Banding ligation versus beta-blockers for primary prevention in oesophageal varices in adults

scientific article published on August 15, 2012

Banding ligation versus beta-blockers for primary prevention in oesophageal varices in adults is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID2172634
P932PMC publication ID11382336
P698PubMed publication ID22895942

P50authorLise L GluudQ52353956
Aleksander KragQ56849497
P2860cites workEndoscopic therapy or beta-blockers for primary prevention of bleeding oesophageal varicesQ24247564
Trial sequential analysis may establish when firm evidence is reached in cumulative meta-analysisQ24289436
Sequential methods for random-effects meta-analysisQ24289522
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The effects of endoscopic variceal ligation and propranolol on portal hypertensive gastropathy: a prospective, controlled trialQ28185754
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Reported methodologic quality and discrepancies between large and small randomized trials in meta-analysesQ29619185
Does quality of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyses?Q29619328
Literature searching for randomized controlled trials used in Cochrane reviews: rapid versus exhaustive searchesQ33201947
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Review article: primary prophylaxis for portal hypertensive bleeding in cirrhosisQ33961964
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Isosorbide mononitrate and propranolol compared with propranolol alone for the prevention of variceal rebleedingQ34508947
Endoscopic variceal ligation plus nadolol and sucralfate compared with ligation alone for the prevention of variceal rebleeding: a prospective, randomized trialQ34510409
Endoscopic ligation compared with combined treatment with nadolol and isosorbide mononitrate to prevent recurrent variceal bleedingQ34517607
A randomized, controlled trial of medical therapy versus endoscopic ligation for the prevention of variceal rebleeding in patients with cirrhosis.Q34527881
Lack of effect of propranolol in the prevention of large oesophageal varices in patients with cirrhosisQ58622872
Factors associated with failure of propranolol for the prevention of first bleeding in cirrhotic patients. The Study Group of Primary ProphylaxisQ68046451
Nadolol can prevent the first gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotics: a prospective, randomized studyQ68125129
Preventive therapy of first gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis: results of a controlled trial comparing propranolol, endoscopic sclerotherapy and placeboQ68631172
Propranolol in the prevention of the first hemorrhage from esophagogastric varices: A multicenter, randomized clinical trial. The Boston-New Haven-Barcelona Portal Hypertension Study GroupQ70150651
Isosorbide-5-mononitrate versus propranolol in the prevention of first bleeding in cirrhosisQ70681115
Randomised trial of nadolol alone or with isosorbide mononitrate for primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis. Gruppo-Triveneto per L'ipertensione portale (GTIP)Q71916832
Randomised trial of transjugular-intrahepatic-portosystemic shunt versus endoscopy plus propranolol for prevention of variceal rebleedingQ73233281
A prospective, randomized comparison of the ease and safety of variceal ligation using a multiband vs. a conventional ligation deviceQ73370917
Comparison of endoscopic ligation and propranolol for the primary prevention of variceal bleedingQ74659528
Propranolol in prevention of portal hypertensive hemorrhage in children: a pilot studyQ77983739
Characteristics, prognosis and outcome of patients with oesophageal varices in a university hospital in Sweden 1994-1999Q81491567
Primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhotics unable to take beta-blockers: a randomized trial of ligationQ81835679
Pharmacological reduction of portal pressure and long-term risk of first variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosisQ82853308
Variceal ligation plus nadolol compared with ligation for prophylaxis of variceal rebleeding: a multicenter trialQ34555329
Prevention of variceal rebleedingQ35089529
Variable use of endoscopic haemostasis in the management of bleeding peptic ulcersQ35514470
Meta-analysis: endoscopic variceal ligation for primary prophylaxis of oesophageal variceal bleedingQ36041168
Complications of portal hypertension in adults: a French consensusQ36065546
Meta analysis of propranolol effects on gastrointestinal hemorrhage in cirrhotic patientsQ36178972
Bias in clinical intervention research.Q36380552
Outcome of non-variceal acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in relation to the time of endoscopy and the experience of the endoscopist: a two-year surveyQ36496813
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Trial sequential analysis reveals insufficient information size and potentially false positive results in many meta-analysesQ37138228
Interpreting meta-analysis according to the adequacy of sample size. An example using isoniazid chemoprophylaxis for tuberculosis in purified protein derivative negative HIV-infected individualsQ39834471
Nadolol for prophylaxis of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis. A randomized trialQ42010275
Propranolol in the prevention of first upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage in patients with cirrhosis of the liver and esophageal varicesQ42212698
Equal efficacy of endoscopic variceal ligation and propranolol in preventing variceal bleeding in patients with noncirrhotic portal hypertension.Q43024154
Hemodynamic events in a prospective randomized trial of propranolol versus placebo in the prevention of a first variceal hemorrhageQ43560935
A randomized study comparing ligation with propranolol for primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in candidates for liver transplantation.Q43574971
Banding ligation versus nadolol and isosorbide mononitrate for the prevention of esophageal variceal rebleedingQ43684444
Can trial sequential monitoring boundaries reduce spurious inferences from meta-analyses?Q43707230
Isosorbide mononitrate in the prevention of first variceal bleed in patients who cannot receive beta-blockersQ43770467
Endoscopic sclerotherapy plus propranolol versus propranolol alone in the primary prevention of bleeding in high risk cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices: a prospective multicenter randomized trialQ43928901
Nadolol is superior to isosorbide mononitrate for the prevention of the first variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients with ascitesQ44100198
Endoscopic variceal ligation plus propranolol vs. transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt: a long-term randomized trial.Q44113952
Primary prophylaxis of variceal hemorrhage: a randomized controlled trial comparing band ligation, propranolol, and isosorbide mononitrate.Q44116670
Propranolol plus placebo versus propranolol plus isosorbide-5-mononitrate in the prevention of a first variceal bleed: a double-blind RCT.Q44458153
Long-term follow up of a randomized, controlled trial on prophylactic sclerotherapy of small oesophageal varices in liver cirrhosisQ44539376
Endoscopic ligation vs. nadolol in the prevention of first variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosisQ44784133
Propranolol alone may not be acceptable to prevent first esophageal variceal bleeding in Japanese cirrhotic patients: randomized controlled trialQ44846113
Does elective sclerotherapy improve the efficacy of long-term propranolol for prevention of recurrent bleeding in patients with severe cirrhosis? A prospective multicenter, randomized trialQ44921246
Ligation versus propranolol for the primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhosisQ44967731
A randomized controlled trial of beta-blockers versus endoscopic band ligation for primary prophylaxis: a large sample size is required to show a difference in bleeding ratesQ45297712
Randomized controlled trial of carvedilol versus variceal band ligation for the prevention of the first variceal bleed.Q45927000
Endoscopic variceal ligation plus propranolol versus endoscopic variceal ligation alone in primary prophylaxis of variceal bleedingQ46397568
Randomized study comparing banding and propranolol to prevent initial variceal hemorrhage in cirrhotics with high-risk esophageal varicesQ46433686
Endoscopic variceal ligation vs. propranolol for prevention of first variceal bleeding: a randomized controlled trialQ46691659
Is banding ligation for primary prevention of variceal bleeding as effective as beta-blockers, and is it safe?Q46865812
Endoscopic variceal ligation versus propranolol in prophylaxis of first variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosisQ46970294
The outcome of suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding with 24-hour access to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a prospective cohort studyQ47597095
Quality of reporting of noninferiority and equivalence randomized trialsQ53000120
Effects of isosorbide-5-mononitrate compared with propranolol on first bleeding and long-term survival in cirrhosisQ57792091
Lack of effect of propranolol in the prevention of large oesophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis: a randomized trial. French-Speaking Club for the Study of Portal HypertensionQ58034591
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectvaricose veinsQ201180
P577publication date2012-08-15
P1433published inCochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsQ15750361
P1476titleBanding ligation versus beta-blockers for primary prevention in oesophageal varices in adults

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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