Heidi Johansen-Berg


DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Heidi_Johansen-Berg

Abstract is: Heidi Johansen-Berg is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford. She studies brain plasticity in the context of stroke rehabilitation and aging.

Born 2000-01-01 in Liverpool (Q24826)

Heidi Johansen-Berg is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2080AcademiaNet ID1217079
P2381Academic Tree ID10520
P8179Canadiana Name Authority IDncf11499249
P2456DBLP author ID62/11220
P6178Dimensions author ID0762166720.51
P8446Gateway to Research person ID4F6B6982-F421-475F-9288-4FE412C83386
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11h5dllmp1
P1960Google Scholar author ID4qPNUQ8AAAAJ
P345IMDb IDnm9334194
P244Library of Congress authority IDnb2009013999
P2798Loop ID9402
P8189National Library of Israel J9U ID987007450897405171
P5034National Library of Korea IDKAC202313290
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID322816475
P691NL CR AUT IDmub2017939500
P1015NORAF ID12012750
P1207NUKAT IDn2011101267
P856official websitehttps://www.ndcn.ox.ac.uk/team/heidi-johansen-berg
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-4134-9730
P1153Scopus author ID6701480981
P10861Springer Nature person ID0762166720.51
P214VIAF ID90480316
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJmtwDQRPMxb6wTh9r6dwC
P2002X usernameheidijoberg

P166award receivedFellow of the Royal SocietyQ15631401
P69educated atUniversity of OxfordQ34433
P108employerUniversity of OxfordQ34433
P101field of workcognitive neuroscienceQ1138951
cognitive disorderQ3065932
clinical neurologyQ113884185
P735given nameHeidiQ1938638
P1412languages spoken, written or signedEnglishQ1860
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072
P8687social media followers1070

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q73807402'Seeing' sound
Q60040913(Non)sensory reorganisation following arm amputation
Q30525646A combined post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging and quantitative histological study of multiple sclerosis pathology
Q34708920A common brain network links development, aging, and vulnerability to disease
Q52582437A community-based physical activity intervention to prevent mobility-related disability for retired older people (REtirement in ACTion (REACT)): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Q46791818A consistent relationship between local white matter architecture and functional specialisation in medial frontal cortex
Q96638338A critical evaluation of systematic reviews assessing the effect of chronic physical activity on academic achievement, cognition and the brain in children and adolescents: a systematic review
Q57280463A randomised controlled trial of a walking training with simultaneous cognitive demand (dual task) in chronic stroke
Q28074583A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies examining the relationship between mobility and cognition in healthy older adults
Q31007511A systematic review of MRI studies examining the relationship between physical fitness and activity and the white matter of the ageing brain.
Q35580398A tractography analysis of two deep brain stimulation white matter targets for depression
Q34491736Accelerated changes in white matter microstructure during aging: a longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study
Q31108026Acquisition and voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data with tract-based spatial statistics
Q29547164Advances in functional and structural MR image analysis and implementation as FSL
Q47821444Advances in noninvasive myelin imaging.
Q33959214Age-related changes in grey and white matter structure throughout adulthood
Q33602260Aging associated changes in the motor control of ankle movements in the brain
Q91565829Alcohol consumption is associated with reduced creatine levels in the hippocampus of older adults
Q57520111Altered Hemodynamic Responses in Patients After Subcortical Stroke Measured by Functional MRI
Q36378662An Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Post Exercise Lactate, Glutamate and Glutamine Change in the Human Brain
Q35465443An expanded cortical representation for hand movement after peripheral motor denervation
Q57520031Anatomical Connectivity of the Subgenual Cingulate Region Targeted with Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression
Q57373970Anatomically related grey and white matter abnormalities in adolescent-onset schizophrenia
Q91089785Are People Ready for Personalized Brain Health? Perspectives of Research Participants in the Lifebrain Consortium
Q53435307Artificial limb representation in amputees.
Q74420280Artificial passenger keeps you awake at the wheel
Q33715392Associations between Mobility, Cognition, and Brain Structure in Healthy Older Adults.
Q100763440Associations between fitness, physical activity and mental health in a community sample of young British adolescents: baseline data from the Fit to Study trial
Q38660853Associations between self-reported sleep quality and white matter in community-dwelling older adults: A prospective cohort study
Q59677429Attention differentially modulates the coupling of fMRI BOLD and evoked potential signal amplitudes in the human somatosensory cortex
Q51960632Attention to movement modulates activity in sensori-motor areas, including primary motor cortex.
Q73806850Attention to touch modulates activity in both primary and secondary somatosensory areas
Q43021338Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase in patients with epilepsy are associated with low cortical GABA levels
Q57193445Automated detection of sleep-boundary times using wrist-worn accelerometry
Q33617421Behavioural relevance of variation in white matter microstructure
Q57520076Between session reproducibility and between subject variability of diffusion MR and tractography measures
Q73413808Bottom-up or top-down?
Q57520005Brain Activity Changes Associated With Treadmill Training After Stroke
Q60040914Can maladaptive cortical plasticity form new sensory experiences? Revisiting phantom pain
Q60039380Causal explanation of individual differences in human sensorimotor memory formation
Q37513405Changes in connectivity profiles define functionally distinct regions in human medial frontal cortex.
Q35508566Changes in functional connectivity and GABA levels with long-term motor learning
Q57373931Changes in white matter microstructure during adolescence
Q36307163Changes in white matter microstructure in the developing brain--A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study of children from 4 to 11years of age
Q47414149Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in diffusion-weighted MR imaging
Q60712558Cognition and mobility show a global association in middle- and late-adulthood: Analyses from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Q36903463Cognitive context determines dorsal premotor cortical activity during hand movement in patients after stroke
Q34343392Cognitive neuroscience: early learning centres
Q48840462Cognitive neuroscience: who to play at poker
Q73966144Cognitive science fiction
Q56882412Connection Patterns Distinguish 3 Regions of Human Parietal Cortex
Q57520008Connectivity Fingerprinting of Gray Matter
Q50670281Connectivity of an effective hypothalamic surgical target for cluster headache.
Q55502127Connectivity of the human pedunculopontine nucleus region and diffusion tensor imaging in surgical targeting
Q57510471Connectivity of the human periventricular-periaqueductal gray region
Q34932038Connectivity-based parcellation of human cingulate cortex and its relation to functional specialization.
Q57520051Connectivity-based parcellation of human cortex using diffusion MRI: Establishing reproducibility, validity and observer independence in BA 44/45 and SMA/pre-SMA
Q33633495Consensus paper: combining transcranial stimulation with neuroimaging
Q48447360Correlation between motor improvements and altered fMRI activity after rehabilitative therapy
Q46796427Corrigendum to “Changes in functional connectivity and GABA levels with long-term motor learning” [J. Neuroimage 106 (2015) 15-20].
Q35706444Cortical activation changes underlying stimulation-induced behavioural gains in chronic stroke
Q39417224Counter-stimulatory effects on pain perception and processing are significantly altered by attention: an fMRI study
Q34384462Deprivation-related and use-dependent plasticity go hand in hand
Q52566950Development of white matter microstructure in relation to verbal and visuospatial working memory-A longitudinal study.
Q77088041Did you hear the one about the laughter website?
Q36903475Differences in integrity of white matter and changes with training in spelling impaired children: a diffusion tensor imaging study
Q26866050Diffusion MRI at 25: exploring brain tissue structure and function
Q41779442Diffusion imaging of whole, post-mortem human brains on a clinical MRI scanner
Q57520054Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Tractography-Based Parcellation of the Human Lateral Premotor Cortex Identifies Dorsal and Ventral Subregions with Anatomical and Functional Specializations
Q31163062Diffusion-based tractography in neurological disorders: concepts, applications, and future developments
Q34962240Diffusion-weighted imaging tractography-based parcellation of the human parietal cortex and comparison with human and macaque resting-state functional connectivity.
Q57373977Discordant white matter N-acetylasparate and diffusion MRI measures suggest that chronic metabolic dysfunction contributes to axonal pathology in multiple sclerosis
Q33721722Distinct and overlapping functional zones in the cerebellum defined by resting state functional connectivity
Q36850891Distinction of seropositive NMO spectrum disorder and MS brain lesion distribution
Q30494499Effects of Acute Nicotine Abstinence on Cue-elicited Ventral Striatum/Nucleus Accumbens Activation in Female Cigarette Smokers: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Q63407458Effects of a programme of vigorous physical activity during secondary school physical education on academic performance, fitness, cognition, mental health and the brain of adolescents (Fit to Study): study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial
Q100760398Effects of gender, activity type, class location and class composition on physical activity levels experienced during physical education classes in British secondary schools: a pilot cross-sectional study
Q46711980Enhancing the Alignment of the Preclinical and Clinical Stroke Recovery Research Pipeline: Consensus-Based Core Recommendations From the Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable Translational Working Group
Q45959205Enhancing the alignment of the preclinical and clinical stroke recovery research pipeline: Consensus-based core recommendations from the Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable translational working group.
Q57520101Evaluation of the Modifid Jebsen Test of Hand Function and the University of Maryland Arm Questionnaire for Stroke
Q34495524FAST INdiCATE Trial protocol. Clinical efficacy of functional strength training for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: neural correlates and prognostic indicators
Q99361261Fit to Study: Reflections on designing and implementing a large-scale randomized controlled trial in secondary schools
Q33675469Fornix microstructure correlates with recollection but not familiarity memory
Q30577601Function in the human connectome: task-fMRI and individual differences in behavior
Q57520036Functional MRI Correlates of Lower Limb Function in Stroke Victims With Gait Impairment
Q73843374Functional MRI detects posterior shifts in primary sensorimotor cortex activation after stroke: evidence of local adaptive reorganization?
Q50295808Functional Strength Training and Movement Performance Therapy for Upper Limb Recovery Early Poststroke-Efficacy, Neural Correlates, Predictive Markers, and Cost-Effectiveness: FAST-INdiCATE Trial
Q57374019Functional anatomy of interhemispheric cortical connections in the human brain
Q31171781Functional imaging of stroke recovery: what have we learnt and where do we go from here?
Q57520060Functional specificity of human premotor-motor cortical interactions during action selection
Q58049414Functional strength training versus movement performance therapy for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: a RCT
Q57520064Functionally Specific Reorganization in Human Premotor Cortex
Q57374034Functional–Anatomical Validation and Individual Variation of Diffusion Tractography-based Segmentation of the Human Thalamus
Q33698708GABA levels are decreased after stroke and GABA changes during rehabilitation correlate with motor improvement
Q34167504Glial biology in learning and cognition
Q33822331Gray matter volume is associated with rate of subsequent skill learning after a long term training intervention
Q37404574Grey matter abnormalities in methcathinone abusers with a Parkinsonian syndrome.
Q77308506Hand-waving insight into infant language
Q28649854Human connectomics - what will the future demand?
Q35964197Human structural plasticity at record speed
Q28267527Imaging Surrogates of Disease Activity in Neuromyelitis Optica Allow Distinction from Multiple Sclerosis
Q33660056Imaging the effects of rTMS-induced cortical plasticity
Q48450417Imaging the relationship between structure, function and behaviour in the human brain
Q33368101Imaging white matter diffusion changes with development and recovery from brain injury
Q36701975Impairment of movement-associated brain deactivation in multiple sclerosis: further evidence for a functional pathology of interhemispheric neuronal inhibition
Q74675403In Briefs
Q78467086In Briefs
Q78590441In Briefs
Q74210238In briefs
Q48302815Increasing lateralized motor activity in younger and older adults using Real-time fMRI during executed movements
Q57520017Individual Differences in White Matter Microstructure in the Healthy Brain
Q57520067Individual Differences in White-Matter Microstructure Reflect Variation in Functional Connectivity during Choice
Q41221919Induced sensorimotor cortex plasticity remediates chronic treatment-resistant visual neglect.
Q57520020Integration of Measures of Functional and Structural MRI
Q35059151Integrity of white matter in the corpus callosum correlates with bimanual co-ordination skills
Q36507739Investigating the Stability of Fine-Grain Digit Somatotopy in Individual Human Participants
Q46825095Investigation of white matter pathology in ALS and PLS using tract-based spatial statistics
Q33553432Ipsilesional anodal tDCS enhances the functional benefits of rehabilitation in patients after stroke
Q73807398It's all in the timing
Q73589158Judging the true potential?
Q31055039Just pretty pictures? What diffusion tractography can add in clinical neuroscience
Q77166478Language shapes thought
Q37661520Local GABA concentration is related to network-level resting functional connectivity
Q48829941Long-haul brain drain.
Q43292416Longitudinal changes in grey and white matter during adolescence.
Q73589161Lost for words
Q92029387Magnetic Resonance Techniques for Imaging White Matter
Q44133723Maternal antibody-mediated dyslexia? Evidence for a pathogenic serum factor in a mother of two dyslexic children shown by transfer to mice using behavioural studies and magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q51970763Model-free characterization of brain functional networks for motor sequence learning using fMRI.
Q57169291Modulating Regional Motor Cortical Excitability with Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Results in Neurochemical Changes in Bilateral Motor Cortices
Q36302480Modulation of GABA and resting state functional connectivity by transcranial direct current stimulation
Q51925454Modulation of movement-associated cortical activation by transcranial direct current stimulation.
Q30882307Motor Physiology: A Brain of Two Halves
Q42375125Motor correlates of phantom limb pain
Q36903471Motor practice promotes increased activity in brain regions structurally disconnected after subcortical stroke
Q34391861Motor skill learning induces changes in white matter microstructure and myelination
Q36844717Multi-modal characterization of rapid anterior hippocampal volume increase associated with aerobic exercise
Q30328580Music to your baby's ears.
Q36719098Mutations in BMP4 cause eye, brain, and digit developmental anomalies: overlap between the BMP4 and hedgehog signaling pathways
Q30627110Myelin imaging in amyotrophic and primary lateral sclerosis
Q50061569Myelin plasticity and behaviour-connecting the dots
Q34095719Myelin water imaging reflects clinical variability in multiple sclerosis
Q74284728Neglecting the temporal lobe
Q36916643Network analysis detects changes in the contralesional hemisphere following stroke
Q35704924Network-level reorganisation of functional connectivity following arm amputation
Q37221846Neurochemical effects of theta burst stimulation as assessed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Q35918118Neuroimaging in stroke recovery: a position paper from the First International Workshop on Neuroimaging and Stroke Recovery
Q37164200Neuroplasticity and functional recovery in multiple sclerosis
Q60696046Neuroplasticity in Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy
Q48790358Neuroplasticity: Effects of Physical and Cognitive activity on brain structure and function
Q30972182Non-invasive mapping of brain functions and brain recovery: applying lessons from cognitive neuroscience to neurorehabilitation.
Q24040257Non-invasive mapping of connections between human thalamus and cortex using diffusion imaging
Q34802743Normalisation of brain connectivity through compensatory behaviour, despite congenital hand absence
Q48531023Parietal cortex and spatial-postural transformation during arm movements
Q90489063Perceptions of active and inactive prototypes are associated with objective measures of physical activity in adolescents
Q37590370Perceptually relevant remapping of human somatotopy in 24 hours.
Q42375230Peri-hand space representation in the absence of a hand - Evidence from congenital one-handers
Q36736894Phantom pain is associated with preserved structure and function in the former hand area
Q36864561Plasticity in gray and white: neuroimaging changes in brain structure during learning
Q73711622Plum take-away
Q34873367Polarity and timing-dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in explicit motor learning
Q48649036Polarity-sensitive modulation of cortical neurotransmitters by transcranial stimulation.
Q37710466Polarity-specific effects of motor transcranial direct current stimulation on fMRI resting state networks
Q34170985Poor sleep quality is associated with increased cortical atrophy in community-dwelling adults
Q37504998Predicting behavioural response to TDCS in chronic motor stroke
Q33602266Prefrontal Cortex Activation While Walking Under Dual-Task Conditions in Stroke: A Multimodal Imaging Study
Q73807388Premotor cortex called to attention
Q36898750Preservation of motor skill learning in patients with multiple sclerosis
Q48385479Probabilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: What can we gain?
Q51942496Probabilistic diffusion tractography: a potential tool to assess the rate of disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Q57519997Probabilistic tractography of the optic radiations—An automated method and anatomical validation
Q48762085Quantitative investigation of connections of the prefrontal cortex in the human and macaque using probabilistic diffusion tractography.
Q58774708Reaffirming the link between chronic phantom limb pain and maintained missing hand representation
Q35880745Reassessing cortical reorganization in the primary sensorimotor cortex following arm amputation
Q36907460Relating brain damage to brain plasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis
Q30998826Relating connectional architecture to grey matter function using diffusion imaging
Q92248275Relating diffusion tensor imaging measurements to microstructural quantities in the cerebral cortex in multiple sclerosis
Q47595612Relating functional changes during hand movement to clinical parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis in a multi-centre fMRI study
Q35643556Relationship between physiological measures of excitability and levels of glutamate and GABA in the human motor cortex.
Q37187574Relationships between functional and structural corticospinal tract integrity and walking post stroke
Q43184818Relationships of brain white matter microstructure with clinical and MR measures in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Q33759402Relevance of structural brain connectivity to learning and recovery from stroke
Q30540347Reliable identification of the auditory thalamus using multi-modal structural analyses
Q49016232Remembering John Newsom-Davis' contribution to human imaging in Oxford
Q33695695Representation of Multiple Body Parts in the Missing-Hand Territory of Congenital One-Handers
Q47593754Reproducibility of fMRI in the clinical setting: implications for trial designs
Q51982041Response-selection-related parietal activation during number comparison.
Q37292949Revealing the neural fingerprints of a missing hand.
Q46150717Short-term adaptation to a simple motor task: a physiological process preserved in multiple sclerosis.
Q96168206Sleep Disruption After Brain Injury Is Associated With Worse Motor Outcomes and Slower Functional Recovery
Q26774742Sleep and Motor Learning: Implications for Physical Rehabilitation After Stroke
Q35158920Sleep-dependent motor memory consolidation in older adults depends on task demands
Q73966148Stimulating feedback
Q50421555Structural Plasticity in Adulthood with Motor Learning and Stroke Rehabilitation
Q92451625Structural Variability in the Human Brain Reflects Fine-Grained Functional Architecture at the Population Level
Q36907467Structural and functional bases for individual differences in motor learning
Q36364457Structural correlates of skilled performance on a motor sequence task
Q31101537Structural plasticity: rewiring the brain
Q31165123Studying neuroanatomy using MRI.
Q30724723Studying the effects of transcranial direct-current stimulation in stroke recovery using magnetic resonance imaging
Q74284737Tactile motion activates V5
Q57520084The Evolution of Prefrontal Inputs to the Cortico-pontine System: Diffusion Imaging Evidence from Macaque Monkeys and Humans
Q36548146The Homeostatic Interaction Between Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Motor Learning in Humans is Related to GABAA Activity
Q41476154The NMDA receptor partial agonist d-cycloserine does not enhance motor learning
Q77308511The colour of smell
Q33698702The effect of hypointense white matter lesions on automated gray matter segmentation in multiple sclerosis
Q28730974The effects of aerobic activity on brain structure
Q96031569The effects of an aerobic training intervention on cognition, grey matter volumes and white matter microstructure
Q52175067The effects of tetanus toxin-induced limbic epilepsy on the exploratory response to novelty in the rat.
Q34067915The future of functionally-related structural change assessment
Q30883460The left parietal and premotor cortices: motor attention and selection
Q57374213The motor cortex shows adaptive functional changes to brain injury from multiple sclerosis
Q58078362The neural basis of induced phantom limb pain relief
Q30619117The physiology and psychology of selective attention to touch
Q74420275The popular face of cognitive science
Q51933000The rate of visuomotor adaptation correlates with cerebellar white-matter microstructure.
Q34713688The role of GABA in human motor learning
Q38659459The role of diffusion MRI in neuroscience
Q34394671The role of ipsilateral premotor cortex in hand movement after stroke
Q42202598Tools of the trade: psychophysiological interactions and functional connectivity
Q33882301Topography of connections between human prefrontal cortex and mediodorsal thalamus studied with diffusion tractography.
Q34654686Topography of cortical and subcortical connections of the human pedunculopontine and subthalamic nuclei
Q57520104Towards an understanding of gait control: brain activation during the anticipation, preparation and execution of foot movements
Q29615647Tract-based spatial statistics: voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data
Q34203378Tractography: where do we go from here?
Q35007455Training induces changes in white-matter architecture
Q60944200Transcranial direct current stimulation for promoting motor function in cerebral palsy: a review
Q36729736Transfer of tactile perceptual learning to untrained neighboring fingers reflects natural use relationships
Q51927407Two-dimensional population map of cortical connections in the human internal capsule.
Q34528763Unconscious vision: new insights into the neuronal correlate of blindsight using diffusion tractography
Q27024497Unraveling the secrets of white matter--bridging the gap between cellular, animal and human imaging studies
Q33435972Using diffusion imaging to study human connectional anatomy.
Q30501437Ventral premotor cortex may be required for dynamic changes in the feeling of limb ownership: a lesion study
Q30411127Ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens activation to smoking-related pictorial cues in smokers and nonsmokers: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Q74095812Visual cortex represents invisible lines
Q73966167Visual illusions and prefrontal cortex
Q36386126Visualization of altered neurovascular coupling in chronic stroke patients using multimodal functional MRI.
Q46834433Walking performance and its recovery in chronic stroke in relation to extent of lesion overlap with the descending motor tract
Q74284720We've all got rhythm
Q38865871What are we measuring with GABA magnetic resonance spectroscopy?
Q47901518White Matter Plasticity in the Adult Brain
Q36916638White matter abnormalities in methcathinone abusers with an extrapyramidal syndrome
Q33600556White matter integrity as a marker for cognitive plasticity in aging
Q39976103White matter integrity in the vicinity of Broca's area predicts grammar learning success
Q89452269White matter structure and myelin-related gene expression alterations with experience in adult rats
Q77166485e-body language
Q77088052e-publishing debate

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