scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P819 | ADS bibcode | 2010PNAS..10717182E |
P356 | DOI | 10.1073/PNAS.1012556107 |
P932 | PMC publication ID | 2951439 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 20855604 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 46381122 |
P50 | author | Pascal F. Egea | Q64682851 |
P2093 | author name string | Robert M Stroud | |
P2860 | cites work | The bacterial SecY/E translocation complex forms channel-like structures similar to those of the eukaryotic Sec61p complex | Q77901565 |
Determining the conductance of the SecY protein translocation channel for small molecules | Q80390141 | ||
Structures of the signal recognition particle receptor from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: implications for the targeting step at the membrane | Q27438158 | ||
X-ray structure of a protein-conducting channel | Q27642744 | ||
Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocation | Q27649425 | ||
Structure of a complex of the ATPase SecA and the protein-translocation channel | Q27652526 | ||
Conformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structures | Q27652527 | ||
Structures of SRP54 and SRP19, the Two Proteins that Organize the Ribonucleic Core of the Signal Recognition Particle from Pyrococcus furiosus | Q27652680 | ||
Regulation of the Protein-Conducting Channel by a Bound Ribosome | Q27658163 | ||
Structure of Monomeric Yeast and Mammalian Sec61 Complexes Interacting with the Translating Ribosome | Q27658307 | ||
Control of translocation through the Sec61 translocon by nascent polypeptide structure within the ribosome | Q33334739 | ||
Dynamics of SecY translocons with translocation-defective mutations | Q34017810 | ||
Molecular dynamics studies of the archaeal translocon | Q34452349 | ||
The plug domain of yeast Sec61p is important for efficient protein translocation, but is not essential for cell viability | Q35010304 | ||
Molecular mechanism of signal sequence orientation in the endoplasmic reticulum | Q35160351 | ||
The machinery of membrane protein assembly | Q35863877 | ||
Topogenesis of membrane proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum | Q35906853 | ||
Targeting proteins to membranes: structure of the signal recognition particle. | Q36101119 | ||
Identification of cytoplasmic residues of Sec61p involved in ribosome binding and cotranslational translocation | Q36321273 | ||
Sec61p contributes to signal sequence orientation according to the positive-inside rule | Q36782186 | ||
Interactions that drive Sec-dependent bacterial protein transport | Q36901775 | ||
The roles of pore ring and plug in the SecY protein-conducting channel | Q36980008 | ||
The lateral gate of SecYEG opens during protein translocation | Q37257359 | ||
Recognition of transmembrane helices by the endoplasmic reticulum translocon. | Q40464906 | ||
Protein insertion into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum: the architecture of the translocation site | Q41124912 | ||
alpha-Helical nascent polypeptide chains visualized within distinct regions of the ribosomal exit tunnel | Q41619420 | ||
The plug domain of the SecY protein stabilizes the closed state of the translocation channel and maintains a membrane seal | Q42621979 | ||
A role for the two-helix finger of the SecA ATPase in protein translocation. | Q43181763 | ||
Probing the environment of signal-anchor sequences during topogenesis in the endoplasmic reticulum | Q45255069 | ||
The purified E. coli integral membrane protein SecY/E is sufficient for reconstitution of SecA-dependent precursor protein translocation. | Q46008320 | ||
Sequential triage of transmembrane segments by Sec61alpha during biogenesis of a native multispanning membrane protein | Q46722763 | ||
Molecular code for transmembrane-helix recognition by the Sec61 translocon | Q46853934 | ||
SecYEG proteoliposomes catalyze the Deltaphi-dependent membrane insertion of FtsQ. | Q47423880 | ||
Nascent membrane and secretory proteins differ in FRET-detected folding far inside the ribosome and in their exposure to ribosomal proteins. | Q47987631 | ||
Sec61beta--a component of the archaeal protein secretory system | Q48309376 | ||
Signal sequence recognition in posttranslational protein transport across the yeast ER membrane | Q53945518 | ||
The protein-conducting channel in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum is open laterally toward the lipid bilayer | Q54011077 | ||
Protein translocation is mediated by oligomers of the SecY complex with one SecY copy forming the channel | Q54443529 | ||
Mutations in the Sec61p Channel Affecting Signal Sequence Recognition and Membrane Protein Topology | Q56775244 | ||
Structural determinants of lateral gate opening in the protein translocon | Q57117535 | ||
P433 | issue | 40 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P304 | page(s) | 17182-17187 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-09-20 | |
P1433 | published in | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Q1146531 |
P1476 | title | Lateral opening of a translocon upon entry of protein suggests the mechanism of insertion into membranes | |
P478 | volume | 107 |
Q42944586 | A biphasic pulling force acts on transmembrane helices during translocon-mediated membrane integration |
Q36455908 | A gating motif in the translocation channel sets the hydrophobicity threshold for signal sequence function |
Q47808284 | Alignment of the protein substrate hairpin along the SecA two-helix finger primes protein transport in Escherichia coli. |
Q37552363 | An allosteric Sec61 inhibitor traps nascent transmembrane helices at the lateral gate |
Q35895551 | Anomalous behavior of water inside the SecY translocon |
Q35149690 | Apolar surface area determines the efficiency of translocon-mediated membrane-protein integration into the endoplasmic reticulum |
Q64448582 | Archaeal cell surface biogenesis |
Q36205340 | Bacterial protein translocation requires only one copy of the SecY complex in vivo |
Q38065265 | Breaking on through to the other side: protein export through the bacterial Sec system. |
Q39935945 | Conformational dynamics of the plug domain of the SecYEG protein-conducting channel. |
Q35796082 | Conserved SMP domains of the ERMES complex bind phospholipids and mediate tether assembly |
Q89479706 | Conserved motifs on the cytoplasmic face of the protein translocation channel are critical for the transition between resting and active conformations |
Q37157341 | Cotranslational folding of membrane proteins probed by arrest-peptide-mediated force measurements |
Q27667539 | Cryo-EM structure of the ribosome–SecYE complex in the membrane environment |
Q38799711 | Crystal structure of Mdm12 and combinatorial reconstitution of Mdm12/Mmm1 ERMES complexes for structural studies. |
Q36865827 | Crystal structure of a substrate-engaged SecY protein-translocation channel |
Q27701598 | Crystal structures of a polypeptide processing and secretion transporter |
Q36674746 | Determination of the Oligomeric State of SecYEG Protein Secretion Channel Complex Using in Vivo Photo- and Disulfide Cross-linking |
Q36200511 | Direct simulation of early-stage Sec-facilitated protein translocation |
Q47734450 | Driving Forces of Translocation Through Bacterial Translocon SecYEG. |
Q36206572 | Emerging themes in SecA2-mediated protein export |
Q64244254 | Folding and Misfolding of Human Membrane Proteins in Health and Disease: From Single Molecules to Cellular Proteostasis |
Q58123006 | Forces on Nascent Polypeptides during Membrane Insertion and Translocation via the Sec Translocon |
Q34999575 | Free Energy of Nascent-Chain Folding in the Translocon |
Q37340628 | Functional asymmetry within the Sec61p translocon |
Q92651089 | Functions and Mechanisms of the Human Ribosome-Translocon Complex |
Q26863353 | Hydrogen bond dynamics in membrane protein function |
Q35551833 | Hydrophobic blocks facilitate lipid compatibility and translocon recognition of transmembrane protein sequences |
Q43190054 | Influence of Pathogenic Mutations on the Energetics of Translocon-Mediated Bilayer Integration of Transmembrane Helices |
Q24561993 | Internal lipid architecture of the hetero-oligomeric cytochrome b6f complex |
Q51165696 | Introduction to Theme “Membrane Protein Folding and Insertion” |
Q42973854 | Lateral opening of the bacterial translocon on ribosome binding and signal peptide insertion |
Q36355150 | Long-Timescale Dynamics and Regulation of Sec-Facilitated Protein Translocation |
Q34916095 | Mapping of the SecA Signal Peptide Binding Site and Dimeric Interface by Using the Substituted Cysteine Accessibility Method |
Q35846068 | Marginally hydrophobic transmembrane α-helices shaping membrane protein folding |
Q37973762 | Mechanisms of Sec61/SecY-Mediated Protein Translocation Across Membranes |
Q35118815 | Mechanisms of integral membrane protein insertion and folding |
Q30375519 | Membrane Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics: a Perspective from Experiments and Theory. |
Q37876968 | Membrane protein integration into the endoplasmic reticulum |
Q36455887 | Mobility of the SecA 2-helix-finger is not essential for polypeptide translocation via the SecYEG complex |
Q92857391 | Mycobacteria and their sweet proteins: An overview of protein glycosylation and lipoglycosylation in M. tuberculosis |
Q92399576 | Partially inserted nascent chain unzips the lateral gate of the Sec translocon |
Q36555178 | Protein Translocation across the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum |
Q37976983 | Protein conducting channels—mechanisms, structures and applications |
Q38220635 | Protein transport into the human ER and related diseases, Sec61-channelopathies |
Q36613612 | Reconciling the Roles of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Factors in Membrane–Protein Insertion |
Q36255160 | Regulation of multispanning membrane protein topology via post-translational annealing |
Q89558910 | Sec translocon has an insertase-like function in addition to polypeptide conduction through the channel |
Q24631210 | SecA, a remarkable nanomachine |
Q41456119 | SecY-SecA fusion protein retains the ability to mediate protein transport |
Q38990342 | Stability and flexibility of marginally hydrophobic-segment stalling at the endoplasmic reticulum translocon |
Q37031742 | Stoichiometry of SecYEG in the active translocase of Escherichia coli varies with precursor species |
Q90634563 | Structural Relaxation Processes and Collective Dynamics of Water in Biomolecular Environments |
Q34076055 | Structural and functional profiling of the lateral gate of the Sec61 translocon |
Q36318227 | Structurally detailed coarse-grained model for Sec-facilitated co-translational protein translocation and membrane integration |
Q27684332 | Structure of the Mammalian Ribosome-Sec61 Complex to 3.4 Å Resolution |
Q27330079 | Structure of the Sec61 channel opened by a signal sequence |
Q27680440 | Structure of the SecY channel during initiation of protein translocation |
Q42000002 | Structure of the SecY complex unlocked by a preprotein mimic. |
Q30667297 | Structure of the native Sec61 protein-conducting channel |
Q91050137 | Structure of the post-translational protein translocation machinery of the ER membrane |
Q90462140 | Structure of the posttranslational Sec protein-translocation channel complex from yeast |
Q30854427 | Structure of the quaternary complex between SRP, SR, and translocon bound to the translating ribosome |
Q93116313 | Structure of the substrate-engaged SecA-SecY protein translocation machine |
Q55282553 | Structure-based working model of SecDF, a proton-driven bacterial protein translocation factor. |
Q27334605 | Structures of the E. coli translating ribosome with SRP and its receptor and with the translocon |
Q27689043 | Structures of the Sec61 complex engaged in nascent peptide translocation or membrane insertion |
Q38789175 | The Archaeal Signal Recognition Particle: Present Understanding and Future Perspective |
Q47374398 | The Sec System: Protein Export in Escherichia coli |
Q38206834 | The Sec translocon mediated protein transport in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. |
Q47684820 | The SecA protein deeply penetrates into the SecYEG channel during insertion, contacting most channel transmembrane helices and periplasmic regions |
Q37883694 | The SecY complex: conducting the orchestra of protein translocation |
Q35814696 | The bacterial Sec-translocase: structure and mechanism. |
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Q38541409 | Viroporins, Examples of the Two-Stage Membrane Protein Folding Model |
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Q42087433 | YfgM is an ancillary subunit of the SecYEG translocon in Escherichia coli |
Q42144026 | YidC occupies the lateral gate of the SecYEG translocon and is sequentially displaced by a nascent membrane protein. |
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