AxonPacking: An Open-Source Software to Simulate Arrangements of Axons in White Matter

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AxonPacking: An Open-Source Software to Simulate Arrangements of Axons in White Matter is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/fini/MingassonDSC17
P932PMC publication ID5281605
P698PubMed publication ID28197091

P50authorNikola StikovQ57032219
Tanguy DuvalQ63391305
Julien Cohen-AdadQ63874614
P2093author name stringTom Mingasson
P2860cites workA theory of the effects of fibre size in medullated nerveQ24543926
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g-Ratio weighted imaging of the human spinal cord in vivo.Q31132901
Simulation and experimental verification of the diffusion in an anisotropic fiber phantomQ31137046
AxCaliber: a method for measuring axon diameter distribution from diffusion MRIQ31156732
Bound pool fractions complement diffusion measures to describe white matter micro and macrostructureQ33688661
An Optimum Principle Predicts the Distribution of Axon Diameters in Normal White MatterQ34575329
In vivo mapping of human spinal cord microstructure at 300mT/mQ36034542
AxonSeg: Open Source Software for Axon and Myelin Segmentation and Morphometric AnalysisQ36122997
Quantification of anisotropy and fiber orientation in human brain histological sectionsQ36580107
In vivo observation and biophysical interpretation of time-dependent diffusion in human white matterQ36717382
An analytical model of restricted diffusion in bovine optic nerve.Q36839946
Magnetic resonance imaging of myelinQ36864333
Parametric Probability Distribution Functions for Axon Diameters of Corpus CallosumQ36936471
Astrocyte morphology, heterogeneity, and density in the developing African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus).Q38298317
Quantitative analysis of mouse corpus callosum from electron microscopy images.Q40389090
Automated method for the segmentation and morphometry of nerve fibers in large-scale CARS images of spinal cord tissueQ41601129
Why Do Axons Differ in Caliber?Q41872441
The relationship between nerve conduction velocity and fiber morphology during peripheral nerve regenerationQ42322697
Cytological and quantitative characteristics of four cerebral commissures in the rhesus monkeyQ42484324
A simulation environment for diffusion weighted MR experiments in complex mediaQ42918304
Convergence and parameter choice for Monte-Carlo simulations of diffusion MRI.Q44492665
Pyramidal tract of the cat: axon size and morphologyQ47213749
Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and density from diffusion MRI.Q48151351
Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging of the healthy cervical spinal cord in vivo.Q48343806
Fiber composition of the human corpus callosumQ48395678
A detailed morphometrical analysis of the pyramidal tract of the rat.Q48426601
Microstructural organization of axons in the human corpus callosum quantified by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy of N-acetylaspartate and post-mortem histology.Q50176157
Correction: An Optimum Principle Predicts the Distribution of Axon Diameters in Normal White Matter.Q55667919
Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings AlgorithmQ58165297
Packing of Spheres: Co-ordination of Randomly Packed SpheresQ59065627
Random packings of spheres and spherocylinders simulated by mechanical contractionQ73478630
Jamming transition in emulsions and granular materialsQ81029357
P921main subjectwhite matterQ822050
open-source softwareQ1130645
P577publication date2017-01-31
P1433published inFrontiers in NeuroinformaticsQ25474550
P1476titleAxonPacking: An Open-Source Software to Simulate Arrangements of Axons in White Matter

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