On the utility of P3 amplitude as a measure of processing capacity

scientific article

On the utility of P3 amplitude as a measure of processing capacity is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID11352145

P2093author name stringKok A
P577publication date2001-05-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inPsychophysiologyQ15716416
P1476titleOn the utility of P3 amplitude as a measure of processing capacity

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cites work (P2860)
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Q51922208Mental chronometry of working memory retrieval: a combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related potentials approach.
Q42667914Methylphenidate effects in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: electrodermal and ERP measures during a continuous performance task.
Q80820381Microsaccadic responses in a bimodal oddball task
Q57176442Mindfulness-based training with transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal resource allocation in working memory: A randomized pilot study with a nonequivalent control group
Q41702698Mirror-normal difference in the late phase of mental rotation: An ERP study.
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Q43630944Motive related positivity: Decision-making during a prisoners' dilemma task
Q55280264Multi-Tasking and Choice of Training Data Influencing Parietal ERP Expression and Single-Trial Detection-Relevance for Neuroscience and Clinical Applications.
Q37308908Multifactorial determinants of target and novelty-evoked P300 amplitudes in children of addicted parents
Q30483265Multimodal effects of local context on target detection: evidence from P3b.
Q52148805Multisensory stimulation in hemianopic patients boosts orienting responses to the hemianopic field and reduces attentional resources to the intact field
Q30401548Music-induced positive mood broadens the scope of auditory attention
Q37348361Neural Features of Processing the Enforcement Phrases Used during Occupational Health and Safety Inspections: An ERP Study
Q39535222Neural activity in relation to temporal distance: Differences in past and future temporal discounting
Q38384931Neural correlates of Italian nominal compounds and potential impact of headedness effect: an ERP study
Q43170574Neural correlates of age-related reduction in visual motion priming
Q38425976Neural correlates of error detection and correction in a semantic retrieval task
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Q37471945Neural signatures of stimulus features in visual working memory--a spatiotemporal approach.
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Q44153281Neural time course of threat-related attentional bias and interference in panic and obsessive–compulsive disorders
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Q34525361Neuronal correlates of a virtual-reality-based passive sensory P300 network
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Q48333283Prestimulus delta and theta determinants of ERP responses in the Go/NoGo task
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Q47388084Proactive control in early and middle childhood: An ERP study.
Q93174564Processing of performance errors predicts memory formation: Enhanced feedback-related negativities for corrected versus repeated errors in an associative learning paradigm
Q48241022Psychometric intelligence and P3 of the event-related potentials studied with a 3-stimulus auditory oddball task
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Q50906118Repetition and event-related potentials: distinguishing early and late processes in affective picture perception
Q35110705Response variability in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a neuronal and glial energetics hypothesis
Q30538452Retrospective attention enhances visual working memory in the young but not the old: An ERP study
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Q34546952Semantics and N400: insights for schizophrenia
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Q64115400Similar changes in executive function after moderate resistance training and loadless movement
Q35433730Single bouts of exercise selectively sustain attentional processes
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Q36310408Source analysis of P3a and P3b components to investigate interaction of depression and anxiety in attentional systems.
Q50565516Spatial attention facilitates assembly of the briefest percepts: Electrophysiological evidence from color fusion
Q90375655Spatiotemporal and spectral dynamics of multi-item working memory as revealed by the n-back task using MEG
Q36881369Spontaneous Fluctuations in Sensory Processing Predict Within-Subject Reaction Time Variability
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Q36370007Suppression of cognitive function in hyperthermia; From the viewpoint of executive and inhibitive cognitive processing
Q47594705Surprise as an ideal case for the interplay of cognition and emotion
Q89505399Surprise response as a probe for compressed memory states
Q30468173Surprise? Early visual novelty processing is not modulated by attention.
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Q90224465Target-related parietal P3 and medial frontal theta index the genetic risk for problematic substance use
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Q40996758The classic P300 encodes a build-to-threshold decision variable.
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Q50668509The effects of age on the neural correlates of feedback processing in a naturalistic gambling game
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Q34313295The influence of acute stress on attention mechanisms and its electrophysiological correlates
Q36026782The influence of executive capacity on selective attention and subsequent processing
Q28749809The influence of perceptual and semantic categorization on inhibitory processing as measured by the N2-P3 response
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Q30448584The phonotactic influence on the perception of a consonant cluster /pt/ by native English and native Polish listeners: A behavioral and event related potential (ERP) study
Q34718356The relationship between P3 amplitude and working memory performance differs in young and older adults
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Q103031844The role of hippocampal theta oscillations in working memory impairment in multiple sclerosis
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Q37224331Three stages of facial expression processing: ERP study with rapid serial visual presentation.
Q48380872To ignore or explore: top-down modulation of novelty processing
Q37216522Tracing the time course of emotion perception: the impact of stimulus physics and semantics on gesture processing
Q93006400Tracking the implicit acquisition of nonadjacent transitional probabilities by ERPs
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Q90050309Visual Perceptual Load Does Not Affect the Frequency Mismatch Negativity
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