Age-related top-down suppression deficit in the early stages of cortical visual memory processing

scientific article

Age-related top-down suppression deficit in the early stages of cortical visual memory processing is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P819ADS bibcode2008PNAS..10513122G
P932PMC publication ID2529045
P698PubMed publication ID18765818
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23232037

P50authorMark D'EspositoQ87654635
P2093author name stringRobert T Knight
Adam Gazzaley
Jon Kelley
Kevin McEvoy
Wesley Clapp
P2860cites work“Mini-mental state”Q25938989
Prefrontal modulation of visual processing in humansQ28139268
Region-specific changes in prefrontal function with age: a review of PET and fMRI studies on working and episodic memoryQ30996947
Alterations in the BOLD fMRI signal with ageing and disease: a challenge for neuroimagingQ33194494
Electrophysiological Studies of Face Perception in HumansQ34081017
The processing-speed theory of adult age differences in cognitionQ34392655
Top-down suppression deficit underlies working memory impairment in normal agingQ34450400
The P300 wave of the human event-related potentialQ35596888
Mining event-related brain dynamicsQ35761706
Top-down enhancement and suppression of the magnitude and speed of neural activity.Q46026340
Frontal midline EEG dynamics during working memoryQ46294927
Prefrontal deficits in attention and inhibitory control with agingQ46519857
Age-related changes in processing auditory stimuli during visual attention: evidence for deficits in inhibitory control and sensory memoryQ48099019
Aging gracefully: compensatory brain activity in high-performing older adultsQ48454742
Evidence for frontally mediated controlled processing differences in older adultsQ48496816
Reduced suppression or labile memory? Mechanisms of inefficient filtering of irrelevant information in older adultsQ48500125
Neuronal synchronization and selective color processing in the human brainQ51691463
Selective visual-spatial attention alters induced gamma band responses in the human EEGQ57721901
Early stages (P100) of face perception in humans as measured with event-related potentials (ERPs)Q57935146
Push-Pull Mechanism of Selective Attention in Human Extrastriate CortexQ60508406
Sources of attention-sensitive visual event-related potentialsQ72364143
Clinical application of the P3 component of event-related potentials. I. Normal agingQ72727700
Age-related decline in inhibitory control contributes to the increased Stroop effect observed in older adultsQ73581010
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2008-09-02
P1433published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaQ1146531
P1476titleAge-related top-down suppression deficit in the early stages of cortical visual memory processing

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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