TP Atlas: integration and dissemination of advances in Targeted Proteins Research Program (TPRP)—structural biology project phase II in Japan

scientific article published on May 29, 2012

TP Atlas: integration and dissemination of advances in Targeted Proteins Research Program (TPRP)—structural biology project phase II in Japan is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1038281479
P953full work available at URL
P932PMC publication ID3414706
P698PubMed publication ID22644393
P5875ResearchGate publication ID225073582

P50authorTakashi GojoboriQ532387
P2093author name stringHideaki Sugawara
Hisashi Mizutani
Sei Miyamoto
Takao Iwayanagi
Takeshi Konno
Yasumasa Shigemoto
Tomohiro Hirai
P2860cites workA gene wiki for community annotation of gene functionQ21092744
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Conformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structuresQ27652527
Structural basis for gibberellin recognition by its receptor GID1Q27653005
Structural basis of abscisic acid signallingQ27657971
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Two enzymes bound to one transfer RNA assume alternative conformations for consecutive reactionsQ27664807
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Structure and function of a membrane component SecDF that enhances protein exportQ27667802
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Crystal structure of the channelrhodopsin light-gated cation channelQ27676838
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Structural basis for mutual relief of the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK2 and its partner ELMO1 from their autoinhibited formsQ27677251
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A 3D view of autotaxinQ37978694
Systems biology model repository for macrophage pathway simulationQ38428208
Trypanosome alternative oxidase, a potential therapeutic target for sleeping sickness, is conserved among Trypanosoma brucei subspeciesQ42945236
[Advancement of synchrotron radiation protein crystallography in the targeted protein research program: beamline developments at the photon factory]Q84205043
[Protein micro-crystallography with a new micro-beam beamline]Q84205046
[SPring-8 structural biology beamline]Q84205049
P4510describes a project that usesCytoscapeQ3699942
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectsoftwareQ7397
structural biologyQ908902
P577publication date2012-05-29
P1433published inJournal of Structural and Functional GenomicsQ15764584
P1476titleTP Atlas: integration and dissemination of advances in Targeted Proteins Research Program (TPRP)-structural biology project phase II in Japan
TP Atlas: integration and dissemination of advances in Targeted Proteins Research Program (TPRP)—structural biology project phase II in Japan

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