Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention

scientific article

Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID215591
P932PMC publication ID4078993
P698PubMed publication ID24656991
P5875ResearchGate publication ID261033162

P50authorJohn IoannidisQ6251482
Marcus R. MunafòQ21094872
Paolo Fusar-PoliQ21094931
Brian NosekQ22096791
Sean P. DavidQ47818322
P2860cites workWhy current publication practices may distort scienceQ21563409
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Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent EfficacyQ23791313
Negative results are disappearing from most disciplines and countriesQ24273200
The file drawer problem and tolerance for null resultsQ24273204
Publication bias in reports of animal stroke studies leads to major overstatement of efficacyQ24273209
Excess Significance Bias in the Literature on Brain Volume AbnormalitiesQ24273222
An exploratory test for an excess of significant findingsQ24273224
False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as SignificantQ24273231
Effect of the Statistical Significance of Results on the Time to Completion and Publication of Randomized Efficacy TrialsQ74121809
Developmental biology. Fraud investigation clouds paper on early cell fateQ79397288
A bound for publication bias based on the fraction of unpublished studiesQ79801825
A robust P-value for treatment effect in meta-analysis with publication biasQ81003504
Scientific misconduct. Fraud charges cast doubt on claims of DNA damage from cell phone fieldsQ81893643
Genomewide association studies--illuminating biologic pathwaysQ83658310
Science or Art? How Aesthetic Standards Grease the Way Through the Publication Bottleneck but Undermine ScienceQ24273232
Why Most Discovered True Associations Are InflatedQ24273233
Scientific Utopia: II. Restructuring Incentives and Practices to Promote Truth Over PublishabilityQ24273236
Quantifying selective reporting and the Proteus phenomenon for multiple datasets with similar biasQ24288719
Practices and impact of primary outcome adjustment in randomized controlled trials: meta-epidemiologic studyQ24289045
US studies may overestimate effect sizes in softer researchQ24289257
The case of the misleading funnel plotQ24676535
Making Prospective Registration of Observational Research a RealityQ26827609
Systematic review of the empirical evidence of study publication bias and outcome reporting bias - an updated reviewQ26851424
Publication bias in laboratory animal research: a survey on magnitude, drivers, consequences and potential solutionsQ27323022
Trim and fill: A simple funnel-plot-based method of testing and adjusting for publication bias in meta-analysisQ27860511
Outcome reporting in industry-sponsored trials of gabapentin for off-label useQ28264491
An Open, Large-Scale, Collaborative Effort to Estimate the Reproducibility of Psychological ScienceQ28264997
World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjectsQ28300546
Publication bias in antipsychotic trials: an analysis of efficacy comparing the published literature to the US Food and Drug Administration databaseQ28481584
The power of meta-analysis in genome-wide association studiesQ28658972
Novel methods to deal with publication biases: secondary analysis of antidepressant trials in the FDA trial registry database and related journal publicationsQ28752005
Investigating Variation in ReplicabilityQ28969609
Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscienceQ29547474
Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets?Q29547529
A modified test for small-study effects in meta-analyses of controlled trials with binary endpointsQ29614902
Replication validity of genetic association studiesQ29615456
Comparison of two methods to detect publication bias in meta-analysisQ29617904
Systematic review of the empirical evidence of study publication bias and outcome reporting biasQ29619094
Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trialsQ29620299
Rewarding Replications: A Sure and Simple Way to Improve Psychological Science.Q30376616
Meta-analysis of sex differences in rodent models of learning and memory: a review of behavioral and biological dataQ30980131
Early extreme contradictory estimates may appear in published research: the Proteus phenomenon in molecular genetics research and randomized trialsQ31170846
Testing for the presence of positive-outcome bias in peer review: a randomized controlled trialQ34024803
Measuring the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices With Incentives for Truth TellingQ34031507
Replications in Psychology Research: How Often Do They Really Occur?Q34044437
Assessing the potential for bias in meta-analysis due to selective reporting of subgroup analyses within studiesQ34107060
The case for motivated reasoningQ34281854
The secret lives of experiments: methods reporting in the fMRI literatureQ34337694
The importance of potential studies that have not existed and registration of observational data setsQ34370321
Inappropriate fiddling with statistical analyses to obtain a desirable p-value: tests to detect its presence in published literatureQ34441349
Teaching ReplicationQ34484647
Harnessing the Undiscovered Resource of Student Research Projects.Q34484653
An Agenda for Purely Confirmatory ResearchQ34484661
Evidence for the efficacy of NXY-059 in experimental focal cerebral ischaemia is confounded by study qualityQ34797518
Potential reporting bias in fMRI studies of the brainQ34921995
A proposed method of bias adjustment for meta-analyses of published observational studies.Q35137942
Guidelines for reporting an fMRI studyQ36527046
The impact of pharmaceutical company funding on results of randomized trials of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: a meta-analysisQ36817282
How can we improve the pre-clinical development of drugs for stroke?Q36926526
The impact of outcome reporting bias in randomised controlled trials on a cohort of systematic reviewsQ37692721
Efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy and other psychological treatments for adult depression: meta-analytic study of publication biasQ37701131
Commentary: Adjusting for bias: a user's guide to performing plastic surgery on meta-analyses of observational studiesQ37828304
Dissecting the genetic architecture of human personalityQ37915029
Why are psychiatric imaging methods clinically unreliable? Conclusions and practical guidelines for authors, editors and reviewersQ38039519
Perceived information gain from randomized trials correlates with publication in high-impact factor journalsQ38041812
Undue industry influences that distort healthcare research, strategy, expenditure and practice: a reviewQ38092146
Meta-analysis methods for genome-wide association studies and beyondQ38105261
Retractions in the scientific literature: do authors deliberately commit research fraud?Q38426397
Study factors influencing ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia: A 20year follow-up meta-analysisQ41845739
Publication Bias in Neuroimaging Research: Implications for Meta-AnalysesQ42136639
A peculiar prevalence of p values just below .05.Q43447558
Evidence of reporting biases in voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies of psychiatric and neurological disordersQ43487463
Comparison of psychotherapies for adult depression to pill placebo control groups: a meta-analysisQ43927027
Business not as usualQ44016260
Detecting and adjusting for small-study effects in meta-analysisQ44984775
Extrapolating from Animals to HumansQ46826177
Scientific misconduct. Psychologist accused of fraud on 'astonishing scale'.Q48432266
The Psychology of Replication and Replication in Psychology.Q50930790
P-curve: A key to the file-drawerQ51186445
Reliability and replicability of genetic association studiesQ52295100
Special Issue ofSocial Psychologyon “Replications of Important Results in Social Psychology”Q53464594
Estimating Effect Size Under Publication Bias: Small Sample Properties and Robustness of a Random Effects Selection ModelQ56289277
Shall we really do it again? The powerful concept of replication is neglected in the social sciencesQ56681049
Consequences of prejudice against the null hypothesisQ56699993
Registered Reports: A new publishing initiative at CortexQ56854673
NIH mulls rules for validating key resultsQ59065516
Normative Dissonance in Science: Results from a National Survey of U.S. ScientistsQ63248025
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectpreventionQ1717246
P577publication date2014-03-18
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inTrends in Cognitive SciencesQ7838299
P1476titlePublication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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