Whisker movements evoked by stimulation of single pyramidal cells in rat motor cortex

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Whisker movements evoked by stimulation of single pyramidal cells in rat motor cortex is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1021384253
P698PubMed publication ID14973477
P5875ResearchGate publication ID8688928

P50authorBert SakmannQ77081
Troy W. MargrieQ114345966
P2093author name stringMiriam Schneider
Michael Brecht
Biometric analyses of vibrissal tactile discrimination in the ratQ68890817
The relationship of vibrissal motor cortex unit activity to whisking in the awake ratQ71623327
Afferent discharges to the cerebral cortex from peripheral sense organsQ80316091
Functional circuitry involved in the regulation of whisker movementsQ28344480
Anatomical loops and their electrical dynamics in relation to whisking by rat.Q33712233
Real-time prediction of hand trajectory by ensembles of cortical neurons in primatesQ33926695
Direct cortical control of 3D neuroprosthetic devicesQ33959577
Arm trajectory and representation of movement processing in motor cortical activityQ33962135
Differences in excitability of cortical neurons as a function of motor projection in conditioned catsQ34218337
Extraction algorithms for cortical control of arm prostheticsQ34461824
Comparable patterns of muscle facilitation evoked by individual corticomotoneuronal (CM) cells and by single intracortical microstimuli in primates: evidence for functional groups of CM cellsQ34564122
Selective facilitation of different hand muscles by single corticospinal neurones in the conscious monkeyQ34691374
Conditioned whisking in the rat.Q36854998
Interaction of sensory responses with spontaneous depolarization in layer 2/3 barrel cortexQ37089779
Current issues in directional motor controlQ40964717
Dynamic representation of whisker deflection by synaptic potentials in spiny stellate and pyramidal cells in the barrels and septa of layer 4 rat somatosensory cortexQ44104107
Serotonin regulates rhythmic whisking.Q44520405
Vibrissa movement elicited by rhythmic electrical microstimulation to motor cortex in the aroused rat mimics exploratory whiskingQ46531851
Real-time control of a robot arm using simultaneously recorded neurons in the motor cortexQ48163784
Spontaneous firing patterns and axonal projections of single corticostriatal neurons in the rat medial agranular cortexQ48204220
Intrinsic firing patterns and whisker-evoked synaptic responses of neurons in the rat barrel cortexQ48258087
Spatio-temporal subthreshold receptive fields in the vibrissa representation of rat primary somatosensory cortexQ48323616
Corticomotoneuronal connections of precentral cells detected by postspike averages of EMG activity in behaving monkeysQ48363084
The mode of activation of pyramidal tract cells by intracortical stimuliQ48447205
In vivo, low-resistance, whole-cell recordings from neurons in the anaesthetized and awake mammalian brainQ48535946
Hippocampal theta rhythm during paradoxical sleep. Effects of afferent stimuli and phase relationships with phasic eventsQ48586745
Whisker deafferentation and rodent whisking patterns: behavioral evidence for a central pattern generator.Q48670579
Patterns of contraction of distal forelimb muscles produced by intracortical stimulation in catsQ48835262
Activity of pyramidal tract neurons during postural fixationQ49033788
Relationship between afferent input and motor outflow in cat motorsensory cortexQ49149948
Excitation of pyramidal tract cells by intracortical microstimulation: effective extent of stimulating currentQ49149974
Stimulus dependence of two-state fluctuations of membrane potential in cat visual cortex.Q51401193
Analysis of Sniffing of the Albino Rat 1)Q56865887
P4510describes a project that usespyramidal cellQ2116409
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2004-02-01
P1433published inNatureQ180445
P1476titleWhisker movements evoked by stimulation of single pyramidal cells in rat motor cortex

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cites work (P2860)
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