Structural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC.

scientific article published on 16 April 2014

Structural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID24739968

P50authorYuji SugitaQ56440319
Mizuki TakemotoQ56987698
Kunio HirataQ57394466
Shinobu ChibaQ73634703
Yoshiki TanakaQ41898270
P2093author name stringFumio Arisaka
Osamu Nureki
Takaharu Mori
Naoshi Dohmae
Ryuichiro Ishitani
Andrés D Maturana
Hiroyuki Mori
Koreaki Ito
Ken-ichi Nishiyama
Yoshiko Nakada-Nakura
Tomoya Tsukazaki
Arata Furukawa
Yasunori Sugano
Kaoru Kumazaki
P2860cites workPHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solutionQ24654617
Direct Interaction of YidC with the Sec-independent Pf3 Coat Protein during Its Membrane Protein InsertionQ43829882
Defining the Regions of Escherichia coli YidC That Contribute to ActivityQ44594158
YidC is strictly required for membrane insertion of subunits a and c of the F(1)F(0)ATP synthase and SecE of the SecYEG translocase.Q54321591
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[27] Maximum-likelihood heavy-atom parameter refinement for multiple isomorphous replacement and multiwavelength anomalous diffraction methods.Q55059918
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YidC mediates membrane protein insertion in bacteriaQ74191988
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Structure validation by Calpha geometry: phi,psi and Cbeta deviationQ27860657
Scalable molecular dynamics with NAMDQ27860718
Phasercrystallographic softwareQ27860930
Features and development of CootQ27861079
Automated MAD and MIR structure solutionQ27861114
The mitochondrial oxidase assembly protein1 (Oxa1) insertase forms a membrane pore in lipid bilayersQ27932075
Update of the CHARMM all-atom additive force field for lipids: validation on six lipid typesQ29616710
Evaluation of comparative protein modeling by MODELLERQ29617322
Localization of translocation complex components in Bacillus subtilis: enrichment of the signal recognition particle receptor at early sporulation septa.Q33885790
YidC, the Escherichia coli homologue of mitochondrial Oxa1p, is a component of the Sec translocaseQ34663216
Recruitment of a species-specific translational arrest module to monitor different cellular processesQ34794882
Different modes of SecY-SecA interactions revealed by site-directed in vivo photo-cross-linkingQ35107369
Membrane protein molecular weight determined by low-angle laser light-scattering photometry coupled with high-performance gel chromatographyQ35474365
Role of YidC in folding of polytopic membrane proteinsQ36321967
Charge composition features of model single-span membrane proteins that determine selection of YidC and SecYEG translocase pathways in Escherichia coliQ36685188
Static light scattering to characterize membrane proteins in detergent solutionQ37215660
Crystallizing membrane proteins for structure determination: use of lipidic mesophasesQ37351974
A ribosome-nascent chain sensor of membrane protein biogenesis in Bacillus subtilis.Q37433536
Evolution of YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 insertases: three independent gene duplications followed by functional specialization in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplastsQ37824861
Assembly of Bacterial Inner Membrane ProteinsQ37833089
Mechanisms of Sec61/SecY-Mediated Protein Translocation Across MembranesQ37973762
The YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 protein family: common principles and distinct featuresQ38056629
Biogenesis of MalF and the MalFGK(2) maltose transport complex in Escherichia coli requires YidC.Q38291259
Escherichia coli YidC is a membrane insertase for Sec-independent proteinsQ39319304
The C-terminal regions of YidC from Rhodopirellula baltica and Oceanicaulis alexandrii bind to ribosomes and partially substitute for SRP receptor function in Escherichia coliQ41609774
Elucidating the native architecture of the YidC: ribosome complex.Q41610479
YidC and Oxa1 form dimeric insertion pores on the translating ribosomeQ41621078
Refractive index-based determination of detergent concentration and its application to the study of membrane proteinsQ41813233
Conserved negative charges in the transmembrane segments of subunit K of the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase determine its dependence on YidC for membrane insertion.Q42913952
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectmembrane proteinQ423042
P577publication date2014-04-16
P1433published inNatureQ180445
P1476titleStructural basis of Sec-independent membrane protein insertion by YidC

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