Neuronal basis for object location in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor system

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Neuronal basis for object location in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor system is …
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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID963169
P932PMC publication ID3971931
P698PubMed publication ID22078505
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51794121

P2093author name stringDavid Kleinfeld
Martin Deschênes
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Molecular identification of rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors and their developmental dependence on ret signalingQ33619112
Anatomical loops and their electrical dynamics in relation to whisking by rat.Q33712233
Dynamics of neuronal processing in rat somatosensory cortexQ33756124
Molecular genetics and imaging technologies for circuit-based neuroanatomyQ33908456
Encoding of vibrissal active touchQ33974218
Responses of trigeminal ganglion neurons during natural whisking behaviors in the awake rat.Q34001702
Orthogonal coding of object locationQ34015147
Behavioral state dependency of neural activity and sensory (whisker) responses in superior colliculusQ34151583
Representation of whisker follicle intrinsic musculature in the facial motor nucleus of the rat.Q48526574
Responses in the rat thalamus to whisker movements produced by motor nerve stimulation.Q48565331
Adaptive filtering of vibrissa input in motor cortex of rat.Q48567215
Correlating whisker behavior with membrane potential in barrel cortex of awake mice.Q48582556
Central versus peripheral determinants of patterned spike activity in rat vibrissa cortex during whisking.Q48642115
Discriminative whisking in the head-fixed rat: optoelectronic monitoring during tactile detection and discrimination tasks.Q48664196
Whisker deafferentation and rodent whisking patterns: behavioral evidence for a central pattern generator.Q48670579
Peripheral and central predictors of whisker afferent morphology in the rat brainstem.Q48859818
Biomechanics: robotic whiskers used to sense features.Q48925412
Two-photon calcium imaging of evoked activity from L5 somatosensory neurons in vivo.Q49066658
Coding of somatic sensory input by vibrissae neurons in the rat's trigeminal ganglionQ49077763
Thalamic projections from the whisker-sensitive regions of the spinal trigeminal complex in the rat.Q49083001
Unsupervised quantification of whisking and head movement in freely moving rodents.Q51604570
Integration and propagation of somatosensory responses in the corticostriatal pathway: an intracellular study in vivo.Q51896106
Olivocerebellar modulation of motor cortex ability to generate vibrissal movements in rat.Q51958114
Task- and subject-related differences in sensorimotor behavior during active touch.Q52211923
Efficiency and ambiguity in an adaptive neural code.Q52590643
Structure, vascularization, and innervation of the mystacial pad of the rat as revealed by the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia.Q54039857
Efferent connections of the brainstem trigeminal complex with the facial nucleus of the ratQ54519622
Feedback control in active sensing: rat exploratory whisking is modulated by environmental contact.Q55110846
Motor Control by Sensory CortexQ57801531
Adaptation in Thalamic Barreloid and Cortical Barrel Neurons to Periodic Whisker Deflections Varying in Frequency and VelocityQ57997606
Neural Activity in Barrel Cortex Underlying Vibrissa-Based Object Localization in MiceQ67241689
Behavioral and neural approaches to the function of the mystacial vibrissaeQ67572302
Thalamocortical response transformation in the rat vibrissa/barrel systemQ69949144
Sensory innervation in the inner conical body of the vibrissal follicle-sinus complex of the ratQ70536510
Trigeminal projections to the superior colliculus of the ratQ70946128
Vision during saccadic eye movements. II. A corollary discharge to monkey superior colliculusQ71494839
All in a sniff: olfaction as a model for active sensingQ34219082
Whisker movements evoked by stimulation of single pyramidal cells in rat motor cortexQ34299759
Haptic object localization in the vibrissal system: behavior and performance.Q34558083
Targeting and readout strategies for fast optical neural control in vitro and in vivoQ34730559
Population coding in somatosensory cortexQ34760701
Thalamic pathways for active visionQ34762375
Biomechanics of the vibrissa motor plant in rat: rhythmic whisking consists of triphasic neuromuscular activity.Q34764713
'Where' and 'what' in the whisker sensorimotor systemQ34798324
Quality metrics to accompany spike sorting of extracellular signalsQ35069780
Thalamocortical control of feed-forward inhibition in awake somatosensory 'barrel' cortexQ35081242
Superior colliculus cells sensitive to active touch and texture during whisking.Q35086546
Perspectives on: information and coding in mammalian sensory physiology: probing mammalian touch transductionQ35208339
Representation of object size in the somatosensory systemQ35642355
Contextual impact on sensory processing at the barrel cortex of awake rat.Q35887044
Dynamics of sensory thalamocortical synaptic networks during information processing statesQ35958417
Dendritic computationQ36201603
The vibrissal system as a model of thalamic operationsQ36287117
Sensory acquisition in active sensing systemsQ36463105
Active sensation: insights from the rodent vibrissa sensorimotor systemQ36534474
Decoding temporally encoded sensory input by cortical oscillations and thalamic phase comparators.Q36604297
Simple models for reading neuronal population codesQ36671081
Barrel cortex and whisker-mediated behaviorsQ36911901
Information processing streams in rodent barrel cortex: the differential functions of barrel and septal circuitsQ36912043
Mapping functional connectivity in barrel-related columns reveals layer- and cell type-specific microcircuitsQ36918706
Excitatory signal flow and connectivity in a cortical column: focus on barrel cortexQ36918710
The functional organization of the barrel cortexQ36983004
Primary motor cortex reports efferent control of vibrissa motion on multiple timescalesQ37029591
Encoding of stimulus frequency and sensor motion in the posterior medial thalamic nucleus.Q37119542
Vibrissae motor cortex unit activity during whiskingQ37175998
Whisking in air: encoding of kinematics by trigeminal ganglion neurons in awake ratsQ37225529
Goal-directed whisking increases phase-locking between vibrissa movement and electrical activity in primary sensory cortex in rat.Q37485095
Reverse engineering the mouse brainQ37614968
Internal models and neural computation in the vestibular systemQ37638424
Internal models of self-motion: computations that suppress vestibular reafference in early vestibular processingQ37834351
A night in the life of a rat: vibrissal mechanics and tactile explorationQ37870959
Sensorimotor corticocortical projections from rat barrel cortex have an anisotropic organization that facilitates integration of inputs from whiskers in the same row.Q39667493
Cells of origin and terminal distribution of descending projections of the rat somatic sensory cortexQ41295830
Quantitative analysis of the bilateral brainstem projections from the whisker and forepaw regions in rat primary motor cortexQ41836300
Cell type-specific thalamic innervation in a column of rat vibrissal cortexQ41909616
Lemniscal and Extralemniscal Compartments in the VPM of the Rat.Q41941530
Functional circuits mediating sensorimotor integration: quantitative comparisons of projections from rodent barrel cortex to primary motor cortex, neostriatum, superior colliculus, and the ponsQ42478678
The morphology of the rat vibrissal follicle-sinus complex revealed by three-dimensional computer-aided reconstructionQ42483799
Functional architecture of the mystacial vibrissaeQ42652238
The functional properties of barrel cortex neurons projecting to the primary motor cortexQ43119662
Membrane potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving miceQ43160442
Feedforward inhibition determines the angular tuning of vibrissal responses in the principal trigeminal nucleus.Q43188173
Bilateral integration of whisker information in the primary somatosensory cortex of rats.Q43662850
Behavioral properties of the trigeminal somatosensory system in rats performing whisker-dependent tactile discriminations.Q43683732
A pathway in primate brain for internal monitoring of movements.Q44005267
Selective GABAergic innervation of thalamic nuclei from zona incertaQ44182010
Vibrissa-based object localization in head-fixed miceQ44954009
Organization of rat vibrissa motor cortex and adjacent areas according to cytoarchitectonics, microstimulation, and intracellular stimulation of identified cellsQ45130536
Muscle architecture in the mystacial pad of the rat.Q45131066
Activation of nucleus basalis facilitates cortical control of a brain stem motor programQ45281040
Positive feedback in a brainstem tactile sensorimotor loop.Q45960506
Difference in the functional significance between the lemniscal and paralemniscal pathways in the perception of direction of single-whisker stimulation examined by muscimol microinjection.Q46046080
Developmental regulation of active and passive membrane properties in rat vibrissa motoneuronesQ46199194
Whisker-based discrimination of object orientation determined with a rapid training paradigmQ46428199
Rhythmic whisking by rat: retraction as well as protraction of the vibrissae is under active muscular controlQ46662189
Monosynaptic pathway from rat vibrissa motor cortex to facial motor neurons revealed by lentivirus-based axonal tracing.Q46691364
Influence of anesthesia on spontaneous activity and receptive field size of single units in rat Sm1 neocortexQ47184332
Size gradients of barreloids in the rat thalamusQ47223634
Unilateral vibrissa contact: changes in amplitude but not timing of rhythmic whisking.Q47773064
Sensitivity of firing rate to input fluctuations depends on time scale separation between fast and slow variables in single neuronsQ47817795
Response properties of vibrissa units in rat SI somatosensory neocortexQ48191900
The sensory contribution of a single vibrissa's cortical barrelQ48290875
Encoding of whisker input by cerebellar Purkinje cellsQ48333993
Active sensing--closing multiple loops.Q48335479
Flow of excitation within rat barrel cortex on striking a single vibrissaQ48423971
Right-left asymmetries in the whisking behavior of rats anticipate head movements.Q48434057
Whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats.Q48447577
Somatic sensory responses in the rostral sector of the posterior group (POm) and in the ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPM) of the rat thalamus: dependence on the barrel field cortexQ48484672
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2011-11-03
P1433published inNeuronQ3338676
P1476titleNeuronal basis for object location in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor system

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