On differential variability of expression ratios: improving statistical inference about gene expression changes from microarray data

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On differential variability of expression ratios: improving statistical inference about gene expression changes from microarray data is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/jcb/NewtonKRBT01
P698PubMed publication ID11339905
P5875ResearchGate publication ID11997103

P2093author name stringTsui KW
Blattner FR
Newton MA
Kendziorski CM
Richmond CS
P921main subjectstatisticsQ12483
P577publication date2001-01-01
P1433published inJournal of Computational BiologyQ6295003
P1476titleOn differential variability of expression ratios: improving statistical inference about gene expression changes from microarray data

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