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P495country of originSwitzerlandQ39
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or nameGermanQ188

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published in (P1433)
Q126300623Informierte Entscheidungen durch kritische Gesundheitskompetenz
Q45756255"Implications and effects of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI Home Care 2.0) in ambulatory nursing care"
Q39219706"It's not the old life that we live anymore..."--counselling of relatives in nurse discharge planning
Q67903366"Much pain" or the "Mamma mia syndrome". Considerations on the cultural conflict in the clinical care of foreign patients
Q34577792"My reward is being able to serve". Housemother's retrospective memories of the loss of power in their position in houses "for the sick and needy" between 1945 and 1995
Q84669942"Who is glossary?"--Focus-group evaluation of an evidence-based consumer information brochure on risk of falling and fall prevention in the elderly
Q73291537-At an age when patients need help, illness is promoted by the structures of geriatric care
Q8858781830 Jahre "Pflege"
Q8817420630 Jahre "Pflege" – Verzicht auf Nennung der akademischen Titel und Berufsbezeichnungen – Themenschwerpunkt Bildung in der Pflege
Q8858779330 Jahre Erscheinen der Zeitschrift „Pflege“ – Ein Grund zu gratulieren und zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung zugleich
Q4938279430 Jahre Pflege – Sichtweisen zur Zukunft der Pflege
Q9550351230 Jahre „Pflege“
Q8913849630 Jahre „Pflege“
Q78063538A dialectic reflection on the psychotherapeutic efficacy of nursing interventions. 1. Nursing interventions and effectiveness of psychotherapy
Q88587812A guideline for adults with an indwelling urinary catheter in different health care Settings - methodological procedures
Q67964378A professional dream..
Q40978142A reflective case report applied to pain management in a complex care situation
Q30332087AIDS--from pandemic to manageable disease?
Q39388022After care for puerperal women. A literature review
Q90026986Alexandra Bernhart-Just, Dr. rer. medic., Diplom-Pflegewirtin
Q100389527Alter(n) und Pflege - allgegenwärtig und doch zu wenig bedacht?
Q73495957Ambulatory care in Germany--orientation towards community care?
Q46194975An analysis of the individual perception and coping strategies of people with dementia in the early stage of their disease in accordance to the function and effectiveness of self-help groups on the basis of self-expression
Q43423373An evidence-based guideline to support HIV/AIDS patients with alcohol problems
Q60268083Analyse teamspezifischer Belastungssituationen und Entwicklung angepasster Interventionen: ein Aktionsforschungsprojekt mit Pflegenden
Q88397817Analysis of adverse events as a contribution to safety culture in the context of practice development
Q33260867Analysis of statutory health insurance data concerning utilization of support surfaces for pressure ulcers
Q56657803Angepasste Bewegungsunterstützung – Interaktionsgeschehen am Beispiel einer kinästhetischen Mobilisation
Q67964381Applied research: practical considerations on the application of research in nursing practice
Q100389531Arbeitsengagement und Belastungserleben von Health Professionals in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie
Q100389524Arbeitsumfeld Krankenhaus während Pandemien
Q53583481Are written information or counseling (WOMAN-PRO II program) able to improve patient satisfaction and the delivery of health care of women with vulvar neoplasms? Secondary outcomes of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Q52948269Assessment scales for nursing assessment of the mouth. A literature review
Q67903367At home. A varied reality for elderly women and their nursing personnel in nursing homes
Q39267644Attitude of seniors about assisted living - a qualtiative study
Q89536749Ausschreibung bestes Praxisprojekt
Q49564382Auswirkung motivierender Gesprächsführung auf die Krankheitswahrnehmung bei stabiler koronarer Herzkrankheit.
Q50423614Auswirkungen eines E-Learning zum gesundheitsschädigenden Alkoholkonsum auf Wissen, Einstellung und Kompetenzen von Pflegefachpersonen im Akutspital
Q50301623Autism and nursing. Facilitated communication: significance of and use to the nursing of persons with autism with severe disabilities of action and communication
Q52902302Autonomy in the nursing home--conceptual considerations regarding self-determination and capacity to act on the basis of a model
Q91560096BALANCE – Promoting energy balance related behavior after liver transplantation
Q88587823Begeisterung für die Pflege vermitteln und den Beruf attraktiv gestalten
Q100547297Beziehungsarbeit in der ambulanten Kinderkrankenpflege
Q43545186Bibliotherapy: reading as an aid in facing one's illness
Q98564167COVID-19 bei Neugeborenen, Kindern und Jugendlichen: Fakten, Zahlen und Risiken
Q98564157COVID-19 driven care changes in high risk patients from an outpatient to a community setting
Q102150948COVID-19-Pandemie in Berlin und Brandenburg - Eine Ist-Analyse in Krankenhäusern aus Sicht des Pflegemanagements
Q98564165COVID-19-Schutzmaßnahmen in der stationären Altenpflege
Q57215059CURA SUI – Die Selbstsorge und ihre Beziehung zur Pflege
Q88675031Call for papers: Themenschwerpunkt „Pflege 4.0“
Q93509135Can holistic-rehabilitating nursing process care be adapted to acute care hospitals?
Q91931595Cancer Survivorship Care: individuell – einzigartig – bunt
Q49617886Caphosol® versus State of the Art Mundpflege bei allogener Stammzell-Transplantation: Eine Mixed Methods Studie
Q45720557Care against the patient's will. An ethical-moral question
Q67964386Career patterns of nurses. 2. Getting out and getting back in
Q68009567Career patterns of nurses. Part I. Employment, functions, working time
Q53655673Causes and factors influencing nurses entering vocational rehabilitation in Germany – results of the pilot study Reha-Biograf
Q79296303Change in perspective. One's profession from the viewpoint of others: how do nurses feel they are being perceived by physicians in professional interactions?
Q36732911Classification, a suitable method for nursing research--practical advice for data collection and data analysis
Q50462309Cognitive Debriefing
Q52956931Comment on Christen, L. et al.: Nursing without and with use of ether oils: a controlled study with patients in an acute rheumatologic department
Q30332086Compassion--a forgotten tradition in nursing care?
Q39434494Concepts of pain in preschoolers and children of early school age and their parents after painful interventions during hospitalization
Q30353281Coping strategies of children with asthma. Testing the applicability of the German version of the Schoolagers' Coping Strategies Inventory (SCSI)
Q95939319Core Outcome Sets in klinischen Studien
Q98564161Covid-19: Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit
Q88678677Critical factors for optimising skill-grade-mix based on principles of Lean Management - a qualitative substudy
Q49927766Das Kind mit einer Hörbeeinträchtigung im Spital
Q90431706Das Potenzial neuer Technologien zur Unterstützung von Pflege über eine räumliche Distanz
Q59383291Das auf Basis des «Quality of Health Outcome Model» (QHOM) entwickelte Zürcher Pflege-Qualitätsmodell: Eine neue Perspektive zur Messung der Pflegequalität
Q33506659Dealing with sensitive interview topics--insights into the research project "Everyday life of people with urinary incontinence"
Q88174172Den Fokus der Pflegewissenschaft weiten – Plädoyer für mehr pflegerische Theoriebildung und die Berücksichtigung wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Konstrukte
Q100760121Der Alltag von Jugendlichen mit einer Sichelzellerkrankung
Q60268026Der Beitrag der Onkologiepflege zur Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing – SRAN
Q95939327Der Einfluss von Glückserleben und Gesundheitszustand auf die Lebenszufriedenheit im Alter
Q40473906Der Migrationshintergrund in multikulturellen Pflegearrangements.
Q100389532Der Prozess des Medikamentenselbstmanagements: Eine Modellrevision auf Basis einer qualitativen Sekundäranalyse
Q49617914Der pflegerische Umgang mit Reizüberflutung in der Psychiatrie
Q52384106Developing a language for nursing. Interview with Patricia Benner
Q33516766Development and test-theoretical analysis of an instrument for data collection on patients' preferences and experiences concerning participation in nursing care decisions in acute hospitals
Q30209288Development of a nurse-led family counseling program for families of the elderly: the first cycle of a Community-Based Action Research Project (CBPR)
Q26769026Development of a set of nursing-sensitive indicators for Swiss practice
Q48729195Development of a specialized nursing language from the nursing science perspective: why and what for?
Q44516348Development of an evidence-based self-management programme for patients in the first year after renal transplantation with a focus on prevention of weight gain, physical exercise and drug adherence
Q30333135Development of assessment scales for measuring quality of nurse-patient relations
Q38111602Development of clinically meaningful complex interventions - the contribution of qualitative research.
Q67964393Development of organization in the hospital--nurse administrators revise their job descriptions
Q45032301Development of research competence in continuing education and in nursing practice
Q85119018Developments of nursing research within German-speaking countries - publications from 1988 until 2007 in the journal "Pflege"
Q45022546Diagnosis "risk of pneumonia" evidence-based evaluation and comparison of nursing interventions
Q100389529Die COVID-19-Pandemie im akutstationären Setting aus Sicht von Führungspersonen und Hygienefachkräften in der Pflege
Q88174179Die Diskurs- und Dialogfähigkeit der Pflege stärken – Plädoyer für mehr Systemdenken und Abschied von etablierten intra- und interprofessionellen Denkfiguren und Grenzen
Q102382058Die Essenz der Pädiatrischen Pflege
Q90026993Die Framework Analysis
Q49617957Die Herausforderung annehmen.
Q93353102Die Internationale Klassifikation von Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) – Ein nützliches Instrument für die Pflegewissenschaft?
Q98564156Die Lebenssituation von Menschen mit Demenz und pflegenden Angehörigen während der Coronavirus-Pandemie
Q104517237Die Problematik der Implementierung von Kinästhetik in Einrichtungen der stationären Langzeitpflege - Eine Multiple Case-Study
Q56889021Die Verantwortung der Pflege für Versorgungsprozesse statt für einzelne Tätigkeiten definieren – Ein Plädoyer für einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Ausbildung und der Versorgungspraxis
Q90188176Digitale Anwendungen für die Studienauswahl im Rahmen von systematischen Evidenzsynthesen
Q92785731Digitalisierung in der deutschen Pflegeausbildung: Potenziale und Herausforderungen des AKOLEP-Projekts
Q114826127Digitization and health inequality and equity in nursing
Q52195315Do clinical nurse practitioners affect the working environment and the quality of care?
Q89942492Drug supply in in-patient nursing care facilities: reasons for irregularities in quality reviews
Q44737442Dying humanely in an inhuman time--possibilities and limitations of terminal care counseling
Q89312698Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to promote urinary continence in stroke survivors – a systematic literature review
Q59220795Effects of a computer based nursing documentation system on the quantity and quality of nursing documentation
Q79122405Effects of health policy mandates on ambulatory care in Germany
Q38463048Effects of nursing insurance on caregiving daughters--the role of professional nursing care
Q79296291Effects of science-based nursing on nursing practice
Q30420022Effects of the training in integrity-promoting care on the interactions in a long-term ward
Q88378769Ein Modell für Pädiatrische Palliative Care
Q49617944Ein solides Fundament für die onkologische Pflege in Österreich zur umfassenden und wirkungsvollen Betreuung der erkrankten Menschen entwickeln
Q92185371Eine Diskussion zum sorglos anmutenden Umgang mit dem Begriff „komplex“
Q103837966Eine Frage des Vertrauens - Grounded Theory-Studie zum Alltagserleben HIV-positiver und an AIDS erkrankter Menschen
Q88587810Eine positive „Les Art“ assistiver Technologien in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
Q44308163Emotional work--a new dimension for nursing research
Q46144592Enfuvirtide in HIV patients: a nursing guideline for medication management
Q62024259Entscheidungswege von onkologischen Patienten im Umgang mit Schmerzmedikamenten im häuslichen Umfeld: eine qualitative Sekundäranalyse
Q49617866Entwicklung der Pflegewissenschaft durch die Etablierung von langfristig angelegten Förderprogrammen für Pflegeforschung sicherstellen
Q49844487Entwicklung einer Programmtheorie als Grundlage für die Evaluation einer Demenzstation
Q40386262Entwicklung eines Curriculums für Hygienefachkräfte zur Qualifikation von hygienebeauftragten Pflegenden
Q87818993Erfahrungen von älteren Menschen und deren Familien mit einer Rund-um-die-Uhr Betreuung durch Care MigrantInnen
Q101057746Ernährungsmanagement bei mangelernährten Kindern in der häuslichen Pflege
Q88587826Es braucht modernes Entlassungsmanagement zur umfassenden Betreuung und Begleitung der Menschen im häuslichen Bereich
Q58659729Ethics and professional identity in nursing--the inside of the nursing crisis
Q44409462Ethics and research
Q45781488Ethnography and fieldwork: the crisis of representation and beyond
Q56976249Evaluation der Glamorgan-Skala in einer pädiatrischen Intensivstation: Übereinstimmungen und Reliabilität
Q43568119Evaluation of pediatric Advanced Practice Nurse: quality and benefit for Switzerland?
Q52837565Everything safe? – Risk situations in advanced home care from the point of view of ventilated patients and their relatives
Q88174199Evidence Map – eine Methode zur systematischen Erschließung von Literatur
Q33316100Evidence-based impact of cryotherapy on postoperative pain, swelling, drainage and tolerance after orthopedic surgery
Q52099504Evidenced-based nursing: knowledge, performance and learning in nursing care
Q54226277Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsinformationen und Decision Coaching: Neue Rolle für die Pflege.
Q51724968Evolution or revolution: can advanced practice nurses alter the future of health care?
Q89902605Experience of patients waiting for a hip or pelvic fracture surgery – a qualitative study
Q93509139Experiences of nurses with dialogues with family members of long-term patients
Q103834159Fallbericht über eine an COVID-19 erkrankte Patientin mit bestehendem Schmerzsyndrom
Q53735377Familien einen Raum zum Trauern eröffnen.
Q47621869Family centered care and family nursing: three beliefs that matter most
Q52795208Flyer to improve self-management of symptoms for patients with cancer – Evaluation of feasibility and comprehensibility of the Symptom Navi
Q61095671Focus Group Interviews: A qualitative research approach for nursing
Q52707490Focused development of advanced practice nurse roles for specific patient groups in a Swiss university hospital
Q53520405Foreign-trained Jewish nurses in Palestine and Israel 1900-1965.
Q61813440Formelles und informelles Aufgabenprofil in der ambulanten psychiatrischen Pflege aus Sicht von Pflegenden: Eine Meta-Synthese
Q30349984Foucault's concept of gouvernmentality: an instrument to analyse nursing science
Q88012530Frequency of medication preparation and medication administration errors in a Swiss university Hospital. A prospective observational study
Q44677788From bedside to evidence - and back to bedside. 5 years evidence-based guidelines in South Tyrol: methods and experiences
Q77110214From the ritualized distance between nursing practice and nursing theory to eye-level contact
Q91560099Gender und akademisches Publizieren
Q98564162Gesundheitsverhalten und Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit COPD während der COVID-19-Pandemie
Q59197451Gesundheitsversorgung und Disease Management – Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Versorgungsforschung
Q88587806Getting home with artifical heart – what is the everyday life experience of people with mechanical circulatory Support. A qualitative study
Q90188167Gutes zu wollen, reicht alleine nicht aus
Q68009561Health and quality circles--a participating beginning in geriatric care and nursing
Q67964383Health and quality circles--a participative effort in geriatric nursing. 2
Q31047766Health education and tuberculosis control around 1900
Q67964391Healthy aging within the community
Q91560105Herausforderungen im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs und in der wissenschaftlichen Bearbeitung von edukativen Anteilen in der Pflege
Q100527957Herausforderungen und Bedürfnisse von Familien mit Neugeborenen mit Zwerchfellhernie
Q34480742Holistic nursing--do nurses take on too much?
Q45424658Homesickness in children and adolescents during hospital stay - a nursing concept
Q46868115Hospital discharge preparation: enhancing self-care competence of patients after minimally invasive hip arthroplasty
Q30426300Hospital nursing conducted according to Rogers' theory. The participating process of human field patterning in a clinical environment
Q33589899How affected persons and family caregivers experience everyday life with urinary incontinence
Q71716971How can the patient's home be changed into a work place for the nurse? Interaction theoretical note on the role of the professional nurse in ambulatory care
Q44799174How do nurses in psychiatric institutions assess suicide risk? A survey in the German-speaking part of Switzerland
Q33248877How do parents experience the premature birth of their child?
Q33589905How do users experience the handling of the Observed Emotional Rating Scale?
Q39262011How family carers of people with dementia experienced their stay on an acute care facility and their own collaboration with professionals: a qualitative study
Q54420419Hygiene trained nursing staff at wards – What can this additional educated nurses achieve?
Q49943645Ideas about a "good death" in Palliative Care Nursing
Q33264924Identification of pain in the case of patients under sedation and artificial ventilation: A systematic literature review
Q100760122Implementierung eines neonatalen Schmerzassessmentinstruments auf einer neonatologischen Intensivstation
Q91931613Implementierung evidenzbasierter Praxis: viele Theorien, limitiertes Wissen
Q53975301Implementierung von forschungsbasiertem Wissen in die Pflegepraxis.
Q67903368Implicit strategies for the professionalization of concepts of qualification for teachers in the nursing professions
Q44901449Incidence and prevalence of postoperative acute confusion in heart surgery patients after coronary artery bypass and heart valve replacement surgeries
Q44362298Including family in nursing care of patients with delirium on intensive care units
Q53492043Internal consistency and construct validity of the Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease (QoL-AD) proxy – a secondary data analysis
Q92720684Interne Konsistenz und Konstruktvalidität des demenzspezifischen Lebensqualitätsinstruments QUALIDEM
Q53476994Interprofessional collaboration from nurses and physicians – A triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data
Q39281810Interventions and their effects on informal caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic literature review
Q87630448Interventions of the nursing diagnosis „Acute Pain“ – Evaluation of patients' experiences after total hip arthroplasty compared with the nursing record by using Q-DIO-Pain: a mixed methods study
Q53615415Introduction of the distress thermometer on an oncological ward
Q93509148Intuition of nursing personnel
Q91138773Jutta Beier, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Q92383750Kontinenzförderung bei Menschen nach einem Hirnschlag: Entwicklung einer komplexen Intervention
Q93353098Konzeptanalysen kritisch betrachtet
Q60268122Kritik-Konferenz-Kultur Wie steht es mit der Nachhaltigkeit?
Q43729148Latitude and restrictions of activities in nursing
Q30424467Learning from mistakes
Q38522147Life with intestinal cancer. A phenomenologic-empirical study
Q39373821Living with pain--elderly women as experts in the management on their chronic musculoskeletal pain
Q50026229Lymphologischer Kompressionsverband oder Standardbehandlung mit Kältepackung zur Schwellungsreduktion nach Knietotalprothesen-Operation
Q84587417Magnet hospital: institutions of excellence
Q87674518Marianne Müller gibt ihre Funktion als Herausgeberin ab
Q52324716Martha Meier - ein Leben für die Pflege.
Q30989866Measurement of nursing care needs - from routine data or separate calculation?
Q53593539Medication safety in the home care setting: Development and piloting of a Critical Incident Reporting System
Q39203587Men as caregivers for their wives - two phenomenological studies of the experiences of male primary caregivers in home arrangements. Part 1: men as caregivers for their wives after stroke
Q92185366Metasynthesen – Offene Fragen nur scheinbar gelöst?
Q52845031Migrant nurses from Vietnam – First experiences in the German long-term care sector
Q89536745Mit Pflegepolitik die Zukunft gestalten
Q53676485Multikulturelle Teams in der Altenpflege.
Q49617857Multiprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und das Ausschöpfen der pflegerischen Kernkompetenzen der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter stärken
Q90625653Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Theo Dassen
Q90625656Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schnepp
Q91748771Needs of people with dementia and their informal caregivers concerning assistive technologies
Q30429022Normative dimensions of nursing practice--the ethical relevance of the body
Q88772861Nurse Migration
Q73495946Nurse practitioners as counselors
Q43708795Nurses' experiences with aggressive behaviour of nursing home residents: a cross sectional study in Swiss nursing homes
Q30319356Nurses' perspective on interprofessional communication on an intensive care unit
Q68009559Nurses, returning to their profession--experiences with returning nurses
Q43934838Nurshing theory of the future: situation-specific theories.
Q73495944Nursing as an art in practice and science
Q30323782Nursing diagnoses: questions and controversies
Q46299688Nursing ethics and the access to nursing care
Q67903369Nursing knowledge according to Dorothea Orem's self-nursing model, Part 2. Practical use--education--research
Q53804488Nursing management of sensory overload in psychiatry – development of a theoretical framework model
Q30871023Nursing minimum data sets (NMDS) - a literature review relating to objective and data elements
Q72655878Nursing models and teaching practice. 1
Q34577797Nursing patients with learning and physical disabilities in hospitals - a systematic literature review
Q30696134Nursing performance on specialty units, hospital departments and for patient groups--a comparison based on minimal nursing care data
Q57465351Nursing professionals' attitudes toward use of physical restraints in Styrian nursing homes (Austria)
Q48697386Nursing research for a better care. Annie T. Altschul. 1985.
Q73067336Nursing science and natural sciences. Critical notes on a difficult relationship as a starting point for its new definition
Q30326754Nursing science and related sciences. Questions about centralization of nursing science and interdisciplinary relations
Q68009569Nursing science: a review
Q79122400Nursing without and with essential oils: a controlled study of patients in an acute rheumatologic department
Q88772867Older persons’ and their families’ experience with live-in foreign home care workers. A grounded theory study
Q30484372Open access--you have the choice with OpenMind
Q84991344Opportune restructuring toward an internationally recognized journal
Q43473052Optimising rehabilitative care for people with major amputation - a qualitative study
Q39401998Optimizing postoperative pain therapy on acute surgical wards
Q49635493Ortsfixierung und Bettlägerigkeit im Kontext von Gebundenheit (boundedness).
Q39343038Pain prevalence and patient preferences concerning pain management in the emergency department
Q90625640Palliative Sedierung im stationären Hospiz - Konstruktion einer Ethik-Leitlinie mittels partizipativer Forschung
Q85119011Parents of a critically ill child - what do they expect from the team of the pediatric intensive care unit?
Q46542563Patient classification and work load in nursing: the SEP-USZ model (SEP = system for the determination of nursing load). (USZ = Zuric University)]
Q87592408Patient complaints as a means to improve quality of hospital care. Results of a qualitative content analysis
Q88449818Patient safety in the care of mentally ill people in Switzerland: Action plan 2016
Q79296299Patient self-determination--reflections on critical and responsible management
Q49682272Patientensicherheit – ein vielschichtiger Diskurs.
Q42945713Perceptions and interpretations of nurse-patient interactions--a qualitative study
Q88174203Personalbesetzung im Pflegedienst darf nicht länger Stiefkind der Pflegewissenschaft sein
Q52841332Perspectives of family caregivers in home mechanical ventilation: „That I’ll be taken seriously and that I not only have to carry the burden“
Q73495956Perspectives of nursing science. Formation of a theory in a practice discipline
Q91321186Pflege 4.0: Zur Komplexität der Digitalisierung
Q98564158Pflege in Zeiten von COVID-19: Onlinebefragung von Leitungskräften zu Herausforderungen, Belastungen und Bewältigungsstrategien
Q100389525Pflege in Zeiten von Corona: Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Querschnittbefragung von ambulanten Pflegediensten und teilstationären Einrichtungen
Q100389523Pflege in Zeiten von Corona: Zentrale Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Querschnittsbefragung vollstationärer Pflegeheime
Q88587815Pflege und Pflegeforschung verfügen über großes Potenzial
Q88174175Pflegeausbildung stärker auf wissenschaftliche Grundlagen stellen – Ein Plädoyer für curriculare Reformen und mehr Pflegebildungsforschung
Q91138769Pflegeausbildungsreform – Chance für die Altenpflege verpasst
Q95939323Pflegeforschung zu COVID-19: Aus den Versäumnissen der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft lernen
Q60268051Pflegewissenschaft 2. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch zur Einführung in die Pflegeforschung
Q53926785Pflegewissenschaftler in die Versorgungspraxis besser integrieren.
Q88187272Photovoice Methode – Dem Foto eine Stimme geben
Q53713320Position paper on the concept of practice-related nursing research
Q60268043Postdoktoratsstudien in den Vereinigten Staaten: Erfahrungen als Postdoktorandin in Pflegewissenschaften in den USA
Q52195314Power in the hospital. Considerations on a structural problem
Q39485035Premises of a qualitative change in geriatric care
Q43754504Prevalence of ulcus cruris in home care nursing. An epidemiological study in North Rhine-Westphalia
Q53146933Prevalence, influencing factors, screening and diagnosis of delirium at stationary hospitalised patients in a Swiss acute Hospital. A pilot study
Q43977101Prevention of decubitus ulcer: theory and practice
Q33921541Preventive measures for the prophylaxis of contractures in geriatric nursing. A systematic review
Q91966476Prioritäten der Pflegeforschung für das Themenfeld "Dementia Care" im deutschsprachigen Raum
Q32177632Production of a classification system for nursing science for the library of Bremen University. A contribution to the development of nursing as a science
Q43406801Professional nursing knowledge according to Dorothea Orem's self-care model. I: The key concepts
Q68009564Professional status and motivation for the choice of profession. Study on 50 nursing students and 50 commercial apprentices
Q60267999Professionelle Werte pflegen. 1910–2010. 100 Jahre SBK – Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner
Q31026130Pruritus without skin manifestation--what kind of state of the art nursing intervention?
Q53762591Psychometric survey of nursing competences illustrated with nursing students and apprentices
Q90625633Psychosoziale Arbeitsbedingungen und Burnout-Symptome in der stationären somatischen und psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
Q30656699Qualitative data analysis: coding versus content analysis
Q58658346Qualitative longitudinal studies in the context of Palliative Care - methodological, ethical and psychosocial aspects
Q30328111Quality of nurse-patient relationship: requirements
Q49617846Rahmenbedingungen und Strukturen für einen fruchtbaren Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis schaffen
Q98564166Rapid Reviews - anything goes?
Q88772857Recognition of foreign nurses degree in Germany – procedure, quantity, distribution and decision of applications
Q92383776Redakteurin Andrea Kurz verstorben
Q89902609Refereetätigkeit 2016
Q87674521Refereetätigkeit 2017
Q91138764Refereetätigkeit 2018
Q90625659Replizierbarkeit nicht-pharmakologischer Interventionen
Q90027002Reporting Guidelines – Notwendigkeit oder notwendiges Übel?
Q30316975Reporting guidelines for reporting empirical research - useful or inexpedient?
Q88449821Reporting systems in long term care: heading for implementation
Q49803869Repräsentanz von Pflegewissenschaftlerinnen und Pflegewissenschaftlern aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum in Zeitschriften mit hohem Impact Factor
Q47907910Research in Nursing Ethics--Looking Back & Looking Forward
Q44836057Research in the field of primary care from the viewpoint of the nursing profession
Q61813397Risikoadjustierung bei Qualitätsvergleichen – Warum hierarchische Modelle?
Q88187273Roboter gegen Personalengpässe in der Pflege?
Q43417007Rose is a rose is a rose
Q92383754Räuber in der Wissenschaft – Quo vadis Pflegewissenschaft?
Q30328112Scientific basis of measuring instruments in public health: on the example of LEP progress in the achievements of nursing
Q45770838Scientific reports: responsibility for quality
Q92811826Selbstmanagement bei Krebstherapien fördern: Das Symptom-Navi-Programm
Q84669933Shaping the interaction between nurses and patients in the rehabilitation process--the example of hospital care for paraplegic persons
Q49682322Sicheres Sprechen und Schlucken bei tracheotomierten, beatmeten Patientinnen und Patienten auf der Intensivstation
Q30326864Situation and significance of nursing theories and nursing philosophy
Q55007478Skin toxicities and unmet supportive care needs of patients with cancer undergoing EGFR-inhibitor therapy
Q44849773Smoking among nursing students
Q44656580Smoking cessation for HIV infected patients
Q88675037Sozialstrukturelle Rahmenbedingungen der physischen (In)Aktivität von Pflegeheimbewohner/innen – eine Mixed-Methods-Studie
Q102382055Storytelling als innovative Methode zur videobasierten Edukation für Eltern von Kindern mit atopischer Dermatitis
Q45860898Stresses for the nursing personnel. 1. Partial results of a qualitative study with nursing personnel (supported by the Agnes Karll Foundation for Nursing Research
Q45936100Strike in nursing schools--effects of strike and work contracts on nursing school teachers
Q85119017Structural conditions in outpatient care: effects and strategies to guarantee quality of care - results of an explorative study
Q72655876Structure model of practical instruction. 1
Q60268038Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN) Die Entwicklung einer Agenda für die klinische Pflegeforschung in der Schweiz
Q60268023Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN): Die Entwicklung einer Agenda für die klinische Pflegeforschung in der Schweiz
Q90188179Teamkompetenz in pflegerischen Berufsausbildungen TK-DACH
Q90879210Technikbereitschaft in der ambulanten Pflege
Q89312692Testing clinical competencies in undergraduate nursing education using Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) – a literature review of international practice
Q62024264Testung einer Intervention zur Unterstützung des Schmerzselbstmanagements bei onkologischen Patienten: Eine Mixed-Methods Pilotstudie
Q33707874The Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set II (B-NMDS II) and its transfer to German hospitals: results of the first investigation phase, the translation and adaption process of the instrument
Q39302698The burden of parents caring for their children and adolescents with severe disabilities in South Tyrol
Q73495952The concept of nursing as a basis for the practice of care. 1
Q30430135The concept of paradigm in nursing science
Q93509153The concept of practice-related nursing research
Q71845355The concern with nursing research of future graduate nurses
Q33242675The conduct of deaconesses during the NS-dictatorship and the efforts to overcome these experiences. A case study on historical research
Q30392518The effect of reading fairy tales on elderly people
Q39365024The efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions in the management of pain in preterm and term neonates. A systematic literature review
Q39241714The experience and coping of primary coronary intervention: a review of qualitative studies
Q73477956The influence of nursing measures on incision pain and the use of opioids in the postoperative period
Q34037339The influence of understanding diagnostics on perceived stress of nurses caring for nursing home residents with dementia
Q67903365The meaning of suffering. Patients describe their experiences
Q45052654The methodological silence?--A look at the research landscape of mixed method studies
Q73548200The nursing concept as a basis for the practice of care
Q68009557The nursing expert--integration of a new function within the structure of the nursing service
Q38076718The reduction of physical restraints in nursing homes: the impact of nursing research on clinical practice and health care policy
Q39203593The role of family carers of people with dementia in the assessment of need on the example of the CarenapD study
Q26798382The scientific discourse about dementia in Germany-first results of the exemplary exercise of an integrative methodological approach
Q57407200The self-reported and observed competence of nursing staff in mobility care based on Kinaesthetics in nursing homes – A cross-sectional study
Q44756303The situation in the nursing service and the use of nursing experts
Q33548834The situation of people suffering from Parkinson's disease and their relatives in the mirror of literature - an overview
Q44792654The ward nurse's key role for nursing quality
Q90625635Themenschwerpunkt "Aus der Praxis - für die Praxis"
Q46493956Theory development in grounded theory
Q34857533Timing of dressing removal in the healing of surgical wounds by primary intention: a meta-analysis
Q103737609Tumorbedingte Fatigue - Prozessevaluation eines Seminars der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Q43926203Uncertainty--suffering and chance
Q92383762Unglaublich produktive Wissenschaftler?
Q100389528Unmittelbare Reaktionen von Menschen mit Demenz auf individualisierte Musik
Q89312695Vaccination status among nurses in hospitals. Results of a cross sectional study at Harzklinikum Dorothea Christiane Erxleben Quedlinburg
Q44090652Voluntary Refusal of Food and Fluid in palliative care: a mapping literature review
Q39389547Voluntary helpers in hourly home care of patients with dementia. Intermediate term results of a prospective study and results of a retrospective survey
Q87674528Vulnerabilität ODER Wie verletzlich ist der Mensch?
Q98564160Wahrnehmungen von Pflegenden im Bereich der Intensivpflege während der COVID-19-Pandemie
Q92742097Wann und wie berücksichtigen Intensivpflegende Schmerz im Behandlungsprozess von Patientinnen und Patienten auf der Intensivstation?
Q89138503Warum braucht es das Raschmodell?
Q88675025Warum die Ökonomisierung der Pflege ein Irrweg ist
Q70228705What do nurses in Israel do after their retirement?
Q27016166What does really help against cancer-related fatigue? An overview of systematic reviews
Q85119014Whistleblowing: a difficult concept for nurses
Q50026226Wie Eltern und ihre Kinder die pflegegeleitete Transitionssprechstunde für Adoleszente mit angeborenen Herzfehlern erleben
Q91134067Wie Pflegekräfte im ambulanten Bereich den Einsatz von Telepräsenzsystemen einschätzen
Q95939321Wir sagen herzlichen Dank, Berta Schrems!
Q61095741Wissen wollen – Informationsbedürfnisse der Angehörigen von Intensivpatienten
Q49617898Woher – wohin? Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit im Akutspital zwischen Pflegefachpersonen und Ärztinne໿n und Ärzten
Q44744244Working conditions and job satisfaction of nurses in the night shift
Q90625646Worte der Herausgeberinnen zum Tod von Wilfried Schnepp
Q89536753Zusammenhang zwischen Skill-Mix beim Pflegepersonal und Einsatz von freiheitseinschränkenden Maßnahmen
Q102387007Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Perspektive von fallverantwortlichen Pflegefachpersonen zur Rationierung in der spitalexternen Pflege
Q100989969Zwischen Himmel und Hölle: Erfahrungen von Eltern mit einem kritisch kranken Kind mit extrakorporaler Membranoxygenierung (ECMO)
Q98564164Zwischen Traum und Trauma - Aufbau und Betrieb einer Kohortenstation für Patient_innen mit COVID-19 in einem Akutspital
Q87363038[ Comparison of BESA and RAI: evaluating the outcomes of two assessment instruments for long-term residential care needs]
Q53349587[ Low-threshold support services for people with dementia from the family carers' viewpoint].
Q77824697["... but it is for many also a large step: from the brink of death to the celebration of life...". Routine care with new drug treatment possibilities for HIV positive and AIDS patients from the viewpoint of patients]
Q79760133["...cause in such a big hospital ... visually impaired persons like me, alone, can't get anywhere"--the experience of visually impaired people of the in-patient care--an empirical, explorative study]
Q78388399["A constant irritation"]
Q52169745["A small piece of normal life". A qualitative study on health care for chronically ill children in home care]
Q80802845["Advanced Nursing Practice" is worth while!]
Q74426682["All that time we were working hand in hand ..." a comparative study on the effects of professionalization on German and American intensive care nurses]
Q88203564["Alone with the taboo" - The social support experienced by women with vulvar neoplasia: a qualitative study]
Q52013238["And it is always recommended"--educational concepts and expertise in nursing practice].
Q87523683["And suddenly I have a tumor" - the situation of family S./N]
Q81031479["And the suffering is also borne by the following generations"--an international literature study on the nursing care for Jewish patients]
Q80072939["Body of evidence" or evidence-based nursing (EBN) as the basis of professional nursing]
Q79390499["Getting through"--a difficult nursing concept]
Q81320093["Hospice concerns the whole person!"--voluntary hospice helpers supporting dementia patients]
Q80393869["However we are different"--research of nursing experience at migrants on the background of a dynamic culture understanding]
Q54772048["I do believe that there is something". Discussions with cancer patients]
Q86620384["I feel like a suspended cart"]
Q52379804["I was always with body and soul a dedicated nurse"].
Q79935774["Knowing the patients" in an economizing health care system]
Q85987592["Nurse migration" topic emphasis]
Q77824687["Nursing care visit: possibilities and limits". An empirical study in Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein]
Q70228723["Official" and "unofficial" contents of nursing. A qualitative, descriptive pilot study]
Q86620393["Often it is not the major difficulties that cause stress" - family caregivers on nursing care and living conditions. A salutogenic survey]
Q94477744["One always has to be watchful": Categorisation of patient-related complexity of nursing care in acute care hospitals]
Q82772041["Out of interest in reasonable conditions... " Relevance and constitutive elements of a critical theory in nursing science]
Q81925052["Quality of life means acting independently". How do COPD-patients experience non-invasive ventilation? A qualitative study]
Q85987552["Relief for family caregivers" - conceptual revision]
Q78610679["Skill mix" and "grade mix" today and in the future]
Q81272722["Smart concepts" for improving the status of nursing or on the perspective of a critical nursing science]
Q74233634["The Kaiser's new clothes"]
Q83571393["The informed patient": who, if not we?"]
Q81320089["The patient with decubitus ulcer is neglected for a long time"]
Q81468227["Tied down"--the process of becoming bedridden through gradual local confinement]
Q84586435["What can I still do, what may I still do?"--ambivalent lived experiences and instruction need of patients in the early period after renal transplantation]
Q80687371["Without hope it doesn't work". An empirical investigation about the importance of hope for caregivers in South Tyrol (italy)]
Q84338129["work & care" - Combining employment and care: a literature analysis on challenges for family caregivers, companies, and nursing]
Q83328523[10 years advanced nursing practice in Switzerland: retrospect and prospects]
Q85956349[20 years editorial assistance]
Q83364461[25 years nursing]
Q71845366[A Trojan horse in nursing? Nursing diagnosis and its theoretical context]
Q82273497[A challenge in spite of acceptance - how mothers of newborn babies with a "cleft" experience the transition from the hospital back home]
Q71716980[A check list for working conditions and work satisfaction of nurses in general hospitals--report on results]
Q83364456[A comparison of general health and potential predictors of general health among nurses in different age groups in Germany]
Q73067327[A dialectic view of the efficacy of nursing interventions. Connections between nursing interventions and effects of psychotherapy]
Q82199276[A discussion of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics in international nursing research]
Q80802861[A method combination for Advanced Nursing Practice projects]
Q84986063[A micro-education programme for breastfeeding women: a pilot study to investigate the educations' effect on injured and painful nipples]
Q83364466[A new article rubric is launched: "From nursing practice - for nursing practice"]
Q73548205[A new documentation system to simplify a patient-centered nursing process in ambulatory care and in long-term care in a nursing facility]
Q81737572[A nurse-led multidisciplinary malnutrition program to assess and treat patients with malnutrition or those at risk of malnutrition]
Q52193083[A nursing intervention study in interdisciplinary cooperation: challenges and problem solving strategies]
Q72031997[A pedagogical-sociological analysis. Nursing in motion]
Q83248187[A portfolio for the development of a Surgical Intensive Care Unit into an internationally recognized reference center]
Q51021904[A scientific discourse on theories of morals and ethics]
Q73602935[A typology for nursing processes exemplified by the "Nursing Process, Standardization and Quality in the Nursing Care Sector" Project]
Q70228712[Academically educated nurses in the United Kingdom: myths and realities]
Q71911054[Accepting and understanding patients. A study of experiences and behavior of nurses in psychologically demanding nursing situations]
Q86292057[Action research]
Q58660381[Acute care nurses’ ethical reasoning: a thematic analysis]
Q85734298[Admission and discharge of people with dementia- Communication from the perspective of respite care experts]
Q72528780[Admission to a ward for terminal care as a status passage]
Q82868903[Advanced Nursing Practice in Great Britain - a personal report]
Q82868889[Advanced Nursing Practice in daily nursing care: practice development of an acute geriatric Advanced Nursing Practice team]
Q73547177[Advanced and continuing education is an important indicator of professional satisfaction in nursing]
Q83328525[Advanced nursing practice in Germany. Focusing on legal limits instead of creating the possibilities]
Q81129524[An analysis of the careers of ten nurse scientists]
Q80393873[An encounter with foreign parts is not the objective of the journey. The reality of the return]
Q58682235[An ethical analysis of double-bind conflicts of nurses who have to feed severely demented patients]
Q80187509[An evidence based program to support HIV-infected patients suffering from fatigue]
Q85635412[Analysis of public quality reports for home care and long-term care with respect to their usefulness for the customer]
Q50750273[Anna Gogl, a new co-editor introduces herself]
Q52374402[Annie Altschul (1919-2001)].
Q91194721[Anxiety during the chronic critical illness in the intensive care unit - an interpretive phenomenological study]
Q77582699[Aphasia: the difficult way back to one's own life]
Q71285585[Approach to foreigners--the contribution of ethnology to nursing]
Q71285587[As we make our bed, so we must lie. The effect of super soft mattresses on the mobility of the elderly needing care]
Q53462799[Aspects of quality of life of residents of a nursing oasis from the perspectives of relatives and nurses- qualitative results of an evaluation study].
Q79891371[Assessment as the basic principal for evidence based nursing practice]
Q81737575[Assessment instruments for the measurement of the health-related self-care of patients with heart failure]
Q68031119[Assessment of pain in school children]
Q52375441[At home in a strange world? Study of reality perception of a demented elderly patient in a nursing home: an interpretation of various viewpoints].
Q78610699[Attitude of cancer patients to fatigue: patient attitude in Switzerland and England]
Q70645175[Attitude of nurses and their interpretation of the behavior of severely demented patients during feeding in a patient assignment system]
Q85734306[Attitudes towards assisted living inAustria-A qualitative study]
Q81699461[Austrian nursing mobilized?]
Q80390326[Autonomy and informed consent in surgical care-patients' and staff perceptions]
Q73743127[Autonomy, privacy and the implementation of the principle of "informed consent" with regard to nursing intervention from the view point of the aged]
Q73882104[BALINT--seminars in nursing education]
Q73050168[Balance of power in hospitals]
Q78099183[Basic and technical nursing--two concepts with far-reaching consequences for professional nursing]
Q53921455[Becoming partners: the meaning of caring for patients with HIV and AIDS]
Q86999571[Being cared for and caring: living with multiple chronic diseases (Leila)-a qualitative study about APN contributions to integrated care]
Q52379944[Bertha Pappenheim (1859-1936) and her role in nursing care].
Q79840868[Best practice--clinical guidelines]
Q86498674[Between anxiety and hope: the experiences of women with vulval intraepithelial neoplasia during their illness trajectory - a qualitative approach]
Q89260912[Between intent and inability-management of malnutrition on medical wards of a centre hospital in Switzerland: patients' experience and perceptions]
Q58681904[Between love and aggression--ethics in nursing activities]
Q71716960[Bibliographies on Dorothea Orem's nursing theory]
Q72775469[Bibliography on the topic of pain]
Q52364956[Biography-oriented diagnostics in counselling of patients with chronic illness].
Q72775449[Body image and the experience of illness--experience of women with breast cancer]
Q81524952[Bowel habits: non-congruent views of patients and nursing staff]
Q52999803[Brain death and organ transplantation: ethical dilemmas for nursing?]
Q82868883[Breast Care Nurses - nursing experts for breast cancer care. A path to "Advanced Nursing Practice" in Germany?]
Q81266769[Breast cancer prevention behaviour: a perspective of women from three language regions of Switzerland]
Q80687375[Burden and coping strategies of women suffering from breast cancer during their surgical primary therapy--the view of nurses]
Q91931643[Burdens and resources of nurses working in the specialist palliative care: an explorative cross-sectional study]
Q81272734[Burnout and coping in long term care units. A regional comparison in registered nurses]
Q72812841[Burnout and nursing: study on the work situation and on psychological stress in nursing personnel]
Q84338135[Burnout symptoms in Austrian student nurses in their third year of training]
Q52342452[Can holistic rehabilitation process nursing in acute hospitals be implemented? 1991].
Q73748796[Care management: scientific thoughts on a current topic]
Q72775462[Care of demented patients with severe communication problems]
Q78099173[Care of persons with aphasia--a review of the literature]
Q72031995[Career paths and professional education in the former German Democratic Republic 1949-1989]
Q90473196[Career prospects of graduate Bachelor nursing degree programs - Results of a nationwide study in Germany]
Q87948404[Caregivers' needs concerning mobility support of a family member with terminal cancer - a narrative review]
Q52997066[Caring for AIDS patients at home--requirements for development of the concept]
Q71716955[Caring for dying patients--and if they refuse?]
Q78063547[Caring for patients with chronic diseases within the family. Psychosocial stress and satisfaction of nursing women]
Q85635415[Case report & case study]
Q86292017[Case report - a checklist of article rubrics of Pflege]
Q82692090[Case report: the practical use of the self-care deficit nursing theory for a patient with a neuroendocrine cancer of the duodenum]
Q74255521[Central and decentralized aspects of the development and implementation of a concept of quality]
Q52208090[Chains of action--chains of power. New requirements from nursing management. 2]
Q72159838[Chains of action--chains of power: new challenges for nursing management. 1]
Q92015049[Challenges in dementia care at home - The situation at home of a married couple]
Q71285578[Change in nursing paradigms. 2. Elizabeth Barrett's "Theory of Power"]
Q71279262[Changes of nursing paradigms. 1. Martha Rogers' theory]
Q72812830[Characteristics of effective nursing interventions in the management of challenging behavior]
Q92947650[Chemotherapeutic side effects in colon cancer. A qualitative study from the point of view of those affected]
Q80928974[Children and adolescents as caregivers: who they are and what they do. An international literature review (1990-2006)]
Q52175475[Children experiencing pain and coping with it in situations of invasive diagnostics, therapies and care]
Q84934553[Children with chronic illnesses--the forgotten childhood]
Q52960921[Christen Lisanne et al. Nursing with and without ether oils (Pflege 4/2003). Response to the letter by Prof. Klaus-Dieter Neander (Pflege 5/2003)].
Q84572250[Chronic illness Self-Management support: quo vadis?]
Q52004098[Clinical decision making and critical thinking in the nursing diagnostic process].
Q52004096[Clinical decision making: Fostering critical thinking in the nursing diagnostic process through case studies].
Q74255516[Clinical nursing research. New standards for quality assurance for nursing and patient]
Q81925058[Clinical pathways: a way to integrate a standardized treatment and patient-orientation?]
Q82692101[Comment by Horst Rettke]
Q82692107[Comment by Renate Stemmer]
Q52343806[Comment on Ruth A. Schröck. ].
Q84282963[Comment on the article by Krohwinkel: holistic rehabilitative care process relevant for today's nursing]
Q86292053[Comment on the case report]
Q52340652[Comment on the contribution by Erna J. Schilder (1988): Restraining patients? A study of the use of restraints in nursing]].
Q81272748[Comment on the editorial by Dirk Hunstein, "By the time the patient has a decubitus ulcer, he has already been discharged..."]
Q83301617[Comments on "Urinary incontinence as a risk factor for pressure sores does not withstand a critical examination"]
Q78388396[Comments on the article "Theoretical considerations of phenomenologic nursing research"]
Q78388432[Comments on the article "Theoretical considerations of phenomenologic nursing research"]
Q73944229[Communication in the hospital. A qualitative study of the communication behavior within the nursing service between the wards of a psychiatric department of a general hospital]
Q86292010[Communication training MultiTANDEMplus – A contribution to improve communication between professional caregivers and physicians]
Q52997064[Communication with patients]
Q77110189[Community nursing from the viewpoint of public health]
Q52888057[Comparative quality measurements part 1: run charts].
Q53349592[Comparative quality measurements part 3: funnel plots].
Q52884460[Comparing quality measurements Part 2: control charts].
Q73882109[Comparison of expectations and competencies of USA and German nursing students]
Q51865323[Competence diagnostic in the field of nursing].
Q52204593[Competence in nursing and its significance for professionalization]
Q86620386[Complex drug regimen in multimorbid elderly patients after hospital discharge - a qualitative study]
Q77423883[Conceptual considerations on the use of nursing standards]
Q87948413[Conflict of interest with industry--a survey of nurses in the field of wound care in Germany, Australia and Switzerland]
Q73291554[Considerations on the professional nursing language]
Q73743142[Consultation in pediatric nursing]
Q53367598[Content validation of the questionnaire “The Management of Aggression in People with Dementia Attitude Questionnaire German Version” (MAPDAQ-G)].
Q81710922[Continuity of care by Pflegeüberleitung? Results of participant observation]
Q81710919[Continuity of care--the perspective of patients and their relatives]
Q76324249[Contribution of professional nurses of ambulatory nursing services to home nursing care]
Q54716949[Controversy and compromise concerning the introduction of the 1907 Prussian nursing examination in Catholic orders and Protestant deaconess motherhouses].
Q90203732[Counselling approaches to assistive technologies in nursing care for people with dementia - A focus group study with informal carers]
Q54729478[Covenant or contract? A reflection on two paradigms of the nursing relationship].
Q78388438[Creating reality]
Q94931845[Cross-sectional study on skin tears in fragile, aging skin: nursing deficits in a common problem in Germany]
Q53565184[Daily routine of informal caregivers-needs and concerns with regard to the discharge of their elderly family members from the hospital setting-a qualitative study].
Q77110183[Debate on nursing--theory]
Q86721722[Decision-making processes in nursing and activities at the end of life in intensive care–An international comparative study]
Q73221337[Decisions and attitudes of nurses caring for severely ill elderly patients: a culture-comparing study]
Q74672484[Decisions and attitudes of nurses in the care of chronically ill elderly patients]
Q87948423[Decubitus ulcer risk scale and new models of the decubitus ulcer development]
Q94546791[Delirium at the Hospital - Nursing effort and risk of falling: A Routine data analysis]
Q79891380[Delirium: screening, assessment and diagnosis]
Q71911058[Delusions in the aged. A contribution to anthropological understanding]
Q73050165[Demands on interpersonal and communicative skills of nurses in their daily practice]
Q81710916[Demands on professional nursing staff in institutions for dialysis from the view of male and female patients--the results of a survey by means of Critical Incident Technique]
Q82199258[Determining the support needs of patients who live at home following a stroke]
Q52108990[Developing and establishing an expanded and more comprehensive HIV/AIDS nursing practice]
Q83316383[Development and implementation of a multidisciplinary nurse-led educational programme for inpatients with heart failure: the Basel-HF-Programme]
Q73220156[Development and organization of a curriculum for joint theoretical education in geriatric, hospital and pediatric nursing]
Q86066979[Development and validation of a patient reported outcome instrument for women with vulvar cancers and surgical treatment - a mixed method study]
Q73221316[Development of nursing science in Germany]
Q68031127[Development of professional activities of nurses in practical courses in nursing schools]
Q79817438[Development of the "Whittener Activity Catalog of Self-Care in Venous Ulcer"]
Q82868869[Development of the role of an Advanced Practice Nurse in the long-term care of elderly people in Switzerland]
Q52997060[Development of theories in nursing science]
Q53344468[Development, application and evaluation of nursing interventions for people with dementia in nursing homes in Germany--a literature review].
Q83998973[Dialogal phenomenology in the context of nursing science, a critical examination of a rather unknown research method]
Q87948396[Die RN4CAST-studie - lessons (to be) learned]
Q78388428[Difficulties in interprofessional dialogue between medical and nursing colleagues]
Q81632336[Discharge planning of elderly patients in need of care]
Q79817434[Discomfort of the bed pan--translating and evaluating the Belgian Bedpan Ongemak Schaal (BOS)]
Q74672475[Disruptive behavior of elderly residents and the use of nursing methods]
Q73548196[Do nurse clinicians influence the working climate and the quality of care? 2. Results]
Q84986071[Does nursing care planning improve general practice? Study of 100 nursing documentations]
Q58670782[Does nursing need its own ethics?]
Q54751971[Dr. Gustav Feldmann (1872-1947)--promoter of Jewish nursing in Germany]
Q90320702[E-Learning in bachelor-level nursing education in Germany and the role of the nurse educator - a Delphi survey]
Q72159815[Early postnatal child development and its significance for inpatient care]
Q53223237[Eating and drinking in patients with Alzheimer dementia. A study of interactions]
Q84586436[Eating in hospital--a challenge for the interdisciplinary team]
Q80187521[Effect of a training course in management of aggression and violence on nursing students]
Q86890926[Effect of peer to peer interventions on recovery relevant attitudes: evaluation of a project in psychiatric institutions]
Q73582984[Effect of various dressings on the point of entry of an intravenous drip]
Q80802866[Effective nursing practice--a challenge leading to a practical report of the nursing staff of the Children's Hospital in Zurich]
Q33248879[Effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) on thrombosis prophylaxis: a systematic literature review].
Q82273528[Effectiveness of specialized nursing for patients with breast cancer and other gynecologic cancers: a prospective, longitudinal, two-arm pilot study in Switzerland]
Q73067340[Effects and importance of higher nursing education (Part 1). On the further development and work satisfaction of students. Presentation and discussion of qualitative questioning of graduated students]
Q73220148[Effects of "unification" on Austrian nursing]
Q81468244[Effects of cost saving strategies and staffing levels on patient and nurse outcomes. A literature review]
Q80393879[Effects of health political measures on health and well-being of women postpartum and their newborns]
Q53854233[Effects of kinesthetic mobilization in comparison with standard mobilization on respiratory function after coronary artery bypass and other relevant factors].
Q73007573[Effects of soft bedding on body perception and posture]
Q36857410[Electronic data processing in nursing--sketching the problem]
Q36791169[Electronic data processing in nursing: specific needs related to rostering programs in nursing]
Q54182990[Emergency nurses investigate their patients' needs]
Q94584264[Employed persons caring simultaneously for children and care-dependent relatives - a scoping review]
Q88203563[End-of-Life Care in Intensive Care Units: Nursing strategies of family involvement at the end of life]
Q71911073[Epidemiology of spinal diseases in nurses]
Q78400189[Escape from nursing care practice]
Q58671063[Ethical aspects of health care economy]
Q58674289[Ethical behavior in nursing: understanding nursing responsibilities]
Q58668969[Ethical decision models in nursing and medicine]
Q58674623[Ethics and nursing. A contribution to nursing education]
Q58670028[Ethics, applied ethics, professional ethics]
Q52085616[Ethnographic study on the care requirements of Jewish migrants in Germany].
Q72655861[European network for quality assurance in nursing]
Q72812832[Evaluation of a course for the short-term management of aggression]
Q73748807[Evaluation of courses in nursing science in Germany. A pilot project on the current state and on perspectives of future development]
Q84320929[Evaluation of nursing and leadership competencies - a baseline for practice development]
Q84744580[Evaluation of nursing processes in psychiatry--a field study project]
Q81320098[Evaluation of patient satisfaction as quality assurance measure in the hospital]
Q91296116[Evaluation of the implementation process of family nursing in oncology]
Q50649480[Evaluation of the nursing diagnosis "social isolation" and the use of evidence-based nursing].
Q80390337[Evidence-based nursing--a comprehensive term]
Q78388391[Evidence-based nursing--the missing link between research and practice]
Q52168570[Evidence-based nursing: a method for nursing practice?]
Q84076603[Excellent is still not outstanding]
Q72812853[Expectations of home care services. An empirical study]
Q74672488[Expectations of the nursing profession at the beginning of nursing education and their realization at the end of the 2 year (longitudinal study)]
Q53335615[Expectations, requirements and limitations of future task sharing between the nursing profession and the medical profession: results from the Care-N Study M-V].
Q52108989[Experience of patients in the intensive care unit. A qualitative study].
Q86292006[Experiences and needs of parents of hospitalised children with disabilities and the health professionals responsible for the child’s health-care – A systematic review]
Q81524936[Experiences and results from standardised observations of conventional and kinaesthetic nursing in a nuclear and radio-therapeutic ward]
Q87452869[Experiences and support needs of parents of hospitalized children with multiple disabilities: a qualitative study]
Q85635414[Experiences of Austrian nursing staff in dealing with advance directives]
Q80537094[Experiences of patients and family members during the stay on a nursing unit]
Q87523671[Experiences of relatives, who witnessed resuscitation or invasive procedures in life-threatening situations at the bedside of the next of kin or attending in a waiting room]
Q82199232[Experiencing the disease of breast cancer and getting life under control again]
Q73221306[Expert opinions by nurses]
Q74426669[Factors influencing the utilization of social services in old age]
Q81710913[Failing students in nursing--a new rubric is being offered]
Q73477960[Families living with HIV and Aids--review of the literature]
Q87421541[Family Health Nursing - a challenge for education and training? Results of an European project]
Q80187514[Family health nursing in Germany: a process of consensus finding as basis]
Q83978880[Family members in the intensive care unit: effects and mastering the situation. A review of qualitative studies]
Q50528207[Family members' experiences of caring for persons with dementia and outreach counseling--an interpretative phenomenological study].
Q72775452[Fatigue and cancer--indivisible twins? A comparison between cancer patients, patients with diseases other than cancer and healthy people]
Q73067329[Fatigue in healthy and cancer patients. 1. A qualitative study on conceptual analysis]
Q78099165[Fatigue in the healthy and in cancer patients. II. A qualitative study for conceptual analysis]
Q72159834[Feeding of severely demented patients in institutions: interviews with caregivers in Israel]
Q72812836[Feeding problems in severely demented patients seen from task and relationship aspects]
Q73221335[Focal points in operating room nursing]
Q87452875[Focus groups. Methodological diversity and comprehensible diversity]
Q77423891[Foot reflexology: an intervention study]
Q73007569[Freedom versus safety]
Q78063562[Frequency and circumstances of falls in acute care hospitals: a pilot study]
Q74818934[Frequency of oral hygiene nursing in cancer patients in Belgian hospitals. Frequency of nursing interventions and indicators]
Q85029304[Frequency of using the bedpan in acute care]
Q33210812[From isolated work to teamwork? Changes in Western German community nursing from 1950 to 1980].
Q73944222[From the bed onto the operating table. The transfer of patients from their bed to the operating table]
Q73582973[From the foreign to the familiar: the discourse on intercultural care and its impact on nursing science]
Q83364451[Future nursing opportunities - professionalisation and restructuring of scope of duties]
Q81129512[Gaining access--recruitment phase as a challenge]
Q50897362[Gender and social class as categories in the history of nursing: male nurses in the professionalization of nursing in Germany around the year 1900]
Q86066975[General practice and theory - reciprocal value creation. Research supported nursing development in general practice]
Q52372413[Georges Christoffel Maria Evers--departure of a pioneer in nursing science].
Q81524942[Geriatric in-hospital patients: falls and their consequences]
Q86890914[German hospital nurses' attitudes concerning evidence-based nursing practice]
Q87948408[German translation and adaptation of the uncertainty stress scale high risk pregnancy version III (USS-HRPV) for hospitalised women with high-risk pregnancy]
Q54501098[German translation of Suicidal Patient Observation Chart (SPOC) - an instrument for practice].
Q80393839[HIV/AIDS family care-giving in Switzerland in the context of silence]
Q70903046[Head nurse and nursing expert--it is possible to achieve successful cooperation]
Q73882089[Head outside--feet inside. How do patients from other cultures experience the German health care system?]
Q73944217[Head outside--feet within. How do patients from differing cultures experience the German health care delivery system?]
Q80393863[Health care between art and science--experience and problems of professional jargon in nursing and health care]
Q71911067[Health is not just the absence of disease]
Q71911063[Health is the most important point. Evaluation of nursing and medicine by society]
Q85556432[Health literacy - a concept for professional nursing?]
Q85635402[Health services research - a topic for nursing?]
Q73748802[Health- and care reporting in Germany. State and perspectives]
Q58677595[Helping patients to die--an ethical challenge to nursing care and to its institutional framework]
Q50551983[Hepatitis C! Experience in diagnosis and medical treatment. A literature review].
Q52379803[Hilde Steppe--a consolation to the next generation and honour to Germany].
Q73221310[Hilde Steppe] [In Process Citation]
Q71845369[Holistic nursing--definition and realization]
Q39455192[Holistic promotion in the process of nursing care in a home nursing situation--an empirical case study]
Q78388419[Home pediatric nursing care service in Germany--a quantitative study of the status of home pediatric nursing care providers in Germany]
Q54148753[Honor to whom honor is due. A statement on integrated authorship].
Q93089522[Hospital nurses' perspective on academic nursing education: a cross-sectional study in hospitals in the northwestern part of Germany]
Q72775455[How do daughters experience their elderly mothers move into a nursing home? A pilot study]
Q53358840[How do family members of haemodialysis patients with dementia experience nursing care on a haemodialysis unit: a qualitative study].
Q80393850[How do nurses experience and describe quality of care in everyday nursing]
Q78388406[How do patients assess caring they have experienced from nurses. Patients evaluate caring]
Q79390497[How does executive staff of home care nursing services estimate the situation of palliative care?]
Q87131856[How parents of adults persons with epilepsy do their best]
Q74777791[How reliable is the Functional Independence Measure (FMI)?]
Q52879950[Human dignity and human rights].
Q52201350[Humanistic care--a vital dialog with myself as a nurse]
Q86999576[Hurtful words: verbal violence]
Q81632342[IDAK--inter-professional documentation of lung cancer patients' information regarding their status in the hospital]
Q73582978[Immigrants in geriatric institutional care]
Q83248178[Impact of a pre-operative mobilisation program using the Viv-Arte training model based on kinesthetic mobilisation on mobility, pain, and post-operation length of stay of patients receiving an elective medial laparotomy: a prospective, randomised,
Q89264364[Impact of assisted vacations on female caregivers' burden]
Q81632365[Impact of patient education on self-care behaviour in patients with heart failure: a review of the literature]
Q86435811[Implementation of primary nursing in intensive care settings--evaluation with the "Instrument zur Erfassung von Pflegesystemen" (IzEP©)]
Q90446193[Implications for successive employment after general nursing education programmes - a multi-perspective study]
Q80072959[Implicit theories--the problems of thought economy]
Q53965407[Importance of qualitative research for nursing and nursing science]
Q77110196[Importance of the health sciences for nursing]
Q83802803[Improvement of oral health care in geriatric care by training of nurses and nursing assistants for the elderly]
Q73414779[Improving job morale of nurses despite insurance cost control. 1: Organization assessment]
Q52103361[Improving work morale of nurses despite insurance cost cutting. 2. Program planning].
Q86498693[In memory of Christoph Abderhalden]
Q52026673[In memory of Hilde Steppe].
Q85029307[In-patient education after renal transplantation]
Q81632356[Incidence and risk recording of pressure ulcers: results of quality measurement of the Verein Outcome in Swiss hospitals]
Q74426686[Independently offered care and health promotion--a vision of the future? Presentation and discussion of Erickson, Tomlin and Swain's Nursing Theory, describing a "nurse-managed wellness clinic" in the U.S.A.]
Q52294530[Individual quality of life of drug addicted patients during a drug withdrawal programme: Self assessment on a drug withdrawal and transition unit for adults].
Q73291526[Infection as a metaphor for the fear of pollution]
Q86498680[Inflammatory bowel diseases: experiencing illness, therapy and care]
Q85987561[Influence and correlation of attitude, availability and institutional support to research implementation in nursing practice – results from an exploratory, cross-sectional quantitative study]
Q77582695[Influencing factors and their meaning for the status of nursing: a care study. Nursing in a medical department at a university hospital]
Q51865326[Information needs of people suffering from venous leg ulcer. Expertise of people concerned as a basis of patient-centered information].
Q80072955[Innovative potentials and new areas of responsibility for nursing in the service sector of the future--results of a Delphi-study in Germany]
Q71285591[Innovative processes in ambulatory care--AIDS as a pilot project]
Q78610689[Inpatient postpartum nursing: evaluation of "holistic" and "traditional" nursing processes in the post partum period]
Q33971561[Institutional family systems and the role of the housemother 1945-1995. A hermeneutic-interpretive study of the restrospective experiences of the former housemothers in homes for "the sick and needy" in a diaconical institution - methodologically i
Q72159820[Integration of nursing science into practice]
Q58674827[Interaction-directed nursing ethics. Sketch of an integrated theory, didactics and methodology of nursing ethics]
Q73220151[Interactions between nurses and patients--a classical study in acute psychiatry]
Q74818943[Interobserver reliability of the "Functional Independence Measure" (FIM) in patients with craniocerebral injuries]
Q73602919[Interprative phenomenology: a qualitative research method for nursing care]
Q81925048[Interprofessional collaboration between medicine and nursing]
Q87363033[Interrater reliability and agreement of the Swiss MDS version 2.0]
Q52917152[Interrater reliability of the Braden scale].
Q87229366[Interventions compared: the pill and case report]
Q53564678[Interventions for prevention and reduction of the leisure limiting measures in inpatient geriatric nursing: challenges in the synthesis of complex interventions].
Q80537090[Interventions to enhance adherence of patients with HIV on ART: a literature review]
Q52380627[Interviews in historical nursing research].
Q73477947[Intuition as implicite knowledge]
Q76324257[Intuitive work. Influencing feelings of residents and patients in inpatient and ambulatory geriatric nursing]
Q81129516[Investigation of the rhythmical embrocating according to Wegman/Hauschka]
Q85635404[Is it beneficial to involve family member? A literature review to psychosocial interventions in family-centered nursing]
Q72159837[It is important to me, not just to be fixed on the diseases. Nurses talk about their profession]
Q51952559[Job rotation in anaesthesiological care: impacts on knowledge and learning].
Q78610683[Justice and good nursing care]
Q94704245[Karen Kersting: "Smart concepts" for improving the status of nursing or on the perspectives of critical nursing science]
Q81632351[Karen Kersting: "Smart concepts" for improving the status of nursing or on the perspectives of critical nursing science]
Q80928970[Knowing the negatives in nursing]
Q52972310[Knowledge of professional rules of ethics among professional nurses]
Q52012430[Learning capacity of acute stroke patients. A pilot study].
Q72655867[Leininger's theory of cultural nursing diversity and universality]
Q87523664[Let it happen - help it happen - make it happen]
Q80390341[Letter about Pflege issue 2/2004]
Q80390347[Letter regarding the editorial by Hanna Mayer in Pflege 2004, 17, 70-2]
Q87948418[Life stage related search efforts in nursing career identity developments: from educational decision to career--a qualitative study in a panel design]
Q73944225[Linguistic confusion about nursing standards. A literature study]
Q79840875[Literature review of back massage and similar techniques to promote sleep in elderly people]
Q83978885[Lived experience and management of the every-day life after lower-limb amputation caused by vascular diseases]
Q81737582[Living with a chronic abdominal wound--the patients' perspective]
Q73016190[Living with a chronic progressive form of multiple sclerosis--a balance act]
Q86498677[Living with a multitude of medicaments: experiences of patients with cancer]
Q89673577[Living with bandages: a mixed-methods-study on the view of families of children with epidermolysis bullosa]
Q84320918[Living with bladder exstrophy - the patients' perspective]
Q83707422[Living with limitations: people afflicted with heart failure - A qualitative study]
Q53229937[Local barrier creams for skin care in newborns, infants and toddlers with incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) – Narrative Review]
Q73547181[Long-term job satisfaction in direct nursing care]
Q87523694[Long-term outcomes of stroke rehabilitation: patients and informal caregivers]
Q71845358[Looking for the biological roots of self-care and caring behavior. 2. Approach to a research program "Anthropological foundations of nursing"]
Q81524933[Lost in translation]
Q52341971[Magnet hospitals. 1988].
Q83802799[Malnutrition and weight loss - nurse assessment of nutritional status and counselling: experiences of patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed cancer]
Q83364460[Management of complex medication regimes in chronic illness - challenges and support needs from the health professional's view]
Q72655873[Means of the production of knowledge in nursing--didactic developments in the profession]
Q91108627[Measurement of attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration in an operating theatre - a cross-sectional study]
Q78388411[Measuring fatigue of cancer patients in the German-speaking region: development of the Fatigue Assessment Questionnaire]
Q78388387[Measuring nursing care times--methodologic and documentation problems]
Q81632344[Measuring patient satisfaction in an emergency unit of a Swiss university hospital: concept clarification and results (part 1)]
Q81632348[Measuring patient satisfaction in an emergency unit of a Swiss university hospital: occurrence of anxiety, insecurity, worry, pain, dyspnoea, nausea, thirst and hunger, and their correlation with patient satisfaction (part 2)]
Q73732306[Mediation of transcultural nursing care in clinical context: a tightrope walk]
Q84587407[Medication safety in the home care setting: error-prone process steps]
Q85635405[Men as caregivers for their wives - two phenomenological studies of the experiences of male primary caregivers in home care arrangements. Part II: men as caregivers for their wives suffering from dementia]
Q81272742[Meta-analysis and its synonyms]
Q52379329[Michael Fischer (1887-1948)--life and work of an important founder of Catholic nursing in Germany].
Q52383910[Michael Gering's (1918-1969) influence on nursing education in the German Democratic Republic].
Q80802857[Midwife-led labour in a Swiss hospital]
Q89175230[Midwives and Nurses in Early Childhood Intervention: The Benefit of Additional Qualification]
Q52368348[Migration specific transitions and family care-giving].
Q84594567[Mindfulness and the development of professional health competence in nursing]
Q77423872[Modernizing nursing with holistic nursing systems? Results of a formative assessment]
Q78099180[Modular nursing system in pediatric ambulatory care according to nursing insurance legislation XI]
Q86999574[Monitoring of nursing service context factors: first descriptive results of a cross-sectional Swiss study prior the introduction of SwissDRG]
Q58678638[Moral action in nursing. Considerations from an ethical viewpoint]
Q70903053[Moral action in nursing]
Q53203609[Morning care of patients with Alzheimer's dementia: a theoretical model based on direct observation]
Q71279287[Motives of the career choice and expectations of the profession in nursing students]
Q87229372[Mouthrinse in oral mucositis in the context of allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a qualitative study]
Q78610693[Movement as interaction--systemic-constructivist approach to movement and consequences for nursing care]]
Q82761039[Movement support based on Kinaesthetics and the development and improvement of body perception, movement abilities and functional independency of elderly nursing home residents]
Q70645156[Multicultural cooperation in nursing]
Q70645184[Multiple sorting technique--an example for its application in nursing research]
Q84594564[Necessities and needs of intervention for workplace health promotion in residential elderly care?]
Q79273844[Needs and expectations of Tamil women attending an antenatal care department at a Swiss university hospital]
Q52854970[Needs of parents in bereavement care after perinatal loss of their preterm infant in the NICU].
Q51933273[Needs-oriented education for patients with acute coronary syndrome].
Q86292002[New editors of Zeitschrift Pflege introduce themselves]
Q73582967[New federal nursing legislation]
Q85734292[New realities engender thoughts on the departure of the co-editor of "Pflege"]
Q73582986[Notes on the exchange about the study "Massage of the foot reflex zones" by A. Kesselring et al. in "Pflege" (12) 2/1999]
Q73732292[Nuns and nursing care in the middle of the 20th century]
Q52933060[Nurse turnover: A differential analysis of the predictors for intent to change the job and intent to leave the profession].
Q80802849[Nurse-led heart failure clinics: Swedish experiences of Advanced Nursing Practice during 10 years]
Q92484251[Nurse-performed screening to identify dysphagia for neurological patients]
Q78099168[Nurses with and without burnout: a comparison. Results of a quantitative longitudinal study and a qualitative depth study]
Q87229374[Nurses' Attitudes toward the “Advanced Nursing Process” before and after an educational intervention – a quasi-experimental study]
Q83248183[Nurses' role in the therapeutic team of stroke units]
Q81031483[Nursing Informatics: state of the art and future of a subspecialty in nursing]
Q73050176[Nursing and education in gerontology]
Q73853177[Nursing and its socio-political mission]
Q71279291[Nursing and power--use of the so-called poststructuralism theory for the analysis of the power-relationships in the "female" nursing professional]
Q81468241[Nursing and self-help in the context of chronic illness and disability]
Q80687387[Nursing and technology--a closer look at a high tension topic. Essay on the current situation. Part 1]
Q81320107[Nursing and technology--a closer look at a high tension topic. Essay on the current situation. Part 2]
Q73291530[Nursing as a situative activity. A realistic concept for the assurance of quality and efficiency in geriatric care]
Q79122392[Nursing becomes a profession]
Q52954096[Nursing care dependence in the hospital. A descriptive study].
Q73220154[Nursing care for elderly Holocaust survivors. Experiences of Israeli nurses as related to their own life stories]
Q53372059[Nursing care in the run-up to Swiss DRG – Nurses' experiences with interprofessional collaboration, leadership, work load and job satisfaction].
Q81945012[Nursing care needs and the electronic patient record]
Q52351387[Nursing contribution to the detection of risk factors for child abuse and neglect].
Q83316375[Nursing development at the Solothurn hospitals. Towards clinically oriented nursing expertise and practice development]
Q81320100[Nursing diagnoses in acute psychiatric wards in Switzerland and Austria: commonalities and differences]
Q80928989[Nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes--application and impact on nursing practice: a systematic literature review]
Q71911051[Nursing diagnosis in acute care. An exploratory study at the Zürich University Hospital]
Q74233646[Nursing discharge planning: from the viewpoint of patients and necessary consequences for hospital organization]
Q52379802[Nursing during national socialism. Appreciation of the activities of Prof. Dr. Hilde Steppe].
Q70645178[Nursing education and nursing science--experiences in the United States]
Q84587405[Nursing errors and the consequences. Results of a survey of nurses from inpatient care institutions]
Q82199240[Nursing expertise in breast cancer care: a systematic review on the effectiveness of specialised nurse interventions]
Q84407129[Nursing home as family]
Q53826787[Nursing home placement of people with dementia: a secondary analysis of qualitative data and literature review on perspectives of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals].
Q71845353[Nursing in the postmodern period]
Q73732296[Nursing in the profession of the "sub-surgeons" between 1750 and 1850]
Q93509143[Nursing information according to Dorothea Orem's self-care model. 2. Application in practice--education--research]
Q80928985[Nursing interpreters? Interpreting nurses?]
Q74426689[Nursing is education and needs sensitivity. The relationship between teaching and nursing]
Q52943573[Nursing management in conflict between ethics and economy: a qualitative study in institutional and semi community care of older people]
Q72453907[Nursing models and guidance practice. 2]
Q83998955[Nursing needs of renal transplanted adolescents, a descriptive cross sectional study in a Swiss hospital]
Q72655868[Nursing of patients from foreign cultures]
Q74233639[Nursing personnel in inpatient rehabilitation--work satisfaction, motivation for interdisciplinary cooperation and for achieving psychosocial competence]
Q54018233[Nursing relevance of the bases of the concept of Salutogenesis]
Q76324239[Nursing research receives new impulse]
Q81468223[Nursing scholarship and nursing research--where is it headed?]
Q61813517[Nursing science and sociology: in what way can sociological expertise support nursing research?]
Q52185219[Nursing science in oncologic nursing]
Q82761034[Nursing science--still not visible enough?]
Q82772049[Nursing theories - the forgotten dimension? A retrospective view to and a reflection about the article "Nursing theories are essential to professional nursing" (Pflege, 1989)]
Q80537099[Nursing unit: nurses co-ordinating hospital care--an answer to new challenges in acute medicine]
Q70645167[Nutritional problems in long-term nursing home patients]
Q82273512[OLA - Optimizing quality of life of elderly people. Development of quality measurement tools for nursing homes and assisted living organizations]
Q85734329[Obituary: Dr. Marjory Gordon (PhD, RN, FAAN)]
Q52381987[Old, in need of care and homosexual. Experiences of an patient and his nursing team]
Q82868895[One year Advanced Nursing Practice in pediatric cardiology - a first review]
Q83301603[Ongoing breastfeeding with breast abscess]
Q89260925[Online First]
Q50647762[Optimizing medication intake in patients with chronic liver disease].
Q80072950[Oral hygiene with tongue cleaners]
Q73548202[Organ transplantation and brain death. A critical contribution to the definition of brain death]
Q72031991[Organization of socially acceptable working hours in nursing]
Q80802854[Outcomes and experiences of caring for families with children with cleft lip and palate at the Children's Hospital of Zurich]
Q80390318[PFLEGE periodical as a mirror of science]
Q78388414[Pain assessment in newborn infants--a review of the literature]
Q73477964[Pain management and nursing care--results of a review of the literature]
Q90214698[Pain management in nursing care in outpatient older adults in need of care]
Q81632333[Pain management in patients with cognitive impairment: a research implementation project]
Q52885939[Pain, fear of falling and functional performance in nursing home residents - a cross-sectional study].
Q51013347[Paradise lost - Reflexion of preterm birth from the perspective after a brain injury. A case study].
Q83328528[Parallel actions, a marker of organizing new fields in Austrian nursing]
Q72655865[Pathways to the development of a nursing science able to be integrated into practice]
Q73414766[Patient and family oriented information and counseling in "home nursing of sick children" in Germany--a stepchild in scientific nursing research?]
Q86890921[Patient centered care and patient satisfaction]
Q53741125[Patient education in the acute hospital].
Q72453900[Patient management categories (PMC)--experiences in the surgical field]
Q51854343[Patient orientation in the evidence based nursing concept? ... and it still works].
Q72655870[Patient oriented development of theories as a basis for the teaching of nursing]
Q80393845[Patient records: supporting interprofessional communication in hospital]
Q77423877[Patient-oriented quality assurance. Information and cooperation of the health services as a condition for integrated care]
Q88963491[Patient-related complexity in nursing care - Collective case studies in the acute care hospital]
Q68031123[Patients interpret problematic hospital experiences]
Q89929650[Patients with psychiatric comorbidities in the acute hospital - a field of tension with interprofessional need for action - results from a pilot study]
Q84959049[Patients' preferences and experience regarding participation in nursing care decisions in acute hospitals--an analysis of conformity of preferences and experience, and factors influencing different types of decision making]
Q51207560[Patterns of independent activities of daily living in the frail and disabled elderly: correlations with health and a socio-ecological context]
Q70645164[Pediatric adventure trip into research, knowledge and practice]
Q73732301[Perception of symptom distress in lung cancer patients: I. Agreement between patients and their caregiving relatives]
Q73067323[Personal qualities of nurses]
Q54084067[Personal responsibility in nursing in Switzerland - an opportunity missed!].
Q91686136[Physical restraints from the perspective of advocates of nursing home residents - a qualitative Study]
Q84512089[Planning the need for nursing personnel in Europe by precise predictive models: RN(4) CAST]
Q60268161[Pleasures and pains of a beginning researcher. What is being withheld at the presentation of a study]
Q82421382[Post doc in the USA - a report of experiences]
Q83823024[Postnatal infant crying and maternal tiredness: examining their evolution and interaction in the first 12 weeks postpartum]
Q70645161[Postoperative pain therapy with patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)]
Q73007559[Power or its absence in nursing]
Q52217001[Practical experience as a source of learning]
Q83823020[Prediction of postoperative pain - beneficial to perioperative pain management?]
Q73016200[Predictive validity of the original and expanded Norton Scale in geriatric nursing]
Q90270780[Preparedness to provide care in relation to the satisfaction with hospital discharge planning and level of knowledge of relatives to elderly patients]
Q91987190[Pressure ulcer risk assessment and preventive measures in mobile / chairfast / bedfast hospital patients]
Q74255541[Prevention of falls in acute hospital care. Review of the literature]
Q85987583[Prevention of sudden infant death as a task of nurses in neonatology – Evaluations and recommendations as a result of a cross-sectional survey]
Q81320104[Principles and methods of good practice for the translation process for instruments of nursing research and nursing practice]
Q80187503[Prioritization in nursing care]
Q87229381[Prioritizing research]
Q77582701[Prisoners of their own reality. When everything is real, the desert becomes the path]
Q74145937[Problems in the care of mentally handicapped adults in general hospitals]
Q80393836[Problems of strain and coping of breast cancer patients--demands on nursing concepts of care]
Q77110222[Problems of the culture concept and the phenomenon of otherness. Considerations of the theoretical-conceptional basis of transcultural nursing as a subject of teaching]
Q58676769[Professional ethics and identity on the background of a changed definition of nursing. Results of a comparative study of physicians and nurses]
Q72159832[Professional nursing practice--selected results of a study based on an action oriented understanding of professionalization]
Q82761048[Professional nursing--development and contents of a definition]
Q71285594[Professional pedagogy in nursing--considerations on graduate education of nursing teachers 2.]
Q71279283[Professionalism in nursing education--considerations on university education for nursing teachers]
Q74255535[Project for supporting visually handicapped aged persons: developing a guide for the community of Münster]
Q85734315[Promoting self care in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in ambulatory care - an observational study]
Q92468706[Providing knowledge and support for caring relatives with the smartphone - the MoCaB project]
Q80393832[Providing new knowledge]
Q86721729[Proxy decision about long-term gastrostomy tubes (PEG catheters) in patients with dementia in long-term nursing care: reducing decision uncertainty in health related taboo topics]
Q86999577[Psychological hardiness - focus on resilience in nursing science]
Q53066272[Psychometric properties of Q-DIO, an instrument to measure the quality of documented nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes].
Q84338122[Psychosocial interventions for couples living with cancer. A literature review]
Q73221332[Psychosocial nursing diagnosis: an interpretative-phenomenological perspective]
Q77582704[Psychosocial strain and work satisfaction of oncologic nurses. Results of an empirical study in an acute care hospital]
Q90473177[Publications German-speaking countries in high impact journals: development and validation of a search filter]
Q77824692[Publishing in "Pflege" journal]
Q73748819[Putting it into practice is difficult. A qualitative study on the theory-practice transfer in the case of kinesthetics]
Q73067343[Qualitative methods in the planning and designing of teaching units in the nursing profession]
Q73007600[Qualitative versus quantitative research methods: paradigmatic alternatives--an issue in nursing?]
Q86620397[Quality and general practice development in Swiss acute hospitals as a result of study results - a follow-up survey of nursing directors of RN4CAST hospitals]
Q74777781[Quality and quantitative comparison of health status during nursing care before and after basic kinesthesis training in a nuclear and radiotherapy clinic]
Q73007596[Quality assurance and standardized measures--a critical discussion]
Q78063567[Quality assurance in midwifery outside the hospital: reasoning and suggestions for its execution]
Q70903058[Quality assurance in nursing at a county hospital]
Q78388450[Quality assurance in nursing care--approach and implementation of a comprehensive professional and institutional quality assurance project]
Q72528778[Quality assurance in nursing: nursing standard. Nausea, gagging and vomiting during emetogenic cytostatic therapies. Report of research into the development and introduction of nursing standards]
Q73221325[Quality assurance in nursing: self evaluation and peer review of nursing standards. Review of 2 years' experience]
Q64945253[Quality characteristics in 24-hour care from the perspective of those affected. Results of a pilot study in Austria].
Q73221321[Quality criteria for qualitative research]
Q52960917[Quality criteria of assessment scales--Cohen's kappa as measure of interrator reliability (1)].
Q83301607[Quality criteria that are important to residents of elders' homes and their relatives--a literature analysis]
Q80390335[Quality dimensions in patient records--a standardised analysis of nursing home resident records]
Q54728883[Quality in nursing care--action research in "Hamburger Behindertenhilfe"/Hamburg to disabled care].
Q83316378[Quality needs competence and responsibility - challenges and perspectives of Advanced Nursing Practice for the health care system from a nursing science perspective]
Q86037977[Quality of advanced practice nurse counseling in home care settings (APN-BQ): psychometric testing of the instrument]
Q52872072[Quality of life and health - individual perspectives of nursing home residents who were able to answer questions - a qualitative research].
Q64955993[Quality of life despite illness. How does diabetes type 2 change quality of life of patients and how can it be modified?].
Q52088377[Quality of life of people with schizophrenia in the supported group homes: assessing the individual]
Q82273521[Quality of nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes: criteria and operationalization of the measurement instrument Q-DIO]
Q78388366[Quality of nursing diagnosis and patient satisfaction. A review of the literature]
Q74777785[Quality of nursing diagnosis and patient satisfaction. A study of the correlation]
Q81129520[Questioning nursing education. A descriptive study]
Q73221341[Randomized clinical trials and systemic reviews in nursing literature: a comparison between German and international nursing research]
Q82692119[Rationing of nursing care associations with patient safety and quality of hospital care]
Q79760141[Reading nursing Literature in English: new inputs for practicing nurses]
Q74672471[Reading: a source of information. Study of motivational factors, influencing the reading of professional literature in nursing]
Q81468230[Ready for antiretroviral therapy? Therapy decision making experiences of persons living with HIV]
Q86066978[Recent aspects regarding errors from the viewpoint of nurses and patients in cross national study]
Q78099161[Recognition of nursing as a profession]
Q84594571[Recognizing and defining dying. Analysis of end-of-life coverage in German nursing textbooks]
Q52945057[Recommendations for evidence based oral hygiene of clients in health and care institutions].
Q71716950[Recovering the thread of life--destruction and reconstruction of the social world of patients after cancer of the colon]
Q85734311[Recovery Self Assessment: Translation and cultural adaption of a recovery oriented assessment instrument]
Q84594575[Referee report and point by point processing protocol]
Q73547169[Reflections on phenomenological research in nursing]
Q70645170[Refusal to eat by nursing home patients and what nurses aides and geriatric nurses make of it]
Q53375005[Regional Dementia Care Networks in Germany--results from the DemNet-D-Study regarding the quality of life of their users].
Q72528790[Relationships in nursing: active and inactive sexuality in nursing staff and in old residents in nursing homes]
Q89571988[Relatives or 'Zugehörige'? - An attempt to explore the meaning of terms]
Q83707427[Relevance and modification of autonomy and care at the end of life. Results of a survey by means of a vignette-study]
Q73547184[Reliability and validity of the Braden Scale for predicting pressure sore risk]
Q80687384[Reliability and validity of the german language version of the "NCCPC-R"]
Q77110202[Religion as a subject of nursing research]
Q84338132[Renal transplanted adolescents' perception of the relationship to the interdisciplinary health care team]
Q74426673[Requirements for the definition of nursing terms from the viewpoint of nursing science]
Q74145954[Requirements of optimal working conditions and patient-centered care in hospital nursing]
Q52343809[Research in nursing care: methodologic problems].
Q58660384[Research in nursing ethics - looking back and looking forward]
Q82798508[Research priorities and research topics for cardiovascular nursing: the Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing]
Q82798529[Research priorities in psychiatric nursing]
Q71845361[Resource orientation in nursing. A contribution to the future in nursing in theory and practice]
Q84282951[Resources and their meaning for caregivers--a gap in research? Health sociological and empirical approach to a hitherto neglected field of research]
Q58660728[Respect for autonomy of "incompetent" patients?--the ethical problem of advanced directives]
Q72812839[Respiration-stimulating rubbing as a narcotic measure in the hospital]
Q81524957[Response to comment on the article "Midwife assisted delivery in a Swiss hospital" by Anne Rameil in Pflege issue 6/2004]
Q52340654[Restraining patients? A study of the use of restraints in nursing. 1988].
Q52008650[Results of the Qualitative Evaluation of all-fit--a group education and training program for elderly people with chronic illness].
Q84959053[Risk factors for falls and fall-related injuries in an acute care hospital--a retrospective case control study]
Q83998965[Risk for dysphagia screening tools - a review of the international literature]
Q81524946[Routine nursing measures for thrombosis prevention in a university hospital]
Q79891387[SMAF, RAI and ICF--nursing assessment tools for home based care]
Q90188172[Safety Walk Rounds - Clinical unit visits with a focus on patient safety]
Q76324264[Safety of medical products in the hospital: case examples and user feedback]
Q83802807[School nursing in Germany? - A review about tasks and roles of School Nurses]
Q73743138[Scientific examination of a risk-assessment scale for the evaluation of risk for thrombosis]
Q72655863[Scientific investigation on the development of nursing science]
Q82868875[Scope of practice of an Advanced Practice Nurse at the Swiss Epilepsy Centre]
Q71285581[Searching for the biological roots of self-care and care behavior. 1. The evolutional importance of self-care and care]
Q81710925[Selected results of an evaluation study on a Viennese model project: discharge management in hospitals by home care nurses--the view of patients and their families]
Q82199222[Self management by patients: a concept of empowerment or relinquishing the solidarity of our society?]
Q80687378[Self-management support in chronic illness: history, concept and challenges]
Q81632361[Self-rating and external rating of how women cope with breast cancer in the perioperative phase]
Q83802846[Serving without end. The historical development of the work schedule in nursing in Germany]
Q86999570[Shadowy existence of nursing research in hospice nursing and palliative care]
Q52896434[Shared-housing arrangements for care-dependent older persons - characteristics, development and drivers].
Q78388383[Significant elements in nursing situations. Experience-orientated situational research in nursing]
Q84338126[Skin care and skin protection in preterm babies]
Q78388379[Sleep disorders of patients in intensive care]
Q73050171[Social interaction between nurses and female patients in the course oforganization of a Nursing Development Unit]
Q79891394[Some critical remarks on standardised assessment instruments in nursing]
Q73414776[Some frequently used substances, instruments and methods in mouth care with regard to evidence-based applications]
Q81129507[Speech confusion in hospitals]
Q83316386[SpitexPlus: assessment of and specialised nursing care for elderly and their families living in the community]
Q79891402[Standardised assessment instruments in the light of hermeneutics]
Q86620389[Standardized impartial assessment of pain in unconscious patients with the Zurich Observation Pain Assessment on a neurosurgical intensive care unit - a case report]
Q52172870[State of development and challenges of federal German nursing science]
Q57173423[Status and development of the role as Parkinson Nurse in Germany - an online survey]
Q70903041[Staying healthy at work--chances and risks in the daily routine of nursing]
Q70645181[Stresses on nursing personnel. 2]
Q74255546[Stroke is a catastrophe for the patient--how does nursing care meet the needs of younger patients?]
Q72453890[Structural model of practical mentoring. 2]
Q85635409[Struggling for normal in an instable situation - informal caregivers self-management in palliative home care. A meta-synthesis]
Q80537102[Study nurses in Germany--a survey of job-related activities in clinical trials as a basis for a job description and for training curricula]
Q54200675[Study on quality assurance in the prevention and therapy of decubitus ulcer by measuring the overlay pressure with test subjects on different prophylaxis systems]
Q82761043[Successful strategies and methods of nursing standards implementation]
Q73221319[Suggestions for the health care system of the future: family-oriented primary health care]
Q72159825[Supervision for nursing personnel: more than mental health? The importance of supervision for the professionalization of nursing]
Q71911045[Supervision for nursing personnel: more than psychohygiene? 2. The importance of supervision for the professionalization of nursing]
Q89260915[Support of the nursing process through electronic nursing documentation systems (UEPD) – Initial validation of an instrument]
Q83301612[Survey of work schedules of Swiss intensive care units and assessment of their possible impact on nurses]
Q82798523[Swiss research agenda for gerontological nursing]
Q72528794[Synergetic hospital organization--a chance for nursing]
Q72453914[Synopsis of study courses in nursing at vocational schools and universities in the Federal Republic of Germany]
Q52055051[Talk of enlightenment and information in the hospital].
Q78388455[Team and patient orientation in nursing as a part of quality management--status and needs for research]
Q57147694[Telematics in ambulatory care: Exploring the nurses' perspective]
Q52887449[Temporal and structural differences in the care of obese and non-obese people in nursing homes].
Q87131853[The "controversy about intellectual property theft"]
Q86037959[The "quick read overview" - alleged orientation reliability at the expense of scientific validity]
Q91138775[The Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in gynaecological oncology - development of an evidence-based concept]
Q86890912[The Gretchen question - implementing results of health and nursing research]
Q90960476[The Healthcare Teams' Perspective on Caring for People with Dementia in Acute Hospitals: A Qualitative Study]
Q31970986[The Karlsruhe Nursing School].
Q74818926[The Swiss Academy of Nursing Science--nice to have or need to have?]
Q84282956[The WHO pilot study on Family Health Nursing in Germany: perspectives of families in need of care--a qualitative study]
Q82199249[The amount of nursing care for patients with myocardial infarction--a descriptive study]
Q81266772[The application of hydrocolloids in genital skin care of pre-term infants]
Q81737569[The assessment of nursing care needs in cancer patients]
Q80802870[The beaten track of professional work]
Q52354397[The beginnings of the Pflege Journal and its publishers, especially Silvia Kappeli, who took measure and became a standard setter].
Q52943569[The care dependency scale, an assessment instrument]
Q73547173[The care of adults in persistent vegetative state--a new challenge to nursing science?]
Q71911079[The caring moment and the "green thumb phenomenon" in Swedish nurses]
Q71279275[The challenge of the health sciences to nursing]
Q52172902[The complex relationship between nursing diagnosis and nursing management]
Q71716965[The comprehension of health in the mirror of time]
Q74672465[The concept of paradigm in nursing science]
Q90603708[The congruence of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes between care observations, patient perceptions, and nursing records: a qualitative multiple case study]
Q87229377[The construction of professional images of healthcare assistants and registered nurses]
Q68031117[The contribution of a research center to the development of research awareness and research competence in nursing]
Q82798514[The development of a Nursing Research Agenda for Pediatrics for the years 2007 to 2017 as an integrative part of the national "Swiss Research Agenda"-project]
Q84265602[The development of an instrument for the "evaluation of hospices from the bereaved family members perspective"]
Q64965725[The diagnostic process in nursing]
Q83978889[The discourse of the criteria for quality in qualitative research]
Q73748789[The effect of diagnosis-related groups on hospital care]
Q72453875[The effect of the evening toilette on the quality of sleep in long-term patients]
Q78099177[The elderly and their pets. Supportive and problematic aspects and implications for care. A descriptive study]
Q84959054[The electronic use of the NANDA-, NOC- and NIC- classifications and implications for nursing practice]
Q74145931[The establishment of courses in nursing science and the importance of memoranda]
Q52370686[The feeling of responsibility as core motivation for care giving--why daughters care for their mothers].
Q51890124[The first steps of an ANP-team - challenges and chances of ANP-teams at the Children's University Hospital Zurich].
Q70228716[The future of nursing in Europe]
Q53010801[The history of medical nursing schools at the Vienna University (1812 to 1846) and at the Royal Charité Hospital in Berlin since 1832]
Q80928978[The impact of caring on young carer's lives. An international literature review (1990-2006)]
Q79273847[The impact of the proportion of qualified nursing personnel on the incidence of pressure ulcers in nursing homes]
Q87363044[The implementation of the national expert standard for pain management in nursing from the viewpoint of the registered nurses: a comparative evaluation studies in nursing homes for the aged in Baden-Württemberg]
Q73582982[The importance of cultural coding in nursing practice, nursing research and nursing science--components of a critical concept of culture]
Q81031467[The importance of nurses in the professionalization of the nursing profession in Germany]
Q53986981[The importance of trust in nursing]
Q72775459[The interaction between the parkinsonian patient and his caregiver during feeding: a theoretical model]
Q79817430[The manner of care, self care and quality of life dialysis patients]
Q79390495[The meaning of caring from the viewpoint of patients with wounds due to peripheral vascular disease]
Q51995185[The meaning of the biography in the situation of the morning care procedures in nursing homes. An explorative study based on two cases].
Q81272728[The needs of breast cancer patients for nursing support during initial stationary treatment]
Q79840871[The nurse-patient relationship results of an examination about relationships between patients and nurses in hospitals]
Q67964389[The nursing model of systemic equilibrium]
Q84986074[The nursing process 25 years ago and today]
Q81031474[The nursing relationship--psychodynamic aspects]
Q72528798[The nursing situation in the old and new parts of the Federal Republic of Germany: a comparison of requirements, obstacles and nursing autonomy]
Q84930405[The power of magnetism: magnet hospitals as models - also for the German speaking area?]
Q78063557[The practical realization of the hospice concept in health facilities]
Q89039486[The practice of special observation in adults in the German-speaking part of Switzerland - a descriptive cross-sectional study]
Q80072944[The problems of the form of address Du vs. Sie between nurses and patients in Germany]
Q83802855[The psychosocial needs of women with breast cancer and their family]
Q73602913[The quality of nursing care]
Q73743131[The quality of nursing care]
Q80390321[The relationship between relatives and nurses in the Intensive Care Units]
Q72031989[The relationship of nursing competence, nursing autonomy and the limits of obedience of individual nurses]
Q73414770[The role of nursing in public health/health promotion--attempt at a systematic approach]
Q73067333[The role of nursing in the rehabilitation of acute stroke patients. Towards a unified theoretical perspective]
Q79891377[The role of the physical examination in clinical assessment: a useful skill for professional nursing]
Q83301609[The satisfaction of relatives with service delivery of nursing homes for the elderly. Development of the screening-questionnaire ZUF-A-7]
Q73748784[The second stage of the Nursing Insurance Act and its effects on the institutional care within welfare for the elderly]
Q73853173[The self-image of nursing and its historical development]
Q74255549[The situation of foreign-born dementia patients and their families in the Federal Republic of Germany]
Q73016185[The status of academic focus in nursing education in Germany]
Q72159829[The struggle for differences--the field of medicine and the changing nursing profession]
Q53208639[The sucking behavior of 2 patients in the final stage of dementia of the Alzheimer type]
Q82692109[The theory of dependent-care--a conceptual framework for assessing, supporting, and promoting parental competencies]
Q52380088[The understanding of health, illness and care by Turkish immigrant women. An empirical study]
Q68031120[The value of disgust in the experience of nursing personnel]
Q80390331[The work profile of family caregivers of persons affected by HIV/AIDS]
Q85330068[Theoretical perspectives on coping with illness in the family]
Q73882097[Theories of nursing professionals about the elderly]
Q83806993[Theory development in nursing in the 21st century]
Q83802851[Theory distant evidence basis? Response to the contribution of Moers et al., Pflege, December 2011, issue 6. Topic focused theory development issue in nursing of the 21st century]
Q81031471[Thought styles in nursing]
Q73582971[To be ill and a foreigner in health care institutions]
Q71279272[To what extent do patients with coronary heart disease want to be informed?]
Q52619011[Too busy to think?].
Q90879199[Tracking systems in people with dementia in long-term care - an integrative review]
Q85734321[Transformation of the facility culture in long-term inpatient nursing - does the quality of care improve?]
Q86037963[Transition - how adolescents with cystic fibrosis their parents experience the change from paediatric to adult care]
Q53565188[Transition from childhood to adolescence-a qualitative study on experiences of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus and their mothers].
Q83248173[Translation of the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) for use in German Swiss intensive care units]
Q87948400[Trapped in the body - lived experience and coping of individuals having Parkinson and their relatives with changed movement pattern caused by the disease]
Q70903060[Truth in dealing with sick people]
Q90335554[Types and frequencies of complications associated with midline catheters and PICCs in a South Tyrolean district hospital: a retrospective cohort study]
Q84986061[Understanding needs of people with Multiple Sclerosis. Perspective of patients and significant others in the German-speaking part of Switzerland]
Q46296919[Unfair peer review process?].
Q79122396[Up and down--the experience of women with the rheumatic illness fibromyalgia]
Q92471074[Upcoming challenges in providing care for thalidomide impaired individuals]
Q81468235[Urinary incontinence as a risk factor for pressure sores does not withstand a critical examination]
Q78388424[Using interaction-intensive therapeutic nursing measures and "home remedies" in nursing care. An explorative study as a plea for integrated nursing practice]
Q79891412[Valid and reliable methods for describing pressure sores and leg ulcer--a systematic literature review]
Q84986082[Validation and implementation of the comprehensive ICF Core Sets for patients with rehabilitation needs in the acute hospital]
Q52918492[Validity of the Waterlow scale for pressure ulcer risk assessment in the intensive care unit: a prospective analysis of 698 patients].
Q88935791[Values of generation Y nurses compared to generation X and baby boomers - A cross-sectional study]
Q87523678[Variability in nursing workload within Swiss Diagnosis Related Groups]
Q53203612[Verbal communication and behavior during meals of 5 hospitalized patients with Alzheimer's disease]
Q52088398[Verbal patient information through nurses--a case of stroke patients].
Q52934236[Verification of a family assessment instrument based on the framework of systemic organisation].
Q52383284[Violence and biography. Possible connections and some aspects of relationships in nursing]
Q78388404[Visions for the future--nursing as a profession in German-speaking Swiss health care]
Q79390501[Visit to the British Center of Nursing History]
Q73050175[Visiting regulation in intensive care units. Review of English-language literature 1984-98]
Q84320923[Volunteers as family supporters in the home care setting: profile and motives]
Q74255530[Water births and the exposure to HIV]
Q89260918[Well-Being in old age – content validity of the Ryff Scale for residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities]
Q52870173[What are the reasons for patient dropout in nursing home residents in an intervention study. An analysis of unit nonresponders in 12 German nursing homes].
Q73414774[What decision-making authority regarding oral care do nurses have?]
Q53942324[What do people expect from their hospital? Results of a visitor survey at open house in a general hospital]
Q71845363[What does it mean for men to be nurses?]
Q73882094[What does mouth care mean to cancer patients?]
Q70228709[What happens to the graduates of the Cardiff Bachelor of Nursing Studies (a long-term study)]
Q72159818[What is the connection between holistic thought in nursing and science]
Q54161364[What is the value or harm of Cronbach's alpha?].
Q73221312[What kind of science is required by nursing?]
Q71279278[What kind of teachers are needed for nursing? Aspects of an educational concept specific for nurses]
Q52955559[What measures are described in the literature for treatment of mouth problems? An analysis of German and English publications between 1990 and 2001].
Q30786011[What women want: a qualitative study about postnatal midwifery care at home].
Q70903049[When women care for women]
Q74777777[Where does history of nursing in our countries find scientific asylum?]
Q73547164[Where nursing services still are missing]
Q81925055[Which quality criteria are important for relatives about a nursing home? A single case study]
Q82595079[Who saves general nursing practice from inappropriate nursing assessments?]
Q72453883[Women's careers in nursing]
Q71716975[Work psychological evaluation of the activity of counseling in community nursing. A pilot study]
Q83823015[Work related predictors for "satisfaction with dementia care" among nurses working in nursing homes]
Q71716984[Work satisfaction and working conditions of the nursing staff as the basis of internal interventions]
Q74818938[Wound management in patients with chronic wounds in ambulatory nursing--a pilot study]
Q87421539[Young first-time parents' experiences with family-centred postpartal health care in Switzerland]
Q90625644Über den Einsatz logischer Modelle in der Pflegeforschung
Q88675027Übergreifende, interprofessionelle Lernziele und Kompetenzen für Medizinal- und Gesundheitsberufe
Q89312694“Don't let the world become too small” – How patients with advanced cancer and their significant others cope with transitions during the last year of life. A qualitative study
Q92818456“Nothing about us without us!” ist “en vogue”
Q89536763„Pflege als Partner der Medizin auf Augenhöhe“
Q89536766„Schulterschluss zwischen Absolvent(inn)en der FH und der Sekundarausbildung“
Q89536758„Spezialisierung von Pflegefachkräften – APNs“
Q49682339„Wachsam? Aber sicher!“.

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