Determinants of patient recruitment in a multicenter clinical trials group: trends, seasonality and the effect of large studies

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Determinants of patient recruitment in a multicenter clinical trials group: trends, seasonality and the effect of large studies is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1051932867
P8608Fatcat IDrelease_kxwgkw3ua5dmhldghoc6gazrya
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1867424
P932PMC publication ID33393
P698PubMed publication ID11423002
P5875ResearchGate publication ID26380030

P50authorJohn IoannidisQ6251482
P2093author name stringA B Haidich
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectmulticenter clinical trialQ6934595
P577publication date2001-01-01
P1433published inBMC Medical Research MethodologyQ15752152
P1476titleDeterminants of patient recruitment in a multicenter clinical trials group: trends, seasonality and the effect of large studies

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