Montserrat Vilà

Spanish ecologist (1964 - )

Born 1965-01-01 in Figueres (Q24001398)

Montserrat Vilà is …
instance of (P31):

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P4081BHL creator ID96192
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID17807038w
P9984CANTIC ID981058514971406706
P13049DDB person (GND) ID13884187X
P1607Dialnet author ID2898465
P6178Dimensions author ID01222336216.18
P227GND ID13884187X
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11b6zn_jz1
P1960Google Scholar author IDHTWItgUAAAAJ
P269IdRef ID152562753
P8189J9U ID987007415625405171
P244Library of Congress authority IDn83018377
P950National Library of Spain IDXX1107210
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID130043486
P691NL CR AUT IDntk20221155002
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0003-3171-8261
P10897ORKG IDR78037
P3829Publons author ID1420592
P3065RERO ID (obsolete)02-A027208746
P2038ResearchGate profile IDMontserrat_Vila
P1153Scopus author ID7103149928
P10013SNSF person ID553480
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID981058514971406706
P214VIAF ID1378367

P166award receivedprix national de la recherche Alejandro MalaspinaQ6084706
P1477birth nameMontserrat Vilà i Planella
P27country of citizenshipSpainQ29
P69educated atAutonomous University of BarcelonaQ43452
University of California, BerkeleyQ168756
P108employerPablo de Olavide UniversityQ477988
Spanish National Research CouncilQ1024362
University of SevilleQ1229996
Doñana Biological StationQ16564192
P734family nameVilàQ52688492
P101field of workbiologyQ420
biological invasionQ446911
nature conservationQ20113959
P735given nameMontserratQ601533
P1412languages spoken, written or signedSpanishQ1321
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Invasion BiologyQ56241615
university teacherQ1622272
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikidata:WikiProject IBC 2024Q124378093
P1950second family name in Spanish namePlanellaQ64864079
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q5647630936 Responses on Invasive Species
Q110625779A Conceptual Framework for Range-Expanding Species that Track Human-Induced Environmental Change
Q101968223A conceptual map of invasion biology: Integrating hypotheses into a consensus network
Q94501644A critical analysis of the potential for EU Common Agricultural Policy measures to support wild pollinators on farmland
Q56562425A global assessment of invasive plant impacts on resident species, communities and ecosystems: the interaction of impact measures, invading species' traits and environment
Q56937191A prioritised list of invasive alien species to assist the effective implementation of EU legislation
Q60307817A review of impact assessment protocols of non-native plants
Q21090167A unified classification of alien species based on the magnitude of their environmental impacts
Q34986950Addressing a critique of the TEASI framework for invasive species risk assessment
Q100242160Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the impacts of climate-driven range shifts
Q56755254Alien Pathogens on the Horizon: Opportunities for Predicting their Threat to Wildlife
Q113904203Alien plants of Iran: impacts, distribution and managements
Q22162492Alien species in a warmer world: risks and opportunities
Q47819922An assessment of stakeholder perceptions and management of noxious alien plants in Spain
Q56943085An indicator-based approach to analyse the effects of non-native tree species on multiple cultural ecosystem services
Q114906886An overview of biological invasions at the landscape scale
Q107468705Applying the Convention on Biological Diversity Pathway Classification to alien species in Europe
Q56923655Are alien plants more competitive than their native conspecifics? A test using Hypericum perforatum L
Q56923690Are alien plants more competitive than their native conspecifics? A test using Hypericum perforatum L
Q55870606Are invasive plant species better competitors than native plant species? - evidence from pair-wise experiments
Q56767664Are island plant communities more invaded than their mainland counterparts?
Q56780216Are islands more susceptible to plant invasion than continents? A test using Oxalis pes-caprae L. in the western Mediterranean
Q111173481Assembly of species’ climatic niches of coastal communities does not shift after invasion
Q38200445Assessing youth policies. A system of indicators for local government.
Q55870732Association between Opuntia species invasion and changes in land-cover in the Mediterranean region
Q56785318Atmospheric invasion of non-native pollen in the Mediterranean region
Q56438141Beyond climate: disturbance niche shifts in invasive species
Q34478639Bias and error in understanding plant invasion impacts
Q125404156Biodiversity and pollination benefits trade off against profit in an intensive farming system
Q59129691Biodiversity assessments: Origin matters
Q33201163Biodiversity correlates with regional patterns of forest litter pools
Q60336332Biodiversity influences invasion success of a facultative epiphytic seaweed in a marine forest
Q56333161Birds as key vectors for the dispersal of some alien species: Further thoughts
Q56334467Blurring Alien Introduction Pathways Risks Losing the Focus on Invasive Species Policy
Q56923592Breeding system and pollen limitation in two supergeneralist alien plants invading Mediterranean shrublands
Q46968787Capping progress on invasive species?
Q42437832Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain
Q56923775Clearing of vegetation in Mediterranean garrigue: response after a wildfire
Q34762749Combined effects of global change pressures on animal-mediated pollination
Q92946623Combined effects of land-use intensification and plant invasion on native communities
Q56768463Combined effects ofImpatiens glanduliferainvasion and landscape structure on native plant pollination
Q117042534Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact
Q110663971Common deficiencies of actions for managing invasive alien species: a decision-support checklist
Q37309131Comparative patterns of plant invasions in the Mediterranean biome
Q56433806Comparing impacts of alien plants and animals in Europe using a standard scoring system
Q56766741Comparing naturalized alien plants and recipient habitats across an east-west gradient in the Mediterranean Basin
Q56923557Comparing seed removal of 16 pine species differing in invasiveness
Q55870474Competition Experiments on Alien Weeds with Crops: Lessons for Measuring Plant Invasion Impact?
Q114955649Comprehensive treatment of plant invasions through a geographic lens
Q56923565Consistency in the habitat degree of invasion for three invasive plant species across Mediterranean islands
Q64442113Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species
Q56773968Consistent performance of invasive plant species within and among islands of the Mediterranean basin
Q31142528Contrasting effects of invasive plants in plant-pollinator networks
Q111249039Contrasting occurrence patterns of managed and native bumblebees in natural habitats across a greenhouse landscape gradient
Q56767925Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates
Q56923492Correction to: More than “100 worst” alien species in Europe
Q112110631Correction: Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change
Q56923623Cortaderia selloana invasion across a Mediterranean coastal strip
Q56775725Cortaderia selloana seed germination under different ecological conditions
Q120170629Could non-native species boost their chances of invasion success by socializing with natives?
Q115208843CropPol : A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
Q55328146Crossing Frontiers in Tackling Pathways of Biological Invasions
Q128154161Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable
Q34803589Defining the impact of non-native species
Q30397111Demography of the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae across a Mediterranean island
Q56765093Developing European conservation and mitigation tools for pollination services: approaches of the STEP (Status and Trends of European Pollinators) project
Q60493126Developing a list of invasive alien species likely to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems in the European Union
Q35674129Direct and Indirect Influence of Non-Native Neighbours on Pollination and Fruit Production of a Native Plant
Q34598036Disentangling biodiversity and climatic determinants of wood production
Q91622929Disentangling the abundance-impact relationship for invasive species
Q30495396Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions across Europe
Q56923697Diversity patterns of plant functional types in relation to fire regime and previous land use in Mediterranean woodlands
Q42553337Do close relatives make bad neighbors?
Q56923629Does invasion by an alien plant species affect the soil seed bank?
Q44405643Does tree diversity increase wood production in pine forests?
Q56434846EU adopts innovative legislation on invasive species: a step towards a global response to biological invasions?
Q56575827Early resistance of alien and native pines against two native generalist insect herbivores: no support for the natural enemy hypothesis
Q55328163Ecological Impacts of Alien Species: Quantification, Scope, Caveats, and Recommendations
Q33904581Ecological impacts of invasive alien plants: a meta-analysis of their effects on species, communities and ecosystems
Q56549464Ecological niche and species traits: key drivers of regional plant invader assemblages
Q33426250Ecology. Will threat of biological invasions unite the European Union?
Q56923571Effect of environmental factors and bulb mass on the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae development
Q56923804Effect of local competition on resprouting of Arbutus unedo after clipping
Q56923782Effect of root competition and shading on resprouting dynamics ofErica multifloraL
Q56923790Effects of Competition and Disturbance on the Resprouting Performance of the Mediterranean Shrub Erica multiflora L. (Ericaceae)
Q56923796Effects of nutrient availability and neighbours on shoot growth, resprouting and flowering ofErica multiflora
Q116208316Emerging laws must not protect stray cats and their impacts
Q56331335Environmental risk assessment for invasive alien species: A case study of apple snails affecting ecosystem services in Europe
Q56923530Establishment constraints of an alien and a native conifer in different habitats
Q56772727European map of alien plant invasions based on the quantitative assessment across habitats
Q124848190European scenarios for future biological invasions
Q52654590Evidence for the enemy release hypothesis in Hypericum perforatum.
Q56923667Evidence of Pseudotsuga menziesii naturalization in montane Mediterranean forests
Q56439964Explaining the variation in impacts of non-native plants on local-scale species richness: the role of phylogenetic relatedness
Q56772721Exploring species attributes and site characteristics to assess plant invasions in Spain
Q39374683Fine-scale determinants of conservation value of river reaches in a hotspot of native and non-native species diversity.
Q109367700Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change
Q55328175Framework and guidelines for implementing the proposed IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT)
Q57007243Front Cover
Q117769528Fruit Choice and Seed Dispersal of Invasive vs. Noninvasive Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) in Coastal California
Q111173463Functional and phylogenetic consequences of plant invasion for coastal native communities
Q115407663Functional assembly of grassland plant species in native communities in Spain and recipient communities in California
Q111160222Functional segregation of resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants across Mediterranean biome communities
Q35714903Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems
Q93027430Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services
Q112337257Global environmental changes more frequently offset than intensify detrimental effects of biological invasions
Q56403106Global meta-analysis of the impacts of terrestrial invertebrate invaders on species, communities and ecosystems
Q56775018Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policy
Q56448469Greater Focus Needed on Alien Plant Impacts in Protected Areas
Q56775024Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe
Q130455270Harmonising Terminology and Records of Plant Invasion Status Across Federally Managed Countries
Q37241186High invasive pollen transfer, yet low deposition on native stigmas in a Carpobrotus-invaded community
Q56783165Historical land-use legacy and Cortaderia selloana invasion in the Mediterranean region
Q89676415Honeybee spillover reshuffles pollinator diets and affects plant reproductive success
Q107461716Horizon scanning to identify invasion risk of ornamental plants marketed in Spain
Q56768110How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European, cross-taxa assessment
Q60356373Impact of Non-native Animals and Plants on Human Health
Q56556257Impact of landscape alteration and invasions on pollinators: a meta-analysis
Q31083971Impacts of biological invasions: what's what and the way forward
Q56359330Influence of the honeybee and trait similarity on the effect of a non-native plant on pollination and network rewiring
Q120599396Influential factors and barriers change along the invasion continuum of an alien plant
Q56763577Integration of invasive Opuntia spp. by native and alien seed dispersers in the Mediterranean area and the Canary Islands
Q125560864Interaction between warming and landscape foraging resource availability on solitary bee reproduction
Q130455278Interactions among global change pressures act in a non‐additive way on bumblebee individuals and colonies
Q107461710InvasiBES: Understanding and managing the impacts of Invasive alien species on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Q113692615Invasion risks and social interest of non-native woody plants in urban parks of mainland Spain
Q51181043Invasive plant integration into native plant-pollinator networks across Europe
Q56923544Jurassic Park? No thanks
Q55842488Land-use and socio-economic correlates of plant invasions in European and North African countries
Q56515759Landscape context modulates alien plant invasion in Mediterranean forest edges
Q56783161Landscape-scale positive feedbacks between fire and expansion of the large tussock grass, Ampelodesmos mauritanica in Catalan shrublands
Q56441443Linking Azolla filiculoides invasion to increased winter temperatures in the Doñana marshland (SW Spain)
Q56379345Linking the impacts of plant invasion on community functional structure and ecosystem properties
Q56425484Lists of harmful alien organisms: Are the national regulations adapted to the global world?
Q56768380Little evidence of invasion by alien conifers in Europe
Q56781069Local and regional assessments of the impacts of plant invaders on vegetation structure and soil properties of Mediterranean islands
Q56923482Managed bumble bees increase flower visitation but not fruit weight in polytunnel strawberry crops
Q60449940Mass flowering crops in a patchy agricultural landscape can reduce bee abundance in adjacent shrublands
Q42392628Mass-flowering crops dilute pollinator abundance in agricultural landscapes across Europe
Q130455271Massive decline of invasive apple snail populations after blue crab invasion in the Ebro River, Spain
Q55870548Mechanisms underlying the impacts of exotic plant invasions
Q57062343Monitoring Biological Invasions in Freshwater Habitats
Q56619290More than “100 worst” alien species in Europe
Q33534414Multiple stressors on biotic interactions: how climate change and alien species interact to affect pollination
Q114916498Native plant community response to alien plant invasion and removal
Q56923766Neighbour effects on Erica multiflora (Ericaceae) reproductive performance after clipping
Q56781326Neighbourhood association of Cortaderia selloana invasion, soil properties and plant community structure in Mediterranean coastal grasslands
Q57133732Niche breadth rather than reproductive traits explains the response of wetland monocotyledons to land-cover change
Q56781936Novel ecosystems: theoretical and management aspects of the new ecological world order
Q63613208Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions
Q106606433Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions
Q56923503Phylogenetic and biogeographical patterns in defensive strategies and quantitative allocation to chemical defences in Palaearctic and Nearctic pine trees
Q111154134Plant Community Assembly in Invaded Recipient Californian Grasslands and Putative Donor Grasslands in Spain
Q56923745Plant competition in mediterranean-type vegetation
Q56451437Plant invasions are context-dependent: multiscale effects of climate, human activity and habitat
Q56763556Plant invasions in the landscape
Q57025604Plant-pollinator networks in semi-natural grasslands are resistant to the loss of pollinators during blooming of mass-flowering crops
Q56452455Pollination ecology of a plant in its native and introduced areas
Q56923722Positive fire–grass feedback in Mediterranean Basin woodlands
Q51146420Potential distribution range of invasive plant species in Spain
Q56923648Potential for higher invasiveness of the alien Oxalis pes-caprae on islands than on the mainland
Q113875754Potential impact of four invasive alien plants on the provision of ecosystem services in Europe under present and future climatic scenarios
Q56923398Pragmatism required to assess impacts of invasive plants
Q56768328Predicting plant invaders in the Mediterranean through a weed risk assessment system
Q56612581Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change
Q111165454Proportion of non-native plants in urban parks correlates with climate, socioeconomic factors and plant traits
Q38649513Protected areas offer refuge from invasive species spreading under climate change
Q56508197Quantifying the landscape influence on plant invasions in Mediterranean coastal habitats
Q56433119Random processes and phylogenetic loss caused by plant invasions
Q55869818Recruitment of two Opuntia species invading abandoned olive groves
Q56778734Regional assessment of plant invasions across different habitat types
Q56577665Regional context affects native and alien plant species richness across habitat types
Q55284742Reply to Keller and Springborn: No doubt about invasion debt.
Q93199483Research questions to facilitate the future development of European long-term ecosystem research infrastructures: A horizon scanning exercise
Q56773977Response of the invader Cortaderia selloana and two coexisting natives to competition and water stress
Q56769299Risk analysis of potential invasive plants in Spain
Q126920218Risks posed by invasive species to the provision of ecosystem services in Europe
Q96689259Scientists' warning on invasive alien species
Q56378040Scoring environmental and socioeconomic impacts of alien plants invasive in Europe
Q112831389Seasonality of bumblebee spillover between strawberry crops and adjacent pinewoods
Q56923731Seed dynamics of the mast seeding tussock grass Ampelodesmos mauritanica in Mediterranean shrublands
Q55870373Seed predation of two alien Opuntia species invading Mediterranean communities
Q41884555Sensitivity of the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae to nutrient availability and competition
Q56781633Simulating the effects of different disturbance regimes on Cortaderia selloana invasion
Q56752085Socio-economic impact classification of alien taxa (SEICAT)
Q33776611Socioeconomic legacy yields an invasion debt
Q33274243Species richness and wood production: a positive association in Mediterranean forests
Q57261215Spillover of managed honeybees from mass-flowering crops into natural habitats
Q56768385Spreading to a limit: the time required for a neophyte to reach its maximum range
Q89564675Sprout recruitment and self-thinning of Erica multiflora after clipping
Q114750433Stopping Winter Flooding of Rice Fields to Control Invasive Snails Has no Effect on Waterbird Abundance at the Landscape Scale
Q34423741TEASIng apart alien species risk assessments: a framework for best practices
Q122411409Temporal and spatial niche complementarity in sunflower pollinator communities and pollination function
Q113746579The EICAT+ framework enables classification of positive impacts of alien taxa on native biodiversity
Q56773596The comparative analysis of historical alien introductions
Q56342195The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats
Q36003740The generic impact scoring system (GISS): a standardized tool to quantify the impacts of alien species
Q35234226The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness
Q130455274Threats of invasive alien species to Nature’s Contribution to People
Q36141271Total Bee Dependence on One Flower Species Despite Available Congeners of Similar Floral Shape.
Q125073434Towards integrating and harmonising information on plant invasions across Australia
Q51146019Troubling travellers: are ecologically harmful alien species associated with particular introduction pathways?
Q107137299Understanding the combined impacts of weeds and climate change on crops
Q125054625Using the IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa to inform decision‐making
Q57067510Vegetation Response after Removal of the Invasive Carpobrotus Hybrid Complex in Andalucia, Spain
Q108429925Viewing Emerging Human Infectious Epidemics through the Lens of Invasion Biology
Q56752198Weed Risk Assessments Are an Effective Component of Invasion Risk Management
Q55845373When do herbivores affect plant invasion? Evidence for the natural enemies and biotic resistance hypotheses
Q56924102Which Taxa Are Alien? Criteria, Applications, and Uncertainties
Q120792976Which features at home make a plant prone to become invasive?
Q56773754Widespread resistance of Mediterranean island ecosystems to the establishment of three alien species
Q56923738Woody species tolerance to expansion of the perennial tussock grassAmpelodesmos mauritanicaafter fire
Q114728727Consistency in impact assessments of invasive species is generally high and depends on protocols and impact types
Q124958893Field studies of the ecological impacts of invasive plants in Europe
Q110663854Management of invasive alien species in Spain: A bibliometric review

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