Umilaela Arifin

Indonesian herpetologist

Umilaela Arifin is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P6944Bionomia ID0000-0003-3638-6016
P1960Google Scholar author IDKVG6cpAAAAAJ
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDumilaela-arifin-23138244
P496ORCID iD0000-0003-3638-6016
P2038ResearchGate profile IDUmilaela-Arifin
P2006ZooBank author ID08F81CBB-943D-4EA4-8CB3-3513EA9E1C87

P1343described by sourceWomen in Herpetology: 50 Stories from Around the WorldQ122731277
P108employerUniversity of HamburgQ156725
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity ChangeQ112944784
Universität Hamburg Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches MuseumQ101248186
P734family nameArifinQ37017963
zoological collectorQ109120509
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q94103960A new frog (Anura, Dicroglossidae), related to Occidozyga semipalmata Smith, 1927 from the eastern Peninsula of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Q54802114Molecular phylogenetic analysis of a taxonomically unstable ranid from Sumatra, Indonesia, reveals a new genus with gastromyzophorous tadpoles and two new species

Q122731277Women in Herpetology: 50 Stories from Around the WorldeditorP98

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