Investigating age-related changes in anterior and posterior neural activity throughout the information processing stream

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Investigating age-related changes in anterior and posterior neural activity throughout the information processing stream is …
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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_n32nbkmfrnfehdws5s4ytpcmsq
P932PMC publication ID4605281
P698PubMed publication ID26295684
P5875ResearchGate publication ID281167210

P50authorBrittany R AlperinQ85215939
P2093author name stringPhillip J Holcomb
Kirk R Daffner
Katherine K Mott
Erich S Tusch
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P921main subjectinformation processingQ750843
P577publication date2015-08-18
P1433published inBrain and CognitionQ4955810
P1476titleInvestigating age-related changes in anterior and posterior neural activity throughout the information processing stream