Advances in preventive medicine


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P17countryUnited KingdomQ145
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P576dissolved, abolished or demolished date2024-09-01
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectpublic healthQ189603
P123publisherHindawi Publishing CorporationQ1619253
P1476titleAdvances in preventive medicine

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published in (P1433)
Q26776166"HealthOmeter": An Aid in Advancing Preventive Medicine Media Revolution
Q3695960730 Years on Selected Issues in the Prevention of HIV among Persons Who Inject Drugs
Q64062183A Cox-Based Risk Prediction Model for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease: Identification of Key Risk Factors for the Development of a 10-Year CVD Risk Prediction
Q64930748A Derived QSAR Model for Predicting Some Compounds as Potent Antagonist against Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Theoretical Approach.
Q36486376A Randomized Trial Assessing the Effectiveness of Ezetimibe in South Asian Canadians with Coronary Artery Disease or Diabetes: The INFINITY Study
Q102143305A Survey on Prevalence and Knowledge of Family Planning among Women of Childbearing Age in the Provincial Settings of the Gambia: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Q35418294Advanced Development of the rF1V and rBV A/B Vaccines: Progress and Challenges
Q36111585Advances in development of countermeasures for potential biothreat agents.
Q35550842Adverse childhood experiences and risk of binge drinking and drunkenness in middle-aged finnish men
Q37594913Alcohol and Other Drug Use during Pregnancy among Women Attending Midwife Obstetric Units in the Cape Metropole, South Africa
Q35203300An Analysis of Language as a Barrier to Receiving Influenza Vaccinations among an Elderly Hispanic Population in the United States
Q36546485An Overview of HIV Prevention Interventions for People Who Inject Drugs in Tanzania
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Q91943964Are Invasive Procedures and a Longer Hospital Stay Increasing the Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections among the Admitted Patients at Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Eastern Ethiopia?
Q95817838Assessing Factors That Influence Healthcare Provider Attitudes and Practices regarding Place-Based Exercise Prescriptions: Results of Principal Components Analysis of a Newly Developed Survey Instrument
Q93199403Assessment of Knowledge and Practice on Hepatitis B Infection Prevention and Associated Factors among Health Science Students in Woldia University, Northeast Ethiopia
Q96579062Assessment of Prescriptions in the Endocrinology Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan Using World Health Organization Guidelines
Q64248944Association of Endothelial Function with Parental Hypertension in Normotensive-Obese African-American Women: A Pilot Study
Q92998324Bacterial Infections and Their Antibiotic Resistance Pattern in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review
Q90968650Beyond Statins: Emerging Evidence for HDL-Increasing Therapies and Diet in Treating Cardiovascular Disease
Q35661510Biosurveillance: a review and update
Q35202018Birth Outcomes of Newborns after Folic Acid Supplementation in Pregnant Women with Early and Late Pre-Eclampsia: A Population-Based Study
Q64057425Body Mass Index Change as a Predictor of Biometric Changes following an Intensive Lifestyle Modification Program
Q35988899Breastfeeding Practices, Demographic Variables, and Their Association with Morbidities in Children
Q26778477Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Infection: From an Infection Prevention Perspective
Q98907320Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake and Associated Factors among HIV-Positive Women in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Q35050681Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Cervical Cancer Screening Rates in US Health Centers through Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation
Q36455585Changing Trends in the Prevalence and Disparities of Obesity and Other Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Three Racial/Ethnic Groups of USA Adults
Q96231022Changing the Focus to the Whole Patient instead of One Oral Disease: The Concept of Individualized Prevention
Q43237301Comment on "Effects of Yoga on Utero-Fetal-Placental Circulation in High-Risk Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial".
Q41622710Comment on "Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review".
Q89849260Compliance to Iron-Folic Acid Supplementation and Its Association with the Number of ANC Visits in Ethiopia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Q38367830Conjugate Meningococcal Vaccines Development: GSK Biologicals Experience
Q36125008Consumer Satisfaction and Efficacy of the Hangover Cure After-Effect©
Q43721792Corrigendum to "Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review".
Q26314480Dengue Deaths: Associated Factors and Length of Hospital Stay
Q37730621Dental Sealants: Knowledge, Value, Opinion, and Practice among Dental Professionals of Bathinda City, India
Q90219780Determinants of Noncompletion of the Third Dose of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine in Pregnant Women in Dschang Health District, Cameroon
Q36410457Developing Effective Health Interventions for Women Who Inject Drugs: Key Areas and Recommendations for Program Development and Policy
Q36454863Development of Combination HIV Prevention Programs for People Who Inject Drugs through Government and Civil Society Collaboration in the Russian Federation
Q91642489Diabetes and Diabetes Care among Nonobese Japanese-Americans: Findings from a Population-Based Study
Q34837968Differences in the malariometric indices of asymptomatic carriers in three communities in ibadan, Nigeria
Q26771786EEG Derived Neuronal Dynamics during Meditation: Progress and Challenges
Q36208904Eating Behaviours of British University Students: A Cluster Analysis on a Neglected Issue
Q91190114Effect of Lycosome-Formulated Phosphatidylcholine on Parameters of Biological Oxidation after Single Intake of Moderate Amount of Alcohol
Q64242219Effect of Participation with Accompanying Household Member in the Complete Health Improvement Program in Appalachia
Q35898053Effect of Simvastatin on Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Statin Myalgia
Q91318466Effective Vaccine Management: The Case of a Rural District in Ghana
Q36716361Effectiveness of Couple-Based HIV Counseling and Testing for Women Substance Users and Their Primary Male Partners: A Randomized Trial
Q35203211Effectiveness of Ezetimibe in Reducing the Estimated Risk for Fatal Cardiovascular Events in Hypercholesterolaemic Patients with Inadequate Lipid Control While on Statin Monotherapy as Measured by the SCORE Model
Q90382008Effects of Routine Checkups and Chronic Conditions on Middle-Aged Patients with Diabetes
Q35061573Effects of yoga on utero-fetal-placental circulation in high-risk pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial.
Q31118828Epidemiology of Cancers in Kashmir, India: An Analysis of Hospital Data
Q36784758Evaluation of Quality and Readability of Health Information Websites Identified through India's Major Search Engines
Q36486281Evaluation of a pilot medication-assisted therapy program in Kazakhstan: successes, challenges, and opportunities for scaleup
Q36723202Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions for People Who Use Illicit Drugs
Q36528846Examining Implementation of Tobacco Control Policy at the District Level: A Case Study Analysis from a High Burden State in India
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Q35645780Factors Affecting Intention among Students to Be Vaccinated against A/H1N1 Influenza: A Health Belief Model Approach
Q36429518Factors That Influence Vaccination Decision-Making by Parents Who Visit an Anthroposophical Child Welfare Center: A Focus Group Study
Q36413374Feasibility and Acceptability of Screening and Brief Interventions to Address Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Patients Presenting for Emergency Services in Cape Town, South Africa
Q55625642Feasibility of Ideal Cardiovascular Health Evaluation in a Pediatric Clinic Setting.
Q36486365HIV Prevention and Rehabilitation Models for Women Who Inject Drugs in Russia and Ukraine
Q31032987Human Rabies in the WHO Southeast Asia Region: Forward Steps for Elimination
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Q35224835Immunogenicity studies in carnivores using a rabies virus construct with a site-directed deletion in the phosphoprotein
Q35203667Impact of a Booklet about Diabetes Genetic Susceptibility and Its Prevention on Attitudes towards Prevention and Perceived Behavioral Change in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Their Offspring
Q37239750Impact of helmet use in traumatic brain injuries associated with recreational vehicles
Q38354774Implementation of a Tool to Modify Behavior in a Chronic Disease Management Program
Q97422549Improvement of Osteoporosis Screening among Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients at Gastroenterology Fellows' Clinics
Q92929826Ingestion of Lycosome L-tug Formulation of Dark Chocolate Ameliorates Postprandial Hyperlipidemia and Hyperglycemia in Healthy Volunteers
Q35962053Inhibitory Effect of the Punica granatum Fruit Extract on Angiotensin-II Type I Receptor and Thromboxane B2 in Endothelial Cells Induced by Plasma from Preeclamptic Patients
Q41915393Interaction of some commercial teas with some carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes linked with type-2 diabetes: a dietary intervention in the prevention of type-2 diabetes
Q37742660Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review.
Q34033069Iranian patients require more pertinent care to prevent type 2 diabetes complications.
Q41452784Is Dementia Screening of Apparently Healthy Individuals Justified?
Q94465034Is Recovery from Cannabis Dependence Possible? Factors that Help or Hinder Recovery in a National Sample of Canadians with a History of Cannabis Dependence
Q98770808Knowledge and Other Predictors of Child Welfare Clinic Completion among Children Aged 24-59 Months in the Garu-Tempane District of Northern Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Study of Caregivers
Q60313248Knowledge and Practices of Hand Washing among Health Professionals in Dubti Referral Hospital, Dubti, Afar, Northeast Ethiopia
Q102143303Knowledge, Attitude, and Associated Factors towards Safe Abortion among Private College Female Students in Gondar City, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Q35207511Laboratory surveillance of rabies in humans, domestic animals, and bats in madagascar from 2005 to 2010.
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Q35207553Lowering the Risk of Rectal Cancer among Habitual Beer Drinkers by Dietary Means
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Q37600462Modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors among indigenous populations
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Q34560717Multilevel and urban health modeling of risk factors for diabetes mellitus: a new insight into public health and preventive medicine
Q60959467Nasal Carriage Rate, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern, and Associated Factors of with Special Emphasis on MRSA among Urban and Rural Elementary School Children in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study
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Q42241699Neuropsychological Symptoms among Workers Exposed to Toluene and Xylene in Two Paint Manufacturing Factories in Eastern Thailand
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Q36083131Novel Longitudinal and Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Hands-On Cooking and Nutrition Education versus Traditional Clinical Education among 627 Medical Students
Q28740574Obesity, Chronic Disease, and Economic Growth: A Case for “Big Picture” Prevention
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Q34560723Operational efficiency of an immunization clinic attached to rural health training centre in delhi, India: a time and motion study
Q36311179Parents' source of vaccine information and impact on vaccine attitudes, beliefs, and nonmedical exemptions
Q58797023Personal Oral Infection Control, Low Birthweight, and Preterm Births in Appalachia West Virginia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Q36277476Pertussis Epidemiology in Greece and Emerging Risk Groups during the Vaccination Era (1980–2008)
Q64240658Phytochemical Profiling and Larval Control of Methanol Fraction against Malarial and Filarial Vector
Q34487873Posttonsillectomy bacteremia and comparison of tonsillar surface and deep culture
Q36392124Predictors of Delay in Seeking Health Care among Myocardial Infarction Patients, Minia District, Egypt
Q91793682Predictors of Low Birth Weight at Lumbini Provincial Hospital, Nepal: A Hospital-Based Unmatched Case Control Study
Q35996062Predictors of Self-Management Behaviors in Older Adults with Hypertension
Q92242100Prevalence Study of Dermatologic Manifestations among Diabetic Patients
Q37184772Prevalence and Associated Factors of Insulin Resistance in Adults from Maracaibo City, Venezuela
Q35203337Prevalence and Distribution of High-Risk Genotypes of HPV in Women with Severe Cervical Lesions in Madrid, Spain: Importance of Detecting Genotype 16 and Other High-Risk Genotypes
Q100437485Prevalence and Factors Influencing Eye Injuries among Welders in Accra, Ghana
Q99249612Prevalence and Predictors of Contraceptives Use among Women Aged (15-49 years) with Induced Abortion History in Ghana
Q35992252Prevalence and Risk Factors for Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders in Indian Population
Q42971358Prevalence of Acute Symptoms among Workers in Printing Factories
Q47556248Prevalence of HCV, HBV, and HIV Seropositivity among Cadavers Referred to Autopsy Hall of Legal Medicine Bureau of Tehran, Iran
Q37212210Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Dental Health Workers, Southern Thailand
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Q35579680Preventing Airborne Disease Transmission: Review of Methods for Ventilation Design in Health Care Facilities
Q64063989Prevention of Calcium Nephrolithiasis: The Influence of Diuresis on Calcium Oxalate Crystallization in Urine
Q41887730Prevention of the musculoskeletal complications of hemophilia
Q35866991Programme costing of a physical activity programme in primary prevention: should the costs of health asset assessment and participatory programme development count?
Q92929839Pros and Cons of Aspirin Prophylaxis for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Kidney Transplantation and Review of Evidence
Q28392098Psychosocial Predictors for Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Workplace Using Protection Motivation Theory
Q33800768Readability Assessment of Online Patient Education Material on Congestive Heart Failure.
Q30424617Reasons for Low Pandemic H1N1 2009 Vaccine Acceptance within a College Sample
Q35234008Recent Advances in Prevention and Control of Rabies
Q36392016Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and Components of the Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Population from Maracaibo City, Venezuela
Q37156994Relationship between Female University Students' Knowledge on Menstruation and Their Menstrual Hygiene Practices: A Study in Tamale, Ghana.
Q35579167Relationship of Exercise Volume with Change in Depression and Its Association with Self-Efficacy to Control Emotional Eating in Severely Obese Women
Q35214689Report of the First Meeting of the Middle East and Eastern Europe Rabies Expert Bureau, Istanbul, Turkey (June 8-9, 2010)
Q30408045Resistance Training Is an Effective Tool against Metabolic and Frailty Syndromes
Q37581033Respiratory Symptoms due to Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde and MDF Dust in a MDF Furniture Factory in Eastern Thailand
Q43084887Retracted: immunization coverage: role of sociodemographic variables
Q36368985Risk Factors of Overweight and Obesity among High School Students in Bahir Dar City, North West Ethiopia: School Based Cross-Sectional Study
Q104135943Role of Statins in the Primary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in the Population with Mean Cholesterol in the Near-Optimal to Borderline High Range: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Q94925120Self-Collected Specimens Revealed a Higher Vaccine- and Non-Vaccine-Type Human Papillomavirus Prevalences in a Cross-Sectional Study in Akuse
Q64070270Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Virus and Associated Factors among Health Professionals in University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia
Q36344032Sexual health and men who have sex with men in Vietnam: an integrated approach to preventive health care
Q37556391Short-term effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention program for reducing selected chronic disease risk factors in individuals living in rural appalachia: a pilot cohort study.
Q64087467Smokeless Tobacco and Its Adverse Effects on Hematological Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Study
Q99406379Spatial Pattern and Associated Factors of ANC Visits in Ethiopia: Spatial and Multilevel Modeling of Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey Data
Q36454818Substance Abuse Treatment, HIV/AIDS, and the Continuum of Response for People Who Inject Drugs
Q64230601Telemedicine and Cardiology in the Elderly in France: Inventory of Experiments
Q34785834The 2007 los angeles mommy and baby study: a multilevel, population-based study of maternal and infant health in los angeles county
Q37144357The Comparison of Dietary Behaviors among Rural Controlled and Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patients
Q38367770The Importance of Autonomous Regulation for Students' Successful Translation of Intentions into Behavior Change via Planning
Q35866996The Need for Continued Development of Ricin Countermeasures
Q36302275The Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern ofSalmonella typhiamong Patients Attending a Military Hospital in Minna, Nigeria
Q99249615The Prognostic Utility of Plasma NGAL Levels in ST Segment Elevation in Myocardial Infarction Patients
Q36537539The Relationship between Life Stress and Breastfeeding Outcomes among Low-Income Mothers
Q38589273The Role of Immune Correlates and Surrogate Markers in the Development of Vaccines and Immunotherapies for Plague
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Q34342583Training in Dietary Practices and Physical Activity to Improve Health among South Asian Medical Students
Q98502988Undernutrition and Mortality among Adult Tuberculosis Patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Q42123983Usage of EMBRACE(TM) in Gujarat, India: Survey of Paediatricians.
Q35207493Using intradermal rabies vaccine to boost immunity in people with low rabies antibody levels
Q102067823Vaccines Attitudes, Concerns, and Information Sources Reported by Parents of Young Children among North Palestinian Parents
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Q35207472Vitamin D, Sunlight and Prostate Cancer Risk
Q37435757What does it cost to prevent on-duty firefighter cardiac events? A content valid method for calculating costs
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Q21284788Why the Treatment of Mental Disorders Is an Important Component of HIV Prevention among People Who Inject Drugs
Q36877073Widening Socioeconomic, Racial, and Geographic Disparities in HIV/AIDS Mortality in the United States, 1987–2011

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