scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | John Ioannidis | Q6251482 |
Muin J. Khoury | Q64746271 | ||
Marta Gwinn | Q64748945 | ||
P2860 | cites work | A translational framework for public health research | Q21257207 |
Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases | Q22122198 | ||
Central Challenges Facing the National Clinical Research Enterprise | Q24289545 | ||
Genome-wide association studies for complex traits: consensus, uncertainty and challenges | Q24550632 | ||
Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls | Q24550675 | ||
The meaning of translational research and why it matters | Q28264016 | ||
Using lifetime risk estimates in personal genomic profiles: estimation of uncertainty | Q28392540 | ||
The quality of health care delivered to adults in the United States | Q29616225 | ||
Applied epidemiology for the 21st Century. | Q30328238 | ||
What are the implications of optimism bias in clinical research? | Q33233736 | ||
Predictive value of factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A in adults with venous thromboembolism and in family members of those with a mutation: a systematic review | Q33468803 | ||
Cumulative risk of colon cancer up to age 70 years by risk factor status using data from the Nurses' Health Study | Q33499155 | ||
Medicine. Life cycle of translational research for medical interventions | Q81931928 | ||
Personalized genetic prediction: too limited, too expensive, or too soon? | Q83203055 | ||
Health care provider and consumer awareness, perceptions, and use of direct-to-consumer personal genomic tests, United States, 2008 | Q84401010 | ||
The Scientific Foundation for personal genomics: recommendations from a National Institutes of Health-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention multidisciplinary workshop | Q34113976 | ||
Translational research in cancer genetics: the road less traveled | Q34515568 | ||
Validating, augmenting and refining genome-wide association signals | Q34976245 | ||
Effects of mammography screening under different screening schedules: model estimates of potential benefits and harms | Q35013356 | ||
Assessment of claims of improved prediction beyond the Framingham risk score | Q35015499 | ||
Neural tube defects and maternal folate intake among pregnancies conceived after folic acid fortification in the United States | Q35116653 | ||
Genetic risk assessment and BRCA mutation testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility: recommendation statement | Q36250211 | ||
A critical appraisal of the scientific basis of commercial genomic profiles used to assess health risks and personalize health interventions | Q36719129 | ||
Assessment of cumulative evidence on genetic associations: interim guidelines | Q36952959 | ||
The continuum of translation research in genomic medicine: how can we accelerate the appropriate integration of human genome discoveries into health care and disease prevention? | Q37029751 | ||
Expanded newborn screening: implications for genomic medicine | Q37054391 | ||
Genome-based prediction of common diseases: methodological considerations for future research | Q37149270 | ||
The Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) Initiative: methods of the EGAPP Working Group | Q37277889 | ||
Population screening for genetic disorders in the 21st century: evidence, economics, and ethics | Q37531659 | ||
Comparative effectiveness research and genomic medicine: an evolving partnership for 21st century medicine | Q37596937 | ||
The future of epidemiology | Q37621949 | ||
Cardiovascular risk factors clustering features of insulin resistance syndrome (Syndrome X) in a biracial (Black-White) population of children, adolescents, and young adults: the Bogalusa Heart Study | Q38942301 | ||
Practice-based research--"Blue Highways" on the NIH roadmap | Q40249321 | ||
Modeling the impact of subclinical measles transmission in vaccinated populations with waning immunity | Q40787251 | ||
Chronic disease prevention and control: coming of age at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. | Q43076795 | ||
An agenda for personalized medicine | Q46071434 | ||
Epidemiology: key to translational, team, and transdisciplinary science | Q46191678 | ||
A field synopsis and meta-analysis of genetic association studies in peripheral arterial disease: The CUMAGAS-PAD database | Q46884436 | ||
Shattuck lecture--clinical research to clinical practice--lost in translation? | Q48569309 | ||
Clinical epidemiology. what, who, and whither | Q48705420 | ||
Variability in meta-analytic results concerning the value of cholesterol reduction in coronary heart disease: a meta-meta-analysis | Q49085971 | ||
Dealing with the evidence dilemma in genomics and personalized medicine | Q50691856 | ||
Space for the cures: science launches a new journal dedicated to translational research in biomedicine. | Q55052790 | ||
The Emergence of Networks in Human Genome Epidemiology | Q56828411 | ||
Turning the Pump Handle: Evolving Methods for Integrating the Evidence on Gene-Disease Association | Q57542900 | ||
Beyond odds ratios — communicating disease risk based on genetic profiles | Q58047301 | ||
Translational research: Crossing the valley of death | Q59063636 | ||
PUBLIC HEALTH: Implementation Science | Q61848865 | ||
Medscape's response to the Institute of Medicine Report: Crossing the quality chasm: a new health system for the 21st century | Q74494882 | ||
P433 | issue | 5 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | epidemiology | Q133805 |
P304 | page(s) | 517-524 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-08-05 | |
P1433 | published in | American Journal of Epidemiology | Q4744243 |
P1476 | title | The emergence of translational epidemiology: from scientific discovery to population health impact | |
The Emergence of Translational Epidemiology: From Scientific Discovery to Population Health Impact | |||
P478 | volume | 172 |
Q45238100 | 'Translational formative evaluation': critical in up-scaling public health programmes |
Q24282580 | A Framework for Enhancing the Value of Research for Dissemination and Implementation |
Q41624903 | A descriptive qualitative examination of knowledge translation practice among health researchers in Manitoba, Canada |
Q37869461 | A roadmap for successful applications of clinical proteomics |
Q38287451 | A systematic appraisal of field synopses in genetic epidemiology: a HuGE review |
Q27025714 | A systematic review of eHealth cancer prevention and control interventions: new technology, same methods and designs? |
Q34043155 | A systems genetics approach provides a bridge from discovered genetic variants to biological pathways in rheumatoid arthritis |
Q47227796 | A training program for nurse scientists to promote intervention translation |
Q35646807 | Accelerating translation of physical activity and cancer survivorship research into practice: recommendations for a more integrated and collaborative approach |
Q48346565 | Adapting the T0-T4 implementation science model to occupational health and safety in agriculture, forestry, and fishing: a scoping review |
Q38087640 | Alzheimer's disease drug development: translational neuroscience strategies |
Q35688108 | An Evidence Integration Triangle for Aligning Science with Policy and Practice |
Q42927578 | An action plan for translating cancer survivorship research into care |
Q23912073 | Application of a translational research model to assess the progress of occupational safety research in the international commercial fishing industry |
Q38776164 | Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? |
Q52315734 | Big biomedical data and cardiovascular disease research: opportunities and challenges |
Q35625177 | Cancer and Dementia: It's Complicated |
Q24658639 | Charting a future for epidemiologic training |
Q37945790 | Clinical application of urinary proteomics/peptidomics |
Q47119553 | Comparative Effectiveness Research: A Roadmap for Physical Activity and Lifestyle |
Q52598231 | Comparative effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers in chemoprevention of hepatocellular carcinoma: a nationwide high-risk cohort study |
Q36953584 | Comparative effectiveness research in cancer: what has been funded and what knowledge gaps remain? |
Q54257580 | Concepts for the translation of genome-based innovations into public health: a comprehensive overview. |
Q38712852 | Continually improving standards of care: The UK Renal Registry as a translational public health tool. |
Q56882376 | Critical need for family-based, quasi-experimental designs in integrating genetic and social science research |
Q35231071 | Cultivating Cohort Studies for Observational Translational Research |
Q92618229 | Demographic-Specific Rates for Life Events in the Cardiovascular Health Study and Comparisons With Other Studies |
Q45358210 | Dermatoepidemiology; what's up people? |
Q39010402 | ESRD Databases, Public Policy, and Quality of Care: Translational Medicine and Nephrology |
Q36856378 | Efficacy of an HIV intervention in reducing high-risk human papillomavirus, nonviral sexually transmitted infections, and concurrency among African American women: a randomized-controlled trial |
Q82190897 | Enhancing Our Collective Research Acumen by Using an Epidemiological Perspective |
Q38171899 | Epidemiology in a changing world: implications for population-based research on mental disorders. |
Q35693061 | Ethical and Policy Considerations in the Application of Pharmacogenomic Testing for Tardive Dyskinesia: Case Study of the Dopamine D3 Receptor |
Q90337721 | Evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of evidence-based treatment: A multisite hybrid design |
Q57017717 | Evaluation Framework for Translational Research |
Q26861572 | Evolution of the "drivers" of translational cancer epidemiology: analysis of funded grants and the literature |
Q38067829 | Exercise-oncology research: Past, present, and future |
Q33752548 | From Patients to Policy: Population Intervention Effects in Epidemiology |
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Q37671899 | From exposures to population interventions: pregnancy and response to HIV therapy |
Q36083974 | Frontiers in Cancer Epidemiology: A Challenge to the Research Community from the Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program at the National Cancer Institute |
Q24289531 | Gene-environment interactions in cancer epidemiology: a National Cancer Institute Think Tank report |
Q37962479 | Genetic epidemiology with a capital E, ten years after |
Q34971361 | Genome Medicine: past, present and future |
Q36941225 | Implementation of a safer conception service for HIV-affected couples in South Africa |
Q34976014 | Implementation science in cancer prevention and control: a decade of grant funding by the National Cancer Institute and future directions |
Q38440611 | Integrating Bio-ontologies and Controlled Clinical Terminologies: From Base Pairs to Bedside Phenotypes |
Q24594622 | Integrative Cancer Epidemiology—The Next Generation |
Q37831662 | Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
Q46602123 | Invited Commentary: The Epicenter of Translational Science |
Q38376284 | Invited commentary: driving for further evolution |
Q24289212 | Khoury et al. Respond to "The Epicenter of Translational Science": Crossing All the T's |
Q64234341 | Late translational research: putting forward a new model for developing new anti-cancer treatments that addresses the needs of patients and society |
Q60490383 | Mapping the evolving definitions of translational research |
Q36323995 | Modeling timelines for translational science in cancer; the impact of technological maturation |
Q24289344 | Molecular pathological epidemiology of epigenetics: emerging integrative science to analyze environment, host, and disease |
Q84152670 | National Institutes of Health approaches to dissemination and implementation science: current and future directions |
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Q51027836 | Oestrogen and the sexual dimorphism of pulmonary arterial hypertension: a translational challenge |
Q84152642 | One Community’s Effort to Control Genetic Disease |
Q36371872 | Opportunities for translational epidemiology: the important role of observational studies to advance precision oncology |
Q50568348 | Parental age, birth order and neurodevelopmental disorders |
Q48464400 | Planning for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice |
Q26775521 | Planning for the Future of Epidemiology in the Era of Big Data and Precision Medicine |
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Q47572481 | Selecting a risk assessment tool to use in practice: a 10-point guide. |
Q44786343 | Significance of dietary folate intake, homocysteine levels and MTHFR 677 C>T genotyping in South African patients diagnosed with depression: test development for clinical application |
Q39097212 | Smoking and Mental Illness: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Output Over Time. |
Q38343120 | Some considerations concerning the challenge of incorporating social variables into epidemiological models of infectious disease transmission |
Q24188332 | Strategies for enhancing the implementation of school-based policies or practices targeting risk factors for chronic disease |
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