scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | John Ioannidis | Q6251482 |
P2093 | author name string | T. A Trikalinos | |
P2860 | cites work | Why most published research findings are false | Q21092395 |
Local literature bias in genetic epidemiology: an empirical evaluation of the Chinese literature | Q21563436 | ||
Evolution of treatment effects over time: empirical insight from recursive cumulative metaanalyses | Q24289247 | ||
Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test | Q24685585 | ||
Operating characteristics of a rank correlation test for publication bias | Q27860653 | ||
Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis | Q27860672 | ||
Meta-analysis in clinical trials | Q27860779 | ||
Funnel plots for detecting bias in meta-analysis: guidelines on choice of axis | Q28189245 | ||
Outcome reporting bias in randomized trials funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Q28285027 | ||
The earth is round (p < .05). | Q29012835 | ||
Publication bias in clinical research | Q29541186 | ||
Publication and related bias in meta-analysis: power of statistical tests and prevalence in the literature | Q29614233 | ||
Quantitative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews | Q29614894 | ||
Assessing the probability that a positive report is false: an approach for molecular epidemiology studies | Q29616285 | ||
Empirical evidence for selective reporting of outcomes in randomized trials: comparison of protocols to published articles | Q29618882 | ||
Commentary: meta-analysis of individual participants' data in genetic epidemiology | Q30707324 | ||
Are these data real? Statistical methods for the detection of data fabrication in clinical trials | Q30997161 | ||
Heterogeneity and statistical significance in meta-analysis: an empirical study of 125 meta-analyses | Q33947262 | ||
An on-site audit of the South African trial of high-dose chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer and associated publications. | Q33949450 | ||
The existence of publication bias and risk factors for its occurrence | Q34373168 | ||
Adjusting for publication bias: modelling the selection process | Q35800144 | ||
The statistical basis of public policy: a paradigm shift is overdue | Q36600218 | ||
Factors influencing publication of research results. Follow-up of applications submitted to two institutional review boards | Q36728722 | ||
Data trawling: to fish or not to fish | Q36829063 | ||
Underreporting research is scientific misconduct | Q38050046 | ||
Publication bias: the problem that won't go away. | Q41056991 | ||
A consumer's guide to subgroup analyses | Q41111858 | ||
Formulating Questions and Locating Primary Studies for Inclusion in Systematic Reviews | Q41578785 | ||
Generalized synthesis of evidence and the threat of dissemination bias. the example of electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (EFM). | Q43508915 | ||
On power and sample size for studying features of the relative odds of disease | Q44777367 | ||
Empirical bayes methods and false discovery rates for microarrays | Q46277377 | ||
Power, sample size and smallest detectable effect determination for multivariate studies | Q47226114 | ||
Sample size determination for case-control studies: the influence of the joint distribution of exposure and confounder | Q47438484 | ||
Effect sizes in cumulative meta-analyses of mental health randomized trials evolved over time | Q51934574 | ||
Summing up evidence: one answer is not always enough | Q52900179 | ||
Adjusting for publication bias in the presence of heterogeneity | Q52952409 | ||
Estimating Effect Size Under Publication Bias: Small Sample Properties and Robustness of a Random Effects Selection Model | Q56289277 | ||
Fraud in Medical Research | Q57403343 | ||
Interpretation of significance levels and effect sizes by psychological researchers | Q60508238 | ||
The Interpretation of Levels of Significance by Psychological Researchers | Q60508239 | ||
Effect of the Statistical Significance of Results on the Time to Completion and Publication of Randomized Efficacy Trials | Q74121809 | ||
Selective reporting biases in cancer prognostic factor studies | Q80395257 | ||
P433 | issue | 3 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P304 | page(s) | 245-253 | |
P577 | publication date | 2007-06-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Clinical Trials | Q5133802 |
P1476 | title | An exploratory test for an excess of significant findings | |
P478 | volume | 4 |
Q40781168 | A Bayesian approach to mitigation of publication bias |
Q91829353 | A Bayesian decision-making framework for replication |
Q39314704 | A Tutorial on Hunting Statistical Significance by Chasing N. |
Q36719129 | A critical appraisal of the scientific basis of commercial genomic profiles used to assess health risks and personalize health interventions |
Q33396628 | A field synopsis on low-penetrance variants in DNA repair genes and cancer susceptibility |
Q39458805 | A meta-analysis of the survival-processing advantage in memory |
Q38287451 | A systematic appraisal of field synopses in genetic epidemiology: a HuGE review |
Q24288963 | A test for reporting bias in trial networks: simulation and case studies |
Q30235518 | Adiposity and cancer at major anatomical sites: umbrella review of the literature |
Q43721735 | An empirical comparison of meta-analyses of published gene-disease associations versus consortium analyses |
Q40062564 | An umbrella review of the literature on the effectiveness of psychological interventions for pain reduction |
Q33611668 | Approach, avoidance, and affect: a meta-analysis of approach-avoidance tendencies in manual reaction time tasks |
Q89620743 | Aspirin and Its Potential Preventive Role in Cancer: An Umbrella Review |
Q24289170 | Assessment of cumulative evidence for the association between glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and lung cancer: application of the Venice interim guidelines |
Q47233501 | Assessment of safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in preclinical models of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review protocol |
Q88866895 | Association between long non-coding RNA polymorphisms and cancer risk: a meta-analysis |
Q90435436 | Association of Antidepressant Use With Adverse Health Outcomes: A Systematic Umbrella Review |
Q26798122 | Associations of Quality of Life with Service Satisfaction in Psychotic Patients: A Meta-Analysis |
Q38837595 | Bias in emerging biomarkers for bipolar disorder |
Q45205755 | Bias in genetic association studies: effects of research location and resources |
Q36146180 | Birth weight in relation to health and disease in later life: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses |
Q37131066 | Brain volumes in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis in over 18 000 subjects |
Q90456010 | Can Social Policies Improve Health? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 38 Randomized Trials |
Q37119987 | Candidate and non-candidate genes in behavior genetics |
Q89579269 | Charting the landscape of graphical displays for meta-analysis and systematic reviews: a comprehensive review, taxonomy, and feature analysis |
Q89552302 | Clinical Interventions and All-Cause Mortality of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: An Umbrella Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses |
Q24289183 | Clinical Outcome Prediction by MicroRNAs in Human Cancer: A Systematic Review |
Q46523360 | Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes. |
Q48250675 | Comment on a meta-analysis evaluating the cardiac toxicity of lapatinib in patients with breast cancer and other HER2-positive cancers. |
Q51563464 | Commentary: Cilostazol and Carotid Stenting: A Merry Marriage? |
Q50910371 | Comparing You = Comparing Me: Social Comparisons of the Expanded Self |
Q36481732 | Comprehensive field synopsis and systematic meta-analyses of genetic association studies in cutaneous melanoma |
Q38937540 | Confirming the appearance of excess success: Reply to van Boxtel and Koch (2016). |
Q24288636 | Conservative Tests under Satisficing Models of Publication Bias |
Q47742516 | Cumulative evidence for relationships between multiple variants in the VTI1A and TCF7L2 genes and cancer incidence |
Q58794645 | Designing the Review |
Q47251840 | Developing the WCRF International/University of Bristol Methodology for Identifying and Carrying Out Systematic Reviews of Mechanisms of Exposure-Cancer Associations |
Q35140307 | Differential binding of colors to objects in memory: red and yellow stick better than blue and green |
Q38939922 | Does psychotherapy work? An umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials |
Q92537097 | Effect Declines Are Systematic, Strong, and Ubiquitous: A Meta-Meta-Analysis of the Decline Effect in Intelligence Research |
Q55008032 | Effect size and statistical power in the rodent fear conditioning literature - A systematic review. |
Q38976586 | Effects of competition outcome on testosterone concentrations in humans: An updated meta-analysis |
Q90099830 | Effects of physical exercise during pregnancy on mothers' and neonates' health: a protocol for an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials |
Q92710198 | Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for mental health outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries: an umbrella review |
Q36295168 | Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature |
Q90374157 | Environmental factors, serum biomarkers and risk of atrial fibrillation: an exposure-wide umbrella review of meta-analyses |
Q92966981 | Environmental risk factors and biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder: an umbrella review of the evidence |
Q38348320 | Environmental risk factors and multiple sclerosis: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses |
Q100697178 | Environmental risk factors, protective factors, and peripheral biomarkers for ADHD: an umbrella review |
Q92472705 | Epidemiological evidence for associations between variants in microRNA or biosynthesis genes and lung cancer risk |
Q34844822 | Evaluation of excess significance bias in animal studies of neurological diseases |
Q24289214 | Evaluation of the potential excess of statistically significant findings in published genetic association studies: application to Alzheimer's disease |
Q90566738 | Evidence Relating Health Care Provider Burnout and Quality of Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
Q43204984 | Evidence that publication bias contaminated studies relating social class and unethical behavior. |
Q95324894 | Evidence-based umbrella review of 162 peripheral biomarkers for major mental disorders |
Q47097509 | Examining publication bias-a simulation-based evaluation of statistical tests on publication bias |
Q28650336 | Excess success for psychology articles in the journal science |
Q30646384 | Excess success for three related papers on racial bias |
Q24289182 | False-positive results in cancer epidemiology: a plea for epistemological modesty |
Q37412229 | Field-wide meta-analyses of observational associations can map selective availability of risk factors and the impact of model specifications |
Q37660158 | From nature versus nurture, via nature and nurture, to gene x environment interaction in mental disorders |
Q38844843 | Further evidence of VRK2 rs2312147 associated with schizophrenia |
Q38058276 | Genetic association studies in pre-eclampsia: systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis |
Q38639055 | Genetic predisposition to lung cancer: comprehensive literature integration, meta-analysis, and multiple evidence assessment of candidate-gene association studies. |
Q26863517 | Genetic psychophysiology: advances, problems, and future directions |
Q35043093 | Genetic variants associated with breast-cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence |
Q39597945 | Genetic variants associated with colorectal cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence |
Q24289213 | Genome-wide association studies, field synopses, and the development of the knowledge base on genetic variation and human diseases |
Q47101583 | Heterogeneity and Homogeneity of Regional Brain Structure in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis |
Q53074668 | How reliable are scientific studies? |
Q80185762 | How to Detect Publication Bias in Psychological Research: A Comparative Evaluation of Six Statistical Methods |
Q34544338 | How to Make Nothing Out of Something: Analyses of the Impact of Study Sampling and Statistical Interpretation in Misleading Meta-Analytic Conclusions |
Q92547767 | Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Diverse Physical Health Outcomes: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Observational Studies |
Q27691402 | Implications of "Too Good to Be True" for Replication, Theoretical Claims, and Experimental Design: An Example Using Prominent Studies of Racial Bias. |
Q58762140 | Indirect (implicit) and direct (explicit) self-esteem measures are virtually unrelated: A meta-analysis of the initial preference task |
Q37572176 | Integration of evidence from multiple meta-analyses: a primer on umbrella reviews, treatment networks and multiple treatments meta-analyses |
Q37329334 | Interpretation of tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta-analysis |
Q48826575 | Is ego depletion too incredible? Evidence for the overestimation of the depletion effect |
Q26991727 | Is there an excess of significant findings in published studies of psychotherapy for depression? |
Q28730475 | Letting the daylight in: Reviewing the reviewers and other ways to maximize transparency in science |
Q26746258 | Long noncoding RNAs as novel predictors of survival in human cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Q90099402 | Long-term outcomes of childhood sexual abuse: an umbrella review |
Q92050198 | Mapping Host-Related Correlates of Influenza Vaccine-Induced Immune Response: An Umbrella Review of the Available Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses |
Q99544121 | Meta Research: Questionable research practices may have little effect on replicability |
Q57168142 | Meta-analysis of ERP investigations of pain empathy underlines methodological issues in ERP research |
Q34602962 | Meta-analysis of microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene polymorphism and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma |
Q26768444 | Meta-analysis of molecular imaging of serotonin transporters in ecstasy/polydrug users |
Q37008455 | Methods for meta-analysis in genetic association studies: a review of their potential and pitfalls |
Q46726957 | Nature, Nurture, and Cancer Risks: Genetic and Nutritional Contributions to Cancer |
Q64069162 | Non-pharmacological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome: study protocol of an umbrella review of systematic review and meta-analyses |
Q35856498 | Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a biomarker in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis of 52 studies |
Q30919223 | Playing with Data--Or How to Discourage Questionable Research Practices and Stimulate Researchers to Do Things Right |
Q24289510 | Polymorphisms in the 5' flank of COL1A1 gene and osteoporosis: meta-analysis of published studies |
Q34921995 | Potential reporting bias in fMRI studies of the brain |
Q29547474 | Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience |
Q92073923 | Prognostic Biomarkers for Gastric Cancer: An Umbrella Review of the Evidence |
Q38254499 | Prognostic role of Twist or Snail in various carcinomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Q37997086 | Promoter CpG island methylation markers in colorectal cancer: the road ahead |
Q59203684 | Properly assessing CD133 as a risk factor for poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after resection |
Q42111225 | Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: Confidence Intervals for Rosenthal's Fail-Safe Number |
Q24289398 | Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention |
Q24273214 | Publication bias and the failure of replication in experimental psychology |
Q28246023 | Publication bias and the limited strength model of self-control: has the evidence for ego depletion been overestimated? |
Q64052497 | Publication bias examined in meta-analyses from psychology and medicine: A meta-meta-analysis |
Q34476958 | Publication bias in meta-analyses from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews |
Q35074341 | Publication bias in recent meta-analyses |
Q58720372 | Published estimates of group differences in multisensory integration are inflated |
Q24288719 | Quantifying selective reporting and the Proteus phenomenon for multiple datasets with similar bias |
Q38732052 | Reevaluating excess success in psychological science. |
Q21129123 | Reliable gains? Evidence for substantially underpowered designs in studies of working memory training transfer to fluid intelligence |
Q84160915 | Replication Initiative: Beware Misinterpretation |
Q46113530 | Reply to Francis: Cumulative power calculations are faulty when based on observed power and a small sample of studies. |
Q37066032 | Reporting and interpretation of SF-36 outcomes in randomised trials: systematic review |
Q55425023 | Reporting bias in the literature on the associations of health-related behaviors and statins with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. |
Q35983635 | Reporting of Positive Results in Randomized Controlled Trials of Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Interventions |
Q43898541 | Research practices that can prevent an inflation of false-positive rates. |
Q37353057 | Revised standards for statistical evidence |
Q47559782 | Risk factors and peripheral biomarkers for schizophrenia spectrum disorders: an umbrella review of meta-analyses |
Q64101190 | Risk factors for gestational diabetes: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies |
Q55051421 | Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: An exposure-wide umbrella review of meta-analyses. |
Q24273232 | Science or Art? How Aesthetic Standards Grease the Way Through the Publication Bottleneck but Undermine Science |
Q47160732 | Scientific Opinion of the PPR Panel on the follow‐up of the findings of the External Scientific Report ‘Literature review of epidemiological studies linking exposure to pesticides and health effects’ |
Q24273236 | Scientific Utopia: II. Restructuring Incentives and Practices to Promote Truth Over Publishability |
Q55083379 | Selection bias, vote counting, and money-priming effects: A comment on Rohrer, Pashler, and Harris (2015) and Vohs (2015). |
Q33770852 | Serum uric acid levels and multiple health outcomes: umbrella review of evidence from observational studies, randomised controlled trials, and Mendelian randomisation studies |
Q34396436 | Sex differences in the ability to recognise non-verbal displays of emotion: a meta-analysis. |
Q39644148 | Sex differences in visual-spatial working memory: A meta-analysis |
Q40051493 | Standardized mean differences cause funnel plot distortion in publication bias assessments |
Q41845739 | Study factors influencing ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia: A 20year follow-up meta-analysis |
Q64113126 | Subacute stroke physical rehabilitation evidence in activities of daily living outcomes: A systematic review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials |
Q30234571 | Systematic assessment of environmental risk factors for bipolar disorder: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses |
Q28285397 | Systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis of genetic association studies in schizophrenia: the SzGene database |
Q35126786 | Systematic review and metaanalysis of genetic association studies of urinary symptoms and prolapse in women. |
Q28265076 | Telomerase reverse transcriptase locus polymorphisms and cancer risk: a field synopsis and meta-analysis |
Q21092360 | The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions: explanation and elaboration |
Q27860581 | The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration |
Q56699989 | The Power of Bias in Economics Research |
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Q58567215 | The association between body mass index and the risk of different gastrointestinal cancers: A protocol for an overview of systematic reviews |
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Q47926316 | The effect of the serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) on amygdala function: a meta-analysis |
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Q34432309 | The oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is associated with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis |
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Q36362140 | The same old New Look: Publication bias in a study of wishful seeing. |
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Q47547157 | What causes psychosis? An umbrella review of risk and protective factors |
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Q23307991 | Why publishing everything is more effective than selective publishing of statistically significant results |
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