John Ioannidis

professor and chairman at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology

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Abstract is: John P. A. Ioannidis (/ˌiəˈniːdəs/; Greek: Ιωάννης Ιωαννίδης, Greek pronunciation: [iɔˈanis iɔaˈniðis]; born August 21, 1965) is a Greek-American physician-scientist, writer and Stanford University professor who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research. Ioannidis studies scientific research itself, meta-research primarily in clinical medicine and the social sciences. He has served on the editorial board of over twenty scientific journals. Ioannidis's 2005 essay "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" was the most-accessed article in the history of Public Library of Science (PLOS) as of 2020, with more than three million views. Ioannidis has been a prominent opponent of masks and lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wikimedia Commons category is John Ioannidis

Born 1965-08-21 in New York City (Q60)

John Ioannidis is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P1617BBC Things IDd132aef8-d5e4-44ce-a120-62e913e54b63
P2188BiblioNet author ID90811
P8608Fatcat IDcreator_iimvc523xbhqlav6j3sbthuehu
P646Freebase ID/m/05b3s5p
P227GND ID1268192821
P1960Google Scholar author IDA9e6sPYAAAAJ
P345IMDb IDnm11506263
P244Library of Congress authority IDn2001128834
P3348National Library of Greece ID190490
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810554018905606
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0003-3118-6859
P3368Prabook ID379207
P2038ResearchGate profile IDJohn_Ioannidis
P214VIAF cluster ID313526268
P1556zbMATH author IDioannidis.john-p-a

P166award receivedDavid Sacket PrizeQ1173470
Chanchlani Global Health Research AwardQ17113331
ESCI Award for the Best Basic Research ArticleQ30331822
P27country of citizenshipUnited StatesQ30
P1889different fromJohn IoannidisQ113992340
P69educated atHarvard UniversityQ13371
National and Kapodistrian University of AthensQ547867
Athens CollegeQ4813475
P108employerStanford UniversityQ41506
Stanford University School of MedicineQ4115969
P2021Erdős number4
P734family nameIoannidisQ56246269
P101field of workmedicineQ11190
P735given nameP.Q19803513
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGreekQ9129
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject MathematicsQ8487137
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject Zika CorpusQ54439832
WikiProject COVID-19Q87748614
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P26spouseDespina Contopoulos-IoannidisQ29870901

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q44586727'Racial' differences in genetic effects for complex diseases
Q90340810'Stealth' corporate innovation: an emerging threat for therapeutic drug development
Q4652920718F-FDG PET for evaluation of bone marrow infiltration in staging of lymphoma: a meta-analysis.
Q4443102418F-FDG PET for the diagnosis and grading of soft-tissue sarcoma: a meta-analysis.
Q4659770518F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to evaluate cervical node metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis
Q64119980A Comprehensive Analysis of Protocols for Deriving Dopaminergic Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Q46752659A Genetic Marker Associated with De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
Q52769999A Genetic Marker Associated with Shoulder Dislocation
Q100445984A Genome-wide Association Study for Concussion Risk
Q47546950A Universal Standard for the Validation of Blood Pressure Measuring Devices: Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO) Collaboration Stat
Q30868456A Web-based database of genetic association studies in cutaneous melanoma enhanced with network-driven data exploration tools
Q98383238A case study in model failure? COVID-19 daily deaths and ICU bed utilisation predictions in New York state
Q38686266A comparison of bivariate, multivariate random-effects, and Poisson correlated gamma-frailty models to meta-analyze individual patient data of ordinal scale diagnostic tests
Q33915049A compendium of genome-wide associations for cancer: critical synopsis and reappraisal
Q91621229A consensus-based transparency checklist
Q33396628A field synopsis on low-penetrance variants in DNA repair genes and cancer susceptibility
Q38281484A generalized view of self-citation: direct, co-author, collaborative, and coercive induced self-citation
Q28943430A genome-wide association study identifies an osteoarthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 7q22
Q54431091A genome-wide copy number association study of osteoporotic fractures points to the 6p25.1 locus.
Q28274390A heterogeneity-based genome search meta-analysis for autism-spectrum disorders
Q36494703A large-scale genetic association study to evaluate the contribution of Omi/HtrA2 (PARK13) to Parkinson's disease
Q92848380A limited number of medicines pragmatic trials had potential for waived informed consent following the 2016 CIOMS ethical guidelines
Q34378301A list of highly influential biomedical researchers, 1996-2011.
Q28341964A manifesto for reproducible science
Q38824100A meta-analysis but not a systematic review: an evaluation of the Global BMI Mortality Collaboration
Q26995717A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies novel variants associated with osteoarthritis of the hip
Q36347423A meta-analysis of individual participant data constructed to align with prior expert views: comments on Bhupathiraju et al
Q70859020A meta-analysis of the relative efficacy and toxicity of Pneumocystis carinii prophylactic regimens
Q36370223A multi-centre clinico-genetic analysis of the VPS35 gene in Parkinson disease indicates reduced penetrance for disease-associated variants
Q36193157A network of investigator networks in human genome epidemiology
Q33928408A nutrient-wide association study on blood pressure
Q54044694A randomized study of antiretroviral management based on plasma genotypic antiretroviral resistance testing in patients failing therapy. CPCRA 046 Study Team for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS.
Q42680046A road map for efficient and reliable human genome epidemiology
Q37869461A roadmap for successful applications of clinical proteomics
Q36300851A simulation study of the strength of evidence in the recommendation of medications based on two trials with statistically significant results
Q92564059A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field
Q57239865A systematic evaluation of 151 candidate genes for their association with osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture in a meta-analysis of genome-wide association data
Q95603081A systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting
Q91680140A systematic review of the genetic mechanisms of dolutegravir resistance
Q24288963A test for reporting bias in trial networks: simulation and case studies
Q48509669A universal standard for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices: Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/European Society of Hypertension/International Organization for Standardization (AAMI/ESH/ISO) Collaboration Stat
Q92804790A user's guide to inflated and manipulated impact factors
Q57253517A vision for chronic disease prevention intervention research: report from a workshop
Q82426319A vision for the European journal of clinical investigation: note from the new editors
Q47812171Academic criteria for appointment, promotion and rewards in medical research: where's the evidence?
Q96684246Academic criteria for promotion and tenure in biomedical sciences faculties: cross sectional analysis of international sample of universities
Q100696440Access to data from clinical trials in the COVID-19 crisis: open, flexible, and time-sensitive
Q34234600Accuracy and clinical effect of out-of-hospital electrocardiography in the diagnosis of acute cardiac ischemia: a meta-analysis
Q91528749Accuracy of Smartphone Camera Applications for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Q82132749Accuracy of anti-ribosomal P protein antibody testing for the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: an international meta-analysis
Q34234613Accuracy of biomarkers to diagnose acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department: a meta-analysis
Q33944500Accuracy of imaging technologies in the diagnosis of acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department: a meta-analysis
Q92886663Achieving balance with power: lessons from the Balanced Anaesthesia Study
Q38964018Acknowledging and Overcoming Nonreproducibility in Basic and Preclinical Research
Q35045944Acute sinusitis in children: current treatment strategies
Q57468028Adherence Interventions to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Low Income Settings: An Individual Patient Data Network Meta-Analysis
Q45909501Adverse events in randomized trials: neglected, restricted, distorted, and silenced.
Q82615940Adverse events: the more you search, the more you find
Q90872358Age-treatment subgroup analyses in Cochrane intervention reviews: a meta-epidemiological study
Q31043715Agreement of treatment effects for mortality from routinely collected data and subsequent randomized trials: meta-epidemiological survey
Q92726776Air pollution as cause of mental disease: Appraisal of the evidence
Q52970838Ala45Thr polymorphism of the NEUROD1 gene and diabetes susceptibility: a meta-analysis
Q55070667All science should inform policy and regulation.
Q37863701Allergens responsible for allergic contact dermatitis among children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q36991618Almost all articles on cancer prognostic markers report statistically significant results
Q49836561Altmetric Scores, Citations, and Publication of Studies Posted as Preprints
Q92647980An empirical assessment of research practices across 163 clinical trials of tumor-bearing companion dogs
Q91644015An empirical assessment of transparency and reproducibility-related research practices in the social sciences (2014-2017)
Q34933977An empirical assessment of validation practices for molecular classifiers
Q43721735An empirical comparison of meta-analyses of published gene-disease associations versus consortium analyses
Q79138082An empirical evaluation of multifarious outcomes in pharmacogenetics: beta-2 adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms in asthma treatment
Q34629468An epidemic of false claims. Competition and conflicts of interest distort too many medical findings
Q24273224An exploratory test for an excess of significant findings
Q31119372An overview of methods for network meta-analysis using individual participant data: when do benefits arise?
Q26860161An overview of recommendations and translational milestones for genomic tests in cancer
Q35549199Anaemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: aetiological profile and the role of erythropoietin
Q125754321Analysis of fatality impact and seroprevalence surveys in a community sustaining a SARS-CoV-2 superspreading event
Q30979685Anticipating consequences of sharing raw data and code and of awarding badges for sharing
Q24245508Anticonvulsants for alcohol withdrawal
Q24246603Anticonvulsants for alcohol withdrawal
Q52599986Antidepressants might work for people with major depression: where do we go from here?
Q38166023Antiretroviral therapy for initial human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS treatment: critical appraisal of the evidence from over 100 randomized trials and 400 systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q24801485Appendicectomies in Albanians in Greece: outcomes in a highly mobile immigrant patient population
Q41643333Application of credibility ceilings probes the robustness of meta-analyses of biomarkers and cancer risk
Q38123369Appropriate vs Clinically Useful Diagnostic Tests
Q37373223Arabian nights-1001 tales of how pharmaceutical companies cater to the material needs of doctors: case report
Q37997610Are Medical Conferences Useful? And for Whom?
Q43433053Are Mortality Differences Detected by Administrative Data Reliable and Actionable?
Q38424462Are adaptive randomised trials or non-randomised studies the best way to address the Ebola outbreak in west Africa?
Q64115780Are all mental disorders related to all other medical diseases and vice versa?
Q36998698Are randomized trials obsolete or more important than ever in the genomic era?
Q52584125Are systematic reviews and meta-analyses still useful research? We are not sure
Q90659911Artificial intelligence versus clinicians: systematic review of design, reporting standards, and claims of deep learning studies
Q104747147Assessing Mandatory Stay-at-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID-19
Q24288920Assessing and reporting heterogeneity in treatment effects in clinical trials: a proposal
Q52622119Assessing scientists for hiring, promotion, and tenure
Q36395292Assessing value in biomedical research: the PQRST of appraisal and reward
Q64123398Assessment of Pragmatism in Recently Published Randomized Clinical Trials
Q35015499Assessment of claims of improved prediction beyond the Framingham risk score
Q24289170Assessment of cumulative evidence for the association between glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and lung cancer: application of the Venice interim guidelines
Q36952959Assessment of cumulative evidence on genetic associations: interim guidelines
Q28727687Assessment of gene-by-sex interaction effect on bone mineral density
Q36322116Assessment of osteoarthritis candidate genes in a meta-analysis of nine genome-wide association studies
Q56880239Assessment of systematic effects of methodological characteristics on candidate genetic associations
Q112297780Assessment of transparency indicators across the biomedical literature: How open is open?
Q24289437Assessment of vibration of effects due to model specification can demonstrate the instability of observational associations
Q57315847Association analyses of 47,500 individuals identifies six fracture loci and 82 BMD loci clustering in biological pathways that regulate osteoblast and osteoclast activity
Q56880598Association between Maternal and Infant Class I and II HLA Alleles and of Their Concordance with the Risk of Perinatal HIV Type 1 Transmission
Q38127995Association between obesity and postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac operations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37421150Association between pediatric clinical trials and global burden of disease
Q45018274Association of C677T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene with hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: a meta-analysis
Q45236798Association of GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 gene polymorphisms with the risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis
Q35525896Association of LRRK2 exonic variants with susceptibility to Parkinson's disease: a case-control study
Q47816789Association of Leiden mutation in factor V gene with hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: a meta-analysis
Q21203802Association of RGS4 variants with schizotypy and cognitive endophenotypes at the population level
Q40687589Association of collagen Ialpha 1 Sp1 polymorphism with the risk of prevalent fractures: a meta-analysis.
Q78465196Association of polymorphisms of the estrogen receptor alpha gene with bone mineral density and fracture risk in women: a meta-analysis
Q77851943Association of polymorphisms of the oestrogen receptor alpha gene with the age of menarche
Q35064633Association of the CYP17 gene polymorphism with the risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis.
Q51140131Associations of polymorphisms of eight muscle- or metabolism-related genes with performance in Mount Olympus marathon runners
Q44412972Atherosclerosis in premenopausal women with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus: a controlled study.
Q27318719Attention to local health burden and the global disparity of health research
Q90664000Author Correction: 'Stealth' corporate innovation: an emerging threat for therapeutic drug development
Q92229511Author Correction: A consensus-based transparency checklist
Q64114437Author Reply to: The name of the game: Is preventive screening "cancer screening?"
Q24812612Author's Reply
Q58099866Authors' reply to Boucher
Q86822827Authors' reply to Foster and colleagues
Q44007604Authors' reply to Pérol and colleagues
Q86822852Authors' reply to Selvapatt and colleagues, Matthews and colleagues, Badrinath, and Ward and Lee
Q48049785Authors' reply to editorial linked to their umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies on type 2 diabetes and cancer
Q33331802Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q46351071Autonomic denervation added to pulmonary vein isolation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: a randomized clinical trial
Q35909629Availability of large-scale evidence on specific harms from systematic reviews of randomized trials
Q73277165Awareness of the side effects of possessed medications in a community setting
Q73496086B-Cell epitope mapping of DNA topoisomerase I defines epitopes strongly associated with pulmonary fibrosis in systemic sclerosis
Q64101154Bayes factors for superiority, non-inferiority, and equivalence designs
Q51942147Bayesian meta-analysis and meta-regression for gene-disease associations and deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Q24245619Benzodiazepines for alcohol withdrawal
Q24246669Benzodiazepines for alcohol withdrawal
Q125028113Best Practices for Data Management and Sharing in Experimental Biomedical Research
Q33983100Better reporting of harms in randomized trials: an extension of the CONSORT statement
Q33679037Beyond genome-wide association studies: genetic heterogeneity and individual predisposition to cancer
Q48158524Beyond genomics: understanding exposotypes through metabolomics
Q37846832Bias in associations of emerging biomarkers with cardiovascular disease
Q52933877Bias in uncontrolled therapeutic trials in rheumatology due to selection of populations with extreme characteristics
Q46051135Biases in obesity research: Identify, correct, endorse, or abandon effort?
Q45954443Bibliometrics: Is your most cited work your best?
Q38133728Biologic agents in rheumatology: unmet issues after 200 trials and $200 billion sales
Q43573419Biomarker failures
Q36229851Biomedical Journals and Preprint Services: Friends or Foes?
Q24707976Biomedical research: increasing value, reducing waste
Q92334317COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California
Q36165718CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus: a HuGE Review and meta-analysis
Q52976757CYP2D6 polymorphisms and the risk of tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis
Q84975716Calculating additive treatment effects from multiple randomized trials provides useful estimates of combination therapies
Q112782047Calibrating the Scientific Ecosystem Through Meta-Research
Q37117080Calibration of credibility of agnostic genome-wide associations
Q48043376Call to improve transparency of trials of non-regulated interventions
Q24289236Can Lessons Learned from Genome-Wide Research be Applied to Nutrition-Wide and Exposure-Wide Evidence?
Q43707230Can trial sequential monitoring boundaries reduce spurious inferences from meta-analyses?
Q37201821Challenges in meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials for rare harmful cardiovascular events: the case of rosiglitazone
Q87915068Changes of serum adhesion molecules and cytokines in post-ERCP pancreatitis: adhesion molecules and cytokines in acute pancreatitis
Q45746348Circulating autoantibodies to erythropoietin are associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1-related anemia
Q36124104Citation Metrics: A Primer on How (Not) to Normalize
Q113242390Citation Patterns Following a Strongly Contradictory Replication Result: Four Case Studies From Psychology
Q114255406Citation impact and social media visibility of Great Barrington and John Snow signatories for COVID-19 strategy
Q89524647Citation metrics for appraising scientists: misuse, gaming and proper use
Q34683650Citation of randomized evidence in support of guidelines of therapeutic and preventive interventions
Q37924315Claims for improved survival from systemic corticosteroids in diverse conditions: an umbrella review
Q60368977Claims of Sex Differences
Q32041499Clinical Efficacy of High-Dose Acyclovir in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Individual Patient Data
Q46136683Clinical Genomics: From Pathogenicity Claims to Quantitative Risk Estimates
Q24289183Clinical Outcome Prediction by MicroRNAs in Human Cancer: A Systematic Review
Q101556359Clinical Trial Evidence Supporting US Food and Drug Administration Approval of Novel Cancer Therapies Between 2000 and 2016
Q33989890Clinical interpretation and implications of whole-genome sequencing
Q35834038Clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa and established standards of care: a systematic review of HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria trials
Q39011096Clinical trials: A transparent future for clinical trial reporting
Q86258537Clinical trials: what a waste
Q43619247Clinicopathologic predictors of death and ESRD in patients with pauci-immune necrotizing glomerulonephritis
Q64120290Cochrane crisis: Secrecy, intolerance and evidence-based values
Q59681774Cochrane crisis: secrecy, in tolerance, and evidence-based values
Q57977634Collaborative Analysis of α-Synuclein Gene Promoter Variability and Parkinson Disease
Q27022338Collaborative cancer epidemiology in the 21st century: the model of cancer consortia
Q33743947Collaborative meta-analysis: associations of 150 candidate genes with osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture
Q30569763Combining molecular and genetic data from different sources
Q37828304Commentary: Adjusting for bias: a user's guide to performing plastic surgery on meta-analyses of observational studies
Q47822190Commentary: Salt and the assault of opinion on evidence.
Q36422605Commentary: grading the credibility of molecular evidence for complex diseases
Q30707324Commentary: meta-analysis of individual participants' data in genetic epidemiology
Q44834778Common genetic variants for breast cancer: 32 largely refuted candidates and larger prospects
Q35175046Common variants near FRK/COL10A1 and VEGFA are associated with advanced age-related macular degeneration
Q89539033Comparative Efficacy and Acceptability of 21 Antidepressant Drugs for the Acute Treatment of Adults With Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Q47389249Comparative Evidence on Harms in Pediatric RCTs from Less Developed versus More Developed Countries Is Limited
Q36603392Comparative effect sizes in randomised trials from less developed and more developed countries: meta-epidemiological assessment
Q26782126Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study
Q28677533Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study
Q44695978Comparative effectiveness of medical interventions in adults versus children
Q52687120Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 21 antidepressant drugs for the acute treatment of adults with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Q38803805Comparative rates of harms in randomized trials from more developed versus less developed countries may be different
Q33470811Comparative survival with diverse chemotherapy regimens for cancer of unknown primary site: multiple-treatments meta-analysis
Q46207178Comparison of effect sizes associated with biomarkers reported in highly cited individual articles and in subsequent meta-analyses
Q24282604Comparison of evidence on harms of medical interventions in randomized and nonrandomized studies
Q45292033Comparison of large versus smaller randomized trials for mental health-related interventions
Q90376299Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis
Q73606154Comparison of myocardial fractional flow reserve and intravascular ultrasound for the assessment of slotted-tube stents
Q114181753Comparison of pandemic excess mortality in 2020–2021 across different empirical calculations
Q52224447Comparison of viral load and human leukocyte antigen statistical and neural network predictive models for the rate of HIV-1 disease progression across two cohorts of homosexual men.
Q26864086Comparisons of established risk prediction models for cardiovascular disease: systematic review
Q38333214Completeness of main outcomes across randomized trials in entire discipline: survey of chronic lung disease outcomes in preterm infants
Q36481732Comprehensive field synopsis and systematic meta-analyses of genetic association studies in cutaneous melanoma
Q29417106Comprehensive research synopsis and systematic meta-analyses in Parkinson's disease genetics: The PDGene database
Q33267308Concentration of the most-cited papers in the scientific literature: analysis of journal ecosystems
Q27022171Concordance of effects of medical interventions on hospital admission and readmission rates with effects on mortality
Q31061331Concordance of functional in vitro data and epidemiological associations in complex disease genetics
Q28481375Concordance of sleep and pain outcomes of diverse interventions: an umbrella review
Q78375767Conduction delay within the coronary sinus in humans: implications for atrial arrhythmias
Q45761335Confidence and precision increase with high statistical power
Q89413990Conflict of Interest in Nutrition Research-Reply
Q91711033Consent insufficient for data release-Response
Q91758883Consideration of confounding was suboptimal in the reporting of observational studies in psychiatry: a meta-epidemiological study
Q44515366Consistency of genome-wide associations across major ancestral groups
Q38057181Content area experts as authors: helpful or harmful for systematic reviews and meta-analyses?
Q114262193Contradicted and Initially Stronger Effects in Highly Cited Clinical Research
Q29620013Contradicted and initially stronger effects in highly cited clinical research
Q125097386Controversy and debate on credibility ceilings. Paper 2: Using credibility ceilings to explore skepticism about observational evidence
Q125097389Controversy and debate on credibility ceilings. Paper 4: Credibility ceilings da capo
Q90455876Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures
Q90585896Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures
Q49072818Correction of Phenotype Misclassification Based on High-Discrimination Genetic Predictive Risk Models
Q58581795Correction to: Industry-funded versus non-profit-funded critical care research: a meta-epidemiological overview
Q28547717Correction: Geographic and Temporal Trends in the Molecular Epidemiology and Genetic Mechanisms of Transmitted HIV-1 Drug Resistance: An Individual-Patient- and Sequence-Level Meta-Analysis
Q42341594Correction: Multiple Citation Indicators and Their Composite across Scientific Disciplines
Q113666759Correction: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Q73782033Correlation of biochemical response to interferon alfa with histological improvement in hepatitis C: A meta-analysis of diagnostic test characteristics
Q74251746Correlation of quality measures with estimates of treatment effect in meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials
Q57623534Correspondence to Sand et al. “Critical Reappraisal of a Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Transversion Variant in Schizophrenia”
Q57250984Corrigendum to “A genome-wide association study identifies a common variant near the GPR22 gene as a new locus involved in prevalence and progression of osteoarthritis” [Bone. 44S2 (2009) S224]
Q56525039Corrigendum to “STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology — Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): An extension of the STROBE statement” [Prev. Med. 53 (2011) 377–387]
Q42354566Corrigendum: Simple, standardized incorporation of genetic risk into non-genetic risk prediction tools for complex traits: coronary heart disease as an example
Q50049568Corrigendum: Systematic reviews: guidance relevant for studies of older people
Q24240365Corticosteroids for preventing neonatal respiratory morbidity after elective caesarean section at term
Q24244514Corticosteroids for preventing neonatal respiratory morbidity after elective caesarean section at term
Q57688947Corticosteroids for preventing neonatal respiratory morbidity after elective caesarean section at term
Q46528628Creatine kinase-MB elevation following stent implantation
Q44464519Critical interpretation of Cochran's Q test depends on power and prior assumptions about heterogeneity
Q90918920Curbing Unnecessary and Wasted Diagnostic Imaging
Q31113747Current use of routinely collected health data to complement randomized controlled trials: a meta-epidemiological survey
Q80862911Cyclophosphamide in systemic sclerosis: light and shadows
Q43884856Cyclophosphamide with low or high dose prednisolone for systemic sclerosis lung disease.
Q28302483Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen 4 gene polymorphisms and autoimmune thyroid disease: a meta-analysis
Q47597900DIETFITS study (diet intervention examining the factors interacting with treatment success) - Study design and methods
Q108863455Data Sharing Under the General Data Protection Regulation: Time to Harmonize Law and Research Ethics?
Q50027688Data sharing and reanalysis of randomized controlled trials in leading biomedical journals with a full data sharing policy: survey of studies published in The BMJ and PLOS Medicine
Q95801367Declaring competing interests. Types of competing interests would be of interest
Q38811029Defending Biomedical Science in an Era of Threatened Funding
Q38106916Demystifying trial networks and network meta-analysis
Q100546900Dental Research Waste in Design, Analysis, and Reporting: A Scoping Review
Q100766078Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Q100696821Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: An individual participant data meta-analysis
Q24289207Design and Analysis for Studying microRNAs in Human Disease: A Primer on -Omic Technologies
Q38223336Design and analysis of metabolomics studies in epidemiologic research: a primer on -omic technologies
Q77879660Design and quality considerations for randomized controlled trials in systemic sclerosis
Q30925296Design, quality, and bias in randomized controlled trials of systemic lupus erythematosus
Q125097398Determinants of economic growth: Different time different answer?
Q24800021Determinants of patient recruitment in a multicenter clinical trials group: trends, seasonality and the effect of large studies
Q38372326Development of a combined database for meta-epidemiological research
Q98302691Development of the Instrument to assess the Credibility of Effect Modification Analyses (ICEMAN) in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses
Q34234591Diagnosing acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department: a systematic review of the accuracy and clinical effect of current technologies
Q46349379Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension in the 2017 ACC/AHA Guidelines and in the Real World
Q30664901Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease on the basis of clinical and genetic classification: a population-based modelling study
Q47189209Diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss with neural networks versus logistic regression modeling of distortion product otoacoustic emissions
Q31076643Diagnostic accuracy of the Depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-D) for detecting major depression: protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analyses
Q31008993Diagnostic accuracy of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) for detecting major depression in pregnant and postnatal women: protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analyses
Q60308281Diagnostic accuracy of the Geriatric Depression Scale-30, Geriatric Depression Scale-15, Geriatric Depression Scale-5 and Geriatric Depression Scale-4 for detecting major depression: protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data me
Q35935270Diagnostic performance of coronary magnetic resonance angiography as compared against conventional X-ray angiography: a meta-analysis
Q47925295Diagnostic performance of intracardiac echogenic foci for Down syndrome: a meta-analysis*1
Q38200258Diagnostic tests often fail to lead to changes in patient outcomes
Q30241741Diet, body size, physical activity and risk of prostate cancer: An umbrella review of the evidence.
Q35007039Different black box warning labeling for same-class drugs
Q57707723Differential Genetic Effects of ESR1 Gene Polymorphisms on Osteoporosis Outcomes
Q52970473Differential effects of NOD2 variants on Crohn's disease risk and phenotype in diverse populations: a metaanalysis
Q57039084Disclosures Can Always Be Improved-Reply
Q46816137Disclosures in Nutrition Research: Why It Is Different
Q45734909Discontinuation ofPneumocystis cariniiProphylaxis in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Meta‐Analysis and Decision Analysis
Q33508966Discovery properties of genome-wide association signals from cumulatively combined data sets
Q44075000Discussion: Why "An estimate of the science-wise false discovery rate and application to the top medical literature" is false
Q90185037Dissenting Opinions in Nutrition Research-Reply
Q46807255Distinguishing true from false positives in genomic studies: p values
Q38851149Doctors' versus patients' global assessments of treatment effectiveness: empirical survey of diverse treatments in clinical trials
Q47575723Does evidence-based hearsay determine the use of medical treatments?
Q38321672Does screening for disease save lives in asymptomatic adults? Systematic review of meta-analyses and randomized trials
Q101116316Does the COVID-19 pandemic provide an opportunity to eliminate the tobacco industry?
Q43209367Double versus single stenting for coronary bifurcation lesions: a meta-analysis
Q39080258Drivers of poor medical care
Q52074252Dynamics of HIV-1 viral load rebound among patients with previous suppression of viral replication
Q47547356Dynamics of co-authorship and productivity across different fields of scientific research
Q37128198EULAR points to consider for conducting clinical trials in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q37146930EULAR points to consider for conducting clinical trials in systemic lupus erythematosus: literature based evidence for the selection of endpoints
Q34132211EULAR recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus with neuropsychiatric manifestations: report of a task force of the EULAR standing committee for clinical affairs
Q33284736EULAR recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus. Report of a Task Force of the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics
Q37816066EULAR recommendations for vaccination in adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Q31170846Early extreme contradictory estimates may appear in published research: the Proteus phenomenon in molecular genetics research and randomized trials
Q49255435Early or deferred zidovudine therapy in HIV-infected patients without an AIDS-defining illness
Q87675074Editorial: Updated guidance on human genome epidemiology (HuGE) reviews and meta-analyses of genetic associations
Q113242515Effect Sizes Reported in Highly Cited Emotion Research Compared With Larger Studies and Meta-Analyses Addressing the Same Questions
Q78753727Effect of CCR5-delta32 heterozygosity on the risk of perinatal HIV-1 infection: a meta-analysis
Q49494786Effect of Low-Fat vs Low-Carbohydrate Diet on 12-Month Weight Loss in Overweight Adults and the Association With Genotype Pattern or Insulin Secretion: The DIETFITS Randomized Clinical Trial
Q30276461Effect of diastolic dysfunction on postoperative outcomes after cardiovascular surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37210745Effect of formal statistical significance on the credibility of observational associations
Q38056298Effect of left ventricular ejection fraction and QRS duration on the survival benefit of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: Meta-analysis of primary prevention trials
Q96131964Effect of low-dose aspirin on health outcomes: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q51934574Effect sizes in cumulative meta-analyses of mental health randomized trials evolved over time
Q24614487Effectiveness and harms of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines in children, adults and elderly: a critical review and re-analysis of 15 meta-analyses
Q24288917Effectiveness of antidepressants: an evidence myth constructed from a thousand randomized trials?
Q34873532Effectiveness of antipsychotic treatments in a nationwide cohort of patients in community care after first hospitalisation due to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: observational follow-up study
Q46422130Effects of CCR5-Delta32 and CCR2-64I alleles on HIV-1 disease progression: the protection varies with duration of infection
Q47769483Effects of CCR5-delta32 and CCR2-64I alleles on disease progression of perinatally HIV-1-infected children: an international meta-analysis
Q36656675Effects of different chemotherapy regimens on survival for advanced cervical cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
Q24289512Effects of interventions on survival in acute respiratory distress syndrome: an umbrella review of 159 published randomized trials and 29 meta-analyses
Q35773362Effects of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: benefit and harm in different age subgroups
Q96170406Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for non-specific chronic low back pain: a protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Q53677257Electrocardiogram-gated single-photon emission computed tomography versus cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction: a meta-analysis
Q86206929Emergence of Large Treatment Effects From Small Trials—Reply
Q96436671Empirical assessment of bias in machine learning diagnostic test accuracy studies
Q36295168Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature
Q38015813Empirical evaluation of age groups and age-subgroup analyses in pediatric randomized trials and pediatric meta-analyses
Q85258093Empirical evaluation of very large treatment effects of medical interventions
Q44588431Empirical evidence for low reproducibility indicates low pre-study odds
Q33686314Endgame: engaging the tobacco industry in its own elimination
Q38229371Engaging patients and stakeholders in research proposal review: the patient-centered outcomes research institute
Q46114847Enhancing reproducibility for computational methods
Q53151364Enhancing the usability of systematic reviews by improving the consideration and description of interventions
Q38138934Ensuring the integrity of clinical practice guidelines: a tool for protecting patients
Q38688811Environmental risk factors and Parkinson's disease: An umbrella review of meta-analyses
Q91375463Environmental risk factors and interventions for obesity
Q38348320Environmental risk factors and multiple sclerosis: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q57743206Environmental risk factors and nonpharmacological and nonsurgical interventions for obesity: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of cohort studies and randomized controlled trials
Q38384848Epidemiologic design and analysis for proteomic studies: a primer on -omic technologies
Q91819862Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Q92689075Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis - ERRATUM
Q59521225Erratum to: Methods for evaluating medical tests and biomarkers
Q56525153Erratum to: STrengthening the reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology—Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): an extension of the STROBE statement
Q48077830Errors (my very own) and the fearful uncertainty of numbers
Q39218509Establishment of genetic associations for complex diseases is independent of early study findings
Q35203804Estimates of the continuously publishing core in the scientific workforce
Q28386584Estimating the contribution of genetic variants to difference in incidence of disease between population groups
Q36315748Ethics and Epistemology in Big Data Research
Q43799531Evaluating health system processes with randomized controlled trials
Q50674589Evaluating novel agent effects in multiple-treatments meta-regression
Q108126776Evaluation of Data Sharing After Implementation of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Data Sharing Statement Requirement
Q38964021Evaluation of Evidence of Statistical Support and Corroboration of Subgroup Claims in Randomized Clinical Trials
Q34480458Evaluation of Wellness Determinants and Interventions by Citizen Scientists
Q113916767Evaluation of a suggested novel method to adjust BMI calculated from self-reported weight and height for measurement error
Q33595844Evaluation of association of HNF1B variants with diverse cancers: collaborative analysis of data from 19 genome-wide association studies
Q39095353Evaluation of cluster randomized controlled trials in sub-Saharan Africa
Q90324491Evaluation of confounding in epidemiologic studies assessing alcohol consumption on the risk of ischemic heart disease
Q34844822Evaluation of excess significance bias in animal studies of neurological diseases
Q53108290Evaluation of excess statistical significance in meta-analyses of 98 biomarker associations with cancer risk
Q40829989Evaluation of guidelines for initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy in a longitudinal cohort of HIV-infected individuals
Q36966424Evaluation of networks of randomized trials
Q43648373Evaluation of the association of autoantibodies with mortality in the very elderly: a cohort study
Q24289214Evaluation of the potential excess of statistically significant findings in published genetic association studies: application to Alzheimer's disease
Q52688269Evidence Based Medicine and Big Genomic Data
Q125097400Evidence Relating Health Care Provider Burnout and Quality of Care
Q90566738Evidence Relating Health Care Provider Burnout and Quality of Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Q121797108Evidence generation and reproducibility in cell and gene therapy research: A call to action
Q43487463Evidence of reporting biases in voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies of psychiatric and neurological disorders
Q33204953Evidence report on the treatment of pain in cancer patients
Q42742549Evidence-based de-implementation for contradicted, unproven, and aspiring healthcare practices
Q39954104Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked: a report to David Sackett
Q24288780Evolution and translation of research findings: from bench to where?
Q39919762Evolution of Reporting P Values in the Biomedical Literature, 1990-2015.
Q24289247Evolution of treatment effects over time: empirical insight from recursive cumulative metaanalyses
Q57155823Examining the readiness of best evidence in medical education guides for integration into educational practice: A meta-synthesis
Q101222837Examining the robustness of observational associations to model, measurement and sampling uncertainty with the vibration of effects framework
Q90566680Excess Significance Bias in Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Literature for Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Q24273222Excess Significance Bias in the Literature on Brain Volume Abnormalities
Q38901359Exclusion of Elderly People from Randomized Clinical Trials of Drugs for Ischemic Heart Disease
Q36111536Expectant, medical, or surgical management of first-trimester miscarriage: a meta-analysis
Q40051982Expectations and challenges stemming from genome-wide association studies
Q46660682Expectations, validity, and reality in omics
Q64114933Exploration, Inference, and Prediction in Neuroscience and Biomedicine
Q51691084Exploring the geometry of treatment networks
Q40233002Exposure-wide epidemiology: revisiting Bradford Hill
Q86581140Expressing death risk as condensed life experience and death intensity
Q35647730Expression of immunomodulatory genes in human monocytes induced by voriconazole in the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus
Q35825369Extended-interval aminoglycoside administration for children: a meta-analysis
Q39091540External validation of new risk prediction models is infrequent and reveals worse prognostic discrimination
Q46826177Extrapolating from Animals to Humans
Q33257829Extreme between-study homogeneity in meta-analyses could offer useful insights
Q58575326Extremely large outlier treatment effects may be a footprint of bias in trials from less developed countries: randomized trials of gabapentinoids
Q28596536Failure to Replicate: Sound the Alarm
Q36426263Falsified papers in high-impact journals were slow to retract and indistinguishable from nonfraudulent papers
Q92574885Family History-Wide Association Study to Identify Clinical and Environmental Risk Factors for Common Chronic Diseases
Q33253242Family-based versus unrelated case-control designs for genetic associations
Q37412229Field-wide meta-analyses of observational associations can map selective availability of risk factors and the impact of model specifications
Q21136156Fifty-year fate and impact of general medical journals
Q48305465Finding the power to reduce publication bias
Q57313779First-Trimester Ductus Venosus Screening for Cardiac Defects
Q37888789First-trimester ductus venosus screening for cardiac defects: a meta-analysis
Q64284065Flawed methods and inappropriate conclusions for health policy on overweight and obesity: the Global BMI Mortality Collaboration meta-analysis
Q128492063Footprint of publication selection bias on meta‐analyses in medicine, environmental sciences, psychology, and economics
Q99629452Forecasting for COVID-19 has failed
Q79184252Gene expression profiling for individualized breast cancer chemotherapy: success or not?
Q64120001Gene-environment interactions and colorectal cancer risk: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies
Q90564383Generating comparative evidence on new drugs and devices after approval
Q26775920Generic versus brand-name drugs used in cardiovascular diseases
Q24289031Genetic and molecular epidemiology
Q38058276Genetic association studies in pre-eclampsia: systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis
Q35070873Genetic associations in large versus small studies: an empirical assessment
Q35119636Genetic associations: false or true?
Q79758514Genetic effects versus bias for candidate polymorphisms in myocardial infarction: case study and overview of large-scale evidence
Q36693325Genetic predisposition to asthma and atopy
Q57315738Genome-wide Association Study for Radiographic Vertebral Fractures: A Potential Role for the 16q24 BMD Locus versus Lessons Learned from Challenging Phenotype Definition
Q36328147Genome-wide association screens for Achilles tendon and ACL tears and tendinopathy
Q24550632Genome-wide association studies for complex traits: consensus, uncertainty and challenges
Q24289213Genome-wide association studies, field synopses, and the development of the knowledge base on genetic variation and human diseases
Q57551327Genome-wide association studies, field synopses, and the development of the knowledge base on genetic variation and human diseases
Q33915683Genome-wide association study for radiographic vertebral fractures: a potential role for the 16q24 BMD locus
Q46424509Genome-wide association study identifies a locus associated with rotator cuff injury
Q34268288Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture
Q36480665Genome-wide significant associations for variants with minor allele frequency of 5% or less--an overview: A HuGE review
Q28545866Geographic and temporal trends in the molecular epidemiology and genetic mechanisms of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance: an individual-patient- and sequence-level meta-analysis
Q35013676Geometry of the randomized evidence for treatments of pulmonary hypertension
Q99728727Global assessment of C-reactive protein and health-related outcomes: an umbrella review of evidence from observational studies and Mendelian randomization studies
Q45741808Global estimates of high-level brain drain and deficit
Q100475807Global perspective of COVID-19 epidemiology for a full-cycle pandemic
Q44735204Graphical methods and numerical summaries for presenting results from multiple-treatment meta-analysis: an overview and tutorial
Q47666010Greece: Crisis, smoking and tobacco conflicts in social media
Q57818747Guidelines Do Not Entangle Practitioners With Unavoidable Conflicts as Authors, and When There Is No Evidence, Just Say So
Q46229315Guidelines for cardiovascular risk assessment and cholesterol treatment--reply
Q47573464Guidelines for translational research in heart failure
Q33911151Guidelines on Chemotherapy in Advanced Stage Gynecological Malignancies: An Evaluation of 224 Professional Societies and Organizations
Q81849916HEGESMA: genome search meta-analysis and heterogeneity testing
Q46802978HELOW: a program for testing extreme homogeneity in meta-analysis
Q47362045HIV lipodystrophy case definition using artificial neural network modelling.
Q35886941HIV: opportunistic infections
Q81146563HIV: prevention of opportunistic infections
Q93501240HIV: prevention of opportunistic infections
Q35957082HIV: prevention of opportunistic infections.
Q38291086Handling the fragile vase of scientific practices
Q57542919Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in genetic association studies: an empirical evaluation of reporting, deviations and power
Q125097382Harms reported by patients in rheumatology drug trials: a systematic review of randomized trials in the cochrane library from an OMERACT working group
Q27024505Head-to-head randomized trials are mostly industry sponsored and almost always favor the industry sponsor
Q30245579Health outcomes during the 2008 financial crisis in Europe: systematic literature review
Q28943546Heritability and genome-wide association study to assess genetic differences between advanced age-related macular degeneration subtypes
Q33297003Heterogeneity in meta-analyses of genome-wide association investigations
Q40832107Heterogeneity of the baseline risk within patient populations of clinical trials: a proposed evaluation algorithm
Q81128804Heterogeneity testing in meta-analysis of genome searches
Q46341368Heterogeneity-based genome search meta-analysis for preeclampsia
Q43079361Heterogeneous views on heterogeneity
Q38794877High quality of the evidence for medical and other health-related interventions was uncommon in Cochrane systematic reviews
Q47560528Hijacked evidence-based medicine: stay the course and throw the pirates overboard
Q44123040Home blood pressure as a cardiovascular outcome predictor: it's time to take this method seriously
Q117564429Homeopathy can offer empirical insights on treatment effects in a null field
Q33848715Homophily and co-occurrence patterns shape randomized trials agendas: illustration in antifungal agents
Q48202486How Many Contemporary Medical Practices Are Worse Than Doing Nothing or Doing Less?
Q60020265How does exercise treatment compare with antihypertensive medications? A network meta-analysis of 391 randomised controlled trials assessing exercise and medication effects on systolic blood pressure
Q38242465How good is "evidence" from clinical studies of drug effects and why might such evidence fail in the prediction of the clinical utility of drugs?
Q64121196How often can meta-analyses of individual-level data individualize treatment? A meta-epidemiologic study
Q48896929How significant is sensorineural hearing loss in primary Sjögren's syndrome? An individually matched case-control study.
Q64112154How to design preclinical studies in nanomedicine and cell therapy to maximize the prospects of clinical translation
Q48099005How to increase value and reduce waste when research priorities are set.
Q24288766How to make more published research true
Q38227467How to read a systematic review and meta-analysis and apply the results to patient care: users' guides to the medical literature
Q47552176How to survive the medical misinformation mess
Q38180653How to use a subgroup analysis: users' guide to the medical literature
Q37363633How to use an article about genetic association: A: Background concepts
Q37367734How to use an article about genetic association: B: Are the results of the study valid?
Q37373160How to use an article about genetic association: C: What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients?
Q53106594How to use an article reporting a multiple treatment comparison meta-analysis
Q47776997Human Genome Sequencing at the Population Scale: A Primer on High-Throughput DNA Sequencing and Analysis.
Q101123850Hundreds of thousands of zombie randomised trials circulate among us
Q64109798Hypnotic depth and postoperative death: a Bayesian perspective and an Independent Discussion of a clinical trial
Q64261830Hypothesis, analysis and synthesis, it's all Greek to me
Q89662021Identification and evaluation of risk of generalizability biases in pilot versus efficacy/effectiveness trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q28270341Identification of new susceptibility loci for osteoarthritis (arcOGEN): a genome-wide association study
Q30379228Immunogenicity and adverse events of avian influenza A H5N1 vaccine in healthy adults: multiple-treatments meta-analysis.
Q47547042Immunogenicity and safety of the multicomponent meningococcal B vaccine (4CMenB) in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q36870941Immunomodulatory effects of voriconazole on monocytes challenged with Aspergillus fumigatus: differential role of Toll-like receptors
Q57542910Impact of Violations and Deviations in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium on Postulated Gene-Disease Associations
Q41428439Impact of a Genetic Risk Score for Coronary Artery Disease on Reducing Cardiovascular Risk: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study
Q45766048Impact of epidemic and individual heterogeneity on the population distribution of disease progression rates. An example from patient populations in trials of human immunodeficiency virus infection
Q36725968Impact of phenotype definition on genome-wide association signals: empirical evaluation in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection
Q51906283Impact of schizophrenia candidate genes on schizotypy and cognitive endophenotypes at the population level
Q36294177Impact of vaccine herd-protection effects in cost-effectiveness analyses of childhood vaccinations. A quantitative comparative analysis
Q54600212Implausible results in human nutrition research.
Q36297774Implementation of proteomic biomarkers: making it work
Q53008274Implications of small effect sizes of individual genetic variants on the design and interpretation of genetic association studies of complex diseases
Q43520845Important drug safety information on the internet: assessing its accuracy and reliability
Q52594018Improving Disclosure of Financial Conflicts of Interest for Research on Psychosocial Interventions
Q42112095Improving Validation Practices in “Omics” Research
Q34558642Improving safety reporting from randomised trials
Q48092634Improving the drug development process: more not less randomized trials
Q47547055Improving the integrity of published science: an expanded taxonomy of retractions and corrections
Q45840623In reply II-reversal of medical practices
Q63738938In the Era of Precision Medicine and Big Data, Who Is Normal?
Q38542933Inadequacies of Physical Examination as a Cause of Medical Errors and Adverse Events: A Collection of Vignettes
Q38664724Inconsistent Guideline Recommendations for Cardiovascular Prevention and the Debate About Zeroing in on and Zeroing LDL-C Levels With PCSK9 Inhibitors
Q36304127Increasing efficiency of preclinical research by group sequential designs
Q36420861Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis
Q34860779Independent and joint effects of the MAPT and SNCA genes in Parkinson disease
Q64113773Independent discussion sections for improving inferential reproducibility in published research
Q51929967Indirect comparisons: the mesh and mess of clinical trials
Q33963712Individualized Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Q34765264Industry involvement and baseline assumptions of cost-effectiveness analyses: diagnostic accuracy of the Papanicolaou test
Q37668679Industry sponsorship and selection of comparators in randomized clinical trials
Q58700012Industry-funded versus non-profit-funded critical care research: a meta-epidemiological overview
Q125097383Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
Q38249903Inferior vena cava filters and postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a meta-analysis
Q81253418Inflated numbers of authors over time have not been just due to increasing research complexity
Q47192223Influence of reported study design characteristics on intervention effect estimates from randomized, controlled trials
Q92131131Infographic. How does exercise treatment compare with antihypertensive medications?
Q34628608Informed consent, big data, and the oxymoron of research that is not research
Q34758881Insights into the genetic architecture of osteoarthritis from stage 1 of the arcOGEN study
Q39008232Insomnia From Drug Treatments: Evidence From Meta-analyses of Randomized Trials and Concordance With Prescribing Information
Q37572176Integration of evidence from multiple meta-analyses: a primer on umbrella reviews, treatment networks and multiple treatments meta-analyses
Q114666226Intent to share Annals of Internal Medicine's trial data was not associated with data re-use
Q37060833International collaboration, funding and association with burden of disease in randomized controlled trials in Africa
Q42635516International ranking systems for universities and institutions: a critical appraisal
Q47550752Interpretation of epidemiologic studies very often lacked adequate consideration of confounding
Q81531560Interpretation of research results: an indispensable mission impossible?
Q37329334Interpretation of tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta-analysis
Q92591219Interventions to improve cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a review of meta-analyses and future agenda
Q44304796Intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists reduce mortality after percutaneous coronary interventions
Q46340051Invited Commentary—Genetic Prediction for Common Diseases
Q47614724Is It Possible to Recognize a Major Scientific Discovery?
Q38063482Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review
Q36779188Is molecular profiling ready for use in clinical decision making?
Q125551329Is society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modeling societal demise and its reversal
Q44338243Is there a glass ceiling for highly cited scientists at the top of research universities?
Q114256528Is there a glass ceiling for highly cited scientists at the top of research universities?
Q44310158Is vitamin C superior to diltiazem for radial artery vasodilation in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting?
Q86526788Is widespread screening for hepatitis C justified?
Q35602515Isolated intraparotid Kaposi sarcoma in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection
Q47956631John Ioannidis: Uncompromising gentle maniac
Q48369315John P. A. Ioannidis
Q36302245Joint European League Against Rheumatism and European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (EULAR/ERA-EDTA) recommendations for the management of adult and paediatric lupus nephritis
Q52998122Journals should publish all "null" results and should sparingly publish "positive" results
Q60530250Just fast keying
Q24289212Khoury et al. Respond to "The Epicenter of Translational Science": Crossing All the T's
Q74197616Kinetics of antibody concentration and avidity for the assessment of immune response to pneumococcal vaccine among children with bone marrow transplants
Q24289007Knowledge Integration in Cancer: Current Landscape and Future Prospects
Q45185774Korean National Health Insurance Database--Reply
Q28748647Laboratory mouse models for the human genome-wide associations
Q55361260Lack of evidence to favor specific preventive interventions in psychosis: a network meta-analysis.
Q30539203Lack of replication of thirteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms implicated in Parkinson's disease: a large-scale international study
Q41790742Large scale evidence and replication: insights from rheumatology and beyond
Q35547835Large-scale analysis of association between GDF5 and FRZB variants and osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, and hand
Q35764554Large-scale analysis of association between LRP5 and LRP6 variants and osteoporosis
Q40122475Large-scale analysis of association between polymorphisms in the transforming growth factor beta 1 gene (TGFB1) and osteoporosis: the GENOMOS study
Q24288773Large-scale evidence for the effect of the COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism on osteoporosis outcomes: the GENOMOS study
Q28244731Large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies six new risk loci for Parkinson's disease
Q36149955Large-scale replication and heterogeneity in Parkinson disease genetic loci
Q50060439Larger effect sizes in non-randomized studies are associated with higher rates of EMA licensing approval
Q44204184Late-starter sites in randomized controlled trials
Q64109571Lethal news: The dexterous infiltration of news media by the tobacco industry agenda
Q35134361Levels of absolute survival benefit for systemic therapies of advanced cancer. a call for standards
Q90827000Limitations and Misinterpretations of E-Values for Sensitivity Analyses of Observational Studies
Q30483405Limitations are not properly acknowledged in the scientific literature
Q24282606Limitations of Medical Research and Evidence at the Patient-Clinician Encounter Scale
Q53877989Limited benefit of antiretroviral resistance testing in treatment-experienced patients: a meta-analysis
Q21563436Local literature bias in genetic epidemiology: an empirical evaluation of the Chinese literature
Q26746258Long noncoding RNAs as novel predictors of survival in human cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q40650085Long-term risk of mortality and lymphoproliferative disease and predictive classification of primary Sjögren's syndrome
Q91794229Lost Evidence From Registered Large Long-Unpublished Randomized Controlled Trials: A Survey
Q91332477Lowering the P Value Threshold-Reply
Q84949341METRADISC-XL: A program for meta-analysis of multidimensional ranked discovery oriented datasets including microarrays
Q96771926MINIMAR (MINimum Information for Medical AI Reporting): Developing reporting standards for artificial intelligence in health care
Q90537652Machine learning and artificial intelligence research for patient benefit: 20 critical questions on transparency, replicability, ethics, and effectiveness
Q57313781Magnitude of effects in clinical trials published in high-impact general medical journals
Q88233256Making Optimal Use of and Extending beyond Polygenic Additive Liability Models
Q26827609Making Prospective Registration of Observational Research a Reality
Q73878290Management of clinically inapparent adrenal mass
Q56243478Mapping risk factors for depression across the lifespan: An umbrella review of evidence from meta-analyses and Mendelian randomization studies
Q44336172Mapping the expanded often inappropriate use of the Framingham Risk Score in the medical literature
Q90317918Mapping the universe of registered reports
Q62079700Marginal structural models and other analyses allow multiple estimates of treatment effects in randomized clinical trials: Meta-epidemiological analysis
Q57020497Massive citations to misleading methods and research tools: Matthew effect, quotation error and citation copying
Q114257900Massive covidization of research citations and the citation elite
Q24797709Materializing research promises: opportunities, priorities and conflicts in translational medicine
Q40854316Maternal cell-free viremia in the natural history of perinatal HIV-1 transmission: a meta-analysis
Q46346962Maternal viral load and rate of disease progression among vertically HIV-1-infected children: an international meta-analysis
Q28757688Measuring co-authorship and networking-adjusted scientific impact
Q115238951Media and social media attention to retracted articles according to Altmetric
Q112776853Medical journal requirements for clinical trial data sharing: Ripe for improvement
Q30872287Medicine. Big data meets public health
Q81931928Medicine. Life cycle of translational research for medical interventions
Q44551090Mega-Randomized Clinical Trials for Blockbuster Drugs—Reply
Q46205856Mega-trials for blockbusters
Q30244996Meta-Analysis Comparing Established Risk Prediction Models (EuroSCORE II, STS Score, and ACEF Score) for Perioperative Mortality During Cardiac Surgery
Q44040151Meta-analyses Can Be Credible and Useful: A New Standard
Q64110988Meta-analyses identify differentially expressed micrornas in Parkinson's disease
Q52638108Meta-analyses in environmental and occupational health
Q45376079Meta-analyses of Hydroxyethyl Starch for Volume Resuscitation
Q34495405Meta-analyses with industry involvement are massively published and report no caveats for antidepressants
Q45274083Meta-analysis comparing drug-eluting stents with bare metal stents
Q51901611Meta-analysis for ranked discovery datasets: theoretical framework and empirical demonstration for microarrays
Q45807411Meta-analysis identifies loci affecting levels of the potential osteoarthritis biomarkers sCOMP and uCTX-II with genome wide significance
Q33276409Meta-analysis in genome-wide association datasets: strategies and application in Parkinson disease
Q24273398Meta-analysis in genome-wide association studies
Q34009241Meta-analysis in hematology and oncology
Q37115919Meta-analysis methods
Q38105261Meta-analysis methods for genome-wide association studies and beyond
Q92000305Meta-analysis of Voxel-Based Neuroimaging Studies using Seed-based d Mapping with Permutation of Subject Images (SDM-PSI)
Q79757444Meta-analysis of fractional flow reserve versus quantitative coronary angiography and noninvasive imaging for evaluation of myocardial ischemia
Q29417079Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies confirms a susceptibility locus for knee osteoarthritis on chromosome 7q22
Q33593844Meta-analysis of genome-wide scans provides evidence for sex- and site-specific regulation of bone mass
Q42662423Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the comparative efficacy and safety of azithromycin against other antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infections
Q43778965Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the comparative efficacy and safety of azithromycin against other antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections
Q81708937Meta-analysis of the association of beta2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms with asthma phenotypes
Q35683709Meta-analysis of the association of the cathepsin D Ala224Val gene polymorphism with the risk of Alzheimer's disease: a HuGE gene-disease association review
Q30407050Meta-analysis of the immunogenicity and tolerability of pandemic influenza A 2009 (H1N1) vaccines
Q81454964Meta-analysis: test performance of ultrasonography for giant-cell arteritis
Q29032830Meta-assessment of bias in science
Q28606958Meta-research: Evaluation and Improvement of Research Methods and Practices
Q40849885Meta-research: The art of getting it wrong
Q52658008Meta-research: Why research on research matters
Q95330983Meta-research: bird's eye views of primary care research
Q48074086Metformin does not affect cancer risk: a cohort study in the U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink analyzed like an intention-to-treat trial
Q59521258Methods for Evaluating Medical Tests and Biomarkers
Q37008455Methods for meta-analysis in genetic association studies: a review of their potential and pitfalls
Q37577407Methods to increase reproducibility in differential gene expression via meta-analysis
Q81390417Microarrays and molecular research: noise discovery?
Q37989926Minimal and null predictive effects for the most popular blood biomarkers of cardiovascular disease
Q60183526Modeling Science Trustworthiness Under Publish Or Perish Pressure
Q46249312Modeling and research on research
Q47415323Modelling of escalating outpatient antibiotic expenditures
Q48094320Modelling science trustworthiness under publish or perish pressure
Q86031261Modern health care as a game theory problem
Q86617699Modern health care as a game theory problem: reply
Q43959142Molecular bias
Q40219317Molecular evidence-based medicine: evolution and integration of information in the genomic era.
Q48124952More than a billion people taking statins?: Potential implications of the new cardiovascular guidelines
Q24496066More time for research: Fund people not projects
Q94546040Mortality and Paclitaxel-Coated Devices: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis
Q37102815Mortality in persons with mental disorders is substantially overestimated using inpatient psychiatric diagnoses
Q37331998Mortality in systemic sclerosis
Q30980001Mortality in systemic sclerosis: an international meta-analysis of individual patient data
Q106534859Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials
Q44620714Mortality risk conferred by small elevations of creatine kinase-MB isoenzyme after percutaneous coronary intervention
Q64097618Most UK scientists who publish extremely highly-cited papers do not secure funding from major public and charity funders: A descriptive analysis
Q38079314Most meta-analyses of drug interventions have narrow scopes and many focus on specific agents
Q87419858Most psychotherapies do not really work, but those that might work should be assessed in biased studies
Q91437654Most recommended medical interventions reach P<0.005 for their primary outcomes in meta-analyses
Q35616956Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: developing integration of healthcare programmes with clinical, social and basic research studies. Report of the International Workshop held at Chobe Marina Lodge, Kasane, Botswana, 21-25 January 2003.
Q36065928Multiple Citation Indicators and Their Composite across Scientific Disciplines
Q37344525Multiple-treatments meta-analysis of chemotherapy and targeted therapies in advanced breast cancer
Q36104121Multivariate models of self-reported health often neglected essential candidate determinants and methodological issues
Q43710651NIH funding: The critics respond
Q38072676Narrow band imaging to differentiate neoplastic and non-neoplastic colorectal polyps in real time: a meta-analysis of diagnostic operating characteristics
Q41568808Nationwide Population Science: Lessons From the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database
Q46726957Nature, Nurture, and Cancer Risks: Genetic and Nutritional Contributions to Cancer
Q38054293Neglected tropical diseases: survey and geometry of randomised evidence
Q90794131Neglecting Major Health Problems and Broadcasting Minor, Uncertain Issues in Lifestyle Science
Q81353372Neoadjuvant versus adjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer: a meta-analysis
Q44655832Nested randomized trials in large cohorts and biobanks: studying the health effects of lifestyle factors
Q38184742Network geometry shows evidence sequestration for medical vs. surgical practices: treatments for basal cell carcinoma
Q37440674Network meta-analyses performed by contracting companies and commissioned by industry
Q64121689Network meta-analysis of antidepressants - Authors' reply
Q36413433Neurosurgical Randomized Controlled Trials-Distance Travelled
Q64119417New clinical trial designs in the era of precision medicine: An overview of definitions, strengths, weaknesses, and current use in oncology
Q37846082New prognostic markers for outcome of acute pancreatitis: overview of reporting in 184 studies
Q89337194Next-generation systematic reviews: prospective meta-analysis, individual-level data, networks and umbrella reviews
Q90131629Ninth international congress on peer review and scientific publication: call for research
Q92880434Non-inferiority versus superiority trial design for new antibiotics in an era of high antimicrobial resistance: the case for post-marketing, adaptive randomised controlled trials
Q30362665Non-publication and delayed publication of randomized trials on vaccines: survey.
Q43929126Non-randomised Ebola trials--lessons for optimal outbreak research
Q36841272Non-replication and inconsistency in the genome-wide association setting
Q36426250Non-replication of association for six polymorphisms from meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of Parkinson's disease: large-scale collaborative study
Q47900325Noninferiority is almost certain with lenient noninferiority margins
Q91195482Nonrandomized studies using causal-modeling may give different answers than RCTs: a meta-epidemiological study
Q46063020Nonreproducibility of Preclinical Research-Reply
Q54920159Not-so-surprising findings.
Q81321986Nuchal translucency and fetal cardiac defects: a pooled analysis of major fetal echocardiography centers
Q35578728Number of published systematic reviews and global burden of disease: database analysis
Q125097385Nutrition and Health: Setting Realistic Expectations and Changing Research Targets
Q38079315Observational studies often make clinical practice recommendations: an empirical evaluation of authors' attitudes
Q48371779Obtaining evidence by a single well-powered trial or several modestly powered trials
Q62079708Off-label prescription: experience is a gloomy lantern that does not even illuminate its bearer. Author response
Q47548522Off-label treatments were not consistently better or worse than approved drug treatments in randomized trials
Q89599863Online randomized controlled experiments at scale: lessons and extensions to medicine
Q35610183Open letter to the leader of academic medicine
Q34853917Opportunistic infections and HIV.
Q36589155Opportunities and Challenges for Selected Emerging Technologies in Cancer Epidemiology: Mitochondrial, Epigenomic, Metabolomic, and Telomerase Profiling
Q31096872Opportunities and challenges in developing risk prediction models with electronic health records data: a systematic review
Q37780031Optimal timing of coronary angiography and potential intervention in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes
Q39420873Optimal type I and type II error pairs when the available sample size is fixed
Q92614621Options for publishing research without any P-values
Q42623138Origin and funding of the most frequently cited papers in medicine: database analysis
Q81358175Osteomyelitis: antigranulocyte scintigraphy with 99mTC radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis-- meta-analysis
Q40336283Outcome reporting bias in clinical trials: why monitoring matters
Q114255407Overall and COVID-19-specific citation impact of highly visible COVID-19 media experts: bibliometric analysis
Q100997067Overestimation of Postpartum Depression Prevalence Based on a 5-item Version of the EPDS: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis
Q44547308Overinterpretation of clinical applicability in molecular diagnostic research
Q37027187Overlapping meta-analyses on the same topic: survey of published studies
Q50080887Overlapping network meta-analyses on the same topic: survey of published studies
Q55186690P values in display items are ubiquitous and almost invariably significant: A survey of top science journals.
Q91408800PREDIMED trial of Mediterranean diet: retracted, republished, still trusted?
Q38718135PRISMA harms checklist: improving harms reporting in systematic reviews
Q50862292Pancreatitis potentially associated drugs as a risk factor for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: a prospective cohort study
Q24289488Partisan perspectives in the medical literature: a study of high frequency editorialists favoring hormone replacement therapy
Q40601967Pathways for inappropriate dispensing of antibiotics for rhinosinusitis: a randomized trial
Q89917436Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis
Q28767865Patient outcomes with teaching versus nonteaching healthcare: a systematic review
Q38086467Patient safety strategies targeted at diagnostic errors: a systematic review
Q40689809Patterns of patient enrollment in randomized controlled trials
Q36128904Pediatric versus adult drug trials for conditions with high pediatric disease burden
Q38041812Perceived information gain from randomized trials correlates with publication in high-impact factor journals
Q79949667Percutaneous coronary intervention for late reperfusion after myocardial infarction in stable patients
Q51972429Percutaneous coronary intervention versus conservative therapy in nonacute coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis
Q43872521Perfect study, poor evidence: interpretation of biases preceding study design
Q45122582Perinatal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by pregnant women with RNA virus loads <1000 copies/ml.
Q46770233Persistence of contradicted claims in the literature
Q83582396Persistent reservations against contradicted percutaneous coronary intervention indications: citation content analysis
Q129496992Personalized and longitudinal electronic informed consent in clinical trials: How to move the needle?
Q83203055Personalized genetic prediction: too limited, too expensive, or too soon?
Q38657349Perspective: Improving Nutritional Guidelines for Sustainable Health Policies: Current Status and Perspectives
Q64123458Perspective: Limiting Dependence on Nonrandomized Studies and Improving Randomized Trials in Human Nutrition Research: Why and How
Q92411137Petitions in scientific argumentation: Dissecting the request to retire statistical significance
Q36918110Pharmacogenetics of the response to beta 2 agonist drugs: a systematic overview of the field
Q46676430Physical activity and cancer: an umbrella review of the literature including 22 major anatomical sites and 770 000 cancer cases
Q94333396Physical examination
Q24289033Placing epidemiological results in the context of multiplicity and typical correlations of exposures
Q38842585Plea for routinely presenting prediction intervals in meta-analysis
Q71907255Pneumococcal aortitis in the antibiotic era
Q24289510Polymorphisms in the 5' flank of COL1A1 gene and osteoporosis: meta-analysis of published studies
Q47416122Poor performance of clinical prediction models: the harm of commonly applied methods
Q56395229Populating the Data Ark: An attempt to retrieve, preserve, and liberate data from the most highly-cited psychology and psychiatry articles
Q95600687Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters
Q98731320Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters
Q33939245Population-specific frequencies for LRRK2 susceptibility variants in the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease (GEO-PD) Consortium
Q43725415Population-wide generalizability of genome-wide discovered associations
Q114089207Post-publication critique at top-ranked journals across scientific disciplines: a cross-sectional assessment of policies and practice
Q52582065Potential Reporting Bias in Neuroimaging Studies of Sex Differences
Q24289205Potential increased risk of cancer from commonly used medications: an umbrella review of meta-analyses
Q34921995Potential reporting bias in fMRI studies of the brain
Q29547474Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience
Q24273217Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience
Q24289045Practices and impact of primary outcome adjustment in randomized controlled trials: meta-epidemiologic study
Q91714006Precision medicine for individual patients should use population group averages and larger, not smaller, groups
Q84592645Predicting death: an empirical evaluation of predictive tools for mortality
Q40833067Prediction of Melanoma Risk in a Southern European Population Based on a Weighted Genetic Risk Score
Q98620664Prediction of RECRUITment In randomized clinical Trials (RECRUIT-IT)-rationale and design for an international collaborative study
Q37661845Prediction of cardiovascular disease outcomes and established cardiovascular risk factors by genome-wide association markers
Q35577543Predictive ability of DNA microarrays for cancer outcomes and correlates: an empirical assessment
Q30635282Predictive modeling and heterogeneity of baseline risk in meta-analysis of individual patient data
Q52308689Predictive value of viral load measurements in asymptomatic untreated HIV-1 infection: a mathematical model
Q52899023Predictors and Impact of Patients Lost to Follow-Up in a Long-Term Randomized Trial of Immediate Versus Deferred Antiretroviral Treatment
Q78359932Predictors of sustained amenorrhea from pulsed intravenous cyclophosphamide in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q51979496Preoperative prediction of long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction
Q101556286Preprint Servers' Policies, Submission Requirements, and Transparency in Reporting and Research Integrity Recommendations
Q101241316Preserving equipoise and performing randomized trials for COVID-19 social distancing interventions
Q36022503Prevalence and Characteristics of Interventional Trials Conducted Exclusively in Elderly Persons: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Registered Clinical Trials
Q56391583Prevalence and outcomes of incidental imaging findings: umbrella review
Q91222447Prevalence and significance of race and ethnicity subgroup analyses in Cochrane intervention reviews
Q86845862Preventing tooth loss with biannual dental visits and genetic testing: does it work?
Q60730192Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Disease: The IOC Consensus Statement, Lausanne 2013
Q26864627Prevention and control of neglected tropical diseases: overview of randomized trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q38151650Prevention and management of non-communicable disease: the IOC consensus statement, Lausanne 2013.
Q38156293Prevention and management of noncommunicable disease: the IOC Consensus Statement, Lausanne 2013.
Q33774243Primary open angle glaucoma due to T377M MYOC: Population mapping of a Greek founder mutation in Northwestern Greece
Q51374792Primary study authors of significant studies are more likely to believe that a strong association exists in a heterogeneous meta-analysis compared with methodologists
Q98567971Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses
Q92478699Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 p
Q52803622Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews
Q53472502Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity
Q57818746Professional Societies Should Abstain From Authorship of Guidelines and Disease Definition Statements
Q24289043Prognostic effect size of cardiovascular biomarkers in datasets from observational studies versus randomised trials: meta-epidemiology study
Q33333387Prognostic factors and clustering of serious clinical outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome
Q58074907Prognostic factors and outcomes for osteosarcoma: An international collaboration
Q54699962Prognostic significance of TP53 tumor suppressor gene expression and mutations in human osteosarcoma: a meta-analysis.
Q81474791Prognostic significance of vascular endothelial growth factor immunohistochemical expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis
Q36647592Prosthesis infection: diagnosis after total joint arthroplasty with antigranulocyte scintigraphy with 99mTc-labeled monoclonal antibodies--a meta-analysis
Q61639333Protect us from poor-quality medical research
Q37312762Protective effect of LRRK2 p.R1398H on risk of Parkinson's disease is independent of MAPT and SNCA variants
Q42776843Protein conjugate pneumococcal vaccines
Q24549030Public availability of published research data in high-impact journals
Q24289398Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention
Q30410554Publication delay of randomized trials on 2009 influenza A (H1N1) vaccination
Q84712270Published articles should not be dead and buried: introducing research updates
Q92614627Publishing research with P-values: Prescribe more stringent statistical significance or proscribe statistical significance?
Q79735110Quality of reporting of cancer prognostic marker studies: association with reported prognostic effect
Q30405778Quantifying rare, deleterious variation in 12 human cytochrome P450 drug-metabolism genes in a large-scale exome dataset
Q24288719Quantifying selective reporting and the Proteus phenomenon for multiple datasets with similar bias
Q29614894Quantitative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews
Q88689629Radiofrequency Ablation Versus Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation: Meta-Analysis of Quality of Life, Morbidity, and Mortality
Q28214234Radiotherapy vs. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of heterotopic ossification after major hip procedures: a meta-analysis of randomized trials
Q35558566Randomised trials comparing chemotherapy regimens for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: biases and evolution over time
Q64124659Randomized controlled trials: Often flawed, mostly useless, clearly indispensable: A commentary on Deaton and Cartwright
Q31027538Randomized evidence on chemotherapy and hormonal therapy regimens for advanced endometrial cancer: an overview of survival data
Q36089235Randomized trial of personal genomics for preventive cardiology: design and challenges
Q39624212Randomized trials are frequently fragmented in multiple secondary publications
Q33204164Randomized trials of neurosurgical interventions: a systematic appraisal
Q53056709Ranking antidepressants
Q30705429Raw data from clinical trials: within reach?
Q46034244Re-rethinking the article by Thombs and colleagues.
Q44921767Re: Fruit and vegetable intake and overall cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Q58211900Real-world effectiveness of pharmacological treatments in schizophrenia
Q52609477Real-world evidence: How pragmatic are randomized controlled trials labeled as pragmatic?
Q30849007Reanalyses of randomized clinical trial data
Q46298473Reanalyses of trial results--reply
Q37195565Reasons or excuses for avoiding meta-analysis in forest plots
Q38304324Recent randomized controlled trials in otolaryngology
Q64117356Recommendations and Practical Guidance for performing and reporting validation studies according to the Universal Standard for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/Europe
Q36349558Recommendations and proposed guidelines for assessing the cumulative evidence on joint effects of genes and environments on cancer occurrence in humans
Q45200767Recommendations for biomarker identification and qualification in clinical proteomics
Q29620299Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials
Q47867745Recurrent pregnancy loss and autoantibody profile in autoimmune diseases
Q30574153Recursive cumulative meta-analysis: a diagnostic for the evolution of total randomized evidence from group and individual patient data
Q56142179Redefine statistical significance
Q96428015Redundant meta-analyses are common in genetic epidemiology
Q91154517Reforming Nutritional Epidemiologic Research-Reply
Q39611707Registered Randomized Trials Comparing Generic and Brand-Name Drugs: A Survey
Q51083832Registering diagnostic and prognostic trials of tests: is it the right thing to do?
Q40991221Registration practices for observational studies on indicated low adherence
Q34010458Relation between burden of disease and randomised evidence in sub-Saharan Africa: survey of research
Q36130841Relative citation impact of various study designs in the health sciences
Q73322168Remission, relapse, and re-remission of proliferative lupus nephritis treated with cyclophosphamide
Q28307780Repeatability of published microarray gene expression analyses
Q36589733Replication and meta-analysis of TMEM132D gene variants in panic disorder
Q34581022Replication and predictive value of SNPs associated with melanoma and pigmentation traits in a Southern European case-control study
Q24288830Replication in Genome-Wide Association Studies
Q33787026Replication of genome-wide discovered breast cancer risk loci in the Cypriot population
Q41735608Replication of past candidate loci for common diseases and phenotypes in 100 genome-wide association studies
Q29615456Replication validity of genetic association studies
Q64119583Replication, Duplication, and Waste in a Quarter Million Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Q43696230Reply to Badri et al. on 'Limited benefit of antiretroviral resistance testing in treatment-experienced patients: a meta-analysis'.
Q42432494Reply to Nuijten et al.: Reanalyses actually confirm that US studies overestimate effects in softer research
Q48020736Reply to letter by Ferrante di Ruffano et al.: Patient outcomes in randomized comparisons of diagnostic tests are still the ultimate judge
Q92660318Reply to the Letter to the Editor: "Mixing Apples and Oranges in Assessing Outcomes of Repetitive Transcranial Stimulation Meta-Analyses"
Q37066032Reporting and interpretation of SF-36 outcomes in randomised trials: systematic review
Q24799693Reporting of conflicts of interest in guidelines of preventive and therapeutic interventions
Q99552367Reporting of demographic data and representativeness in machine learning models using electronic health records
Q33336256Reporting of human genome epidemiology (HuGE) association studies: an empirical assessment
Q42741401Reporting of systematic reviews: the challenge of genetic association studies
Q53464653Reproducibility concerns
Q34042907Reproducibility in science: improving the standard for basic and preclinical research
Q117566806Reproducibility: Has Cancer Biology Failed beyond Repair?
Q24288789Reproducible Research Practices and Transparency across the Biomedical Literature
Q64110746Reproducible pharmacokinetics
Q98282566Reproducible research practices and transparency in reproductive endocrinology and infertility articles
Q59793592Reproducible research practices, transparency, and open access data in the biomedical literature, 2015-2017
Q36392953Required sample size and nonreplicability thresholds for heterogeneous genetic associations
Q48151595Research accomplishments that are too good to be true
Q87192985Research accomplishments that are too good to be true: reply to Ting
Q89000416Research authors' reply to Barlow and Barr and Taylor-Robinson
Q24495913Research grants: Conform and be funded
Q48296426Research needs grants, funding and money--missing something?
Q53099181Research: increasing value, reducing waste - Authors' reply
Q44932696Researching genetic versus nongenetic determinants of disease: a comparison and proposed unification
Q36900951Response to Therapy in Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive Patients With Isolated Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Associated Transmitted Drug Resistance
Q48047728Response to letter by Forike et al.: more rigorous, not less, external validation is needed
Q57074121Rethink Funding
Q35794662Rethinking recommendations for screening for depression in primary care
Q92564958Retiring statistical significance would give bias a free pass
Q57765909Reversals of Established Medical Practices
Q35549777Right ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with anticardiolipin antibodies and antiphospholipid syndrome
Q95504348Risk and protective factors for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q44196482Risk factors and interventions with statistically significant tiny effects
Q96683222Risk factors and risk prediction models for colorectal cancer metastasis and recurrence: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies
Q33332006Risk factors for central nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q90104896Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Q74405863Risk of myelotoxicity with intravenous cyclophosphamide in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q39725780Role of sepiapterin reductase gene at the PARK3 locus in Parkinson's disease
Q47776911Role of the Fcgamma receptor IIA polymorphism in the antiphospholipid syndrome: an international meta-analysis
Q74455224Role of the Fcgamma receptor IIa polymorphism in susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis: a meta-analysis
Q31046490Routinely collected data and comparative effectiveness evidence: promises and limitations
Q47547328Routinely collected data for randomized trials: promises, barriers, and implications
Q43577458SRD5A2 gene polymorphisms and the risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis.
Q56565523STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association Studies (STREGA)-an extension of the STROBE statement
Q56565211STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association Studies (STREGA): An Extension of the STROBE Statement
Q33405556STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association Studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE statement
Q37314650STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA)--an extension of the STROBE statement
Q56880291STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA)—an extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525330STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): An extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525359STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): An extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525816STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology – Molecular Epidemiology STROBE-ME: an extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525808STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology — Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): An extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525200STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology — Molecular Epidemiology STROBE-ME: an extension of the STROBE statement [J Clin Epidemiol 2011;64(12):1350–1363]
Q34062156STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology--Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): an extension of the STROBE Statement
Q34057012STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology: Molecular Epidemiology STROBE-ME. An extension of the STROBE statement
Q56525829STrengthening the reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology—Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): an extension of the STROBE statement
Q38190890Safety of medical interventions in children versus adults
Q51937842Safety reporting in randomized trials of mental health interventions
Q97559213Sample size evolution in neuroimaging research: an evaluation of highly-cited studies (1990-2012) and of latest practices (2017-2018) in high-impact journals
Q53066866Science mapping analysis characterizes 235 biases in biomedical research
Q57148875Scientific inbreeding and same-team replication: Type D personality as an example
Q101236737Scientific petitions and open letters in the era of covid-19
Q38177423Scientific reporting is suboptimal for aspects that characterize genetic risk prediction studies: a review of published articles based on the Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies statement
Q79317888Screening performance of first-trimester nuchal translucency for major cardiac defects: a meta-analysis
Q33595810Selection and presentation of imaging figures in the medical literature
Q24288769Selection in reported epidemiological risks: an empirical assessment
Q80607963Selective discussion and transparency in microarray research findings for cancer outcomes
Q80395257Selective reporting biases in cancer prognostic factor studies
Q82881386Self-reported health in high and very high incomes
Q51888144Sensitivity of between-study heterogeneity in meta-analysis: proposed metrics and empirical evaluation
Q29416998Seven new loci associated with age-related macular degeneration
Q28593306Sex based subgroup differences in randomized controlled trials: empirical evidence from Cochrane meta-analyses
Q36301940Sex-specific differences in effect size estimates at established complex trait loci
Q42678797Shared epitopes and rheumatoid arthritis: disease associations in Greece and meta-analysis of Mediterranean European populations
Q39301401Short-term economic impact of the Zika virus outbreak
Q63816187Shortening self-report mental health symptom measures through optimal test assembly methods: Development and validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Depression-4
Q96130541Should governments continue lockdown to slow the spread of covid-19?
Q64084036Signals Among Signals: Prioritizing Nongenetic Associations in Massive Data Sets
Q33984469Simple, standardized incorporation of genetic risk into non-genetic risk prediction tools for complex traits: coronary heart disease as an example
Q94322782Single or multiple daily doses of aminoglycosides
Q92489550Single pivotal trials with few corroborating characteristics were used for FDA approval of cancer therapies
Q38470318Small studies are more heterogeneous than large ones: a meta-meta-analysis
Q92655588Solutions to Reduce Unnecessary Imaging-Reply
Q37185409Some main problems eroding the credibility and relevance of randomized trials
Q24495972Sources of funding for Nobel Prize-winning work: public or private?
Q96955483Spin, Bias, and Clinical Utility in Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Studies
Q38015812Standard 6: age groups for pediatric trials
Q30698028Standardized retrieval of side effects data for meta-analysis of safety outcomes. A feasibility study in acute sinusitis
Q42612025State of the evidence: current status and prospects of meta-analysis in infectious diseases
Q61012100Statins and Multiple Noncardiovascular Outcomes
Q57287293Statins and Multiple Noncardiovascular Outcomes: Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Observational Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials
Q81339615Statins decrease perioperative cardiac complications in patients undergoing noncardiac vascular surgery: the Statins for Risk Reduction in Surgery (StaRRS) study
Q40834976Statistical issues for HIV surrogate endpoints: point/counterpoint. An NIAID workshop
Q37859975Statistically significant meta-analyses of clinical trials have modest credibility and inflated effects
Q38837347Stealth Research and Theranos: Reflections and Update 1 Year Later
Q64117532Stealth research: Lack of peer-reviewed evidence from healthcare unicorns
Q63018398Stealth research: Lack of peer‐reviewed evidence from healthcare unicorns
Q38358293Stealth research: is biomedical innovation happening outside the peer-reviewed literature?
Q59379507Strengthening the Reporting of Genetic Risk Prediction Studies: The GRIPS Statement
Q43881436Strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration
Q33851304Strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies: the GRIPS Statement
Q59379509Strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies: the GRIPS Statement
Q59379500Strengthening the reporting of Genetic Risk Prediction Studies: The GRIPS statement
Q56565671Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE Statement
Q56565716Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE statement
Q44237982Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement
Q24289354Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration.
Q24289476Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration
Q56632047Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration
Q51722676Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: The GRIPS Statement
Q51722216Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: the GRIPS statement
Q59270400Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: the GRIPS statement
Q59379504Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: the GRIPS statement
Q59379512Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: the GRIPS statement
Q55228077Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies: the GRIPS statement.
Q46170393Study design and the drug development process--reply
Q33949962Studying the elusive environment in large scale
Q73563841Suitable monitoring approaches to antiretroviral therapy in resource-poor settings: setting the research agenda
Q57542907Survival Benefits With Diverse Chemotherapy Regimens for Ovarian Cancer: Meta-analysis of Multiple Treatments
Q46987043Survival and disease-progression benefits with treatment regimens for advanced colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis
Q33258094Survival with aromatase inhibitors and inactivators versus standard hormonal therapy in advanced breast cancer: meta-analysis
Q81564088Susceptibility to HIV infection--disentangling host genetics and host behavior
Q43949763Susceptibility variants for rheumatoid arthritis in the TRAF1-C5 and 6q23 loci: a meta-analysis
Q37756447Synopsis of preterm birth genetic association studies: the preterm birth genetics knowledge base (PTBGene).
Q44110304Synthesis of observational studies should consider credibility ceilings
Q37163520Systematic assessment of pharmaceutical prescriptions in association with cancer risk: a method to conduct a population-wide medication-wide longitudinal study
Q35033307Systematic assessment of the correlations of household income with infectious, biochemical, physiological, and environmental factors in the United States, 1999-2006
Q24289186Systematic evaluation of environmental and behavioural factors associated with all-cause mortality in the United States national health and nutrition examination survey
Q24289191Systematic evaluation of environmental factors: persistent pollutants and nutrients correlated with serum lipid levels
Q38947285Systematic evaluation of the associations between environmental risk factors and dementia: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Q104615496Systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting
Q50101305Systematic identification of correlates of HIV infection: an X-wide association study
Q24289497Systematic identification of interaction effects between genome- and environment-wide associations in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q54493719Systematic identification of interaction effects between validated genome- and environment-wide associations on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Q28285397Systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis of genetic association studies in schizophrenia: the SzGene database
Q29619094Systematic review of the empirical evidence of study publication bias and outcome reporting bias
Q38706560Systematic reviews: guidance relevant for studies of older people
Q38049916Technical aspects and inter-laboratory variability in native peptide profiling: the CE-MS experience
Q34354095Technical report: evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of acute uncomplicated sinusitis in children: a systematic overview
Q117046516Ten (not so) simple rules for clinical trial data-sharing
Q102131938Testing Clinical Prediction Models-Reply
Q45958313The 10-Item Standardized Cosmesis and Health Nasal Outcomes Survey (SCHNOS) for Functional and Cosmetic Rhinoplasty.
Q90592057The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
Q33825423The Cancer Epidemiology Descriptive Cohort Database: A Tool to Support Population-Based Interdisciplinary Research
Q93030497The Challenge of Reforming Nutritional Epidemiologic Research
Q58718992The Comparative Effectiveness of Innovative Treatments for Cancer (CEIT-Cancer) project: Rationale and design of the database and the collection of evidence available at approval of novel drugs
Q57455069The Complexities of Evaluating the Exposome in Psychiatry: A Data-Driven Illustration of Challenges and Some Propositions for Amendments
Q43122277The DOT1L rs12982744 polymorphism is associated with osteoarthritis of the hip with genome-wide statistical significance in males
Q37713109The Decameron of poor research
Q56828411The Emergence of Networks in Human Genome Epidemiology
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Q18154346Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanfordfounded byP112
Q29870901Despina Contopoulos-IoannidisspouseP26
Q113992340John Ioannidisdifferent fromP1889
Q53505397Houcemeddine Turkiinfluenced byP737

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