Emanuele Romano

Born 1912-01-25 in Gela (Q39971)
Died 1998-02-09 in Palermo (Q2656)

Emanuele Romano is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDromanoe
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11c1r07k53
P396SBN author IDPBEV011258

P1598consecratorFrancesco CarpinoQ925804
Corrado MingoQ30339296
Pasquale BacileQ47188251
P27country of citizenshipItalyQ38
Kingdom of ItalyQ172579
P734family nameRomanoQ6111417
P735given nameEmanueleQ18179872
P1412languages spoken, written or signedItalianQ652
P106occupationCatholic bishopQ611644
Catholic priestQ250867
P39position heldauxiliary bishopQ75178
titular bishopQ948657
Roman Catholic Bishop of TrapaniQ123846563
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097