Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations

Ancient war

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Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11c0q_h25p

P276locationNabataean kingdomQ11029653
P361part ofThird War of the DiadochiQ1925514
P710participantNabataean kingdomQ11029653
Antigonid dynastyQ237325
P585point in time-0311-01-01

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Arabic (ar / Q13955)المواجهات بين أنتيغونوس والأنباطwikipedia
      Antigonid–Nabataean confrontationswikipedia
      Военные экспедиции Антигона против набатеевwikipedia

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