Divergent evolution and molecular adaptation in the Drosophila odorant-binding protein family: inferences from sequence variation at the OS-E and OS-F genes

scientific article (publication date: 27 November 2008)

Divergent evolution and molecular adaptation in the Drosophila odorant-binding protein family: inferences from sequence variation at the OS-E and OS-F genes is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1024513218
P8608Fatcat IDrelease_npxsulsegbdk3j3oxfmh6o2jlm
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID3093943
P932PMC publication ID2631505
P698PubMed publication ID19038039
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23501821

P50authorJulio RozasQ37622537
Alejandro Sánchez-GraciaQ56432813
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Bayes empirical bayes inference of amino acid sites under positive selectionQ29547692
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P921main subjectdivergent evolutionQ917925
protein familyQ417841
protein evolutionQ59870539
P577publication date2008-11-27
P1433published inBMC Evolutionary BiologyQ13418959
P1476titleDivergent evolution and molecular adaptation in the Drosophila odorant-binding protein family: inferences from sequence variation at the OS-E and OS-F genes

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