Quantitative biology of single neurons

scientific article

Quantitative biology of single neurons is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814
review articleQ7318358

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P932PMC publication ID3481569
P698PubMed publication ID22915636
P5875ResearchGate publication ID230723969

P2093author name stringJunhyong Kim
Chantal Francis
Ditte Lovatt
Hannah Dueck
Jacqueline Morris
Jaehee Lee
Jai-Yoon Sul
James Eberwine
Jennifer Spaethling
Kevin Miyashiro
Miler Lee
Peter Buckley
Tae Kyung Kim
Terri Schochet
Tiina Peritz
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Molecular taxonomy of major neuronal classes in the adult mouse forebrainQ28288068
RNA-binding proteins: modular design for efficient functionQ28300258
Modulation of synaptic plasticity by antimanic agents: the role of AMPA glutamate receptor subunit 1 synaptic expressionQ28565765
Elk-1 associates with the mitochondrial permeability transition pore complex in neuronsQ28568322
Dendritic LSm1/CBP80-mRNPs mark the early steps of transport commitment and translational controlQ28583465
Spliceosome Structure and FunctionQ29392298
A transcriptome database for astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes: a new resource for understanding brain development and functionQ29547320
Deep surveying of alternative splicing complexity in the human transcriptome by high-throughput sequencingQ29547470
A translational profiling approach for the molecular characterization of CNS cell typesQ29615252
A global view of gene activity and alternative splicing by deep sequencing of the human transcriptomeQ29615877
Gene regulation at the single-cell levelQ29615954
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Functional roles for noise in genetic circuitsQ29616625
Regulation of noise in the expression of a single geneQ29616626
Kinesin transports RNA: isolation and characterization of an RNA-transporting granuleQ29618417
Drosophila Dscam is an axon guidance receptor exhibiting extraordinary molecular diversityQ29622856
Multiple subcellular mRNA distribution patterns in neurons: a nonisotopic in situ hybridization analysisQ30471089
Temporal switching and cell-to-cell variability in Ca2+ release activity in mammalian cellsQ30487156
In situ visualization and dynamics of newly synthesized proteins in rat hippocampal neuronsQ30496017
Three-dimensional imaging by deconvolution microscopy.Q30639832
Single-cell MALDI: a new tool for direct peptide profilingQ30852100
A miniature head-mounted two-photon microscope. high-resolution brain imaging in freely moving animalsQ31013253
Cell Cycle-Dependent Protein Fingerprint from a Single Cancer Cell: Image Cytometry Coupled with Single-Cell Capillary Sieving ElectrophoresisQ33194094
Regulatory pathway analysis by high-throughput in situ hybridizationQ33303447
Analysis of mRNA populations from single live and fixed cells of the central nervous systemQ33329933
Synaptic regulation of translation of dendritic mRNAs.Q33342893
Quantitative analysis of gene expression in a single cell by qPCR.Q33467367
A neurotoxic phosphoform of Elk-1 associates with inclusions from multiple neurodegenerative diseasesQ33528960
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Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH).Q37070687
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Transient DNA / RNA-protein interactions.Q37853621
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Drug targets: single-cell transcriptomics hastens unbiased discoveryQ37950158
FACS-array profiling of striatal projection neuron subtypes in juvenile and adult mouse brainsQ38315630
Inscuteable and Staufen mediate asymmetric localization and segregation of prospero RNA during Drosophila neuroblast cell divisions.Q38343535
Advances in fluorescence in situ hybridizationQ38502325
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The drosophila dorsoventral patterning gene gurken produces a dorsally localized RNA and encodes a TGFα-like proteinQ41064456
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Cytoplasmic intron sequence-retaining transcripts can be dendritically targeted via ID element retrotransposonsQ42013233
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Inscuteable mRNA localization is dynein-dependent and regulates apicobasal polarity and spindle length in Drosophila neuroblastsQ42470229
In situ hybridization to identify gut stem cellsQ43202412
Dynamic visualization of local protein synthesis in hippocampal neuronsQ43631820
Kinetic and pharmacological properties of GABA(A) receptors in single thalamic neurons and GABA(A) subunit expressionQ43792339
A computational procedure for assessing the significance of RNA secondary structureQ44448117
Oskar organizes the germ plasm and directs localization of the posterior determinant nanosQ44832914
Identification of process-localized mRNAs from cultured rodent hippocampal neurons.Q46041476
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RNA localization in developmentQ47747677
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Identification of sites for exponential translation in living dendritesQ33949056
In vitro selection of functional nucleic acidsQ33953593
Localization and translation of mRNA in dendrites and axonsQ33956250
Functional imaging in freely moving animalsQ34124503
Sequence signatures and mRNA concentration can explain two-thirds of protein abundance variation in a human cell lineQ34133238
Fluorescence in situ hybridization: past, present and futureQ34206080
Stochastic yet biased expression of multiple Dscam splice variants by individual cellsQ34294416
CREB as a memory modulator: induced expression of a dCREB2 activator isoform enhances long-term memory in DrosophilaQ34308717
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Caged compounds: photorelease technology for control of cellular chemistry and physiologyQ34392610
Intron retention facilitates splice variant diversity in calcium-activated big potassium channel populationsQ34396917
Heterogeneity of nicotinic receptor class and subunit mRNA expression among individual parasympathetic neurons from rat intracardiac ganglia.Q34412766
Single-cell molecular biologyQ34425344
Mammalian G proteins and their cell type specific functionsQ34453802
Resting and action potentials in single nerve fibresQ34567963
Dendritic protein synthesis, synaptic plasticity, and memoryQ34571206
Regulating gene expression in zebrafish embryos using light-activated, negatively charged peptide nucleic acids.Q34665657
A gradient of bicoid protein in Drosophila embryosQ34687844
Stochasticity and cell fateQ34767687
Single-cell gene-expression profiling reveals qualitatively distinct CD8 T cells elicited by different gene-based vaccines.Q34804723
mRNA localization: gene expression in the spatial dimensionQ34951203
Stimulation of glutamate receptor protein synthesis and membrane insertion within isolated neuronal dendritesQ35316948
Compartmentalized synthesis and degradation of proteins in neurons.Q35558440
Synaptic organization of the vertebrate retina: general principles and species-specific variations: the Friedenwald lectureQ35674611
Profiling metabolites and peptides in single cellsQ35854402
On the nature and differential distribution of mRNAs in hippocampal neurites: implications for neuronal functioningQ35879302
Protein quantification from complex protein mixtures using a proteomics methodology with single-cell resolutionQ35882686
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedQ14947546
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectbiomedical engineeringQ327092
nervous systemQ9404
biomedical investigative techniqueQ66648976
P577publication date2012-12-07
P1433published inJournal of the Royal Society InterfaceQ2492390
P1476titleQuantitative biology of single neurons

Reverse relations

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