Home safety education and provision of safety equipment for injury prevention

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Home safety education and provision of safety equipment for injury prevention is …
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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID4757022
P698PubMed publication ID22972081

P50authorAlex J SuttonQ124202084
Carol CouplandQ56796779
Amanda Mason-JonesQ41092384
Denise KendrickQ37367490
P2093author name stringNicola J Cooper
Ben Young
Persephone Wynn
Sherie Smith
Michael C Watson
Felix A Achana
Stephanie J Hubbard
Caroline A Mulvaney
Nohaid Ilyas
P2860cites workSmoke alarms by type and battery life in rural households: a randomized controlled trialQ24169765
Modification of the home environment for the reduction of injuriesQ24236567
Household interventions for prevention of domestic lead exposure in childrenQ24243280
Home-based support for disadvantaged adult mothersQ24243324
The 'WHO Safe Communities' model for the prevention of injury in whole populationsQ24244046
Safe communities for children: insight from a pilot program for preventing unintentional injuriesQ84455338
Childhood poisonings from medications: three prevention programs that workedQ93786367
Distribution of accidents, injuries, and illnesses by family type. ALSPAC Study Team. Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and ChildhoodQ51972527
A practice-based intervention to enhance quality of care in the first 3 years of life: the Healthy Steps for Young Children ProgramQ52096123
Assessing the impact of pediatric-based development services on infants, families, and clinicians: challenges to evaluating the Health Steps ProgramQ52170554
Rural residents' knowledge of lead poisoning preventionQ52173292
Effects of Televised Safety Models on Children's Risk Taking and Hazard IdentificationQ52186531
Educating preschoolers about sun safetyQ52207432
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Bayesian approaches to random-effects meta-analysis: a comparative studyQ52320769
Longitudinal evaluation of an educational intervention for preventing tick bites in an area with endemic lyme disease in Baltimore County, MarylandQ52607794
A multilevel model framework for meta-analysis of clinical trials with binary outcomesQ52927136
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Arcsine test for publication bias in meta-analyses with binary outcomesQ53024164
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Childproof containersQ53902210
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Child-resistant medicine containers: experience in the homeQ54665578
Child injury in Israel: emergency room visits to a children's medical center.Q55015367
Childhood injury prevention: intervention in the Bedouin city of Rahat.Q55018007
Preventing accidental injury to young children in the home using volunteersQ56749527
Impact of community educational programmes on foreign body aspiration in IsraelQ56971352
Randomized Trial of the Early Start Program of Home VisitationQ59187360
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The incidence and severity of burn injuries following Project Burn PreventionQ59591461
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Accidental injury: risk and preventative interventions.Q43103293
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Results of a focused scald-prevention programQ44529872
Testing of child-resistant containersQ44914664
Preventing product-related injuries: a randomized controlled trial of poster alerts.Q44985372
The impact of a home visitation programme on household hazards associated with unintentional childhood injuries: a randomised controlled trialQ45720364
Partnering for injury prevention: evaluation of a curriculum-based intervention program among elementary school children.Q45978320
Paraprofessional home visitation program to prevent childhood unintentional injuries in low-income communities: a cluster randomized controlled trialQ46238331
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Neighbourhood social and socio-economic composition and injury risksQ47299685
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Randomized controlled trial of ionization and photoelectric smoke alarm functionalityQ47795054
Strategies to increase smoke alarm use in high-risk households.Q47867200
Secondary prevention of childhood firesettingQ47924090
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An intervention to reduce kerosene-related burns and poisonings in low-income South African communitiesQ48269265
Prevention of paediatric acquired brain injury: an interactive, elementary-school program.Q48296287
Unintentional injury in preschool boys with and without early onset of disruptive behaviorQ48616542
Firearm safety counseling in primary care pediatrics: a randomized, controlled trialQ48625275
Teaching firearm safety to children: failure of a programQ50114598
From concept to application: the impact of a community-wide intervention to improve the delivery of preventive services to childrenQ50122245
Use of Poisson regression and time series analysis for detecting changes over time in rates of child injury following a prevention programQ50600724
Risk factors for childhood burn injuries: a case-control study from GreeceQ50882666
South Asian ethnicity and risk of childhood accidents: an ecological study at enumeration district level in Leicester.Q51198250
Effectiveness of nurse counselling in discouraging the use of the infant walkersQ51560538
Effects of fully-established Sure Start Local Programmes on 3-year-old children and their families living in England: a quasi-experimental observational studyQ51946835
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A pediatric, practice-based, randomized trial of drinking and smoking prevention and bicycle helmet, gun, and seatbelt safety promotionQ38469195
A randomised controlled trial of general practitioner safety advice for families with children under 5 yearsQ38644708
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a Children and Youth Project.Q38742485
Evaluation of a Community-Based Poison Education ProgramQ39247256
Family support and parenting education in the home: an effective extension of clinic-based preventive health care services for poor childrenQ39275626
A home injury prevention program for childrenQ39315668
Prevalence of working smoke alarms in local authority inner city housing: randomised controlled trialQ39411784
Effects of sustained nurse/mother contact on infant outcomes among low-income African-American familiesQ39417523
Child-resistant packaging and accidental child poisoningQ39446179
The effect of dust lead control on blood lead in toddlers: a randomized trialQ39488081
Accidents to preschool children: comparing family and neighbourhood risk factorsQ39489032
A comparison study of an elementary school-based health center: effects on health care access and use.Q39489593
Primary prevention of childhood lead exposure: A randomized trial of dust control.Q39490589
An evaluation of the Baltimore Community Lead Education and Reduction Corps (CLEAR Corps) programQ39498167
Firearm storage practices and children in the home, United States, 1994.Q39509813
Injury prevention education using pictorial informationQ39525721
An evaluation of a safety education program for kindergarten and elementary school childrenQ39530964
The effectiveness of a home visit to prevent childhood injury.Q39575288
Smoke alarm ownership and installation: a comparison of a rural and a suburban community in GeorgiaQ39579253
Effects of improved access to safety counseling, products, and home visits on parents' safety practices: results of a randomized trialQ39589551
Behavior change counseling in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: a randomized, controlled trialQ39611029
Household and neighbourhood risks for injury to 5-14 year old childrenQ39652908
A randomized, clinical trial of a home safety intervention based in an emergency department settingQ39686338
Evaluation of kiosk-based tailoring to promote household safety behaviors in an urban pediatric primary care practiceQ39723018
Using a computer kiosk to promote child safety: results of a randomized, controlled trial in an urban pediatric emergency departmentQ39806903
Parental safety-related knowledge and practices associated with visiting a mobile safety center in a low-income urban populationQ39878642
Comparison of a personalized parent voice smoke alarm with a conventional residential tone smoke alarm for awakening childrenQ40282764
Prenatal and infancy home visiting by nurses: from randomized trials to community replicationQ40626558
Early effects of the healthy steps for young children programQ40710681
Evaluating injury prevention programs: the Oklahoma City Smoke Alarm Project.Q40755621
School-based scalds prevention: reaching children and their familiesQ40770632
Evaluation of Hawaii's Healthy Start Program.Q40804899
Providing child safety equipment to prevent injuries: randomised controlled trialQ40922147
Community-based interventions for the prevention of burns and scalds in childrenQ24247233
The impact of the Safe Kids/Healthy Neighborhoods Injury Prevention Program in Harlem, 1988 through 1991Q24672757
What makes community based injury prevention work? In search of evidence of effectivenessQ24683316
A randomized trial of education to prevent lead burden in children at high risk for lead exposure: efficacy as measured by blood lead monitoringQ24810452
An evaluation of two procedures for training skills to prevent gun play in childrenQ28236879
Comparison of two programs to teach firearm injury prevention skills to 6- and 7-year-old childrenQ28280226
Family type and accidents in preschool children.Q29028883
Community-Based Injury Prevention InterventionsQ29305246
The effect of providing ipecac to families seeking poison-related services.Q30233897
A comparison of summary patient-level covariates in meta-regression with individual patient data meta-analysisQ30669346
Community Mothers Programme--seven year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of non-professional intervention in parentingQ30961931
Determining the cost effectiveness of a smoke alarm give-away program using data from a randomized controlled trialQ31003910
Community based prevention programs targeting all injuries for childrenQ31072181
Meta-analysis of individual- and aggregate-level data.Q31113276
Meta-analysis of continuous outcomes combining individual patient data and aggregate dataQ31139467
Assessment of regression-based methods to adjust for publication bias through a comprehensive simulation studyQ33399292
Simple sample size calculation for cluster-randomized trialsQ33644084
School injuries in Athens: socioeconomic and family risk factorsQ33702651
Cause specific social class mortality differentials for child injury and poisoning in England and WalesQ33704398
Primary care counselling for injury prevention: where is the evidence?Q33720585
The Lidköping Accident Prevention Programme--a community approach to preventing childhood injuries in SwedenQ33720619
Children can't fly: a program to prevent childhood morbidity and mortality from window falls. 1977Q33720661
Water safety training as a potential means of reducing risk of young children's drowningQ33720700
Teaching safety: evaluation of a children's village in MarylandQ33720778
Information through television: does it promote child safety?Q33720788
Preventing childhood unintentional injuries--what works? A literature reviewQ33720932
Evaluation of a community based childhood injury prevention programQ33721158
A controlled study of health education in accident prevention: the Rockland County Child Injury Project. 1966Q33721376
Socioeconomic and racial/ethnic factors affecting non-fatal medically attended injury rates in US childrenQ33721458
Cross sectional survey of socioeconomic variations in severity and mechanism of childhood injuries in Trent 1992-7.Q33749679
House fire injury prevention update. Part II. A review of the effectiveness of preventive interventionsQ33750503
Pool fencing for preventing drowning in childrenQ33909619
Individual-level injury prevention strategies in the clinical settingQ33911267
Does targeting injury prevention towards families in disadvantaged areas reduce inequalities in safety practices?Q60179473
Follow-up study of a school-based scalds prevention programmeQ61791341
A Community‐based Programme for the Prevention of Burns and Scalds to Pre‐school ChildrenQ61791357
Improved sun protection behaviour in children after two years of the Kidskin interventionQ62897395
Evaluation of an Intervention to Reduce Sun Exposure in Children, Design and Baseline ResultsQ62897406
Validation of a poison prevention programQ66919645
Prevention of childhood household injuries: a controlled clinical trialQ67050171
The role of organizations in community participation—Prevention of accidental injuries in a rural Swedish municipalityQ68442641
Enhancing the outcomes of low-birth-weight, premature infants. A multisite, randomized trial. The Infant Health and Development ProgramQ68511484
Evaluation of a program for distribution of ipecac syrup for the emergency home management of poison ingestionsQ68717014
Accidents among children below school age. Changes of incidence after interventionQ68886863
The epidemiology of childhood scalds in BrisbaneQ69565689
Comparison of programs for teaching personal safety skills to preschoolersQ69700836
Prevention of childhood injuries: evaluation of the Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Program (SCIPP)Q69801804
A successful burn prevention program in elementary schoolsQ69832286
Home safety with families being treated for child abuse and neglectQ70042436
Educating parents about injury preventionQ70064497
Project Burn Prevention: outcome and implicationsQ70279479
Childhood lead poisoning. A controlled trial of the effect of dust-control measures on blood lead levelsQ70284616
Pediatric counseling and subsequent use of smoke detectorsQ70302609
Non-accidental injury to children--II. A controlled evaluation of a behavioural management programmeQ70611638
An injury prevention program in an urban African-American communityQ70686744
The incidence of injuries among 87,000 Massachusetts children and adolescents: results of the 1980-81 Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Program Surveillance SystemQ70697728
The effect of education and safety devices on scald burn preventionQ70698122
The "safe at home" game. Training comprehensive prevention skills in latchkey childrenQ70702137
Teaching poison prevention to preschool children, their parents, and professional educators through child care centersQ70816427
Childhood poisonings from ingestion of cigarettesQ71520341
The Harstad Injury Prevention Study: prevention of burns in small children by a community-based interventionQ72029064
Child-resistant containersQ72418272
Effectiveness of a health education program in a lower socioeconomic population. Replication of an ipecac guidance studyQ72592264
Primary prevention of parenting dysfunction in high-risk casesQ72672107
Low-cost household paint abatement to reduce children's blood lead levelsQ73226204
A controlled evaluation of a community injury prevention project in two Greek islandsQ73286757
Socioeconomic status and the occurrence of fatal and nonfatal injury in the United StatesQ73343014
Behavior Change Counseling in the Emergency Department to Reduce Injury Risk: A Randomized, Controlled TrialQ73344904
Evaluating 'Safe in the Sun', a curriculum programme for primary schoolsQ73634552
Maternal and child reports of behavioral compensation in response to safety equipment usageQ73644642
The community safety approach in Falun, Sweden--is it possible to characterise the most effective prevention endeavours and how long-lasting are the results?Q73702662
Central heating devices cause childhood injuries but rarely burns: a study in GreeceQ74172646
Effectiveness of a head injury program for children: a preliminary investigationQ74336065
Continuity of care and poisoning prevention educationQ77475547
Evaluation of a three-year school-based intervention to increase adolescent sun protectionQ77815355
Community-based injury prevention: effects on health care utilizationQ78000354
Safe communities for children: only models of good practice or ways through practical difficulties in injury prevention?Q78888766
Promoting health and home safety for children of parents with intellectual disability: a randomized controlled trialQ79301343
A randomized trial to assess the effectiveness of an infant home safety programmeQ80353055
Differences in child injury hospitalizations in Sweden: the use of time-trend analysis to compare various community injury-prevention approachesQ81244765
The Social Support and Family Health Study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of two alternative forms of postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner-city areasQ35857901
Patterns of intra-cluster correlation from primary care research to inform study design and analysisQ35918918
What does safety propaganda do for safety? A reviewQ36022648
Relationship between socioeconomic factors and severe childhood injuriesQ36273303
Evaluated community fire safety interventions in the United States: a review of current literatureQ36531858
Does home visiting prevent childhood injury? A systematic review of randomised controlled trialsQ36596191
Does the decline in child injury mortality vary by social class? A comparison of class specific mortality in 1981 and 1991Q36600484
Baby, Be Safe: the effect of tailored communications for pediatric injury prevention provided in a primary care settingQ36663549
Does health education prevent childhood accidents?Q36705264
Assessing psychosocial correlates of parental safety behaviour using Protection Motivation Theory: stair gate presence and use among parents of toddlersQ36746481
Results from a community intervention project in the Nicaraguan mining community El Limon. An overviewQ36750161
Studying injury prevention: practices, problems, and pitfalls in implementationQ36784856
Accidents in the home among children under 5: ethnic differences or social disadvantage?Q36896361
Preventing unintentional pediatric injuries: a tailored intervention for parents and providersQ36926332
Impact of a community based fire prevention intervention on fire safety knowledge and behavior in elementary school childrenQ36927681
Children's acquisition and retention of safety skills: the Lifeskills programQ36927849
Quantifying the effect of a community-based injury prevention program in Queensland using a generalized estimating equation approachQ37005468
Water safety: age-specific changes in knowledge and attitudes following a school-based interventionQ37030002
"Risk Watch": cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating an injury prevention programQ37030040
Contour-enhanced meta-analysis funnel plots help distinguish publication bias from other causes of asymmetryQ37185996
Preventing dog bites in children: randomised controlled trial of an educational interventionQ37336794
Preventing injuries in children: cluster randomised controlled trial in primary careQ37435981
Home injury patterns in children: A comparison by hospital sitesQ37469870
Randomized trial of enhanced anticipatory guidance for injury preventionQ33933354
Secondary prevention in child health: effects of psychological intervention, particularly home visitation, on children's development and other outcome variables.Q34072290
Teaching home safety and survival skills to latch-key children: a comparison of two manuals and methodsQ34197146
Incidence of fires and related injuries after giving out free smoke alarms: cluster randomised controlled trialQ34205006
Interventions for promoting smoke alarm ownership and functionQ34281904
Risk factors for fatal residential firesQ34313168
In search of effective education in burn and fire preventionQ34324715
Social deprivation and the prevention of unintentional injury in childhood: a systematic reviewQ34660537
Promoting children's home safetyQ34764799
Community-based childhood injury prevention interventions: what works?Q34766258
Deaths from injury in children and employment status in family: analysis of trends in class specific death ratesQ34770471
Decreased juvenile arson and firesetting recidivism after implementation of a multidisciplinary prevention programQ34778495
Randomised controlled trial of effect of Baby Check on use of health services in first 6 months of life.Q35032026
Community mothers' programme: randomised controlled trial of non-professional intervention in parentingQ35188139
Injury surveillance in an accident and emergency department: a year in the life of CHIRPP.Q35263471
An evaluation of the First Parent Health Visitor SchemeQ35272379
Reaching an underserved population with a randomly assigned home safety interventionQ35384963
Evaluation of a poison prevention lesson for kindergarten and third grade studentsQ35386521
New Zealand children's involvement in home activities that carry a burn or scald risk.Q35386840
"First aid for scalds" campaign: reaching Sydney's Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic speaking communitiesQ35387875
The "Let's Get Alarmed!" initiative: a smoke alarm giveaway programmeQ35388154
Evaluation of the Waitakere Community Injury Prevention ProjectQ35389115
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Injury Minimization Programme for Schools (IMPS)Q35389141
A preschool program for safety and injury prevention delivered by home visitorsQ35390026
Evaluation of the Latrobe Valley Better Health Injury Prevention ProgramQ35390331
Controlled evaluation of a community based injury prevention program in AustraliaQ35391730
Evaluation of a child safety program based on the WHO safe community modelQ35391869
Study of the effectiveness of the US safety standard for child resistant cigarette lightersQ35392392
Validity of self reported home safety practicesQ35392948
Home delivery of an injury prevention kit for children in four French cities: a controlled randomized trial.Q35393588
Socioeconomic status and injury mortality: individual and neighbourhood determinantsQ35402558
Smoke alarm ownership and house fire death rates in childrenQ35557986
Childhood injuries: extent of the problem, epidemiological trends, and costsQ35575801
Burn preventionQ35735921
P921main subjectinjury preventionQ373494
P577publication date2012-09-12
P1433published inCochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsQ15750361
P1476titleHome safety education and provision of safety equipment for injury prevention

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cites work (P2860)
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