Conformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structures

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Conformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structures is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1049518696
P932PMC publication ID2590585
P698PubMed publication ID18923527
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23387539

P50authorOsamu NurekiQ28036462
Naoshi DohmaeQ28219757
Ryuichiro IshitaniQ28468838
P2093author name stringShuya Fukai
Yuji Sugita
Dmitry G Vassylyev
Anna Perederina
Takaharu Mori
Hiroyuki Mori
Koreaki Ito
Tomoya Tsukazaki
P2860cites workStructure of the E. coli protein-conducting channel bound to a translating ribosomeQ24539141
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Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation modeQ26778468
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MOLREP: an Automated Program for Molecular ReplacementQ29642797
SecA protein hydrolyzes ATP and is an essential component of the protein translocation ATPase of Escherichia coliQ33562047
The Sec protein-translocation pathway.Q34399330
Protein translocation across the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum and bacterial plasma membranesQ34719604
Different modes of SecY-SecA interactions revealed by site-directed in vivo photo-cross-linkingQ35107369
An essential amino acid residue in the protein translocation channel revealed by targeted random mutagenesis of SecYQ35865651
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Disulfide bridge formation between SecY and a translocating polypeptide localizes the translocation pore to the center of SecY.Q36321596
Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and initial crystallographic analysis of the preprotein translocation ATPase SecA from Thermus thermophilusQ36459430
Oligomeric states of the SecA and SecYEG core components of the bacterial Sec transloconQ36608490
Bacterial protein secretion through the translocase nanomachineQ36972407
SecYEG and SecA Are the Stoichiometric Components of Preprotein TranslocaseQ38292412
Investigating the SecY plug movement at the SecYEG translocation channel.Q39470287
Biochemical characterization of a mutationally altered protein translocase: proton motive force stimulation of the initiation phase of translocationQ39714204
Crystal structure of the translocation ATPase SecA from Thermus thermophilus reveals a parallel, head-to-head dimer.Q42601546
The plug domain of the SecY protein stabilizes the closed state of the translocation channel and maintains a membrane sealQ42621979
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of protein translocase. SecYE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 forms a constitutive oligomer in membranes.Q43032253
Mapping the sites of interaction between SecY and SecE by cysteine scanning mutagenesis.Q43668401
SecA promotes preprotein translocation by undergoing ATP-driven cycles of membrane insertion and deinsertionQ52513940
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Protein translocation is mediated by oligomers of the SecY complex with one SecY copy forming the channel.Q54443529
[27] Maximum-likelihood heavy-atom parameter refinement for multiple isomorphous replacement and multiwavelength anomalous diffraction methods.Q55059918
A molecular switch in SecA protein couples ATP hydrolysis to protein translocationQ57976571
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Phase combination and cross validation in iterated density-modification calculationsQ80426846
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2008-10-16
P1433published inNatureQ180445
P1476titleConformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structures

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cites work (P2860)
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Q38990342Stability and flexibility of marginally hydrophobic-segment stalling at the endoplasmic reticulum translocon
Q37031742Stoichiometry of SecYEG in the active translocase of Escherichia coli varies with precursor species
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Q34076055Structural and functional profiling of the lateral gate of the Sec61 translocon
Q42224089Structural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC.
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Q27658307Structure of Monomeric Yeast and Mammalian Sec61 Complexes Interacting with the Translating Ribosome
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Q27330079Structure of the Sec61 channel opened by a signal sequence
Q27680440Structure of the SecY channel during initiation of protein translocation
Q30854427Structure of the quaternary complex between SRP, SR, and translocon bound to the translating ribosome
Q93116313Structure of the substrate-engaged SecA-SecY protein translocation machine
Q55282553Structure-based working model of SecDF, a proton-driven bacterial protein translocation factor.
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Q27334605Structures of the E. coli translating ribosome with SRP and its receptor and with the translocon
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Q28728538TP Atlas: integration and dissemination of advances in Targeted Proteins Research Program (TPRP)—structural biology project phase II in Japan
Q37140792Tail-anchored membrane protein insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum
Q57830682The Bacterial SRP Receptor, SecA and the Ribosome Use Overlapping Binding Sites on the SecY Translocon
Q47374398The Sec System: Protein Export in Escherichia coli
Q27691857The Sec translocase
Q38206834The Sec translocon mediated protein transport in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Q47684820The SecA protein deeply penetrates into the SecYEG channel during insertion, contacting most channel transmembrane helices and periplasmic regions
Q37883694The SecY complex: conducting the orchestra of protein translocation
Q35264433The Significance of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Crystallography for Drug Discovery
Q35814696The bacterial Sec-translocase: structure and mechanism.
Q39272294The first low microM SecA inhibitors
Q37257359The lateral gate of SecYEG opens during protein translocation
Q39011561The mechanism of protein export enhancement by the SecDF membrane component
Q47877527Theoretical mimicry of biomembranes
Q35188535Translocation channel gating kinetics balances protein translocation efficiency with signal sequence recognition fidelity
Q34046866Translocation of proteins through the Sec61 and SecYEG channels
Q41646655Two distinct regions in the model protein Peb1 are critical for its heterologous transport out of Escherichia coli
Q89304598Two paths diverged in the stroma: targeting to dual SEC translocase systems in chloroplasts
Q39923654Unlocking the Bacterial SecY Translocon
Q41808503Using a Low Denaturant Model To Explore the Conformational Features of Translocation-Active SecA
Q38541409Viroporins, Examples of the Two-Stage Membrane Protein Folding Model
Q27690670Visualization of a polytopic membrane protein during SecY-mediated membrane insertion
Q41960890Visualization of distinct entities of the SecYEG translocon during translocation and integration of bacterial proteins
Q42087433YfgM is an ancillary subunit of the SecYEG translocon in Escherichia coli
Q42144026YidC occupies the lateral gate of the SecYEG translocon and is sequentially displaced by a nascent membrane protein.

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