How to Make Nothing Out of Something: Analyses of the Impact of Study Sampling and Statistical Interpretation in Misleading Meta-Analytic Conclusions

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How to Make Nothing Out of Something: Analyses of the Impact of Study Sampling and Statistical Interpretation in Misleading Meta-Analytic Conclusions is …
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P932PMC publication ID5079083
P698PubMed publication ID27826272

P50authorRoy F. BaumeisterQ2170769
P2093author name stringMichael R Cunningham
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectstatisticsQ12483
P577publication date2016-10-25
P1433published inFrontiers in PsychologyQ2794477
P1476titleHow to Make Nothing Out of Something: Analyses of the Impact of Study Sampling and Statistical Interpretation in Misleading Meta-Analytic Conclusions

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