concept of unknown value in Wikibase

Wikibase data model concept, (*do not use in statements*) value given to a claim when we know there is a value for the property but don't know the value

concept of unknown value in Wikibase is …
instance of (P31):
Wikibase value typeQ19798657
Wikibase data model elementQ19798644

sublass of (P279):
wikibase data model possible value for a claimQ19798651

External links are
P856official website

P361part ofWikidata data modelQ16354757

Reverse relations

creator (P170)
Q61971642Maîtresse-vitre de l'église Saint-Pierre (Chevaigné)
Q131057311Portrait of Professor L Cohen Stuart

place of birth (P19)
Q61440505Dannike Woman
Q126127906Werner Krumbein
Q8076049Zénaïde Alexeïevna Ragozin

collection (P195)
Q2157202The Just Judges
Q113841103The Vikings' Hoard

author (P50)
Q19487720Romance de amor
Q124630126Tableau de l'esclavage tel qu'il existe dans les colonies françaises par un ancien colon
Q131702931Опыт введения новых Русских литер

commemorates (P547)
Q125973666Stolperstein dedicated to Chane Suhl
Q125973656Stolperstein dedicated to Olla Bamberger

has works in the collection (P6379)
Q76190278Christopher Oliver Thompson-Royds
Q96954896Eunmi Chun
Q16069267Georges Fouquet
Q15694372Onno Boekhoudt
Q96957240Ute Eitzenhöfer
Q15884037Willemijn de Greef

given name (P735)
Q109450554Teteringen Girl

IUCN protected areas category (P814)
Q4784459Araucarias Biosphere Reserve

category combines topics (P971)
Q125005719Категория:Википедия:Статьи без источников (страна: значение неизвестно)
Q125006350Категория:Википедия:Страницы на КПМ (страна: значение неизвестно)

Q4055997Авраамий (Дернов)place of burialP119
Q47008667Mary Magdalenowned byP127
Q58875763The Gallic Treasure of Thuindiscoverer or inventorP61
Q110197346Boulevard Montmartrehas part(s)P527
Q109450554Teteringen Girlfamily nameP734

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