
Q36279603The effect of short term treatment with probiotic VSL#3 on various clinical and biochemical parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis
Q46977159The effect of supplementing sow with bioactive substances on neonatal small intestinal epithelium.
Q72105972The effect of thapsigargin on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content and contractions of single myocytes of rat ventricular myocardium
Q51364426The effect of the angiotensin II receptor, type 1 receptor antagonists, losartan and telmisartan, on thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats
Q52091491The effect of the nitroxide pirolin on oxidative stress induced by doxorubicin and taxanes in the rat brain
Q51545420The effect of transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) on gastric electrical activity
Q34618831The effect of treatment with fentanyl patches on pain relief and improvement in overall daily functioning in patients with postherpetic neuralgia.
Q43262149The effect of vasoconstrictors on oxygen consumption in resting and contracting skeletal muscle of the autologous pump-perfused rat hindlimb
Q42808777The effects of L-tryptophan and melatonin on selected biochemical parameters in patients with steatohepatitis
Q42808734The effects of adjuvant arthritis on the myometrial adrenergic functions in the nonpregnant and the late-pregnant rat
Q74011974The effects of ammonia on pancreatic enzyme secretion in vivo and in vitro
Q53348626The effects of aneurysm repair using an aortic prosthesis on the electrical parameters of the muscular layer of the abdominal aorta.
Q51610819The effects of antagonists of receptors for gastrin, cholecystokinin and bombesin on growth of gastroduodenal mucosa and pancreas
Q46408312The effects of baclofen on the feeding behaviour and body weight of vagally stimulated rats.
Q42677898The effects of buspirone on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Q48775935The effects of cholecystokinin A and B receptor antagonists, devazepide and L 365260, on citalopram-induced decrease of exploratory behaviour in rat.
Q51480682The effects of fasting and refeeding on adrenal cortex morphometry and serum concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone in young and old male rats.
Q43262156The effects of fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitors on maintenance of cocaine and food self-administration and on reinstatement of cocaine-seeking and food-taking behavior in rats
Q51102792The effects of flumazenil, Ro 15-4513 and beta-CCM on the behaviour of control and stressed mice in the plus-maze test
Q80171996The effects of indomethacin on angiogenic factors mRNA expression in renal cortex of healthy rats
Q47439168The effects of leptin in combination with a cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist, AM 251, or cannabidiol on food intake and body weight in rats fed a high-fat or a free-choice high sugar diet.
Q83769567The effects of long-term melatonin treatment on plasma liver enzymes levels and plasma concentrations of lipids and melatonin in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a pilot study
Q50998598The effects of male gender and female sex hormone deficiency on the vascular responses of the rat in vitro
Q42446066The effects of mu-, delta- and kappa-opioid receptor activation on luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion from porcine pituitary cells
Q47305416The effects of weight cycling on serum leptin levels and lipogenic enzyme activities in adipose tissue
Q35038911The eicosanoid factor: a determinant of individuality of nephron segments.
Q38305907The emering role of helminths in treatment of the inflammatory bowel disorders.
Q46208382The endothelium-dependent and the endothelium-independent vasodilators in the isolated, perfused guinea pig heart
Q46412858The estrogenic status and the COMT genotype of female blood donors influence the protective ability of the Mediterranean plant extracts against the hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in lymphocytes.
Q81596161The ethnobotanical study of local Mediterranean food plants as medicinal resources in Southern Spain
Q49189457The evaluation of murine pleural lavage fluid cellular composition in experimental hemorrhagic shock with special regard to mast cells morphometry.
Q47426903The exercise-induced myokine irisin does not show an association with depressiveness, anxiety and perceived stress in obese women
Q44341513The expression of genes coding for opioid precursors, opioid receptors, beta-LH subunit and GnRH receptor in the anterior pituitary of cyclic gilts.
Q42497690The expression of genes encoding opioid precursors and the influence of opioid receptor agonists on steroidogenesis in porcine adrenocortical cells in vitro.
Q38308669The expression of short from of leptin receptor gene during early pregnancy in the pig examined by quantitative real time RT-PCR.
Q90192308The expression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the skin and its effects on skin physiology and pathophysiology
Q38832484The expression profile of angiogenic genes in critical limb ischemia popliteal arteries
Q104469314The expression profile of genes encoding tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6 and their receptor in benign adrenal tumors
Q46201974The factors associated with body mass index in adults from the study of health in Pomerania (SHIP-0), Germany.
Q33934160The fight against rheumatism: from willow bark to COX-1 sparing drugs
Q79579160The ghrelin pentapeptide inhibits the secretion of pancreatic juice in rats
Q52621426The healing of NSAID-induced gastric lesion may be followed by small intestinal and cardiovascular side effects
Q53347800The history of gastrointestinal hormones and the Polish contribution to elucidation of their biology and relation to nervous system.
Q33819614The history of inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme
Q92335016The history of physiology: the chair of physiology at the faculty of medicine of the Jagiellonian University 1918 - 1939
Q38960741The human ether-a'-go-go related gene (hERG) K+ channel blockade by the investigative selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor CONA-437: limited dependence on S6 aromatic residues.
Q51741194The human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) current inhibition selectively prolongs action potential of midmyocardial cells to augment transmural dispersion.
Q38700362The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV1) protease inhibitor sanquinavir activates autophagy and removes lipids deposited in lipid droplets
Q41531309The immune-neuro-endocrine interactions
Q104469310The impact of 3,4-methylendioxymetamphetamine (MDMA) abstinence on seeking behavior and the expression of the D2-like and mGlu5 receptors in the rat brain using saturation binding analyses
Q44962091The impact of hypertonic saline inhalation on mucociliary clearance and nasal nitric oxide
Q90192313The impact of metalloestrogens on the physiology of male reproductive health as a current problem of the XXI century
Q38113647The impact of physical activity and nutrition on inflammatory bowel disease: the potential role of cross talk between adipose tissue and skeletal muscle
Q46121404The impact of the sleep apnea syndrome on oxidant-antioxidant balance in the blood of overweight and obese patients.
Q92580729The implication of adipocyte ATP-binding cassette A1 and G1 transporters in metabolic complications of obesity
Q92249523The importance of selected markers of inflammation and blood-brain barrier damage for short-term ischemic stroke prognosis
Q48486577The incidence of sleep apnea in patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack
Q71532897The increase in the cardiodepressant activity and vasopressin concentration in the sella turcica venous blood during vagal afferents stimulation or after angiotensin II infusion
Q54149095The increased concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in red blood cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q73494930The infection by Helicobacter pylori strains expressing CagA is highly prevalent in women with autoimmune thyroid disorders
Q48393043The influence od melatonin receptors antagonists, luzindole and 4-phenyl-2-propionamidotetralin (4-P-PDOT), on melatonin-dependent vasopressin and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release from the rat hypothalamo-hypophysial system. In vitro and i
Q42436753The influence of FSH, LH and testosterone on steroidsecretion by two subpopulations of porcine granulosa cells.
Q72282921The influence of PGE1 and ethanol as PGE1 solvent on the activity of galactosyltransferase of rat liver Golgi fractions--in vitro experiments
Q48384290The influence of acute progressive hypoxia on bioelectrical activity of the brain.
Q54044364The influence of adrenal vein occlusion on whole-kidney hemodynamics in the spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Q48531113The influence of age and gender on the latency of eye movement in healthy humans.
Q68002477The influence of age and sex on selenium distribution and glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma and erythrocytes of selenium-adequate and supplemented rats
Q79623067The influence of alpha-adrenergic receptors stimulator and blockers and beta-blocker on the ovary and endocrinological activity in heifers during superovulation
Q47742794The influence of angiotensin-(1-7) peptidomimetic (AVE 0991) and nebivolol on angiotensin I metabolism in aorta of apoE-knockout mice
Q46801925The influence of autonomic neuropathy on cough reflex sensitivity in children with diabetes mellitus type 1.
Q80512816The influence of bronchial asthma on menstrual cycle
Q80512909The influence of bronchial asthma on premenstrual syndrome prevalence among girls
Q80512813The influence of bronchial asthma on sexual maturation of girls
Q51709636The influence of bronchial asthma on the quality of life and sexual functioning of women.
Q72610592The influence of calcium antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine, and MgCl2) on rat gastric damage induced by ethanol in vivo and in vitro
Q44066046The influence of cholecystokinin on gastric myoelectrical activity in duodenal ulcer following Helicobacter pylori eradication--an electrogastrographic study
Q78054671The influence of endurance training on the transient haemodynamic response to orthostatic manoeuvre
Q32159622The influence of epidermal growth factor on the course of ischemia-reperfusion induced pancreatitis in rats.
Q77468461The influence of exercise-induced oxidative stress on binding and degradation of 125I-insulin by the receptors on erythrocytes
Q77468444The influence of experimental hyperlipidemia on the time course of contractility during simulated ischaemia and reperfusion and responsiveness to phenylephrine of rat heart papillary muscle
Q73545356The influence of increasing and decreasing frequency of stimulation on the contraction of motor units in rat medial gastrocnemius muscle
Q43505139The influence of indomethacin on the acth secretion induced by central stimulation of adrenergic receptors
Q46121437The influence of insulin on calcium ion concentration during transduction of signals into neutrophils.
Q33315313The influence of low-power helium-neon laser irradiation on function of selected peripheral blood cells.
Q50457447The influence of moderate-intensity physical effort on peripheral blood in adults with Down syndrome - a pilot study
Q48408256The influence of obesity on sleep quality in male sleep apnea patients before and during therapy
Q54149099The influence of oral glucose intake on binding and degradation of 125I-insulin by receptors on erythrocytes as well as on insulin and C-peptide serum levels in patients after myocardial infarction and healthy individuals
Q91229039The influence of orlistat, metformin and diet on serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 in obeses women with and without insulin resistance
Q74097854The influence of polyamines synthesis inhibition on pancreas regeneration and phospholipase D activity after acute caerulein induced pancreatitis in rats. Biochemical and ultrastructural study
Q53208650The influence of pretreatment with ghrelin on the development of acetic-acid-induced colitis in rats
Q47179633The influence of religious beliefs on health care: between medical futility and refusal of treatment.
Q44949111The influence of repeated administration of clozapine and haloperidol on the effects of the activation of 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2) and 5-HT(4) receptors in rat frontal cortex.
Q50195862The influence of resiniferatoxin on the chemical coding of caudal mesenteric ganglion neurons supplying the urinary bladder in the pig.
Q94461472The influence of retinol concentration in liquid crystal formula on epidermal growth factor, interleukin-6 and transglutaminase-1 mRNA expression in the epidermis
Q73034782The influence of sensory nerves and CGRP on the pancreatic regeneration after repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis in rats
Q46735812The influence of sevoflurane on the reactivity of astrocytes in the course of the experimental intracerebral haemorrhage in rat.
Q79313757The influence of social support on the occurrence of the withdrawal syndrome in alcohol abused patients
Q90283104The influence of the low-energy defibrillating impulse on the endothelin-1 concentration in the left heart ventricle and blood serum of the healthy rabbits
Q50894566The influence of the tumor necrosis factor-alpa-308G>A polymorphism on the efficacy of immunosuppressive therapy in patients after kidney transplantation
Q74097862The influence of vasopressin or oxytocin on thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroid hormones' concentrations in blood plasma of euthyroid rats
Q44171580The influences of GnRH, oxytocin and vasoactive intestinal peptide on LH and PRL secretion by porcine pituitary cells in vitro.
Q47282146The inhibitory effect of combination treatment with leptin and cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist on food intake and body weight gain is mediated by serotonin 1B and 2C receptors
Q79917757The inhibitory effect of copper ions on lymphocyte Kv1.3 potassium channels
Q54321797The inhibitory effect of polyphenols on human gut microbiota
Q46161598The interaction of dietary antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress on cough reflex in guinea-pigs after long term oxygen therapy.
Q43763681The involvement of GABA(A) receptors in the control of GnRH and beta-endorphin release, and catecholaminergic activity in the ventromedial-infundibular region of hypothalamus in anestrous ewes
Q28194290The involvement of adhesion molecules and lipid mediators in the adhesion of human platelets to eosinophils
Q48399227The involvement of nitric oxide and prostaglandins in the cholinergic stimulation of hypothalamie-pituitary-adrenal response during crowding stress.
Q47389605The lactate receptor (HCAR1/GPR81) contributes to doxorubicin chemoresistance via ABCB1 transporter up-regulation in human cervical cancer HeLa cells
Q51910804The level of intelligence and heart rate variability in men after myocardial infarction.
Q24457204The major protein fraction of mouse milk revisited using proven proteomic tools
Q53204468The measurement of leukotrienes in urine as diagnostic option in systemic mastocytosis
Q47819286The mechanism of Na+, K+-ATPase inhibition by atrial natriuretic factor in rat renal medulla
Q64361025The melting of native domain structure in effector activation of IgG studied by using congo red as a specific probe
Q51910807The mentally ill: the way they perceive their own illness and their expectations from the society
Q100736876The metabolic suppressor 3-iodothyronamine enhances lipolysis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via activation of the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase/forkhead box O1 signaling pathway
Q37730313The metabolic syndrome - an ongoing story
Q80493390The modulatory effect of zinc ions on voltage-gated potassium currents in cultured rat hippocampal neurons is not related to Kv1.3 channels
Q36712493The molecular mechanism of nondegranulative release of biogenic amines
Q51545441The myoelectric activity of ileum in fasted and fed young pigs
Q81599110The nasal airway evaluation in morbid obesity
Q47876592The natural history of respiratory system function.
Q40479456The neuromodulation aspects of ischaemic myocardium: the importance of cholinergic system
Q84361465The neuroprotective effect of 2-oxoglutarate in the experimental ischemia of hippocampus
Q28078598The non-neuronal heart's acetylcholine in health and disease
Q51719487The number of motor units in the medial gastrocnemius muscle of male and female rats.
Q44066053The opposite effects of cyclic AMP-protein kinase a signal transduction pathway on renal cortical and medullary Na+,K+-ATPase activity.
Q37393645The origins of bioethics: advances in resuscitations techniques.
Q53347779The past and present of the Polish paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.
Q37406619The pathophysiological hypothesis of homocysteine thiolactone-mediated vascular disease
Q71841353The pattern of steroid secretion by perfused preovulatory rat follicles
Q89447109The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist pioglitazone improves nitric oxide availability, renin-angiotensin system and aberrant redox regulation in the kidney of pre-hypertensive rats
Q37926778The photoperiod, circadian regulation and chronodisruption: the requisite interplay between the suprachiasmatic nuclei and the pineal and gut melatonin
Q28609729The physiological significance of the alternative pathways of angiotensin II production
Q42759127The pilot study of 3-month course of melatonin treatment of patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: effect on plasma levels of liver enzymes, lipids and melatonin.
Q48233086The pineal and oxytocin synthesis
Q90283087The place of tachykinin NK2 receptor antagonists in the treatment diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
Q46623043The platelet activating factor triggers preconditioning-like cardioprotective effect via mitochondrial K-ATP channels and redox-sensible signaling
Q74097821The polymorphonuclear leukocyte: a cell tuned for transcellular biosynthesis of cys-leukotrienes
Q44843498The post-haemorrhagic vasopressin release into the blood.
Q98296596The potential implication of neurokinin B in the modulation of prolactin secretion at the pituitary level in cyclic gilts
Q38026017The potential of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic targets in the treatment of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
Q46124449The potential role of the nodose ganglion adenosine A1 receptor in regulation of breathing in anaesthetized rats
Q47909409The presence of Tau protein in blood as a potential prognostic factor in stroke patients
Q95409552The prevention of ischemia/reperfusion induced oxidative damage by venous blood in rabbit kidneys monitored with biochemical, histopatological and immunohistochemical analysis
Q36337235The progress in bariatric surgery
Q46412855The protective ability of the Mediterranean plant extracts against the oxidative DNA damage. The role of the radical oxygen species and the polyphenol content.
Q44949127The protective effects of resveratrol against changes in blood platelet thiols induced by platinum compounds
Q51238758The protective effects of zinc in experimental gentamicin induced acute renal failure in rats
Q49012288The protective role of nitric oxide in the brain ischemia
Q73894765The protective role of some antioxidants and scavengers on the free radicals-induced inhibition of the liver iodothyronine 5'-monodeiodinase activity and thiols content
Q91889658The proteome analysis of rat platelet with nano-liquid chromatography-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique
Q83149252The quantitative expression of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) genes in porcine endometrium through the estrous cycle and early pregnancy
Q54103280The rate of changes in tension within fused tetani of single motor units in rat medial gastrocnemius muscle
Q44389577The rebound excitation triggered by anticholinergic drugs from ovine pyloric antrum, small bowel and gallbladder.
Q42515620The relationship between constitutive ATP release and its extracellular metabolism in isolated rat kidney glomeruli.
Q42469544The relationship between extracellular K+ and Ca2+ on aminopyrine accumulation in rat parietal cells
Q72282933The relationship between iron status and perceived exertion in trained and untrained women
Q51120995The relationship between the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity and gastric in the stomach
Q67896983The renal actions of oxytocin in the conscious rat
Q41691081The renal medullary thick ascending limb as a model for understanding lipid mediators in sepsis
Q53623628The renin-angiotensin system and its vasoactive metabolite angiotensin-(1-7) in the mechanism of the healing of preexisting gastric ulcers. The involvement of Mas receptors, nitric oxide, prostaglandins and proinflammatory cytokines
Q46808012The responsiveness of the rat intergeniculate leaflet neurons to glutamatergic agonists.
Q46801915The role ANCA and anti-GBM antibodies in pulmonary-renal syndrome due to Wegener's granulomatosis.
Q45069756The role of Ca2+ in the contractility of rabbit small intestine in vitro.
Q33850588The role of CagA status in gastric and extragastric complications of Helicobacter pylori
Q28201808The role of G protein beta subunits in the release of ATP from human erythrocytes
Q44268619The role of GABA(A) receptors in the neural systems of the ventromedial-infundibular region of the hypothalamus in the control of gonadotropin release during the luteal phase in ewes
Q41647976The role of H. pylori infection in the pathophysiology of duodenal ulcer disease.
Q33850571The role of Helicobacter pylori in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
Q36715171The role of IL-6 in mediating the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise.
Q46735802The role of NO in the contractility of rabbit small intestine in vitro: effect of K+ channels
Q89832458The role of PPAR gamma agonists - rosiglitazone and 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 in experimental cyclosporine A hepatotoxicity
Q51406732The role of adrenoreceptors in the regulation of oxytocin and vasopressin release after superior cervical ganglionectomy.
Q51578691The role of apelin in the modulation of gastric and pancreatic enzymes activity in adult rats
Q37405827The role of calcium in the action and release of vasopressin and oxytocin from CNS neurones/terminals to the heart.
Q36787020The role of capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons and nitric oxide in regulation of gastric mucosal growth.
Q79313808The role of cardiac and vascular components in blood pressure variability during voluntary apnea in snoring subjects
Q90901185The role of chemokine CCL5/RANTES and metalloproteinase-9 as inflammatory modulators in symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis
Q43130174The role of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 derived prostanoids on vasoconstrictor responses to phenylephrine is increased by exposure to low mercury concentration.
Q38307918The role of dopamine D2 receptor in the behavioral effects of imipramine--study with the use of antisense oligonucleotides.
Q33819620The role of endothelium in antithrombotic effect of the renin-angiotensin system blockade
Q47819305The role of epidermal growth factor in platelet-endothelium interactions
Q95564524The role of external Ca²⁺ in the action of Ca²⁺-channel agonists and antagonists on isolated human thoracic arteries
Q45193767The role of female and male sex hormones in the healing process of preexisting lingual and gastric ulcerations
Q38436709The role of hydrogen sulfide in pathologies of the vital organs and its clinical application
Q40184160The role of local and systemic cytokines in patients infected with Clostridium difficile
Q91229022The role of low-calorie diets and intermittent fasting in the treatment of obesity and type-2 diabetes
Q47935825The role of mTOR inhibitors and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on young and old endothelial cell functions, critical for re-endothelialisation after percutaneous coronary intervention: an in vitro study
Q30433260The role of mucus and its components in protection and repair within the alimentary tract mucosa: Polish experience.
Q42449996The role of nitric oxide in regulation of deformability of red blood cells in acute phase of endotoxaemia in rats
Q92335006The role of oligodendrocytes in chronic pain: cellular and molecular mechanisms
Q48712297The role of orexin A in the control of prolactin and growth hormone secretions in sheep--in vitro study
Q44778795The role of oxidative stress in acetylcholine-induced relaxation of endothelium-denuded arteries
Q92822564The role of perivascular adipose tissue and endogenous hydrogen sulfide in vasoactive responses of isolated mesenteric arteries in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q35537162The role of peroxisome-proliferator-activating receptor gamma agonists: rosiglitazone and 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 in chronic experimental cyclosporine A-induced nephrotoxicity
Q73474055The role of platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonists and nitric oxide in cardiac actions of PAF. Electrophysiological and morphological study
Q46801931The role of potassium ion channels in cough and other reflexes of the airways
Q80171988The role of prednisolone and epinephrine on gastric tissue and erythrocyte antioxidant status in adrenalectomized rats
Q48930728The role of prostaglandins and the hypothalamic and hippocampal histamine in the clonidine-induced pituitary-adrenocortical response
Q58567150The role of purinergic P2Y receptor blockers on the angiogenic properties of endothelial cells: an in vitro study
Q40214453The role of reactive nitrogen species and cigarette smoke in activation of transcription factor NF-kappaB and implication to inflammatory processes
Q28165747The role of reactive oxygen species and capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves in the pathomechanisms of gastric ulcers induced by stress
Q28194554The role of reactive oxygen species in action of nitric oxide-donors on stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions
Q42442180The role of sensory C-fibers in response of vagal afferent stimulation by gastric distension in rats with experimental chronic gastric ulcer.
Q50917641The role of serotonergic 5-HT1A receptors in central cardiovascular regulation in haemorrhagic shock in rats
Q96591618The role of the adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels in pinacidil-induced vasodilatation of the human saphenous vein in patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q95563653The role of the tissue plasminogen activator as a prognostic and differentiation factor in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis
Q79917748The role of tyrosine kinase in prostaglandin E2 and vanadate-evoked contractions in rabbit duodenum in vitro
Q27021263The role of urocortins in the cardiovascular system
Q36177966The selected pathophysiological aspects of PPARs activation.
Q42498304The serum levels of growth factors: PDGF, TGF-beta and VEGF are increased after strenuous physical exercise.
Q89152459The short chain fatty acids and lipopolysaccharides status in Sprague-Dawley rats fed with high-fat and high-cholesterol diet
Q44838395The short history of gastroenterology.
Q51027581The skeletal and heart muscle triacylglycerol lipolysis revisited
Q71699420The source of contracticle calcium in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes treated with thapsigargin
Q71455902The stimulation and inhibition of T cell proliferation by Helicobacter pylori components
Q28252382The synergistic effect of selective sigma receptor agonists and uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in the forced swim test in rats
Q33819632The third pathway: endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization
Q39634919The time-dependent alteration of anti-diuretic hormone system in hindlimb unloaded rats
Q92249532The urine podocin/creatinine ratio as a novel biomarker of cardiorenal syndrome in dogs due to degenerative mitral valve disease
Q46124453The vagal afferents discharge and myoelectrical activity in the gastric hyperalgesia model in rats
Q48476143The vasopressin and oxytocin neurohypophysial content as influenced by bleeding or dehydration: effect of cholecystokinin octapeptide
Q41647989The versatility of Helicobacter pylori in the adaptation to the human stomach
Q89832439The wine polyphenol resveratrol modulates autophagy and induces apoptosis in MOLT-4 and HL-60 human leukemia cells
Q33683241The α2-adrenoceptors do not modify the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, corticoliberine, and neuropeptide Y producing hypothalamic magnocellular neurons ion the Long Evans and Brattleboro rats
Q46802013Theophylline inhibits free oxygen radicals production by human monocytes via phosphodiesterase inhibition.
Q83355236Therapeutic approach to a child with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a report of two cases
Q49906085Therapeutic effect of exogenous ghrelin in the healing of gingival ulcers is mediated by the release of endogenous growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1.
Q42918966Therapeutic effect of ghrelin in the course of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
Q36954220Therapeutic endoscopy in gastroenterology.
Q41687918Therapy of H. pylori infection
Q37730319Therapy of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: current status.
Q40905732Thienopyridines: effects on cultured endothelial cells
Q37277521Thirty four years since the discovery of gastrointestinal melatonin
Q40679479Thrombinogenesis and its pharmacological modulation in atherosclerosis
Q33934170Thrombolysis by thienopyridines and their congeners
Q42542310Thrombolytic activity of beta-adrenolytic drug, sotalol
Q74789700Thrombolytic and antiplatelet action of xanthinol nicotinate (Sadamin): possible mechanisms
Q46294524Thyme and cinnamon extracts induce anion secretion in piglet small intestine via cholinergic pathways
Q41631400Thymoquinone and curcumin prevent gentamicin-induced liver injury by attenuating oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis.
Q42462993Thyroid hormone action in porcine luteal cells. Effect of triiodothyronine on mitochondrial cytochrome P450-scc activity
Q84715688Thyroid hormone at supra-physiological dose optimizes cardiac geometry and improves cardiac function in rats with old myocardial infarction
Q46487154Thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1: a switch to cardiac cell "metamorphosis"?
Q46487150Thyroid hormones suppress epsilon-PKC signalling, down-regulate connexin-43 and increase lethal arrhythmia susceptibility in non-diabetic and diabetic rat hearts.
Q72047331Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) modifies oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system in salt-loaded rats
Q72610596Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) modulates vasopressin and oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system in dehydrated rats
Q48466038Thyrotropin-releasing hormone affects the oxytocin, vasopressin and prolactin release in female rats during midlactation: relation to suckling
Q48515635Thyrotropin-releasing hormone modulates vasopressin and oxytocin synthesis and release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of different age male rats
Q104469312Time course evaluation of lacosamide alone and in polypharmacy on behavioral manifestations and oxidative stress in lithium-pilocarpine-induced model
Q52541167Time dependent and cell-specific action of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB 153 and PCB 126) on steroid secretion by porcine theca and granulosa cells in mono- and co-culture.
Q95564522Time-dependent supplementation of vitamin E influences leptin expression in the aortic layers of rats fed atherogenic diet
Q37405842Tissue plasminogen activator in the amygdala: a new role for an old protease
Q44403058Tissue-specific expression of occludin, zona occludens-1, and junction adhesion molecule A in the duodenum, ileum, colon, kidney, liver, lung, brain, and skeletal muscle of C57BL mice
Q43656615Tobacco smoking behavior among high school students in Poland
Q40790220Tolerance of antacids.
Q84242293Toll-like receptors and the tendency of normal mucous membrane to transform to polyp or colorectal cancer
Q53438103Topography of Helicobacter pylori infection in gastric cancer patients
Q47346395Total and high molecular weight adiponectin levels in the rat model of post-myocardial infarction heart failure
Q33315312Tracheobronchial amyloidosis--bronchoscopic diagnosis and therapy of an uncommon disease: a case report
Q79708006Training induced decrease in oxygen cost of cycling is accompanied by down-regulation of SERCA expression in human vastus lateralis muscle
Q36715180Training-induced acceleration of oxygen uptake kinetics in skeletal muscle: the underlying mechanisms
Q37405822Training-induced vascular adaptations to ischemic muscle.
Q84361460Trans fatty acids induce a proinflammatory response in endothelial cells through ROS-dependent nuclear factor-κB activation
Q46878135Trans fatty acids induce apoptosis in human endothelial cells.
Q34147963Trans-arachidonic acids: new mediators of inflammation
Q38700370Transcription factor GATA3 expression is induced by GLS2 overexpression in a glioblastoma cell line but is GLS2-independent in patient-derived glioblastoma
Q46412853Transcription factors as targets of the anti-inflammatory treatment. A cell culture study with extracts from some Mediterranean diet plants.
Q38352088Transcriptional dysregulation of skeletal muscle protein metabolism in streptozotocin-diabetic mice
Q40025087Transcriptional upregulation of gastrin in response to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist triggers cell survival pathways.
Q38509461Transcriptomic analysis of aorta from a short-term high-fat diet fed mouse reveals changes in the expression of vessel structure genes
Q38352092Transcriptomic index of skeletal muscle of beef breeds bulls
Q39822599Transcriptomic profile of two canine mammary cancer cell lines with different proliferative and anti-apoptotic potential.
Q40389772Transforming growth factor-beta1 upregulates myostatin expression in mouse C2C12 myoblasts.
Q52774074Transforming growth factor-β1 and tumor necrosis factor-α concentration in serum during disturbed lymph flow from a liver in rats
Q47716294Transient O2-dependent effects of CO2 on ventilation in the anesthetized mouse.
Q39524535Transient and stable transfections of mouse myoblasts with genes coding for pro-angiogenic factors
Q74590210Translocation of MAP (Erk-1 and -2) kinases to cell nuclei and activation of c-fos gene during healing of experimental gastric ulcers
Q72047339Transperitoneal transport dynamics of methotrexate in vitro: tissue and diffusion barriers
Q48300311Traumatic brain injury results in a concomitant increase in neocortical expression of vasopressin and its V1a receptor.
Q46121412Treatment of Churg-Strauss syndrome with an inhaled corticosteroid after oral steroids discontinuation due to side effects.
Q37687739Treatment of systemic diseases by inhalation of biomolecule aerosols.
Q46013815Treatment with ghrelin accelerates the healing of acetic acid-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers in rats.
Q46111033Treatment with the ghrelin-O-acyltransferase (GOAT) inhibitor GO-CoA-Tat reduces food intake by reducing meal frequency in rats
Q42439207Triple eradication therapy counteracts functional impairment associated with Helicobacter pylori infection in Mongolian gerbils.
Q46350655Tryptophan free diet delays healing of chronic gastric ulcers in rat.
Q38737338Tumour-associated macrophages influence canine mammary cancer stem-like cells enhancing their pro-angiogenic properties
Q34956107Turning down lipid oxidation during heavy exercise--what is the mechanism?
Q46801936Tussigenic agents in the measurement of cough reflex sensitivity.
Q46124459Ulcerative colitis in AKR mice is attenuated by intraperitoneally administered anandamide.
Q78054640Ulcerogenic and healing impairing actions of monochloramine in rat stomachs: effects of zinc L-carnosine, polaprezinc
Q31124078Ultrastructural alterations of endothelium covering advanced atherosclerotic plaque in human carotid artery visualised by scanning electron microscope.
Q48648587Ultrastructural degradation of the carotid body in the aged rat: is there a role for atherosclerosis in the main carotid arteries?
Q95539817Ultrastructural evidence of a secretory role for melatonin in the human parotid gland
Q48384306Ultrastructural features of the neurovascular unit in Alzheimer's neurodegeneration.
Q42484897Ultrastructure of immediate microvascular lung injury induced by bacterial endotoxin in the isolated, no-deficient lung perfused with full blood
Q39108007Underlying mechanism of regulatory actions of diclofenac, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, on neuronal potassium channels and firing: an experimental and theoretical study
Q39272613Understanding mitotane mode of action
Q74011933Up-regulation of endothelin-1 in gastric mucosal inflammatory responses to Helicobacter pylori Lipopolysaccharide: effect of omeprazole and sucralfate
Q44724077Upper respiratory tract diseases in self-evaluation of health status of Polish students based on the SF-36 questionnaire.
Q51820052Upregulation of Th1 cytokine profile in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Q54577033Upregulation of angiotensin AT1a receptors mRNA in the heart and renal medulla after myocardial infarction in rats.
Q71455877Urea-urease system in cytoprotection against acute mucosal damage
Q43227232Urinary excretion of low molecular weight proteins in goats during the neonatal period
Q90524609Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, kidney injury molecule-1, uromodulin, and cystatin C concentrations in an experimental rat model of ascending acute kidney injury induced by pyelonephritis
Q92822578Urocortin 2 in patients with hypertension treated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers
Q42465685Urodynamic effects of the bladder C-fiber afferent activity modulation in chronic model of overactive bladder in rats.
Q83355248Use of over-the-counter medications in prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections
Q81167353Usefulness of p16 and K-ras mutation in pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis differential diagnosis
Q54055139Usefulness of thoracic electrical bioimpedance in detection of ejection fraction changes.
Q85056564Validation of a Dot-Blot quantitative technique for large scale analysis of beef tenderness biomarkers
Q82162358Variable effect of ghrelin administration on pancreatic development in young rats. Role of insulin-like growth factor-1
Q90524568Variable gender-dependent platelet responses to combined antiplatelet therapy in patients with stable coronary-artery disease
Q43587795Vascular changes in cyclosporine A-induced hypertension and nephrotoxicity in spontaneously hypertensive rats on high-sodium diet
Q44269542Vascular effects of COX inhibition and AT1 receptor blockade in transgenic rats harboring mouse renin-2 gene
Q83170069Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) genotype and serum concentration in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis
Q46956554Vascular function and nitric oxide production in chronic social-stress-exposed rats with various family history of hypertension
Q79313798Vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with peripheral ischemia
Q57095933Vasodilating, spasmolytic, inotropic and chronotropic activities of curcuminoids from Curcuma longa in isolated organ preparations of guinea pigs
Q95527887Vasodilatory effect and endothelial integrity in papaverine- and milrinone-treated human radial arteries
Q49635211Vasomotor effects of hydrogen sulfide in human umbilical vessels
Q28566742Vasopressin V1a, V1b and V2 receptors mRNA in the kidney and heart of the renin transgenic TGR(mRen2)27 and Sprague Dawley rats
Q47301697Vasopressin and oxytocin release and the thyroid function.
Q28565599Vasopressin and oxytocin release as influenced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone in euhydrated and dehydrated rats
Q51569294Vasopressin content in the cerebrospinal fluid and fluid perfusing cerebral ventricles in rats after the afferent vagus nerve fibres stimulation
Q37405839Vasopressin in vascular regulation and water homeostasis in the brain.
Q48404240Vasopressin release from posterior pituitary lobe incubated in situ after preganglionic stimulation of the rat superior cervical ganglion
Q42918959Vasopressin release from the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system: effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), its analogues and melatonin
Q44335384Vasopressin release in response to hypovolaemia in the conscious rat and the effect of opioid and aminergic receptor antagonists
Q48115228Vasopressin release into the 3rd cerebral ventricle and into the blood after sciatic and trigeminal nerve stimulation.
Q39711917Vectorial bicarbonate transport by Par-C10 salivary cells.
Q79313806Ventilatory augmentation by acute intermittent hypoxia in the rabbit
Q47876553Ventilatory response to hypoxia in experimental pathology of the diaphragm.
Q46672936Viability and oxidative response of human colorectal HCT-116 cancer cells treated with visfatin/eNampt in vitro
Q30920650Visceral sensitivity perturbation integration in the brain-gut axis in functional digestive disorders.
Q90283108Viscoelastic properties of plasma fibrin clots are similar in patients on rivaroxaban and vitamin K antagonists
Q75273726Vitamin A deficiency alters the bioelectric parameters and RNA content of rat gastric mucosa in vitro
Q40792665Vitamin C decreases intracellular calcium level in human lymphoid cells
Q44623013Voltage dependent activation of tonic contraction in cardiac myocytes
Q91889650Vulnerability of gastric and small intestinal mucosa to ulcerogenic action of indomethacin in C57/BL6/J mice and transient receptor potential channel vanilloid type 1 knockout mice
Q37553782WWOX, the tumour suppressor gene affected in multiple cancers.
Q72047343Warm rearing modifies temperature regulation in rats
Q45841614Wavelet analysis of voluntary cough sound in patients with respiratory diseases
Q48531153Wavelet mapping of sleep spindles in young patients with epilepsy
Q47176203Weight loss-dependent and -independent effects of moderate calorie restriction on endothelial cell markers in obesity
Q79313782What influences the level of oxidative stress as measured by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in patients on hemodialysis?
Q36935557Wheezing and asthma may be enhanced by broad spectrum antibiotics used in early childhood. Concept and results of a pharmacoepidemiology study
Q36217358Where are we in genomics?
Q36716179Why study sympathetic nervous system?
Q89447100Wnt signaling pathway in development and cancer
Q46165467Wood dust: an occupational hazard which increases the risk of respiratory disease.
Q80171972Worsening of long-term myocardial function after successful pharmacological pretreatment with cyclosporine
Q74624864XXI Congress of the Polish Physiological Society. September 7-10, 1999. Poznan, Poland. Abstracts
Q48393051p-ERK involvement in the neuroprotection exerted by ischemic preconditioning in rat hippocampus subjected to four vessel occlusion
Q77474357tGLP-1 and release of vasopressin and oxytocin from the isolated rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system: effects of a tGLP-1 receptor agonist and antagonist

cites work (P2860)
Q434998912.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus musculus
Q42404718A Novel Herbal Medicine KIOM-MA Exerts an Anti-Inflammatory Effect in LPS-Stimulated RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells
Q40194075Action of Halowax 1051 on Enzymes of Phase I (CYP1A1) and Phase II (SULT1A and COMT) Metabolism in the Pig Ovary
Q36057660Acute Sedentary Behaviour and Markers of Cardiometabolic Risk: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies
Q36918403Acute Toxicity and Gastroprotective Role ofM. pruriensin Ethanol-Induced Gastric Mucosal Injuries in Rats
Q35991024Adrenocortical and Adipose Responses to High-Altitude-Induced, Long-Term Hypoxia in the Ovine Fetus
Q21285089Age-Dependent Accumulation of 8-Oxoguanine in the DNA and RNA in Various Rat Tissues
Q46682150Age-Dependent Effects of ELF-MF on Oxidative Stress in the Brain of Mongolian Gerbils
Q42625065Airway Remodelling in Asthma and COPD: Findings, Similarities, and Differences Using Quantitative CT
Q30421045An Update on Less Invasive and Endoscopic Techniques Mimicking the Effect of Bariatric Surgery
Q84631569Angiogenic Activity of Sera from Interstitial Lung Disease Patients in Relation to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Activity
Q36148576Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Bangpungtongsung-San, a Traditional Herbal Prescription
Q35991170Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of Salbutamol on Acute and Chronic Models of Inflammation in Rats: Involvement of an Antioxidant Mechanism
Q84537490Anti-ulcerogenic effect of aqueous propolis extract and the influence of radiation exposure
Q41856294Antidepressant-Like Effects of Shuyusan in Rats Exposed to Chronic Stress: Effects on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Function
Q46687949Antitussive and bronchodilatory effects of Lythrum salicaria polysaccharide-polyphenolic conjugate
Q35116419Apoptosis Induction in Primary Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines and Retarded Tumor Growth in SCID Mice by Sulforaphane
Q34240088Application of Monoclonal Antibodies against Bioactive Natural Products: Eastern Blotting and Preparation of Knockout Extract
Q36014649Barrett’s Esophagus: Emerging Knowledge and Management Strategies
Q37902938Bioactive peptides derived from milk proteins and their health beneficial potentials: an update
Q35579308Biologics in Paediatric Crohn's Disease
Q38112124Biomechanics and Load Resistance of Short Dental Implants: A Review of the Literature
Q43453196CRAC Ion Channels and Airway Defense Reflexes in Experimental Allergic Inflammation
Q35991326Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Lung Transplantation: A Review
Q35203083Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System Blockade
Q35910111Characterization and In Silico Analysis of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein-1 Gene of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Q46201603Characterization and biological activity of Solidago canadensis complex
Q33965983Cigarette Smoke, Bacteria, Mold, Microbial Toxins, and Chronic Lung Inflammation
Q36907883Citrus junosTanaka Peel Extract Exerts Antidiabetic Effects via AMPK and PPAR-γbothIn VitroandIn Vivoin Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
Q36635174Clinical Features and Polysomnographic Findings in Greek Male Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Differences Regarding the Age
Q38070127Clinical Implications of Platelet—Vessel Interaction
Q48864127Commentary on Symptom Experience of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Patients
Q36988437ComparativeIn VitroEffects of Calcineurin Inhibitors on Functional Vascular Relaxations of Both Rat Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta
Q84606809Comparison of Different Non-invasive Methods for Detection of Allergic Asthma
Q37052167Curative Effects of Thiacremonone against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Hepatic Failure via Inhibition of Proinflammatory Cytokines Production and Infiltration of Cytotoxic Immune Cells and Kupffer Cells
Q37946290Cyclooxygenase-2 and Gastric Cancer
Q35609070Demographic Predictors of Peanut, Tree Nut, Fish, Shellfish, and Sesame Allergy in Canada
Q41819782Diagnostic Value of Exhaled Carbon Monoxide as an Early Marker of Exacerbation in Children with Chronic Lung Diseases
Q26823069Diet, Microbiome, and the Intestinal Epithelium: An Essential Triumvirate?
Q34470880Effect of Induced Oxidative Stress and Herbal Extracts on Acid Phosphatase Activity in Lysosomal and Microsomal Fractions of Midgut Tissue of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
Q39375462Effect of Kramecyne on the Inflammatory Response in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Peritoneal Macrophages
Q48210806Effect of Socio-Economic Status on Quality of Life in People Affected with Respiratory Allergy
Q39352280Effect of Sulforaphane on Growth Inhibition in Human Brain Malignant Glioma GBM 8401 Cells by Means of Mitochondrial- and MEK/ERK-Mediated Apoptosis Pathway
Q84780671Effect of andrographolide on cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer in rats
Q35579408Effects of Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Ethanol- and Aspirin-Induced Ulcers
Q84631521Effects of Selective Inhibition of PDE4 and PDE7 on Airway Reactivity and Cough in Healthy and Ovalbumin-Sensitized Guinea Pigs
Q36506673Effects of Somatothermal Far-Infrared Ray on Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Pilot Study
Q50434123Effects of strength training on neuromuscular facial rehabilitation
Q24634894Efficacy and Safety of COX-2 Inhibitors in the Clinical Management of Arthritis: Mini Review
Q35131044Efficacy of Chronic Antidepressant Treatments in a New Model of Extreme Anxiety in Rats
Q28388731Electromagnetic Fields, Oxidative Stress, and Neurodegeneration
Q39447895Emu Oil Reduces Small Intestinal Inflammation in the Absence of Clinical Improvement in a Rat Model of Indomethacin-Induced Enteropathy
Q36665257Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Cardiovascular Diseases: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Inflammation
Q35915055Epigenetics and Breast Cancers
Q36931444Ethanol Extract ofAntrodia camphorataGrown on Germinated Brown Rice Suppresses Inflammatory Responses in Mice with Acute DSS-Induced Colitis
Q83342624Exercise Can Improve Speed of Behavior in Older Drivers
Q50793753Expression of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen-4 in T Cells from Children with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Q35649322Fatigue in Medical Residents Leads to Reactivation of Herpes Virus Latency
Q41605028Fenofibrate Treatment Enhances Antioxidant Status and Attenuates Endothelial Dysfunction in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Q35579449Fetoplacental Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction as an Early Phenomenon in the Programming of Human Adult Diseases in Subjects Born from Gestational Diabetes Mellitus or Obesity in Pregnancy
Q42322746Gallic Acid Enriched Fraction ofPhyllanthus emblicaPotentiates Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer Healing via e-NOS-Dependent Pathway
Q36531158Gastroprotective Activity ofPolygonum chinenseAqueous Leaf Extract on Ethanol-Induced Hemorrhagic Mucosal Lesions in Rats
Q41890667Ghrelin Protects against the Detrimental Consequences ofPorphyromonas gingivalis-Induced Akt Inactivation through S-Nitrosylation on Salivary Mucin Synthesis
Q36012390Ginkgo Biloba Extract EGB761 Protects against Aging-Associated Diastolic Dysfunction in Cardiomyocytes of D-Galactose-Induced Aging Rat
Q33846696Ginkgo biloba for the treatment of vitilgo vulgaris: an open label pilot clinical trial
Q35368150Heat Shock Protein: Hard Worker or Bad Offender for Gastric Diseases
Q37929595Hydroxyl Radical and Its Scavengers in Health and Disease
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