
chemical compound

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Abstract is: Isofucosterol, or 28-Isofucosterol, sometimes incorrectly called Δ-5-Avenasterol, is the E–Z isomer of Fucosterol and position isomer of Δ-7-Avenasterol. Isofucosterol is a natural, stigmastane-type sterol, mainly distributed in marine sponge.


isofucosterol is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):

External links are
P11160Cannabis Database ID005338
P231CAS Registry Number481-14-1
P683ChEBI ID28604
P661ChemSpider ID4444703
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID101333659
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID50904509
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11ftgxwn1d
P2057Human Metabolome Database IDHMDB0002374
P2017isomeric SMILESC/C=C(/CC[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]1(CC[C@H]3[C@H]2CC=C4[C@@]3(CC[C@@H](C4)O)C)C)\C(C)C
P665KEGG IDC08821
P11199Probes And Drugs IDPD131439
P662PubChem CID5281326
P2877SureChEMBL IDSCHEMBL13833056
P11089UniChem compound ID1066814

P703found in taxonSpinacia oleraceaQ81464
Solanum melongenaQ7540
Cucumis meloQ81602
Equisetum arvenseQ107592
Echinometra lucunterQ153395
Carthamus tinctoriusQ156625
Symphoricarpos albusQ158150
Campanula mediumQ127555
Cucurbita maximaQ161180
Typha latifoliaQ147520
Cucumis sativusQ23425
Oryza sativaQ161426
Arabidopsis thalianaQ158695
Catharanthus roseusQ161093
Iris pallidaQ161347
Vitis viniferaQ30046
Setaria italicaQ161211
Chinese peonyQ163076
Bryonia dioicaQ163815
Cydonia oblongaQ43300
Tanacetum vulgareQ27079
Apis melliferaQ30034
Olea europaeaQ37083
Panax ginsengQ182881
Physalis peruvianaQ165227
Kalanchoe daigremontianaQ311176
Kalanchoe pinnataQ311188
Euphorbia lathyrisQ164223
Tamarix gallicaQ164285
Schlumbergera truncataQ312047
Vigna angularisQ380279
Enteromorpha clathrataQ104375071
Anabaena viguieriQ104383899
Enteromorpha linzaQ104249243
common sunflowerQ171497
Beta vulgarisQ165191
Phaseolus vulgarisQ42339
Posidonia oceanicaQ544137
Ulva linzaQ592605
Hippophae rhamnoidesQ165378
Tanacetum partheniumQ818481
Sea lettuceQ852879
Leptogorgia ruberrimaQ1929183
Muricea californicaQ1937593
Petrosia weinbergiQ1994429
Panicum miliaceumQ165196
Sea peachQ670654
Lepidium meyeniiQ795158
Lagenaria sicerariaQ1277255
Leptogorgia piccolaQ2049039
Leptogorgia violettaQ2052322
Sarcophyton crassocauleQ2152922
Eunicella labiataQ2294363
Luffa aegyptiacaQ2308434
Kalanchoe marmorataQ1722001
Kalanchoe petitianaQ1722013
Ellisella paraplexauroidesQ1857769
Rubus cochinchinensisQ15230600
Diplopterygium glaucumQ15251574
Xestospongia testudinariaQ2355832
Alstroemeria aureaQ2421883
Schlumbergera bridgesiiQ15346471
Eria aurantiacaQ15473757
Trixis praestansQ15561809
Dragmacidon lunaechartaQ2190916
Axinella cannabinaQ2218430
Cymodocea nodosaQ2294077
Chrysoderma mucosumQ25354121
Baccharoides anthelminticaQ50840344
Chrysolaena cognataQ54576789
Dolichospermum solitariumQ67337472
Petrosia ficiformisQ2430973
Leptogorgia viminalisQ2524978
American ginsengQ2737217
Nodularia harveyanaQ67337680
Nostoc carneumQ67344850
Ulva giganteaQ69722924
Mikania minimaQ15563448
Chrysolaena platensisQ15595007
Rubus plicatusQ15699806
Cladophora vagabundaQ27986721
Jolyna laminarioidesQ29869831
Water netQ49552220
Ulva popenguinensisQ69724069
Cylindrolobus aurantiacusQ91262768
Bryopsis plumosaQ2927226
Choisya ternataQ2964355
Codium dichotomumQ49553001
Ulva fasciataQ49596231
Codium decorticatumQ49619833
Croton hieronymiQ3004447
Nicotiana benthamianaQ3024956
Ulva rigidaQ3548113
Cystoseira barbataQ4505908
Polyzoa opuntiaQ4911440
Dioscorea polystachyaQ5279593
Gleichenia japonicaQ5871614
Cucurbita pepoQ7229863
Wrightia tinctoriaQ8038287
Cydonia vulgarisQ10262679
Nostoc communeQ11286530
Rubus fruticosusQ13541716
P3364stereoisomer of(3S,8S,9S,10R,13R,14S,17R)-17-((R,Z)-5-isopropylhept-5-en-2-yl)-10,13-dimethyl-2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17-tetradecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-olQ104250550

Reverse relations

stereoisomer of (P3364)

main subject (P921)
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