scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Garry P. Nolan | Q89180933 |
P2093 | author name string | Eric E Schadt | |
Lawrence Lee | |||
Michael D Linderman | |||
Jon Sorenson | |||
P2860 | cites work | A network view of disease and compound screening | Q44111868 |
Up in a cloud? | Q51757985 | ||
A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware | Q56019490 | ||
Third-generation sequencing fireworks at Marco Island | Q84199345 | ||
High-throughput Bayesian Network Learning using Heterogeneous Multicore Computers | Q88802795 | ||
High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Units | Q21284218 | ||
A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing | Q24618931 | ||
Variations in DNA elucidate molecular networks that cause disease | Q24622333 | ||
Infernal 1.0: inference of RNA alignments | Q24646921 | ||
Accelerating molecular dynamic simulation on graphics processing units | Q24654186 | ||
Human genome sequencing using unchained base reads on self-assembling DNA nanoarrays | Q28263829 | ||
Real-time DNA sequencing from single polymerase molecules | Q28301519 | ||
Mapping the genetic architecture of gene expression in human liver | Q28472693 | ||
Bacterial community variation in human body habitats across space and time | Q29547432 | ||
Genetics of gene expression and its effect on disease | Q29614591 | ||
Genetic mapping in human disease | Q29614943 | ||
BLAST: at the core of a powerful and diverse set of sequence analysis tools | Q29615883 | ||
A general framework for weighted gene co-expression network analysis | Q29617580 | ||
VertNet: a new model for biodiversity data sharing | Q30000978 | ||
CUDASW++: optimizing Smith-Waterman sequence database searches for CUDA-enabled graphics processing units | Q30488136 | ||
Integrating large-scale functional genomic data to dissect the complexity of yeast regulatory networks | Q31159122 | ||
A Bayesian partition method for detecting pleiotropic and epistatic eQTL modules | Q33525507 | ||
Direct detection of DNA methylation during single-molecule, real-time sequencing | Q33888756 | ||
Direct sequencing of the human microbiome readily reveals community differences | Q33965950 | ||
Accelerating molecular dynamic simulation on the cell processor and Playstation 3. | Q34794279 | ||
Towards a cyberinfrastructure for the biological sciences: progress, visions and challenges | Q34810712 | ||
Searching for SNPs with cloud computing | Q34964688 | ||
Mass cytometry: technique for real time single cell multitarget immunoassay based on inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry | Q34992218 | ||
CloudBurst: highly sensitive read mapping with MapReduce | Q37193342 | ||
Cloud computing: a new business paradigm for biomedical information sharing | Q37588826 | ||
P433 | issue | 9 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | data management | Q1149776 |
P304 | page(s) | 647-57 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-09-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Nature Reviews Genetics | Q1071824 |
P1476 | title | Computational solutions to large-scale data management and analysis | |
P478 | volume | 11 |
Q28744052 | 'Sciencenet'--towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge |
Q28607528 | A Framework for Global Collaborative Data Management for Malaria Research |
Q37508553 | A cloud-based workflow to quantify transcript-expression levels in public cancer compendia |
Q30720812 | A comparison study of succinct data structures for use in GWAS. |
Q58185784 | A data-driven framework for archiving and exploring social media data |
Q34349116 | A glimpse into past, present, and future DNA sequencing. |
Q50875340 | A literature mining-based approach for identification of cellular pathways associated with chemoresistance in cancer |
Q33849686 | A performance/cost evaluation for a GPU-based drug discovery application on volunteer computing |
Q50104991 | A roadmap towards personalized immunology. |
Q24289222 | A scalable method for molecular network reconstruction identifies properties of targets and mutations in acute myeloid leukemia |
Q35006338 | A sea of biosynthesis: marine natural products meet the molecular age. |
Q57210666 | A survey and evaluation of Web-based tools/databases for variant analysis of TCGA data |
Q34557864 | A survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data |
Q34155502 | Accelerating translational research by clinically driven development of an informatics platform--a case study |
Q34361062 | Alignment-free genetic sequence comparisons: a review of recent approaches by word analysis |
Q39168493 | Analyzing large datasets with bootstrap penalization |
Q47290661 | Analyzing large scale genomic data on the cloud with Sparkhit |
Q28076074 | Applying computation biology and "big data" to develop multiplex diagnostics for complex chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis |
Q33945185 | BRISK—research-oriented storage kit for biology-related data |
Q30451663 | Behavioral barcoding in the cloud: embracing data-intensive digital phenotyping in neuropharmacology |
Q89770267 | Behind the Scenes of Successful Research in Emergency Medicine: Nine Tips for Junior Investigators |
Q34233227 | Benchmarking undedicated cloud computing providers for analysis of genomic datasets |
Q87686345 | Big Data Provenance: Challenges, State of the Art and Opportunities |
Q30365708 | Big Data Usage Patterns in the Health Care Domain: A Use Case Driven Approach Applied to the Assessment of Vaccination Benefits and Risks. Contribution of the IMIA Primary Healthcare Working Group. |
Q90096114 | Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Modeling for Drug Discovery |
Q57002530 | Big data, but are we ready? |
Q31013317 | BioDB extractor: customized data extraction system for commonly used bioinformatics databases |
Q91992463 | Bioinformatics Workflows With NoSQL Database in Cloud Computing |
Q30578803 | Bioinformatics clouds for big data manipulation |
Q28731508 | Bioinformatics tools and database resources for systems genetics analysis in mice--a short review and an evaluation of future needs |
Q38062889 | Biological network analysis: insights into structure and functions |
Q34013580 | Biomedical cloud computing with Amazon Web Services |
Q45770499 | BlueSNP: R package for highly scalable genome-wide association studies using Hadoop clusters |
Q31026807 | Breast Imaging in the Era of Big Data: Structured Reporting and Data Mining |
Q31063860 | Can data repositories help find effective treatments for complex diseases? |
Q34537690 | Cancer genomic research at the crossroads: realizing the changing genetic landscape as intratumoral spatial and temporal heterogeneity becomes a confounding factor |
Q34017084 | Characterizing genetic interactions in human disease association studies using statistical epistasis networks |
Q34005928 | CloVR: a virtual machine for automated and portable sequence analysis from the desktop using cloud computing |
Q83387272 | Cloud and heterogeneous computing solutions exist today for the emerging big data problems in biology |
Q28742669 | Community-driven computational biology with Debian Linux |
Q35678244 | Compression of Large genomic datasets using COMRAD on Parallel Computing Platform |
Q35809331 | Computational tools for discovery and interpretation of expression quantitative trait loci |
Q30622838 | DDBJ read annotation pipeline: a cloud computing-based pipeline for high-throughput analysis of next-generation sequencing data |
Q61660750 | Data Management Experiences and Best Practices from the Perspective of a Plant Research Institute |
Q27009050 | Data management strategies for multinational large-scale systems biology projects |
Q28607400 | Data management, documentation and analysis systems in radiation oncology: a multi-institutional survey |
Q40966285 | Decoding the immune response to successful influenza vaccination. |
Q36688894 | DemaDb: an integrated dematiaceous fungal genomes database |
Q37927182 | Detecting unknown sequences with DNA microarrays: explorative probe design strategies |
Q50609941 | Detrending moving average algorithm: Frequency response and scaling performances |
Q38145438 | Developing translational research infrastructure and capabilities associated with cancer clinical trials. |
Q39519619 | Disease gene prioritization using network and feature |
Q38941374 | Dissecting the phenotypic components of crop plant growth and drought responses based on high-throughput image analysis. |
Q37544055 | Efficient denoising algorithms for large experimental datasets and their applications in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry |
Q57002849 | Enabling cloud bursting for life sciences within Galaxy |
Q41780136 | Enabling large-scale biomedical analysis in the cloud |
Q37270318 | Enzyme reaction annotation using cloud techniques |
Q35027011 | Expanding roles in a library-based bioinformatics service program: a case study |
Q34569390 | Expanding the boundaries of local similarity analysis |
Q21045422 | Flow cytometry bioinformatics |
Q34253645 | Fractal MapReduce decomposition of sequence alignment |
Q24612983 | From RNA-seq reads to differential expression results |
Q26830861 | Genetic data and electronic health records: a discussion of ethical, logistical and technological considerations |
Q34571172 | Genetics and primary care: where are we headed? |
Q38021828 | Genome Research in the Cloud |
Q38490268 | Genome-wide identification of cancer-related polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated RNAs in human breast and lung cell lines. |
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Q38115030 | Genomics and transcriptomics in drug discovery |
Q30712554 | Heart beats in the cloud: distributed analysis of electrophysiological 'Big Data' using cloud computing for epilepsy clinical research |
Q28657443 | Imaging informatics: essential tools for the delivery of imaging services |
Q59302773 | Improving Environmental Scanning Systems Using Bayesian Networks |
Q46557322 | Improving data mining strategies for drug design |
Q38578341 | In silico ADME/T modelling for rational drug design. |
Q31144037 | In-depth comparison of somatic point mutation callers based on different tumor next-generation sequencing depth data |
Q38092764 | Information engineering infrastructure for life sciences and its implementation in China |
Q37970704 | Insights into antibiotic resistance through metagenomic approaches. |
Q28538643 | Integrated Bio-Search: challenges and trends for the integration, search and comprehensive processing of biological information |
Q62776588 | Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics |
Q64113894 | Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics |
Q35502599 | Introduction to bioinformatics: sequencing technology |
Q37550841 | Investigating Mutations to Reduce Huntingtin Aggregation by Increasing Htt-N-Terminal Stability and Weakening Interactions with PolyQ Domain |
Q28681150 | KNODWAT: a scientific framework application for testing knowledge discovery methods for the biomedical domain |
Q37701987 | Knowledge discovery by accuracy maximization. |
Q34994748 | LAILAPS: the plant science search engine |
Q52716996 | Landscape of Actionable Genetic Alterations Profiled from 1,071 Tumor Samples in Korean Cancer Patients. |
Q34782992 | Lessons learned from implementing a national infrastructure in Sweden for storage and analysis of next-generation sequencing data |
Q38183344 | Locus-specific databases in cancer: what future in a post-genomic era? The TP53 LSDB paradigm |
Q57089715 | Marine ecosystem acoustics (MEA): quantifying processes in the sea at the spatio-temporal scales on which they occur |
Q27692567 | Mechanisms of drug resistance in kinases |
Q46011126 | Metabolomic Modularity Analysis (MMA) to Quantify Human Liver Perfusion Dynamics. |
Q37502143 | Mixed Linear Model Approaches of Association Mapping for Complex Traits Based on Omics Variants |
Q40882296 | Monte Carlo simulation of photon migration in a cloud computing environment with MapReduce |
Q38410699 | Multi-scale genetic dynamic modelling II: application to synthetic biology: an algorithmic Markov chain based approach |
Q37973257 | NEW: network-enabled wisdom in biology, medicine, and health care |
Q35761806 | NGS technologies for analyzing germplasm diversity in genebanks. |
Q35789407 | Needs Assessment for Research Use of High-Throughput Sequencing at a Large Academic Medical Center |
Q41747887 | Next-Generation Sequencing: The Translational Medicine Approach from "Bench to Bedside to Population". |
Q33565443 | Next-generation sequencing: from understanding biology to personalized medicine |
Q36457381 | Now and next-generation sequencing techniques: future of sequence analysis using cloud computing. |
Q28731358 | Opportunities and Challenges for the Life Sciences Community |
Q38675644 | Optimizing drug development in oncology by clinical trial simulation: Why and how? |
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Q38078204 | Pediatric systems medicine: evaluating needs and opportunities using congenital heart block as a case study |
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Q27323553 | Profiling animal toxicants by automatically mining public bioassay data: a big data approach for computational toxicology |
Q21284302 | QMachine: commodity supercomputing in web browsers |
Q33751206 | Ray Meta: scalable de novo metagenome assembly and profiling. |
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Q26749385 | Review of Developments in Electronic, Clinical Data Collection, and Documentation Systems over the Last Decade - Are We Ready for Big Data in Routine Health Care? |
Q86411837 | Role of high-throughput sequencing in oncology |
Q28276638 | SCALCE: boosting sequence compression algorithms using locally consistent encoding |
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Q36877024 | Strand-Specific RNA-Seq Provides Greater Resolution of Transcriptome Profiling. |
Q37232564 | Systems biological approaches to measure and understand vaccine immunity in humans |
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Q37894331 | TP53 Mutations in Human Cancer: Database Reassessment and Prospects for the Next Decade |
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