Electric-Field-Induced Protein Translocation via a Conformational Transition in SecDF: An MD Study

scientific article published in June 2017

Electric-Field-Induced Protein Translocation via a Conformational Transition in SecDF: An MD Study is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID5479055
P698PubMed publication ID28636909

P2093author name stringIoan Andricioaei
Daun Jeong
Emel Ficici
P2860cites workAn Implicit Membrane Generalized Born Theory for the Study of Structure, Stability, and Interactions of Membrane ProteinsQ24537724
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SecDF of Bacillus subtilis, a molecular Siamese twin required for the efficient secretion of proteins.Q47724114
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SecA promotes preprotein translocation by undergoing ATP-driven cycles of membrane insertion and deinsertionQ52513940
SecA membrane cycling at SecYEG is driven by distinct ATP binding and hydrolysis events and is regulated by SecD and SecF.Q54598039
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages9
P577publication date2017-06-01
P1433published inBiophysical JournalQ2032955
P1476titleElectric-Field-Induced Protein Translocation via a Conformational Transition in SecDF: An MD Study

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Q47734450Driving Forces of Translocation Through Bacterial Translocon SecYEG.
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