Linked Data Notifications

W3C Recommendation that describes a communications protocol

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Abstract is: Linked Data Notifications (LDN) is a W3C Recommendation that describes a communications protocol based on HTTP, URI, and RDF on how servers (receivers) can receive messages pushed to them by applications (senders), as well as how other applications (consumers) may retrieve those messages. Any web resource (like a HTML page) can advertise a receiving endpoint (inbox) for notification messages. Messages are expressed in RDF, and can contain arbitrary data.

Linked Data Notifications is …
instance of (P31):
W3C RecommendationQ2661442

External links are
P973described at URL
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11df3wbgyg
P856official website
P1324source code repository URL

P1343described by sourceScholarly Communication Technology CatalogueQ105080154
P1462standards bodyWorld Wide Web ConsortiumQ37033

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