Yūnosuke Sakamoto

Japanese politician

Born 1955-01-30 in Higashimatsuyama (Q823907)

Yūnosuke Sakamoto is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2013Facebook usernamesakamotoyunosuke
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/12h2svz_2
P856official websitehttp://www.sakamoto-yunosuke.jp/
P10632OpenSanctions IDQ17158714
P2002X (Twitter) usernamenipponniyumeo

P3602candidacy in election2017 Japanese general electionQ20983100
P27country of citizenshipJapanQ17
P69educated atNihon UniversityQ1326230
P734family nameSakamotoQ21448555
P1412languages spoken, written or signedJapaneseQ5287
P102member of political partyJapan Restoration PartyQ1027055
P1814name in kanaさかもと ゆうのすけ
P1559name in native language坂本 祐之輔
P39position heldmayor of HigashimatsuyamaQ56436849
member of the House of Representatives of JapanQ17506823
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P8687social media followers1269
P6886writing languageJapaneseQ5287

Reverse relations

successful candidate (P991)
Q424180542021 Japanese general election
Q10938304550th General Election of the House of Representatives

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