open-source distributed ledger and cryptocurrency

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Abstract is: IOTA is an open-source distributed ledger and cryptocurrency designed for the Internet of things (IoT). It uses a directed acyclic graph to store transactions on its ledger, motivated by a potentially higher scalability over blockchain based distributed ledgers. IOTA does not use miners to validate transactions, instead, nodes that issue a new transaction on the network must approve two previous transactions. Transactions can therefore be issued without fees, facilitating microtransactions. The network currently achieves consensus through a coordinator node, operated by the IOTA Foundation. As the coordinator is a single point of failure, the network is currently centralized. IOTA has been criticized due to its unusual design, of which it is unclear whether it will work in practice. As a result, IOTA was rewritten from the ground up for a network update called Chrysalis, or IOTA 1.5, which launched on 28 April 2021. In this update, controversial decisions such as ternary encoding and quantum proof cryptography were left behind and replaced with established standards. A testnet for a follow-up update called Coordicide, or IOTA 2.0, was deployed in late 2020, with the aim of releasing a distributed network that no longer relies on the coordinator for consensus in 2021.

Wikimedia Commons category is IOTA (cryptocurrency)

IOTA is …
instance of (P31):
free and open-source softwareQ506883
digital currencyQ10836209
distributed ledgerQ25110971

External links are
P5777CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency IDiota
P973described at URL
P7502Golden IDIOTA_(cryptocurrency)-ZRR8
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11d_88l3hz
P10715Investopedia term IDi/iota
P856official website
P1324source code repository URL
P6541Stack Exchange site URL
P6363WordLift URL
P8672X topic ID1007357552286261248

P144based ondirected acyclic graphQ1195339
P275copyright licenseGNU General Public LicenseQ7603
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P1343described by sourceMarjorie-WikiQ14971823
P1889different frombitcoinQ131723
P366has useInternet of thingsQ251212
P941inspired bybitcoinQ131723
P1813short nameMIOTA
P348software version identifier2.0.1
P414stock exchangeeToroQ5324516
P2283usesdirected acyclic graphQ1195339
distributed ledgerQ25110971

Reverse relations

Q110262637Iotafield of workP101
Q25110971distributed ledgerused byP1535

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:IOTA (cryptocurrency)wikimedia
Arabic (ar / Q13955)أيوتا (تكنولوجيا)wikipedia
Moroccan Arabic (ary / Q56426)إيوطاwikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)IOTA (programari)wikipedia
      IOTA (kryptoměna)wikipedia
      Iota (Kommunikationsprotokoll)wikipedia
      IOTA (technology)wikipedia
      IOTA (protocolo)wikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)آیوتا (فناوری)wikipedia
      IOTA (teknologia)wikipedia
      IOTA (cryptomonnaie et technologie)wikipedia
      IOTA (teknoloji)wikipedia
      IOTA (criptovaluta)wikipedia
      IOTA (暗号通貨)wikipedia
      IOTA (technologie)wikipedia
      IOTA (kryptowaluta)wikipedia
      IOTA (criptomoeda)wikipedia
      IOTA (технология)wikipedia
      IOTA (криптовалюта)wikipedia
      IOTA (加密貨幣)wikipedia

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