Third War of the Diadochi

Third War of the Diadochi is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/121bwlv3
P691NL CR AUT IDph779394

P582end time-0310-01-01
P1479has contributing factorJewish historyQ961603
P361part ofWars of the DiadochiQ2912306
P710participantAntigonid dynastyQ237325
Antipatrid dynastyQ581531
Ptolemaic dynastyQ131976
P580start time-0313-01-01

Reverse relations

part of (P361)
Q25830878Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations
Q97337205Battle of Aphrodisias
Q1231054Battle of Gaza
Q97337206Battle of Myus
Q126453054Battle of Myus
Q29788589Proclamation of Tyre
Q815218Siege of Tyre

Q2912306Wars of the Diadochihas part(s)P527

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Tercera guerra de los Diádocoswikipedia
      Kolmas diadokkisotawikipedia
      Derde Diadochenoorlogwikipedia
      Третья война диадоховwikipedia
      Трећи рат дијадохаwikipedia
      Третя війна діадохівwikipedia

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