Lateral opening of a translocon upon entry of protein suggests the mechanism of insertion into membranes

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Lateral opening of a translocon upon entry of protein suggests the mechanism of insertion into membranes is …
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P819ADS bibcode2010PNAS..10717182E
P932PMC publication ID2951439
P698PubMed publication ID20855604
P5875ResearchGate publication ID46381122

P50authorPascal F. EgeaQ64682851
P2093author name stringRobert M Stroud
P2860cites workThe bacterial SecY/E translocation complex forms channel-like structures similar to those of the eukaryotic Sec61p complexQ77901565
Determining the conductance of the SecY protein translocation channel for small moleculesQ80390141
Structures of the signal recognition particle receptor from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: implications for the targeting step at the membraneQ27438158
X-ray structure of a protein-conducting channelQ27642744
Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocationQ27649425
Structure of a complex of the ATPase SecA and the protein-translocation channelQ27652526
Conformational transition of Sec machinery inferred from bacterial SecYE structuresQ27652527
Structures of SRP54 and SRP19, the Two Proteins that Organize the Ribonucleic Core of the Signal Recognition Particle from Pyrococcus furiosusQ27652680
Regulation of the Protein-Conducting Channel by a Bound RibosomeQ27658163
Structure of Monomeric Yeast and Mammalian Sec61 Complexes Interacting with the Translating RibosomeQ27658307
Control of translocation through the Sec61 translocon by nascent polypeptide structure within the ribosomeQ33334739
Dynamics of SecY translocons with translocation-defective mutationsQ34017810
Molecular dynamics studies of the archaeal transloconQ34452349
The plug domain of yeast Sec61p is important for efficient protein translocation, but is not essential for cell viabilityQ35010304
Molecular mechanism of signal sequence orientation in the endoplasmic reticulumQ35160351
The machinery of membrane protein assemblyQ35863877
Topogenesis of membrane proteins at the endoplasmic reticulumQ35906853
Targeting proteins to membranes: structure of the signal recognition particle.Q36101119
Identification of cytoplasmic residues of Sec61p involved in ribosome binding and cotranslational translocationQ36321273
Sec61p contributes to signal sequence orientation according to the positive-inside ruleQ36782186
Interactions that drive Sec-dependent bacterial protein transportQ36901775
The roles of pore ring and plug in the SecY protein-conducting channelQ36980008
The lateral gate of SecYEG opens during protein translocationQ37257359
Recognition of transmembrane helices by the endoplasmic reticulum translocon.Q40464906
Protein insertion into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum: the architecture of the translocation siteQ41124912
alpha-Helical nascent polypeptide chains visualized within distinct regions of the ribosomal exit tunnelQ41619420
The plug domain of the SecY protein stabilizes the closed state of the translocation channel and maintains a membrane sealQ42621979
A role for the two-helix finger of the SecA ATPase in protein translocation.Q43181763
Probing the environment of signal-anchor sequences during topogenesis in the endoplasmic reticulumQ45255069
The purified E. coli integral membrane protein SecY/E is sufficient for reconstitution of SecA-dependent precursor protein translocation.Q46008320
Sequential triage of transmembrane segments by Sec61alpha during biogenesis of a native multispanning membrane proteinQ46722763
Molecular code for transmembrane-helix recognition by the Sec61 transloconQ46853934
SecYEG proteoliposomes catalyze the Deltaphi-dependent membrane insertion of FtsQ.Q47423880
Nascent membrane and secretory proteins differ in FRET-detected folding far inside the ribosome and in their exposure to ribosomal proteins.Q47987631
Sec61beta--a component of the archaeal protein secretory systemQ48309376
Signal sequence recognition in posttranslational protein transport across the yeast ER membraneQ53945518
The protein-conducting channel in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum is open laterally toward the lipid bilayerQ54011077
Protein translocation is mediated by oligomers of the SecY complex with one SecY copy forming the channelQ54443529
Mutations in the Sec61p Channel Affecting Signal Sequence Recognition and Membrane Protein TopologyQ56775244
Structural determinants of lateral gate opening in the protein transloconQ57117535
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2010-09-20
P1433published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaQ1146531
P1476titleLateral opening of a translocon upon entry of protein suggests the mechanism of insertion into membranes

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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