Akiyama Buemon

Japanese publisher of the ukiyo-e prints in the Meiji era

Wikimedia Commons category is Akiyama Buemon

Died 1900-01-01

Akiyama Buemon is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID16761448s
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11btyr2xzw
P6698Japan Search name ID秋山武右衛門
P3762openMLOL author ID325744
P8317Philadelphia Museum of Art entity ID52626
P5271Saint Louis Art Museum person ID24778
P214VIAF cluster ID308705420

P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipJapanQ17
P1343described by sourceJapanese Woodblock Prints: Artists, Publishers and Masterworks 1680-1900Q67940122
P734family nameAkiyamaQ24090488
P6379has works in the collectionAckland Art MuseumQ4674272
P1814name in kanaあきやま ぶえもん
P1559name in native language秋山武右衛門
haiku poetQ11386386
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

publisher (P123)
Q98859844A Tea Ceremony Periwinkle
Q105708082Modern Beauties
Q3541645One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
Q105708120Thirty-Six Elegant Selections

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