James V. Haxby

American neuroscientist

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/James_V._Haxby

Abstract is: James Van Loan Haxby is an American neuroscientist. He currently is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College and the Director for the Dartmouth Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. He is best known for his work on face perception and applications of machine learning in functional neuroimaging.

Born 1951-05-20 in Minneapolis (Q36091)

James V. Haxby is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2381Academic Tree ID538
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11c58n7qy_
P1960Google Scholar author IDUH9yVLwAAAAJ
P11506IRIS UNITN author ID01128
P2798Loop ID2442
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID289253
P856official websitehttp://haxbylab.dartmouth.edu/ppl/jim.html
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-6558-3118
P6023ResearchGate contributions ID39843035

P166award receivedFulbright ScholarshipQ253936
P27country of citizenshipUnited States of AmericaQ30
P184doctoral advisorAuke TellegenQ15428938
P185doctoral studentKarla K EvansQ58299017
P69educated atUniversity of MinnesotaQ238101
Carleton CollegeQ1041671
P108employerDartmouth CollegeQ49116
P734family nameHaxbyQ37488276
P101field of workcognitive neuroscienceQ1138951
P735given nameJamesQ677191
P106occupationuniversity teacherQ1622272
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q40676193'What' and 'where' in the human brain
Q52041424A Developmental Functional MRI Study of Prefrontal Activation during Performance of a Go-No-Go Task.
Q27302403A Model of Representational Spaces in Human Cortex
Q42529061A PET study of Turner's syndrome: effects of sex steroids and the X chromosome on brain.
Q77623009A Reduced-Dimension fMRI Shared Response Model
Q24634354A common, high-dimensional model of the representational space in human ventral temporal cortex
Q52583059A computational model of shared fine-scale structure in the human connectome.
Q28145706A functional MRI case study of acquired cerebral dyschromatopsia
Q32135261A neural system for human visual working memory
Q28208047A parametric fMRI study of overt and covert shifts of visuospatial attention
Q37412112Abnormal brain glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's disease, as measured by position emission tomography
Q48208224Abnormal pattern of cerebral glucose metabolic rates involving language areas in young adults with Down syndrome
Q39752997Abnormalities of regional brain metabolism in Alzheimer's disease and their relation to functional impairment
Q48356923Activation of cerebral blood flow during a visuoperceptual task in patients with Alzheimer-type dementia
Q50303452Adult fragile X syndrome: neuropsychology, brain anatomy, and metabolism.
Q48163570Age-related changes in cortical blood flow activation during visual processing of faces and location
Q48352791Age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow during working memory for faces
Q34720681Age-related reductions in human recognition memory due to impaired encoding.
Q48282729Alzheimer's disease: metabolic uncoupling of associative brain regions
Q48511373An area specialized for spatial working memory in human frontal cortex.
Q28198121An fMRI version of the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test reveals multiple color-selective areas in human ventral occipitotemporal cortex
Q68192943Anatomic, metabolic, neuropsychological, and molecular genetic studies of three pairs of identical twins discordant for dementia of the Alzheimer's type
Q51980335Are face-responsive regions selective only for faces?
Q38032307Assessment of AIDS-related cognitive changes: recommendations of the NIMH Workshop on Neuropsychological Assessment Approaches
Q44476356Asymmetry of brain metabolism and cognitive function
Q38375898Attention Selectively Reshapes the Geometry of Distributed Semantic Representation.
Q57270713Attention selectively reshapes the geometry of distributed semantic representation
Q57270718Attentional allocation locally warps representational space
Q38448170Attribute-based neural substrates in temporal cortex for perceiving and knowing about objects
Q43863084Beyond amygdala: Default Mode Network activity differs between patients with social phobia and healthy controls
Q29616367Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data
Q37682751Beyond sensory images: Object-based representation in the human ventral pathway
Q48434231Brain atrophy in hypertension. A volumetric magnetic resonance imaging study
Q48441163Brain metabolism as measured with positron emission tomography: serial assessment in a patient with familial Alzheimer's disease
Q48377529Brain regions involved in recognizing facial emotion or identity: an oxygen-15 PET study
Q37871198Brain systems for assessing the affective value of faces
Q68560219Cerebral metabolic and cognitive studies in dementia with frontal lobe behavioral features
Q33627955Cerebral metabolism, anatomy, and cognition in monozygotic twins discordant for dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q53186442Cerebrospinal fluid biopterin is decreased in Alzheimer's disease.
Q28338004Cerebrospinal fluid monoaminergic metabolites are elevated in adults with Down's syndrome
Q43953115Cerebrospinal fluid monoamines in Down's syndrome adults at different ages
Q52201002Changes in limbic and prefrontal functional interactions in a working memory task for faces.
Q52225215Changes in visuospatial attention over the adult lifespan.
Q49138887Cholinergic enhancement and increased selectivity of perceptual processing during working memory
Q36192106Cholinergic stimulation alters performance and task-specific regional cerebral blood flow during working memory
Q48458450Clinical history, brain metabolism, and neuropsychological function in Alzheimer's disease
Q31120155CoSMoMVPA: Multi-Modal Multivariate Pattern Analysis of Neuroimaging Data in Matlab/GNU Octave
Q24276721Combinatorial codes in ventral temporal lobe for object recognition: Haxby (2001) revisited: is there a "face" area?
Q50668056Common neural mechanisms for the evaluation of facial trustworthiness and emotional expressions as revealed by behavioral adaptation.
Q36913178Communicative hand gestures and object-directed hand movements activated the mirror neuron system
Q33734929Comparison of positron emission tomography, cognition, and brain volume in Alzheimer's disease with and without severe abnormalities of white matter
Q49068399Complementary neural mechanisms for tracking items in human working memory
Q35986779Data-driven approaches in the investigation of social perception
Q107394509DataLad: distributed system for joint management of code, data, and their relationship
Q33628645Decline in cerebral glucose utilisation and cognitive function with aging in Down's syndrome
Q64071501Decoding individual differences in STEM learning from functional MRI data
Q38227122Decoding neural representational spaces using multivariate pattern analysis.
Q52070153Dementia in Down's syndrome: cerebral glucose utilization, neuropsychological assessment, and neuropathology.
Q30497617Differential activation of frontoparietal attention networks by social and symbolic spatial cues
Q48938995Differential modulation of neural activity throughout the distributed neural system for face perception in patients with Social Phobia and healthy subjects
Q53322358Differential response to the cholinergic agonist arecoline among different cognitive modalities in Alzheimer's disease.
Q52012948Discrete cortical regions associated with knowledge of color and knowledge of action.
Q48692864Dissociation of Saccade-Related and Pursuit-Related Activation in Human Frontal Eye Fields as Revealed by fMRI
Q30476653Dissociation of face-selective cortical responses by attention
Q48550775Dissociation of object and spatial vision in human extrastriate cortex: age-related changes in activation of regional cerebral blood flow measured with [(15) o]water and positron emission tomography
Q37411321Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex
Q51979075Distinct representations of eye gaze and identity in the distributed human neural system for face perception.
Q58183632Distinguishing the Functional Roles of Multiple Regions in Distributed Neural Systems for Visual Working Memory
Q30596229Distinguishing the functional roles of multiple regions in distributed neural systems for visual working memory.
Q23992764Distributed and overlapping representations of faces and objects in ventral temporal cortex
Q49063087Distributed neural systems for the generation of visual images
Q24684259Distributed representation of objects in the human ventral visual pathway
Q34699723Distributed representations of dynamic facial expressions in the superior temporal sulcus.
Q53296370Divided attention and metabolic brain dysfunction in mild dementia of the Alzheimer's type.
Q48493767Do we really need vision? How blind people "see" the actions of others
Q35417031Down syndrome: differentiating mental retardation and dementia with brain imaging techniques
Q48760585Down's syndrome in adults: brain metabolism
Q36780987Early detection of Alzheimer's disease: a statistical approach using positron emission tomographic data
Q52049533Effect of task difficulty on cerebral blood flow during perceptual matching of faces.
Q34443269Effects of Visual Experience on the Human MT+ Functional Connectivity Networks: An fMRI Study of Motion Perception in Sighted and Congenitally Blind Individuals
Q52102109Effects of acute infusion of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist arecoline on verbal memory and visuo-spatial function in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Q52103231Effects of long-term continuous infusion of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist arecoline on verbal memory in dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q69858157Evaluation of an analogue of somatostatin (L363,586) in Alzheimer's disease
Q45082960Evaluation of zimeldine in Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive and biochemical measures
Q47318976Face and word memory differences are related to patterns of right and left lateral ventricle size in healthy aging
Q33590306Face encoding and recognition in the human brain
Q40182227Facial expression and gaze-direction in human superior temporal sulcus.
Q48435439Fine structure in representations of faces and objects
Q24642551Function-based intersubject alignment of human cortical anatomy
Q48421058Functional Associations among Human Posterior Extrastriate Brain Regions during Object and Spatial Vision
Q48166890Functional anatomy of pursuit eye movements in humans as revealed by fMRI.
Q48944875Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human visual cortex during face matching: a comparison with positron emission tomography
Q64065377Fusing Mobile Phone Sensing and Brain Imaging to Assess Depression in College Students
Q48509711Gender differences in correlations of cerebral glucose matabolic rates in young normal adults
Q33741002Graded representations of emotional expressions in the left superior temporal sulcus
Q52120461Heterogeneous anterior-posterior metabolic patterns in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Q45738975High-resolution PET studies in Alzheimer's disease
Q36889631How the Human Brain Represents Perceived Dangerousness or "Predacity" of Animals
Q48597174Human brain glucose utilization and cognitive function in relation to age
Q30670630Human neural systems for face recognition and social communication
Q96135383Hyperalignment: Modeling shared information encoded in idiosyncratic cortical topographies
Q80831010Implicit trustworthiness decisions: automatic coding of face properties in the human amygdala
Q41114184Individual trajectories of cognitive decline in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q60090809Inner visions
Q30541994Inter-subject alignment of human cortical anatomy using functional connectivity
Q48150221Lack of age-related differences in temporal lobe volume of very healthy adults
Q48246348Localization of cardiac-induced signal change in fMRI.
Q52041376Longitudinal changes in lateral ventricular volume in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q44534844Longitudinal study of cerebral metabolic asymmetries and associated neuropsychological patterns in early dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q48586947Longitudinal study of neuropsychological function in older adults with Down syndrome
Q52068802Longitudinal study of the early neuropsychological and cerebral metabolic changes in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Q48652520Low glucose metabolism during brain stimulation in older Down's syndrome subjects at risk for Alzheimer's disease prior to dementia.
Q48910153Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid choline in healthy aging and in Down's syndrome.
Q37485923Mapping the functional neuroanatomy of the intact human brain with brain work imaging
Q52048498Medial temporal lobe imaging.
Q52068509Memory improvement without toxicity during chronic, low dose intravenous arecoline in Alzheimer's disease.
Q80967484Mirror neuron system differentially activated by facial expressions and social hand gestures: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Q56366758Modeling Semantic Encoding in a Common Neural Representational Space
Q51938263Mothers' neural activation in response to pictures of their children and other children.
Q52068314Motor vehicle crashes in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Q35893588Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA): how to assign scans to categories without using spatial normalization
Q28310306Multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI: the early beginnings
Q39390788NIH Conference. Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome: new insights
Q48630179NIH Conference. Brain imaging: aging and dementia
Q39486631NIH conference. Alzheimer disease: clinical and biological heterogeneity
Q89452533Naturalistic stimuli reveal a dominant role for agentic action in visual representation
Q35663885Nature of mental retardation and dementia in Down syndrome: study with PET, CT, and neuropsychology
Q48305999Neocortical metabolic abnormalities precede nonmemory cognitive defects in early Alzheimer's-type dementia
Q48238286Neocortical metabolic abnormalities precede nonmemory cognitive impairments in early dementia of the Alzheimer type: longitudinal confirmation
Q53212837Network analysis of PET-mapped visual pathways in Alzheimer type dementia.
Q36704081Network analysis of brain cognitive function using metabolic and blood flow data
Q48177110Network analysis of cortical visual pathways mapped with PET.
Q55394652Neural Responses to Naturalistic Clips of Behaving Animals in Two Different Task Contexts.
Q49116971Neural correlates of category-specific knowledge
Q48365604Neural response to the visual familiarity of faces
Q57270705Neural responses to naturalistic clips of behaving animals in two different task contexts
Q36517412Neural systems for recognition of familiar faces
Q28770168Neurolinguistic analysis of the language abilities of a patient with a "double disconnection syndrome": a case of subangular alexia in the presence of mixed transcortical aphasia
Q41448595Neuropsychological and cerebral metabolic function in early vs late onset dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q52065462Neuropsychological evaluation of adults with Down's syndrome: patterns of selective impairment in non-demented old adults.
Q52011380Object and spatial visual working memory activate separate neural systems in human cortex.
Q51978256Object-form topology in the ventral temporal lobeResponse to I. Gauthier (2000).
Q68456720Olfactory detection and identification performance are dissociated in early Alzheimer's disease
Q43868515Olfactory detection and recognition in Alzheimer's disease
Q73506090Overall vigilance and sustained attention decrements in healthy aging
Q48640278Parallel visual motion processing streams for manipulable objects and human movements
Q24276725Partially distributed representations of objects and faces in ventral temporal cortex
Q43420206Pattern classification precedes region-average hemodynamic response in early visual cortex
Q48326760Pattern of cerebral metabolic interactions in a subject with isolated amnesia at risk for Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal evaluation.
Q48845985Plasticity in the aging brain. Reversibility of anatomic, metabolic, and cognitive deficits in normal-pressure hydrocephalus following shunt surgery
Q48328045Positron emission tomography in Alzheimer's disease
Q39723807Positron emission tomography in dementia of the Alzheimer type. A brief review with a case study
Q70224047Positron emission tomography in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease
Q92022128Predicting individual face-selective topography using naturalistic stimuli
Q34513413Predicting judged similarity of natural categories from their neural representations
Q28755492PyMVPA: A Unifying Approach to the Analysis of Neuroscientific Data
Q33404662PyMVPA: A python toolbox for multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI data
Q48227792Quantitative CT analysis of brain morphometry in adult Down's syndrome at different ages
Q43490661Quantitative computed tomography in dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q53193402Rate of ventricular enlargement in dementia of the Alzheimer type correlates with rate of neuropsychological deterioration.
Q33591546Reductions in parietal and temporal cerebral metabolic rates for glucose are not specific for Alzheimer's disease
Q49087110Regional cerebral glucose metabolism is normal in young adults with Down syndrome
Q41447683Relations among age, visual memory, and resting cerebral metabolism in 40 healthy men.
Q48483328Relations between neuropsychological and cerebral metabolic asymmetries in early Alzheimer's disease
Q91005332Reliable individual differences in fine-grained cortical functional architecture
Q83168836Response from courtney, ungerleider and haxby
Q84084738Selective attention to face identity and color studied with f MRI
Q35648191Selective effects of cholinergic modulation on task performance during selective attention
Q93522365Serial quantitative CT analysis of brain morphometrics in adult Down's syndrome at different ages
Q52217231Short-term retention of verbal, visual shape and visuospatial location information in normal and amnesic subjects.
Q50995742Social and emotional attachment in the neural representation of faces.
Q52047671Spatial pattern analysis of functional brain images using partial least squares.
Q48506978Spontaneous retrieval of affective person knowledge in face perception
Q48292484Stability of metabolic and neuropsychological asymmetries in dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q33617762Statistical learning analysis in neuroscience: aiming for transparency
Q57834630Striatal Glucose Metabolism and Pattern of Cerebral Regional Interactions in Choreic Disorders
Q68407390Subgroups in dementia of the Alzheimer type identified using positron emission tomography
Q30233745Sustained activity in the medial wall during working memory delays.
Q36656541Sustained attention in mild Alzheimer's disease
Q37050132The Dorsal Medial Prefrontal Cortex Responds Preferentially to Social Interactions during Natural Viewing.
Q38019924The Representation of Self and Person Knowledge in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex.
Q38422992The animacy continuum in the human ventral vision pathway.
Q29619352The distributed human neural system for face perception
Q33852652The effect of face inversion on activity in human neural systems for face and object perception
Q48235079The effect of visual experience on the development of functional architecture in hMT+.
Q71590558The effect of white matter hyperintensity volume on brain structure, cognitive performance, and cerebral metabolism of glucose in 51 healthy adults
Q52022176The effects of sex steroids, and the X chromosome, on female brain function: a study of the neuropsychology of adult Turner syndrome.
Q34326052The functional organization of human extrastriate cortex: a PET-rCBF study of selective attention to faces and locations.
Q50918770The perception of emotion and social cues in faces.
Q36493611The representation of biological classes in the human brain
Q38839285The representation of objects in the human occipital and temporal cortex
Q35212211The role of prefrontal cortex in working memory: examining the contents of consciousness
Q48480203The well-tempered social brain
Q48729691Transient and sustained activity in a distributed neural system for human working memory
Q52054773Treatment of Alzheimer disease by continuous intravenous infusion of physostigmine.
Q51897999Two takes on the social brain: a comparison of theory of mind tasks.
Q95267610Using the force: STEM knowledge and experience construct shared neural representations of engineering concepts
Q48420720Visual imagery of famous faces: effects of memory and attention revealed by fMRI.
Q48471573Visuospatial attention in dementia of the Alzheimer type
Q72734958Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging in men with dementia of the Alzheimer type: correlations with disease severity
Q33560932Within-subject transformations of PET regional cerebral blood flow data: ANCOVA, ratio, and Z-score adjustments on empirical data
Q57870696X-chromosome effects on female brain: a magnetic resonance imaging study of Turner's syndrome
Q28184046fMRI Responses to Video and Point-Light Displays of Moving Humans and Manipulable Objects
Q48440150fMRI study of face perception and memory using random stimulus sequences
Q30664738fMRI-Based Inter-Subject Cortical Alignment Using Functional Connectivity.

Q58299017Karla K Evansdoctoral advisorP184
Q15428938Auke Tellegendoctoral studentP185

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