Archives of biochemistry


Archives of biochemistry is …
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scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID10984
P1055NLM Unique ID15210080R
P5396Online Books Page publication IDarchbiochem

P495country of originUnited States of AmericaQ30
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1476titleArchives of biochemistry

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published in (P1433)
Q7951012716-C13-dehydroisoandrosterone acetate
Q47853953A Browning reaction involving copper-proteins
Q83272272A Lactobacillus of cecal origin requiring oleic acid
Q75630729A cause of variation in the microbiological assay for vitamin B12
Q82381351A coenzyme for phosphoglucomutase
Q83299085A colorimetric method for the estimation of the activity of substances inhibiting the isoagglutination of blood group A cells
Q80332837A colorimetric modification of the Willstätter method for the rapid determination of amylase activity in pharmaceutical preparations
Q47856622A comment on the absorption bands of ferricytochrome c.
Q83302503A comparative study of the blood and liver catalases from the horse
Q75670660A comparison of aureomycin, streptomycin, penicillin and an aureomycin-B12 feed supplement for the pig
Q47803534A comparison of plasma protein concentration, hemoglobin and hematocrit values determined by chemical methods and calculated from specific gravity.
Q80640310A comparison of the provitamin A activity of beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin in the chick
Q75630626A comparison of the thorium nitrate back-titration and the salt-acid thorium titration for the determination of fluoride
Q83257159A comparison of three thiochrome methods for urinary thiamine by a simplified base-exchange procedure
Q75458108A derivative of cozymase as activator of fermentation
Q51059607A factor in the plasma of the irradiated rat which changes the A/G ratio.
Q83232897A galactogen from beef lung
Q47788268A growth factor for Lactobacillus gayoni 8289
Q53617653A labeled carcinogenic azo dye; 3-methyl(C14)-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene.
Q80323512A manometric actinometer for the visible spectrum
Q83207269A manometric method for the determination of per oxidase activity; application to an investigation of the peroxidase of germinating cottonseed
Q80356611A metabolic relationship between the aromatic amino acids
Q47807025A method for determining the avidin-combinability of biotin analogs
Q47880646A method for the determination of amino acid sequence in peptides.
Q80369670A microanalytical method for the volatile fatty acids
Q79609342A microchemical reaction resulting in the staining of polysaccharide structures in fixed tissue preparations
Q75630745A microcolorimetric method for the quantitative determination of glycerol
Q75670646A modification of the nitroprusside method of analysis for glutathione
Q83284767A new antibiotic produced by a strain of Streptomyces lavendulae
Q83224008A new antihistaminic; N,N-dimethyl-N'(2-pyridyl)-N'-(2-thienylmethyl)-ethylenediamine hydrochloride
Q80637797A new colorimetric procedure for the determination of fumaric acid
Q80356597A new fluorometric method for the determination of epinephrine
Q80280691A new method for the colorimetric determination of the total esterified fatty acids in human sera
Q47784142A new method for the preparation of basic amino acid concentrates from protein hydrolyzates
Q80301488A new method for the preparation of uricase and the effect of uricase on the blood uric acid levels of the chicken
Q47807457A new rapid method for the determination of serum albumin and globulin by ultraviolet absorption.
Q79552472A new specific color reaction of galacturonic acid
Q83232941A new synthesis of chloroacetyldehydroalanine
Q75458122A note on a new antibiotic
Q82127160A note on the amino acids of cataractous and sclerosed human lenses
Q49294798A note on the component enzymes of Pseudomonas creatinase.
Q47812561A note on the preparation of crystalline soy bean lipoxidase.
Q80653088A novel synthesis of the peptide bond
Q82351637A pantothenic acid conjugate active for Acetobacter suboxydans
Q80347733A polysaccharide related to the blood group substances and its reaction with borate; a study by electrophoresis
Q80347737A polysaccharide related to the blood group substances and its reaction with borate; a study by sedimentation and viscosity
Q83299091A precision method for the quantitative determination of calcium in blood plasma
Q52686699A preliminary quantitative study of pterine pigment in the developing egg of the grasshopper, Melanoplus differentialis.
Q80323483A quantitative test of Eggleton's proposed mechanism of nitrogen loss
Q75458011A rapid method for the estimation of the glutamic-aspartic transaminase in tissues and its application to radiation sickness
Q80653106A relationship of folic acid to choline oxidase
Q80356618A role of vitamin B12 in the normal mammal
Q79454907A serum polysaccharide in tuberculosis and carcinoma
Q47882711A simplified technique for a large scale crystallization of human oxyhemoglobin; isomorphous transformations of hemoglobin and myoglobin in the crystalline state
Q82186852A spectrophotometric measurement of adenosine deamination
Q47885031A spectrophotometric method for the determination of the protein content of mushroom tyrosinase preparations.
Q80337427A study of carboxylase in soybean sprouts
Q80323489A study of the conversion of tryptophan to N'-methylnicotinamide using isotopic carbon
Q47813530A study of the isolation of blood group A-specific substance from commercial hog gastric mucin and some observations on the separation of A-substance from other natural sources.
Q46592601A study of the relative specificity of lipases produced by Penicillium roqueforti and Aspergillus niger.
Q82096606A submicro method for the determination of iodine number of lipids
Q82096660A triterpene ester isolated from Cryptostegia madagascariensis latex
Q45581630A yellow variant of southern bean mosaic virus; the isoelectric points of yellow and of regular southern bean mosaic virus proteins
Q80668745ACTION of certain ethylenimine (aziridine) derivatives on mouse leukemia
Q75457908Absence of growth-inhibiting activity in trypsin inhibitor from egg white
Q47852523Acetylated dehydroamino acids.
Q45398293Acid-soluble phosphorus content of embryos infected with influenza A virus.
Q79573572Actinomycin A produced by a soil Actinomyces different from Actinomyces antibioticus
Q83319144Action of cadmium and thiols on tissues and enzymes
Q83232899Action of human serum on the growing plant
Q80640386Activation and stabilization of aconitase by ferrous ions
Q83302525Activity of estrone as a lipotropic factor
Q46341611Acute oral toxicity of gossypol and cottonseed pigment glands for rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs
Q80250092Addition products of dehydropeptides
Q33731662Additional and corrected data on the respiratory and fermentative activity of yeasts containing stored reserves
Q47880665Adenine as a growth factor for etiolated peas and its relation to the thermal inactivation of growth.
Q82186859Adenosine deaminase from Aspergillus oryzae
Q52694543Adenosine triphosphate from Drosophila melanogaster.
Q53617880Adenylpyrophosphatase activity in epidermal carcinogenesis in mice.
Q75630719Adrenal steroids and the stiffness syndrome
Q83302508Adsorption by ion exchange materials of putrefactive chemicals
Q80336892Adult growth in man and its nutrient requirements
Q80694659Age of animals in relation to the utilization of calcium and magnesium in the presence of oxalates
Q80245807Alkali conjugation of the unsaturated fatty acids
Q75630807Amide metabolism in higher plants. I. Preparation and properties of a glutamyl transphorase from pumpkin seedling
Q47887628Amino acid analyses of the nondiffusible fraction of enzymotic protein digests and human urine.
Q80280687Amino acid and unsaturated fatty acid requirements of Clostridium sporogenes
Q83319121Amino acid fermentations by Clostridium propionicum and Diplococcus glycinophilus
Q80650472Amino acids and inorganic sulfur as sulfur source for the growth of yeasts
Q80354007Amino acids as carbon source for the growth of yeasts
Q79510060Amino acids as nitrogen source for the growth of yeasts
Q82381345Amino acids in lupine and soybean seeds and sprouts
Q82032972Amino acids in turtle egg
Q79462532Ammonia formation from cystine peptides and dehydropeptides in rat liver digests
Q80301472Ammonia production by kidney slices of normal, acidotic and alkalotic rats
Q75458016Amperometric determination of soluble mercapto groups (glutathione) in blood and tissues
Q47851451Amperometric titration of sulfhydryl groups in amino acids and proteins.
Q83272328An adenine-pentose-pyrophosphate from plant tissues
Q82351577An agar plate assay for biotin
Q47848147An alternate step for the isolation of subtilin
Q82320757An apparatus for the incubation of tissue slices and homogenates
Q52694607An enzymatic assay for studying the nutrition of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q75457876An improved method for determination of p-aminobenzoic acid by Neurospora crassa
Q83302484An improved method for the preparation of coenzyme I
Q80694700An improved method of hydrolysis for use in the micro biological determination of tryptophan in human milk
Q47845858An in vitro bioassay for intermedin.
Q80358917An interpretation of the contradictory results in measurements of the photosynthetic quantum yields and related phenomena
Q75630759An isotope dilution method for nucleic acid analysis. I. Purines
Q83257155An osmotic diffusion pump
Q75457924An oxidative, cyanide-insensitive enzyme system in the chloroplasts of a higher plant
Q80380501An unidentified factor in pancreas essential for the sustained growth of Trichomonas vaginalis
Q49294737An unknown effect of amino acids
Q80358914An unknown effect of amino acids; interaction of nitrogenous polycarboxylic acids (N-substituted amino acids) and insoluble metal sulfides and mercaptides
Q79573579An unusually heat-resistant pectolytic factor from tomatoes
Q79573587Another case of reversible oxygenation
Q79552479Antibacterial unsaturated ketones and their mode of action
Q75581514Antibiotics and early growth of rats fed a soybean oil meal diet
Q80369681Antibiotin effect of homologs of biotin and biotin sulfone
Q83257189Antibiotin effect of some biotin homologs
Q79510071Antifungal activity of hop resin constituents and a new method for isolation of lupulon
Q80358891Antiscorbutic substances; 3-methyl-L-as-corbic acid and 1-methylheteroascorbic acid
Q51059617Application of buffered paper strips to the chromatography of polymyxins.
Q82096585Application of nutritional studies for development of practical culture media for Bacillus anthracis
Q49294833Application of paper chromatography to the estimation of free amino acids in tissues.
Q75670662Arsenolysis of amylose and amylopectin
Q49294454Ascorbic acid oxidation and browning in apple tissue extracts.
Q83299150Ascorbic acid, peroxidase and the protease mexicain, in the latex of Pileus mexicanus
Q83357705Assimilation of acetate by yeast
Q80245788Assimilation of tracer carbon in the alga Scenedesmus
Q79510106Availability of tryptophan from various products for growth of chicks
Q83338304Availability of vitamins in foods and food products; riboflavin balances with liquid milk, dried skimmed milk, and evaporated milk and the influence of succinyl sulfathiazole on such balances
Q83232905Bacterial conversion of pantothenic acid into coenzyme A (acetylation) and its relation to pyruvic oxidation
Q82033048Behavior of phytofluene in the animal body
Q75581610Biochemical individuality. V. Explorations with respect to the metabolic patterns of compulsive drinkers
Q80637807Biochemical individuality; a paper chromatographic technique for determining excretion of amino acids in the presence of interfering substances
Q80358915Biochemical individuality; genetotrophic factors in the etiology of alcoholism
Q80301512Biochemical individuality; variation in the urinary excretion of lysine, threonine, leucine, and arginine
Q82320749Biochemical mechanisms in the respiration of the Avena coleoptile
Q82351546Biochemical mutants affecting the growth and light production in luminous bacteria
Q75458051Biochemical studies on Penicillium chrysogenum Q-176. I. Phosphatase activity and the role of zinc in the production of penicillin
Q80369684Biochemical studies on chloramphenicol; colorimetric methods for the determination of chloramphenicol and related nitro compounds
Q82351593Biochemistry of wound healing; oxygen uptake of healing tissue of skin wounds
Q82351586Biochemistry of wound healing; total lipide, phospholipide, and cholesterol content of skin and repair tissue of skin wounds
Q47856635Biochemistry of wound healing; water and protein content of healing tissue of skin wounds
Q82127497Biological activity of oxybiotin in the chick
Q82127145Biological inactivity of zeta-carotene
Q47977729Biophysical studies of blood plasma proteins; separation of gamma globulins from normal hog serum
Q80668705Biotin in the assimilation of heavy carbon in Oxalacetate
Q79573575Blood group substance from intestinal mucosa and its precipitation with borate
Q83224005Blood levels in normal adults on a restricted dietary intake of B-complex vitamins and tryptophan
Q79573536Bone marrow for fat storage in rabbits
Q80354027Borrelidin, a new antibiotic with antiborrelia activity and penicillin enhancement properties
Q75457930Bradykinin, assay of purification
Q75458115Breakdown of infecting coliphage by the host cell
Q75630691Buffers of pH 2 to 12 for use in electrophoresis
Q80694730C14O2 assimilation by soybean leaves
Q80347772Calcium and apyrase system of muscle
Q53617800Calcium ion exchanges in some normal tissues and in epidermal carcinogenesis.
Q80694741Can beta-amylase be obtained from clarase?
Q80358909Candidulin; an antibiotic from Aspergillus candidus
Q75630629Carbohydrases in Saccharomyces haploid stocks of defined genotype. I. Fermentation and hydrolysis of alpha-glucosides by yeast 6233
Q83338272Carbohydrate metabolism in tissue homogenates
Q79462563Carbohydrate utilization by a strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Q47883134Carbon dioxide and oxygen in complex formation with iron and siderophilin, the iron-binding component of human plasma
Q80301474Carbon dioxide inhibition of anaerobic fumarate formation in the mold Rhizopus nigricans
Q82186999Carotenes of Lycopersicon species and strains
Q82381327Catalase and peroxidase in germinating cottonseed
Q75457913Catalytic decomposition of hydroxylamine by hemoglobin
Q75581540Certain chemical characteristics of irradiated pyridoxamine with reference to antibacterial properties
Q82127119Certain factors affecting vitamin C content of bean sprouts
Q82381267Changes in ascorbic acid content of turnip-leaf discs as influenced by light, temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration
Q82096626Changes in polyene synthesis induced by mutation in a red yeast (Rhodotorula rubra)
Q47807015Changes in the essential amino acid content of the proteins of dry skim milk on prolonged storage.
Q47880741Changes in the prothombin time induced by methylxanthines; role of the plasma cofactor of thromboplastin.
Q75581762Characterization of a valine analog accumulated by a mutant strain of Neurospora crassa
Q82320723Characterization of tomato pectinesterase
Q47843708Chemical and electrophoretic studies of fibrinogen prepared by various methods.
Q80381870Chemical composition of irradiated bone marrow
Q80358892Chemical composition of normal bone marrow
Q80668726Chemical composition of rabbit bone marrow in benzene poisoning
Q83272295Chemical determination of pleurotin, an antibacterial substance from Pleurotus griseus
Q75670688Chemical determination of vitamin B12. II. The quantitative isolation and colorimetric determination of millimicrogram quantities of cyanide
Q75670692Chemical determination of vitamin B12. III. Methods for the quantitative and specific release of the cyano group of vitamin B12
Q75670694Chemical determination of vitamin B12. IV. Assay of vitamin B12 in multivitamin preparations and biological materials
Q75581627Chemical determination of vitamin B12; I. Determination of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole by colorimetric and fluorometric methods
Q83302472Chemical inactivation of streptomycin
Q51364183Chemical studies of the brain in dogs with running fits.
Q80332838Chetomin an antibiotic substance from Chaetomium cochliodes; composition and functional groups
Q47880751Chinese tallow nut protein; nutritive value.
Q83257153Chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis in algae, leaves and chloroplasts
Q75630639Chlorophyll formation in seedlings of Zea mays L
Q80266515Choline; the cause of lipocaic lipotropic action on fatty rat livers
Q83288550Citrus acetylesterase
Q83319135Cobalt metabolism studies; excretion and tissue distribution of radioactive cobalt administered to cattle
Q82127508Cobalt metabolism studies; radioactive cobalt procedures with rats and cattle
Q51060643Cocarboxylase and adenosine triphosphate as growth factors for Hemophilus piscium.
Q47780237Cocarboxylase as a growth factor for certain strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Q80380500Coenzyme A and citrate formation in homogenates of heart ventricle from normal and pantothenic acid-deficient ducklings
Q80301533Colorimetric determination of folic acid and adenine
Q75581664Colorimetric determination of lactic acid in body fluids utilizing cation exchange for deproteinization
Q80668703Colorimetric determination of the pyrimidine content of the desoxyribonucleic acids of thymus and fish sperm
Q83288546Comparative effects of liver and yeast on growth and length of survival of the immature thyroid-fed rat
Q80668699Comparative studies on nitrogen excretion
Q79552449Comparative study of pteroylglutamic acid and its hexaglutamyl conjugate in the correction of sulfasuxidine-induced leucopenia in the rat; effect of conjugase inhibitor
Q80358905Comparative study of the glycolysis and ATP-ase activity in tissue homogenates
Q82381263Comparative substrate specificity studies of ascorbic acid oxidase and copper ion catalysis
Q75581567Comparison of the iron-binding activities of conalbumin and of hydroxylamidoproteins
Q79454913Complexes of lysozyme
Q83223973Composition of buffalo milk fat
Q82171827Compounds active in correcting sulfonamide-induced granulocytopenia in rats
Q80323499Compounds with folic acid activity
Q80323518Concentration of DDT in the blood and tissues of sheep fed varying levels of DDT
Q80356574Concentration of amino acids by the excised diaphragm suspended in artificial media; inhibition of the concentration of glycine by amino acids and related substances
Q80356567Concentration of amino acids by the excised diaphragm suspended in artificial media; maintenance and inhibition of the concentrating activity
Q47977523Concentration of the unidentified growth factor in condensed fish solubles.
Q82320732Concentrations of ribonucleic acid and desoxyribonucleic acid in animal tissues
Q79462565Concerning the alleged occurrence of hyaluronidase in skin
Q80694737Conjugation of phenol by rat liver homogenate
Q80694663Constancy of nucleic acid and phospholipide phosphorus with aging in mouse liver
Q80337394Content of folic acid in normal and diseased human hearts
Q75630650Contrasts in ascorbic acid and glucuronic acid synthesis by albino rats of the Sherman and Wistar strains
Q80694591Contribution to the structure of pro-gamma-carotene and prolycopene obtained from various sources
Q79510133Conversion of pteroylglutamic acid to pteroic acid by bacterial degradation
Q83272288Copper deficiency in rabbits; achromotrichia, alopecia and dermatosis
Q53766239Creatinase activity of a strain of Pseudomonas.
Q79454927Crystalline alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver
Q47807002Crystalline human myoglobin from heart-muscle and urine.
Q47808618Crystalline lipoxidase activity.
Q47976525Crystalline lipoxidase. III. Amino acid composition.
Q47843692Crystalline pepsin-resistant protein from skeletal muscle.
Q83207279Crystalline, high-molecular-weight compound from commercial pepsin
Q79552482Cyanide inhibition of retinal respiration in bicarbonate buffer
Q47856644Cytochrome c in epidermal carcinogenesis in mice induced by methylcholanthrene
Q47974843Cytochrome oxidase in the potato tuber.
Q75581756D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity of yeast protein No. 2
Q80694690Day-to-day variation of reduced ascorbic acid content of mare's milk
Q75581646Deamination of 8-azaguanine by guanase
Q82033060Deethylation of N,N-diethyl-p-aminoazobenzene in the rat
Q75581484Deposition of radioactive calcium in rachitic and nonrachitic chick tibia from oral and intramuscular doses of Ca45
Q47843665Desthiobiotin and O-heterobiotin as growth factors for normal and degenerate strains of Clostridia.
Q44078292Destruction of influenza A virus infectivity by amino compounds.
Q44967161Destruction of influenza A virus infectivity by formaldehyde
Q45398266Destruction of influenza A virus infectivity by urea
Q80323479Determination of added rutin in urine
Q80694681Determination of adenosine triphosphate based on deamination rates
Q82033001Determination of pentose in the presence of large quantities of glucose
Q83319131Dietary alteration of enzyme activity in rat liver
Q45377621Dietary deficiencies and poliomyelitis; effects of low protein and of low tryptophan diets on the response of mice to the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus
Q83257162Differential inhibition of respiration and dark CO2-fixation in Scenedesmus and Chlorella
Q80637791Dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase; preparation and properties of a stable dry powder
Q83338319Direct estimation of leucine; application to milk and certain other foodstuffs
Q49294768Dismutation in the heterocyclic series; dismutation of furfural by yeast and related problems.
Q75458006Dismutative assimilation of carbon dioxide
Q82089274Dispensability of dietary niacin for reproduction and lactation in the rat
Q82320743Displacement analysis of lipides; preliminary studies with normal saturated fatty acids
Q82127569Distribution and general properties of an amylase inhibitor in cereals
Q80358885Distribution of a triphosphopyridine nucleotide-specific enzyme catalyzing the reversible oxidative decarboxylation of malic acid in higher plants
Q75630702Distribution of enzymes in the livers of control and x-irradiated rats
Q75458045Distribution of thiamine and riboflavin in components of blood
Q51362632Distribution of thiamine in the brain.
Q80694669Distribution of tracer carbon among the lipides of the alga Scenedesmus during brief photosynthetic exposures
Q80358931Does light inhibit the respiration of green cells?
Q80694632EFFECT of insulin on adenosinetriphosphatase activity
Q80668757EFFECT of vitamin B12, animal protein factor and streptomycin on the growth of young pigs
Q82127130Effect of alkaloids on acetylcholine synthesis
Q80694647Effect of alpha-tocopheryl phosphate on enzyme activity
Q47977711Effect of animal protein factor on lowering protein needs of the pig.
Q47879865Effect of animal protein factor supplement on pigs fed different protein supplements
Q51060652Effect of aureomycin and animal protein factor on healthy pigs.
Q75457982Effect of aureomycin on the growth of weaned pigs
Q47784736Effect of bulk, casein and fat in the ration on the utilization of carotenes by white rats
Q75457889Effect of changes in medium on p-aminobenzoic acid synthesis by certain yeasts
Q80637815Effect of cobalt on the phosphorus turnover rate in the nucleic acids of Proteus vulgaris
Q47976932Effect of diet on amino acids in blood and urine of mice of various ages
Q75630835Effect of diet on the pantothenic acid content of adult mouse tissues, urine, and feces
Q80694706Effect of diet on the reaction of rabbit erythrocytes to nitrite in vitro
Q83338300Effect of dihydroxystearic acid on vitamin K synthesis by rats
Q75457895Effect of electrolytes on cholinesterase inhibition
Q83272299Effect of estrogens and androgens on the succinoxidase system of rat tissues
Q54753843Effect of fat and calories on the resistance of mice to 2,4-dinitrotoluene.
Q83288548Effect of growth substrate on the enzymic constitution of Aerobacter indologenes
Q83207307Effect of heating on the capacity of rat liver extracts to desamidate glutamine and asparagine
Q79552435Effect of high-moisture storage on preservation of carotene in dehydrated alfalfa meal
Q80383868Effect of insulin and adenosinetriphosphatase on a reaction coupling oxidation with phosphorylation
Q51369529Effect of insulin hypoglycemia on brain glucose, glycogen, lactate and phosphates.
Q82187144Effect of metallic ions on the production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger
Q51060636Effect of myosin and adenosine triphosphate on the polymerization of actin.
Q52788071Effect of phosphate and other anions on the enzymatic desamidation of various amides.
Q83207301Effect of quantities of carotene in the ration on the fertility of white rats and the quality of the young
Q52702513Effect of sodium arsenate on phosphoesterase from calf intestinal mucosa.
Q83288558Effect of various keto acids on the desamidation of glutamine
Q47878772Effect of vitamin B12 and animal protein factor supplement on methionine needs of the pig.
Q80650488Effect of vitamin B12 on the response to homocystine in chicks
Q47879886Effect of vitamin B12, animal protein factor and soil for pig growth.
Q75458088Effect of vitamin B13 supplementation on the pig
Q80301497Effect of vitamin P compounds on the action of histidine decarboxylase
Q33377974Effect of vitamin P-like substances in capillary resistance in thrombocytopenic purpura in rats.
Q75670675Effect of x-irradiation on the hyaluronïdasehyaluronic acid system
Q51060647Effect of x-rays on nucleic acid and protein synthesis.
Q75495214Effect of xanthophylls on utilization of carotene by chicks
Q83302528Effect of xanthophylls, chlorophylls, sulfasuxidine and alpha-tocopherol on the utilization of carotene by rats
Q79609305Effects of X-radiation on sodium thymus nucleate
Q51060634Effects of prolonged exposure to cold on the serum protein-bound iodine of the rat.
Q75495220Effects of prolonged exposure to cold on the thiamine requirement of the rat
Q82127527Electron micrographs of crystalline plant viruses
Q33542326Electron microscope studies of Bahlem, Rothamsted, and Princeton samples of tobacco mosaic virus
Q45398198Electron microscopic and electrophoretic study of two strains of tobacco mosaic virus
Q82127168Electrophoretic analysis of bovine plasma and serum
Q47880689Electrophoretic analysis of lamb and sheep plasmas and sera
Q82089313Electrophoretic analysis of swine plasma and serum
Q80637783Electrophoretic and serological properties of the non-dialyzable growth products of Vibrio cholerae
Q45377736Electrophoretic purification of southern bean mosaic virus
Q83257194Enzymatic conversion of ribose into hexose-monophosphate
Q80266550Enzymatic degradation of triacetic acid lactone determined by a spectrophotometric method
Q79609302Enzymatic hydrolysis of alpha, alpha-di(glycylamino) propionic acid
Q83207277Enzymatic hydrolysis of desoxyribonucleic acid
Q47888775Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean protein
Q82186973Enzymatic mechanisms in the respiration of spinach leaves
Q82171805Enzymatic nature of cell-free extracts from bacteria
Q82186936Enzymatic oxidation of glutathione; studies on the addition of several cofactors
Q80637820Enzymatic reduction of chloramphenicol
Q80665265Enzymatic resolution of racemic beta-2-thienylalanine
Q83257181Enzymatic splitting of alpha, alpha-diglycylaminopropionic acid hydrochloride
Q83232907Enzymatically synthesized disaccharides
Q80694644Enzyme studies on rabbits with incipient muscle dystrophy
Q75630591Enzyme studies on white blood cells. II. Phosphorylating glycogenolysis. Accumulation of an intermediary reducing substance and formation of lactic acid
Q79552487Enzymes of fresh hen eggs
Q80640299Enzymic synthesis of peptide bonds; preferences of papain within the monoaminomonocarboxylic acid series
Q80640295Enzymic synthesis of peptide bonds; some factors which influence the synthesis of peptide bonds as catalyzed by papain
Q62973246Epsilon-Hydroxynorleucine as a substitute for lysine for neurospora
Q47788254Essential amino acid content of casein and fresh and processed cow's milk as determined microbiologically on hydrolyzates
Q83272269Essential fatty acid metabolism; essential fatty acid content of rats on fat-free and pyridoxine-free diets
Q80356588Esterified fatty acid levels of normal human sera
Q83232920Esters of DL-lactic acid with glycerol and fructose
Q82381306Estimation and purification of fumarase
Q79609349Estimation of L-aspartic acid with aspartase
Q82082043Estimation of blood in tissue
Q82320721Ethylene as a metabolic product of the pathogenic fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis
Q47813548Evaluation of torula yeast protein in the life cycle of the rat.
Q80280714Excretion of amino acids by mice fed certain deficient diets
Q49294319Experiments to ascertain the existence of biochemical antagonism between l-ascorbic acid and structurally related compounds.
Q79552490Extension of the Stickland reaction to several bacterial species
Q51360493Extraction studies of sheep pituitary gonadotropic and lactogenic hormones in alcoholic acetate buffers.
Q80694626FURTHER study of pentolysis
Q80369687Factors influencing fat synthesis by Rhodotorula gracilis
Q80356593Factors influencing oxygen production by illuminated chloroplast fragments
Q82082036Factors influencing the destructive effects of acidic beverages on the teeth of white rats and hamsters
Q82096522Factors influencing the maintenance of blood concentrations of sulfonamides
Q80354010Factors influencing the response of the bioluminescent reaction to adenosine triphosphate
Q82089319Failure to demonstrate transmethylation of homocystine by a strain of E. coli requiring methionine for growth
Q46962155Failure to demonstrate wrist stiffness in guinea pigs receiving skim milk diets
Q82171747Fat formation in F. lycoperseci
Q82351630Fat synthesis in yeast
Q80369703Fate of S35-Na estrone sulfate in pregnant and non-pregnant rats
Q79540927Fatty acid transformations by anaerobic bacteria
Q80301516Fermentation of tyrosine by marine bacteria
Q83299141Fermentation of wood hydrolyzate by Fusarium lini Bolley and yeast
Q83284791Fermentation studies with brewers' yeast; a synthetic medium
Q47814936Fibrinogen; with special reference to its preparation and certain properties of the product.
Q47886577Fibrinolysin and antifibrinolysin; biochemical concentration of antifibrinolysin.
Q47807045Fibrinolysin; nomenclature, unit, assay, preparation and properties.
Q80245817Fixation of atmospheric CO2 in the dark by leaves of Bryophyllum
Q80694698Fluorescence of coumarin derivatives as a function of pH
Q79573524Folic acid and the cholinesterases
Q80266493Folic acid metabolism studies; effect of dietary intake on the concentration of free and combined vitamin in the blood of the turkey
Q80266489Folic acid metabolism studies; occurrence of blood conjugases
Q80694578Folic acid-like activity from xanthopterin
Q80694635Formation of reducing substances in pea seeds
Q47856614Function of alpha-tocopherol in lipoxidase metabolism.
Q80369701Functions of adenosine triphosphate and other phosphoric acid derivatives
Q79609335Further differentiation of bean trypsin-inhibiting factors
Q79454925Further observations concerning the relationship of temperature of blanching to ascorbic acid retention in green beans
Q79573507Further studies on alpha, alpha-di(acylamino)propionic acids
Q82187052Further studies on in vivo tooth decalcification by acid beverages
Q80694583Further studies on the factors which affect the lipide oxidation in rat liver as estimated by the tiobarbituric acid test
Q82089301Further studies on the metabolism of nicotinic acid and related compounds in the horse
Q75630681Further studies on the rat growth assay for vitamin B12 activity
Q80668753GROWTH-promoting effect of aureomycin on pigs
Q82186944Glutamic acid decarboxylase of higher plants; distribution; preparation of clear solutions; nature of prosthetic group
Q83299096Glutamic acid decarboxylase of higher plants; enzymatic determination of 1 (+)-glutamic acid
Q82187163Glutamic acid decarboxylase of higher plants; pH-activity curve, reaction kinetics, inhibition by hydroxylamine
Q47813539Gramicidin derivatives; preparation; hemolytic and bacteriostatic properties.
Q47853215Gramicidin derivatives; toxicity; effect of proteins on hemolytic and bacteriostatic activity; antibacterial effect in vivo.
Q82082057Granulocytopenia and anemia in riboflavin-deficient rats and treatment with L. casei factor (folic acid) and riboflavin
Q80650481Growth of Polyporus versicolor in a medium with lignin as the sole carbon source
Q47885003Growth of rats on hydrolyzed zein.
Q75630708Growth of weanling pigs on a diet containing ten purified amino acids
Q75630605Growth responses of Tetrahymena geleii to changes in the basal media
Q83319127Growth, reproduction and lactation in the rat maintained on purified diets
Q80347724Growth-depressing fractions in raw lima beans
Q80640380Heat and alkali stability of pancreatic lipase
Q75670719Hemolysis of erythrocytes incubated under a variety of circumstances
Q47978508Hexadecenoic acid as a growth factor for lactic acid bacteria.
Q80637767Hippuric acid, cinnamoylglucuronic acid and benzoylglucuronic acid in the urine of normal individuals and in patients with hepatic dysfunction after ingestion of sodium cinnamate
Q47787083Horse brain thromboplastin; stabilization of activity of dried brain preparations
Q47787095Horse brain thromboplastin; stabilization of activity of suspensions
Q82082001Human biotin metabolism on various levels of biotin intake
Q49294861Hyaluronidase inhibitor in electrophoretically separated fractions of human serum
Q47784664Hydrolysis of soybean oil meal proteins by some proteolytic enzymes
Q49294591Identification and assay of monamine oxidase in the human placenta.
Q80245802Identification and estimation of pentoses in the presence of glucose
Q47784676Identification of the bacteria-inhibiting iron-binding protein of egg white as conalbumin
Q75457963Identification of the sugars in crystalline tomatin
Q75581535Immunological studies on egg white proteins. III. Quantitative immunochemical studies of ovomucoid
Q33542528Importance of molecular weight in evaluation of pharmacological data.
Q79552464In vitro antibiotic activity of crystalline tomatine toward Candida albicans; antagonistic effect of rutin and quercetin
Q80694575Inactivation studies on cholesterol esterase
Q75495201Inactivation studies on pancreatic lipase. II. The relation between substrate structure and inactivation effect
Q83224002Inadequacy of diets containing whole-grain cereals supplemented with soybean oil meal for lactation and growth of young rats
Q47885011Incorporation of C14 of glycine into protein and lipide fractions of homogenates.
Q83272332Incorporation of C14-labeled glycine into intestinal tissue and its inhibition by azide
Q79510154Incorporation of carbonlabeled formic acid and carbon dioxide into hypoxanthine in pigeon liver homogenates
Q80358921Increase in yeast respiration in presence of several steroids and diethylstilbestrol
Q80640303Indoleacetic acid inactivating enzymes from bean roots and pea seedlings
Q82082069Infection by viruses
Q80637832Influence of certain naphthoquinones on the composition of the lipides formed by Fusarium lini Bolley
Q80358924Inhibition ergostanyl acetate by 7-dehydrocholesteryl bromide
Q80332842Inhibition of chymotrypsin by structural analogs of specific substrates
Q52791625Inhibition of creatine phosphate and acetylcholine breakdown in nerve extracts by procaine.
Q80323526Inhibition of crystalline lysozyme
Q47880712Inhibition of enzymatic proteolysis; effect of carbonyl group reagents on the activity of kidney cathepsins.
Q49294655Inhibition of enzymatic proteolysis; observations with carbonyl group reagents; effect of hydrazine on peptic hydrolysis.
Q80280753Inhibition of enzymatic transphosphorylation by alloxan and ninhydrin in tissue extracts
Q80650434Inhibition of growth of Lactobacillus casei by methionine and its relation to folic acid assimilation
Q83284759Inhibition of the action of dopa decarboxylase
Q80694675Inhibitors for penicillinase
Q44017822Inhibitory action of diamidines and stimulative effect of polyamines on enzymatic activities of Escherichia coli and Micrococcus aureus.
Q47848161Inhibitory effect of pure and semipurified proteins on the activity of hog kidney conjugase
Q54388457Inhibitory effect of thiocyanate upon oxidations mediated by liver and kidney.
Q83232916Inositol content of blood plasma
Q79510148Inositol, an active constituent of pancreatic (alpha)amylase
Q43920321Interaction between tobacco mosaic virus and bovine serum albumin.
Q83207271Interaction of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D; influence of dietary calcium and phosphorus on body weight and bone ash of chicks
Q83207274Interaction of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D; the rachitogenic index
Q80280721Interaction of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D; study of mode of action of vitamin D using Ca45
Q83284770Interference by streptomycin with a metabolic system of Escherichia coli
Q80640383Interference by sugars and amino acids in the Elson-Morgan method for hexosamine
Q79573583Intermediate in the hydrolysis of glycyldehydrophenylalanine by dehydropeptidase
Q47855256Interrelation between alpha-tocopherol and protein metabolism; the protective effect of vitamin E and certain nitrogenous compounds against CCl4 poisoning in rats.
Q75630818Intracellular distribution of acid phosphatase in rat liver cells
Q80668687Investigation of the phosphorus-containing constituents of centrifugally prepared fractions from mouse liver cell cytoplasm
Q47784649Investigations of amino acids, peptides and proteins; the histidine content of casein
Q80650455Investigations on respiration, growth, and fat-production of Rhodotorula gracilis when cultivated in media containing different carbohydrates
Q83232909Investigations on the acetone-butyl alcohol fermentation
Q80694638Is hemicellulose utilized by the rat?
Q83299126Isolation and identification of fatty acids as bis-(p-dimethylaminophenyl)-ureides
Q79462556Isolation and partial characterization of crystalline tomatine, an antibiotic agent from the tomato plant
Q83223960Isolation and properties of blood group-specific substances from horse stomachs
Q80339713Isolation of L-lyxoflavine from the human myocardium
Q47784692Isolation of a new lipoprotein, lipovitellenin, from egg yolk.
Q80640372Isolation of a pair of closely related antibiotic substances produced by three species of Basidiomycetes
Q75457991Isolation of beta-glucuronidase of calf spleen
Q80266546Isolation of biochemically deficient mutants of bacteria by limited enrichment of the medium
Q80323468Isolation of crystalline trehalose after fermentation of glucose by maceration juice
Q83272290Isolation of rutin from tomatin concentrates
Q47853969Isolation of subtilin from submerged cultures
Q80668737Isolation of xanthine, guanine, adenine, proteose, oxalic acid, and glutathione from peanut kernels
Q80245791Isotopic analysis of the oxygen evolved by illuminated chloroplasts in normal water and in water enriched with O18
Q83272313Isotopic composition of acetylmethylcarbinol formed by yeast juice
Q80653061Kinetics of the action of the sodium salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the germ lipase of wheat
Q80640354Kinetics of the enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of lactic acid
Q80369697Lack of effect of carbamyl-L-glutamic acid on the growth of certain arginineless mutants of Neurospora
Q79510143Lactation in rats on well fortified all-plant rations
Q83319128Lactation on purified diets
Q47977737Liberation of amino acids and peptides from raw and heated bovine plasma albumin by pepsin and trypsin.
Q80369692Lipase determinations with the aid of polyvinyl alcohol
Q82187153Lipolytic activities of anaerobic bacteria
Q47855265Lipoxidase activity and fat composition of germinating soy beans.
Q82082011Liver arginase; kinetic properties
Q82082006Liver arginase; preparation of extracts of high potency, chemical properties, activation-inhibitation, and pH-activity
Q75457918Lycopersicon selections containing a high content of carotenes and colorless polyenes; the mechanism of carotene biosynthesis
Q46837216Lycopersin, a pigment from Fusarium lycopersici.
Q80354035Lysis of Clostridium perfringens
Q80694630METABOLIC breakdown of sarcosine by a strain of pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q80666029Magnesium ion, an inhibitor of ribonuclease activity
Q80280765Magnesium, potassium antagonism
Q79552469Maintenance of carbohydrate stores before and after insulin administration in rats prefed diets containing added glycine
Q51696097Maintenance of liver glycogen by rats fasted after feeding individual amino acids.
Q47847211Malic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase of lutein and other ovarian tissues during pregnancy and lactation.
Q75458095Maternal sulfate utilized by mammalian embryos and suckling young
Q75495136Measurement and stabilization of activity of chloroplast material
Q80354034Mechanism of the growth-promoting effect of ascorbic acid on Lactobacillus leichmannii and the reduction of oxidation products of vitamin B12
Q80665257Mechanism of the lipotropic action of estrogen
Q83232911Mechanism of the malt alpha-amylase action
Q80650437Metabolism of C14-labeled tyrosine and phenylalanine in phlorizinized rats
Q83232930Metabolism of beta, sigma-diketohexanoic acid in minced tissues
Q75581735Metabolism of methyl-labeled choline in surviving liver slices
Q80266536Metabolism of myanesin (3-(o-tolyoxy)-1,2-propanediol)
Q83223981Metabolism of pyruvic acid by bacteria; alterations in enzyme activity of staphylococci when grown in the presence and absence of glucose
Q75581553Metabolism of soybean leaves. I. The sequence of formation of the soluble carbohydrates during photosynthesis
Q75581677Metabolism of soybean leaves. II. Amino acids formed during short-term photosynthesis
Q79510066Metal antagonism of the antibacterial action of atabrine and other drugs
Q82127561Method for the direct determination of diacetyl in tissue and bacterial filtrates
Q79540888Mexican turtle oils
Q79540898Mexican turtle oils; Caretta caretta, Linn
Q79540892Mexican turtle oils; Chelone mydas, Linn
Q79540903Mexican turtle oils; Lepidochelis olivacea Esch
Q83299146Micro-determination of pentoses by the bisulfite method
Q45693232Microanalytical determination of the rate of tobacco mosaic virus synthesis in tobacco leaf tissue.
Q79552431Microbiological determination of cytosine, uracil and thymine
Q83299071Microbiological fat synthesis by means of Rhodotorula yeast
Q83207295Milk studies; some vitamin and trace elements found in the colostrum of the dairy cow, beef cow and swine
Q80245776Minimal protein requirement for growth in the rat
Q47882481Minimal protein requirement of the rat for reproduction and lactation.
Q82187197Molecular weight by solubility measurements
Q82033019Mutant strains of Neurospora requiring nicotinamide or related compounds for growth
Q80358934Myosmine in cigar tobacco
Q82187006Naturally occurring colorless polyenes
Q79540922Need for an unidentified factor or factors for growth, reproduction, and lactation of rats fed purified rations
Q80662244Neomycin, recovery and purification
Q80280685New reactions of citrinin
Q80347701New specific color reactions of hexoses and spectrophotometric micromethods for their determination
Q49294625Niacin deficiency anemia in swine.
Q80301544Nicotinic acid in processed cigar tobacco
Q75581683Nonparticipation of certain compounds of the cyclophorase cycle in the bacterial oxidation of phenol
Q79573546Note on an osmotic diffusion pump
Q82187123Note on the ability of rat liver slices to perform certain reactions after different times of incubation
Q83302499Note on the colorimetric determination of pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine
Q80266539Note on the electrophoretic composition of egg white
Q82171837Note on the metabolism of some ribose derivatives
Q82089280Note on the orcinol reagent
Q82089308Note on the poison produced by the Polydesmus (Fontaria) vicinus, Lin
Q83288555Note on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of keto acids and of keto acid peptides
Q47784752Note on the use of hydrogen peroxide-treated peptone in media for the microbiological determination of amino acids
Q83232924Notes on the purification and determination of codehydrogenase (cozymase)
Q82186928Nutrition of rainbow trout; studies with purified rations
Q47855291Nutritional studies on subtilin formation by Bacillus subtilis.
Q80650484Observations on a plant amide enzyme system requiring manganese and phosphate
Q47887604Observations on an unknown growth factor essential for Tetrahymena geleii
Q82096650Observations on the inheritance of latex quality in Cryptostegia
Q47879897Occurrence of an unidentified rat growth factor in cottonseed meal.
Q82381284On the action of sulfanilamide; a set of noncompetitive sulfanilamide antagonists for Escherichia coli
Q47851441On the activation of lipoxidase
Q83232914On the enzymatic destruction of thiamine
Q83299119On the excretion of nicotinic acid following a test dose of trigonelline
Q82381290On the fermentability of fructofuranose
Q83232913On the fermentation of carbon monoxide by pure cultures of methane bacteria
Q83338276On the formation of fatty acids during the retting of flax
Q80354000On the glyconeogenetic action of fed glycine in the rat
Q82033053On the identity of oxybiotin with O-heterobiotin
Q83257161On the inactivation of estradiol by rat liver in vitro
Q80694597On the mechanism of enzyme action. XLI. A role of alpha-ketoglutaric acid in the carbohydrate metabolism of wood-destroying molds
Q80694602On the mechanism of enzyme action. XLII. Isolation and some properties of the lipase from fusarium lini bolley
Q75458039On the mechanism of enzyme action. XLIII. Chemistry and interaction of lycopersin in the carbohydrate fat conversion by Fusarium vasinfectum
Q80369689On the mechanism of enzyme action; a comparative study of the metabolism of carbohydrates, in the presence of inorganic and organic phosphates, by Merulius lacrymans and Marasmius chordalis
Q80280760On the mechanism of enzyme action; a relationship between ergosterol formation in Lentinus lepideus and lignification
Q82171820On the mechanism of enzyme action; application of resazurin to the study of dehydrogen-nations by certain merulii and Fomes annosus
Q80347746On the mechanism of enzyme action; dehydrogenation studies on Merulius lacrymans and Marasmius chordalis, and the mechanism of oxalic acid formation
Q80347755On the mechanism of enzyme action; effect of different naphthoquinones on the fat formation in Fusariun lini Bolley
Q79540879On the mechanism of enzyme action; fat and sterol in Fusarium lini Bolley, F. lycopersici, and F. solani D2 purple
Q82320769On the mechanism of enzyme action; fat formation in fusaria in the presence of a pigment obtained from Fusarium solani D2 purple
Q80347750On the mechanism of enzyme action; solanione a pigment from Fusarium solani D2 purple
Q83232938On the mechanism of enzyme action; the acetate metabolism of certain wood-destroying molds and the mechanism of wood decay
Q82171814On the mechanism of enzyme action; the action of certain wood-destroying fungi on glucose, xylose, raffinose and cellulose
Q83232939On the mechanism of enzyme action; the formation of methyl-p-methoxycinnamate by the action of Lentinus lepideus on glucose and xylose
Q80280758On the mechanism of enzyme action; the influence of a pigment from Fusarium solani D2 purple on the composition of fats formed in Fusaria
Q80369695On the mechanism of enzyme action; the interaction of solanione, riboflavin, and nicotinic acid in the carbohydrate-fat conversion by certain Fusaria
Q83288561On the mechanism of enzyme action; the mechanism of methyl-p-metho-xycinnamate formation by Lentinus lepideus and its significance in lignification
Q82351553On the mechanism of histamine formation
Q82127183On the mechanism of the catalase inhibition by anions
Q83302492On the mode of action of penicillin
Q47887595On the mode of iron binding by siderophilin, conalbumin, hydroxylamine, aspergillic acid, and other hydroxamic acids.
Q28262359On the nature of highly purified mushroom tyrosinase preparations
Q79609318On the participation of carbon dioxide in the photosynthetic activity of illuminated chloroplast suspensions
Q83272307On the pellagragenic inactivity of indole-3-acetic acid in the rat
Q47879879On the probable identity of several unidentified growth factors.
Q82096597On the respiration of dermatophytes
Q83284803On the structure and possible functions of a pigment of Fusarium solani D2 purple
Q83232926Optical isomerism and antimetabolite effect of the sulfoxides derived from methionine
Q82033007Oxalacetic and pyruvic carboxylases in some dicotyledonous plants
Q82127597Oxidation of acetyl phosphate and other substrates by Micrococcus lysodeikticus
Q75581730Oxidation of uric acid and of alloxan by cytochrome c
Q47803521Oxidation-reduction potential of cytochrome c.
Q75581740Oxidative interaction between glucose and nitrogenous substances
Q79540942Oxygen absorption method for the estimation of coenzyme I
Q80245781Oxygen production by illuminated chloroplasts suspended in solutions of oxidants
Q79540918Pantothenic acid studies; the influence of glutamic acid and pantoic acid on yeast growth
Q47787074Partial acid hydrolysates of proteins; intravenous use of high levels of fibrin and casein hydrolysates in hypoproteinemic dogs
Q79573532Partial hydrolysis of human hair
Q83338309Partial purification and properties of tomatin, an antibiotic agent from the tomato plant
Q47977746Partial specific volumes for some porcine and bovine plasma protein fractions.
Q80653102Partition of tobacco alkaloids and some nicotine transformation products on a paper sheet support
Q83207283Pectic enzymes; comparison of fungal pectinmethylesterase with that of higher plants, especially tomatoes
Q82186952Pectic enzymes; the preparation of tomato pectin-methylesterase
Q47974858Penicillin-protein complexes.
Q82082017Penicillin; penicillinase
Q83284763Phenolsulfatase activity
Q79462540Phosphate metabolism and the dissociation of anaerobic glycolysis from synthesis in the presence of sodium azide
Q75670707Phosphate transport and turnover in the liver
Q83319124Phosphorylated amino acids
Q75581694Phosphorylated compounds in Euglena
Q51363769Phosphorylation of hexoses by brain hexokinase.
Q50992021Photodynamic action of methylene blue on nicotine and its derivatives.
Q75630672Photosynthesis and hill reactions by whole chlorella cells in continuous and flashing light
Q83232927Physical and chemical properties of crystalline alpha-amylase of hog pancreas
Q45371868Physical and chemical studies on Southern bean mosaic virus; crystallization by dialysis
Q45371864Physical and chemical studies on Southern bean mosaic virus; electrophoretic and nucleic acid studies
Q45371882Physical and chemical studies on Southern bean mosaic virus; size, shape, hydration and elementary composition
Q82127112Physico-chemical aspects of the action of anion exchange resins in biochemical systems
Q83299152Phytofluene in Neurospora
Q80266529Phytohormones; structure and physiological activity
Q82127535Plant growth under controlled conditions; sucrose content of the tomato plant
Q80694703Plastic house for the quantitative separation of urine and feces excreted by male rats
Q75670711Plumericin; an antimicrobial agent from Plumeria multiflora
Q47809871Polarographic studies of proteins and their degradation products; normal values of the protein index.
Q75630615Polyethenoid fatty acid metabolism. III. Arachidonate supplementation
Q80640289Polyethenoid fatty acid metabolism; deposition of polyunsaturated fatty acids in fat-deficient rats upon single fatty acid supplementation
Q80280723Polyethenoid fatty acid metabolism; effect of dietary fat on polyethenoid fatty acids of rat tissues
Q75458020Potential changes in suspensions of chloroplasts on illumination
Q82032996Precipitation of riboflavin from aqueous solution by bacteriological reduction
Q80637828Preformed vitamin A in crustacea
Q47847238Preliminary observations on the adsorption of prothrombin by barium sulfate
Q82320725Preliminary observations on using a synthetic milk for raising pigs from birth
Q75581560Preparation and properties of -di(acylamino) aliphatic acids
Q49294403Preparation and properties of corn cob holocellulose.
Q47978484Preparation and properties of purified antisecretory substance; urogastrone.
Q83232922Preparation of 3-hydroxy-Delta 9,11-12-ketocholenic acid and its lower homologues
Q75495160Preparation of D-glutamic acid from DL-glutamic acid by a decarboxylase method
Q80266518Preparation of p-dimethylaminoazobenzene containing isotopic nitrogen
Q82127577Preparation of samples for the microbiological assay of pantothenic acid
Q47781705Preparation of the egg yolk lipoprotein, lipovitellin
Q82187135Production of citric acid from cane molasses
Q75457883Production of p-aminobenzoic acid by representative yeasts
Q80339710Production, isolation and antimicrobial, notably antituberculosis, properties of streptothricin VI
Q75581508Prolonged survival of hyperthyroid rats fed penicillin and aureomycin residues
Q75630696Properties of a commercial fungal pectase preparation
Q75495227Properties of dog gastric urease
Q75495153Properties of water-extractable apyrases from different tissue sources
Q51060666Protein intake and vitamin B6 deficiency in the rat. III. The effect of supplementing a low-protein, vitamin B6 deficient diet with tryptophan and with other sulfur-free amino acids.
Q47855301Protein intake and vitamin B6 deficiency in the rat; the effect of supplementing a low-protein, pyridoxine-deficient diet with cystine or with methionine.
Q47805838Protein utilization by the adult rat; the lysine requirement.
Q47887618Protein utilization of various dried food yeasts.
Q80694581Proteolytic activity of normal and ischemic kidneys of the rabbit
Q80245798Protochlorophyll, precursor of chlorophyll
Q75457967Protogen and acetate in Tetrahymena
Q83272324Pteroylglutamic acid (folic acid) and neoarsphenamine toxicity
Q53716671Purification and crystallization of human pancreatic amylase.
Q47809887Purification and some properties of subtilin.
Q80280700Purification of potato apyrase by fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate
Q83338281Purified rations and the requirement of folic acid for foxes
Q75581502Pyrimidine riboside metabolism
Q75630739Quantitative L-lysine requirement of the weanling pig
Q80353994Quantitative estimation of some amino acids in sweet corn pollen
Q83299110Quantitative formation of osazones
Q82096551Quantity and quality of amylase produced by various bacterial isolates
Q80668741RETARDATION of tumor growth in mice by oral administration of ethylenimine derivatives
Q82032977Rapid photocolorimetric micro procedure for blood sugar using copper reduction with perchloric acid deproteinized filtrates
Q47851459Reaction of borate with polysaccharides; blood group substance from intestinal mucosa and gastric mucin
Q75495127Reactivation of dispersed chloroplast material by reaggregation
Q82089237Reagents for the detection of hydrogen peroxide production by bacteria in plate cultures (with notes for the preparation of 2,7-diaminofluorene dihydrochloride)
Q83920084Relation between pH and the effect of pyruvate on the desamidation of glutamine and asparagine
Q82033042Relation of synthetic folic acid to niacin deficiency in dogs
Q75457986Relation of the Lactobacillus bulgaricus factor to pantothenic acid and coenzyme A
Q82171799Relationship between the dose of factor N and the alcohol intake of rats under self-selection conditions
Q82320764Relative biological activity of betacarotene and vitamin A
Q80280680Remarkable properties of nucleic acids and nucleotides
Q80662890Renewal of the stable phosphate group of adenosine di- and triphosphates in different organs
Q80245810Replacement of CO2 in heterotrophic metabolism
Q75457972Reproduction of mice kept on rations low in vitamin B12
Q47808601Resistance of polymyxin to some proteolytic enzymes.
Q75630619Response of lactic acid bacteria to amino acid derivatives. I. Optically active and racemic forms of phenylalanine and phenylacetic acid
Q82186893Reversal of sodium propionate inhibition of Escherichia coli with beta-alanine
Q83257187Reversibility of dismutation of pyruvate
Q80280710Rous chicken sarcoma as a source for hyaluronic acid
Q80653043Rutin content of several varieties of Nicotiana rustica and N. glauca
Q80668748STRUCTURE of hydroxylysine
Q79540957Scorbutic symptoms in vitamin A-deficient rats
Q80347761Selenate inhibition studies; the reversal of selenate inhibition in E. coli
Q80354002Selenate inhibition studies; the role of sulfate in selenate toxicity in yeast
Q47880431Separation of a crystalline globulin from tomato juice and determination of its isoelectric point.
Q75495111Serum iron levels of adolescent girls and the diurnal variation of serum iron and hemoglobin
Q75630609Simultaneous fixation of trioses and pyruvic acid in butyl alcohol fermentation with living cells
Q75630660Simultaneous quantitative and isotopic analysis by isotope dilution
Q82127106Sodium-retaining substances of the adrenal
Q80301426Some aspects of the action of sulfonamides; binding of S35 labeled sulfanilamide by Escherichia coli
Q80301431Some aspects of the action of sulfonamides; rate-controlling processes in growth studies with Escherichia coli
Q75630797Some factors affecting the antioxidant behavior of ascorbic acid with unsaturated fats
Q82186875Some factors affecting the production of itaconic acid by Aspergillus terreus in agitated cultures
Q80328372Some factors which influence methionine excretion in the rat
Q80323532Some further experiments on red yeast polyenes
Q83207288Some investigations on the decrease in asorbic acid content of untreated dehydrated vegetables during storage
Q49294484Some observations on the isolation of adenosine triphosphate from skeletal muscle
Q47813563Some physicochemical properties of the three albumin layers of the chicken, goose and emu eggs.
Q82127153Some properties of a flour proteinase
Q80280705Some properties of potato apyrase
Q49294369Some quantitative analyses of the particulate fractions from mouse liver cell cytoplasm.
Q83257184Some spectral and chemical properties of pyruvoylglycine
Q75630724Sources of the high energy content in energy-rich phosphates
Q75457853Sources of the high energy content in energy-rich phosphates
Q80328379Specificity and purification of polygalacturonase
Q53734122Spectrophotometric evidence for the presence of al leuco precursor of both anthoxanthin and anthocyan pigments in Asiatic cotton flowers.
Q80301438Spectrophotometric studies of the oxidation of fats; coupled oxidation of carotene
Q47784723Spectrophotometric studies of the oxidation of fats; oxygen absorption and chromophore production in lipoxidase-oxidized fatty esters
Q80353988Spontaneous and nitrogen mustard-induced nutritional deficiencies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q41620207Stabilization of mitochondrial activity by vitrification.
Q80662240Stereochemical configuration and provitamin A activity; a comparison of all-trans-gamma-carotene and pro-gamma-carotene with all-trans-beta-carotene in the chick
Q82186963Stereochemical configuration and provitamin A activity; neocryptoxanthin A
Q80381872Stereochemical configuration and provitamin A activity; neocryptoxanthin U
Q80358904Stereochemical configuration and provitamin A activity; pro-gamma-carotene (a poly-cis compound) and its all-trans isomer in the rat
Q83232917Stereochemical configuration and provitamin A activity; some cis-trans isomers of gamma-carotene
Q83257168Storage and distribution of vitamin A in rats fed certain isomers of carotene
Q31140741Storage of vitamin A in rats fed cryptoxanthine and certain other carotenoids with parallel data on absorbability.
Q80336906Structural requirements of specific substrates for chymotrypsin; an analysis of the contribution of the structural components to enzymatic hydrolysis
Q80323508Structural requirements of specific substrates for chymotrypsin; the contribution of the secondary peptide group
Q80323522Structure of the pigment of macpalxochitl
Q83232932Studies in chemotherapy of tuberculosis
Q82187095Studies in histochemistry; localization of arginine in the wheat grain and in the epicotyl and roots of the germinated grain
Q82187086Studies in histochemistry; localization of phosphatases in the wheat grain and in the epicotyl and roots of the germinated grain
Q47805828Studies in protein synthesis in vitro; on the synthesis of labeled cystine (S35) and its attempted use as a tool in the study of protein synthesis.
Q79510111Studies in the respiration of the white' potato; terminal oxidase system of potato tuber respiration
Q79510077Studies of pantothenic acid analogues
Q80694695Studies of the fate of radioactive 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in bean plants
Q80694710Studies of the microbiological degradation of wool. II. Nitrogen metabolism
Q47978468Studies of the nutritive impairment of proteins heated with carbohydrates; in vitro digestion studies.
Q79510098Studies of thyroid toxicity; the effects of desiccated thyroid and anti-thyroid agents upon the plasma and tissue ascorbic acid of rabbits
Q79540912Studies on activation of purified alkaline phosphatase
Q75630791Studies on carotenoid metabolism. XI. The site of conversion of cryptoxanthin to vitamin A in the rat
Q83272284Studies on carotenoid metabolism; the in vitro conversion of carotene to vitamin A in the intestine of the rat
Q83272281Studies on carotenoid metabolism; the site of conversion of carotene to vitamin A in the rat
Q47977538Studies on cell enzyme systems; effect of temperature on the constants in the Michaelis-Menten relation for the luciferin-luciferase system.
Q47878795Studies on cell enzyme systems; evidence for enzyme-substrate complex formation in the reaction of Cypridina luciferin and luciferase.
Q83302496Studies on glutamic-aspartic acid transaminase
Q51366931Studies on glycolysis of brain preparations.
Q51365250Studies on glycolysis of brain preparations; affinity of hexokinase for glucose and fructose.
Q47848178Studies on lactoglobulins
Q47851430Studies on lipoxidase; effect of changes in temperature and pH on lipoxidase activity as determined by spectral changes in methyl linoleate
Q80665262Studies on nitrogen trichloride-treated prolamines; suppression of the development of convulsions with methionine
Q80694720Studies on nitrogen trichloride-treated prolamines; synthesis of the toxic factor
Q75670653Studies on permeability. V. The effects of acetylcholine and physostigmine on the permeability of human erythrocytes to sodium and potassium
Q47977720Studies on protein synthesis in vitro; further observations on the incorporation of methionine into liver protein
Q47805814Studies on protein synthesis in vitro; on the uptake of labeled sulfur by the proteins of liver slices incubated with labeled methionine (S35).
Q80369668Studies on the action of chloramphenicol on enzymatic systems; effect of chloramphenicol on the activity of proteolytic enzymes
Q75630749Studies on the action of nitrofurans on bacterial enzyme systems. I. The inhibition of bacterial respiration by furacin
Q75630755Studies on the action of nitrofurans on bacterial enzyme systems. II. Furacin as a hydrogen acceptor in anaerobic dissimilations by Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus
Q80301446Studies on the biochemistry of Tetrahymena; B vitamin requirements
Q47886589Studies on the biochemistry of Tetrahymena; components of factor II of known chemical nature.
Q47781530Studies on the biochemistry of Tetrahymena; folic acid as a growth factor for T. geleii W
Q80301441Studies on the biochemistry of Tetrahymena; pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine
Q75495208Studies on the biological action of antimycin A
Q83357690Studies on the biosynthesis of penicillin
Q80280742Studies on the carotenoid pigments of Neurospora; composition of the pigment
Q80694611Studies on the cyclophorase system. IX. Oxidation of L-alanine
Q80694608Studies on the cyclophorase system. VII. Oxidation of L-glutamate
Q75457937Studies on the cyclophorase system. X. The requirement for pyridine nucleotide
Q75457942Studies on the cyclophorase system. XI. The effect of various treatments on the requirement for pyridine nucleotide
Q75630775Studies on the cyclophorase system. XVI. The oxidation of propionic acid
Q55038078Studies on the cyclophorase system. XVII. The occurrence and properties of an alpha-hydroxy acid racemose.
Q80653075Studies on the cyclophorase system; distribution of radioactivity in various phosphorus-containing compounds of the cyclophorase gel
Q80653079Studies on the cyclophorase system; mechanism of action of 2,4-dinitrophenol
Q80301420Studies on the enzymatic system of tumor glycolysis; comparative study of rat and mouse tumor homogenates
Q80301415Studies on the enzymatic system of tumor glycolysis; glycolysis of free sugar in homogenates and extracts of transplanted rat sarcoma
Q83232929Studies on the fermentation of cigar leaf tobacco; nature of the fermentation; losses of solids; increase of insoluble solids
Q80301455Studies on the function of biotin in the domestic fowl
Q46265328Studies on the guinea pig factor of Wulzen and van Wagtendonk
Q75670704Studies on the heat inactivation of cystine in soybean oil meal
Q80650459Studies on the intermediate metabolism of tryptophan labeled with radioactive carbon
Q47878781Studies on the mechanism of action of ionizing radiations; the plasma protein of dogs after X-ray irradiation; an electrophoretic study
Q30343277Studies on the mechanism of protein synthesis in embryonic and tumor tissues. I. Evidence relating to the incorporation of labeled amino acids into protein structure in homogenates.
Q75581497Studies on the mechanism of protein synthesis in embryonic and tumor tissues. II. Inactivation of fetal rat liver homogenates by dialysis, and reactivation by the adenylic acid system
Q80356559Studies on the mechanism of the inhibition of glucolysis by glyceraldehyde
Q51695810Studies on the metabolism of L-valine in phlorizinized and fasted animals.
Q80347706Studies on the metabolism of ribose; enzymatic conversion of ribose into hexosemonophosphate
Q83319123Studies on the metabolism of some ribose derivatives
Q80336882Studies on the methane fermentation; tracer experiments on the mechanism of methane formation
Q80330806Studies on the microbiological degradation of wool; sulfur metabolism
Q47855275Studies on the mineral nutrition of the subtilin-producing strain of Bacillus subtilis
Q82096575Studies on the nutritional requirements of Bacillus anthracis
Q79573484Studies on the nutritional requirements of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (2478)
Q80369673Studies on the permeability of erythrocytes; the relationship between cholinesterase activity and permeability of dog erythrocytes
Q47974831Studies on the proteins and lipides of plasma fractions of x-ray-irradiated rats
Q80280683Studies on the respiration of the white potato; changes in the terminal oxidase pattern of potato tissue associated with time of suspension in water
Q82381279Studies on the respiration of the white potato; preliminary investigation of the endogenous respiration of potato slices and catechol oxidase activity
Q83357719Studies on the sulfur metabolism of Escherichia coli; interrelations of norleucine and methionine in the nutrition of Escherichia coli and of a methionine-requiring mutant of Escherichia coli
Q54652246Studies on the sulfur metabolism of Escherichia coli; mutant strains of Escherichia coli unable to utilize sulfate for their complete sulfur requirements.
Q83357712Studies on the sulfur metabolism of Escherichia coli; the growth characteristics and metabolism of a mutant strain requiring methionine
Q47880675Studies on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of collagen.
Q75670667Studies on the vitamin B6-requiring, pH-sensitive mutants of Neurospora crassa
Q82187062Studies on thymonucleodepolymerase
Q79454903Studies on wheat germ lipase; kinetics
Q79454902Studies on wheat germ lipase; methods of estimation, purification, and general properties of the enzyme
Q80653072Studies the cyclophorase system; incorporation of P32
Q80369677Studies with penicillinase in the presence of sulfonamides
Q80356579Substrate concentration and specificity of choline ester-splitting enzymes
Q47810853Subtilin production in submerged culture
Q47810865Subtilin production in surface cultures.
Q47781517Succinic dehydrogenase activity of certain endocrine tissues of the rat
Q82089201Sulfanilamide and respiration of Neurospora
Q80354030Sulfocholine in methionine synthesis
Q79552442Sulfur amino acid nutrition of some lactic acid-producing bacteria
Q47888767Sulfur balance indexes of casein in adult dogs with and without addition of DL-methionine
Q47885021Sweet potato phenolase; preparation, properties, and determination of protein content.
Q79573520Synthesis of alpha-acetolactic acid
Q80369710Synthesis of the short-chain fatty acids of milk fat from acetate
Q79552460Synthetic medium for Streptomyces griseus and the production of streptomycin
Q75458001Tautomeric conversion of xanthopterin
Q80650453The D-amino acid oxidase of molds
Q82089286The Kiliani reaction as a direct measure of reducing groups
Q75581690The L-amino acid oxidases of snake venom. II. Isolation and characterization of homogeneous L-amino acid oxidase
Q75457902The L-amino acid oxidases of snake venom; prosthetic group of the L-amino acid oxidase of moccasin venom
Q75670702The abnormal reaction of glycine and related compounds with nitrous acid
Q83302512The absorption of niacin by yeast
Q45579858The acceleration of the thermal denaturation of tobacco mosaic virus by urethan at normal and increased pressure.
Q75581714The accumulation of 4-amino-5-imidazolecarboxamide by a purine-requiring mutant of Escherichia coli
Q62966822The accumulation of acid-labile, inorganic phosphate by mutants of Neurospora
Q83223969The acid dissociation of acetyl and butyryl phosphoric acids
Q80694624The action of electrolytes of oxalacetic decarboxylase from Cucurbita seeds
Q75581587The action of invertase preparations
Q82381245The activation mechanism and physicochemical properties of Clostridium histolyticum proteinase
Q82082023The activation of papain and related plant enzymes with sodium thiosulfate
Q80301477The addition of cyanide to sugars
Q47784803The amino acid composition of cow and human milk proteins
Q47977530The amino acid composition of gelatins, collagens and elastins from different sources.
Q47814925The amino acid composition of secretin.
Q47880700The amino acid composition of tetanal toxin
Q79609345The amino acid metabolism of Penicillium chrysogenum Q-176
Q83284780The amylase inhibitor of Leoti sorghum
Q79552438The amylase of Bacillus polymyxa
Q80640306The anomalous heat inactivation of Clostridium perfringens lecithinase
Q80668677The antagonism of sodium tripolyphosphate and adenosine triphosphate in yeast
Q75495144The antimicrobial activity of several substituted pyrones
Q83232936The antistaphylococcal effect of penicillin, streptomycin, and 5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinaldine (sterosan) in vitro
Q83357753The apoenzymatic nature of adaptation to galactose fermentation
Q83357737The apparent concentration of free tryptophan, histidine and cystine in normal human urine measured microbiologically
Q83357745The apparent concentration of free tryptophan, histidine and cystine in pathological human urine measured microbiologically
Q75457997The application of paper-partition chromatography to the analysis of chloramphenicol (chloromycetin) and decomposition products
Q21045435The application of the law of mass action to binding by proteins; interactions with calcium
Q80650450The bacterial metabolism of glycine
Q47978777The basic amino acid contents of collagen and of deaminized collagen.
Q83284800The beneficial effect of xanthopterin on lactation, and of biotin on reproduction and lactation, in mice maintained on highly purified diets
Q79462559The beneficial effects of biotin on lactation in the rat
Q83207292The beneficial effects of synthetic pteroylglutamic acid on lactation
Q53857045The bio-oxygenation of steroids at C-11.
Q80668683The biochemistry of rubber formation in the guayule. II. Rubber formation in aseptic tissue cultures
Q80301468The biochemistry of rubber formation in the guayule; rubber formation in seedlings
Q47960363The biochemistry of the malaria parasite; in vitro studies on the distribution of quinine between blood cells and their suspending medium
Q80337397The biogenesis of the anthocyanins; I. general nutritional conditions leading to anthocyanin formation
Q80640322The biogenesis of the anthocyanins; II. evidence for the mediation of copper in anthocyanin synthesis
Q83338293The biological availability of l-ascorbyl palmitate
Q80369672The biological degradation of lignin; utilization of lignin by fungi
Q80280733The biosynthesis of auxin in the vegetative pineapple; nature of the active auxin
Q80280737The biosynthesis of auxin in the vegetative pineapple; the precursors of indoleacetic acid
Q80356606The biosynthesis of the penicillins
Q83257192The biotin activity of fat-soluble materials from plasma
Q82171722The breakdown of citric acid in different tissues
Q47978748The browning reaction of proteins with glucose
Q82381332The catalytic effect of metal ions on alcoholysis of the penicillins
Q47813554The chemical and biological properties of tryptic digests of casein and lactalbumin
Q47978769The chemical nature of urogastrone.
Q47810834The chemistry of infectious diseases: partial amino acid composition of purified dog serum albumins before and during type I pneumococcal pneumonia.
Q47810822The chemistry of infectious diseases: partial amino acid composition of salt-fractionated dog serum globulins before and during type I pneumococcal pneumonia
Q46554246The chemistry of the living bark of the black locust tree in relation to frost hardiness; seasonal variations in protein content
Q47880442The chemistry of the living bark of the black locust tree relation to frost hardiness; seasonal variations in the electrophoresis patterns of the water-soluble proteins of the bark
Q80640348The chloride content of frog muscle
Q79510157The co-enzyme of phosphoglucomutase
Q82320728The color reaction of certain indoles and imidazoles with creatinine and sodium 2,5-dinitrobenzoate; evidence for the occurrence of tautomeric forms of tryptophan and of histidine
Q80650464The colorimetric determination of adenine
Q79573493The colorimetric determination of isoleucine in biological products
Q80266485The colorimetric determination of lysine
Q75495120The combination of organic anions with serum albumin. VII. Stabilization against denaturation by ultraviolet irradiation
Q82187172The comparative effect of the fatty acids of butterfat and corn oil on the growth and metabolism of microorganisms
Q75581580The competitive inhibition of uricase activity by 8-azaguanine and by 8-azaxanthine
Q80637779The competitive inhibition of xanthine oxidation by xanthopterin
Q82096634The content and biological availability of carotene in dehydrated carrots stored at high temperatures
Q82096642The content and biological availability of carotene in raw and dehydrated carrots and other vegetables
Q83232901The conversion of 2,3-butylene glycol to acetylmethylcarbinol in bacterial fermentations
Q83223982The conversion of carotene to vitamin A in the fish
Q51059600The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. IV. Reversible inhibition of the reaction.
Q51059611The coupled reactions between methyl linoleate and bixin or tocopherol during oxidation by lipoxidase.
Q75495175The decomposition of chloromycetin (chloramphenicol) by microorganisms
Q47978475The desulfurization of protein hydrolysates by treatment with Raney nickel.
Q75630665The determination histamine with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene
Q75581616The determination of desoxyribonuclease activity by methyl green; application to serum
Q80668714The determination of esterase in animal tissue homogenates
Q80694593The determination of nicotinic acid
Q47808631The determination of plasma and serum protein by electrophoresis; the effect of protein concentration and voltage changes on proportions of different proteins
Q80650477The determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids in blood
Q80694717The determination of triose phosphate isomerase
Q80668734The differential heat, alkali, and trypsin inactivation of pancreatic lipase
Q80356533The digestibility of polymerized oils
Q47883441The digestion of acetyl proteins by pancreatin
Q80694714The discovery of sulfur in penicillin
Q82127137The distribution and comparative content of certain B-complex vitamins in chicken muscles
Q80381251The distribution in rat tissues of the methylene carbonatom of glycine labeled with C14
Q79510121The distribution of mannans in the wood of slash pine and black spruce
Q79454918The effect of B vitamin deficiencies on tryptophan metabolism in the rat
Q82351567The effect of BaCl2, MgCl2 and fluoroacetate on the formation and utilization of citrate
Q80653095The effect of N-substituted amino acids on the growth of lactobacilli
Q51362041The effect of adrenocorticotropic and growth hormones on the glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis by the isolated diaphragm with and without insulin.
Q82127552The effect of advancing age on dietary thiamine requirements
Q80266523The effect of age on calcium binding in mouse liver
Q75670671The effect of alpha- and gamma-tocopherols on the photooxidation of methyl linoleate
Q80301522The effect of alpha-tocopheryl phosphate on the inhibition of phosphatase by estrogens in vitro
Q80328377The effect of amino acid antagonists on respiration of Escherichia coli
Q75581640The effect of androgens and hypophysectomy on arginase and phosphatases of the kidneys and liver of the rat
Q47886604The effect of autoclaving with dextrose on the nutritive value of casein.
Q47787063The effect of baking and toasting on the nutritional value of proteins
Q53798509The effect of certain azo dyes upon the storage of riboflavin in the liver.
Q80694654The effect of cobalt on the activity of certain enzymes in homogenates of rat tissue
Q80637812The effect of cobalt on the relationship between nucleic acid concentration and growth rate in Proteus vulgaris
Q47878051The effect of dietary protein restriction on the coenzyme A content of rat liver
Q51373079The effect of estrogens on the succinoxidase system of liver and pituitary tissues
Q79540951The effect of extirpation of various endocrine glands on the production of fatty liver
Q75630634The effect of feeding aureomycin on the vitamin B12 requirement of the chick
Q80245783The effect of furacin (5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone) on the metabolism of bacteria
Q45398317The effect of glycerine and aniline on tobacco mosaic virus infectivity
Q47845850The effect of growth hormone on the incorporation of S35 of methionine into skeletal muscle protein of normal and hypophysectomized animals
Q47880729The effect of hypophysectomy, adrenocorticotropic hormone and adrenal cortical extract on the glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis by the isolated diaphragm with and without insulin.
Q54645597The effect of insulin on the aerobic phosphorylation of creatine in tissues from alloxan-diabetic rats.
Q83223996The effect of insulin on the concentration of diphosphothiamine in the blood
Q82351540The effect of insulin on the enzyme systems responsible for the glycogenic and glycogenolytic cycles of the liver
Q80323504The effect of lignin-destroying fungi upon the carbohydrate fraction of wood
Q80347715The effect of long-chain carbon compounds, particularly hydrocarbons, on the metabolism of tubercle bacilli
Q51360920The effect of methadone isomers on the respiration of rat brain homogenates.
Q51364900The effect of pentobarbital on aerobic phosphorylation in brain homogenates.
Q83284752The effect of phthalylsulfathiazole (sulfathalidine) on the excretion of B-vitamins by normal adults
Q47976788The effect of precipitation and dehydration on the physiologic and enzymatic properties of myosin and actomyosin.
Q75630675The effect of removing supplemental aureomycin from the ration on the subsequent growth of chicks
Q47843680The effect of repletion on the plasma proteins in the dog measured by electrophoretic analysis.
Q80666027The effect of soybean growth inhibitors on the availability of methionine for growth and lipotropism
Q80337415The effect of steroid hormone on the fatty liver induced in rats by dietary means
Q80266556The effect of substrates on the endogenous metabolism of living yeast
Q82381321The effect of succinylsulfathiazole on pteroylglutamic acid deficiency during lactation in the rat
Q83223999The effect of the death rate in biological experiments on the validity of observations, and on the x2 test for association
Q47784787The effect of the level of casein, cystine and methionine intake on riboflavin retention and protein utilization by the rat
Q80336899The effect of the soybean trypsin inhibitor on the enzymatic release of amino acids from autoclaved soybean meal
Q82033036The effect of the variation of ionic strength on the electrophoretic analysis of bovine plasma
Q82082028The effect of tocopherol and of fat on the resistance of rats to anoxic anoxia
Q83302488The effect of ultraviolet light on cotton cellulose and its influence on subsequent degradation by microorganisms
Q80266507The effect of various compounds on adaptive enzyme formation in mycobacteria
Q47780252The effect of various reagents on adrenocorticotropic hormone
Q47784154The effect of varying the conditions of heating casein with sulfuric acid upon the yields and optical rotations of the basic amino acids
Q47784167The effect of varying the conditions of hydrolyzing casein with sulfuric acid upon the optical rotation and the amino and ammonia nitrogen content of the hydrolyzates
Q75581623The effects of arsenate and azide on the stability of adaptive enzymes
Q45692107The effects of certain amino acids and metabolic antagonists on propagation of Theiler's GD VII virus and P32 uptake by minced one-day-old mouse brain
Q75630812The effects of cysteine and other reducing agents upon relaxin
Q80250089The effects of hyaluronidase inhibitors on fertilization in the rabbit
Q51358622The effects of increased potassium concentration on the metabolism of rat cerebral cortical slices.
Q82089191The effects of p-aminobenzoic acid, pantothenic acid and pyridoxin upon respiration of Neurospora
Q82381296The effects of pteroylglutamic acid and of xanthopterin on reproduction and lactation in the rat
Q79573489The effects of some metallic ions on lactobacilli
Q83284785The effects of various agents upon the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus to penicillin
Q45690512The egg white inhibitor of influenza virus hemagglutination. V. Electrophoretic studies.
Q45690475The egg white inhibitor of influenza virus hemagglutination. VI. Sedimentation studies.
Q83207290The electrophoretic analysis of snake venoms
Q75495234The electrophoretic and biological complexity of ovomucin
Q83357761The enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to auxin by spinach leaves
Q82033014The enzymatic desamination, dephosphorylation and degradation of nucleic acids to dialyzable substances
Q83357698The enzymatic inactivation of indoleacetic acid; some characteristics of the enzyme contained in pea seedlings
Q79510115The enzymatic liberation of pantothenic acid
Q75581750The enzymatic production of ribose 5-phosphate from 6-phosphogluconate
Q80356555The enzymatic synthesis of glucose-1,6-diphosphate
Q79540883The enzyme activity and nitrogen content of bacterial cells
Q80694727The enzyme catalyzed exchange of ammonia with the amide group of glutamine and asparagine
Q80347729The enzyme-substrate compounds of horseradish peroxidase and peroxides; kinetics of formation and decomposition of the primary and secondary complexes
Q80694686The essential groups of lysozyme, with particular reference to its reaction with iodine
Q82032989The estimation of glycogen in whole blood and white blood cells
Q80640365The estimation of glycogen with the anthrone reagent
Q47812570The estimation of lipoxidase activity
Q47808644The estimation of small amounts of fatty acid in the presence of polyoxyethylene sorbitan partial fatty acid esters (tween) and of serum proteins.
Q82187114The excretion of B-complex vitamins by normal adults on a restricted intake
Q82096542The excretion of B-complex vitamins in the urine and feces of seven normal adults
Q49294712The extrahepatic conversion of carotene to vitamin A.
Q82127544The fatty acids of human milk fat
Q82089246The fermentation of lactose by an extract of streptococcus thermophilus
Q75670716The fluorescing substances of an intertidal ocean mud
Q82096618The folic acid content of meats and the retention of this vitamin during cooking
Q47934653The formation of antimalarial agents by ultraviolet decomposition of quinine.
Q28284195The formation of glucose diphosphate by Escherichia coli
Q83207286The formation of lactic acid by Clostridium acetobutylicum (Weizmann)
Q75458076The formation of pyrophosphate from adenosine triphosphate in the presence of a snake venom
Q47879914The genesis of auxin during the decomposition of proteins.
Q83319138The germicidal action of bromine
Q82381257The glyceride composition of milk fat
Q80694604The growth of phenol-utilizing bacteria on aromatic carbon sources
Q79609332The hexose-monophosphatase system (glucose-6-phosphatase) of liver
Q83232928The hydrolysis of alginic acid with formic acid
Q75457866The hydrolysis of chondroitin sulfate by testicular hyaluronidase
Q83319125The hydrolysis of phosphocreatine by phosphatase
Q51060663The hydrolysis of protamines by cathepsins.
Q80650470The hydrolysis of vitamin A ester
Q83284795The hypotensive action of 7-methylpteroylglutamic acid
Q83299103The identification of fructose
Q83232934The in vitro reversibility of cholinesterase inhibition by diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP)
Q75495187The in vivo inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by selenium and its release by arsenic
Q80301539The inactivation of L-amino acid oxidase by inorganic phosphate and arsenate
Q51695835The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts. V. The effect of the composition of the diet on the restoration of the liver insulinase activity of the fasted rat.
Q75581547The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts. VI. The existence, distribution and properties of an insulinase inhibitor
Q80640342The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts; changes in insulin sensitivity in rabbits induced by previous injections of rat liver extracts
Q28262138The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts; the distribution and properties of insulin inactivating extracts
Q51695994The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts; the effect of fasting on the insulinase content of rat liver.
Q80653084The inactivation of insulin by tissue extracts; the effect of force-fed diets on the insulinase activity of rat liver extracts
Q82082062The inactivation of iron by 2,2'-bipyridine and its effect on riboflavin synthesis by Clostridium acetobutylicum
Q47845872The induced reaction between methyl linoleate and bixin during oxidation by lipoxidase.
Q47853940The influence of aeration and agitation on the yield, protein and vitamin content of food yeasts.
Q82186885The influence of ascorbic acid on the anaerobic respiration of sweet-potato slices
Q45579790The influence of buffer composition, pH and aggregation on the thermal denaturation of tobacco mosaic virus.
Q51368681The influence of dicumarol treatment of rabbits, rats and dogs on the thromboplastic activity of their brain suspensions.
Q47845884The influence of dietary cystine and choline on the total cystine, oxidizable sulfhydryls, and succinic dehydrogenase of rat liver.
Q75670665The influence of glycolytic factors on the potassium and sodium content content of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q47880417The influence of growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones on the fat content of the liver.
Q80280726The influence of histamine on the blood sugar level of normal and sensitized mice
Q79573512The influence of oxygen tension upon the respiration of rat kidney slices
Q75670648The influence of pressure on the rates of biological reactions
Q75630846The influence of sodium choleate on the hydrolysis of various esters by preparations of pancreatic lipase
Q80653098The influence of some quinone derivatives on the lipid formation in yeast
Q46298645The influence of sugar content and pH on in vivo decalcification of rat molar teeth by acid beverages.
Q47784704The inhibiting effect of thiourea and its derivatives, and of sulfur-containing amino acids on the formation of iodocasein
Q51365257The inhibition by amidone 1,3 of pyruvate and succinate oxidation by rat brain and the reversal of the inhibition by boiled yeast extract.
Q49294530The inhibition by fluoroacetate and fluorobutyrate of fatty acid and glucose oxidation produced by kidney homogenates.
Q83299073The inhibition of bacterial growth by dibromosalicil
Q80694672The inhibition of chicken-bone marrow choline oxidase by aminopterin in vivo
Q79510083The inhibition of enzyme formation and nitrogen assimilation by arsenate
Q80337413The inhibition of glucuronidase by ascorbic acid and by heparin
Q79573541The inhibition of hexokinase by amidone (2-dimethylamino-4,4-diphenylheptanone-5-hydrochloride)
Q52643701The inhibition of xanthine oxidase by borates.
Q79573561The inhibitory effects of adrenochrome on cell metabolism
Q45581561The interaction of tobacco mosaic virus and of its degradation products with dyes.
Q79462545The interrelations of choline and glycine betaine in the growth of the chick
Q83272318The interrelations of choline and methionine in growth and the action of betaine in replacing them
Q75581603The intracellular heterogeneity of pentose nucleic acid as evidenced by the incorporation of radiophosphorus
Q75581708The inversion of sucrose; a complication
Q82381251The isolation and identification of an antibiotic substance present in the mycelium of Penicillium crustosum (Thom)
Q80369708The isolation of a crystalline actinomycin-like antibiotic
Q80694692The isolation of adenosine triphosphate from plant tissue
Q79540947The isolation of inulin and an unidentified C20 compound from the roots of Solidago canadensis L
Q80640320The isolation of isoquercitrin from air-dried tobacco
Q80337408The isolation of the coenzyme of phosphoglucomutase
Q51365326The lipides of the rat brain and liver in choline deficiency.
Q83288554The lipotropic activity of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline
Q80694641The locus of action of alpha-tocopheryl phosphate in the succinoxidase system
Q83232902The magnetic properties of the cobalt-histidine complex before and after oxygenation
Q79573551The maintenance of L. casei and L. arabinosus cultures in the lyophilized state
Q80650475The maximum efficiency of photosynthesis
Q75581651The mechanism of acetate oxidation by Corynebacterium creatinovorans
Q80653063The mechanism of action of phosgene and diphosgene
Q80640361The mechanism of resistance of sulfonamides; a comparative study of the resistance to sulfathiazole of the metabolism of glucose and pyruvate by Staphylococcus aureus
Q54752618The mechanism of resistance to sulfonamides; a comparative study of the amino acid metabolism of Staphylococcus aureus in relation to the mechanism of resistance.
Q54752613The mechanism of resistance to sulfonamides; a quantitative study of the alternate metabolic pathways involving tryptophan and glucose metabolism, and aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions in relation to the mechanism of resistance.
Q82187041The mechanism of the antibacterial action of quinones and hydroquinones
Q83302531The metabolic conversion of tryptophan to nicotinic acid and to N'-methylnicotinamide
Q75581746The metabolism of 1,2-propanediol
Q83299131The metabolism of alpha-, beta-, gamma, and delta-keto acids in minced tissue of warm-blooded animals
Q80640316The metabolism of compounds related to the carcinogen N,N-dimethyl-p-aminoazobenzene by rat liver slices
Q52786775The metabolism of ether acids.
Q83223971The metabolism of meso-inositol in the rat
Q80347711The metabolism of niacin in ruminants (sheep, goats and calves)
Q80668681The metabolism of p-aminobenzoic acid in the rabbit
Q75581526The metabolism of potato slices
Q75581521The metabolism of radioactive salicylic acid
Q80668708The metabolism of stem tissue during growth and its inhibition. I. Carbohydrates
Q52783613The metabolism of stem tissue during growth and its inhibition. II. Respiration and ether-soluble material.
Q75458064The metabolism of stem tissue during growth and its inhibition. III. Nitrogen metabolism
Q75458070The metabolism of stem tissue during growth and its inhibition. IV. Growth inhibition without enzyme poisoning
Q75630655The metabolism of stem tissue during growth and its inhibition. V. Nature and significance of the exudate
Q80668719The metabolism of the appendix (rabbit)
Q80354023The metabolism of the heart in relation to drug action; the action of metabolic inhibitors on rat heart slice respiration
Q80354016The metabolism of the heart in relation to drug action; the endogenous aerobic metabolism of rat heart slices
Q80354019The metabolism of the heart in relation to drug action; the utilization of substrates by rat heart slices
Q79540908The metabolism of various phthalein dyes by rat liver slices
Q75581634The metal-binding activity of conalbumin
Q82381301The microbiological assay of extracts containing toxic materials
Q47810843The microbiological assay of subtilin.
Q83288552The microbiological determination of glutamine in human plasma
Q47807437The microbiological determination of tryptophan in unhydrolyzed casein with Tetrahymena geleii
Q47450275The minimum size for the structural unit of pectin.
Q82171738The mode of action of an amylase inhibitor from wheat
Q75581477The mode of action of the antibiotic, usnic acid
Q47807449The mutual precipitation of proteins and azoproteins
Q75457949The nature of certain impurities present in blood group A substances preparations derived from hog gastric mucosa
Q57089036The nature of some fluorescing substances contained in a deep-sea mud
Q82381273The nature of the sporogenes vitamin and other factors in the nutrition of Clostridium sporogenes
Q47976518The negative effect of iodinated casein and hog thyroid to effect a conversion of carotene to vitamin A in vitro.
Q51059598The nicotinic acid requirements of two insect species in relation to the protein content of their diets.
Q83299078The nitrogenous constituents of flaxseed; the isolation of purified conlinin; with a note on an improved linin isolation procedure
Q80650440The nucleic acids of plant tissues; the extraction and estimation of desoxypentose nucleic acid and pentose nucleic acid
Q50513984The nutrition of Salmonella.
Q83284749The nutrition of rainbow trout; further studies with purified rations
Q83284747The nutrition of rainbow trout; studies of vitamin requirements
Q80653092The nutritional requirements of a bacitracin-producing strain of Bacillus subtilis
Q53725222The nutritional role of acetate for lactic acid bacteria; fractionation of extracts of natural materials
Q82171775The nutritional role of acetate for lactic acid bacteria; the response to substances related to acetate
Q82082050The occurrence and estimation of phytofluene in plants
Q80356549The occurrence of ergosterol in Neurospora crassa
Q80330803The occurrence of pentose- and phosphorus-containing complexes in the urine of patients with progressive muscular dystrophy
Q80650444The occurrence of quercetin in the pollen of Zea mays
Q75495181The occurrence of vitamin B12 and other growth factors in alfalfa
Q79462566The occurrence of zoopherin in lower animal forms
Q79573556The origin of butyric acid in the fermentation of threonine by Clostridium propionicum
Q79609311The oxidase of the olive
Q82320719The oxidation of acetate by yeast in the presence of fluoroacetate
Q83357732The oxidation of carbohydrates by a surface strain of Penicillium notatum
Q75630802The oxidation of glucose and gluconic acid by dried cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q83223991The oxidation of glycerol by Escherichia freundii
Q80337392The oxidative formation of succinate in higher plants
Q80266512The oxidative inactivation of poison ivy allergens and related products by laccase
Q75630686The pH-mobility relationships of components of human plasma
Q75458032The partition of liver nucleic acids after hypophysectomy and growth hormone treatment
Q83288559The phenylalanine and tryptophan content of meats
Q75630823The phosphatases in coconut (Cocos nucifera)
Q82089211The photochemical production of oxygen and hydrogen ion by isolated chloroplasts
Q47883461The photochemistry of proteins; a quantum yield for the inactivation of ficin by ultraviolet light
Q79454922The photolysis of cotton cellulose; production of CO2 on irradiation of cellulose with intense ultraviolet light
Q80347741The physiological activity of some simple unsaturated lactones; effect of certain tissues of higher plants
Q80337388The physiological activity of some simple unsaturated lactones; effect on the growth of certain microorganisms
Q80356583The polysaccharide from Iles mannane
Q83284773The premature death of white rats fed low levels of carotenes from different sources
Q82171730The preparation and properties of an amylase inhibitor of wheat
Q83288545The preparation and stability of fatty acid-free polyoxethylene sorbitan monooleate (tween 80)
Q75670723The preparation of C14-labeled vitamin B12 (C14-cobalamin)
Q79552494The preparation of apyrase from potato
Q75670684The preparation of glutamine labeled with N15
Q75458025The preparation of ichthyocol collagen by electrodeposition
Q79540937The preparation of mushroom tyrosinase
Q47808925The preparation of prothrombin by absorption on, and elution from, aluminum hydroxide.
Q83319152The presence of delta-tocopherol in hog fats
Q80662892The presence of hydrogen sulfide in citrus juices
Q80266481The prevention of insulin hypoglycemia by dl-glyceraldehyde
Q80354032The problem of hetero-carboxylic metabolites
Q80337405The production and some properties of Clostridium perfringens hyaluronidase
Q83357726The production of exocellular pectic enzymes by Penicillium chrysogenum; on the formation and adaptive nature of polygalacturonase and pectinesterase
Q47806993The production of methionine deficiency in the rat with low casein diets.
Q82089293The production of riboflavin by Ashbya gossypii
Q82187074The production of riboflavin by Mycobacterium smegmatis
Q80356601The production of usnic, didymic, and rhodocladonic acids by the fungal component of the lichen Cladonia cristatella
Q47977504The properties of the enzyme-substrate compounds of horseradish peroxidase and peroxides; the effect of pH upon the rate of reaction of complex II with several acceptors and its relation to their oxidation-reduction potential.
Q47977515The properties of the enzyme-substrate compounds of horseradish peroxidase and peroxides; the reaction of complex II with ascorbic acid
Q80336904The properties of the enzyme-substrate compounds of peroxidase and peroxides; the spectra of the primary and secondary complexes
Q47780267The protein-formaldehyde reaction; the question of methylene bridges and the unreactivity of benzoyl-d (-)-alanine toward formaldehyde
Q47810878The proteins of green leaves; isolation, enzymatic properties and auxin content of spinach cytoplasmic proteins
Q47978784The proteins of green leaves; purine, pentose, total phosphorus and acid-labile phosphorus of the cytoplasmic proteins of spinach leaves
Q80694723The purification and crystallization of malt beta-amylase
Q75581670The purification of relaxin
Q80666023The purine and pyrimidine requirements of Leuconostoc citrovorum 8081
Q83319133The purine metabolism of rat liver and kidney slices in vitro
Q47974818The quantitative crystallin vitamin B12 requirement of the baby pig.
Q79462555The quantitative requirements of the rat for magnesium
Q80665258The quantities of amino acids in the nonprotein fraction of breast and cow's milk
Q83338314The rate of anaerobic glycolysis of various hexoses in mammalian tissues
Q51360916The rate of oxygen uptake of differently prepared brain suspensions in the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol.
Q51369371The rate of turnover of hexosediphosphate in brain preparations.
Q51369527The rates of glycolysis of glucose and fructose in extracts of brain.
Q47787046The reaction of mustard gas with proteins; biological assay of amino acids affected
Q47787055The reaction of mustard gas with proteins; the nutritional value of casein reacted with mustard gas
Q47883473The reaction of mustard gas with skin proteins.
Q47977548The reaction of proteins with acetaldehyde.
Q45398195The reaction of tobacco mosaic virus with formaldehyde; electrophoretic studies
Q82381316The reactivation of raffinase
Q75630765The relation between cartenoid and chlorophyll pigments in Avena coleoptiles
Q75458082The relation between the proteolytic and blood clotting activity of snake venoms
Q79573498The relation of boron to certain plant oxidases
Q75630856The relation of gas exchange and tyrosinase activity of tomato tissues to the level of boron nutrition of the plants
Q80280717The relationship between pH and fluorescence of several organic compounds
Q80637825The relationship of folic acid, vitamin B12 and thymidine in the nutrition of Leuconostoç citrovorum 8081
Q47847226The relationship of protein reserves to the production of hyaluronidase and antihyaluronidase.
Q75458101The replacement by d-lysine of p-aminobenzoic acid as growth factor for Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5
Q75457977The requirements of rats for methyl groups and vitamin B12 in the production of leucocytes
Q80280695The respiration of nitrogen-deficient bacteria
Q75670699The role of D-alanine in the growth and variation of Brucella abortus
Q80653045The role of choline oxidase in labilizing choline methyl
Q82171792The role of corn steep liquor in the production of penicillin
Q79609315The role of pantothenate in sulfapyridine-induced achromotrichia
Q80330801The role of pyruvate in the aerobic respiration of barley roots
Q51060658The role of the carbon skeleton of lysine in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin.
Q46934088The role of yeast in the secondary conversion of corn mashes converted by submerged cultures of Aspergillus niger
Q64055063The separation of pentose and desoxypentose nucleic acids from isolated mouse liver cell nuclei
Q75495168The significance of dietary pyridoxine, niacin and protein in the conversion of tryptophan to N1-methylnicotinamide
Q83257167The significance of impurities on the biochemical effects of streptomycin
Q80694678The significance of the fractionation of hemicelluloses of cornstalks
Q33542329The size of the particles of some strains of tobacco mosaic virus as shown by the electron microscope.
Q79573591The specific peptidase and esterase activities of chymotrypsin
Q75495195The specificity of pectinesterases from several sources with some notes on purification of orange pectinesterase
Q80323494The state of vitamin A in eggs
Q79540932The structure of the alkaloid of yoloxochitl
Q82127125The structure of the water insoluble pigment of the bark of Sangre de Drago
Q54358854The sulfur amino acid requirement of Tetrahymena geleii.
Q47802343The synthesis of S-carboxymethylhomocysteine and S-beta-carboxyethylhomocysteine and a study of their availability for growth of rats maintained on a low-casein diet
Q80301461The synthesis of niacin from tryptophan in rat liver slices
Q83319142The theory of isotope dilution
Q43525588The thermal denaturation of tobacco mosaic virus in relation to hydrostatic pressure.
Q80653056The thiobarbituric acid reagent as a test for the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids by various agents
Q80301492The transformation in the rat of carboxyl-labeled acetate, methyl-labeled acetate, and labeled bicarbonate into amino acids
Q82096513The tryptophane activity of various compounds for L. arabinosus and their influence on the determination of tryptophane in natural materials
Q47784769The ultraviolet absorption of the plasma proteins.
Q52786857The urethan inhibition of invertase activity in relation to hydrostatic pressure.
Q82089219The urinary excretion of trigonelline- and nicotinic acid-like substances in human subjects after the ingestion of trigonelline and after smoking
Q79454905The use of a hog kidney conjugase in the assay of plant materials for folic acid
Q75581631The use of arsenate in the analysis of energy relations amongst synthetic reactions
Q83272278The use of cation exchangers for the concentration and purification of antibiotics of basic nature
Q48822047The utility of bios response in yeast classification and nomenclature.
Q82171756The utilization of amino acids as a source of carbon by fungi
Q80337420The vitamin A activity of certain carotenoids in the chick
Q43322536Thermal destruction of influenza A virus hemagglutinin; the effect of initial virus concentration
Q43322626Thermal destruction of influenza A virus hemagglutinin; the effect of pH
Q43365298Thermal destruction of influenza A virus infectivity
Q43322533Thermal destruction of influenza. A virus hemagglutinin; the effect of urea
Q80637788Thermal enzymes
Q47976508Thermal enzymes. II. Cytochromes.
Q47978737Tissue proteins and carcinogenesis; precancerous changes in the liver and serum proteins of rats fed acetylaminofluorene
Q75458057Trace element impurities in nutrient solutions for fungi
Q79454915Trace sugars in milk
Q80694620Trans-1,2-cyclopentanedicarboxylic acid, a succinic acid analog affecting the permeability of the cell membrane
Q75581596Transfer of vitamin A from the yolk to the chick embryo during incubation
Q47849543Transformation of ovalbumin into plakalbumin.
Q80358918Transformation of tryptophan to nicotinic acid investigated with delayed supplementation of tryptophan
Q80323474Transmethylation of guanidoacetic acid in beef liver autolyzates
Q43315372Trypsin inhibitor; determination and heat destruction of the trypsin inhibitor of soybeans.
Q79510138Trypsin inhibitor; growth inhibiting properties of a soybean trypsin inhibitor
Q83207300Trypsin inhibitor; occurrence in seeds of the Leguminosae and other seeds
Q79462536Turnover and distribution of phosphate compounds in yeast metabolism
Q80347720Two antifungal substances from Bacillus subtilis cultures
Q47879906Ultracentrifugal studies on some porcine plasma protein fractions.
Q47978499Ultracentrifugal study of bovine plasma protein fractions
Q79552444Ultrafilterable and non-ultrafilterable calcium in normal, hyperplastic epidermis and squamous cell carcinoma
Q47885039Ultraviolet spectra of some indole derivatives, including tryptophan and gramicidin
Q80280740Urea and ammonia content of mouse epidermis
Q75630770Urinary excretion of ingested L- and DL-methionines measured microbiologically
Q83207281Urinary excretion of twelve amino acids by normal male and female subjects measured microbiologically
Q80650446Use of C14 in the study of the acid metabolism of Bryophyllum calycinum
Q75581721Utilization of biocytin by Allescheria boydii
Q46975127Utilization of choline and betaine methyl in the guinea pig.
Q80328375Utilization of non-sugar carbon of molasses by food yeasts
Q75670657Utilization of purines for nucleic acid synthesis in bone marrow slices
Q75670678Utilization of vitamin A and carotene by the rat. I. Effects of tocopherol, Tween and dietary fat
Q75670680Utilization of vitamin A and carotene by the rat. II. Effects of mineral oil and fat content of diet
Q80668760VITAMIN B12 and methionine formation
Q83207303Vitamin E in laboratory diets
Q80337401Vitamin interrelationships in lactobacilli
Q79454910Water-insoluble nicotinic acid esters
Q80339716Water-soluble methylol derivatives of riboflavin
Q80356615X-ray diagnostic agents, 2-(3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzyl)-benzoic acid
Q75457846Xanthatin: an antimicrobial agent from Xanthium pennsylvanicum
Q80332840Xanthurenic acid excretion in the human subject on a pyridoxine-deficient diet
Q80694650Yeast nucleic acid. III. The effect of glycine on yeast proliferation and nucleic acid biosynthesis
Q47829899Yeast nucleic acid; cultural characteristics of yeasts in nucleic acid biosynthesis.
Q82320738Yeast nucleic acid; quantitative determination by spectrophotometry; ammonium and phosphate ions as factors in biosynthesis
Q83232918Yields and vitamin content of food yeasts grown on different kinds of molasses
Q47809882Zinc as an essential element for growth and subtilin formation by Bacillus subtilis
Q75581701Zinc chloride spot test for certain steroids and its application to paper-partition chromatography
Q47843648Zoopherin; a nutritional factor for rats associated with animal protein sources.
Q79573480alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis; effects of inhibitors upon liquefaction and dextrinization
Q83288541alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis; essential groups
Q83288539alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis; purification and physical properties
Q83319156d (--) Methylfolic acid displacing agent for folic acid
Q82127175lambda-Galacturonic acid from delta-galactose
Q80369699n-Diamylacetic acid and nitrate assimilation
Q75581657pH dependence of the amino acid esterase activities of trypsin and chymotrypsin

cites work (P2860)
Q72592568Alternative Forms of Triosephosphate Dehydrogenase in Chromatium
Q39291231An Improved Radioenzymatic Assay for Histamine in Human Plasma, Whole Blood, Urine, and Gastric Juice
Q48448038An ultrastructural study of methionine sulphoximine-induced glycogen accumulation in astrocytes of the mouse cerebral cortex
Q51292259Angiotensin II: Its Metabolic Fate
Q44559590Calcium Carbonate Concretions Formed by the Decomposition of Organic Matter
Q72227610Chlamydomonas reinhardi : Heterozygous Diploid Strains
Q72713847Contributions to the histochemistry of guard cells
Q43501691DNA Synthesis in Differentiating Skeletal Muscle Cells: Initiation by Ultraviolet Light
Q39714715Development of a Selective Medium for the Isolation ofClostridium sporogenesand Related Organisms
Q44070142Enhanced Protein Synthesis in a Cell-Free System from Hypertrophied Skeletal Muscle
Q72106280Estrogenic Activity of o , p ′-DDT in the Mammalian Uterus and Avian Oviduct
Q48586083Ethane Evolution: A New Index of Lipid Peroxidation
Q53502603Fifty years of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and the study of carcinogenesis
Q39775792Halothane-induced rigidity and associated glycolytic and energy phosphate changes in red and white fibres of skeletal muscle of the pig
Q44436177Histone Occurrence in Chromatin from Peridinium balticum , a Binucleate Dinoflagellate
Q48922886Incubation Effects in Behavior Induction in Rats
Q40784794Mechanism of Carbon Isotope Fractionation Associated with Lipid Synthesis
Q40169561Metabolism of One-Carbon Compounds by Chemotrophic Anaerobes
Q40154837Pressure-Adaptive Differences in Lactate Dehydrogenases of Congeneric Fishes Living at Different Depths
Q72132148Production of Ethylene by Fungi
Q78708046Proposal for Distribution of a Hemoglobin Standard
Q34698235Protein and nucleic acid content in the aging human brain
Q51685931Rats Enriched with Odd-Carbon Fatty Acids: Maintenance of Liver Glycogen during Starvation
Q78707947Role of Histamine in Poisoning with Spoiled Fish
Q40027944The Biological Synthesis of Cholesterol
Q78708015The Chloroplast as a Complete Photosynthetic Unit
Q34084524Tobacco Fraction 1 Protein: A Unique Genetic Marker
Q78708025Tocopherol as an Activator of Cytochrome C Reductase
Q72299379Trans -2-Hexenal: Mating Stimulant for Polyphemus Moths
Q67344919Transferrin: Internal Homology in the Amino Acid Sequence
Q41816595Vitamin A: Not Required for Adrenal Steroidogenesis in Rats

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