Q97931825 | Q97931825 |
Q97949279 | Q97949279 |
Q122016804 | Free and open source v geoinformatice |
Q121989069 | The weight of the intangible: knowledge networks in free and open source software development |
Q121982713 | Výkonnost open source aplikací: rychlost, přesnost a trocha štěstí |
Q114972743 | "Applied Open -Web GIS Server based solution to develop the Web-Based Mapping Application using Open-Source Software Server (OSS)" |
Q52671844 | "Do-It-Yourself" reliable pH-stat device by using open-source software, inexpensive hardware and available laboratory equipment. |
Q110009816 | #opensourcemms |
Q114931769 | <b>Handbook of Research on Open Source Software – Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives; by Krik St.Amant & Brian Still</b> |
Q114931766 | <b>Handbook of Research on Open Source Software – Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives; de Krik St.Amant & Brian Still</b> |
Q58888985 | (W18) 1st workshop on open source software engineering |
Q58440495 | 1028 Facing information challenge in injury surveillance with open source solution |
Q114967574 | 1P1-G13 Overview of Open Source Software for Robot Audition |
Q120362699 | 2023 Special Issue on Software Tools and Resources: Accelerating Research with New and Evolving Open Source Software |
Q110511617 | 2701 Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation using the Open Source CFD-DEM Code CFDEM |
Q98896377 | 2D perfusion DSA with an open-source, semi-automated, color-coded software for the quantification of foot perfusion following infrapopliteal angioplasty: a feasibility study |
Q28315540 | 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development |
Q57717732 | 3-D printable open source dual axis gimbal system for optoelectronic measurements |
Q54032010 | 3-D printing open-source click-MUAC bands for identification of malnutrition |
Q38380358 | 3D Printing in the Laboratory: Maximize Time and Funds with Customized and Open-Source Labware |
Q30699870 | 3D Printing of CT Dataset: Validation of an Open Source and Consumer-Available Workflow |
Q64109438 | 3D Tune-In Toolkit: An open-source library for real-time binaural spatialisation |
Q115000616 | 3D Virtual Planning for Rhinoplasty Using a Free Add-On for Open-Source Software |
Q37313097 | 3D for the people: multi-camera motion capture in the field with consumer-grade cameras and open source software |
Q93368090 | 3D organ modeling with open-source software |
Q110512441 | 3D rock fabric analysis using micro-tomography: An introduction to the open-source TomoFab MATLAB code |
Q92724651 | 3D-Cell-Annotator: an open-source active surface tool for single cell segmentation in 3D microscopy images |
Q100563520 | 3D-XGuide: open-source X-ray navigation guidance system |
Q35182467 | 3D-assisted quantitative assessment of orbital volume using an open-source software platform in a Taiwanese population |
Q92377757 | 3D-printable portable open-source platform for low-cost lens-less holographic cellular imaging |
Q115036868 | 3DWofE: An open-source software package for three-dimensional weights of evidence modeling |
Q59479964 | 3GPP 3D MIMO channel model: a holistic implementation guideline for open source simulation tools |
Q115041808 | 4-dimensional Virtual Reality Cine Cardiac Model Using Free, Open-source Software |
Q114968035 | 40 International Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1 — April 2015 2325 - 7407/15/01 0 40 - 5 © 2015 DEStech Publications, Inc. doi:10.12783/ijace.2015.0401. 10 Applying Open Source Softwares Fritzing and Arduino to Course De |
Q59150713 | 7 Free and Open Source Software in Commercial and Academic Archaeology |
Q110496110 | 9 Archaeological Experiences with Free and Open Source Geographic Information Systems and Geospatial Freeware: Implementation and Usage Examples in the Compliance, Education, and Research Sectors |
Q115150634 | 9.2.4 Open Source Software Assessment for the Naval Oceanographic Office |
Q111713689 | |
Q114967820 | Research Note—Lock-In Strategy in Software Competition: Open-Source Software vs. Proprietary Software |
Q114967806 | Research Note—Perceived Firm Attributes and Intrinsic Motivation in Sponsored Open Source Software Projects |
Q114967809 | Research Note—The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement on Open Source Software Project Success |
Q115004475 | CostMAP: an open-source software package for developing cost surfaces using a multi-scale search kernel |
Q115002900 | FloodRisk: a collaborative, free and open-source software for flood risk analysis |
Q115003491 | Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement, by Johan Söderberg |
Q114997375 | PTCLab: free and open-source software for calculating phase transformation crystallography |
Q113815288 | diffpy.mpdf: open-source software for magnetic pair distribution function analysis |
Q89718235 | A Benchmark Open-Source Implementation of COSMO-SAC |
Q58729829 | A Blockchain Implementation Prototype for the Electronic Open Source Traceability of Wood along the Whole Supply Chain |
Q114988059 | A Brief History of Free, Open Source Software and Its Communities |
Q61605202 | A Brief Review of Studies on Open Source Software in Developing Countries in Peer-Reviewed Journals |
Q64455875 | A CUDA-based GPU engine for gprMax: Open source FDTD electromagnetic simulation software |
Q47552838 | A Call for Open-Source Cost-Effectiveness Analysis |
Q53832960 | A Call for Open-Source Cost-Effectiveness Analysis |
Q88250433 | A Call for Open-Source Cost-Effectiveness Analysis |
Q95512975 | A Call for Open-Source Cost-Effectiveness Analysis |
Q89766432 | A Call to Action: the Need for Standardization in Developing Open-Source Mass Spectrometry-Based Methods for Microbial Subspecies Discrimination |
Q114925372 | A Case Study about Open Source Internet Software in the eThekwini Municipality and a discussion of the relevance of open source software in libraries |
Q110512188 | A Case Study on Combustion Instability of a Model Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor with Open Source Code OSCILOS |
Q114926403 | A Case Study on Design Patterns and Software Defects in Open Source Software |
Q63929711 | A Commercial Perspective on Open Source Hardware - An Interdisciplinary Law and Management Investigation of the Personal 3D Printing Industry |
Q47280688 | A Commitment to Open Source in Neuroscience. |
Q113316828 | A Community Strategy Framework – How to obtain influence on requirements in meritocratic open source software communities? |
Q114925454 | A Comparative Analysis of Open Source Software Reliability |
Q114929780 | A Comparative Study on Open Source Software for Implementation of Electronic Records Management System for Festivals: Focused on Chunhyang Festival in Namwon |
Q119020530 | A Comparison Research about Open Source Software of Digital Library System |
Q47113990 | A Comparison of Open Source Electronic Medical Records Systems |
Q58841742 | A Comparison of Two Open Source LiDAR Surface Classification Algorithms |
Q93193593 | A Complete Pipeline for Isolating and Sequencing MicroRNAs, and Analyzing Them Using Open Source Tools |
Q114362902 | A Comprehensive Tutorial on How to Practically Build and Deploy 5G Networks Using Open-Source Software and General-Purpose, Off-the-Shelf Hardware |
Q42689365 | A Comprehensive, Open-source Platform for Mass Spectrometry-based Glycoproteomics Data Analysis |
Q114371940 | A Computational Framework for Atrioventricular Valve Modeling Using Open-Source Software |
Q114927843 | A Cost Model of Open Source Software Adoption |
Q114987483 | A Critical Review of Open Source Software Development: Freedom or Benefit Libertarian View Versus Corporate View |
Q114951003 | A Customer Value Creation Framework for Businesses That Generate Revenue with Open Source Software |
Q111900790 | A Data Extraction Algorithm from Open Source Software Project Repositories for Building Duration Estimation Models: Case Study of Github |
Q114919877 | A Defect Management Process based on Open Source Software for Small Organizations |
Q114919850 | A Development of Open-Source Software for Educational Coding Environments Using Small Basic |
Q109299362 | A Do-It-Yourself Hyperspectral Imager Brought to Practice with Open-Source Python |
Q57019527 | A Feedback Based Quality Assessment to Support Open Source Software Evolution: the GRASS Case Study |
Q114954686 | A Fistful of Dollars: Financial Rewards, Payment Norms, and Motivation Crowding in Open Source Software Development |
Q91431203 | A Flexible Open-Source Decision Model for Value Assessment of Biologic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Q114920197 | A Framework of Collaborative Knowledge Management System in Open Source Software Development Environment |
Q114928444 | A Freehand 3D Ultrasound Imaging System using Open-Source Software Tools with Improved Edge-Preserving Interpolation |
Q93150419 | A Fully Discrete Open Source Framework for the Simulation of Vascular Remodelling |
Q115008430 | A GIS Open Source Software application for mapping solar energy resources in urban areas |
Q57061220 | A Graphic User Interface for the Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis (GEKO): An open-source tool for histological grading |
Q55065375 | A Guide for Transforming Digital Collections Metadata into Linked Data Using Open Source Technologies |
Q30810794 | A HTML5 open source tool to conduct studies based on Libet's clock paradigm |
Q114967822 | A Hidden Markov Model of Developer Learning Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects |
Q91549670 | A High-Resolution Open Source Platform for Building Envelope Thermal Performance Assessment Using a Wireless Sensor Network |
Q110512394 | A Lightweight DFT-Based Approach to the Optical Measurement of Displacements Using an Open-Source Python Code |
Q119655297 | A Linked Open Data–Based Terminology to Describe Libre/Free and Open-source Software: Incremental Development Study |
Q115005253 | A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Open Source Software Project Characteristics on Positive Outcomes |
Q37068872 | A Low Cost/Low Power Open Source Sensor System for Automated Tuberculosis Drug Susceptibility Testing. |
Q61979229 | A Low-Cost Open Source 3D-Printable Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand with a Parallel Spherical Joint Wrist for Sign Languages Reproduction |
Q102057711 | A Low-Cost Open Source Device for Cell Microencapsulation |
Q51628200 | A Low-Cost Open-Source Acoustic Recorder for Bioacoustics Research |
Q28315790 | A Low-Cost Open-Source Metal 3-D Printer |
Q96947444 | A Low-Cost, Open Source Monitoring System for Collecting High Temporal Resolution Water Use Data on Magnetically Driven Residential Water Meters |
Q37664651 | A Low-Cost, Open-Source, Compliant Hand for Enabling Sensorimotor Control for People with Transradial Amputations |
Q46415612 | A MRI-based open source tool for quantitative measurement of relaxation times and perfusion in cardiac tissues. |
Q119960868 | A Method of Reliability Assessment Based on Fine Tuning Deep Learning Model for Open Source Software in Edge Computing |
Q114929745 | A Method of Selecting Open Source Software by IFCS |
Q114978480 | A Method of Statistical Process Control for Successful Open Source Software Projects and Its Application to Determining the Development Period |
Q58223075 | A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source Software |
Q92963422 | A Mixed-methods Approach for Improving Radiation Safety Culture in Open-source University Laboratories |
Q114917898 | A Model for Reusing Requirements Using Examples from Open Source Software |
Q100448520 | A Modular Open Source Health Monitoring Garment |
Q90381077 | A Multi-Protocol IoT Platform Based on Open-Source Frameworks |
Q114932535 | A Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Temperature Using Landsat-8 Data and Open Source Software: The Case Study of Modena, Italy |
Q62046492 | A Multi-objective Approach to Prioritize and Recommend Bugs in Open Source Repositories |
Q110511785 | A Multi-repository Approach to Study the Topology of Open Source Bugs Communities: Implications for Software and Code Quality |
Q101158475 | A New Methodology for a Retrofitted Self-tuned Controller with Open-Source FPGA |
Q111897939 | A New Paradigm for Safety Data Signal Detection and Evaluation Using Open-Source Software Created by an Interdisciplinary Working Group |
Q115145683 | A Note on Knowledge Creation in Open-Source Software Projects: What Can We Learn from Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems? |
Q110511417 | A Novel Hybrid Approach for Detecting Recurring Code Clones in Open Source |
Q107399405 | A Novel Open Source Approach to Monitor EZproxy Users’ Activities |
Q90704400 | A Novel Open-Source Novel App Improves Anesthesia Operating Room Equipment Supply |
Q114291895 | A Participation Paradox: Seeking the Missing Link between Free/Open Source Software and Participatory Design |
Q114922163 | A Perspective on Open Source Software Development Movement |
Q114928482 | A Perspective on Software Engineering Education with Open Source Software |
Q53683402 | A Platform for Innovation and Standards Evaluation: a Case Study from the OpenMRS Open-Source Radiology Information System. |
Q114965945 | A Portable Virtual LAB for Informatics Education using Open Source Software |
Q110511931 | A Practical Study on Code Static Analysis through Open Source based Tool Chains |
Q111936116 | A Prediction Model of the Project Life-Span in Open Source Software Ecosystem |
Q114965924 | A Proposal for A High Availability Architecture for VoIP Telephone Systems based on Open Source Software |
Q114954323 | A Public Domain Approach to Free and Open Source Software? |
Q114930622 | A Quality Communication Framework for Open Source Softwares |
Q110660772 | A Quantitative Testing Effort Estimate for Reliability Assessment of Multi Release Open Source Software Systems |
Q102330516 | A Real-World Prospective Study of the Safety and Effectiveness of the Loop Open Source Automated Insulin Delivery System |
Q111918877 | A Research on Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Against Physical Access Cyber Attacks Using Open Source Software for Smart Grids |
Q114968066 | A Review of Evaluation and Selection of Open Source Software in Electronic Medical Record |
Q90962653 | A Review of Freely Available, Open-Source Software for the Automated Analysis of the Behavior of Adult Zebrafish |
Q114928394 | A Review of Migration Processes to Open Source Software |
Q115042879 | A Review of Models for Evaluating Quality in Open Source Software |
Q114920183 | A Review of Users Adoption of Open Source Software in Africa |
Q114966357 | A Review of the International FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) Innovation Surveys |
Q58582897 | A Review of “Adopting Open Source Software: A Practical Guide” |
Q58558513 | A Review of “GIMP 2.6 for Photographers: Image Editing with Open Source Software.” |
Q58537248 | A Review of “Open Source Web Applications for Libraries” |
Q58537280 | A Review of “Practical Open Source Software for Libraries” |
Q114926677 | A Scalable Architecture for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Using Free Open Source Software |
Q48301475 | A Scalable Open-Source Pipeline for Large-Scale Root Phenotyping of Arabidopsis |
Q118178426 | A Simple and Efficient Structural Topology Optimization Implementation Using Open-Source Software for All Steps of the Algorithm: Modeling, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization |
Q58223040 | A Situated Approach of Roles and Participation in Open Source Software Communities |
Q114368068 | A Solution for Social Education - Free Open Source Software Teaching through E-Learning Framework |
Q86654353 | A Standardized Open-Source Mass Spectrometry Toolkit: Potential for Facilitating Proteomics Research |
Q114377974 | A Straightforward Method for Adipocyte Size and Count Analysis Using Open-source Software QuPath |
Q114962341 | A Study of Measurement for Development Efficiency in Large Scale Open Source Software Projects |
Q114927986 | A Study of Open Source Software Development from Control Perspective |
Q114966954 | A Study of Open Source Software Pricing Decision for Value Valuation |
Q114966599 | A Study of Pricing Decision for Open Source Software Value |
Q115037719 | A Study of Quality Indicator Model of Large-Scale Open Source Software Projects for Adoption Decision-making |
Q114966991 | A Study of The Taxonomy Framework of Open Source Software Business Model |
Q114923878 | A Study of Various Static and Dynamic Metrics for Open Source Software |
Q115038267 | A Study on Maturity Model of Open Source Software Community to Estimate the Quality of Products |
Q114966990 | A Study on Open Source Software Business Model based on Value |
Q114929748 | A Study on Selection Process of Open Source Software |
Q114929779 | A Study on Using Open Source Software for Building a Digital Archive System |
Q114929747 | A Study on a Logical Quality Evaluation Model based on Application Open Source Software Characteristics |
Q106933076 | A Study on the Characteristics and Intellectual Property Issues of the Open-Source Software |
Q114965672 | A Study on the Critical Factors Affecting the Adoption of Open Source Software by Public Institutions |
Q114929782 | A Study on the Integrated Library System Based on Open Source Software |
Q113414485 | A Study on the Problems and Policy Implementation for Open-Source Software Industry in Korea: Soft System Methodology Approach |
Q115038298 | A Support System for Generating SCORM Compliant Open Source Software Usage Manuals |
Q58655128 | A Survey of Open Source Products for Building a SIP Communication Platform |
Q111899888 | A Survey of Open Source Statistical Software (OSSS) and Their Data Processing Functionalities |
Q114987151 | A Survey on Open Source Software Trustworthiness |
Q111927806 | A System to Easily Manage Metadata in Biomedical Research Labs Based on Open-source Software |
Q114927792 | A Systematic Approach to Evaluating Open Source Software |
Q114987867 | A Techno-Economic Study of Optical Network Disaggregation Employing Open Source Software Business Models for Metropolitan Area Networks |
Q115100156 | A Test Set for stiff Initial Value Problem Solvers in the open source software R: Package deTestSet |
Q114954087 | A Theory of Joint Authorship for Free and Open Source Software Projects |
Q39400695 | A Validated Open-Source Multisolver Fourth-Generation Composite Femur Model. |
Q100687916 | A Versatile Open-Source Printhead for Low-Cost 3D Microextrusion-Based Bioprinting |
Q61814259 | A Versatile and Open-Source Rapid LED Switching System for One-Photon Imaging and Photo-Activation |
Q96434873 | A Wearable, Extensible, Open-Source Platform for Hearing Healthcare Research |
Q66711756 | A Web 2.0 and Open Source Approach for Management and Sharing of Multimedia Data-Case of the Tzu Chi Foundation |
Q57542128 | A Web GIS Framework for Participatory Sensing Service: An Open Source-Based Implementation |
Q94815448 | A business model for commercial open source software: A systematic literature review |
Q36668662 | A case study in open source innovation: developing the Tidepool Platform for interoperability in type 1 diabetes management |
Q56574893 | A case study of open source software development |
Q60458263 | A case study of open source tools and practices in a commercial setting |
Q110512718 | A case-study in open-source CFD code verification, Part I: Convergence rate loss diagnosis |
Q110512717 | A case-study in open-source CFD code verification. Part II: Boundary condition non-orthogonal correction |
Q38889195 | A clinic compatible, open source electrophysiology system |
Q30838208 | A collection of open source applications for mass spectrometry data mining. |
Q58083957 | A community-developed open-source computational ecosystem for big neuro data |
Q63285532 | A community-developed open-source computational ecosystem for big neuro data |
Q60485658 | A comparative analysis of open source business intelligence platforms |
Q115042194 | A comparative study of challenges in integrating Open Source Software and Inner Source Software |
Q60562327 | A compiled project and open-source code to generate web-based forest modelling simulators |
Q115036159 | A critical appraisal of IBM’S patent pledge model: The impact of patent quality on open source software START-UP’S market entry decision |
Q115150539 | A critical theoretical model for library-led technological development: A case of open source software and libraries |
Q115042587 | A data science and open source software approach to analytics for strategic sourcing |
Q58265995 | A decade of RAPID-Reflections on the development of an open source geoscience code |
Q115150379 | A dual Newton strategy for tree‐sparse quadratic programs and its implementation in the open‐source software treeQP |
Q110512451 | A fast open source code for determining the intensity and angular distribution of radiation transmitted through homogenous cloud cover |
Q42380933 | A fast, open source implementation of adaptive biasing potentials uncovers a ligand design strategy for the chromatin regulator BRD4. |
Q58209456 | A framework for analysing and visualising open source software ecosystems |
Q56211686 | A framework for creating hybrid-open source software communities |
Q114998189 | A free open source software for tracking tasks and the movement of pathology materials |
Q98281005 | A fully open-source framework for deep learning protein real-valued distances |
Q58888978 | A further investigation of open source software: community, co-ordination, code quality and security issues |
Q38403440 | A generic open-source software framework supporting scenario simulations in bioterrorist crises |
Q84503448 | A glass slipper? For cash-strapped organizations with EMR dreams, open-source software may be a perfect fit |
Q114978658 | A graduate student perspective on overcoming barriers to interacting with open-source software |
Q90198685 | A guide to Open-JIP, a low-cost open-source chlorophyll fluorometer |
Q24288676 | A high performance, cost-effective, open-source microscope for scanning two-photon microscopy that is modular and readily adaptable |
Q60302526 | A high-throughput and open-source platform for embryo phenomics |
Q104111396 | A hitchhiker's guide to working with large, open-source neuroimaging datasets |
Q28475314 | A kernel for open source drug discovery in tropical diseases |
Q50422520 | A large, open source dataset of stroke anatomical brain images and manual lesion segmentations. |
Q115037005 | A large-scale empirical exploration on refactoring activities in open source software projects |
Q115146954 | A large-scale study of architectural evolution in open-source software systems |
Q58329633 | A lightweight and open-source framework for the lifetime estimation of multicore systems |
Q115036423 | A limited revolution — The distributional consequences of Open Source Software in North America |
Q113442105 | A linear classifier based approach for identifying security requirements in open source software development |
Q38559400 | A long journey to short abbreviations: developing an open-source framework for clinical abbreviation recognition and disambiguation (CARD). |
Q61808451 | A low-cost and open-source platform for automated imaging |
Q34480988 | A low-cost open-source SNP genotyping platform for association mapping applications. |
Q93037791 | A low-cost, open-source digital stripchart recorder for chromatographic detectors using a Raspberry Pi |
Q91385048 | A low-cost, open-source inertial movement GPS logger for eco-physiology applications |
Q41606530 | A low-cost, open-source, wireless electrophysiology system. |
Q115036126 | A managerial overview of open source software |
Q115149840 | A mechanism to explore proactive knowledge retention in open source software communities |
Q115148498 | A method for analyzing stakeholders’ influence on an open source software ecosystem’s requirements engineering process |
Q115145680 | A method for predicting open source software residual defects |
Q59322793 | A metrics suite for JUnit test code: a multiple case study on open source software |
Q60301779 | A modular and customizable open-source package for quantum voltage standards operation and control |
Q53837223 | A modular, open-source, slide-scanning microscope for diagnostic applications in resource-constrained settings |
Q33628348 | A more elaborative way to check codon quality: an open source program |
Q42682036 | A multi-purpose open-source triggering platform for magnetic resonance. |
Q110661170 | A multi-release software reliability modeling for open source software incorporating dependent fault detection process |
Q92320885 | A network-centric approach for estimating trust between open source software developers |
Q58594133 | A new approach to landslide geomorphological mapping using the Open Source software in the Olvera area (Cadiz, Spain) |
Q58001223 | A new open source platform for lowering the barrier for environmental web app development |
Q92894847 | A new open-source GPU-based microscopic Monte Carlo simulation tool for the calculations of DNA damages caused by ionizing radiation - Part II: sensitivity and uncertainty analysis |
Q92870434 | A new open-source GPU-based microscopic Monte Carlo simulation tool for the calculations of DNA damages caused by ionizing radiation --- Part I: Core algorithm and validation |
Q110512333 | A new open-source code for spherically symmetric stellar collapse to neutron stars and black holes |
Q115063540 | A new open-source software developed for numerical simulations using discrete modeling methods |
Q49644788 | A new open-source tool for measuring 3D osteocyte lacunar geometries from confocal laser scanning microscopy reveals age-related changes to lacunar size and shape in cortical mouse bone |
Q109324288 | A new open-source viscoelastic solid earth deformation module implemented in Elmer (v8.4) |
Q114388505 | A new workflow of X-ray CT image processing and data analysis of structural features in rock using open-source software |
Q91917490 | A new, open-source 3D-printed transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coil tracker holder for double blind, sham-controlled neuronavigation studies |
Q115039758 | A novel method of computation and optimization for multi-layered radar absorbing coatings using open source software |
Q96648951 | A novel open source tool for ELISA result analysis |
Q27309272 | A novel open-source drug-delivery system that allows for first-of-kind simulation of nonadherence to pharmacological interventions in animal disease models |
Q97551770 | A novel open-source software based high-precision workflow for target definition in cardiac radioablation |
Q57546897 | A novel open-source web-based platform promoting collaboration of healthcare professionals and biostatisticians: A design science approach |
Q115149757 | A novel simulation model for the development process of open source software projects |
Q114384404 | A novel workflow utilizing open-source software tools in the environmental fate studies: The example of imatinib biotransformation |
Q35941962 | A one-piece 3D printed flexure translation stage for open-source microscopy |
Q113316901 | A pilot empirical study of applying a usability technique in an open source software project |
Q56554606 | A pilot study to measure vascular compliance changes during fistula maturation using open-source software |
Q115150626 | A practical example of a software factory: building a custom application for analysing EU Cyber Physical System (CPS) projects using Open Source software components |
Q114925392 | A practical guide to digitizing a collection using Open Source Software: A Southern African perspective |
Q30486870 | A prospective international cooperative information technology platform built using open-source tools for improving the access to and safety of bone marrow transplantation in low- and middle-income countries. |
Q46238918 | A re-engineered software interface and workflow for the open source SimVascular cardiovascular modeling package |
Q114952871 | A recipe for standards-based data sharing using open source software and low-cost electronics |
Q114848635 | A regime of droit moral detached from software copyright?--the undeath of the 'author' in free and open source software licensing |
Q119455637 | A research on knowledge contribution behaviors of open source software community users |
Q114924696 | A review of Open Source Software and Open Source Movement in Developing Countries |
Q115043961 | A review of computer tools for prediction of ecosystems and populations: We need more open-source software |
Q57601876 | A review of open source discrete event simulation software for operations research |
Q115044078 | A review of open source software solutions for developing water resources web applications |
Q94923480 | A review of open source ventilators for COVID-19 and future pandemics |
Q90696443 | A review on multiplatform evaluations of semi-automatic open-source based image segmentation for cranio-maxillofacial surgery |
Q58413431 | A simple object-oriented and open source model for scientific and policy analyses of the global carbon cycle – Hector v0.1 |
Q58646700 | A simple object-oriented and open-source model for scientific and policy analyses of the global climate system – Hector v1.0 |
Q97540593 | A simple open source bioinformatic methodology for initial exploration of GPCR ligands' agonistic/antagonistic properties |
Q58223061 | A socio-cognitive analysis of online design discussions in an Open Source Software community |
Q114917987 | A sociolinguistic consideration of free and open source software teams as virtual communities of practice |
Q114980285 | A speech communication environment using open source software library for active sound image control |
Q98939125 | A standardized framework for testing the performance of sleep-tracking technology: Step-by-step guidelines and open-source code |
Q114386141 | A straightforward protocol for designing an interim hollow shell with open-source software |
Q115040559 | A strategic analysis for successful open source software utilization based on a structural equation model |
Q42203037 | A study of clinically related open source software projects |
Q115008577 | A study of configuration management in open source software projects |
Q113911589 | A study of open source software evolution data using qualitative simulation |
Q111924800 | A study of quality prediction for large-scale open source software projects |
Q115144156 | A study of software reliability on big data open source software |
Q60530341 | A survey and comparison of commercial and open-source robotic simulator software |
Q59410956 | A survey of open source tools for machine learning with big data in the Hadoop ecosystem |
Q35804871 | A survey of quality assurance practices in biomedical open source software projects |
Q115042591 | A systematic examination of knowledge loss in open source software projects |
Q28074515 | A systematic literature review of open source software quality assessment models |
Q58051412 | A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects |
Q115042200 | A systematic review of research on open source software in commercial software product development |
Q110684342 | A tale of two 'opens': intersections between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship |
Q114922024 | A taxonomy for measuring the success of open source software projects |
Q56892785 | A text categorisation tool for open source communities based on semantic analysis |
Q58466251 | A theory-grounded framework of Open Source Software adoption in SMEs |
Q115100190 | A tutorial and open source software for the efficient evaluation of gravity and magnetic kernels |
Q103024273 | A unique data analysis framework and open source benchmark data set for the analysis of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography software |
Q115040398 | A universal cross language software similarity detector for open source software categorization |
Q42597992 | A universal open-source Electronic Laboratory Notebook |
Q33847279 | A user-friendly, open-source tool to project impact and cost of diagnostic tests for tuberculosis |
Q33807024 | A versatile and low-cost open source pipetting robot for automation of toxicological and ecotoxicological bioassays |
Q58708341 | A versatile open-source analysis of the limiting efficiency of photo electrochemical water-splitting |
Q114992147 | ABCD open source software for managing ETD repositories |
Q33214518 | ABNER: an open source tool for automatically tagging genes, proteins and other entity names in text |
Q91514803 | ACE-Molecule: An open-source real-space quantum chemistry package |
Q30756339 | ACQ4: an open-source software platform for data acquisition and analysis in neurophysiology research |
Q111899349 | ADA: an open-source software platform for plotting and analysis of data from laboratory photobioreactors |
Q115100237 | ADFNE: Open source software for discrete fracture network engineering, two and three dimensional applications |
Q62038530 | AEROSTACK: An architecture and open-source software framework for aerial robotics |
Q28280729 | AFM/CLSM data visualization and comparison using an open-source toolkit |
Q114362693 | AI-Track-tive: open-source software for automated recognition and counting of surface semi-tracks using computer vision (artificial intelligence) |
Q100448839 | AIDEx - An Open-source Platform for Real-Time Forecasting Sepsis and A Case Study on Taking ML Algorithms to Production |
Q98896398 | ALICE: An open-source tool for automatic measurement of phoneme, syllable, and word counts from child-centered daylong recordings |
Q90736623 | ALPHABETA: a dedicated open-source tool for calculating TEM stage tilt angles |
Q92518303 | AMi: a GUI-based, open-source system for imaging samples in multi-well plates |
Q105727184 | AQUAMI: An open source Python package and GUI for the automatic quantitative analysis of morphologically complex multiphase materials |
Q35782315 | ATGme: Open-source web application for rare codon identification and custom DNA sequence optimization. |
Q34106200 | ATTRACT and PTools: open source programs for protein-protein docking |
Q34622174 | AUREA: an open-source software system for accurate and user-friendly identification of relative expression molecular signatures. |
Q59609085 | AUSTIN: An open source tool for search based software testing of C programs |
Q61135129 | AVATAR: An Open Source Architecture for Embodied Conversational Agents in Smart Environments |
Q91533336 | AVATREE: An open-source computational modelling framework modelling Anatomically Valid Airway TREE conformations |
Q63884519 | AVO-G2S: A modified, open-source Ground-to-Space atmospheric specification for infrasound modeling |
Q34204323 | AZOrange - High performance open source machine learning for QSAR modeling in a graphical programming environment |
Q114973191 | Abstract 2602: The ICGC data portal and its underlying open source software architecture |
Q47134333 | Abstract: Open-Source, Customizable, 3D-Printed Ocular Prosthetics as a Viable Alternative to Traditional Ocular Prosthetics. |
Q52053370 | Academic and commercial development of open source applications in international health informatics. Opposite sides of the same coin? |
Q119999103 | Academic track of FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) 2023 |
Q57266504 | Accelerating Discovery in 3D Microanalysis: Leveraging Open Source Software and Deskside High Performance Computing |
Q42603173 | Accelerating drug discovery: Open source cancer cell biology? |
Q114953699 | Acceptance of Monetary Rewards in Open Source Software Development |
Q113441503 | Acceptance of monetary rewards in open source software development |
Q114971809 | Acceptance of open source software amongst Thai users: an integrated model approach |
Q59454244 | Accessing select properties of the electron with ImageJ: an open-source image-processing paradigm |
Q36074098 | Accuracy and Reliability of Length Measurements on Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Using Open-Source OsiriX Software |
Q96112367 | Accuracy of Implant Placement Position Using Non-Dental Open-Source Software: An In Vitro Study |
Q42634695 | Accuracy of a newly developed open-source system for dental implant planning |
Q40126228 | Accuracy of open-source software segmentation and paper-based printed three-dimensional models |
Q52606774 | AceTree: a major update and case study in the long term maintenance of open-source scientific software |
Q89995735 | Acetuino-A Handy Open-Source Radiochemistry Module for the Preparation of [1-11C]Acetate |
Q56211688 | Achieving Quality in Open-Source Software |
Q35591532 | Acquire: an open-source comprehensive cancer biobanking system |
Q114378447 | Adaptation of FEM-based open-source software for ship structural analysis |
Q28710179 | Adaptation of a web-based, open source electronic medical record system platform to support a large study of tuberculosis epidemiology |
Q102208458 | Adapting a Low-Cost and Open-Source Commercial Pipetting Robot for Nanoliter Liquid Handling |
Q58761321 | Adapting open-source drone autopilots for real-time iceberg observations |
Q114967025 | Adapting to change: working with digital sound using open source software in a teaching and learning environment |
Q113316890 | Adapting usability techniques for application in open source Software: A multiple case study |
Q114953185 | Adaptive Entry Strategies under Dominant Standards - Hybrid Business Models in the Open Source Software Industry |
Q47270242 | Adaptive quantization of local field potentials for wireless implants in freely moving animals: an open-source neural recording device. |
Q114919887 | Addressing User Requirements in Open Source Software: The Role of Online Forums |
Q113822403 | AdipoQ – a simple, open-source software to quantify adipocyte morphology and function in tissues and in vitro |
Q57541121 | Adopting Open-Source Software Applications in U.S. Higher Education: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of the Literature |
Q115043053 | Adopting open source software in public administration: The importance of boundary spanners and political commitment |
Q114362948 | Adoption and use of open-source software in academic libraries in Ghana |
Q120820456 | Adoption of Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS): A Risk Management Perspective |
Q114918024 | Adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) and Organization Performance in the Library |
Q114923803 | Adoption of Open Source Software by Organizations A Framework for Kenya |
Q114966257 | Adoption of Open Source Software in India |
Q114928506 | Adoption of Open Source Software in Libraries in Developing Countries |
Q115044799 | Adoption of Open Source Software: The role of social identification |
Q114363317 | Adoption of Proprietary Online Education Software Compared to Free And Open-Source Software in Indian colleges |
Q56893136 | Adoption of free and open source software within high-velocity firms |
Q114997036 | Adoption of free/libre open source software in public organizations: factors of impact |
Q115150531 | Adoption of open source software (OSS) for Uganda: A social construction perspective |
Q115040649 | Adoption of open source software in organizations: A socio-cognitive perspective |
Q115042203 | Adoption of open source software in software-intensive organizations – A systematic literature review |
Q115150576 | Adoption of open-source software versus proprietary software: An exploratory study |
Q46136537 | Advanced 3D visualisation of detailed neuronal models using the Open Source Brain repository and interaction with other neuroinformatics resources. |
Q73186673 | Advanced Smartphone-Based Sensing with Open-Source Task Automation |
Q115011294 | Advanced Spectrum Analysis with Open Source Software |
Q104687335 | Advanced Supervision of Smart Buildings Using a Novel Open-Source Control Platform |
Q31034397 | Advanced processing and simulation of MRS data using the FID appliance (FID-A)-An open source, MATLAB-based toolkit |
Q67230026 | Advances in FEM Based Modeling of Waveguide and Waveguide Systems for Microwave Applications, Using Newly Developed Open Source Software |
Q111898571 | Advances in numerical weather prediction, data science, and open‐source software herald a paradigm shift in catastrophe risk modeling and insurance underwriting |
Q58507022 | Advantages and Limitations of Open Source Software for Library Management System Functions: The Experience of Libraries in India |
Q57090138 | Aequatus: An open-source homology browser |
Q58610282 | Aequatus: An open-source homology browser |
Q110512552 | Aerodynamic Simulation of a 2017 F1 Car with Open-Source CFD Code |
Q114383845 | Aesthetic education: the process of teaching mathematics with the open-source software |
Q78476536 | Affordable biocomputing for everyone: using the Internet, freeware and open-source software |
Q42699223 | AffyPipe: an open-source pipeline for Affymetrix Axiom genotyping workflow. |
Q4689593 | Africa Source |
Q30635755 | Agent-based spatiotemporal simulation of biomolecular systems within the open source MASON framework. |
Q52321998 | Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development of Clinical Decision Support Advisories: Feasibility of Using Open Source Software |
Q57689949 | Agile Acceptance Test�Driven Development of Clinical Decision Support Advisories: Feasibility of Using Open Source Software |
Q57689953 | Agile Acceptance Test�Driven Development of Clinical Decision Support Advisories: Feasibility of Using Open Source Software (Preprint) |
Q42839512 | Agile methods for open source safety‐critical software |
Q57519760 | Agility and Quality Attributes in Open Source Software Projects Release Practices |
Q104132867 | AiZynthFinder: a fast, robust and flexible open-source software for retrosynthetic planning |
Q115027828 | Aid agencies turn to open source software |
Q118173924 | AirSeaFluxCode: Open-source software for calculating turbulent air-sea fluxes from meteorological parameters |
Q57167661 | Algorithms for left atrial wall segmentation and thickness - Evaluation on an open-source CT and MRI image database |
Q114920361 | Aligning Information Processing Capabilities and Gaps in Open Source Software Development |
Q114967810 | All Are Not Equal: An Examination of the Economic Returns to Different Forms of Participation in Open Source Software Communities |
Q115146984 | All complaints are not created equal: text analysis of open source software defect reports |
Q83804234 | Almost There: A Study on Quasi-Contributors in Open-Source Software Projects |
Q114925355 | Alternative routes in the digital world: Open source software in Africa |
Q114953196 | Altruistic Individuals, Selfish Firms? The Structure of Motivation in Open Source Software |
Q114921964 | Altruistic individuals, selfish firms? The structure of motivation in Open Source software |
Q91093377 | Ambit-GCM: An Open-source Software Tool for Group Contribution Modelling |
Q36092207 | Ambit-Tautomer: An Open Source Tool for Tautomer Generation |
Q107920591 | Ambit‐SLN: an Open Source Software Library for Processing of Chemical Objects via SLN Linear Notation |
Q120077326 | Ambush From All Sides: Understanding Security Threats in Open-Source Software CI/CD Pipelines |
Q39439204 | An >>Open Source<< Perspective of earliest hominid origins |
Q57638924 | An Access and Benefit-Sharing Commons? The Role of Commons/Open Source Licences in the International Regime on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing |
Q114961701 | An Active Learning Strategy Think-Pair<SUB>Free Open Source Software</SUB>-share to Teach Engineering Cources |
Q96764132 | An Adaptive, Open Source, Faculty Development Platform for Medical Educators in 2030 |
Q110569895 | An Agile Perspective on Open Source Software Engineering |
Q38397363 | An Albanian open source telemedicine platform. |
Q114961903 | An Algorithm for Gradual Patch Acceptance Detection in Open Source Software Repository Mining |
Q114951257 | An Analysis of Behavioral Intention toward Actual Usage of Open Source Software among Students in Private High Learning Institution in Tanzania |
Q110510434 | An Analysis of Merge Conflicts and Resolutions in Git-Based Open Source Projects |
Q114978520 | An Analysis of Problem-Solving Patterns in Open Source Software |
Q114962095 | An Analysis of Sequential Motion Rate in Dysarthric Speakers Using Open-Source Software |
Q114927819 | An Analysis of the Adoption of Open Source Software by Local Public Administrations |
Q114954636 | An Analysis of the Adoption of Open Source Software by Local Public Administrations: Evidence from the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy |
Q114928717 | An Architecture Paradigm for Providing Cloud Services in School Labs Based on Open Source Software to Enhance ICT in Education |
Q114920663 | An Architecture Validation Toolset for Ensuring Patient Safety in an Open Source Software Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery Applications |
Q97412924 | An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Italian EVOO Origin Traceability through an Open Source IoT Spectrometer |
Q114920179 | An Assessment of Changeability of Open Source Software |
Q120556144 | An Automated Aerodynamic Analysis System in Missile Based on Open-Source Software |
Q89963962 | An Automated Open-Source Workflow for Standards-Compliant Integration of Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data |
Q111899955 | An Easy-to-Use Protocol for Segmenting and 3-D Printing Craniofacial CT-Images Using Open-Source Software |
Q114953126 | An Economic Analysis of Enterprise Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q38371971 | An Electricity Price-Aware Open-Source Smart Socket for the Internet of Energy |
Q114961167 | An Empirical Analysis on Reducing Open Source Software Development Tasks using Stack Overflow |
Q59421458 | An Empirical Evaluation of Open Source in Telecommunications Software Development: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly |
Q114927939 | An Empirical Investigation into the Adoption of Open Source Software in Hospitals |
Q114920181 | An Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Usability on Adoption of Desktop Open Source Software by University Students in Kenya |
Q114930133 | An Empirical Study Examining the Impacts of Open Source Software Quality Factors on Perceived Usefulness and Satisfaction |
Q114927815 | An Empirical Study of Open Source Software Usability |
Q115149309 | An Empirical Study of Stochastic Differential Equation Models Based on Component Importance Level for Open Source Software |
Q113416968 | An Empirical Study on Security Knowledge Sharing and Learning in Open Source Software Communities |
Q113415787 | An Empirical Study on Stack Overflow Security Vulnerability in Well-known Open Source Software Systems |
Q114922929 | An Employing a Multistage Fuzzy Architecture for Usability of Open Source Software |
Q114924528 | An Enhanced Microkernel for the Design of Location Based Services (LBS) Using Free Open Source Software (FOSS) |
Q114951001 | An Enterprise Perspective on Customer Value Propositions for Open Source Software |
Q114984912 | An Experimental Study of a Personalized Learning Environment Through Open-Source Software Tools |
Q114928990 | An Extended Framework for Evaluation of Open Source Software Adoption in Small Businesses |
Q31117204 | An Inexpensive, Open-Source USB Arduino Data Acquisition Device for Chemical Instrumentation. |
Q58515338 | An Interview with Suzanne Bell, Administrator of the University of Rochester's New Open Source Institutional Repository, UR Research |
Q59942077 | An Interview with Suzanne Bell, Administrator of the University of Rochester's New Open Source Institutional Repository, UR Research |
Q114916935 | An Investigation of an Open-Source Software Development Environment in a Software Engineering Graduate Course |
Q46105317 | An Invitation to Collaborate: The SPIRIT Open Source Health Care Portal |
Q114370619 | An IoT-Based Intelligent Geological Disaster Application Using Open-Source Software Framework |
Q60584335 | An M-Learning Open-Source Tool Comparation for Easy Creation of Educational Apps |
Q114962347 | An M2M Data Analysis Service System based on Open Source Software Environment |
Q113425606 | An MADM risk-based evaluation-selection model of free-libre open source software tools |
Q113425611 | An MADM risk-based evaluation-selection model of free-libre open source software tools |
Q120281964 | An Online Course Content for Undergraduate Students on Full-Custom Design of a Digital VLSI Circuit Using Open-Source Software |
Q115036862 | An Online Dynamic Examination System (ODES) based on open source software tools |
Q107400855 | An Open Definition: Derivative Works of Software and the Free and Open Source Movement |
Q36745561 | An Open Source "Smart Lamp" for the Optimization of Plant Systems and Thermal Comfort of Offices. |
Q90538179 | An Open Source Automated Bar Test for Measuring Catalepsy in Rats |
Q64977718 | An Open Source Automated Two-Bottle Choice Test Apparatus for Rats. |
Q96029856 | An Open Source Dataset and Ontology for Product Footprinting |
Q56039185 | An Open Source Environment for Cell Broadband Engine System Software |
Q120011537 | An Open Source Framework for Mobile Health Informatics in Real Time Constrained Environments |
Q57744506 | An Open Source GIS-Based Decision Support System for Watershed Evaluation of Best Management Practices |
Q61608146 | An Open Source Geodemographic Classification of Small Areas in the Republic of Ireland |
Q58529052 | An Open Source ILS Glossary: Version 2 |
Q36430203 | An Open Source Low-Cost Wireless Control System for a Forced Circulation Solar Plant. |
Q59900333 | An Open Source Numerical CO2 Laboratory |
Q114845812 | An Open Source Software Business Model For Law Enforcement And Justice Systems |
Q114927793 | An Open Source Software Evaluation Model |
Q115001218 | An Open Source Software and Web-GIS Based Platform for Airborne SAR Remote Sensing Data Management, Distribution and Sharing |
Q115011286 | An Open Source Software for the Measurement of Deformation Fields by Means of Digital Image Correlation |
Q101234014 | An Open Source Solution for "Hands-on" teaching of PET/CT to Medical Students under the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Q58536817 | An Open Source Solution to Managing Electronic Journal Links with Database-Generated Web Pages |
Q92645803 | An Open Source Syringe Pump Controller for Fluid Delivery of Multiple Volumes |
Q55372923 | An Open Source Tool for Game Theoretic Health Data De-Identification. |
Q57440823 | An Open Source Web-Mapping System for Tourism Planning and Marketing |
Q92520323 | An Open Source, Iterative Dual-Tree Wavelet Background Subtraction Method Extended from Automated Diffraction Pattern Analysis to Optical Spectroscopy |
Q62719154 | An Open Source-Based Real-Time Data Processing Architecture Framework for Manufacturing Sustainability |
Q94045725 | An Open Source-based Secure Dermatology Telemedicine Consult System |
Q96115210 | An Open-Source 7-DOF Wireless Human Arm Motion-Tracking System for Use in Robotics Research |
Q87757595 | An Open-Source Automated Peptide Synthesizer Based on Arduino and Python |
Q110511471 | An Open-Source Code for Fluid Flow Simulations in Unconventional Fractured Reservoirs |
Q58650946 | An Open-Source Code for the Calculation of the Effects of Mutual Coupling in Arrays of Wires and for the ASM-MBF Method |
Q94479013 | An Open-Source Computer Vision Tool for Automated Vocal Fold Tracking From Videoendoscopy |
Q42600192 | An Open-Source Engine for the Processing of Electron Backscatter Patterns: EBSD-Image |
Q59132712 | An Open-Source Feature Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Peripheral Physiological Data |
Q63981975 | An Open-Source Hardware/Software Architecture for Quadrotor UAVs |
Q91296291 | An Open-Source Husbandry Repository |
Q37146902 | An Open-Source Label Atlas Correction Tool and Preliminary Results on Huntingtons Disease Whole-Brain MRI Atlases |
Q89595341 | An Open-Source Mesh Generation Platform for Biophysical Modeling Using Realistic Cellular Geometries |
Q106293461 | An Open-Source Multiscale Framework for the Simulation of Nanoscale Devices |
Q90240660 | An Open-Source Plate Reader |
Q110511797 | An Open-Source Python-Based Boundary-Element Method Code for the Three-Dimensional, Zero-Froude, Infinite-Depth, Water-Wave Diffraction-Radiation Problem |
Q85827668 | An Open-Source Sandbox for Increasing the Accessibility of Functional Programming to the Bioinformatics and Scientific Communities |
Q59206892 | An Open-Source Semi-Automated Processing Chain for Urban Object-Based Classification |
Q114988644 | An Open-Source Software Tool for Benchmarking Numerical Solutions to Antenna Problems |
Q58184147 | An Open-Source Software for Calculating Indices of Urban Residential Segregation |
Q110512297 | An Open-Source Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Simulation Code PicUp3D: Tests and Validations |
Q48219717 | An Open-Source Storage Solution for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Samples. |
Q107399428 | An Open-Source Strategy for Documenting Events: The Case Study of the 42nd Canadian Federal Election on Twitter |
Q98199935 | An Open-Source Three-Dimensionally Printed Laryngeal Model for Injection Laryngoplasty Training |
Q90207133 | An Open-Source Tool for Anisotropic Radiation Therapy Planning in Neuro-oncology Using DW-MRI Tractography |
Q36978577 | An Open-Source Toolbox for Surrogate Modeling of Joint Contact Mechanics. |
Q48556047 | An Open-Source Ultrasound Software for Diagnosis of Fistula Maturation |
Q90167275 | An Open-Source, Automated Home-Cage Sipper Device for Monitoring Liquid Ingestive Behavior in Rodents |
Q57609763 | An Open-Source, Efficient, and Parameterizable Hardware Implementation of the AES Algorithm |
Q58536314 | An Open-Source, Internet-of-Things Approach for Remote Sensing in Museums |
Q64883124 | An Open-Source, Programmable Pneumatic Setup for Operation and Automated Control of Single- and Multi-Layer Microfluidic Devices. |
Q95939208 | An Open-Source, Vender Agnostic Hardware and Software Pipeline for Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Workflow |
Q98779134 | An Open-source Static Threshold Perimetry Test Using Remote Eye-tracking (Eyecatcher): Description, Validation, and Preliminary Normative Data |
Q28608263 | An Open-source Toolbox for Analysing and Processing PhysioNet Databases in MATLAB and Octave |
Q46693417 | An Open-source XML-based Java Implementation of the Medical Gopher Order and Note Writing Tool |
Q59946302 | An Open‐Source Earthquake Early Warning Display |
Q110660758 | An SRGM for Multi-Release Open Source Software System |
Q114920671 | An accessible, hands-on tutorial system for image-guided therapy and medical robotics using a robot and open-source software |
Q89798142 | An accessible, open-source mobile application for macromolecular visualization using augmented reality |
Q34416764 | An affordable open-source turbidimeter |
Q114385241 | An analysis of open source software licensing questions in Stack Exchange sites |
Q62493902 | An architecture of open-source tools to combine textual information extraction, faceted search and information visualisation |
Q114969453 | An attempt to develop a simplified version of WebOPAC system by using open source software. An application of the full-text search engine of "Namazu". |
Q114969450 | An attempt to develop a subject access retrieval system based on keyword and NDC by using open source software |
Q31085394 | An automated quantitation of short echo time MRS spectra in an open source software environment: AQSES. |
Q60432296 | An automated, objective and open source tool for stream threshold selection and upstream riparian corridor delineation |
Q58385960 | An automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery |
Q81298428 | An easy to use and affordable home-based personal eHealth system for chronic disease management based on free open source software |
Q105721630 | An economic perspective on software licenses—open source, maintainers and user-developers |
Q39175099 | An efficient approach to the deployment of complex open source information systems |
Q35846220 | An efficient time-varying filter for detrending and bandwidth limiting the heart rate variability tachogram without resampling: MATLAB open-source code and Internet web-based implementation |
Q115042293 | An empirical analysis of open source software developers’ motivations and continuance intentions |
Q56058840 | An empirical analysis of the utilization of multiple programming languages in open source projects |
Q115146967 | An empirical examination of the prevalence of inhibitors to the parallelizability of open source software systems |
Q114992232 | An empirical investigation into the adoption of open source software in Information Technology outsourcing organizations |
Q115146972 | An empirical study of integration activities in distributions of open source software |
Q115147039 | An empirical verification of a-priori learning models on mailing archives in the context of online learning activities of participants in free\libre open source software (FLOSS) communities |
Q60700771 | An empirically-based criterion for determining the success of an open-source project |
Q58429761 | An enhanced version of SMMP—open-source software package for simulation of proteins |
Q114961981 | An equivalent-circuit model for MEMS electrostatic actuator using open-source software Qucs |
Q114963609 | An evaluation criterion for open source software projects: enhancement process effectiveness |
Q115144418 | An example of a tourist location-based service (LBS) with open-source software |
Q59139281 | An experimental platform for interpreting open-source health data though integration with dynamic disease models and geoplots |
Q28709495 | An i2b2-based, generalizable, open source, self-scaling chronic disease registry |
Q115149612 | An improved Pareto distribution for modelling the fault data of open source software |
Q114944955 | An improved open-source software platform for high-throughput cultivation of phototrophic microorganisms and its application for salt tolerance experiments |
Q56347967 | An inexpensive open source 3D-printed membrane feeder for human malaria transmission studies |
Q110512335 | An informatics infrastructure for combinatorial and high-throughput materials research built on open source code |
Q37284080 | An informatics model for guiding assembly of telemicrobiology workstations for malaria collaborative diagnostics using commodity products and open-source software |
Q115040475 | An insight into license tools for open source software systems |
Q39102641 | An integrated pipeline of open source software adapted for multi-CPU architectures: use in the large-scale identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms |
Q113914755 | An introduction to spatial data analysis: remote sensing and GIS with open source software. Martin Wegmann, Jakob Schwalb‐Willmann, and Stefan Dech. 2020. Pelagic Publishing, Exeter, United Kingdom. 365 pp. $40.28 paperback. ISBN: 978‐1‐78427‐213‐5 |
Q114997160 | An introduction to the open source software issue |
Q126944106 | An introduction to using metrics to assess the health and sustainability of library open source software projects |
Q119451584 | An investigation of impact mechanism of transactive memory system on knowledge sharing——Empirical evidence from open source software project teams |
Q110512652 | An investigation of misunderstanding code patterns in C open-source software projects |
Q36550945 | An online open-source tool for automated quantification of liver and myocardial iron concentrations by T2* magnetic resonance imaging |
Q35149489 | An open source 3-d printed modular micro-drive system for acute neurophysiology. |
Q59789236 | An open source Bayesian Monte Carlo isotope mixing model with applications in Earth surface processes |
Q58072802 | An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels |
Q59223219 | An open source GPS multipath simulator in Matlab/Octave |
Q57976740 | An open source Galileo E1 software receiver |
Q60540031 | An open source Java web application to build self-contained web GIS sites |
Q61660140 | An open source LABVIEW platform for simulating image series of fluorescent microtubules in gliding assays |
Q61949826 | An open source QGIS-based workflow for model application and experimentation with aquatic ecosystems |
Q64240763 | An open source algorithm to detect natural gas leaks from mobile methane survey data |
Q91738887 | An open source and reduce expenditure ROS generation strategy for chemodynamic/photodynamic synergistic therapy |
Q46292908 | An open source approach for regional cortical bone mineral density analysis. |
Q51915494 | An open source approach to creating positive psychological practice: A comment on Wong's Strengths-centered Therapy |
Q68307282 | An open source atomic physics toolkit: first applications to HeI recombination lines |
Q91279566 | An open source autocorrelation-based method for fetal heart rate estimation from one-dimensional Doppler ultrasound |
Q91558300 | An open source automated tumor infiltrating lymphocyte algorithm for prognosis in melanoma |
Q38269994 | An open source automatic quality assurance (OSAQA) tool for the ACR MRI phantom. |
Q35036215 | An open source based high content screening method for cell biology laboratories investigating cell spreading and adhesion |
Q57281609 | An open source benchmarked toolbox for cardiovascular waveform and interval analysis |
Q28543356 | An open source business model for malaria |
Q104840564 | An open source chemical structure curation pipeline using RDKit |
Q42600717 | An open source chimera checker for the fungal ITS region |
Q39866933 | An open source cryostage and software analysis method for detection of antifreeze activity |
Q37645504 | An open source device for operant licking in rats |
Q30368925 | An open source digital servo for atomic, molecular, and optical physics experiments. |
Q60546309 | An open source energy system simulation model as an instrument for public participation in the development of strategies for a sustainable future |
Q38467822 | An open source environment for the statistical evaluation of outbreak detection methods |
Q59701409 | An open source framework to manage kinect on the web |
Q104750697 | An open source graphical user interface for wireless communication and operation of wearable robotic technology |
Q56532058 | An open source hardware-based mechatronics project: The replicating rapid 3-D printer |
Q90392767 | An open source heterogeneous 3D printed mouse phantom utilising a novel bone representative thermoplastic |
Q58148449 | An open source high-performance solution to extract surface water drainage networks from diverse terrain conditions |
Q34690563 | An open source image processing method to quantitatively assess tissue growth after non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging in human bone marrow stromal cell seeded 3D polymeric scaffolds |
Q57707754 | An open source implementation of the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) within the R computing environment |
Q36470178 | An open source infrastructure for managing knowledge and finding potential collaborators in a domain-specific subset of PubMed, with an example from human genome epidemiology |
Q50325024 | An open source inventory to evaluate public health surveillance systems. |
Q125554573 | An open source knowledge graph ecosystem for the life sciences |
Q84530322 | An open source lower limb model: Hip joint validation |
Q105757171 | An open source machine learning framework for efficient and transparent systematic reviews |
Q55490034 | An open source microcontroller based flume for evaluating swimming performance of larval, juvenile, and adult zebrafish. |
Q33438792 | An open source mobile platform for psychophysiological self tracking |
Q30483128 | An open source model for open access journal publication |
Q104472521 | An open source motorized swivel for in vivo neural and behavioral recordings |
Q30495816 | An open source multistep model to predict mutagenicity from statistical analysis and relevant structural alerts |
Q28731438 | An open source multivariate framework for n-tissue segmentation with evaluation on public data |
Q29475096 | An open source pharma roadmap |
Q39971164 | An open source phylogenetic search and alignment package |
Q92998034 | An open source physiologically based kinetic model for the chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus): Calibration and validation for the prediction residues in tissues and eggs |
Q99242356 | An open source pipeline for design of experiments for hyperelastic models of the skin with applications to keloids |
Q62009012 | An open source platform for analyzing and sharing worm behavior data |
Q33197072 | An open source protein gel documentation system for proteome analyses |
Q31043364 | An open source simulation model for soil and sediment bioturbation |
Q115062482 | An open source software approach to geospatial sensor network standardization for urban runoff |
Q114978023 | An open source software culture in the undergraduate computer science curriculum |
Q28602606 | An open source software for analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance images: UMMPerfusion revisited |
Q30865849 | An open source software for fast grid-based data-mining in spatial epidemiology (FGBASE). |
Q57055871 | An open source software package for automated extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from fungal ITS sequences for use in high-throughput community assays and molecular ecology |
Q42679848 | An open source software project for obstetrical procedure scheduling and occupancy analysis |
Q36108387 | An open source software tool to assign the material properties of bone for ABAQUS finite element simulations. |
Q57256804 | An open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery |
Q51164101 | An open source solution for an in-house built dynamic platform for the validation of stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy for VMAT and IMRT. |
Q61687482 | An open source stimulator for SSVEP-based BCIs |
Q55316384 | An open source tool for automatic spatiotemporal assessment of calcium transients and local 'signal-close-to-noise' activity in calcium imaging data. |
Q37776813 | An open source tool for heart rate variability spectral analysis. |
Q115149287 | An open source tool for preserving local extreme values and hot/cold spots in choropleth maps |
Q94511915 | An open source tool to infer epidemiological and immunological dynamics from serological data: Serosolver |
Q33537236 | An open source toolkit for medical imaging de-identification |
Q59282177 | An open source virtual globe rendering engine for 3D applications: NASA World Wind |
Q61796683 | An open source web application for distributed geospatial data exploration |
Q30396095 | An open source web application for the surveillance and prevention of the impacts on public health of extreme meteorological events: the SUPREME system |
Q49333778 | An open source, 3D printed preclinical MRI phantom for repeated measures of contrast agents and reference standards. |
Q59766346 | An open source, parallel DSMC code for rarefied gas flows in arbitrary geometries |
Q104731237 | An open source, server-side framework for analytical web mapping and its application to health |
Q30006152 | An open source, wireless capable miniature microscope system |
Q33499471 | An open source/real-time atomic force microscope architecture to perform customizable force spectroscopy experiments |
Q91866906 | An open-source GIS-enabled lookup service for Nagoya Protocol party information |
Q31140157 | An open-source LabVIEW application toolkit for phasic heart rate analysis in psychophysiological research |
Q57574926 | An open-source MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool (MELODIST v0.1.0) |
Q57574923 | An open-source MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool (MELODIST v0.1.1) |
Q110512439 | An open-source Matlab code package for improved rank-reduction 3D seismic data denoising and reconstruction |
Q91147597 | An open-source algorithm for rapid unbiased determination of DNA fiber length |
Q30588525 | An open-source analytical platform for analysis of C. elegans swimming-induced paralysis |
Q39474337 | An open-source and cross-platform framework for Brain Computer Interface-guided robotic arm control |
Q34984998 | An open-source and low-cost monitoring system for precision enology |
Q98388632 | An open-source automated algorithm for removal of noisy beats for accurate impedance cardiogram analysis |
Q34849590 | An open-source automated platform for three-dimensional visualization of subdural electrodes using CT-MRI coregistration |
Q57468972 | An open-source automated surgical instrument for microendoscope implantation |
Q61942084 | An open-source biomass pyrolysis reactor |
Q99558091 | An open-source capacitive touch sensing device for three chamber social behavior test |
Q91823635 | An open-source code for Mie extinction extended multiplicative signal correction for infrared microscopy spectra of cells and tissues |
Q110512667 | An open-source code to generate carbon nanotube/graphene junctions |
Q28546655 | An open-source computational and data resource to analyze digital maps of immunopeptidomes |
Q36995506 | An open-source computational tool to automatically quantify immunolabeled retinal ganglion cells |
Q57813662 | An open-source control system for in vivo fluorescence measurements from deep-brain structures |
Q96766071 | An open-source data set of anti-VEGF therapy in diabetic macular oedema patients over 4 years and their visual acuity outcomes |
Q28858916 | An open-source data storage and visualization back end for experimental data |
Q100326870 | An open-source database for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data: International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD) version 1.0 |
Q30920499 | An open-source deconvolution software package for 3-D quantitative fluorescence microscopy imaging |
Q57609837 | An open-source design and validation platform for reconfigurable systems |
Q108792505 | An open-source device for measuring food intake and operant behavior in rodent home-cages |
Q90172097 | An open-source drug discovery platform enables ultra-large virtual screens |
Q58329282 | An open-source equipment for thin film fabrication by electrodeposition, dip coating, and SILAR |
Q36354871 | An open-source framework for analyzing N-electron dynamics. I. Multideterminantal wave functions |
Q38429491 | An open-source framework for analyzing N-electron dynamics. II. Hybrid density functional theory/configuration interaction methodology. |
Q61576724 | An open-source framework for heterogeneous MPSoC generation |
Q30481570 | An open-source framework for large-scale, flexible evaluation of biomedical text mining systems |
Q90703138 | An open-source framework for neuroscience metadata management applied to digital reconstructions of neuronal morphology |
Q89959835 | An open-source framework for pulmonary fissure completeness assessment |
Q42688568 | An open-source framework for stress-testing non-invasive foetal ECG extraction algorithms |
Q51716519 | An open-source framework of neural networks for diagnosis of coronary artery disease from myocardial perfusion SPECT. |
Q50907122 | An open-source genetic algorithm for determining optimal seed distributions for low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy |
Q99576228 | An open-source geospatial framework for beach litter monitoring |
Q100387910 | An open-source handheld extruder loaded with pore-forming bioink for in situ wound dressing |
Q30482018 | An open-source hardware and software system for acquisition and real-time processing of electrophysiology during high field MRI. |
Q104581754 | An open-source high-content analysis workflow for CFTR function measurements using the forskolin-induced swelling assay |
Q90421121 | An open-source high-frequency lock-in amplifier |
Q59792406 | An open-source high-speed infrared videography database to study the principles of active sensing in freely navigating rodents |
Q33660789 | An open-source java platform for automated reaction mapping |
Q59351066 | An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes |
Q90078751 | An open-source lickometer and microstructure analysis program |
Q42697498 | An open-source method to analyze optokinetic reflex responses in larval zebrafish. |
Q51826042 | An open-source model and solution method to predict co-contraction in the finger. |
Q100993521 | An open-source molecular diagnostic platform approach for outbreak and epidemic preparedness |
Q59213114 | An open-source multi inertial measurement unit (MIMU) platform |
Q62661851 | An open-source multi-robot construction system |
Q94472181 | An open-source multifunctional registration device for implant-supported complete dentures |
Q110512442 | An open-source multiphysics simulation code for coupled problems in porous media |
Q57436584 | An open-source neutrino radiation hydrodynamics code for core-collapse supernovae |
Q57818429 | An open-source oligomicroarray standard for human and mouse |
Q110512676 | An open-source parallel code for computing the spectral fractional Laplacian on 3D complex geometry domains |
Q99237680 | An open-source phase correction toolkit for transcranial focused ultrasound |
Q62009007 | An open-source platform for analyzing and sharing worm-behavior data |
Q59233753 | An open-source platform for distributed Linux Software Routers |
Q62644127 | An open-source platform to distribute and interpret data from multiplexed assays of variant effect |
Q48341537 | An open-source platform to study uniaxial stress effects on nanoscale devices. |
Q92586877 | An open-source plugin for OpenSim® to model the non-linear behaviour of dense connective tissues of the human knee at variable strain rates |
Q86957591 | An open-source practical manual for home hemodialysis: a catalyst for change! |
Q100957818 | An open-source program (Haplo-ST) for whole-genome sequence typing shows extensive diversity of Listeria monocytogenes in outdoor environments and poultry processing plants |
Q59942881 | An open-source real-time UAS flight control prototyping and testing platform with fractional-order horizontal controller example |
Q92453354 | An open-source remote heart rate imaging method with practical apparatus and algorithms |
Q28755762 | An open-source representation for 2-DE-centric proteomics and support infrastructure for data storage and analysis |
Q102201915 | An open-source research tool to study triaxial inertial sensors for monitoring selected behaviors in sheep |
Q90835433 | An open-source robotic platform that enables automated monitoring of replicate biofilm cultivations using optical coherence tomography |
Q59426415 | An open-source rule-based syllabification tool for Brazilian Portuguese |
Q64063584 | An open-source software analysis package for Microspheres with Ratiometric Barcode Lanthanide Encoding (MRBLEs) |
Q57498055 | An open-source software ecosystem for the interactive exploration of ultrafast electron scattering data |
Q113456978 | An open-source software environment for visualizing and refining plate tectonic reconstructions using high-resolution geological and geophysical data sets |
Q42632073 | An open-source software for automatic calculation of respiratory parameters based on esophageal pressure. |
Q114388703 | An open-source software for geodetic deformation analysis in GNSS networks |
Q115151067 | An open-source software for interactive visualization using C++ and OpenGL: Applications to stochastic theory education in water resources engineering |
Q96163075 | An open-source software for monitoring intrafraction motion during external beam radiation therapy based on superimposition of contours of projected ROIs on cine-MV images |
Q114380160 | An open-source software framework for reinforcement learning-based control of tracked robots in simulated indoor environments |
Q115001338 | An open-source software package for data treatment in a MIEZE experiment |
Q40279634 | An open-source software package for multivariate modeling and clustering: applications to air quality management. |
Q61866393 | An open-source software package to simulate Cerenkov-based optical measurements in biological media |
Q34140716 | An open-source software program for performing Bonferroni and related corrections for multiple comparisons |
Q57704286 | An open-source software system for setting wildfire evacuation triggers |
Q114987941 | An open-source software tool for compact modeling applications |
Q30495959 | An open-source software tool for the generation of relaxation time maps in magnetic resonance imaging |
Q120240416 | An open-source software-defined IF signal simulator for GPS receivers |
Q31126738 | An open-source solution for advanced imaging flow cytometry data analysis using machine learning |
Q57573347 | An open-source spatio-dynamic wetland model of plant community responses to hydrological pressures |
Q33675934 | An open-source standard T-Wave alternans detector for benchmarking |
Q46408064 | An open-source system for in planta gene stacking by Bxb1 and Cre recombinases |
Q64889882 | An open-source tool for analysis and automatic identification of dendritic spines using machine learning. |
Q58448419 | An open-source tool for simulation of partially reconfigurable systems using SystemC |
Q92736856 | An open-source tool for the validation of finite element models using three-dimensional full-field measurements |
Q58706989 | An open-source tool to identify active travel from hip-worn accelerometer, GPS and GIS data |
Q98306999 | An open-source tool to visualize potential cone collisions while planning SRS cases |
Q42236246 | An open-source toolbox for automated phenotyping of mice in behavioral tasks |
Q96829597 | An open-source toolbox for measuring dynamic video framerates and synchronizing video stimuli with neural and behavioral responses |
Q40137281 | An open-source toolbox for standardized use of PhysioNet Sleep EDF Expanded Database |
Q59550065 | An open-source toolkit for mining Wikipedia |
Q42668630 | An open-source toolkit for the volumetric measurement of CT lung lesions |
Q89450426 | An open-source video tracking system for mouse locomotor activity analysis |
Q40134255 | An open-source, FireWire camera-based, Labview-controlled image acquisition system for automated, dynamic pupillometry and blink detection. |
Q46949770 | An open-source, MATLAB based annotation tool for virtual slides. |
Q107459402 | An open-source, citizen science and machine learning approach to analyse subsea movies |
Q104495197 | An open-source, end-to-end workflow for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy |
Q39909700 | An open-source, extensible system for laboratory timing and control |
Q52585935 | An open-source, integrated pedigree data management and visualization tool for genetic epidemiology |
Q69087683 | An open-source, massively parallel code for non-LTE synthesis and inversion of spectral lines and Zeeman-induced. Stokes profiles |
Q42679170 | An open-source, mobile-friendly search engine for public medical knowledge |
Q56974085 | An open-source, self-explanatory touch screen in routine care. Validity of filling in the Bath measures on Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, Function Index, the Health Assessment Questionnaire and Visual Analogue Scales in comparison wit |
Q93218705 | An open-source, wireless vest for measuring autonomic function in infants |
Q113929758 | An operational land cover and land cover change toolbox: processing open‐source data with open‐source software |
Q58773251 | An overview on digital tools in archival contexts: Archival Management Systems |
Q115008649 | Analysing change profiles of open source software projects using burst detection |
Q28077474 | Analysing concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalographic data: A review and introduction to the open-source TESA software |
Q118854185 | Analysis and Enlightenment on Technical Features of the Open Source Software Used in Library——Taking Koha 3.22 as an Example |
Q110512254 | Analysis of Code Vulnerabilities of Blockchain Projects in the Open Source Communities |
Q114928379 | Analysis of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Product in Web Based Client-Server Architecture |
Q118796404 | Analysis of Function and Source of Open Source Software OpenResolver |
Q111927816 | Analysis of Projects and Volunteer Participation in Large Scale Free and Open Source Software Ecosystem |
Q114966950 | Analysis of Temporal Bug Patterns in Open Source Software Using Hidden Markov Model |
Q114365059 | Analysis of User Acceptance of Open Source Software (OSS) Using Task Technology Fit (TTF) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) Model |
Q64973432 | Analysis of an open source, closed-loop, realtime system for hippocampal sharp-wave ripple disruption. |
Q56888883 | Analysis of drug-drug interactions among patients receiving antiretroviral regimens using data from a large open-source prescription database |
Q114920250 | Analysis of function-call graphs of open-source software systems using complex network analysis |
Q59224268 | Analysis of open source cloud infrastructures over cost incurred by closed source Cloud infrastructures |
Q56048424 | Analysis of the Core Team Role in Open Source Communities |
Q115002886 | Analysis of the open source software sector in China |
Q111900397 | Analysis of the use value of old hardware using open source software |
Q114919961 | Analyzing SMPTE ST 2110 Streams Using EBU’s Open-Source Software |
Q114925435 | Analyzing Software Quality Evolution using Metrics: An Empirical Study on Open Source Software |
Q119680795 | Analyzing Toxicity in Open Source Software Communications Using Psycholinguistics and Moral Foundations Theory |
Q34800075 | Analyzing huge pathology images with open source software |
Q115038440 | Analyzing open-source software systems as complex networks |
Q58432425 | Analyzing the Competitive Dynamics in Open-Source Publishing Using Game Theory |
Q58432615 | Analyzing the Competitive Dynamics in Open-Source Publishing Using Game Theory |
Q113225022 | Analyzing the Robustness of Open Source Software Ecosystems to the Loss of Contributors: A Case Study |
Q119680748 | Analyzing the Utilization of the Open-Source Software in the Namibia Government Secondary Schools |
Q114947652 | Analyzing the Vulnerability in Open Source Software |
Q114939816 | Anatomical evaluation of the nasopalatine canal using CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography): Method validation in open source software |
Q23762786 | Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences |
Q35819963 | Anatomy of an Extensible Open Source PACS. |
Q114389487 | AnatomySketch: An Extensible Open-Source Software Platform for Medical Image Analysis Algorithm Development |
Q107399254 | Annotation-based enrichment of Digital Objects using open-source frameworks |
Q114918007 | Announcement regarding FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) -2015 |
Q48563712 | Anser EMT: the first open-source electromagnetic tracking platform for image-guided interventions. |
Q42596853 | Antecedents of open source software adoption in health care organizations: a qualitative survey of experts in Canada |
Q113901278 | Antecedents of open source software defects: A data mining approach to model formulation, validation and testing |
Q118143752 | Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG ELISA: Replacing the Absorbance Plate Reader by a Regular Scanner with Open-Source Software |
Q114923846 | Anti-patterns in Open Source Software Development |
Q14508416 | Apertium: a free/open-source platform for rule-based machine translation |
Q114961682 | Aplication of open source software to manage the spatial data in crisis management |
Q118852010 | Application Research of the Open Source Software in Libraries |
Q119262025 | Application Research of the Open Source Software in Libraries |
Q114948244 | Application of Discrete Element Method to Powder Metallurgy with Open Source Software |
Q101048506 | Application of Epidemiological Geographic Information System: An Open-Source Spatial Analysis Tool Based on the OMOP Common Data Model |
Q63491949 | Application of Open Source CFD in Urban Water Management |
Q56865666 | Application of Open Source Image Guided Therapy Software in MR-guided Therapies |
Q114927539 | Application of Open Source Software Image-J in Microscopic Movement Tracking: Movement Track Reconstruction and Parameter Algorithms |
Q118804998 | Application of Open Source Software in Operation and Maintenance in the Data Center of Library |
Q106355423 | Application of Open Source Systems in the Seismic Monitoring Network |
Q114936551 | Application of Open-Source Software in Community Heritage Resources Management |
Q110511583 | Application of Operating Systems with Open Source Code in of Communication Equipment for Networks with Commutation of Packages |
Q64949718 | Application of Pharmacometrics in Pharmacotherapy: Open-Source Software for Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Management. |
Q110660682 | Application of Survival Model to Understand Open Source Software Release |
Q34090080 | Application of a novel open-source program for measuring the effects of toxicants on the swimming behavior of large groups of unmarked fish |
Q96686164 | Application of an Integrated and Open Source Workflow for LC-HRMS Plant Metabolomics Studies. Case-Control Study: Metabolic Changes of Maize in Response to Fusarium verticillioides Infection |
Q107747773 | Application of open-source photogrammetric software MicMac for monitoring surface deformation in laboratory models |
Q114959240 | Application of open-source software for industrial problems of vehicle lift-off gas dynamics |
Q90844515 | Applications for Open Source Microplate-Compatible Illumination Panels |
Q57717741 | Applications of Open Source GMAW-Based Metal 3-D Printing |
Q114926892 | Applications of Soundexing Retrieval and Query Caching in an Open-Source-Software Based Library Catalogue System |
Q114945564 | Applications of open source software in land administration: An initiation with land administration education |
Q114388068 | Applications of open-source software ROAST in clinical studies: A review |
Q83808060 | Applying Centrality Measures to the Behavior Analysis of Developers in Open Source Software Community |
Q115003557 | Applying Elinor Ostrom's Rule Classification Framework to the Analysis of Open Source Software Commons |
Q110660593 | Applying Information Measure for Predicting Release Time of Open Source Software |
Q114930570 | Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Maintainability of Open Source Software |
Q114950644 | Applying Open Source Software in a Development Context: Expectations and Experiences. A Case Study of a University in Uganda |
Q34015465 | Applying Open-Source Software to Laboratory Data Management |
Q35674295 | Applying an Open-Source Segmentation Algorithm to Different OCT Devices in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Controls: Implications for Clinical Trials |
Q30825525 | Applying open source data visualization tools to standard based medical data |
Q114297544 | Applying participatory action approach to integrating professional librarians into open source software communities |
Q41831818 | Approach-specific multi-grid anatomical modeling for neurosurgery simulation with public-domain and open-source software |
Q58010033 | Approaches for competencies assessment in open source e-learning environments |
Q57717729 | Approaches to open source 3-D printable probe positioners and micromanipulators for probe stations |
Q104368913 | AragoJ: A free, open‐source software to aid single camera photogrammetry studies |
Q57600936 | Architectural pattern for the definition of eLearning ecosystems based on Open Source developments |
Q37128563 | Architecture of the open-source clinical research chart from Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside. |
Q59202988 | Ard-mu-Copter: A Simple Open Source Quadcopter Platform |
Q42606545 | ArduiPod Box: a low-cost and open-source Skinner box using an iPod Touch and an Arduino microcontroller |
Q114925371 | Are Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solutions a viable option for academic libraries in South Africa? |
Q99355456 | Are open-source approaches the most efficient way forward for COVID-19 drug discovery? |
Q90932989 | Argus: An open-source and flexible software application for automated quantification of behavior during social interaction in adult zebrafish |
Q115038429 | Aristotle vs. Ringelmann: On superlinear production in open source software |
Q37704968 | ArrayNinja: An Open Source Platform for Unified Planning and Analysis of Microarray Experiments. |
Q58570269 | Artificial Intelligence Using Open Source BI-RADS Data Exemplifying Potential Future Use |
Q94671869 | Assembly and operation of an open-source, computer numerical controlled (CNC) robot for performing cranial microsurgical procedures |
Q114958813 | Assessing Open Source Software Success in Learning Management Systems Context in Jordan: Applied Of an Integration of Technology Acceptance Model and Information Systems Success |
Q114966964 | Assessing Quality of Open Source Software Based on Community Metrics |
Q92552278 | Assessing cost-effectiveness of early intervention in Alzheimer's disease: An open-source modeling framework |
Q114977848 | Assessing open source software as a scholarly contribution |
Q36019236 | Assessing soil erosion risk using RUSLE through a GIS open source desktop and web application |
Q56742409 | Assessing the Health of Open Source Communities |
Q58699836 | Assessing the Open Source Development Processes Using OMM |
Q58296095 | Assessing the potential of open-source libraries for managing satellite data products – A case study on disaster management |
Q115496998 | Assessment Reliability for Open-Source Software using Probabilistic Models and Marine Predators Algorithm |
Q114954964 | Assessment of Open-source Software, QGIS, To Estimate Hurricane Matthew Flood Extent in Robeson County, North Carolina, Using Unsupervised Classification |
Q55383112 | Assessment of a livestock GPS collar based on an open-source datalogger informs best practices for logging intensity. |
Q31151427 | Assessment of ambient background concentrations of elements in soil using combined survey and open-source data. |
Q96022277 | Assessment of lung involvement in sarcoidosis - the use of an open-source software to quantify data from computed tomography |
Q43687726 | Assessment of open source software for CBCT in detecting additional mental foramina. |
Q110511476 | Assessment of the Manoeuvrability Characteristics of a Twin Shaft Naval Vessel Using an Open-Source CFD Code |
Q111897929 | Assessment of the successfulness of mangrove plantation program through the use of open source software and freely available satellite |
Q31111991 | Asterias: integrated analysis of expression and aCGH data using an open-source, web-based, parallelized software suite |
Q114963667 | At the core of innovation: network reconfiguration during radical and incremental innovation episodes in an open source software project |
Q111900449 | AtomAI: Open-source software for applications of deep learning to microscopy data |
Q35199718 | AtomicJ: an open source software for analysis of force curves |
Q64903593 | Attacks on healthcare facilities as an indicator of violence against civilians in Syria: An exploratory analysis of open-source data. |
Q83809007 | Attracting, Onboarding, and Retaining Newcomer Developers in Open Source Software Projects |
Q58426907 | Author Correction: Informed-Proteomics: open-source software package for top-down proteomics |
Q92609924 | Author Correction: Low noise, open-source QEPAS system with instrumentation amplifier |
Q114381654 | Author Correction: Radiomics feature stability of open-source software evaluated on apparent diffusion coefficient maps in head and neck cancer |
Q92154002 | Authors' response: "Changes in US mass shooting deaths associated with the 1994-2004 federal assault weapon ban: Analysis of open-source data" |
Q42642407 | AutoLabDB: a substantial open source database schema to support a high-throughput automated laboratory |
Q38912072 | AutoRoot: open-source software employing a novel image analysis approach to support fully-automated plant phenotyping |
Q95610489 | AutoTriage - An Open Source Edge Computing Raspberry Pi-based Clinical Screening System |
Q47625404 | Automated Comparative Metabolite Profiling of Large LC-ESIMS Data Sets in an ACD/MS Workbook Suite Add-in, and Data Clustering on a New Open-Source Web Platform FreeClust |
Q98464788 | Automated Curation of CNMF-E-Extracted ROI Spatial Footprints and Calcium Traces Using Open-Source AutoML Tools |
Q114925430 | Automated Identification of Change-Prone Classes in Open Source Software Projects |
Q111927553 | Automated PD-L1 Scoring for Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Using Open-Source Software |
Q46032560 | Automated Radiology Report Summarization Using an Open-Source Natural Language Processing Pipeline. |
Q90198622 | Automated Surgical Instrument Detection from Laparoscopic Gastrectomy Video Images Using an Open Source Convolutional Neural Network Platform |
Q68168636 | Automated calibration and an open-source sky survey |
Q45946962 | Automated classification of self-grooming in mice using open-source software. |
Q28364601 | Automated detection and analysis of Ca(2+) sparks in x-y image stacks using a thresholding algorithm implemented within the open-source image analysis platform ImageJ |
Q114980985 | Automated extraction of bank angles from bird‐borne video footage using open‐source software |
Q114952854 | Automated hydrologic analysis of ungauged basins in Serbia using open source software |
Q62514169 | Automated open-source software for charge transport analysis in single-carrier organic semiconductor diodes |
Q33273393 | Automated reporting from gel-based proteomics experiments using the open source Proteios database application |
Q85025138 | Automated sperm head morphology analyzer for open-source software |
Q114979987 | Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction from Multiple Images for Architectural, Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Applications Using Open-Source Software and Web Services |
Q114922376 | Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software |
Q114954764 | Automatically deploy a local positioning system based on open-source software and commodity hardware |
Q92909700 | Automating Clinical Chart Review: An Open-Source Natural Language Processing Pipeline Developed on Free-Text Radiology Reports From Patients With Glioblastoma |
Q66709231 | Automating Document Annotation Using Open Source Knowledge |
Q100306079 | Automating and extending comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography data processing by interfacing open-source and commercial software |
Q115040453 | Automating the license compatibility process in open source software with SPDX |
Q107056246 | Automation of Libraries and Information centres |
Q64056056 | Automation of fizzy extraction enabled by inexpensive open-source modules |
Q91315540 | Autoscore: An open-source automated tool for scoring listener perception of speech |
Q122948967 | Avoiding the success trap: Toward policy for open-source software as infrastructure |
Q114966262 | Awareness and Adoption of Open Source Software among LIS Professionals of Engineering Colleges of Odisha |
Q114918156 | Awareness and Adoption of Open Source Software among Library and Information Science Professionals of Engineering Colleges of Karnataka: A Survey |
Q111901221 | Awareness and Use of Open Source Software by Social Scientists |
Q110512137 | Axisymmetric viscous incompressible flow simulation by using the Particle finite element PFEM-2 method in the open source Kratos code |
Q31161947 | AxonPacking: An Open-Source Software to Simulate Arrangements of Axons in White Matter |
Q36122997 | AxonSeg: Open Source Software for Axon and Myelin Segmentation and Morphometric Analysis |
Q57743419 | B-CALM: An open-source GPU-based 3D-FDTD with multi-pole dispersion for plasmonics |
Q57743417 | B-CALM: an open-source GPU-based 3D-FDTD with multi-pole dispersion for plasmonics |
Q114369027 | B2SMatcher: fine-Grained version identification of open-Source software in binary files |
Q104557791 | BCL::Conf: Improved Open-Source Knowledge-Based Conformation Sampling Using the Crystallography Open Database |
Q114924545 | BIM Open Source Software (OSS) for the documentation of cultural heritage |
Q110512671 | BIOTC: An open-source CFD code for simulating biomass fast pyrolysis |
Q47580562 | BOCS: Bottom-up Open-source Coarse-graining Software |
Q89558901 | BOSC 2019, the 20th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference |
Q36087680 | BRISC-an open source pulmonary nodule image retrieval framework. |
Q93109301 | BSSE: An open-source image processing tool for miniaturized microscopy |
Q34433800 | BTK: An open-source toolkit for fetal brain MR image processing |
Q29303271 | Back to Basics: How Technology and the Open Source Movement Can Save Science |
Q57864025 | Badlands: An open-source, flexible and parallel framework to study landscape dynamics |
Q64445367 | Balancing open source stem cell science with commercialization |
Q57041530 | Balmorel open source energy system model |
Q95307569 | Banff 2019 Meeting Report: Molecular diagnostics in solid organ transplantation - Consensus for the Banff Human Organ Transplant (B-HOT) gene panel and open source multicenter validation |
Q33580509 | Baobab Laboratory Information Management System: Development of an Open-Source Laboratory Information Management System for Biobanking |
Q83803561 | Barriers Faced by Newcomers to Open Source Projects: A Systematic Review |
Q107399408 | Barriers to Initiation of Open Source Software Projects in Libraries |
Q83392618 | Barriers to open source software adoption in Quebec's health care organizations |
Q118769092 | Based on Open Source Software in the Construction and Application of Secondary Network Teaching Platform |
Q118851990 | Based on the Open Source Software Drupal to Build College Digital Teaching Resource Portal |
Q118163510 | Baseline Correction for HPLC Chromatograms by Using Free Open-Source Software |
Q33449828 | Bayesian accrual prediction for interim review of clinical studies: open source R package and smartphone application |
Q58888947 | Bazaar by Design: Managing Interfirm Exchanges in an Open Source Service Network |
Q115036800 | Bedforms-ATM, an open source software to analyze the scale-based hierarchies and dimensionality of natural bed forms |
Q42254209 | Bedside vital signs capture for the non-ICU setting--an open source, PC-based solution |
Q56096229 | Behind Linus's law: A preliminary analysis of open source software peer review practices in Mozilla and Python |
Q57717726 | Belt-Driven Open Source Circuit Mill Using Low-Cost 3-D Printer Components |
Q57717730 | Belt-Driven Open Source Circuit Mill Using Low-Cost 3-D Printer Components |
Q59765958 | Benchmark numerical simulations of rarefied non-reacting gas flows using an open-source DSMC code |
Q110512440 | Benchmarking Defmod, an open source FEM code for modeling episodic fault rupture |
Q57263830 | Benchmarking Open-Source Tree Learners in R/RWeka |
Q100997384 | Benchmarking background oriented schlieren against interferometric measurement using open source tools |
Q58796274 | Benchmarking human motion analysis using kinect one: An open source dataset |
Q42334579 | Benefits, Challenges and Potential Strategies of Open Source Health Economic Models |
Q63807724 | Best Practices and Pitfalls in Open Source Hardware |
Q114970414 | Beta Phase Communities: Open Source Software as Gift Economy |
Q61605207 | Beyond Open Source Software: An Introduction to Researching Open Content |
Q107399418 | Beyond Open Source: Evaluating the Community Availability of Software |
Q83808430 | Beyond pretty pictures: Examining the benefits of code visualization for Open Source newcomers |
Q114958559 | Big data processing using Open Source Software- A Questionnaire on the data science |
Q42598646 | Big data: open-source format needed to aid wiki collaboration |
Q99626132 | BigDataBench:An Open-source Big Data Benchmark Suite |
Q36335520 | BioContainers: An open-source and community-driven framework for software standardization |
Q30592960 | BioJS: an open source JavaScript framework for biological data visualization |
Q23762730 | BioJS: an open source standard for biological visualisation - its status in 2014 |
Q64116706 | BioJava 5: A community driven open-source bioinformatics library |
Q24654080 | BioJava: an open-source framework for bioinformatics |
Q24630147 | BioJava: an open-source framework for bioinformatics in 2012 |
Q38453285 | BioMOBY: an open source biological web services proposal |
Q99568826 | BioPETsurv: methodology and open source software to evaluate biomarkers for prognostic enrichment of time-to-event clinical trials |
Q28553456 | BioPPSy: An Open-Source Platform for QSAR/QSPR Analysis |
Q114988466 | BioSig: A Free and Open Source Software Library for BCI Research |
Q30476219 | BioSig: the free and open source software library for biomedical signal processing. |
Q31000377 | BioSimplify: an open source sentence simplification engine to improve recall in automatic biomedical information extraction |
Q104065703 | BioSounds: an open-source, online platform for ecoacoustics |
Q42172438 | BioXTAS RAW: improvements to a free open-source program for small-angle X-ray scattering data reduction and analysis |
Q21093640 | Bioclipse: an open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics |
Q36580879 | Bioconductor: an open source framework for bioinformatics and computational biology |
Q24607601 | Biogem: an effective tool-based approach for scaling up open source software development in bioinformatics |
Q80805758 | Biologists launch 'open-source movement' |
Q31151667 | Biomechanical ToolKit: Open-source framework to visualize and process biomechanical data. |
Q47810570 | Biosecurity and Open-Source Biology: The Promise and Peril of Distributed Synthetic Biological Technologies |
Q41643881 | Biosignal PI, an affordable open-source ECG and respiration measurement system. |
Q57052679 | Biotite: a unifying open source computational biology framework in Python |
Q114371935 | BlenderPhotonics: an integrated open-source software environment for three-dimensional meshing and photon simulations in complex tissues |
Q36067212 | BluePyOpt: Leveraging Open Source Software and Cloud Infrastructure to Optimise Model Parameters in Neuroscience |
Q38397447 | Boca: an open-source RDF store for building Semantic Web applications |
Q108792548 | BonZeb: open-source, modular software tools for high-resolution zebrafish tracking and analysis |
Q45946375 | Bonn eXperimental System (BoXS): An open-source platform for interactive experiments in psychology and economics. |
Q114954344 | Book Review - Schweik, Charles M. And Robert C. English, 2012, Internet Success: A Study of Open-Source Software Commons, Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press |
Q114948639 | Book Review: Christopher Tozzi. For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution |
Q114971841 | Book Review: The Janus Face of Commercial Open Source Software Communities: An Investigation into the Institutional (Non)work by Interacting Institutional Actors |
Q58622497 | Book Review: Unravelling the Myth around Open Source Licences |
Q114848624 | Book of the Month * IT Manager's Handbook (3rd ed) * HTML5 Cookbook * Leaders in Computing * Adopting Open Source Software * The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection * The Essential Guide to Home Comp |
Q58622468 | Book review Noam Shemtov and Ian Walden (eds), Free and Open Source Software: Policy, Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2013) 544 pp |
Q114971787 | Book review: Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement, by Johan Söderberg |
Q114988275 | Bots Coordinating Work in Open Source Software Projects |
Q114927791 | Boundary Critique and Stakeholder Collaboration in Open Source Software Migration |
Q103744052 | Brain Modeling ToolKit: An open source software suite for multiscale modeling of brain circuits |
Q107399238 | Breaking Up With CONTENTdm: Why and How One Institution Took the Leap to Open Source |
Q91807162 | Brick-CFCMC: open source software for Monte Carlo simulations of phase and reaction equilibria using the Continuous Fractional Component method |
Q59340045 | Bridging the gap between hardware and software open source network developments |
Q114961722 | Briefing: Open-source software—maps for all? |
Q56051992 | Brightway: An open source framework for Life Cycle Assessment |
Q31012969 | Brunn: an open source laboratory information system for microplates with a graphical plate layout design process |
Q115007791 | Brust@kte.dd – ein XML-basiertes Dokumentationssystem für ein Brustzentrum auf der Grundlage von Open-Source-Software |
Q92926153 | BtM, a Low-cost Open-source Datalogger to Estimate the Water Content of Nonvascular Cryptogams |
Q114385133 | Bubble Analyser — An open-source software for bubble size measurement using image analysis |
Q114927996 | Bug Fixing Practices within Free/Libre Open Source Software Development Teams |
Q57740025 | Bug Reports Evolution in Open Source Systems |
Q115146975 | Bug characteristics in open source software |
Q113316794 | Bug report severity level prediction in open source software: A survey and research opportunities |
Q110511846 | Bug-fixing and code-writing: The private provision of open source software |
Q61457583 | Build Your Own Visual-Inertial Drone: A Cost-Effective and Open-Source Autonomous Drone |
Q115144416 | Building 3D GIS data models using open source software |
Q119957766 | Building Machine Learning Models Like Open Source Software |
Q58432436 | Building Open-Source Resources for Online Learning in a Higher Education Environment |
Q58432621 | Building Open-Source Resources for Online Learning in a Higher Education Environment |
Q66677791 | Building Research Data Management Infrastructure using Open Source Software |
Q24289121 | Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware |
Q114929004 | Building Tourism Information System by Using Open Source Software |
Q114982243 | Building Web-Based Spatial Information Solutions around Open Specifications and Open Source Software |
Q57443962 | Building a low-cost network for power-quality monitoring with open-source-hardware nodes |
Q39943099 | Building a open source framework for virtual medical training |
Q101571059 | Building a sanitary vulnerability map from open source data in Argentina (2010-2018) |
Q30375416 | Building a virtual simulation platform for quasistatic breast ultrasound elastography using open source software: A preliminary investigation |
Q37662381 | Building an open-source robotic stereotaxic instrument |
Q39027433 | Building an open-source simulation platform of acoustic radiation force-based breast elastography |
Q61654781 | Building and hacking open source hardware |
Q111704716 | Building collaborative networks in Africa on health information systems and open source software development-experiences from the HISP/BEANISH Network |
Q107399183 | Building up a collaborative article database out of Open Source components |
Q114954237 | Business Models for Free and Open Source Software |
Q39862589 | Business intelligence tools for radiology: creating a prototype model using open-source tools |
Q114920382 | But What Will It Cost Me? Private Costs of Participation and Open Source Software Development |
Q113441500 | But what will it cost me? How do private costs of participation affect open source software projects? |
Q120204715 | By Pathologists for Pathologists: Solving Common Informatics Problems in Laboratory Medicine with Open-Source Software Solutions |
Q34344733 | CACTI: free, open-source software for the sequential coding of behavioral interactions |
Q45789133 | CADDSuite – a workflow-enabled suite of open-source tools for drug discovery. |
Q92828574 | CALIMA: The semi-automated open-source calcium imaging analyzer |
Q33945177 | CAMPAIGN: an open-source library of GPU-accelerated data clustering algorithms |
Q60487338 | CAS++: An Open Source Single Sign-On Solution for Secure e-Services |
Q60949855 | CAVE: An Open-Source Tool for Combined Analysis of Head-Mounted Calcium Imaging and Behavior in MATLAB |
Q33904747 | CELLCOUNTER: novel open-source software for counting cell migration and invasion in vitro. |
Q40711504 | CEMAsuite: open source degenerate PCR primer design |
Q57732653 | CFD Challenge: Solutions Using the Commercial Solver Fluent and the Open-Source Solver OpenFOAM |
Q110511960 | CFD Code Development Using Open Source Libraries for Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Industries |
Q114972078 | CHAP: An Open Source Software for Processing and Analyzing Pupillometry Data |
Q91313350 | CHAP: Open-source software for processing and analyzing pupillometry data |
Q33432450 | CHASTE: incorporating a novel multi-scale spatial and temporal algorithm into a large-scale open source library |
Q58074494 | CHRONOS architecture: Experiences with an open-source services-oriented architecture for geoinformatics |
Q114953119 | CIO Herds and User Gangs in the Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q64077970 | CLEESE: An open-source audio-transformation toolbox for data-driven experiments in speech and music cognition |
Q33768335 | CMOST: an open-source framework for the microsimulation of colorectal cancer screening strategies |
Q114368184 | CMRSegTools: An open-source software enabling reproducible research in segmentation of acute myocardial infarct in CMR images |
Q110512011 | CODE IS SPEECH: Legal Tinkering, Expertise, and Protest among Free and Open Source Software Developers |
Q92650009 | CODE STROKE ALERT-Concept and Development of a Novel Open-Source Platform to Streamline Acute Stroke Management |
Q61449205 | COMPASS: An Open-Source, General-Purpose Software Toolkit for Computational Psychiatry |
Q33848044 | CONNJUR spectrum translator: an open source application for reformatting NMR spectral data |
Q95627433 | CONTAIN: An open-source shipping container laboratory optimised for automated COVID-19 diagnostics |
Q58571339 | CORAL: Implementing an Open-Source ERM System |
Q115045160 | CPC’s 50th Anniversary: Celebrating 50 years of open-source software in computational physics |
Q90455306 | CPPE: An Open-Source C++ and Python Library for Polarizable Embedding |
Q93841811 | CPPE: An Open-Source C++ and Python Library for Polarizable Embedding |
Q98663022 | CREATE (Community deRivEd AutomaTEd insulin delivery) trial. Randomised parallel arm open label clinical trial comparing automated insulin delivery using a mobile controller (AnyDANA-loop) with an open-source algorithm with sensor augmented pump the |
Q114967142 | CRIMSON: An open-source software framework for cardiovascular integrated modelling and simulation |
Q114103698 | CTRAMER: An open-source software package for correlating interfacial charge transfer rate constants with donor/acceptor geometries in organic photovoltaic materials |
Q57658738 | CVExplorer: identifying candidate developers by mining and exploring their open source contributions |
Q34031136 | CVSim: An Open-Source Cardiovascular Simulator for Teaching and Research |
Q61446870 | CaImAn an open source tool for scalable calcium imaging data analysis |
Q57864125 | Calculating anisotropic piezoelectric properties from texture data using the MTEX open source package |
Q110511746 | Calculation of kinetic parameters β and Λ with modified open source Monte Carlo code OpenMC(TD) |
Q57920785 | Calibration-free In Vitro Quantification of Protein Homo-oligomerization Using Commercial Instrumentation and Free, Open Source Brightness Analysis Software |
Q123110545 | California Open Source Portal |
Q114981494 | Can Free (and Open Source) Software and Data be Used to Underpin a Self-Paced Tutorial on Spatial Databases? |
Q22255446 | Can History Be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past |
Q101146381 | Can Open Source Hardware Mechanical Ventilator (OSH-MVs) initiatives help cope with the COVID-19 health crisis? Taxonomy and state of the art |
Q58173702 | Can Open Source projects succeed when the producers are not users? Lessons from the data processing field |
Q114962867 | Can Opinion Mining Techniques Help to Select Open Source Software? |
Q114978077 | Can humanitarian open-source software development draw new students to CS? |
Q34558193 | Can open-source R&D reinvigorate drug research? |
Q37734866 | Can open-source drug R&D repower pharmaceutical innovation? |
Q64012736 | Can open-source drug development deliver? |
Q114946692 | Canadian Public Libraries and their Interest in Open Source Software (OSS) |
Q102071293 | CardIAc: an open-source application for myocardial strain analysis |
Q91934019 | CardioFAN: open source platform for noninvasive assessment of pulse transit time and pulsatile flow in hyperelastic vascular networks |
Q114954211 | Caring for Open Source Software Cinderella: Improving Corrective Maintenance Performance Through Accountability |
Q111719916 | Carrots and rainbows: Motivation and social practice in open source software development |
Q24794098 | Caryoscope: an Open Source Java application for viewing microarray data in a genomic context |
Q120957163 | Case Studies about the Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Projects |
Q91578962 | CaseSolver: An investigative open source expert system based on EuroForMix |
Q114916926 | Cases of Note -- Copyright: Open Source Software for Your HO-Gauge Fantasy World |
Q110511792 | Cases of Note--Copyright in Open Source Code |
Q47875114 | Cassandra: An open source Monte Carlo package for molecular simulation. |
Q114966258 | Catalogue Interfaces of Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS): Experiences in a Proprietary and Open Source Software |
Q87939494 | Catch-up validation study of an in vitro skin irritation test method based on an open source reconstructed epidermis (phase I) |
Q51242081 | Catch-up validation study of an in vitro skin irritation test method based on an open source reconstructed epidermis (phase II). |
Q115045273 | Celeris: A GPU-accelerated open source software with a Boussinesq-type wave solver for real-time interactive simulation and visualization |
Q35630214 | CellAnimation: an open source MATLAB framework for microscopy assays |
Q92620002 | CellProfiler and KNIME: Open-Source Tools for High-Content Screening |
Q39462439 | CellProfiler and KNIME: open source tools for high content screening |
Q115011069 | CellProfiler: Open-Source Software to Automatically Quantify Images |
Q61444521 | CellStress - open source image analysis program for single-cell analysis |
Q50644447 | CellTrack: an open-source software for cell tracking and motility analysis |
Q33246163 | Cell_motility: a cross-platform, open source application for the study of cell motion paths |
Q33819958 | Cellular analysis by open-source software for affordable cytometry |
Q130385289 | Center for Digital Sovereignty in Public Administration |
Q46454569 | CerebraLux: a low-cost, open-source, wireless probe for optogenetic stimulation |
Q111898912 | Challenges and strategies in the use of Open Source Software by Independent Software Vendors |
Q107398955 | Challenges in Sustainable Open Source: A Case Study |
Q114958460 | Challenges of Implementing Free and Open Source Software (FOSS): Evidence from the Indian Educational Setting |
Q56785524 | Challenges of open innovation: the paradox of firm investment in open-source software |
Q115144958 | Change profile analysis of open-source software systems to understand their evolutionary behavior |
Q114990772 | Change-Oriented Open Source Software Process Simulation |
Q59514690 | Changes in free and open source software licenses: managerial interventions and variations on project attractiveness |
Q56914904 | Chapter 17. Open Source Tools for Read-Across and Category Formation |
Q57019452 | Chapter Ten Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools for Environmental Modelling and Management |
Q115005951 | Characteristics of Open Source Software Projects for the General Population: Reciprocity and Network Effects |
Q115146963 | Characterizing logging practices in Java-based open source software projects – a replication study in Apache Software Foundation |
Q114989993 | Characterizing the Occurrence of Dockerfile Smells in Open-Source Software: An Empirical Study |
Q57495910 | Characterizing verification of bug fixes in two open source IDEs |
Q58583226 | Charting a Course through CORAL: Texas A&M University Libraries' Experience Implementing an Open-Source Electronic Resources Management System |
Q27324925 | Chaste: an open source C++ library for computational physiology and biology |
Q56338456 | CheMPS2: A free open-source spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group for ab initio quantum chemistry |
Q28477054 | CheapStat: an open-source, "do-it-yourself" potentiostat for analytical and educational applications |
Q56914129 | ChemInform Abstract: Open Source Drug Discovery with Bioclipse |
Q89070650 | ChemPer: An Open Source Tool for Automatically Generating SMIRKS Patterns |
Q33993994 | ChemT, an open-source software for building template-based chemical libraries. |
Q33370605 | Chemical Descriptors Library (CDL): a generic, open source software library for chemical informatics |
Q26481104 | Chemical Name to Structure: OPSIN, an Open Source Solution |
Q55604560 | Cheminformatics models for inhibitors of Schistosoma mansoni thioredoxin glutathione reductase. |
Q1069580 | Chemnitz Linux Days |
Q41129692 | Chemotion ELN: an Open Source electronic lab notebook for chemists in academia |
Q35680542 | ChiMS: Open-source instrument control software platform on LabVIEW for imaging/depth profiling mass spectrometers |
Q114923138 | ChikonEye: Open Source Software for Preventing Unauthorized Access to Electronic Devices and Information using Face Recognition |
Q38614186 | ChimericSeq: An open-source, user-friendly interface for analyzing NGS data to identify and characterize viral-host chimeric sequences |
Q57659563 | Chinese localisation of Evergreen: an open source integrated library system |
Q114982086 | Chipper: Open‐source software for semi‐automated segmentation and analysis of birdsong and other natural sounds |
Q36772355 | ChloroMitoSSRDB: open source repository of perfect and imperfect repeats in organelle genomes for evolutionary genomics |
Q114954687 | Choice of Open Source Software Licenses: An Adaption to the Commercial Involvement |
Q58051444 | Choosing an Appropriate Task to Start with in Open Source Software Communities: A Hard Task |
Q58219923 | Choosing and Using Open Source Components |
Q57124149 | ChromaWizard: An open source image analysis software for multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis |
Q112586810 | CiliaQ: a simple, open-source software for automated quantification of ciliary morphology and fluorescence in 2D, 3D, and 4D images |
Q27499065 | Cinfony – combining Open Source cheminformatics toolkits behind a common interface |
Q64071455 | Circuit Investigations With Open-Source Miniaturized Microscopes: Past, Present and Future |
Q73183411 | Citizens as smart, active sensors for a quiet and just city. The case of the “open source soundscapes” approach to identify, assess and plan “everyday quiet areas” in cities |
Q104101937 | CityJSON in QGIS: Development of an open-source plugin |
Q115148325 | Clarification of the slope mass rating parameters assisted by SMRTool, an open-source software |
Q38413449 | Clarity: an open-source manager for laboratory automation. |
Q110499888 | Classification of Pap Test Images Using TensorFlow as an Open Source Artificial Intelligence Software |
Q120068463 | Classification of open source software bug report based on transfer learning |
Q89522235 | Clawpack: building an open source ecosystem for solving hyperbolic PDEs |
Q29876915 | ClearVolume: open-source live 3D visualization for light-sheet microscopy |
Q60172113 | Climatological analyses of LMA data with an open-source lightning flash-clustering algorithm |
Q111150914 | Clinica: An Open-Source Software Platform for Reproducible Clinical Neuroscience Studies |
Q115042390 | Clinical Application of Radiobiological Modeling in the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open-source Software System in Radiation Oncology |
Q49390205 | Clinical Application of an Open-Source 3D Volume Rendering Software to Neurosurgical Approaches |
Q115042405 | Clinical Application of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open-Source Software System in Radiation Oncology |
Q53823190 | Clinical evaluation of semi-automatic open-source algorithmic software segmentation of the mandibular bone: Practical feasibility and assessment of a new course of action. |
Q29994563 | Clinical records anonymisation and text extraction (CRATE): an open-source software system |
Q30532620 | Closed-Loop, Multichannel Experimentation Using the Open-Source NeuroRighter Electrophysiology Platform. |
Q34131905 | Closed-loop, open-source electrophysiology |
Q42694381 | Closing the loop in legged neuromechanics: An open-source computer vision controlled treadmill |
Q114953834 | Cloud Computing Applications: An Open Source Software (OSS) Approach |
Q58529771 | Cloudy with a Chance of Open Source: Open Source Integrated Library Systems and Cloud Computing in Academic Law Libraries |
Q114921966 | Clustering and dependencies in free/open source software development: Methodology and tools |
Q92697809 | Co-design open-source medical devices: how to minimize the human error using UBORA e-infrastructure |
Q59206156 | Co-simulation of components, controls and power systems based on open source software |
Q35015317 | CoCoTools: open-source software for building connectomes using the CoCoMac anatomical database |
Q55518790 | CoNekT: an open-source framework for comparative genomic and transcriptomic network analyses. |
Q44993609 | CoNtRol: an open source framework for the analysis of chemical reaction networks. |
Q115144497 | CoRain: A free and open source software for rain series comparison |
Q30536160 | Coalescent: an open-source and scalable framework for exact calculations in coalescent theory |
Q110512331 | Code Analysis for Software and System Security Using Open Source Tools |
Q110512301 | Code Coverage and Postrelease Defects: A Large-Scale Study on Open Source Projects |
Q110511532 | Code Forking, Governance, and Sustainability in Open Source Software |
Q110511614 | Code Reuse in Open Source Software |
Q110512562 | Code Reuse in Open Source Software Development: Quantitative Evidence, Drivers, and Impediments |
Q114389429 | Code comment generation based on graph neural network enhanced transformer model for code understanding in open-source software ecosystems |
Q110511357 | Code of Conduct Conversations in Open Source Software Projects on Github |
Q110512486 | Code quality analysis in open source software development |
Q110512258 | Code reading: The open source perspective [Book Review] |
Q110510924 | Code smells and their collocations: A large-scale experiment on open-source systems |
Q110511915 | Code, culture and cash: The fading altruism of open source development |
Q110511914 | Code, culture and cash: The fading altruism of open source development (originally published in Volume 6, Number 12, December 2001) |
Q110512198 | CodeRAnts: A recommendation method based on collaborative searching and ant colonies, applied to reusing of open source code |
Q115145675 | Codes of conduct in Open Source Software—for warm and fuzzy feelings or equality in community? |
Q114843200 | Coexisting with Free and Open Source Software |
Q110511928 | Cognitive Alignment via Artefacts in Distributed Innovation: The Role of Initial Code in Open Source |
Q63929678 | Collaboration in open-source hardware |
Q57536008 | Collaboration in the open-source arena |
Q114953181 | Collaboration, Peer Review and Open Source Software |
Q113442237 | Collaboration, peer review and open source software |
Q57076021 | Collaborative Tools to Accelerate Neglected Disease Research: Open-Source Drug Discovery Model |
Q110511459 | Collecting Vulnerable Source Code from Open-Source Repositories for Dataset Generation |
Q115151084 | CollectionSpace: A story of open-source software development and user-centered design |
Q63929689 | Collective Innovation in Open Source Hardware |
Q36267701 | Collective behavior quantification on human odor effects against female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes-Open source development |
Q114963613 | Collectivism, creativity, competition, and control in open source software development: reflections on the emergent governance of the SPDX<SUP align="right">®</SUP> working group |
Q92245852 | ColocalizR: An open-source application for cell-based high-throughput colocalization analysis |
Q104690511 | Combining 3D-Printed Models and Open Source Molecular Modeling of p53 To Engage Students with Concepts in Cell Biology |
Q111899130 | Combining EEG and MRI data to personalize neurostimulation for focal epilepsy; an open-source software implementation |
Q114963297 | Combining a quantum random number generator and quantum-resistant algorithms into the GnuGPG open-source software |
Q120442422 | Combining low-cost single board computers with open-source software to control noble gas extraction lines |
Q114362682 | Combining multiple shaded reliefs with hypsometric colouring and digital orthophotos using free and open-source software |
Q30489791 | Combining two open source tools for neural computation (BioPatRec and Netlab) improves movement classification for prosthetic control |
Q34311405 | Comet: an open-source MS/MS sequence database search tool |
Q115000614 | Commentary on: 3D Virtual Planning for Rhinoplasty Using a Free Add-On for Open-Source Software |
Q114843159 | Commercial Usability of Open Source Software Licenses |
Q115044679 | Commercial versus open source software: the role of product heterogeneity in competition |
Q114976253 | Commercializing Open Source Software |
Q35505170 | Common characteristics of open source software development and applicability for drug discovery: a systematic review |
Q57908694 | Communication in open source software development mailing lists |
Q115149221 | Communities: with open-source software towards a vivacious civil society |
Q110511572 | Community Code for Simulating Co2 Storage: Modelling Multiphase Flow with Coupled Geomechanics and Geochemistry Using the Open-Source Multiphysics Framework Moose |
Q114962929 | Community and Commercial Strategies in Open Source Software / Gemeinschafts- und kommerzielle Strategien in der Open-Source-Softwarewelt |
Q114953507 | Community, Joining, and Specialization in Open Source Software Innovation: A Case Study |
Q114372491 | Community, Time, and (Con)text: A Dynamical Systems Analysis of Online Communication and Community Health among Open‐Source Software Communities |
Q56048117 | Community, joining, and specialization in open source software innovation: a case study |
Q114954618 | Community-Based Production of Open Source Software: What Do We Know about the Developers Who Participate? |
Q73168245 | Community-based production of geographic information using open source software and Web 2.0 |
Q113442227 | Community-based production of open-source software: What do we know about the developers who participate? |
Q58622476 | Comparative Analysis of copyright assignment and licence formalities for Open Source Contributor Agreements |
Q111900863 | Comparative Assessment of the Unsupervised Land Use Classification by Using Proprietary GIS and Open Source Software |
Q114972177 | Comparative Studies on Mobile Forensic Evidence Extraction Open Source Software for Android Phone |
Q114922554 | Comparative Study of Open Source Software Quality Models |
Q114958634 | Comparative Study on Innovation Incentives for Commercial Open Source Software under Different Licenses |
Q35776048 | Comparative analysis of colorimetric staining in skin using open-source software |
Q115042162 | Comparative case studies of open source software peer review practices |
Q28487717 | Comparative evaluation of open source software for mapping between metabolite identifiers in metabolic network reconstructions: application to Recon 2 |
Q46110666 | Comparing Natural Gas Leakage Detection Technologies Using an Open-Source "Virtual Gas Field" Simulator. |
Q92649439 | Comparing Open-Source Toolboxes for Processing and Analysis of Spike and Local Field Potentials Data |
Q114962823 | Comparison of Course Support Environments: Commercial Versus Open Source Software |
Q110512559 | Comparison of Open Source Code when Updating using the Damerau-Levenshtein Distance |
Q64079341 | Comparison of Open-Source Electronic Health Record Systems Based on Functional and User Performance Criteria |
Q64262738 | Comparison of Open-Source Reverse Vaccinology Programs for Bacterial Vaccine Antigen Discovery |
Q114992068 | Comparison of STL skull models produced using open-source software versus commercial software |
Q114929272 | Comparison of Software Reliability Assessment Methods for Open Source Software and Reliability Assessment Tool |
Q114980573 | Comparison of performance of object-based image analysis techniques available in open source software (Spring and Orfeo Toolbox/Monteverdi) considering very high spatial resolution data |
Q114150077 | Comparison of sub-grain scale digital image correlation calculated using commercial and open-source software packages |
Q115150537 | Comparison of technical support for open source software versus proprietary software |
Q114046768 | Compensation Schemes for Programmers in the Presence of Open Source Software |
Q114967787 | Competition Among Proprietary and Open-Source Software Firms: The Role of Licensing in Strategic Contribution |
Q114958639 | Competition between Commercial Open Source Software Firms under the GNU General Public License |
Q114954495 | Competitive Strategy for Open Source Software |
Q120226309 | Complete cycle of modeling and simulation for wireless power transfer using circuit theory, simple electronics, and open-source software |
Q114951973 | Complexity and Nesting Evolution in Open Source Software Systems: Experimental Study |
Q114926721 | Component-Oriented Reliability Analysis Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Model for an Open Source Software |
Q114925456 | Component-oriented Reliability Analysis and Optimal Version-upgrade Problems for Open Source Software |
Q110511348 | Comprehensive Characterization of an Open Source Document Search Engine |
Q110511917 | Compressible flow analysis of turbine-nozzle using open source CFD code |
Q31028802 | Computational Proteomics Analysis System (CPAS): an extensible, open-source analytic system for evaluating and publishing proteomic data and high throughput biological experiments |
Q42023039 | Computational analysis and predictive modeling of small molecule modulators of microRNA |
Q30414815 | Computational models for in-vitro anti-tubercular activity of molecules based on high-throughput chemical biology screening datasets |
Q47643364 | Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Ground-Glass Opacity Nodules Using Open-Source Software for Quantifying Tumor Heterogeneity. |
Q53840703 | Computer-aided neurophysiology and imaging with open-source PhysImage. |
Q111897833 | Computing remote sensing big data using local hardware and open-source software packages |
Q42610800 | ConceptBuilder: an open-source software tool for measuring, depicting, and quantifying causal models |
Q30810075 | Conception and data transfer analysis of an open-source digital image archive designed for radiology |
Q35505082 | Conceptualization and validation of an open-source closed-loop deep brain stimulation system in rat. |
Q59611558 | Concurrency bugs in open source software: a case study |
Q90299521 | Concurrent validity and reliability of proprietary and open-source jump mat systems for the assessment of vertical jumps in sport sciences |
Q36066303 | Connecting proteins with drug-like compounds: Open source drug discovery workflows with BindingDB and KNIME. |
Q42703511 | ConoSurf: Open-source 3D scanning system based on a conoscopic holography device for acquiring surgical surfaces |
Q87240311 | Considerations for the utilization of 'comparative analysis of colorimetric staining in skin using open-source software' in an experimental setting |
Q47118509 | Constructing a Computer-Aided Differential Diagnosis Engine from Open-Source APIs. |
Q118797291 | Constructing a System for Harvesting and Preserving Chinese Web Information Resources Based on Open Source Software |
Q115040454 | Construction and utilization of problem-solving knowledge in open source software environments |
Q53853334 | Construction of DICOM-WWW Gateway by Open Source, and Application to PDAs Using the High-speed Mobile Communications Network |
Q114373661 | Construction of a Digital Twin Framework Using Free and Open-Source Software Programs |
Q114370132 | Construction of a Research Requirement Participant Pool Using Open-Source Software |
Q25256650 | Construction of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma 2D/MS repository with Open Source XML database--Xindice |
Q65555448 | Consumer Welfare and Market Structure in a Model of Competition between Open Source and Proprietary Software |
Q114927853 | Consumer Welfare and Market Structure in a Model of Competition between Open Source and Proprietary Software |
Q61538284 | Containershare: Open Source Registry to build, test, deploy with CircleCI |
Q114967801 | Continued Voluntary Participation Intention in Firm-Participating Open Source Software Projects |
Q114945241 | Contributing to a Community of Open Source Software |
Q114953205 | Contributing to the Common Pool Resources in Open Source Software. A Comparison Between Individuals and Firms |
Q114961824 | Contribution of the CASA system, based on open source software, to the assessment of sperm characteristics: informetric and usage-based approaches |
Q114922681 | Contributors Preference in Open Source Software Usability: An Empirical Study |
Q114920129 | Control System for a Tensile-Testing Device Using Low-Cost Hardware and Open-Source Software |
Q99347506 | Controlling control-A primer in open-source experimental control systems |
Q98657400 | Conversion of self-contained breathing apparatus mask to open source powered air-purifying particulate respirator for fire fighter COVID-19 response |
Q110512023 | Converting Raw Accelerometer Data to Activity Counts Using Open-Source Code: Implementing a MATLAB Code in Python and R, and Comparing the Results to ActiLife |
Q114568697 | Convivial software: an end-user perspective on free and open source software |
Q24672974 | Cooking up an open source EMR for developing countries: OpenMRS - a recipe for successful collaboration |
Q114967802 | Coordinating Interdependencies in Online Communities: A Study of an Open Source Software Project |
Q114920340 | Coordination Recipes for Tightly-Coupled Software Work in Open Source Software (OSS) Communities |
Q110511564 | Coordination of Joint Search in Distributed Innovation Processes: Lessons from the Effects of Initial Code Release in Open Source Software Development |
Q114848597 | Copying of open source software in violation of artistic licence was not licensed |
Q113440737 | Copyleft—the economics of Linux and other open source software |
Q56141400 | Copyright in Open Source Software - Understanding the Boundaries |
Q56742453 | Core and Periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source Software Team Communications |
Q56740103 | Core-Periphery Communication and the Success of Free/Libre Open Source Software Projects |
Q56740021 | Core-periphery communication and the success of free/libre open source software projects |
Q104788555 | Correction to "FlopR: An Open Source Software Package for Calibration and Normalization of Plate Reader and Flow Cytometry Data" |
Q113283470 | Correction to “PySHS: Python Open Source Software for Second Harmonic Scattering” |
Q114978645 | Correction to: Gendered behavior as a disadvantage in open source software development |
Q45830757 | Correction: Open Source Tracking and Analysis of Adult Drosophila Locomotion in Buridan's Paradigm with and without Visual Targets |
Q88537117 | Correction: SlicerDMRI: Open Source Diffusion MRI Software for Brain Cancer Research |
Q99603716 | Correction: Open-source food: Nutrition, toxicology, and availability of wild edible greens in the East Bay |
Q120487680 | Corrigendum to “Development of a GIS-based knowledge hub for contaminants of emerging concern in South African water resources using open-source software: Lessons learnt” [Heliyon 9 (1) (January 2023) Article e13007] |
Q115098693 | Corrigendum to “Open source software: The effects of training on acceptance” [Computers in Human Behavior 49 (2015) 390–399] |
Q114963654 | Cost, defining, and responsibility of government purchasing Open Source Software |
Q89038386 | Cost-effectiveness modeling for neuropathic pain treatments: investigating the relative importance of parameters using an open-source model |
Q90610780 | Cost-efficient open source laser engine for microscopy |
Q28755352 | Could an open-source clinical trial data-management system be what we have all been looking for? |
Q111899264 | Counteraction Against Digital Data Leak: Open Source Software for Intrusion Detection and Prevention |
Q96741735 | Coupled magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity tomography: An open-source toolbox for surface nuclear-magnetic resonance |
Q39880906 | CowLog: open-source software for coding behaviors from digital video. |
Q107630456 | Crack Mapping on Shear-critical Reinforced Concrete Beams using an Open Source Digital Image Correlation Software |
Q110512008 | Cracking the genetic code of human virus by using open source bioinformatics tools |
Q114363933 | Cranial Implant Design Applying Shape-Based Interpolation Method via Open-Source Software |
Q115149051 | Craniopagus twin: pre- and post-natal 3-dimensional virtual and physical models and virtual navigation created with free or open source software—an option for low-resource centers |
Q90770509 | Creamino: A Cost-Effective, Open-Source EEG-Based BCI System |
Q58601400 | Creating Database-Backed Library Web Pages: Using Open Source Tools |
Q58432446 | Creating Open-Source Interactive Articles for the Wider Publics |
Q58432634 | Creating Open-Source Interactive Articles for the Wider Publics |
Q114923423 | Creating Textured 3D Models from Image Collections using Open Source Software |
Q114928451 | Creating Value through Business Models in Open Source Software |
Q37128523 | Creating a clinical video-conferencing facility in a security-constrained environment using open-source AccessGrid software and consumer hardware. |
Q90574068 | Creating a digital duplicate denture file using a desktop scanner and open-source software: A dental technique |
Q114997161 | Creating and managing XML with open source software |
Q56914228 | Creating champions for open source rare disease drug discovery with an app |
Q114977930 | Creating synergy between usability courses and open source software projects |
Q96427890 | Creating the Internet of Augmented Things: An Open-Source Framework to Make IoT Devices and Augmented and Mixed Reality Systems Talk to Each Other |
Q57455485 | Creative computing with Landlab: an open-source toolkit for building, coupling, and exploring two-dimensional numerical models of Earth-surface dynamics |
Q57455493 | Creative computing with Landlab: an open-source toolkit for building, coupling, and exploring two-dimensional numerical models of Earth-surface dynamics |
Q110510478 | Crediting pull requests to open source research software as an academic contribution |
Q57403543 | Crime Sensing with Big Data: The Affordances and Limitations of using Open Source Communications to Estimate Crime Patterns |
Q91071305 | Crisflash: open-source software to generate CRISPR guide RNAs against genomes annotated with individual variation |
Q58556404 | Crisis Mapping in Action: How Open Source Software and Global Volunteer Networks Are Changing the World, One Map at a Time |
Q99724209 | Critical Analysis on Open Source LMSs using FCA |
Q113416385 | Critical Appraisal of Open Source Software Security |
Q114923863 | Critical Aspects of Modern Open Source Software Technology to Support Emerging Demands |
Q114928749 | Critical Barriers to Business Intelligence Open Source Software Adoption |
Q114928925 | Critical Factors and Resources in Developing a Game-Based Learning (GBL) Environment Using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) |
Q110512551 | Criticality Analysis of HTR-10 using an Open Source Monte Carlo code OpenMC |
Q64269430 | CropSight: a scalable and open-source information management system for distributed plant phenotyping and IoT-based crop management |
Q115143185 | Cross project defect prediction for open source software |
Q38431034 | CrossCheck: an open-source web tool for high-throughput screen data analysis |
Q114969482 | Crossover from endogenous to exogenous activity in open-source software development |
Q115041701 | Crowding-in of complementary contributions to public goods: Firm investment into open source software |
Q114954241 | Crowdsourced Digital Goods and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Open Source Software |
Q115144985 | Crowdsourcing and open source software participation |
Q42547592 | Crux: rapid open source protein tandem mass spectrometry analysis |
Q113415655 | Cui Bono: Do Open Source Software Incubator Policies and Procedures Benefit the Projects or the Incubator? |
Q113422397 | Cui Bono: Do Open Source Software Incubator Policies and Procedures Benefit the Projects or the Incubator? |
Q59282234 | Cultural heritage interactive 3D models on the web: An approach using open source and free software |
Q51349703 | Current challenges in open-source bioimage informatics |
Q113442854 | Current developments in Open Source Software |
Q115005676 | Current issues and research trends on open-source software communities |
Q114363587 | Custom Methodology to Improve Geospatial Interpolation at Regional Scale with Open-Source Software |
Q110512202 | Customization of Open-Source CFD Code to Predict the Weld Shape and Determination of the Optimal Welding Method using a Simple Fatigue Analysis Tool |
Q115006696 | Customized 3D digital human model rebuilding by orthographic images-based modelling method through open-source software |
Q108289287 | Customizing an Open Source Discovery Layer at East Carolina University Libraries: The Cataloger’s Role in Developing a Replacement for a Traditional Online Catalog |
Q28601336 | CustusX: an open-source research platform for image-guided therapy |
Q114381649 | CyberSco.Py an open-source software for event-based, conditional microscopy |
Q36007114 | DABAM: an open-source database of X-ray mirrors metrology |
Q31082784 | DADOS-Prospective: an open source application for Web-based prospective data collection |
Q33257727 | DADOS-Survey: an open-source application for CHERRIES-compliant Web surveys |
Q91286815 | DAMIAN: an open source bioinformatics tool for fast, systematic and cohort based analysis of microorganisms in diagnostic samples |
Q30992594 | DATA-MEAns: an open source tool for the classification and management of neural ensemble recordings |
Q30572529 | DAVID: An open-source platform for real-time transformation of infra-segmental emotional cues in running speech. |
Q30487954 | DBDiaSNP: An Open-Source Knowledgebase of Genetic Polymorphisms and Resistance Genes Related to Diarrheal Pathogens |
Q37566719 | DBSproc: An open source process for DBS electrode localization and tractographic analysis. |
Q50134017 | DBStar: An Open-Source Tool Kit for Imaging Analysis with Patient-Customized Deep Brain Stimulation Platforms |
Q114367659 | DBscorer: An Open-Source Software for Automated Accurate Analysis of Rodent Behavior in Forced Swim Test and Tail Suspension Test |
Q39995682 | DCEMRI.jl: a fast, validated, open source toolkit for dynamic contrast enhanced MRI analysis |
Q110511677 | DEM Simulation of Laboratory Compaction of Asphalt Mixtures Using an Open Source Code |
Q109528336 | DESDEO: The Modular and Open Source Framework for Interactive Multiobjective Optimization |
Q111823257 | DICOM RIS/PACS Telemedicine Network Implementation using Free Open Source Software |
Q33212874 | DICOM router: an open source toolbox for communication and correction of DICOM objects |
Q59206093 | DINA: Open Source and Open Services - A Modern Approach for Sustainable Natural History Collection Management Systems |
Q28609956 | DKIE: Open Source Information Extraction for Danish |
Q47519893 | DKPro Similarity: An Open Source Framework for Text Similarity |
Q51807949 | DL-FIND: an open-source geometry optimizer for atomistic simulations |
Q110512678 | DMFTwDFT: An open-source code combining Dynamical Mean Field Theory with various density functional theory packages |
Q57720296 | DMOSS: Open source software documentation assessment |
Q52751126 | DNA-Encoded Compound Libraries as Open Source: A Powerful Pathway to New Drugs |
Q114999589 | DODDLE-OWL: Interactive Domain Ontology Development with Open Source Software in Java |
Q69430543 | DROP (DRone Open source Parser) your drone: Forensic analysis of the DJI Phantom III |
Q59233960 | DROP: An Open-Source Project towards Distributed SW Router Architectures |
Q58038207 | DSpace-CRIS@HKU: Achieving Visibility with a CERIF Compliant Open Source System |
Q27313625 | DStat: A Versatile, Open-Source Potentiostat for Electroanalysis and Integration |
Q64912855 | DUALarm: An open-source and 3D-printable device for upper limb neurorehabilitation. |
Q107060052 | DaNLP: An open-source toolkit for Danish Natural Language Processing |
Q115149334 | Das Open Source-Dilemma: Open Source-Software zwischen freier Verfügbarkeit und Kommerzialisierung |
Q57894881 | DasPy 1.0 – the Open Source Multivariate Land Data Assimilation Framework in combination with the Community Land Model 4.5 |
Q120820490 | Data Driven Testing of Open Source Software |
Q115008253 | Data Mining Techniques for Software Quality Prediction in Open Source Software |
Q113692509 | Data Mining User Activity in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)/ Open Learning Management Systems |
Q30672792 | Data acquisition from S/5 GE Datex anesthesia monitor using VSCapture: An open source.NET/Mono tool |
Q91820186 | Data as the New Currency-How Open Source Toolkits Have Made Labeled Data the Core Value in the AI Marketplace |
Q109933541 | Data assimilation and prognostic whole ice sheet modelling with the variationally derived, higher order, open source, and fully parallel ice sheet model VarGlaS |
Q31120831 | Data from thermal testing of the Open Source Cryostage |
Q58604508 | Data obtained with an open-source static automated perimetry test of the full visual field in healthy adults |
Q91943120 | Data on security requirements in open-source software projects |
Q30839938 | Data-mining of potential antitubercular activities from molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines |
Q110511604 | DataDepsGenerators.jl: making reusing data easy by automatically generating DataDeps.jl registration code |
Q49964227 | DataMed - an open source discovery index for finding biomedical datasets |
Q30486855 | DataViewer3D: An Open-Source, Cross-Platform Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data Visualization Tool |
Q91923627 | DataWarrior: an evaluation of the open-source drug discovery tool |
Q30882770 | DataWarrior: an open-source program for chemistry aware data visualization and analysis |
Q35779062 | Dataset for the validation and use of DiameterJ an open source nanofiber diameter measurement tool |
Q120499495 | Dataset of open-source software developers labeled by their experience level in the project and their associated software metrics |
Q114949497 | De-Commodifying Software? Open Source Software Between Business Strategy and Social Movement |
Q41953056 | DeNovoGUI: an open source graphical user interface for de novo sequencing of tandem mass spectra. |
Q114843115 | Dealing with Open Source Software Licenses in Outsourcing Transactions |
Q66810420 | Decision Service and Academic Analytics for Development of S&T based on Open Source Intelligence and Big Data |
Q114960607 | Decision-making Processes in Community-based Free/Libre Open Source Software-development Teams with Internal Governance: An Extension to Decision-making Theory |
Q56889487 | Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source Software, by Samir Chopra and Scott D. Dexter. New York, NY: Routledge, 2007. 211 pp. $135.00 hardcover/$39.00 paper. ISBN 0415978939 (hardcover)/0415876788 (paper) |
Q114918422 | Decoding liberation: the promise of free and open source software |
Q33418947 | Decon2LS: An open-source software package for automated processing and visualization of high resolution mass spectrometry data |
Q114982708 | Deconstructing the Nature of Collaboration in Organizations Open Source Software Development: The Impact of Developer and Task Characteristics |
Q36241550 | DeconvolutionLab2: An open-source software for deconvolution microscopy |
Q98777751 | Deep learning algorithms for rotating machinery intelligent diagnosis: An open source benchmark study |
Q114099141 | Deep mining of open source software bug repositories |
Q38725205 | DeepInfer: Open-Source Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit for Image-Guided Therapy |
Q114967145 | DeepMIB: User-friendly and open-source software for training of deep learning network for biological image segmentation |
Q96643759 | DeepNeuro: an open-source deep learning toolbox for neuroimaging |
Q92604780 | DeepVOG: Open-source pupil segmentation and gaze estimation in neuroscience using deep learning |
Q57740053 | Defectiveness Evolution in Open Source Software Systems |
Q114373682 | Defining the Role of Open Source Software in Research Reproducibility |
Q58861301 | Delaunay Tetrahedralization of the Heart Based on Integration of Open Source Codes |
Q114971786 | Delivering Sizzling Services and Solid Support with Open Source Software |
Q57352329 | Demo: An Open-source Software Defined Platform for Collaborative and Energy-aware WiFi Offloading |
Q63929692 | Democratizing production through open source knowledge: from open software to open hardware |
Q34949044 | Demonstration of the Adamkiewicz artery by multidetector computed tomography angiography analysed with the open-source software OsiriX. |
Q114966508 | Denoising COVID-19 computed tomography scans with scalable open source software |
Q59194624 | DensToolKit: A comprehensive open-source package for analyzing the electron density and its derivative scalar and vector fields |
Q33208507 | Dentocase - open-source education management system in dentistry. |
Q122946159 | Dependency |
Q64277391 | Deploying Acoustic Detection Algorithms on Low-Cost, Open-Source Acoustic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring |
Q114951634 | Deploying Geospatial Tools using Open Source Software in The Cloud for a Fast Pace Project |
Q93152779 | Deploying Predictive Models In A Healthcare Environment - An Open Source Approach |
Q114987787 | Deploying SDN and NFV at the speed of innovation: toward a new bond between standards development organizations, industry fora, and open-source software projects |
Q114967611 | Deployment of parallel structural analysis open-source software “FrontISTR” for cloud |
Q115043745 | Deriving thresholds of software metrics to predict faults on open source software: Replicated case studies |
Q50897033 | Design and Fabrication of a Six Degree-of-Freedom Open Source Hand |
Q118797904 | Design and Implement Security Gateway System Based on Open Source Software Used in Electronic Reading Room |
Q114959465 | Design and Programming of 5 Axis Manipulator Robot with GrblGru Open Source Software on Preparing Vocational Students’ Robotic Skills |
Q51705916 | Design and Validation of an Open-Source, Partial Task Trainer for Endonasal Neuro-Endoscopic Skills Development: Indian Experience |
Q100455084 | Design and clinical implementation of an open-source bionic leg |
Q115037493 | Design and construction of an automated OSL reader with open source software and hardware |
Q59651301 | Design and implementation of a multi-purpose radar controller using open-source tools |
Q41983983 | Design and implementation of an open source indexing solution for a large set of radiological reports and images |
Q110511845 | Design and implementation of an open-source MATLAB code for GNSS/MEMS-INS deep integrated navigation |
Q52682211 | Design and validation of an open-source library of dynamic reference frames for research and education in optical tracking |
Q56985477 | Design and validation of an open-source modular Microplate Photoirradiation System for high-throughput photobiology experiments |
Q59205972 | Design of Open Source Framework for Traffic and Travel Simulation |
Q53841747 | Design of a 3D-printed, open-source wrist-driven orthosis for individuals with spinal cord injury |
Q63456393 | Design of a decision support system using open source software for a home telehealth application |
Q90353353 | Design of an Open-Source, Low-Cost Bioink and Food Melt Extrusion 3D Printer |
Q28727245 | Design, implementation and practice of JBEI-ICE: an open source biological part registry platform and tools |
Q91570009 | Design, manufacture and deployment of a low-cost area radiation monitoring system using Raspberry Pi computers and open-source software |
Q110511753 | Designing HTS Roebel cables for low-field applications with open-source code |
Q57736678 | Designing a Model for the Global Energy System—GENeSYS-MOD: An Application of the Open-Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS) |
Q91705908 | Designing a complete-arch digital trial tooth arrangement for completely edentulous patients by using an open-source CAD software program: A dental technique |
Q115036434 | Designing a forecasting analysis to understand the diffusion of open source software in the year 2010 |
Q40235240 | Designing of inhibitors against drug tolerant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv). |
Q114918228 | Designing optimal transport routes using open-source software |
Q114992172 | Designing web-scale discovery systems using the VuFind open source software |
Q110512013 | Detailed Numerical Comparison of Laminar Burning Speed of Stratified Hydrogen–Air and Methane–Air Mixture With Corresponding Homogeneous Mixture Using Open-Source Code |
Q36097035 | Detecting a signal in the noise: monitoring the global spread of novel psychoactive substances using media and other open-source information |
Q97413170 | Detecting the Pedestrian Shed and Walking Route Environment of Urban Parks with Open-Source Data: A Case Study in Nanjing, China |
Q114919885 | Detection of an Open-Source Software Module based on Function-level Features |
Q104060924 | Detection of high-frequency oscillations in electroencephalography: A scoping review and an adaptable open-source framework |
Q64226397 | Determinants of open source software project success: A longitudinal study |
Q113815249 | Determinants of success in open source software networks |
Q64226472 | Determinants of the Choice of Open Source Software License |
Q120073916 | Determination of vehicle speed from recorded video using the open‐source software Kinovea |
Q114922384 | Develop Direct Geo-referencing System Based on Open Source Software and Hardware Platform |
Q110511972 | Developer Centrality and the Impact of Value Congruence and Incongruence on Commitment and Code Contribution Activity in Open Source Software Communities |
Q114946973 | Developer Heterogeneity and Formation of Communication Networks in Open Source Software Projects |
Q114954625 | Developer Heterogeneity and Formation of Communication Networks in Open Source Software Projects |
Q111925901 | Developer Role Evolution in Open Source Software Ecosystem: An Explanatory Study on GNOME |
Q57751379 | Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories (CROSSMINER) |
Q114954281 | Developers' Incentives and Open Source Software Licensing: GPL vs. BSD |
Q114927869 | Developers, Quality Control and Download Volume in Open Source Software (OSS) Projects |
Q113425485 | Developers’ Incentives and Open-Source Software Licensing: GPL vs BSD |
Q58173740 | Developing 'Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS)' - A Market Driven Investment |
Q94046450 | Developing Healthcare Applications using Common Open Source Medical Objects (COSMOS) |
Q58888971 | Developing Open Source Software: A Community-Based Analysis of Research |
Q92490855 | Developing Open-Source Models for the US Health System: Practical Experiences and Challenges to Date with the Open-Source Value Project |
Q118805231 | Developing Web Archive System of International Institutions Based on IIPC Open Source Software |
Q30574259 | Developing a Practical Toxicogenomics Data Analysis System Utilizing Open-Source Software |
Q114939774 | Developing a Software Mechanism for Scheduling and Tracking Project Lifecycle Using Open-Source Software: An application on a government institution |
Q48192592 | Developing a framework for understanding and enabling open source drug discovery |
Q107078634 | Developing a hydrologic monitoring network in data‐scarce regions using open‐source arduino dataloggers |
Q58103527 | Developing a representative community health survey sampling frame using open-source remote satellite imagery in Mozambique |
Q115006573 | Developing a spectral pipeline using open source software and low-cost hardware for material identification |
Q38564314 | Developing an Open-Source Bibliometric Ranking Website Using Google Scholar Citation Profiles for Researchers in the Field of Biomedical Informatics. |
Q114987279 | Developing an information systems infrastructure with open source software |
Q57317814 | Developing an open source strategy for NASA earth science data systems |
Q57317815 | Developing an open source, reusable platform for distributed collaborative information management in the Early Detection Research Network |
Q106465206 | Developing an open-source 3D glacial isostatic adjustment modeling code using ASPECT |
Q57551132 | Developing an open-source, rule-based proofreading tool |
Q98191675 | Developing and Sustaining an Open Source Electronic Health Record: Evidence from a Field Study in Japan |
Q57697899 | Developing collaborative system for open source software development community |
Q34403953 | Developing open source, self-contained disease surveillance software applications for use in resource-limited settings |
Q108127332 | Developing open-source software for bioimage analysis: opportunities and challenges |
Q38830026 | Developing the Safety Case for MediPi: An Open-Source Platform for Self Management |
Q114917677 | Development Environment for Open-pit Mine Monitoring System using Geospatial Open Platform and Open Source Software |
Q114201544 | Development and Application of Open-Source Software for Problems with Numerical PDEs |
Q114958366 | Development and Contribution of Open Source Software Communities for the Library Progress in Indonesia |
Q114931640 | Development and Economic Benefits of Open Source Software |
Q118143762 | Development and Implementation of Element Deletion Algorithm into an Open-Source Software Based on the Fracture Locus of Materials |
Q103788532 | Development and Validation of Open-Source Activity Intensity Count and Activity Intensity Classification Algorithms from Raw Acceleration Signals of Wearable Sensors |
Q89653017 | Development and Validation of an Open-Source Grading Tool for Outcome Assessment in Limbal Stem Cell Treatment |
Q42654690 | Development and evaluation of QSPECT open-source software for the iterative reconstruction of SPECT images. |
Q42733686 | Development and evaluation of an open source Delphi-based software for morphometric quantification of liver fibrosis |
Q33235439 | Development and evaluation of an open source software tool for deidentification of pathology reports |
Q37686674 | Development and evaluation of an open-source software package "CGITA" for quantifying tumor heterogeneity with molecular images |
Q101127684 | Development and evaluation of potential accident scenarios involving pedestrians and AEB-equipped vehicles to demonstrate the efficiency of an enhanced open-source simulation framework |
Q115036841 | Development and implementation of hydro turbine and governor models in a free and open source software package |
Q113873553 | Development and implementation of real-time data acquisition systems for fusion devices with Open Source software |
Q114385163 | Development and validation of Kongoh ver. 3.0.1: Open-source software for DNA mixture interpretation in the GlobalFiler system based on a quantitative continuous model |
Q64111891 | Development and validation of an open source Monte Carlo dosimetry model for wide‐beam CT scanners using Fluka |
Q35037843 | Development and validation of an open source O2-sensitive gel for physiological profiling of soil microbial communities |
Q28364791 | Development and validation of an open source quantification tool for DSC-MRI studies |
Q114978654 | Development and validation of an open-source software package for very low Earth orbit satellite simulation |
Q47131047 | Development and validation of open-source software for DNA mixture interpretation based on a quantitative continuous model. |
Q114389386 | Development effort estimation in free/open source software from activity in version control systems |
Q114926803 | Development of Algorithm for Lorenz Equation through the Application of Open Source Software |
Q110511921 | Development of Automated Demand Response Platform Using Open Source Code |
Q47615693 | Development of CD3 cell quantitation algorithms for renal allograft biopsy rejection assessment utilizing open source image analysis software. |
Q114966362 | Development of Digital Archives Using Open Source Software to Document Mi-ryang Transmission Towers Construction Conflicts |
Q114958643 | Development of LiDAR Database Management System using Open Source Software |
Q57814048 | Development of Open-Source Dummy and Impactor Models for the Assessment of American Football Helmet Finite Element Models |
Q91312614 | Development of Open-source Software and Gaze Data Repositories for Performance Evaluation of Eye Tracking Systems |
Q110500127 | Development of Predictive Emissions Monitoring System Using Open Source Machine Learning Library – Keras: A Case Study on a Cogeneration Unit |
Q114968714 | Development of RF Spectrum Management Tool for Malaysia Using Open-Source Software |
Q58811768 | Development of Safety-Critical Software Systems Using Open Source Software -- A Systematic Map |
Q120487696 | Development of a GIS-based knowledge hub for contaminants of emerging concern in South African water resources using open-source software: Lessons learnt |
Q114967637 | Development of a Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System using Low-cost Microcontroller and Open-source Software |
Q62495973 | Development of a Laparoscopic Box Trainer Based on Open Source Hardware and Artificial Intelligence for Objective Assessment of Surgical Psychomotor Skills |
Q56421256 | Development of a Network-based Real-Time Robot Control System over IEEE 1394: Using Open Source Software Platform |
Q114387993 | Development of a REDCap-based workflow for high-volume relational data analysis on real-time data in a medical department using open source software |
Q114929749 | Development of a VoWLAN Terminal based on Open Source Software |
Q114926544 | Development of a Web Based GIS Application for Spatial Natural Resources Information System Using Effective Open Source Software and Standards |
Q35987648 | Development of a Web Portal Using Open Source Information Visualization Libraries |
Q38766802 | Development of a new model of actinic enteritis in rats using a cobalt-60 open source and a protection device as a collimator |
Q42604942 | Development of a novel CASA system based on open source software for characterization of zebrafish sperm motility parameters |
Q51922939 | Development of a radiation therapy open-source platform |
Q106651363 | Development of a sensor and measurement platform for water quality observations: design, sensor integration, 3D printing, and open-source hardware |
Q53901500 | Development of a software for the design of custom-made hip prostheses using an open-source rapid application development environment. |
Q115100273 | Development of a web GIS application for emissions inventory spatial allocation based on open source software tools |
Q115100265 | Development of a web application for water resources based on open source software |
Q114946429 | Development of an Automatic Generation System of Configuration Manuals for Open Source Software |
Q58703429 | Development of an Extruder for Open Source 3D Bioprinting |
Q36006222 | Development of an IHE MRRT-compliant open-source web-based reporting platform |
Q95424417 | Development of an Open Source Educational Resource: "Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care" |
Q89403550 | Development of an Open-Source Laparoscopic Simulator Capable of Motion and Force Assessment: High Tech at Low Cost |
Q92702590 | Development of an Open-Source Thermal Image Processing Software for Improving Irrigation Management in Potato Crops (Solanum tuberosum L.). |
Q53751487 | Development of an Open-Source, Discrete Element Knee Model |
Q33259249 | Development of an open source laboratory information management system for 2-D gel electrophoresis-based proteomics workflow |
Q37732600 | Development of an open source software module for enhanced visualization during MR-guided interstitial gynecologic brachytherapy |
Q47941302 | Development of an open-source cosimulation method of the knee |
Q116296830 | Development of an open-source software for isomer enumeration |
Q115044077 | Development of an open-source software package for watershed modeling with the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran |
Q47216900 | Development of an open-source tractor driving simulator for tractor stability tests |
Q36093117 | Development of an open-source web-based intervention for Brazilian smokers - Viva sem Tabaco. |
Q30707713 | Development of an open-source, flexible framework for complex inter-institutional disparate data sharing and collaboration |
Q90314876 | Development of brain networks for social functions: Confirmatory analyses in a large open source dataset |
Q113173924 | Development of open source software for computer-assisted intervention systems |
Q114954736 | Development of open source software for power market research: the AMES test bed |
Q114369593 | Development of open-source software for free-hand 3D vascular ultrasound: Dialysis fistula application |
Q110511868 | Development of parallel DEM for the open source code MFIX |
Q58222817 | Development of the OpenQuake engine, the Global Earthquake Model’s open-source software for seismic risk assessment |
Q102070869 | Development of the automated software and device for determination of wicking in textiles using open-source tools |
Q38736022 | Development of the open-source dose calculation and optimization toolkit matRad. |
Q115144430 | Development of track log and point of interest management system using Free and Open Source Software |
Q114365550 | Development of web enabled water resource information system using open source software for Patiala and SAS Nagar districts of Punjab, India |
Q51741144 | DiViDu – An Open Source Solution for Dual Task Experiments with Integrated Divided Visual Field Paradigm |
Q96307974 | Diabetes Podcast: Do It Yourself/Open Source Artificial Pancreas Systems: Part 2 |
Q96109618 | Diabetes Podcast: Do It Yourself/Open Source Artificial Pancreas Systems: Part 1 |
Q60172122 | Diagnosing turbulence for research aircraft safety using open source toolkits |
Q50357762 | Diagnostic Index: An open-source tool to classify TMJ OA condyles |
Q115001805 | Diagnostics of paper – dampening solution printing system parameters for open source software applications |
Q114920388 | Dialectic of Requirements in Open Source Software: ‘Rigour-Engagement, and Trust’ |
Q28364792 | DiameterJ: A validated open source nanofiber diameter measurement tool |
Q97531410 | DicomAnnotator: a Configurable Open-Source Software Program for Efficient DICOM Image Annotation |
Q33730263 | Dicoogle - an open source peer-to-peer PACS |
Q118142355 | Die Anwendung der dreifachen Schadensberechnung auf Lizenzverstöße im Open Source Software Recht |
Q114915876 | Die Nutzung von Open Source Software unter neuen GPL-Versionen nach der „any later version“-Klausel |
Q114963274 | Die Open-Source-Software OpenBib an der USB Köln – Überblick und Entwicklungen in Richtung OPAC 2.0 |
Q115145036 | Die Projektpolis bei der Arbeit. Open-Source-Software-Entwicklung und der „neue Geist des Kapitalismus“ |
Q114961773 | Die erzwungene Gegengabe Fragen des Internationalen Privatrechts und der Inhaltskontrolle bei der kommerziellen Verwertung von Open Source Software nach der GNU General Public License Version 3 |
Q31147298 | Differential Expression and Functional Analysis of High-Throughput -Omics Data Using Open Source Tools |
Q115151172 | Differential impacts of social influence on initial and sustained participation in open source software projects |
Q115044800 | Diffusion dynamics of open source software: An agent-based computational economics (ACE) approach |
Q108127199 | Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging in the Diffusion Imaging in Python Project |
Q51411501 | DigR: a generic model and its open source simulation software to mimic three-dimensional root-system architecture diversity |
Q115102595 | DigiSim — An Open Source Software Package for Heterogeneous Material Modeling Based on Digital Image Processing |
Q114937569 | Digital (R)Evolution: Open-Source Softwares for Orthodontics |
Q119953399 | Digital Gothic Arch Tracing Device with Open-Source Software for CAD/CAM Denture Fabrication |
Q114953242 | Digital Library Open Source Software: An Overview and Comparative Study |
Q90758945 | Digital Transformation and Governance Innovation for Public Biobanks and Free/Libre Open Source Software Using a Blockchain Technology |
Q104475944 | Digital bathroom scales with open source software provide valid dynamic ground reaction force data for assessment and biofeedback |
Q114254802 | Digital curation and open-source software in LAM-related publications |
Q57586710 | Digital forensic intelligence: Data subsets and Open Source Intelligence (DFINT+OSINT): A timely and cohesive mix |
Q33538438 | Digital time stamping system based on open source technologies |
Q99234247 | Digital workflow for articulating maxillary and mandibular 3D arch models using an open source 3D modeling software program |
Q120430282 | Digital workflow for designing an interim implant-supported restoration with an optimal emergence profile in an open-source software program |
Q30667589 | DigitalVHI--a freeware open-source software application to capture the Voice Handicap Index and other questionnaire data in various languages |
Q113319184 | Digitizing ECG image: A new method and open-source software code |
Q114992237 | Dilemmas within commercial involvement in open source software |
Q49724321 | Dimensional Error in Rapid Prototyping with Open Source Software and Low-cost 3D-printer |
Q91606274 | Dimorphite-DL: an open-source program for enumerating the ionization states of drug-like small molecules |
Q38380171 | Dinosaur: A Refined Open-Source Peptide MS Feature Detector |
Q115043133 | Directions for open source software over the next decade |
Q120362333 | DisGUVery: A Versatile Open-Source Software for High-Throughput Image Analysis of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles |
Q31149878 | Disambiguate: An open-source application for disambiguating two species in next generation sequencing data from grafted samples. |
Q115042271 | Discursive construction of ‘user innovations’ in the open source software development context |
Q118796542 | Discussion on Security Monitor to the Computer Network System of the College Digitalization Library Based on Open Source Software |
Q91645193 | Dissemination and Continuous Improvement of a CTSA-based Software Platform, SPARCRequest©, Using an Open Source Governance Model - ADDENDUM |
Q90980301 | Dissemination and continuous improvement of a CTSA-based software platform, SPARCRequest©, using an open source governance model |
Q57849339 | Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application |
Q31152159 | Distributed chemical computing using ChemStar: an open source java remote method invocation architecture applied to large scale molecular data from PubChem |
Q33871507 | Distributed computing in image analysis using open source frameworks and application to image sharpness assessment of histological whole slide images |
Q114939561 | Distribution of cells in mouse neocortex analysed with an open-source software utilising Ripley's K-function |
Q114932580 | Do Female Employees at Small and Medium Enterprises Perceive Open Source Software Usefulness and Satisfaction Differently from Male Employees? A Survey Analysis |
Q55980505 | Do Open Source Developers Respond to Competition? The LATEX Case Study |
Q115006761 | Do modular products lead to modular organisations? Evidence from open source software development |
Q114922022 | Do open source software developers listen to their users? |
Q115042287 | Do the allocation and quality of intellectual assets affect the reputation of open source software projects? |
Q92597274 | DockRMSD: an open-source tool for atom mapping and RMSD calculation of symmetric molecules through graph isomorphism |
Q101237852 | Document Version Control in the Pathology Laboratory: Git Is an Open-Source Option |
Q56674125 | Documenting open source migration processes for re-use |
Q114962962 | Does Open Source Software influence economic growth? |
Q114967799 | Does Superposition Influence the Success of FLOSS Projects? An Examination of Open-Source Software Development by Organizations and Individuals |
Q114856271 | Does free/open source software enable new forms of entrepreneurship? An analysis of the start-ups created to exploit the business opportunities stemming from free/open source software |
Q40789032 | Does open source have a future in medicine? |
Q114972486 | Doing Data Science on the Shoulders of Giants: The Value of Open Source Software for the Data Science Community |
Q114370980 | Don't Disturb Me: Challenges of Interacting with Software Bots on Open Source Software Projects |
Q110512719 | Dose regularization via filtering and projection: An open-source code for optimization-based proximity-effect-correction for nanoscale lithography |
Q42601890 | Dose response explorer: an integrated open-source tool for exploring and modelling radiotherapy dose-volume outcome relationships |
Q27312338 | DotMapper: an open source tool for creating interactive disease point maps |
Q114953595 | Downsides of Using Inadequate Open Source Software Processes and Licenses within Standard Development Organizations |
Q37333872 | Draft Genome Sequence of Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolate OSDD515, Belonging to the Uganda I Genotype |
Q37065442 | Draft Genome Sequence of a Clinical Isolate of Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis East African Indian Strain OSDD271. |
Q37333898 | Draft Genome Sequence of a Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Belonging to a Novel Spoligotype |
Q37289041 | Draft Genome Sequence of an Extensively Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolate of the Ural Strain OSDD493. |
Q114845171 | Drafting Options for Contributor Agreements for Free and Open Source Software: Assignment, (Non)Exclusive Licence and Legal Consequences. A Comparative Analysis of German and US Law |
Q60027433 | DropBot: An open-source digital microfluidic control system with precise control of electrostatic driving force and instantaneous drop velocity measurement |
Q30575364 | Drug discovery applications for KNIME: an open source data mining platform |
Q114981564 | Dual Allegiance and Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Firms |
Q114954631 | Dual Licensing in Open Source Software Industry |
Q114953081 | Dual Licensing in Open Source Software Markets |
Q113442222 | Dual licensing in open source software markets |
Q33283363 | Duke Surgery Patient Safety: an open-source application for anonymous reporting of adverse and near-miss surgical events |
Q33252039 | Duke Surgery Research Central: an open-source Web application for the improvement of compliance with research regulation |
Q114927136 | Dynamic Behavior Analysis for Open-source Software based on Complex Network |
Q115100624 | Dynamic Force-Spectroscopy on a Budget: New Designs and Open-Source Software for Building an Electromagnetic Tweezer |
Q114971507 | Dynamic Models of Affiliation and the Network Structure of Problem Solving in an Open Source Software Project |
Q42635403 | Dynamic online surveys and experiments with the free open-source software dynQuest. |
Q114963311 | E-Medienzugriffsregelung mit Open Source Software – der LibSquid |
Q62806366 | E-health integration and interoperability based on open-source information technology |
Q114966263 | E-learning Experience using Open Source Software: Moodle |
Q91071372 | EBIC: an open source software for high-dimensional and big data analyses |
Q58146998 | ECOS: Ecological studies of open source software ecosystems |
Q92829296 | EECoG-Comp: An Open Source Platform for Concurrent EEG/ECoG Comparisons-Applications to Connectivity Studies |
Q29547481 | EEGLAB: an open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics including independent component analysis |
Q35778637 | EEGNET: An Open Source Tool for Analyzing and Visualizing M/EEG Connectome. |
Q104742398 | EFSA's OpenFoodTox: An open source toxicological database on chemicals in food and feed and its future developments |
Q28601874 | EHDViz: clinical dashboard development using open-source technologies |
Q36023278 | ELATE: an open-source online application for analysis and visualization of elastic tensors. |
Q90546399 | ELIMU-MDx: a web-based, open-source platform for storage, management and analysis of diagnostic qPCR data |
Q110660715 | EM Algorithm for Estimating Reliability of Multi-Release Open Source Software Based on General Masked Data |
Q38893390 | EMGD-FE: an open source graphical user interface for estimating isometric muscle forces in the lower limb using an EMG-driven model. |
Q115011269 | EMsoft: open source software for electron diffraction/image simulations |
Q61248936 | EOF-Library: Open-source Elmer FEM and OpenFOAM coupler for electromagnetics and fluid dynamics |
Q115027917 | EP-1925: Online open source software to assess adverse events of patients undergoing radiochemotherapy |
Q115039148 | EP.46MuscleViz: free open-source software for muscle weakness visualization |
Q46091406 | ERP Reliability Analysis (ERA) Toolbox: An open-source toolbox for analyzing the reliability of event-related brain potentials |
Q38883925 | ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials |
Q111935159 | ESA UGI (Unified-GNSS-Ionosphere): An open-source software to compute precise ionosphere estimates |
Q115036767 | ESP3: An open-source software for the quantitative processing of hydro-acoustic data |
Q110512127 | ESVM: an open-source finite volume Electrostatic Vlasov-Maxwell code |
Q59407530 | EVOSS: A tool for managing the evolution of free and open source software systems |
Q96136903 | EZcalcium: Open-Source Toolbox for Analysis of Calcium Imaging Data |
Q48112823 | Early Detection of Apathetic Phenotypes in Huntington's Disease Knock-in Mice Using Open Source Tools. |
Q114982077 | EasieRR: An open‐source software for non‐invasive heart rate variability assessment |
Q36244309 | Easy Handling of Sensors and Actuators over TCP/IP Networks by Open Source Hardware/Software |
Q34267084 | Easy-DHPSF open-source software for three-dimensional localization of single molecules with precision beyond the optical diffraction limit |
Q41884995 | Easyworm: an open-source software tool to determine the mechanical properties of worm-like chains |
Q107399369 | Ebooks without Vendors: Using Open Source Software to Create and Share Meaningful Ebook Collections |
Q57563653 | EcoIP: An open source image analysis toolkit to identify different stages of plant phenology for multiple species with pan–tilt–zoom cameras |
Q104692150 | Editorial. Neurosurgical planning in a low-resource setting using free open-source three-dimensional volume-rendering software |
Q115145682 | Editorial: Free/open source software, silver bullets, and mythical months |
Q58888981 | Editorial: Open source software engineering |
Q47158761 | Editorial: OpenFoodTox: EFSA's open source toxicological database on chemical hazards in food and feed |
Q68188921 | Editorial: a cooperative agreement with the journal of open source software |
Q111899113 | Educational use of free and open source software (FOSS): international development and its implications for higher education |
Q44464122 | Eeglab - an Open Source Matlab Toolbox for Electrophysiological Research |
Q114918319 | Effect of Free Open Source Software Based Learning Package on Academic Achievement of Junior School Students in Basic Technology in Nigeria |
Q114961161 | Effect of Replacing Proprietary Software with FOSS (Free/Open Source Software) in Lokmitra (Friend of People) Kenderas of Himachal Pradesh State: A Case Study |
Q114373636 | Effective Strategies for Using Open Source Software and Open Standards in Organizational Contexts: Experiences From the Primary and Secondary Software Sectors |
Q114977713 | Effectiveness of refactoring metrics model to identify smelly and error prone classes in open source software |
Q114984863 | Effects of Empowerment on Performance in Open-Source Software Projects |
Q39926677 | Efficacy and reliability of highly functional open source DICOM software (OsiriX) in spine surgery |
Q101133674 | Efficacy, safety, and user experience of DIY or open-source artificial pancreas systems: a systematic review |
Q114987922 | Efficient Open Source Software Radio on Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded Platforms |
Q59607488 | Efficient implementation of superquadric particles in Discrete Element Method within an open-source framework |
Q30820735 | Efficient prediction of siRNAs with siRNArules 1.0: an open-source JAVA approach to siRNA algorithms |
Q42683348 | Efficient radiologic reading environment by using an open-source macro program as connection software. |
Q113442230 | Effort modeling and programmer participation in open source software projects |
Q115009307 | Effort, co-operation and co-ordination in an open source software project: GNOME |
Q58637650 | Eight Observations and 24 Research Questions About Open Source Projects |
Q115150515 | Ein elektronisches Laborjournal als Open-Source-Software |
Q118366297 | Eine digitale Teilrekonstruktion des Palais Beauharnais in Paris. Open Source Modellierung und Evaluation verschiedener 3D-Viewer |
Q68956999 | Eleanor: an open-source tool for extracting light curves from the TESS full-frame images |
Q61800848 | ElectroMap: High-throughput open-source software for analysis and mapping of cardiac electrophysiology |
Q33634186 | Electronic data capture for registries and clinical trials in orthopaedic surgery: open source versus commercial systems |
Q90194313 | Elemental: An Open-Source Wireless Hardware and Software Platform for Building Energy and Indoor Environmental Monitoring and Control |
Q38853239 | EliIE: An open-source information extraction system for clinical trial eligibility criteria. |
Q62732180 | Ember: An open-source, transient solver for 1D reacting flow using large kinetic models, applied to strained extinction |
Q33936457 | Embracing the Open-Source Movement for the Management of Spatial Data: A Case Study of African Trypanosomiasis in Kenya |
Q56004375 | Emergence of Home Manufacturing in the Developed World: Return on Investment for Open-Source 3-D Printers |
Q114967826 | Emergence of New Project Teams from Open Source Software Developer Networks: Impact of Prior Collaboration Ties |
Q38982125 | Emergency Department Visit Forecasting and Dynamic Nursing Staff Allocation Using Machine Learning Techniques With Readily Available Open-Source Software. |
Q91897570 | Emergency Open-source Three-dimensional Printable Ventilator Circuit Splitter and Flow Regulator during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Q56742180 | Emergent Decision-Making Practices in Free/Libre Open Source Software (Floss) Development Teams |
Q56416084 | Emerging Business Models for Open Source Hardware |
Q114918421 | Emerging free and open source software practices |
Q114966975 | Empirical Analysis of the Complexity Evolution in Open-Source Software Systems |
Q56742213 | Empirical Studies of Open Source Software Development |
Q114927434 | Empirical Tests of Scale-Free Characteristic in Open Source Software: A Replicated Case Study |
Q115097989 | Empirical analysis of search based algorithms to identify change prone classes of open source software |
Q110510942 | Empirical evaluation of code smells in open-source software (OSS) using Best Worst Method (BWM) and TOPSIS approach |
Q113442229 | Empirical issues in open source software |
Q114977715 | Empirical studies of global volunteer collaboration in the development of free and open source software |
Q115102671 | Empirical study of open source software selection for adoption, based on software quality characteristics |
Q50114028 | Empirical tests of Zipf's law mechanism in open source Linux distribution. |
Q114982831 | Empirical validation of object-oriented metrics on open source software for fault prediction |
Q33607099 | Employing an open-source tool to assess astrocyte tridimensional structure |
Q59462994 | Empowering citizen science through free and open source GIS |
Q115149223 | Empowering the users? A critical textual analysis of the role of users in open source software development |
Q114945547 | Enablers of Open Source Software adoption: A case study of APS organisations |
Q100477837 | Enabling External Inquiries to an Existing Patient Registry by Using the Open Source Registry System for Rare Diseases: Demonstration of the System Using the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry |
Q52648508 | Endocrine disruptome--an open source prediction tool for assessing endocrine disruption potential through nuclear receptor binding |
Q114954127 | Endurance in Open Online Communities: An Examination of Visibility and Focus of Attention in the Context of Free/Libre Open Source Software Projects |
Q28645709 | Energy Spectral Behaviors of Communication Networks of Open-Source Communities |
Q99989417 | Enforcing Security Policies in Open Source JVM |
Q115144424 | Enhanced satellite positioning as a web service with goGPS open source software |
Q110511547 | Enhancements to Open Source Translator FABLE for Code Porting of Legacy Applications |
Q60650711 | Enhancing Freedom to Operate for Plant Breeders and Farmers through Open Source Plant Breeding |
Q114987175 | Enhancing Open Source Software in Alignment with CMMI-DEV |
Q114929241 | Enhancing Social Science Research in the UAE: An Open Source Software Solution University of Sharjah (UOS) Case Study |
Q59447198 | Enhancing an Open Source Resource Manager with Multi-core/Multi-threaded Support |
Q114928331 | Ensemble Techniques-Based Software Fault Prediction in an Open-Source Project |
Q85107289 | Entrepreneurial actions and the legitimation of free/open source software services |
Q114982762 | Entropy Based Software Reliability Analysis of Multi-Version Open Source Software |
Q114961006 | Entropy based Software Reliability Growth Modelling for Open Source Software Evolution |
Q114978479 | Entropy-Based Two-Dimensional Software Reliability Growth Modeling for Open-Source Software Incorporating Change-Point |
Q114967794 | Entry Strategies Under Competing Standards: Hybrid Business Models in the Open Source Software Industry |
Q115149347 | Entwurf von serviceorientierten Architekturen auf Basis von Open-Source-Software |
Q89714460 | Environmental open-source data sets and sleep-wake rhythms of populations: an overview |
Q34320925 | Epi Info™: Now an Open-source application that continues a long and productive "life" through CDC support and funding |
Q31060938 | EpiFire: An open source C++ library and application for contact network epidemiology |
Q90212623 | EpiGraph: an open-source platform to quantify epithelial organization |
Q92674896 | EpiMetal: an open-source graphical web browser tool for easy statistical analyses in epidemiology and metabolomics |
Q36459929 | EpiTools: An Open-Source Image Analysis Toolkit for Quantifying Epithelial Growth Dynamics |
Q110512567 | EqHaz: An Open-Source Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Code Based on the Monte Carlo Simulation Approach |
Q113436887 | Equilibrium Selection and Public-good Provision: The Development of Open-source Software |
Q111926219 | Erratum to “Reactive transport in aquatic ecosystems: Rapid model prototyping in the open source software R” [Environ. Modell. Softw. 32 (2012) 49–60] |
Q42381447 | Erratum to: Open-source, small-animal magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound system |
Q43087241 | Erratum to: OpenHELP (Heidelberg laparoscopy phantom): development of an open-source surgical evaluation and training tool. |
Q114376842 | Erratum to: SPECFEM2D-DG, an open-source software modelling mechanical waves in coupled solid–fluid systems: the linearized Navier–Stokes approach |
Q53836650 | Erratum: Conceptualization and validation of an open-source closed-loop deep brain stimulation system in rat. |
Q114961860 | Erratum: Investigating and Projecting Population Structures in Open Source Software Projects: A Case Study of Projects in GitHub [IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E99.D (2016) , No.5 pp.1304-1315] |
Q58856541 | Erratum: ms_lims, a simple yet powerful open source laboratory information management system for MS-driven proteomics |
Q114981554 | Escaping the TRIPs’ Trap: The Political Economy of Free and Open Source Software in Africa |
Q57428662 | Establishing Ethos on Proprietary and Open Source Software Websites |
Q34614859 | Establishing a Web-based DICOM teaching file authoring tool using open-source public software |
Q44302401 | Establishment of a European Registry for hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa by using an open source software. |
Q56337014 | Estimating potential photovoltaic yield with r.sun and the open source Geographical Resources Analysis Support System |
Q114953343 | Estimating the Increase in Areal Extent of Quarries in Malappuram District Using Open Source Software |
Q111925749 | Estimation of Pathogen Prevalence in Pooled Samples Using Maximum Likelihood Methods and Open-Source Software |
Q34099539 | Estimation of the effect derived from Tianjin suburban wind erosion open source on central district |
Q114363211 | EstrellaNueva: An Open-source Software to Study the Interactions and Detection of Neutrinos Emitted by Supernovae |
Q114995249 | Ethical issues in open source software |
Q50745168 | EuroForMix: An open source software based on a continuous model to evaluate STR DNA profiles from a mixture of contributors with artefacts |
Q58023932 | European National Educational School Authorities' Actions Regarding Open Content and Open Source Software in Education |
Q59899905 | Evaluating Maintainability Prejudices with a Large-Scale Study of Open-Source Projects |
Q114928416 | Evaluating Maintainability of Open Source Software |
Q114962015 | Evaluating Open Source Software Usability Using a Multistage Fuzzy Model Approach |
Q97869583 | Evaluating Open Source Software for 3D Imaging and Morphing in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Q114967246 | Evaluating Open Source Software for Use in Library Initiatives: A Case Study Involving Electronic Publishing |
Q36062885 | Evaluating Open-Source Full-Text Search Engines for Matching ICD-10 Codes |
Q93356573 | Evaluating OpenFace: an open-source automatic facial comparison algorithm for forensics |
Q60962845 | Evaluating conservation voltage reduction: An application of GridLAB-D: An open source software package |
Q114916603 | Evaluating the Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q114928477 | Evaluating the Potential of Free and Open Source Software in the Developing World |
Q58219962 | Evaluating the Quality of Open Source Software |
Q113436352 | Evaluating the performance of open source software projects using data envelopment analysis |
Q118143744 | Evaluation and Analysis of the Accuracy of Open-Source Software and Online Services for PPP Processing in Static Mode |
Q114982926 | Evaluation and Application of Bounded Generalized Pareto Analysis to Fault Distributions in Open Source Software |
Q47866463 | Evaluation and Comparison of Open Source Bibliographic Reference Parsers: A Business Use Case |
Q115149564 | Evaluation and comparison of open source software suites for data mining and knowledge discovery |
Q38284757 | Evaluation and selection of open-source EMR software packages based on integrated AHP and TOPSIS. |
Q115149751 | Evaluation criteria for free/open source software products based on project analysis |
Q114369031 | Evaluation indicators for open-source software: a review |
Q97535747 | Evaluation of Free, Open-source, Web-based DICOM Viewers for the Indian National Telemedicine Service (eSanjeevani) |
Q57426945 | Evaluation of Key Methodology for Digital Image Analysis of Turfgrass Color Using Open-Source Software |
Q114966360 | Evaluation of Open-source Software for Participatory Digital Archives: Understanding System Requirements for No Gun Ri Digital Archives |
Q104901338 | Evaluation of a low-cost open-source gaze tracker |
Q91899592 | Evaluation of an Open Source Registration Package for Automatic Contour Propagation in Online Adaptive Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy of Prostate Cancer |
Q44666157 | Evaluation of an open source method for calculating physical activity in dogs from harness and collar based sensors |
Q51722130 | Evaluation of coronary artery aneurysm and stenosis using open-source myocardial perfusion SPECT and coronary computed tomographic angiography image fusion software |
Q57868514 | Evaluation of dynamic measurement uncertainty – an open-source software package to bridge theory and practice |
Q54936271 | Evaluation of e-liquid toxicity using an open-source high-throughput screening assay. |
Q114963260 | Evaluation of open-source software for the lung segmentation |
Q111897422 | Evaluation of optimum PV tilt angle with generated and predicted solar electric data using geospatial open source software in cloud environment |
Q110511490 | Evaluation of the Survey Made Among SAÜ Computer Engineering Mixed Education Students by Using Open Source Code Data Mining Software |
Q36038833 | Evaluation of the free, open source software WordPress as electronic portfolio system in undergraduate medical education |
Q30883496 | Evaluation of the performance of open-source RDBMS and triplestores for storing medical data over a web service. |
Q34032243 | Evaluation of three methods for retrospective correction of vignetting on medical microscopy images utilizing two open source software tools |
Q58797129 | Evaluation of urban sprawl from space using open source technologies |
Q75167649 | Evaluation of vertical accuracy of open source Digital Elevation Model (DEM) |
Q114372049 | EveryBOTy Counts: Examining Human–Machine Teams in Open Source Software Development |
Q90849835 | Evolution and Analysis of Hapkit: An Open-Source Haptic Device for Educational Applications |
Q56890543 | Evolution of Open Source Networks in Industry |
Q114925433 | Evolution of Open Source Software Projects: A Systematic Literature Review |
Q120345659 | Evolving collaboration, dependencies, and use in the Rust Open Source Software ecosystem |
Q114978432 | Examining Investment Strategies of Venture Capitalists in Open Source Software |
Q120282287 | Examining Users’ Contribution in Open Source Software Communities |
Q114965572 | Examining success factors of open source software repositories: the case of OSOR.eu portal |
Q114963664 | Examining the determinants of effort among open source software volunteer developers |
Q58809387 | Examining the potential of open source remote sensing for building effective decision support systems for precision agriculture in resource-poor settings |
Q57026296 | Excellent Glycemic Control Maintained by Open-Source Hybrid Closed-Loop AndroidAPS During and After Sustained Physical Activity |
Q97066630 | Exchange of Clinical and Omics Data According to FAIR Principles: A Review of Open Source Solutions |
Q113307550 | Excimontec v1.0: An Open-Source Software Tool for Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Organic Electronic Devices |
Q114953130 | Exit and Voice in Free and Open Source Software Licensing: Moderating the Rein Over Software Users |
Q68511788 | Exo-Transmit: an open-source code for calculating transmission spectra for exoplanet atmospheres of varied composition |
Q30872007 | Experience of using an open source clinical trials data management software system in Kenya. |
Q114917744 | Experience with PSAT (Power System Analysis Toolbox) as Free and Open-Source Software for Power System Education and Research |
Q33455088 | ExperienceSampler: An Open-Source Scaffold for Building Smartphone Apps for Experience Sampling. |
Q114928978 | Experiences using an open source software library to teach computer vision subjects |
Q114987225 | Experiences with Open Source Software Engineering Tools |
Q114951220 | Experimental Data Curation at Large Instrument Facilities with Open Source Software |
Q40200780 | ExpertEyes: open-source, high-definition eyetracking |
Q115151109 | Explaining free and open source software |
Q113442232 | Explaining leadership in virtual teams: The case of open source software |
Q115006083 | Exploitation and Exploration Networks in Open Source Software Development: An Artifact-Level Analysis |
Q91338704 | Exploiting open source 3D printer architecture for laboratory robotics to automate high-throughput time-lapse imaging for analytical microbiology |
Q115008176 | Explorations on IT Majors’ Talents Cultivation Supported by Open Source Software |
Q115149803 | Exploratory inspection-a user-based learning method for improving open source software usability |
Q115150572 | Exploring Organizational Information Sharing in Adopters and Non-Adopters of Open Source Software: Evidence from Six Case Studies |
Q58504808 | Exploring Social Contagion in Open-Source Communities by Mining Software Repositories |
Q59548872 | Exploring Usability Discussions in Open Source Development |
Q114977139 | Exploring and Expanding GSE Education with Open Source Software Development |
Q114389685 | Exploring factors affecting developer abandonment of open source software projects |
Q114385227 | Exploring factors and metrics to select open source software components for integration: An empirical study |
Q66711572 | Exploring motivations for contributing to open source initiatives: The roles of contribution context and personal values |
Q114954666 | Exploring the Costs of Adopting Open Source Software |
Q114927995 | Exploring the Effects of Process Characteristics on Products Quality in Open Source Software Development |
Q115007703 | Exploring the Impact of Soclo-Technlcal Core-Periphery Structures in Open Source Software Development |
Q57072991 | Exploring the Structure of Complex Software Designs: An Empirical Study of Open Source and Proprietary Code |
Q113315982 | Exploring the communication functions of comments during bug fixing in Open Source Software projects |
Q114384212 | Exploring the link between free and open source software and the collaborative economy: A Delphi-based scenario for the year 2025 |
Q113425008 | Exploring the politics of Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) in the context of contemporary South Africa; how are open policies implemented in practice? |
Q58888920 | Exploring value networks: theorising the creation and capture of value with open source software |
Q92226311 | Expressing Patient Selection Criteria Based on HL7 V3 Templates Within the Open-Source Tool ART-DECOR |
Q42695210 | ExpressionDB: An open source platform for distributing genome-scale datasets |
Q90765478 | Extending an open-source tool to measure data quality: case report on Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) |
Q58194785 | Extending the JColibri Open Source Architecture for Managing High-Dimensional Data and Large Case Bases |
Q37023413 | Extensible open source content management systems and frameworks: a solution for many needs of a bioinformatics group |
Q115011305 | Extracting Rich, Quantitative Information from Images Using Open-Source Software |
Q110512653 | Extracting and studying the Logging-Code-Issue- Introducing changes in Java-based large-scale open source software systems |
Q56866679 | Extracting refactoring trends from open-source software and a possible solution to the 'related refactoring' conundrum |
Q63170102 | Extracting socio-cultural networks of the Sudan from open-source, large-scale text data |
Q102058402 | EyeDose: An open-source tool for using published Monte Carlo results to estimate the radiation dose delivered to the tumor and critical ocular structures for 125I Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study eye plaques |
Q39694332 | EyePACS: an open source clinical communication system for eye care. |
Q115036807 | FAIMS Mobile: Flexible, open-source software for field research |
Q91660107 | FASPR: an open-source tool for fast and accurate protein side-chain packing |
Q34202553 | FCSTrans: an open source software system for FCS file conversion and data transformation |
Q100534005 | FCSlib: an open-source tool for fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy analysis for mobility, number, and molecular brightness in R |
Q91446947 | FHIRForm: An Open-Source Framework for the Management of Electronic Forms in Healthcare |
Q114066776 | FIBR-OSS: fault injection model for bug reports in open-source software |
Q56446640 | FIDIMO — A free and open source GIS based dispersal model for riverine fish |
Q36368872 | FIMTrack: An open source tracking and locomotion analysis software for small animals |
Q90195373 | FINDUS: An Open-Source 3D Printable Liquid-Handling Workstation for Laboratory Automation in Life Sciences |
Q47123287 | FLIM-FRET analyzer: open source software for automation of lifetime-based FRET analysis |
Q104618701 | FLIMJ: An open-source ImageJ toolkit for fluorescence lifetime image data analysis |
Q114954694 | FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software): A Theme for Cultural Differences Study |
Q63739196 | FLOSSMetrics: Free/Libre/Open Source Software Metrics |
Q24805310 | FOUNTAIN: a JAVA open-source package to assist large sequencing projects |
Q30354231 | FRED (a Framework for Reconstructing Epidemic Dynamics): an open-source software system for modeling infectious diseases and control strategies using census-based populations. |
Q114917628 | FREEWAT - FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management: an Horizon 2020 for promoting innovative ICT tools in water management |
Q88231926 | FREEWAT, a Free and Open Source, GIS-Integrated, Hydrological Modeling Platform |
Q114939957 | FREEWAT: FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management |
Q28597735 | FRETBursts: An Open Source Toolkit for Analysis of Freely-Diffusing Single-Molecule FRET |
Q59243275 | FRETBursts: An Open Source Toolkit for Analysis of Freely-Diffusing Single-Molecule FRET |
Q96233170 | FaReT: A free and open-source toolkit of three-dimensional models and software to study face perception |
Q100956625 | Fabricating a Portable ECG Device Using AD823X Analog Front-End Microchips and Open-Source Development Validation |
Q94547993 | Fabricating a custom tray for an impression of multiple abutment teeth by using an open-source software program |
Q90413146 | FaceSync: Open source framework for recording facial expressions with head-mounted cameras |
Q118796669 | Faceted Browsing of OPAC Based on Open-source Software Solr |
Q114984901 | Facilitating Constructive Alignment in Power Systems Engineering Education Using Free and Open-Source Software |
Q114927814 | Factors Affecting the Development of Absorptive Capacity in the Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q114922543 | Factors affecting open technological innovation in open source software companies in Korea |
Q115040509 | Factors affecting the success of Open Source Software |
Q111900637 | Factors affecting the use of open source software in tertiary education institutions |
Q120467693 | Factors influencing free and open-source software adoption in developing countries—an empirical study |
Q114362942 | Factors influencing the adoption of free and open-source software for electronic records management by municipalities in Gauteng Province, South Africa |
Q38761830 | Falcon: a highly flexible open-source software for closed-loop neuroscience |
Q108784894 | Fast Multipole Method for particle interactions: an open source parallel library component |
Q110511406 | Fast and Robust 3D Reconstruction Solution from Permissive Open-Source Code |
Q59780948 | Fast modal simulation of paraxial optical systems: the MIST open source toolbox |
Q92682060 | Fast single-cell biochemistry: theory, open source microscopy and applications |
Q99200609 | FastField: An Open-Source Toolbox for Efficient Approximation of Deep Brain Stimulation Electric Fields |
Q114967144 | FastTrack: An open-source software for tracking varying numbers of deformable objects |
Q35188260 | FastaValidator: an open-source Java library to parse and validate FASTA formatted sequences |
Q114928389 | Fault Prediction Modelling in Open Source Software Under Imperfect Debugging and Change-Point |
Q110213568 | Fault-Proneness of Open Source Software: Exploring its Relations to Internal Software Quality and Maintenance Process |
Q36945648 | Feeding Experimentation Device (FED): A flexible open-source device for measuring feeding behavior. |
Q38911561 | Feeding Experimentation Device (FED): Construction and Validation of an Open-source Device for Measuring Food Intake in Rodents. |
Q115010313 | FiberApp: An Open-Source Software for Tracking and Analyzing Polymers, Filaments, Biomacromolecules, and Fibrous Objects |
Q114950912 | Field observations of ecoacoustic dynamics of a Japanese bush warbler using an open-source software for robot audition HARK |
Q21296817 | FieldTrip: Open source software for advanced analysis of MEG, EEG, and invasive electrophysiological data |
Q27860912 | Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis |
Q28364932 | FijiWings: An Open Source Toolkit for Semiautomated Morphometric Analysis of Insect Wings |
Q48212520 | FijiWingsPolarity: An open source toolkit for semi-automated detection of cell polarity. |
Q42282913 | Filopodyan: An open-source pipeline for the analysis of filopodia. |
Q115001161 | Filtering DSM extraction from Worldview-3 images to DTM using open source software |
Q115042601 | Financial information management for university departments, using open-source software |
Q114377265 | Finding Ideal Parameters for Recycled Material Fused Particle Fabrication-Based 3D Printing Using an Open Source Software Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization |
Q21144737 | Finding cures for tropical diseases: is open source an answer? |
Q114953136 | Firm Assets and The Rate of Product Introduction in Open Source Software |
Q114954645 | Firms as Incubators of Open Source Software |
Q114967824 | Firms as Incubators of Open-Source Software |
Q114978429 | Firms' Resource Deployment and Project Leadership in Open Source Software Development |
Q58173715 | Firms’ contribution to open-source software and the dominant user's skill |
Q111898090 | FitBenchmarking: an open source Python package comparing data fitting software |
Q114987154 | Five Facts on the Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q110512675 | Flame simulations with an open-source code |
Q108127084 | Flame: an open source framework for model development, hosting, and usage in production environments |
Q106142428 | Flappy Hummingbird: An Open Source Dynamic Simulation of Flapping Wing Robots and Animals |
Q64100947 | FlexiBAC: a versatile, open-source baculovirus vector system for protein expression, secretion, and proteolytic processing |
Q39496845 | FloWave.US: validated, open-source, and flexible software for ultrasound blood flow analysis |
Q98776815 | FlopR: An open source software package for calibration and normalization of plate reader and flow cytometry data |
Q96124757 | Florida Research Open-source Synchronization Tool (FROST) for electrophysiology experiments |
Q111934759 | Flourish or Perish? The Impact of Technological Acquisitions on Contributions to Open-Source Software |
Q114953989 | Flourish or Perish? The Impact of Technological Acquisitions on Contributions to Open-Source Software |
Q110511636 | Flow computation inside a scroll compressor based on open-source code |
Q31084085 | FlowCal: A User-Friendly, Open Source Software Tool for Automatically Converting Flow Cytometry Data from Arbitrary to Calibrated Units |
Q35767381 | Flutrack.org: Open-source and linked data for epidemiology. |
Q115102485 | Flux Puppy – An open-source software application and portable system design for low-cost manual measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes |
Q55108201 | FluxPyt: a Python-based free and open-source software for 13C-metabolic flux analyses. |
Q115102489 | Fluxpart: Open source software for partitioning carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes |
Q30616689 | FocusStack and StimServer: a new open source MATLAB toolchain for visual stimulation and analysis of two-photon calcium neuronal imaging data. |
Q59213150 | Foot-mounted INS for everybody - an open-source embedded implementation |
Q114967237 | For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution by Christopher J. Tozzi |
Q42660090 | Forensim: an open-source initiative for the evaluation of statistical methods in forensic genetics |
Q115036390 | Foresighting FLOSS (free/libre/open source software) from a developing country perspective: The case of Turkey |
Q63185043 | Forge your Future with Open Source |
Q56901809 | Formal Aspects of Free and Open Source Software Components |
Q118143746 | Forward Electromagnetic Induction Modelling in a Multilayered Half-Space: An Open-Source Software Tool |
Q57984275 | Forward Modeling of Large-scale Structure: An Open-source Approach with Halotools |
Q68971615 | Forward modeling and retrievals with PLATON, a fast open-source tool |
Q97587689 | Four-dimensional virtual reality cine cardiac models using free open-source software |
Q57572089 | FourFlow - open source code software for quantification and visualization of time-resolved three-directional phase contrast magnetic resonance velocity mapping |
Q33457742 | Fpocket: an open source platform for ligand pocket detection. |
Q56291516 | FrOSCon |
Q58700238 | Fractalis: a scalable open-source service for platform-independent interactive visual analysis of biomedical data |
Q33521955 | FragmentationAnalyzer: an open-source tool to analyze MS/MS fragmentation data |
Q48613441 | Frame rate required for speckle tracking echocardiography: A quantitative clinical study with open-source, vendor-independent software. |
Q111932811 | Framework for Identification of Critical Factors for Open Source Software Adoption Decision in Mission-Critical IT Infrastructure Services |
Q38670349 | Frapbot: An open-source application for FRAP data. |
Q101486856 | Free GIS for herpetologists: free data sources on Internet and comparison analysis of proprietary and free/open source software |
Q62599824 | Free Open Source Mesh Healing for TCAD Device Simulations |
Q114952743 | Free Open Source Software for Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry- based Science |
Q114918713 | Free Open Source Software in Electronics Engineering Education: A Survey |
Q114966081 | Free Open Source Software: FOSS Based GIS for Spatial Retrievals of Appropriate Locations for Ocean Energy Utilizing Electric Power Generation Plants |
Q114965752 | Free Open Source Software: FOSS Based e-learning, Mobile Learning Systems Together with Blended Learning System |
Q114928462 | Free Software Philosophy and Open Source |
Q57717748 | Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD |
Q107393802 | Free and Open Source Options for Creating Database-Driven Subject Guides |
Q56565228 | Free and Open Source Software |
Q57634979 | Free and Open Source Software Adoption in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study in the Education Sector |
Q114948680 | Free and Open Source Software Codes for Antenna Design: Preliminary Numerical Experiments |
Q113436981 | Free and Open Source Software Communities, Democracy and ICT Law and Policy |
Q114843750 | Free and Open Source Software Compliance: An Operational Perspective |
Q57495933 | Free and Open Source Software Development and Research: Opportunities for Software Engineering |
Q56476572 | Free and Open Source Software Development in Archaeology. Two interrelated case studies: gvSIG CE and Survey2GIS |
Q114988084 | Free and Open Source Software License Compliance: Tools for Software Composition Analysis |
Q114988219 | Free and Open Source Software Licenses Explained |
Q114918151 | Free and Open Source Software Movement in LIS Profession in Nepal |
Q114920433 | Free and Open Source Software Programs in European Union Merger Control |
Q114945505 | Free and Open Source Software Technology Adoption in the Sri Lankan Banking Industry |
Q114918149 | Free and Open Source Software Tools For Implementation of Information Visualization in Libraries and Information Centers |
Q114980945 | Free and Open Source Software and FRAND‐based patent licenses |
Q120491547 | Free and Open Source Software and Technology for Sustainable Development |
Q114843707 | Free and Open Source Software and the Mystery of Software Patent Licenses Under the GPL |
Q114925375 | Free and Open Source Software for librarians and libraries |
Q114958489 | Free and Open Source Software in Costa Rican Local Governments |
Q111719327 | Free and Open Source Software in Developing Contexts from Open in Principle to Open in the Consequences |
Q114925606 | Free and Open Source Software in Healthcare: An Overview of Current Applications and Organisations |
Q60154683 | Free and Open Source Software in developing contexts |
Q111217938 | Free and Open Source Software in developing contexts: From open in principle to open in the consequences |
Q114966154 | Free and Open Source Software in e-Governance |
Q114967909 | Free and Open Source Software in language mediator education:The MINTRAD Project |
Q60154689 | Free and Open Source Software in low-income countries: Emergent properties? |
Q110512213 | Free and Open Source Software organizations: A large-scale analysis of code, comments, and commits frequency |
Q115040507 | Free and Open Source Software versus Internet content filtering and censorship: A case study |
Q114915310 | Free and Open Source Software – An Empirical Study |
Q113417505 | Free and Open Source Software: Policy, Law and Practice |
Q106596365 | Free and Open Source Tools for Volunteer Geographic Information and Geo-Crowdsourcing |
Q115007691 | Free and Open-Source Software for sustainable analysis in logistics systems design |
Q113750597 | Free and Open-Source Software: Freedom, Transparency and Efficiency in the Digitalization Era |
Q57019345 | Free and open source desktop and Web GIS solutions |
Q28759852 | Free and open source enabling technologies for patient-centric, guideline-based clinical decision support: a survey |
Q115145390 | Free and open source software (FOSS) as a model domain for answering big questions about creativity |
Q114963358 | Free and open source software (FOSS) as a vehicle for human development in Egypt: some evidence and insights |
Q114843722 | Free and open source software across the EU |
Q115150667 | Free and open source software as global public goods? What are the distortions and how do we address them? |
Q59602871 | Free and open source software development: the end of the teenage years |
Q114389635 | Free and open source software for computational chemistry education |
Q106596376 | Free and open source software for geospatial applications (FOSS4G) to support Future Earth |
Q114958080 | Free and open source software for mathematical modeling |
Q39885626 | Free and open source software for the manipulation of digital images |
Q113437547 | Free and open source software in the new digital public policies in Russia |
Q36115820 | Free and open-source automated 3-D microscope |
Q40066722 | Free and open-source software application for the evaluation of coronary computed tomography angiography images |
Q114384525 | Free and open-source software for Geographic Information System on coastal management: A study case of sea-level rise in southern Brazil |
Q114944963 | Free and open-source software: Opening and democratising e-government's black box |
Q114917378 | Free as in Internet: Using Linux and Open Source Software on Public Workstations |
Q48922251 | Free as in freedom: open source software's role in remaking healthcare in the twenty-first century |
Q55364760 | Free chemical structure search in MDL SDFiles using the open source Personal Chemistry Client (PCC). |
Q57675739 | Free open source software for internal validation of forensic STR typing kits |
Q110512474 | Free open-source code to result in global private network |
Q120259588 | Free, Open Source Software Advocacy as a Social Justice Movement: The Expansion of F/OSS Movement Discourse in the 21st Century |
Q57640390 | Free- and Open-Source Software for a Course on Network Management: Authoring and Enactment of Scripts Based on Collaborative Learning Strategies |
Q38252601 | Free-access open-source e-learning in comprehensive neurosurgery skills training. |
Q114949495 | Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) |
Q115044806 | Free/Libre Open Source Software development in developing and developed countries: A conceptual framework with an exploratory study |
Q28657900 | Free/Libre open source software in health care: a review. |
Q56555952 | Free/Libre open-source software development: What we know and what we do not know |
Q114995282 | Free/Open Source Software Development |
Q115004076 | Free/Open Source Software Licenses |
Q114954260 | Free/Open Source Software The Indian Context |
Q115004716 | Free/Open-Source Software for the Translation Classroom |
Q115062628 | Free/libre open source software implementation in schools: Evidence from the field and implications for the future |
Q57995034 | Free/open source software vs. proprietary software in education |
Q35955682 | FreeSASA: An open source C library for solvent accessible surface area calculations |
Q56034260 | Freedom Imagined: Morality and Aesthetics in Open Source Software Design |
Q30384949 | Freeing Crop Genetics through the Open Source Seed Initiative. |
Q57519752 | Frequent Releases in Open Source Software: A Systematic Review |
Q115146964 | From Aristotle to Ringelmann: a large-scale analysis of team productivity and coordination in Open Source Software projects |
Q58779395 | From Lab on a Chip to Point of Care Devices: The Role of Open Source Microcontrollers |
Q114953159 | From Medieval Guilds to Open Source Software: Informal Norms, Appropriability Institutions, and Innovation |
Q115008443 | From Open Access to Open Science: Audio articles and open-source software in Acta Acustica |
Q58888953 | From Peer Production to Productization: A Study of Socially Enabled Business Exchanges in Open Source Service Networks |
Q114373632 | From Specialized Mechanics to Project Butlers: The Usage of Bots in Open Source Software Development |
Q107399446 | From Users to Developers: NCSU’s Involvement with an Open Source ERM |
Q115043007 | From closed source to open source software: Analysis of the migration process to Open Office |
Q113441506 | From closed to open: Job role changes, individual predispositions, and the adoption of commercial open source software development |
Q66708809 | From open-source software to Wikipedia: ‘Backgrounding’ trust by collective monitoring and reputation tracking |
Q110511862 | Front Cover: An open‐source code for Mie extinction extended multiplicative signal correction for infrared microscopy spectra of cells and tissues (J. Biophotonics 8/2019) |
Q34544301 | Fueling open-source drug discovery: 177 small-molecule leads against tuberculosis |
Q115001000 | Full 3D numerical analysis of a twin screw compressor by employing open-source software |
Q114388222 | FullControl GCode Designer: Open-source software for unconstrained design in additive manufacturing |
Q36515844 | Fully automated open-source lesion mapping of T2-FLAIR images with FSL correlates with clinical disability in MS |
Q93083261 | FunSet: an open-source software and web server for performing and displaying Gene Ontology enrichment analysis |
Q38803023 | Functional segmentation of dynamic PET studies: Open source implementation and validation of a leader-follower-based algorithm. |
Q84748533 | Functionality pattern matching as an efficient complementary structure/reaction search tool: an open-source approach |
Q114921944 | Fundamental issues with open source software development |
Q114922087 | Fundamental issues with open source software development (originally published in Volume 9, Number 4, April 2004) |
Q37090612 | Fundus image diagnostic agreement in uveitis utilizing free and open source software |
Q115008651 | Fuzzy analysis and prediction of commit activity in open source software projects |
Q115007891 | Fünf Jahre Erfahrung mit Open Source Software als Medizinprodukt aus Industriesicht |
Q58578082 | GALE: a generic open source extensible adaptation engine |
Q115147610 | GAMP: An open-source software of multi-GNSS precise point positioning using undifferenced and uncombined observations |
Q42680421 | GATECloud.net: a platform for large-scale, open-source text processing on the cloud |
Q51862414 | GENII-LIN-2.1: an open source software system for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment |
Q39657417 | GHGfrack: An Open-Source Model for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Combustion of Fuel during Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing |
Q113240843 | GIANI – open-source software for automated analysis of 3D microscopy images |
Q58862416 | GIMIAS: An Open Source Framework for Efficient Development of Research Tools and Clinical Prototypes |
Q113704320 | GIS-Based Land Cover Analysis and Prediction Based on Open-Source Software and Data |
Q114978451 | GIS-Based Noise Simulation Open Source Software: N-GNOIS |
Q90557578 | GITAR: An Open Source Tool for Analysis and Visualization of Hi-C Data |
Q57874053 | GNU radio open source vehicle detector |
Q29616254 | GO::TermFinder--open source software for accessing Gene Ontology information and finding significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms associated with a list of genes |
Q58345320 | GOBLET: An open-source geographic overlaying database and query module for spatial targeting in agricultural systems |
Q57569051 | GPAC: open source multimedia framework |
Q114980885 | GRAPHOS - open-source software for photogrammetric applications |
Q55933972 | GRASS GIS: A multi-purpose open source GIS |
Q57019575 | GRASS as Open Source Free Software GIS: Accomplishments and Perspectives |
Q115147586 | GREAT-UPD: An open-source software for uncalibrated phase delay estimation based on multi-GNSS and multi-frequency observations |
Q115147125 | GREAT: open source software for statistical machine translation |
Q59830006 | GRHydro: a new open-source general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for the Einstein toolkit |
Q29615867 | GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit |
Q62950284 | GSAS-II: the genesis of a modern open-source all purpose crystallography software package |
Q98727681 | GTree: an Open-source Tool for Dense Reconstruction of Brain-wide Neuronal Population |
Q110512482 | GYRE: A new open-source stellar oscillation code |
Q68942454 | GYRE: an open-source stellar oscillation code based on a new Magnus Multiple Shooting scheme |
Q34335329 | Gadgetron: an open source framework for medical image reconstruction. |
Q114997185 | Gaining competitive advantage in a knowledge‐based economy through the utilization of open source software |
Q34511937 | GazeParser: an open-source and multiplatform library for low-cost eye tracking and analysis |
Q36056955 | GeNeDA: An Open-Source Workflow for Design Automation of Gene Regulatory Networks Inspired from Microelectronics. |
Q33999012 | Gemvid, an open source, modular, automated activity recording system for rats using digital video |
Q39747829 | GenDB--an open source genome annotation system for prokaryote genomes |
Q61804723 | GenESysV: a fast, intuitive and scalable genome exploration open source tool for variants generated from high-throughput sequencing projects |
Q92660811 | GenPipes: an open-source framework for distributed and scalable genomic analyses |
Q114369129 | GenUI: interactive and extensible open source software platform for de novo molecular generation and cheminformatics |
Q119957748 | Gender and Participation in Open Source Software Development |
Q110510500 | Gender differences and bias in open source: pull request acceptance of women versus men |
Q114978647 | Gendered behavior as a disadvantage in open source software development |
Q114981804 | Gendered work culture in free/libre open source software development |
Q33288986 | GeneCite: a stand-alone open source tool for high-throughput literature and pathway mining |
Q30433305 | GeneX Va: VBC open source microarray database and analysis software |
Q57717743 | General Design Procedure for Free and Open-Source Hardware for Scientific Equipment |
Q110512720 | General resource for ionospheric transient investigations (GRITI): An open-source code developed in support of the Dinsmore et al. (2021) results |
Q110660644 | Generalized Multi-Release Framework for Fault Prediction in Open Source Software |
Q113427418 | Generating Value Through Open Source: Software Service Market Regulation and Licensing Policy |
Q70313931 | Generic Web Content Extraction with Open-Source Software |
Q114978276 | Generic methodology for open source software development |
Q114922962 | Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Finding Faulty Modules in Open Source Software Systems |
Q37274727 | Genome (re-)annotation and open-source annotation pipelines |
Q31114294 | Genome sequencing of bacteria: sequencing, de novo assembly and rapid analysis using open source tools |
Q64091944 | GenomeGraphR: A user-friendly open-source web application for foodborne pathogen whole genome sequencing data integration, analysis, and visualization |
Q111899316 | Genoppi is an open-source software for robust and standardized integration of proteomic and genetic data |
Q59526057 | GeoJModelBuilder: an open source geoprocessing workflow tool |
Q108928658 | GeoNature, Open-Source FAIR Biodiversity Data Management |
Q115044065 | GeoNet: An open source software for the automatic and objective extraction of channel heads, channel network, and channel morphology from high resolution topography data |
Q115100256 | GeoStrain: An open source software for calculating crustal strain rates |
Q114954425 | Geocomputation and Open Source Software: Components and Software Stacks |
Q91748466 | Geometric distortion in magnetic resonance imaging systems assessed using an open-source plugin for scientific image analysis |
Q110512197 | Geonetdigitizer: Open source code to digitalize information given in Wulff and Lambert nets |
Q58400618 | Geoscience data curation using a digital object model and open-source frameworks: Provenance applications |
Q66677682 | Geospatial Data Collection Policies, Technology and Open Source in Websites of Academic Libraries Worldwide |
Q60558234 | Geospatial analysis for conservation: applications with open-source software in the Natural Parks of Barcelona |
Q113873212 | GeothermoTool: An open-source software for basic geothermal calculations and plots |
Q119802238 | Gephi: An Open Source Software for Exploring and Manipulating Networks |
Q115149132 | Gesichtsweichteilrekonstruktion mithilfe einer Open-Source-Software |
Q114961319 | Get Social and Get Better: How social computing features help open source software projects |
Q34497044 | Get Your Atoms in Order--An Open-Source Implementation of a Novel and Robust Molecular Canonicalization Algorithm |
Q28486069 | Getting more out of biomedical documents with GATE's full lifecycle open source text analytics |
Q51635115 | GiPSi: an open source/open architecture software development framework for surgical simulation. |
Q51225212 | GiPSi:a framework for open source/open architecture software development for organ-level surgical simulation. |
Q51290652 | GiPSiNet: an open source/open architecture network middleware for surgical simulations. |
Q110512336 | GiRaFFE: an open-source general relativistic force-free electrodynamics code |
Q115147581 | GiRsnow: an open-source software for snow depth retrievals using GNSS interferometric reflectometry |
Q60727501 | Gift economies in the development of open source software: anthropological reflections |
Q118179349 | Gim Berbasis Open Source Software sebagai Media Pembelajaran Guru PAUD |
Q31111184 | Gimli: open source and high-performance biomedical name recognition |
Q60949625 | GitHub Statistics as a Measure of the Impact of Open-Source Bioinformatics Software |
Q114916100 | GitHub und Open Source Software |
Q113421097 | Giving It Away for Free? The Nature of Job-Market Signaling by Open-Source Software Developers |
Q114954665 | Giving it Away for Free? The Nature of Job-Market Signaling by Open-Source Software Developers |
Q109934733 | Glacier Image Velocimetry: an open-source toolbox for easy and rapid calculation of high-resolution glacier velocity fields |
Q114384959 | Glare: A free and open-source software for generation and assessment of digital speckle pattern |
Q92390614 | GlassesViewer: Open-source software for viewing and analyzing data from the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracker |
Q115147326 | Global Ethics of Collective Internet Governance: Intrinsic Motivation and Open Source Software |
Q96118142 | Gloxinia-An Open-Source Sensing Platform to Monitor the Dynamic Responses of Plants |
Q94569018 | Glucose biosensor based on open-source wireless microfluidic potentiostat |
Q92650561 | Glycaemic control in individuals with type 1 diabetes using an open source artificial pancreas system (OpenAPS) |
Q104799811 | GlycoHunter: An Open-Source Software for the Detection and Relative Quantification of INLIGHT-Labeled N-Linked Glycans |
Q111565702 | GnuRadar: An Open-Source Software-Defined Radio Receiver Platform for Radar Applications |
Q114920858 | Going Open Source Software in IT — Opportunities and Challenges. |
Q86904252 | Going open source: some lessons learned from the development of OpenRecLink |
Q110511479 | Google Earth Engine Open-Source Code for Land Surface Temperature Estimation from the Landsat Series |
Q114920351 | Governance and Leadership in Open Source Software Development: A Scoping Review |
Q92779324 | Governance and Sustainability of an Open Source Electronic Health Record: An Interpretive Case Study of OpenDolphin in Japan |
Q119680798 | Governance of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations that Produce Open Source Software |
Q114951000 | Governance of Open Source Software Foundations: Who Holds the Power? |
Q115146316 | Governance of open source software: state of the art |
Q115042592 | Governance strategies for open collaboration: Focusing on resource allocation in open source software development organizations |
Q115042266 | Governing open source software through coordination processes |
Q113444837 | Government Policies Supporting Open Source Software for the Mass Market |
Q113423445 | Government Policy Toward Open Source Software |
Q113427355 | Government Policy, Continental Collaboration and the Diffusion of Open Source Software in China, Japan, and South Korea |
Q114954007 | Government Preferences for Promoting Open-Source Software: A Solution in Search of a Problem |
Q113423355 | Government Procurement Policy, Patent Royalties and the Myth of 'Discrimination' Against Free and Open Source Software Developers |
Q113432385 | Government Technology Acquisition Policy: The Case of Proprietary Versus Open Source Software |
Q45132955 | Gpufit: An open-source toolkit for GPU-accelerated curve fitting |
Q59753589 | Gpufit: An open-source toolkit for GPU-accelerated curve fitting |
Q51097287 | GradientOptimizer: an open-source graphical environment for calculating optimized gradients in reversed-phase liquid chromatography |
Q34007088 | Graphical Model Based Multivariate Analysis (GAMMA): An Open-Source, Cross-Platform Neuroimaging Data Analysis Software Package |
Q59291421 | GraspJ: an open source, real-time analysis package for super-resolution imaging |
Q36019660 | Greazy: Open-Source Software for Automated Phospholipid Tandem Mass Spectrometry Identification. |
Q59550039 | Greenstone: open‐source digital library software with end‐user collection building |
Q60962836 | GridLAB-D: An open-source power systems modeling and simulation environment |
Q92952228 | Group Medical Visits 2.0: The Open Source Wellness Behavioral Pharmacy Model |
Q114954165 | Group Reputation in an Open Source Software Community: Antecedents and Outcomes |
Q115009322 | Guest Editorial Open source software: investigating the software engineering, psychosocial and economic issues |
Q59412781 | Guest Editorial Open-Source Software for Engineering Education: Pedagogical Strategies That Leverage Open-Source Tools |
Q114744396 | Guest Editorial: Deep Learning in Open-Source Software Ecosystems |
Q114966269 | Guest Editorial: Open Source Software |
Q29396359 | Gwyddion: an open-source software for SPM data analysis |
Q111925345 | Gym-ANM: Open-source software to leverage reinforcement learning for power system management in research and education |
Q64284066 | Gypsum-DL: an open-source program for preparing small-molecule libraries for structure-based virtual screening |
Q114192704 | HADOKEN: An open-source software package for predicting electron confinement effects in various nanowire geometries and configurations |
Q31039365 | HAPCAD: An open-source tool to detect PCR crossovers in next-generation sequencing generated HLA data |
Q34268947 | HCS-Analyzer: open source software for high-content screening data correction and analysis |
Q57055856 | HEALTHY FUTURES Atlas: An Open-source WebGIS to Support Infectious Disease Intervention Planning in Eastern Africa |
Q59740105 | HELIOS-K: an ultrafast, open-source opacity calculator for radiative transfer |
Q59740069 | HELIOS: an open-source, GPU-accelerated radiative transfer code for self-consistent exoplanetary atmospheres |
Q59764519 | HELIOS–RETRIEVAL: An Open-source, Nested Sampling Atmospheric Retrieval Code; Application to the HR 8799 Exoplanets and Inferred Constraints for Planet Formation |
Q41601551 | HGV&TB: a comprehensive online resource on human genes and genetic variants associated with tuberculosis. |
Q57709173 | HOLISTIC: An IoT system for residential water recycling based on open source technologies |
Q58099736 | HONPAS: A linear scaling open-source solution for large system simulations |
Q113877630 | HSI-PP: A flexible open-source software for hyperspectral imaging-based plant phenotyping |
Q110512677 | HTR solver: An open-source exascale-oriented task-based multi-GPU high-order code for hypersonic aerothermodynamics |
Q69001444 | HYPERION: an open-source parallelized three-dimensional dust continuum radiative transfer code |
Q114918414 | Hacking capitalism: the free and open source software movement |
Q59477495 | Hadrontherapy: An open source, Geant4-based application for proton-ion therapy studies |
Q42658357 | HalX: an open-source LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) for small- to large-scale laboratories |
Q56674134 | Half a Century of Public Software Institutions: Open Source as a Solution to Hold-Up Problem |
Q105879450 | Half a Century of Public Software Institutions: Open Source as a Solution to Hold-Up Problem |
Q114983090 | Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives (St. Amant, K. and Still, B., Eds.; 2007) [Book review] |
Q114918419 | Handbook of research on open source software: technological, economic, and social perspectives |
Q115045078 | Handling variety: the tension between adaptability and interoperability of open source software |
Q33743205 | Hapl-o-Mat: open-source software for HLA haplotype frequency estimation from ambiguous and heterogeneous data |
Q113868011 | Hard real-time quick EXAFS data acquisition with all open source software on a commodity personal computer |
Q111841149 | Hardware and Open Source Software Implementation for Internet of Things Based Real-Time Blood Glucose Monitoring Using Non-Invasive Sensors |
Q33684037 | Harvest: an open-source tool for the validation and improvement of peptide identification metrics and fragmentation exploration |
Q114954012 | Harvesting Altruism in Open Source Software Development |
Q120359723 | Harvesting Altruism in Open-Source Software Development |
Q115042188 | Has open source software been institutionalized in organizations or not? |
Q30636664 | Health care transformation through collaboration on open-source informatics projects: integrating a medical applications platform, research data repository, and patient summarization. |
Q27307855 | Health figures: an open source JavaScript library for health data visualization. |
Q110650035 | Healthcare related open source software innovations: diffusion patterns and early adopter influence |
Q113872325 | Help me with this: A categorization of open source software problems |
Q102134149 | HemoDownloader: Open source software utility to extract data from HemoCue HbA1c 501 devices in epidemiological studies of diabetes mellitus |
Q91314976 | Hep G2 cell culture confluence measurement in phase-contrast micrographs - a user-friendly, open-source software-based approach |
Q47390542 | Hermite regularization of the lattice Boltzmann method for open source computational aeroacoustics |
Q114961865 | Hierarchical Categorization of Open Source Software by Online Profiles |
Q119957718 | Hierarchical and Hybrid Organizational Structures in Open-source Software Projects: A Longitudinal Study |
Q114962048 | High Frequency Pulsatile Electromagnetic Fields and Ultrasound Pulsatile Fields Impact on Germination Dynamic at Ocimum basilicum L. and O. basilicum var. purpurascens Benth., Observed with Open Source Software |
Q111900798 | High through put method to clean, and iteratively filter raw ECG data using open source software |
Q37580004 | High-density Electroencephalographic Acquisition in a Rodent Model Using Low-cost and Open-source Resources. |
Q92757417 | High-speed device synchronization in optical microscopy with an open-source hardware control platform |
Q82439973 | Hillmaker: an open source occupancy analysis tool |
Q40304068 | HisTOOLogy: an open-source tool for quantitative analysis of histological sections. |
Q112304872 | HistoClean: Open-source software for histological image pre-processing and augmentation to improve development of robust convolutional neural networks |
Q93127031 | HistoQC: An Open-Source Quality Control Tool for Digital Pathology Slides |
Q40493272 | Histomorphometric Parameters of the Growth Plate and Trabecular Bone in Wild-Type and Trefoil Factor Family 3 (Tff3)-Deficient Mice Analyzed by Free and Open-Source Image Processing Software. |
Q86491054 | History of 3D pharmacophore searching: commercial, academic and open-source tools |
Q114954518 | Hot Debate About Chilling Effects: Do Software Patterns Hamper/Free Open Source Software Development? |
Q106596367 | Hotspot Analysis, an open source GIS tool for exploratory spatial data analysis: application to the study of soil consumption in Italy |
Q110511576 | How DAOs Optimize Open-Source Code Reviews and Create Open-Source Standards |
Q114920393 | How Do Firms Control Open Source Software Projects? An Analysis of Different Governance Modes |
Q114373639 | How Do Open Source Software Contributors Perceive and Address Usability?: Valued Factors, Practices, and Challenges |
Q57536017 | How Firms Adapt and Interact in Open Source Ecosystems: Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Collaboration Patterns |
Q107399002 | How Hard Can It Be? : Developing in Open Source |
Q114954397 | How Knowledge Overlap Drives (and Doesn’t Drive) Developer Preferences for Joining Related Open Source Software Projects |
Q57751921 | How Open Source Projects Use Static Code Analysis Tools in Continuous Integration Pipelines |
Q111926473 | How Open Source Software Will Affect Virtual Worlds |
Q114958698 | How Open Source Software and Wireless Networks are Transforming Two Cultures: An Investigation in Urban North America and Rural Africa |
Q114967821 | How Peripheral Developers Contribute to Open-Source Software Development |
Q114374061 | How Software Quality Mediates the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Commercial Open-Source Software Company Success |
Q110511795 | How To Overcome Three Typical Dilemmas With Open Source License Obligations |
Q120644388 | How are decisions made in open source software communities? — Uncovering rationale from python email repositories |
Q56795044 | How contributing to open source launched my academic career |
Q67607850 | How do Developers Promote Open Source Projects? |
Q114992415 | How do Open Source software companies respond to institutional pressures? A business model perspective |
Q120081610 | How do different stakeholder groups within an open source software project influence the project's development: a case study of OpenSimulator |
Q115042267 | How do firms influence open source software communities? A framework and empirical analysis of different governance modes |
Q37726976 | How informatics can potentiate precompetitive open-source collaboration to jump-start drug discovery and development |
Q114990002 | How is Open Source Software Development Different in Popular IoT Projects? |
Q58220078 | How is open source affecting software development? |
Q55952453 | How open source software works: “free” user-to-user assistance |
Q107523841 | How open-source code could help us survive natural disasters |
Q63929707 | How participative is open source hardware? Insights from online repository mining |
Q57726696 | How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities |
Q74627688 | How the open-source development model can improve medical software |
Q90119404 | How to Annotate Freezing of Gait from Video: A Standardized Method Using Open-Source Software |
Q114958697 | How to Think about Intellectual Property of Open Source Software from a Feminist Political Economic Perspective? |
Q42664341 | How to create radiology papers and presentations in Windows with Open-Source software. |
Q91530248 | How to support open-source software and stay sane |
Q58666419 | Human genome and open source: balancing ethics and business |
Q33835031 | Human variation database: an open-source database template for genomic discovery |
Q114988298 | Humanitarian Open Source Software in Computing Education |
Q120362722 | HyPep: An Open-Source Software for Identification and Discovery of Neuropeptides Using Sequence Homology Search |
Q110511869 | Hybrid parallelization of the LIGGGHTS open-source DEM code |
Q59863766 | HydrIS: An open source GIS decision support system for groundwater management (Morocco) |
Q111900420 | Hydrovise: A non-proprietary open-source software for hydrologic model and data visualization and evaluation |
Q37266001 | IA-FEMesh: an open-source, interactive, multiblock approach to anatomic finite element model development |
Q36118928 | IBIS: an OR ready open-source platform for image-guided neurosurgery. |
Q115007180 | ICT for environment in life cycle applications openLCA — A new open source software for life cycle assessment |
Q114923512 | ICT in Education: Open Source Software and its Impact on Teachers and Students |
Q95608353 | IDseq – An Open Source Cloud-based Pipeline and Analysis Service for Metagenomic Pathogen Detection and Monitoring |
Q100562495 | IDseq-An open source cloud-based pipeline and analysis service for metagenomic pathogen detection and monitoring |
Q114920658 | IGSTK: A State Machine Architecture for an Open Source Software Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery Applications |
Q57256803 | IGSTK: An Open Source Software Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery |
Q114920706 | IGSTK: Building High Quality Roads with Open Source Software |
Q114920693 | IGSTK: Development Process and Project Management Best Practices for an Open Source Software Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery Applications |
Q57256808 | IGSTK: Framework and example application using an open source toolkit for image-guided surgery applications |
Q39579419 | IGT-Open: An open-source, computerized version of the Iowa Gambling Task |
Q27333953 | IHC Profiler: an open source plugin for the quantitative evaluation and automated scoring of immunohistochemistry images of human tissue samples |
Q112832901 | IJ_Rhizo: an open-source software to measure scanned images of root samples |
Q109952955 | INKLUSION I DET DIGITALE FÆLLESSKAB: Hacking af open source-software og progressiv politik i New York City |
Q28538852 | INsPECT, an open-source and versatile software for automated quantification of (Leishmania) intracellular parasites |
Q104558056 | IOCBIO Kinetics: An open-source software solution for analysis of data traces |
Q35624427 | IPeak: An open source tool to combine results from multiple MS/MS search engines |
Q35001619 | IQM: an extensible and portable open source application for image and signal analysis in Java |
Q33991939 | IQMNMR: Open source software using time-domain NMR data for automated identification and quantification of metabolites in batches |
Q89492788 | IR-TEx: An Open Source Data Integration Tool for Big Data Transcriptomics Designed for the Malaria Vector Anopheles gambiae |
Q113193785 | IRimage: open source software for processing images from infrared thermal cameras |
Q30591066 | IRootLab: a free and open-source MATLAB toolbox for vibrational biospectroscopy data analysis |
Q36393085 | ISAMBARD: an open-source computational environment for biomolecular analysis, modelling and design |
Q100543317 | ISOBlue HD: An Open-Source Platform for Collecting Context-Rich Agricultural Machinery Datasets |
Q58583336 | IVDB … for Free! Implementing an Open-Source Digital Repository in a Corporate Library |
Q42883480 | Identification of B-cell epitopes in an antigen for inducing specific class of antibodies. |
Q28551394 | Identification of New Molecular Entities (NMEs) as Potential Leads against Tuberculosis from Open Source Compound Repository |
Q114932169 | Identification-Method Research for Open-Source Software Ecosystems |
Q57586870 | Identifying 3D printer residual data via open-source documentation |
Q83809353 | Identifying architectural patterns used in open source software: Approaches and challenges |
Q56993133 | Identifying duplicate crystal structures: XtalComp, an open-source solution |
Q113426022 | Identifying how determinants impact security-based open source software project success using rule induction |
Q115006456 | Identifying threshold values of an open source software using Receiver Operating Characteristics curve (ROC) |
Q114920354 | Identity Construction and Sustained Participation in an Open Source Software Project |
Q110512334 | IllinoisGRMHD: an open-source, user-friendly GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes |
Q91526841 | ImJoy: an open-source computational platform for the deep learning era |
Q112695048 | ImShot: An Open-Source Software for Probabilistic Identification of Proteins In Situ and Visualization of Proteomics Data |
Q28601722 | Image Harvest: an open-source platform for high-throughput plant image processing and analysis |
Q115011240 | Image Registration of Low-Signal-to-Noise STEM Data with Open Source Software |
Q114920676 | Image Segmentation Project - Open source software practices class |
Q31011147 | Image reconstruction of mMR PET data using the open source software STIR. |
Q53068727 | ImagePy: an open-source, Python-based and platform-independent software package for boimage analysis |
Q114922011 | Images of innovation in discourses of free and open source software |
Q118143540 | Imaging <em>C. elegans</em> Embryos using an Epifluorescent Microscope and Open Source Software |
Q28743708 | Imaging C. elegans embryos using an epifluorescent microscope and open source software |
Q109902934 | ImpDAR: an open-source impulse radar processor |
Q115145718 | Impact evaluation of open source software: an Altmetrics perspective |
Q118143747 | Impact of BeiDou Observations on the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP in a Function of Observing Session Duration within Europe—Analysis Based on Open-Source Software GAMP |
Q114940680 | Impact of Clone Refactoring on External Quality Attributes of Open Source Softwares |
Q114372089 | Impact of Competition from Open Source Software on Proprietary Software |
Q114951393 | Impact of Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization on Open Source Software Participation |
Q114937813 | Impact of Historical Software Metric Changes in Predicting Future Maintainability Trends in Open-Source Software Development |
Q64226266 | Impact of License Choice on Open Source Software Development Activity |
Q114927123 | Impact of Open Source Software on the Quality of Proprietary Software and Software Differentiation |
Q56898522 | Impact of top management team on firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises adopting commercial open-source enterprise resource planning |
Q64285359 | Impacts of License Choice and Organizational Sponsorship on User Interest and Development Activity in Open Source Software Projects |
Q114972474 | Imperatives of Free and Open Source Software in Cuban Development |
Q118797146 | Implement the Browser-based Slide System Using Open Source Software |
Q58567192 | Implementation and Application of CORAL: An Open Source ERM System |
Q101117819 | Implementation and Evaluation of Open-Source Hardware to Monitor Water Quality in Precision Aquaculture |
Q110511470 | Implementation and Validation of a Free Open Source 1D Water Hammer Code |
Q58821010 | Implementation of Algorithm for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry using Open Source GIS and Evaluation for Tsunami Simulation |
Q118797142 | Implementation of Digital Resource Integration and a Unified Search Based on Open Source Software |
Q114918015 | Implementation of Multimedia Workstation Using Open Source Software. |
Q58483436 | Implementation of a Finite-Element Based Mesh Motion Technique in an Open Source CFD Code |
Q31101929 | Implementation of a Web Portal for Diabetes Patients Using Open Source Data Visualization Libraries |
Q115100258 | Implementation of a near-real time cross-border web-mapping platform on airborne particulate matter (PM) concentration with open-source software |
Q59289069 | Implementation of a secure genome sequence search platform on public cloud-leveraging open source solutions |
Q114967301 | Implementation of an IEC 61850-Based Metering Device Using Open-Source Software |
Q57517747 | Implementation of an Open Source Software solution for Laboratory Information Management and automated RNAseq data analysis in a large-scale Cancer Genomics initiative using BASE with extension package Reggie |
Q96635929 | Implementation of an Open-Source Electronic Health Record for Decision-Support Education in Medical Informatics |
Q59205552 | Implementation of an integrated hospital information system using an open-source three-tier architecture |
Q38485219 | Implementation of an open source provider organization registry service |
Q89752672 | Implementation of ezTrack open-source pipeline for quantifying rat locomotor behavior: Comparison to commercially available software |
Q112049420 | Implementation of open source software in government sector: A case study of nehru memorial museum and library |
Q114377667 | Implementation of the Marangoni effect in an open-source software environment and the influence of surface tension modeling in the mushy region in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) |
Q115044648 | Implementation of the “Virtual Camber” Transformation into the Open Source Software QBlade: Validation and Assessment |
Q33443991 | Implementation, reliability, and feasibility test of an Open-Source PACS. |
Q114958600 | Implementing A Web-Based System Using Open-Source Software |
Q110511894 | Implementing Code Igniter Framework in Open Source Mobile Learning Application |
Q96430790 | Implementing Deep Learning Algorithms in Anatomic Pathology Using Open-source Deep Learning Libraries |
Q58536125 | Implementing Open-Source Software for Three Core Library Functions: A Stage-by-Stage Comparison |
Q119635348 | Implementing a web service for cartographic monitoring of the geological exploration field stage using open-source software |
Q58576107 | Implementing an Open Source Application in a College Library |
Q57990256 | Implementing an Open Source Electronic Health Record System in Kenyan Health Care Facilities: Case Study (Preprint) |
Q52317003 | Implementing an Open Source Electronic Health Record System in Kenyan Health Care Facilities: Case Study. |
Q42671807 | Implementing an integrative multi-agent clinical decision support system with open source software |
Q115150465 | Implementing eGovernment without promoting dependence: open source software in developing countries in Southeast Asia |
Q113436331 | Implementing open source software to conform to national policy |
Q113436332 | Implementing open source software to conform to national policy |
Q100418760 | Implementing virtual OSCE using an open-source online interactive 3D library |
Q110511739 | Implicit implementation of the nonlocal operator method: an open source code |
Q58650232 | Improvement of Open Source Software Usability: An Empirical Evaluation from Developers' Perspective |
Q114961449 | Improvement of the Open Source Software Development Process |
Q30864620 | Improving CPR training by tracking: a free open-source computer program to collect laerdal SimMan 3G CPR performance data |
Q83808265 | Improving Open Source Software Maintenance |
Q91961106 | Improving an open-source commercial system to reliably perform activity-dependent stimulation |
Q95788677 | Improving mass measurement accuracy in mass spectrometry based proteomics by combining open source tools for chromatographic alignment and internal calibration |
Q114385793 | Improving the accuracy of stroke clinical coding with open-source software and natural language processing |
Q97883650 | Impute.me: An Open-Source, Non-profit Tool for Using Data From Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing to Calculate and Interpret Polygenic Risk Scores |
Q91461127 | In Silico Trials of an Open-Source Android-Based Artificial Pancreas: A New Paradigm to Test Safety and Efficacy of Do-It-Yourself Systems |
Q30489095 | In Vitro Screening of the Open-Source Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box Reveals Novel Compounds with Profound Activities against Theileria annulata Schizonts |
Q39447373 | In silico approaches for designing highly effective cell penetrating peptides. |
Q51044679 | In vitro eye irritation testing using the open source reconstructed hemicornea - a ring trial |
Q89765973 | In vitro screening of the open source MMV Malaria and Pathogen Boxes to discover novel compounds with activity against Balamuthia mandrillaris |
Q38650758 | In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum |
Q111926931 | In-depth Analysis and Prediction of Coupling Metrics of Open Source Software Projects |
Q42088046 | In-silico predictive mutagenicity model generation using supervised learning approaches |
Q55286416 | InDEx: Open Source iOS and Android Software for Self-Reporting and Monitoring of Alcohol Consumption. |
Q33235251 | InSilicoSpectro: an open-source proteomics library. |
Q115100517 | InVesalius Navigator, a free and open-source software for navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation |
Q38958453 | Increasing rigor in NMR-based metabolomics through validated and open source tools |
Q58051429 | Increasing the Self-Efficacy of Newcomers to Open Source Software Projects |
Q51138416 | IndexToolkit: an open source toolbox to index protein databases for high-throughput proteomics |
Q34771499 | India takes an open source approach to drug discovery |
Q115149808 | Indirectly predicting the maintenance effort of open-source software |
Q96109664 | Individual differences in visual attention: A short, reliable, open-source, and multilingual test of multiple object tracking in PsychoPy |
Q109009985 | Individuals' Use of Email Communication Genres in Open Source Software Community Building |
Q111900066 | Industry requirements for FLOSS governance tools to facilitate the use of open source software in commercial products |
Q28604011 | Inequalities in Open Source Software Development: Analysis of Contributor's Commits in Apache Software Foundation Projects |
Q92122096 | Inexpensive and Open-Source Devices and Systems for Retinal Imaging |
Q107399008 | Infomaki: An Open Source, Lightweight Usability Testing Tool |
Q33227054 | Informatics in radiology (infoRAD): an open source framework for modification and communication of DICOM objects |
Q30485470 | Informatics in radiology: An open-source and open-access cancer biomedical informatics grid annotation and image markup template builder. |
Q61605172 | Information Product Creation Through Open Source Encyclopedias |
Q114845680 | Information Security: From Shadow it to Open Source Software Risks, Benefits and Opportunities for Organizations |
Q114927655 | Information System Success Model in Healthcare and Medical Informatics with Open Source Software |
Q17745387 | Information Systems Success in Free and Open Source Software Development: Theory and Measures |
Q123110190 | Information Technology: DOD Needs to Fully Implement Program for Piloting Open Source Software |
Q111703628 | Information policies and open source software in developing countries |
Q113423459 | Informational Hold-Up, Disclosure Policy, and Career Concerns on the Example of Open Source Software Development |
Q38637167 | Informed-Proteomics: open-source software package for top-down proteomics. |
Q104737957 | Infrared thermometer on the wall (iThermowall): An open source and 3-D print infrared thermometer for fever screening |
Q110511911 | InnFLUX – an open-source code for conventional and disjunct eddy covariance analysis of trace gas measurements: an urban test case |
Q113814916 | Innovating beyond firm boundaries: resource deployment control in open source software development |
Q28604113 | Innovating to enhance clinical data management using non-commercial and open source solutions across a multi-center network supporting inpatient pediatric care and research in Kenya |
Q30850579 | Innovative approaches to clinical data management in resource limited settings using open-source technologies |
Q114983293 | Inquiry-Based Learning With RoboGen: An Open-Source Software and Hardware Platform for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |
Q114977327 | Inside risks: robust open-source software |
Q35930236 | Instrument Control (iC) - An Open-Source Software to Automate Test Equipment |
Q35869003 | Instrumentino: An Open-Source Software for Scientific Instruments |
Q114868004 | Insurgent Expertise: The Politics of Free/Livre and Open Source Software in Brazil |
Q29617575 | IntAct--open source resource for molecular interaction data |
Q24600582 | IntAct: an open source molecular interaction database |
Q40186502 | Integrated Analysis Platform: An Open-Source Information System for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping |
Q114917753 | Integrated Verification of Open Source Software for Intelligent Manipulation |
Q55883906 | Integrated Voltage—Current Monitoring and Control of Gas Metal Arc Weld Magnetic Ball-Jointed Open Source 3-D Printer |
Q115145054 | Integrated multi-modality image-guided navigation for neurosurgery: open-source software platform using state-of-the-art clinical hardware |
Q90950290 | Integrated open-source software for multiscale electrophysiology |
Q57020101 | Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education |
Q58043451 | Integrating Open Source Software Repositories on the Web through Linked Data |
Q110511943 | Integrating Projects from Multiple Open Source Code Forges |
Q96110350 | Integrating QSAR models predicting acute contact toxicity and mode of action profiling in honey bees (A. mellifera): Data curation using open source databases, performance testing and validation |
Q114927758 | Integrating XML Technologies and Open Source Software for Personalization in E-Learning |
Q51846623 | Integrating an open-source course management system (Moodle) into the teaching of a first-year medical physiology course: a case study |
Q31155009 | Integrating data-mining support into a brain-image database using open-source components |
Q35086869 | Integrating open-source software applications to build molecular dynamics systems |
Q31158551 | Integrating open-source technologies to build low-cost information systems for improved access to public health data |
Q58862960 | Integration of Internet Based Labs and Open Source LMS |
Q114367144 | Integration of Open-Source Software (Koha, Greenstone and DSpace) with Library Discovery System (VuFind): A Future Library Solution |
Q34978846 | Integration of advanced 3D SPECT modeling into the open-source STIR framework |
Q57197639 | Integration of an energy balance snowmelt model into an open source modeling framework |
Q62806386 | Integration of e-Health systems with the Open Source approach and O3 example |
Q114970354 | Integration of open source software tools for the in silico design of metabolic pathways using flux balance analysis – an application to the production of recombinant human proteins |
Q114954043 | Intellectual Property Licensing Tensions: In Utilizing Open Source Software in the Formal Standard Setting Context - The Case of Apache V.2 in ETSI As a Start |
Q61605189 | Intellectual Property Rights in Open Source Software Communities |
Q57193357 | Intelligence and global health: assessing the role of open source and social media intelligence analysis in infectious disease outbreaks |
Q58038647 | Inter-Organization Interoperability in Transport Chains Using Adapters Based on Open Source Freeware |
Q57859544 | Interactions with Open Source Software: A Pilot Study on End Users’ Perception |
Q61441887 | Interactive Clinical Pedigree Visualization Using an Open Source Pedigree Drawing Engine |
Q92767548 | Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality from quantum chemistry to drug binding: An open-source multi-person framework |
Q85604883 | Interactive multicentre teleconferences using open source software in a team of thoracic surgeons |
Q33576506 | Interactive, open source, travel time scenario modelling: tools to facilitate participation in health service access analysis |
Q58997852 | Interlinking Developer Identities within and across Open Source Projects: The Linked Data Approach |
Q114363934 | Internal Quality Evolution of Open-Source Software Systems |
Q104496606 | International Space Station Open-Source Data |
Q28564064 | International data-sharing for radiotherapy research: an open-source based infrastructure for multicentric clinical data mining |
Q114918357 | Internet success: a study of open-source software commons |
Q115147617 | Internet-based open source software for learning about GPS |
Q28364856 | Interobserver variability of an open-source software for tear meniscus height measurement |
Q41817846 | Interoperability of open source medical record systems. |
Q114972490 | Interrogations on a Passion-Filled Debate on Open-Source Software and the Digital Divide1 |
Q42627127 | Intervertebral disc creep behavior assessment through an open source finite element solver |
Q114953079 | Intraorganizational Implications of Open Innovation: The Case of Corporate Engagement in Open Source Software |
Q114953157 | Intrinsic Motivations and Profit-Oriented Firms in Open Source Software: Do Firms Practise What They Preach? |
Q29640498 | Intrinsic motivation in open source software development |
Q101226402 | Introducing Biomedisa as an open-source online platform for biomedical image segmentation |
Q115062643 | Introducing KIPET: A novel open-source software package for kinetic parameter estimation from experimental datasets including spectra |
Q58387743 | Introducing a new open source GIS user interface for the SWAT model |
Q24647611 | Introducing mothur: open-source, platform-independent, community-supported software for describing and comparing microbial communities |
Q111925004 | Introducing selfisher: open source software for statistical analyses of fishing gear selectivity |
Q110512443 | Introducing the open-source mfront code generator: Application to mechanical behaviours and material knowledge management within the PLEIADES fuel element modelling platform |
Q114946746 | Introduction and Analysis of Open Source Software Development Methodology |
Q55892206 | Introduction to Open-Source Hardware for Science |
Q115146312 | Introduction to a roundtable on the governance of open source software: particular solutions and general lessons |
Q33521663 | Introduction to an open source internet-based testing program for medical student examinations |
Q56690073 | Introduction: Open Source Culture and Aesthetics |
Q50059881 | Intsy: a low-cost, open-source, wireless multi-channel bioamplifier system |
Q114960528 | Investigating Factors Influencing the Adoption and Use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions: Towards an Individual-Technology-Organizational-Environmental (ITOE) Framework |
Q114961862 | Investigating and Projecting Population Structures in Open Source Software Projects: A Case Study of Projects in GitHub |
Q114963659 | Investigating open source software creators through the lens of an entrepreneur |
Q114978211 | Investigating quality in large-scale Open Source Software |
Q114948636 | Investigating the Effect of Aeration on the Flow Characteristics Around Under Pressure Tunnel Aerator Using Openfoam Open Source Software |
Q114924585 | Investigating the Effect of Ramp Geometry on the Flow Characteristics Around Under Pressure Tunnel Aerator Using OpenFoam Open Source Software |
Q114928412 | Investigating the Effect of Sensitivity and Severity Analysis on Fault Proneness in Open Source Software |
Q28818002 | Investigating the antiplasmodial activity of primary sulfonamide compounds identified in open source malaria data |
Q64285525 | Investigating the diversity of Type Ia supernova spectra with the open-source relational data base kaepora |
Q110510860 | Investigating the information value of different sources of evidence of developers’ expertise for bug assignment in open‐source projects |
Q92109978 | Investigating whether and how software developers understand open source software licensing |
Q115147387 | Investigation and prediction of open source software evolution using automated parameter mining for agent-based simulation |
Q110511942 | Investigation of the Software Code Vulnerabilities' Impact on the Popularity of Open Source Software Projects |
Q68670563 | Investigation of the bi-drifting subpulses of radio pulsar B1839-04 utilising the open-source data-analysis project PSRSALSA |
Q115144157 | Investigation of various data analysis techniques to identify change prone parts of an open source software |
Q94656240 | Involvement of the open-source community in combating the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic: a review |
Q114954257 | Involving the Indian Software Services Industry in the Free and Open Source Software World |
Q114981268 | Is Open Source Software about Innovation? Collaborations with the Open Source Community and Innovation Performance of Software Entrepreneurial Ventures |
Q114946003 | Is Open Source Software the Future of Software Development? |
Q66709941 | Is open source software living up to its promises? Insights for open innovation management from two open source software-inspired projects1 |
Q114997211 | Issues and lessons learned in open source software adoption in Pakistani libraries |
Q114976285 | Issues of dependability in open source software development |
Q115044790 | It is all about what we have: A discriminant analysis of organizations' decision to adopt open source software |
Q57894763 | Itzï (version 17.1): an open-source, distributed GIS model for dynamic flood simulation |
Q115145081 | It’s Time to Consider Open Source Software |
Q56830600 | JANPA: An open source cross-platform implementation of the Natural Population Analysis on the Java platform |
Q28679153 | JBioWH: an open-source Java framework for bioinformatics data integration |
Q59656709 | JETSPIN: A specific-purpose open-source software for simulations of nanofiber electrospinning |
Q58650917 | JGPSS, An open source GPSS framework to teach simulation |
Q35747690 | JMS: An Open Source Workflow Management System and Web-Based Cluster Front-End for High Performance Computing |
Q114985578 | JOINUS: A User-Friendly Open-Source Software to Simulate Digital Superconductor Circuits |
Q115006755 | JSMAA: open source software for SMAA computations |
Q30760942 | JSim, an open-source modeling system for data analysis |
Q35676746 | JTSA: an open source framework for time series abstractions |
Q115151068 | JTruss: A CAD-oriented educational open-source software for static analysis of truss-type structures |
Q91924300 | Janus: An Extensible Open-Source Software Package for Adaptive QM/MM Methods |
Q56456767 | JasPer: a portable flexible open-source software tool kit for image coding/processing |
Q102152205 | JavaCyte, a novel open-source tool for automated quantification of key hallmarks of cardiac structural remodeling |
Q57782530 | JavaDON: an open-source expert system shell |
Q88876410 | Jenkins-CI, an Open-Source Continuous Integration System, as a Scientific Data and Image-Processing Platform |
Q34356746 | JobCenter: an open source, cross-platform, and distributed job queue management system optimized for scalability and versatility. |
Q66708530 | Joining Free/Open Source Software Communities: An Analysis of Newbies' First Interactions on Project Mailing Lists |
Q107399197 | Joining an Open Source Community: Creating a Symphony Connector for the XC NCIP Toolkit |
Q56050204 | Joining and Socialization in Open Source Women’s Groups: An Exploratory Study of KDE-Women |
Q114984862 | Joint Effect of Team Structure and Software Architecture in Open Source Software Development |
Q50817797 | Journal of Open Source Software |
Q56042009 | Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): design and first-year review |
Q58536166 | Jumping Ship: One Health Science Library's Voyage from a Proprietary ILS to Open Source |
Q115045178 | Jx: An open-source software for calculating magnetic interactions based on magnetic force theory |
Q34880603 | KDDN: an open-source Cytoscape app for constructing differential dependency networks with significant rewiring |
Q114946404 | KEEL 3.0: An Open Source Software for Multi-Stage Analysis in Data Mining |
Q81385396 | KMD: an open-source port of the ArrayExpress microarray database |
Q39748338 | KNIME for Open-Source Bioimage Analysis: A Tutorial |
Q90686454 | KOFFI and Anabel 2.0-a new binding kinetics database and its integration in an open-source binding analysis software |
Q119859782 | KSEMAW: an open source software for the analysis of spectrophotometric, ellipsometric and photothermal deflection spectroscopy measurements |
Q111931310 | KSEMAW: an open source software for the analysis ofspectrophotometric, ellipsometric andphotothermal deflection spectroscopy measurements |
Q111900297 | KairoSight: Open-Source Software for the Analysis of Cardiac Optical Data Collected From Multiple Species |
Q28364950 | Karyotyping human and mouse cells using probes from single-sorted chromosomes and open source software |
Q113424073 | Keeping the Gates to the Parliament of (Digital) Things: Free/Open Source Software, Public Policy, Citizenship and Technology |
Q39723356 | Kekule.js: An Open Source JavaScript Chemoinformatics Toolkit |
Q114967008 | KinetDS: An Open Source Software for Dissolution Test Data Analysis |
Q30574314 | Kinetic analysis of dynamic positron emission tomography data using open‐source image processing and statistical inference tools |
Q97544929 | Kinfitr - an open-source tool for reproducible PET modelling: validation and evaluation of test-retest reliability |
Q33665519 | Kinoscope: An Open-Source Computer Program for Behavioral Pharmacologists. |
Q110512472 | Know your open source code |
Q114946389 | Knowledge Creation in Virtual Communities – Exploring Practices in Open Source Software Hacker Communities |
Q114918162 | Knowledge and Utilisation of ICT and Open Source Software's among the Library Professionals of Karnataka: A Case Study |
Q114992247 | Knowledge sharing in open source software communities: motivations and management |
Q115042607 | Knowledge sharing in open source software project teams: A transactive memory system perspective |
Q57019565 | Knowledge-based library re-factoring for an open source project |
Q115149346 | Kommerzialisierungsansätze in Open-Source-Software-Projekten |
Q92140176 | Kranion, an open-source environment for planning transcranial focused ultrasound surgery: technical note |
Q35997441 | Kudi: A free open-source python library for the analysis of properties along reaction paths |
Q21284338 | LAVA: An Open-Source Approach To Designing LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification) DNA Signatures |
Q115045149 | LBfoam: An open-source software package for the simulation of foaming using the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
Q115045156 | LBsoft: A parallel open-source software for simulation of colloidal systems |
Q39540655 | LFQProfiler and RNP(xl): Open-Source Tools for Label-Free Quantification and Protein-RNA Cross-Linking Integrated into Proteome Discoverer |
Q114916102 | LG Hannover: Angebot von Open Source Software als Urheberrechtsverletzung |
Q114916101 | LG Köln: Einstweilige Verfügung zur Untersagung des Umgangs mit Open-Source-Software unter GPLv2 |
Q35076245 | LIGSIFT: an open-source tool for ligand structural alignment and virtual screening |
Q36270188 | LIQUID: an-open source software for identifying lipids in LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics data |
Q58506373 | LIS community's perceptions towards open source software adoption in libraries |
Q110511674 | LMGC90: a Contact Dynamics open source code for the simulation of granular asteroid with realistic regolith shapes. Application to the accretion process |
Q39576648 | La Cura, An Open Source Cure for Cancer |
Q21284332 | LabKey Server: An open source platform for scientific data integration, analysis and collaboration |
Q114967038 | Laboratory Data Connectivity and Management: the Intersection of Laboratory Information Management Systems, Ancillary Open-Source Software, and Consumer Technologies |
Q53629987 | Laboratory equipment: Cut costs with open-source hardware |
Q57170971 | Laboratory test of Single Landmark registration method for ultrasound-based navigation in laparoscopy using an open-source platform |
Q57434296 | Laminar/turbulent airflow and microsphere deposition in a patient-specific airway geometry using an open-source solver |
Q57019277 | Land Cover Classification and Monitoring: the STEM Open Source Solution |
Q115004071 | Land cover and impervious surface extraction using parametric and non-parametric algorithms from the open-source software R: an application to sustainable urban planning in Sicily |
Q40787820 | Landmark precision and reliability and accuracy of linear distances estimated by using 3D computed micro-tomography and the open-source TINA Manual Landmarking Tool software. |
Q114966251 | Language Analysis in Library OPAC designing an Open Source Software based Framework for Bibliographic Records in Mainstream and Tribal Languages |
Q29397002 | Laplace–Fourier Transform of the Stretched Exponential Function: Analytic Error Bounds, Double Exponential Transform, and Open-Source Implementation “libkww” |
Q118162153 | Large-Scale Identification and Analysis of Factors Impacting Simple Bug Resolution Times in Open Source Software Repositories |
Q58002841 | Large-scale open innovation: open source vs. patent pools |
Q114963611 | Large-scale refactoring challenges and coordination in open source software development |
Q57400556 | Large-scale, AST-based API-usage analysis of open-source Java projects |
Q119930288 | Latent Code Identification (LACOID): A Machine Learning-Based Integrative Framework [and Open-Source Software] to Classify Big Textual Data, Rebuild Contextualized/Unaltered Meanings, and Avoid Aggregation Bias |
Q57726840 | Latent social structure in open source projects |
Q114922550 | Layered Approach to Open Source Software Development Success |
Q114920333 | Leadership Emergence and Impact on Open Source Software Project Success: A Comparative Case Study |
Q115042290 | Leadership characteristics and developers’ motivation in open source software development |
Q90584133 | Leaf: an open-source, model-agnostic, data-driven web application for cohort discovery and translational biomedical research |
Q114920347 | Learning By Contributing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Contribution to Open Source Software |
Q114981885 | Learning and Open Source Software License Choice |
Q115062619 | Learning and best practices for learning in open-source software communities |
Q33761499 | Learning from hackers: open-source clinical trials |
Q24273359 | Learning from open source software projects to improve scientific review |
Q115039978 | Learning to detect community smells in open source software projects |
Q58622503 | Legal Challenges to Open Source Licences |
Q114845702 | Legal Implications of Open-Source Software |
Q119759282 | Legal Remedy of Violating Open Source Software License |
Q113442849 | Legal aspects of ownership in modified open source software and its impact on Russian software import substitution policy |
Q42136324 | LeishMicrosatDB: open source database of repeat sequences detected in six fully sequenced Leishmania genomes |
Q52447447 | LesionTracker: Extensible Open-Source Zero-Footprint Web Viewer for Cancer Imaging Research and Clinical Trials. |
Q70996751 | Lessons Learned in Partnerships and Practice: Adopting Open Source Institutional Repository Software |
Q56741364 | Lessons from Volunteering and Free/Libre Open Source Software Development for the Future of Work |
Q114977291 | Lessons from open-source software development |
Q57536016 | Lessons learned from applying social network analysis on an industrial Free/Libre/Open Source Software ecosystem |
Q83804759 | Let Me In: Guidelines for the Successful Onboarding of Newcomers to Open Source Projects |
Q91376923 | Letter to the editor re: DiMaggio, C. Et al. "Changes in U.S. mass shooting deaths associated with the 1994-2004 federal assault weapons ban: Analysis of open-source data. J Trauma Acute Care. 2019;86(1):11-19." |
Q60674710 | Let’s Get Moving and Write Software: An Open Source Project for EPANET |
Q114937278 | Leveraging Final Degree Projects for Open Source Software Contributions |
Q114916964 | Leveraging Free and Open Source Software to Model Teaching and Learning in Computer Science Education |
Q66715153 | Leveraging Open Source Tools for Web Mining |
Q106615980 | Leveraging Open-Source Tools for Collaborative Macro-energy System Modeling Efforts |
Q114977762 | Leveraging open source software and design based research principles for development of a 3D virtual learning environment |
Q115044009 | Leveraging open source software and parallel computing for model predictive control of urban drainage systems using EPA-SWMM5 |
Q114972489 | Leveraging the Open Source Software Movement for Development of China's Software Industry |
Q107405757 | LexO: an open-source system for managing OntoLex-Lemon resources |
Q115144449 | LiDARHub: a free and open source software platform for web-based management, visualization and analysis of LiDAR data |
Q100519129 | LibMI: An Open Source Library for Efficient Histopathological Image Processing |
Q120646833 | Libkrylov: A modular open‐source software library for extremely large on‐the‐fly matrix computations |
Q54349293 | Libra: An open-Source "methodology discovery" library for quantum and classical dynamics simulations |
Q114361972 | Librarian's gender, age, qualifications and experience impact on choice of open-source software |
Q114918056 | Librarians’ Attitude towards Open Source Software Working in Academic Intuitions in District Bareilly of Uttar Pradesh, India |
Q114918066 | Library automation and use of open source software to maximize library effectivenss |
Q114994056 | Library professional’s opinion about open source software adoption |
Q114953199 | Licensing Schemes in the Production and Distribution of Open Source Software: An Empirical Investigation |
Q114967808 | Licensing and Competition for Services in Open Source Software |
Q28112068 | Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers |
Q111925765 | Lifting Industrial Ecology Modeling to a New Level of Quality and Transparency: A Call for More Transparent Publications and a Collaborative Open Source Software Framework |
Q59975697 | Light curves of core-collapse supernovae with substantial mass loss using the new open-source SuperNova explosion code (SNEC) |
Q110512597 | LineLab-A Transmission Line Simulator for Distributed Sensing Systems: Open-Source MATLAB Code for Simulating Real-World Transmission Lines |
Q33996869 | Linking primary care information systems and public health vertical programs in the Philippines: an open-source experience |
Q122260828 | Linux + Open Source News |
Q111292322 | Linux Pro |
Q58518738 | Linux System Security: An Administrator's Guide to Open Source Security Tools |
Q16781932 | Linux Voice |
Q57679416 | Linux for Academics, Part II: The Advantages of Free and Open-Source Software |
Q92501917 | Lipid Species Annotation at Double Bond Position Level with Custom Databases by Extension of the MZmine 2 Open-Source Software Package |
Q114983536 | Listening to Tags: Uplink RFID Measurements With an Open-Source Software-Defined Radio Tool |
Q118186085 | Listento Me: An Audio Documentation for Open Source Software |
Q47350377 | LivSim: An Open-Source Simulation Software Platform for Community Research and Development for Liver Allocation Policies |
Q46409235 | Live demonstration of the capabilities of the VistA Free/Open Source StackEHR/EMR. |
Q114365012 | Load Spectrum Analysis with Open Source Software – An Application Example |
Q39508992 | Localizer: fast, accurate, open-source, and modular software package for superresolution microscopy |
Q119957690 | Locking Down Secure Open Source Software |
Q115000934 | Logical Acquisition in the Forensic Investigation Process of Android Smartphones based on Agent using Open Source Software |
Q42603370 | Long distance education for croatian nurses with open source software. |
Q114949098 | Low Cost VoIP Architecture Using Open Source Software Component in Tertiary Institutions |
Q44765893 | Low cost and open source multi-fluorescence imaging system for teaching and research in biology and bioengineering |
Q115000912 | Low cost and open source software-based CNC router for machining contours |
Q33428739 | Low cost, scalable proteomics data analysis using Amazon's cloud computing services and open source search algorithms. |
Q61796810 | Low noise, open-source QEPAS system with instrumentation amplifier |
Q93079527 | Low-Cost Open Source Ultrasound-Sensing Based Navigational Support for the Visually Impaired |
Q55981596 | Low-Cost Open-Source Voltage and Current Monitor for Gas Metal Arc Weld 3D Printing |
Q61307570 | Low-Cost, Extensible and Open Source Home Automation Framework |
Q92683499 | Low-cost (<€5), open-source, potential alternative to commercial spectrophotometers |
Q92091881 | Low-cost, easy-to-build non-invasive pressure support ventilator for under-resourced regions: open source hardware description, performance and feasibility testing |
Q91048855 | LyoPRONTO: an Open-Source Lyophilization Process Optimization Tool |
Q114969928 | M-BiRank: co-ranking developers and projects using multiple developer-project interactions in open source software community |
Q56557865 | M1042 The Quality of Open Access and Open Source Internet Material in Gastroenterology: Is Wikipedia Appropriate for Knowledge Transfer to Patients? |
Q34386106 | M2Lite: An Open-source, Light-weight, Pluggable and Fast Proteome Discoverer MSF to mzIdentML Tool |
Q38513982 | M@IA: a modular open-source application for microarray workflow and integrative datamining. |
Q38431404 | MADAM - An open source meta-analysis toolbox for R and Bioconductor |
Q89050833 | MAGIC: An open-source MATLAB toolbox for external control of transcranial magnetic stimulation devices |
Q30539547 | MANTA—an open-source, high density electrophysiology recording suite for MATLAB |
Q93170355 | MARIN: an open-source mobile augmented reality interactive neuronavigation system |
Q33341569 | MARVIN: a medical research application framework based on open source software |
Q115006727 | MASTODON: An Open-Source Software for Seismic Analysis and Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructure |
Q35955085 | MAVIN: An Open-Source Tool for Interactive Analysis and Visualization of EMG Data |
Q109827109 | MAYGEN: an open-source chemical structure generator for constitutional isomers based on the orderly generation principle |
Q114371936 | MCCL: an open-source software application for Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transport |
Q59615291 | MCMAS: an open-source model checker for the verification of multi-agent systems |
Q111935011 | MCR: Open-Source Software to Automate Compilation of Health Study Report-Back |
Q90565291 | MCmatlab: an open-source, user-friendly, MATLAB-integrated three-dimensional Monte Carlo light transport solver with heat diffusion and tissue damage |
Q42618711 | MDpocket: open-source cavity detection and characterization on molecular dynamics trajectories |
Q30700184 | MEA-Tools: an open source toolbox for the analysis of multi-electrode data with MATLAB. |
Q33629914 | MEIGO: an open-source software suite based on metaheuristics for global optimization in systems biology and bioinformatics |
Q113788205 | MERIDIAN open-source software for deep learning-based acoustic data analysis |
Q42664094 | MESMER: An Open-Source Master Equation Solver for Multi-Energy Well Reactions |
Q34180839 | METAREP: JCVI metagenomics reports--an open source tool for high-performance comparative metagenomics. |
Q121755606 | METHODS: A meta-path-based method for heterogeneous community detection in the open source software ecosystem |
Q115147596 | MG-APP: an open-source software for multi-GNSS precise point positioning and application analysis |
Q60111456 | MHCflurry: Open-Source Class I MHC Binding Affinity Prediction |
Q60111462 | MHCflurry: open-source class I MHC binding affinity prediction |
Q28657660 | MIA - A free and open source software for gray scale medical image analysis |
Q114384364 | MISTIQS: An open-source software for performing quantum dynamics simulations on quantum computers |
Q38437562 | MITICS (MALDI Imaging Team Imaging Computing System): a new open source mass spectrometry imaging software |
Q60636656 | MITK Phenotyping: An open-source toolchain for image-based personalized medicine with radiomics |
Q61447491 | MITK-ModelFit: A generic open-source framework for model fits and their exploration in medical imaging - design, implementation and application on the example of DCE-MRI |
Q36149360 | MITK-OpenIGTLink for combining open-source toolkits in real-time computer-assisted interventions. |
Q57445749 | MNCaRT: An Open-Source, Multi-Architecture Automata-Processing Research and Execution Ecosystem |
Q110512015 | MO-D-T-6E-02: Dose-Response Explorer: An Open-Source-Code Matlab-Based Tool for Modeling Treatment Outcome as a Function of Predictive Factors |
Q62730545 | MOA: A Real-Time Analytics Open Source Framework |
Q40304273 | MOSES: A Matlab-based open-source stochastic epidemic simulator |
Q59712525 | MOSFiT: Modular Open Source Fitter for Transients |
Q103811684 | MOSGA: Modular Open-Source Genome Annotator |
Q114363567 | MPTHub: An Open-Source Software for Characterizing the Transport of Particles in Biorelevant Media |
Q35865092 | MRMPlus: an open source quality control and assessment tool for SRM/MRM assay development. |
Q31163848 | MRMer, an interactive open source and cross-platform system for data extraction and visualization of multiple reaction monitoring experiments |
Q42638546 | MSQuant, an open source platform for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics |
Q42692084 | MSiReader v1.0: Evolving Open-Source Mass Spectrometry Imaging Software for Targeted and Untargeted Analyses. |
Q28287922 | MSiReader: An Open-Source Interface to View and Analyze High Resolving Power MS Imaging Files on Matlab Platform |
Q88628308 | MVO Automation Platform: Addressing Unmet Needs in Clinical Laboratories with Microcontrollers, 3D Printing, and Open-Source Hardware/Software |
Q99544721 | Machado: Open source genomics data integration framework |
Q58769400 | Machine Learning Applications in Head and Neck Radiation Oncology: Lessons From Open-Source Radiomics Challenges |
Q89092843 | Machine learning "red dot": open-source, cloud, deep convolutional neural networks in chest radiograph binary normality classification |
Q21265001 | Madagascar: open-source software project for multidimensional data analysis and reproducible computational experiments |
Q113304047 | Mahotas: Open source software for scriptable computer vision |
Q60700763 | Maintainability of the kernels of open-source operating systems: A comparison of Linux with FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD |
Q115040402 | Maintaining interoperability in open source software: A case study of the Apache PDFBox project |
Q57717786 | Make nanotechnology research open-source |
Q60205013 | Make/Use: A System for Open Source, User-Modifiable, Zero Waste Fashion Practice |
Q63929718 | Maker Culture Liminality and Open Source (Science) Hardware: instead of making anything great again, keep experimenting! | A liminaridade da cultura maker e o hardware de fonte (na ciência): em vez de fazer algo ser grande de novo, continue experime |
Q114920357 | Making Deliberate Changes Possible in an Organizational Context of an Open Source Software Community |
Q114954208 | Making Sustainable Open Source Software Infrastructures by Federating and Learning in the Global Context |
Q55416981 | Making sure there's a "give" associated with the "take": producing and using open-source software in big pharma. |
Q111713216 | Making sustainable open source software infrastructures by federating and learning in the global context |
Q120491549 | Making sustainable open source software infrastructures by federating and learning in the global context |
Q92315055 | Malaria Data by District: An open-source web application for increasing access to malaria information |
Q34296969 | Managed care: Toward open-source practices in managed behavioral health |
Q114372815 | Managing Episodic Volunteers in Free/Libre/Open Source Software Communities |
Q114987159 | Managing First Impressions of New Open Source Software Projects |
Q114843240 | Managing Open Source Software in the Corporate Environment |
Q60458241 | Managing a corporate open source software asset |
Q115150630 | Managing and understanding complex systems using traceability and open source software |
Q114848603 | Managing commercial risks in open source software licensing |
Q115005674 | Managing knowledge sharing in distributed innovation from the perspective of developers: empirical study of open source software projects in China |
Q57634984 | Managing license compliance in free and open source software development |
Q30048164 | Managing multicentre clinical trials with open source |
Q30489002 | Managing research and surveillance projects in real-time with a novel open-source eManagement tool designed for under-resourced countries |
Q104697428 | Managing technologies and automated library systems in developing countries: open source vs commercial options |
Q120434422 | Mandibular asymmetry retreatment with minimal presurgical orthodontic preparation and fully customized lingual orthodontics: A case report with new possibilities using blender open-source software |
Q63929716 | Manufacturing Expertise for the People: The Open-Source Hardware Movement in Japan |
Q119776238 | Manufacturing flexible vascular models for cardiovascular surgery planning and endovascular procedure simulations: An approach to segmentation and post-processing with open-source software and end-user 3D printers |
Q42680123 | MapQuant: open-source software for large-scale protein quantification |
Q59158283 | Mapping Collaboration in Open Source Geospatial Ecosystem |
Q114990516 | Mapping and Analysis of Open Source Software (OSS) Usability for Sustainable OSS Product |
Q115002763 | Mapping changes in the affordability of London with open-source software and open data: 1997–2012 |
Q111935444 | Mapping of land cover with open‐source software and ultra‐high‐resolution imagery acquired with unmanned aerial vehicles |
Q114372399 | Mapping the Spatial Conditions of Polycentric Urban Development in Europe: An Open‐source Software Tool |
Q30315643 | Marathon: An Open Source Software Library for the Analysis of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms |
Q61660062 | Marktplatz zur Koordinierung und Finanzierung von Open Source Software |
Q33268182 | MascotDatfile: an open-source library to fully parse and analyse MASCOT MS/MS search results |
Q38391558 | Massifquant: open-source Kalman filter-based XC-MS isotope trace feature detection. |
Q62672513 | MatchMiner: An open source computational platform for real-time matching of cancer patients to precision medicine clinical trials using genomic and clinical criteria |
Q114987153 | Matching Open Source Software Licenses with Corresponding Business Models |
Q115037542 | Materialization of BTA database using open source software |
Q114954313 | Materializing Commons Based Peer Production Beyond Open Source Software Explorative Insights from a Comparative Case Study |
Q62668550 | Matminer: An open source toolkit for materials data mining |
Q57083675 | Matxin, an open-source rule-based machine translation system for Basque |
Q30842344 | MausDB: an open source application for phenotype data and mouse colony management in large-scale mouse phenotyping projects |
Q91075628 | MaveDB: an open-source platform to distribute and interpret data from multiplexed assays of variant effect |
Q60034342 | Maximizing returns for public funding of medical research with open-source hardware |
Q101058191 | Maximizing the Potential of Patient-Reported Assessments by Using the Open-Source Concerto Platform With Computerized Adaptive Testing and Machine Learning |
Q39064010 | MayaChemTools: An Open Source Package for Computational Drug Discovery |
Q115041948 | Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite image correlation using the free open-source software MicMac |
Q114960734 | Measurements of environmental parameters inside and outside a greenhouse using open-source software device |
Q63929710 | Measuring Openness in Open Source Hardware with the Open-o-Meter |
Q57035438 | Measuring Rao's Q diversity index from remote sensing: An open source solution |
Q114071163 | Measuring and Modeling Group Dynamics in Open-Source Software Development: A Tensor Decomposition Approach |
Q110512714 | Measuring and analyzing code authorship in 1 + 118 open source projects |
Q100758945 | Measuring endogenous corticosterone in laboratory mice - a mapping review, meta-analysis, and open source database |
Q115038601 | Measuring open source software success |
Q119929933 | Measuring orbital Volume Using Open Source Software and its Application in Orbitozygomatic Fractures |
Q57726722 | Measuring the Effect of Social Communications on Individual Working Rhythms: A Case Study of Open Source Software |
Q91662048 | Measuring the Shape and Size of Activated Sludge Particles Immobilized in Agar with an Open Source Software Pipeline |
Q118143531 | Measuring the Shape and Size of Activated Sludge Particles Immobilized in Agar with an Open Source Software Pipeline |
Q114977982 | Measuring the evolution of open source software systems with their communities |
Q115042179 | Measuring the health of open source software ecosystems: Beyond the scope of project health |
Q33543323 | Measuring the impact of the computer on the consultation: an open source application to combine multiple observational outputs. |
Q114963359 | Mechanisms of knowledge sharing in open source software projects: a comparison of Chinese and Western practice |
Q34101938 | MedXN: an open source medication extraction and normalization tool for clinical text |
Q57771268 | Media Wiki Open-Source Software As Infrastructure for Electronic Resources Outreach |
Q30835372 | Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for indexing and retrieving open-source healthcare data |
Q95816020 | Medical software's free future. All software developed at public's expense should be licensed as open source |
Q30949484 | MedlineR: an open source library in R for Medline literature data mining |
Q42663244 | Medsphere embraces open source model |
Q30491149 | Meet Spinky: An Open-Source Spindle and K-Complex Detection Toolbox Validated on the Open-Access Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS). |
Q36750498 | Meeting review: the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference 2001 (BOSC 2001). |
Q33778233 | Mendel,MD: A user-friendly open-source web tool for analyzing WES and WGS in the diagnosis of patients with Mendelian disorders. |
Q64115642 | MeshMonk: Open-source large-scale intensive 3D phenotyping |
Q61228059 | MeshMonk: Open-source large-scale intensive 3D phenotyping: Supplemental Information |
Q33741975 | MetAMOS: a modular and open source metagenomic assembly and analysis pipeline |
Q99410149 | MetIDfyR, an open-source R package to decipher small-molecule drugs metabolism through high resolution mass spectrometry |
Q52847300 | MetNetMaker: a free and open-source tool for the creation of novel metabolic networks in SBML format |
Q38826562 | MetaLIMS, a simple open-source laboratory information management system for small metagenomic labs |
Q34710106 | MetaNET--a web-accessible interactive platform for biological metabolic network analysis |
Q36925280 | MetaTrans: an open-source pipeline for metatranscriptomics |
Q97093489 | Metabolite profiling of Javanese ginger Zingiber purpureum and identification of antiseizure metabolites via a low-cost open-source zebrafish bioassay-guided isolation |
Q118143795 | Meteorological Variables Forecasting System Using Machine Learning and Open-Source Software |
Q114958693 | Method to the Media Madness: Using Free and Open Source Software for Online Instruction |
Q96303421 | Methodological Factors Involved in the Study of Temporal Binding Using the Open Source Software Labclock Web |
Q114948548 | Methodology for Bathymetric Mapping Using Open-Source Software |
Q114746121 | Methodology for creating 3D paper unfolded models with complex geometry using open-source software and resources with free personal and commercial license |
Q114370899 | Methods—PETLION: Open-Source Software for Millisecond-Scale Porous Electrode Theory-Based Lithium-Ion Battery Simulations |
Q114916993 | Metrics and Software Quality Evolution: A Case Study on Open Source Software |
Q47668557 | Metronome LKM: An open source virtual keyboard driver to measure experiment software latencies. |
Q59603347 | MicMac – a free, open-source solution for photogrammetry |
Q115149858 | Micro process analysis of maintenance effort: an open source software case study using metrics based on program slicing |
Q37401450 | Micro-Magellan: open-source, sample-adaptive, acquisition software for optical microscopy. |
Q58039714 | Microbe-ID: An open source toolbox for microbial genotyping and species identification |
Q58039717 | Microbe-ID: An open source toolbox for microbial genotyping and species identification |
Q39415258 | Microbe-ID: an open source toolbox for microbial genotyping and species identification |
Q57727391 | Microblogging in Open Source Software Development: The Case of Drupal and Twitter |
Q114954642 | Microstructure of Collaboration: The Network of Open Source Software |
Q89050128 | MightyScreen: An Open-Source Visualization Application for Screening Data Analysis |
Q48558081 | Migrating a lecture in nursing informatics to a blended learning format--A bottom-up approach to implement an open-source web-based learning management system |
Q57070579 | Mimi-PAGE, an open-source implementation of the PAGE09 integrated assessment model |
Q66436076 | Mind the Gap: A Landscape Analysis of Open Source Publishing Tools and Platforms |
Q109010295 | Mining Creativity Research to Inform Design Rationale in Open Source Communities |
Q83807271 | Mining Developer Contribution in Open Source Software Using Visualization Techniques |
Q114365054 | Mining GitHub to Identify Open-Source Software Health in Blockchain Projects |
Q114963369 | Mining Patterns in Open Source Software using Software Metrics and Neural Network Models |
Q99622822 | Mining and Analyzing Behavioral Characteristic of Developers in Open Source Software |
Q114963368 | Mining patterns in open source software using software metrics and neural network models |
Q57395675 | Mining the Conceptual Model of Open Source CMS Using a Reverse Engineering Approach |
Q59701910 | Mission-critical development with open source software: lessons learned |
Q115149810 | Mission‐critical open‐source software adoption model validation using Partial Least Square ‐ Structural Equation Modeling |
Q56700747 | Mit Open Source auswerten |
Q114954881 | Mit Open-Source-Software die Lehre öffnen – ein Plädoyer |
Q114384357 | MitC: Open-source software for construction project control and delay mitigation |
Q114916093 | Miturheberschaft und Bearbeitung bei Open Source Software — Abgrenzung zur Bestimmung des Umfangs der Darlegungsund Beweislast für Sekundäransprüche |
Q57795813 | MixedEmotions: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multimodal Emotion Analysis |
Q30779115 | MoBILAB: an open source toolbox for analysis and visualization of mobile brain/body imaging data |
Q56387324 | Mobile Open-Source Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Distributed Manufacturing in Off-Grid Communities |
Q36247081 | Mobile genetic elements: the agents of open source evolution |
Q114928941 | Modding a free and open source software video game: "Play testing is hard work" |
Q59409739 | Modding as an Open Source Approach to Extending Computer Game Systems |
Q115144074 | Model of Open Source Software Reliability with Fault Introduction Obeying the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
Q57378535 | Model-Driven Reverse Engineering of Open Source Systems |
Q57378537 | Model-Driven Reverse Engineering of Open Source Systems |
Q104742941 | Modeling Injection Molding of High-Density Polyethylene with Crystallization in Open-Source Software |
Q114920392 | Modeling Relational Events: A Case Study on an Open Source Software Development Project |
Q110660625 | Modeling and Analysis of Leftover Issues and Release Time Planning in Multi-Release Open Source Software Using Entropy Based Measure |
Q59147707 | Modeling and Simulation Study of Designer’s Bidirectional Behavior of Task Selection in Open Source Design Process |
Q110661258 | Modeling and analysis of reliability of multi-release open source software incorporating both fault detection and correction processes |
Q115044573 | Modeling and simulation of the thermodynamics of lithium-ion battery intercalation materials in the open-source software Cantera |
Q42625520 | Modeling bioconcentration factor (BCF) using mechanistically interpretable descriptors computed from open source tool "PaDEL-Descriptor". |
Q50456135 | Modeling community population dynamics with the open-source language R. |
Q113442737 | Modeling continuous security: A conceptual model for automated DevSecOps using open-source software over cloud (ADOC) |
Q110512452 | Modeling heat exchangers with an open source DEM-based code for granular flows |
Q57528380 | Modeling of Regionalized Emissions (MoRE) into Water Bodies: An Open-Source River Basin Management System |
Q115001167 | Modeling of chemical processes using commercial and open-source software: A comparison between Aspen Plus and DWSIM |
Q120483717 | Modeling of transport processes through large-scale discrete fracture networks using conforming meshes and open-source software |
Q35069276 | Modeling the chemoelectromechanical behavior of skeletal muscle using the parallel open-source software library OpenCMISS. |
Q110511549 | Modelling and Simulation of a Unified Power System Incorporating Large Scale Wind Farms via Open Source Code Package |
Q110511844 | Modelling and simulation of high-pressure hydrogen jets using notional nozzle theory and open source code OpenFOAM |
Q115000919 | Modelling and simulation of ingot solidification with the open-source software Code_Saturne |
Q57430267 | Modelling elements of Smart Grids – Enhancing the OSeMOSYS (Open Source Energy Modelling System) code |
Q110512682 | Modelling flow and heat transfer in spacer-filled membrane distillation channels using open source CFD code |
Q114389849 | Modelling reliability growth for multi‐version open source software considering varied testing and debugging factors |
Q110512325 | Modernization and optimization of a legacy open-source CFD code for high-performance computing architectures |
Q111898674 | Modes of technical support in open source software - peer to peer digital knowledge creation, sharing and re-use |
Q30277003 | Modular Open-Source Software for Item Factor Analysis |
Q114966086 | Modularity Index Metrics for Java-Based Open Source Software Projects |
Q42681308 | MolShaCS: a free and open source tool for ligand similarity identification based on Gaussian descriptors |
Q47366650 | Molecular property diagnostic suite (MPDS): Development of disease-specific open source web portals for drug discovery. |
Q113441516 | Monetary donations to an open source software platform |
Q38815984 | Monitoring Heritage Buildings with Open Source Hardware Sensors: A Case Study of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba |
Q114917995 | Monitoring Network and Service Availability with Open-Source Software |
Q115001118 | Monitoring The Sea Surface Temperature and Total Suspended Matter Based on Cloud-Computing Platform of Google Earth Engine and Open-Source Software |
Q97518114 | Monitoring of Cow Location in a Barn by an Open-Source, Low-Cost, Low-Energy Bluetooth Tag System |
Q89598702 | Monitoring of Temperature in Retail Refrigerated Cabinets Applying IoT Over Open-Source Hardware and Software |
Q118177949 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Cone X-ray Beam and Dose Scoring on Voxel Phantom with Open Source Software EGSnrcmp |
Q114947964 | More Is Not Necessarily Better: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective on Network Effects in Open Source Software Development Communities |
Q28601406 | MorphoTester: An Open Source Application for Morphological Topographic Analysis |
Q57823011 | Motif scraper: a cross-platform, open-source tool for identifying degenerate nucleotide motif matches in FASTA files |
Q115040434 | Motivating the contributions: An Open Innovation perspective on what to share as Open Source Software |
Q114953113 | Motivation, Governance & the Viability of Hybrid Forms in Open Source Software Development |
Q114967792 | Motivation, Governance, and the Viability of Hybrid Forms in Open Source Software Development |
Q36355011 | Motivation, values, and work design as drivers of participation in the R open source project for statistical computing |
Q114946987 | Motivations in Open Source Software Communities: The Mediating Role of Effort Intensity and Goal Commitment |
Q28751845 | Motmot, an open-source toolkit for realtime video acquisition and analysis |
Q27307137 | MouseMove: an open source program for semi-automated analysis of movement and cognitive testing in rodents |
Q36413799 | Mousetrap: An integrated, open-source mouse-tracking package |
Q115039988 | Multi-Imbalance: An open-source software for multi-class imbalance learning |
Q110511378 | Multi-Physics HPC Simulations for PEM Fuel Cell with the Open-Source Code TRUST |
Q42004546 | Multi-atlas segmentation with joint label fusion and corrective learning-an open source implementation |
Q115041822 | Multi-level framework of open source software adoption |
Q28315787 | Multi-material additive and subtractive prosumer digital fabrication with a free and open-source convertible delta RepRap 3-D printer |
Q99569572 | Multi-parameter Analytical Method for B1 and SNR Analysis (MAMBA): An open source RF coil design tool |
Q58212078 | MultiDIC: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-View 3D Digital Image Correlation |
Q58212073 | MultiDIC: an Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-View 3D Digital Image Correlation |
Q115149338 | Multilinguale Suche in Bibliothekskatalogen — ein semantischer Ansatz mit Open-Source-Software und Open Data |
Q114927882 | Multimodal Modeling, Analysis, and Validation of Open Source Software Development Processes |
Q33517321 | Multiscale electrophysiology format: an open-source electrophysiology format using data compression, encryption, and cyclic redundancy check. |
Q114948052 | Multistage Turbomachinery Design Using the Discrete Adjoint Method Within the Open-Source Software SU2 |
Q114995267 | Multi‐disciplinary Advancement in Open Source Software and Processes |
Q92285989 | MuscleViz: Free Open-Source Software for Muscle Weakness Visualization |
Q34568580 | Mushu, a free- and open source BCI signal acquisition, written in Python |
Q31092304 | Muxstep: an open-source C ++ multiplex HMM library for making inferences on multiple data types. |
Q33950571 | MyMolDB: A micromolecular database solution with open source and free components |
Q114952703 | Myths and Realities About Online Forums in Open Source Software Development: An Empirical Study |
Q30978492 | MzJava: An open source library for mass spectrometry data processing |
Q57302935 | Mímir: An open-source semantic search framework for interactive information seeking and discovery |
Q54260850 | NBIC Biofeeds: A Digital Tool for Open Source Biosurveillance across Federal Agencies |
Q64998342 | NBIC Biofeeds: Deploying a New, Digital Tool for Open Source Biosurveillance across Federal Agencies. |
Q35213526 | NEDE: an open-source scripting suite for developing experiments in 3D virtual environments |
Q42652025 | NEV2lkit: a new open source tool for handling neuronal event files from multi-electrode recordings. |
Q36610534 | NEuronMOrphological analysis tool: open-source software for quantitative morphometrics |
Q33512294 | NGSView: an extensible open source editor for next-generation sequencing data |
Q113770194 | NHS Number open source software: Implications for digital health regulation and development |
Q115045151 | NIC-CAGE: An open-source software package for predicting optimal control fields in photo-excited chemical systems |
Q39088501 | NICeSim: an open-source simulator based on machine learning techniques to support medical research on prenatal and perinatal care decision making |
Q27156560 | NMRShiftDB - Constructing a Free Chemical Information System with Open-Source Components |
Q91666793 | NQontrol: An open-source platform for digital control-loops in quantum-optical experiments |
Q110512338 | NRPyCritCol & SFcollapse1D: an open-source, user-friendly toolkit to study critical phenomena |
Q100299792 | NUTMEG: Open Source Software for M/EEG Source Reconstruction |
Q56485185 | NWChem: A comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for large scale molecular simulations |
Q102064507 | NanoJ: a high-performance open-source super-resolution microscopy toolbox |
Q57288354 | Nanocall: An Open Source Basecaller for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Data |
Q31129191 | Nanocall: an open source basecaller for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. |
Q57753399 | Natives of a connected world: free and open source software in archaeology |
Q28727975 | Natural product-likeness score revisited: an open-source, open-data implementation |
Q115149805 | Near-miss function clones in open source software: an empirical study |
Q34942115 | Near-unity nuclear polarization with an open-source 129Xe hyperpolarizer for NMR and MRI. |
Q83938132 | Need for open-source electronic health records |
Q114968725 | Needle Navigation and Catheter Reconstruction for Breast Brachytherapy Using Open Source Software |
Q114958606 | Negative Scarcity And The Praxeology Of Open Source Software |
Q115043048 | Negotiating open source software adoption in the UK public sector |
Q114922610 | Negri, Hardt, Distributed Governance and Open Source Software |
Q57933535 | Nektar++: An open-source spectral/hpelement framework |
Q112129645 | Network Analysis of Open-Source Software Python Packages on GitHub |
Q114945027 | Network Perimeter Defenses Using Open-Source Software |
Q119449130 | Network analysis on the coordination between developers and source code in an open source software community |
Q42698064 | Network of anatomical texts (NAnaTex), an open-source project for visualizing the interaction between anatomical terms. |
Q51171100 | Network science. Open-source ecology takes root across the world |
Q115040647 | Network ties and the success of open source software development |
Q114978513 | Network-Based Ranking for Open Source Software Developer Prediction |
Q110512453 | Networking beyond the software code? an explorative examination of the development of an open source car project |
Q114967291 | Networks of innovation: tracing the structures of flows among not-for-profit open source software foundations, philanthropies and intermediaries, 2004–06 |
Q114954555 | Networks, Social Influence and the Choice Among Competing Innovations: Insights from Open Source Software Licenses |
Q114967817 | Networks, Social Influence, and the Choice Among Competing Innovations: Insights from Open Source Software Licenses |
Q35660933 | Neural ensemble communities: open-source approaches to hardware for large-scale electrophysiology. |
Q30429832 | NeuriteQuant: an open source toolkit for high content screens of neuronal morphogenesis |
Q101358987 | NeuroDAC: An open-source arbitrary biosignal waveform generator |
Q34535954 | NeuroDNet - an open source platform for constructing and analyzing neurodegenerative disease networks |
Q33827413 | NeuroMap: A Spline-Based Interactive Open-Source Software for Spatiotemporal Mapping of 2D and 3D MEA Data |
Q55004714 | NeuroMatic: An Integrated Open-Source Software Toolkit for Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation of Electrophysiological Data. |
Q30912154 | NeuroPG: open source software for optical pattern generation and data acquisition |
Q96302316 | NeuroPycon: An open-source python toolbox for fast multi-modal and reproducible brain connectivity pipelines |
Q115044816 | NeuroSpeech: An open-source software for Parkinson's speech analysis |
Q45719456 | NeuroVR 1.5 in Practice: Actual Clinical Applications of the Open Source VR System. |
Q33279615 | NeuroVR: an open source virtual reality platform for clinical psychology and behavioral neurosciences |
Q27332077 | Neurokernel: An Open Source Platform for Emulating the Fruit Fly Brain |
Q41697485 | Neuron J is a rapid and reliable open source tool for evaluating corneal nerve density in herpes simplex keratitis |
Q38605317 | NeuronRead, an open source semi-automated tool for morphometric analysis of phase contrast and fluorescence neuronal images. |
Q35995132 | Neurophysiological analytics for all! Free open-source software tools for documenting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing using electronic notebooks |
Q58705481 | Neuroscience Information Toolbox: An Open Source Toolbox for EEG-fMRI Multimodal Fusion Analysis |
Q50525386 | New Approach to 3D Printing of Facial Prostheses Using Combination of Open Source Software and Conventional Techniques: A Case Report |
Q87757577 | New Capabilities of EvoBot: A Modular, Open-Source Liquid-Handling Robot |
Q114937680 | New Developer Metrics for Open Source Software Development Challenges: An Empirical Study of Project Recommendation Systems |
Q63929681 | New Expert Eyes Over Fukushima: Open Source Responses to the 3/11 Disaster in Japan |
Q114962010 | New Maturity Evaluation Model for Open Source Software Selection |
Q114932881 | New Omnidirectional Sensor Based on Open-Source Software and Hardware for Tracking and Backtracking of Dual-Axis Solar Trackers in Photovoltaic Plants |
Q115150467 | New Open Source Software for High Resolution Microscopy |
Q91957218 | New Open-Source Safety and Quality Discussion Guide for Affiliating Oncology Practices |
Q114365843 | New Open-Source Software for Subcellular Segmentation and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Fluorescence Signals Using Deep Learning |
Q114954102 | New Political Struggles in the Network Society: The Case of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Movement |
Q58023960 | New low-cost solar tracking system based on open source hardware for educational purposes |
Q92167182 | New open source 3-dimensional printed smartphone fundus imaging adaptor |
Q59830030 | New open-source approaches to the modeling of stellar collapse and the formation of black holes |
Q42173824 | New open-source ictal SPECT analysis method implemented in BioImage Suite |
Q114388145 | New open-source software for gamma-ray spectra analysis |
Q114386510 | New open-source software for subcellular segmentation and analysis of spatiotemporal fluorescence signals using deep learning |
Q114994242 | New site for free and open source software |
Q27902272 | New target prediction and visualization tools incorporating open source molecular fingerprints for TB Mobile 2.0 |
Q83808751 | Newcomer integration and learning in technical support communities for open source software |
Q58051507 | Newcomers Withdrawal in Open Source Software Projects: Analysis of Hadoop Common Project |
Q36310735 | NicoLase-An open-source diode laser combiner, fiber launch, and sequencing controller for fluorescence microscopy |
Q93071093 | NimbleMiner: An Open-Source Nursing-Sensitive Natural Language Processing System Based on Word Embedding |
Q34605893 | Nmrglue: an open source Python package for the analysis of multidimensional NMR data |
Q28740361 | No budget, no worries: Free and open source publishing software in biomedical publishing |
Q114109449 | No evidence that mandatory open data policies increase error correction |
Q97552851 | Non-Classical Phenyl Bioisosteres as Effective Replacements in a Series of Novel Open Source Antimalarials |
Q57830435 | Non-response, Social Exclusion, and False Acceptance: Gatekeeping Tactics and Usability Work in Free-Libre Open Source Software Development |
Q92809101 | Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Model Development and Simulation Using nlmixr and Related R Open-Source Packages |
Q87422388 | Nonprofit foundations for open-source biomedical technology development |
Q57457049 | Normative data for static balance testing in healthy individuals using open source computerized posturography |
Q36237120 | Note: Tormenta: An open source Python-powered control software for camera based optical microscopy |
Q114954567 | Nothing Really Matters? Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Software Patents On The Motivation of Free/Open Source Software Developers |
Q114978444 | Novel Multi-Perspective Usability Evaluation Framework for Selection of Open Source Software Based on BWM and Group VIKOR Techniques |
Q114980542 | Novel multidimensional medical imaging using open source software |
Q34939566 | Novel open-source electronic medical records system for palliative care in low-resource settings |
Q92700897 | Numerical Analysis of Electromechanically Driven Bone Remodeling Using the Open-source Software Framework |
Q114961037 | Numerical Modeling of Melt Meniscus Shape in the Induction Crucible Furnace by Using Open-Source Software |
Q113696002 | Numerical Simulations of the Flow Dynamics in a Tube with Inclined Fins Using Open-Source Software |
Q114927258 | Numerical simulation of turbidity current by open source software “turb2d” |
Q115145097 | Numerical study of unsteady cavitation on 2D NACA0015 hydrofoil using free/open source software |
Q31068555 | O3-DPACS Open-Source Image-Data Manager/Archiver and HDW2 Image-Data Display: an IHE-compliant project pushing the e-health integration in the world |
Q38794981 | OBAT: An open-source and low-cost operant box for auditory discriminative tasks |
Q56336841 | ODMA: a novel swarm-evolutionary metaheuristic optimizer inspired by open source development model and communities |
Q110512673 | OFF, Open source Finite volume Fluid dynamics code: A free, high-order solver based on parallel, modular, object-oriented Fortran API |
Q34877610 | OGAMA (Open Gaze and Mouse Analyzer): open-source software designed to analyze eye and mouse movements in slideshow study designs |
Q119859744 | OLEAtool: An open-source software for morphopalynological research in Olea europaea L. pollen |
Q38430094 | OLS Client and OLS Dialog: Open source tools to annotate public omics datasets. |
Q28748856 | OLS dialog: an open-source front end to the ontology lookup service |
Q57412206 | OME Files - An open source reference library for the OME-XML metadata model and the OME-TIFF file format |
Q30484060 | OMPC: an Open-Source MATLAB-to-Python Compiler |
Q33488264 | OMSSA Parser: an open-source library to parse and extract data from OMSSA MS/MS search results |
Q33344830 | OMSSAGUI: An open-source user interface component to configure and run the OMSSA search engine |
Q110512432 | ONIX: An open-source depletion code |
Q60513920 | OPAL: An open-source software tool for integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services into impact assessment and mitigation decisions |
Q39841206 | OPENCORE NMR: open-source core modules for implementing an integrated FPGA-based NMR spectrometer |
Q96169845 | OPETH: Open Source Solution for Real-Time Peri-Event Time Histogram Based on Open Ephys |
Q40995432 | OPTiM: Optical projection tomography integrated microscope using open-source hardware and software |
Q93180621 | OPUS-Fold: An Open-Source Protein Folding Framework Based on Torsion-Angle Sampling |
Q25567698 | OSCAL |
Q110565707 | OSCRUM: A Modified Scrum for Open Source Software Development |
Q100525992 | OSERR: an open-source standalone electrophysiology recording system for rodents |
Q114843172 | OSL 3.0: A Better License for Open Source Software |
Q58122359 | OSPREY 3.0: Open-source protein redesign for you, with powerful new features |
Q115147371 | OSS opportunities in open source software — CRM and OSS standards |
Q58541906 | OSS watch: Open source software advisory service |
Q97093188 | OSS-DBS: Open-source simulation platform for deep brain stimulation with a comprehensive automated modeling |
Q107399444 | OSS4EVA: Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements |
Q56814725 | OSSE Goes FAIR - Implementation of the FAIR Data Principles for an Open-Source Registry for Rare Diseases |
Q59394962 | OSSE – open source registry software solution |
Q59407291 | OSSMETER: a software measurement platform for automatically analysing open source software projects |
Q57434787 | OSeMOSYS: The Open Source Energy Modeling System |
Q48498231 | OVAS: an open-source variant analysis suite with inheritance modelling. |
Q33536522 | OVNIp: an open source application facilitating the interpretation, the validation and the edition of proteomics data generated by MS analyses and de novo sequencing |
Q42362596 | OXSA: An open-source magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis toolbox in MATLAB. |
Q92871030 | Obimon: An open-source device enabling group measurement of electrodermal activity |
Q114945567 | Object Based Land Cover Extraction Using Open Source Software |
Q120556699 | Object Oriented Metrics Based Empirical Model for Predicting “Code Smells” in Open Source Software |
Q114978206 | Observations on patterns of development in open source software projects |
Q58037000 | Ocropodium: open source OCR for small-scale historical archives |
Q42174349 | Oculomatic: High speed, reliable, and accurate open-source eye tracking for humans and non-human primates |
Q113307431 | Off-resonance CorrecTion OPen soUrce Software (OCTOPUS) |
Q57180222 | Office Chromatography: Miniaturized All-in-One Open-Source System for Planar Chromatography |
Q33508083 | Oligomerized pool engineering (OPEN): an 'open-source' protocol for making customized zinc-finger arrays |
Q114372818 | On Company Contributions to Community Open Source Software Projects |
Q111936139 | On Engagement With ICT Standards and Their Implementations in Open Source Software Projects |
Q59272429 | On accurate simulations of LTE femtocells using an open source simulator |
Q115042616 | On platforms, incomplete contracts, and open source software |
Q59403904 | On supporting e-learning in the field of resilience management with an open source authoring tool |
Q114927929 | On the Geographic Allocation of Open Source Software Activities |
Q114954464 | On the Geographic Allocation of Open Source Software Activities |
Q58051527 | On the Interplay between Structural and Logical Dependencies in Open-Source Software |
Q110510418 | On the Nature of Merge Conflicts: A Study of 2,731 Open Source Java Projects Hosted by GitHub |
Q58043457 | On the Need of Integrating Social Media Channels and Open Source Software Repositories |
Q114946892 | On the Prospects and Concerns of Integrating Open Source Software Environment in Software Engineering Education |
Q114928449 | On the State of Free and Open Source E-Learning 2.0 Software |
Q115146909 | On the fulfillment of coordination requirements in open-source software projects: An exploratory study |
Q40620130 | On the middle ground between open source and commercial software - the case of the Newbler program |
Q108126722 | On the open-source landscape of PLOS Computational Biology |
Q114958943 | On the possibility of using accessible and open source software providing for laboratory work at the rate "Investment business design " |
Q56211687 | On the security of open source software |
Q115042165 | On the usefulness of ownership metrics in open-source software projects |
Q39272041 | On-lattice agent-based simulation of populations of cells within the open-source Chaste framework |
Q119849053 | On-site data collection of environmental attributes and subject data using OpenDataKit/Formhub open-source software for Android mobile devices |
Q56619912 | Onboarding in Open Source Software Projects: A Preliminary Analysis |
Q114976695 | Online Community-based Design of Free and Open Source Software for Transgender Voice Training |
Q90288516 | Online division of labour: emergent structures in Open Source Software |
Q114995296 | Online innovation: the case of open source software development |
Q52322171 | Online molecular image repository and analysis system: A multicenter collaborative open-source infrastructure for molecular imaging research and application |
Q114929831 | Online-Fahrplanauskunft „Fapla“ des AVV als Open Source Software |
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Q100629657 | OpBox: Open source tools for simultaneous EEG and EMG acquisition from multiple subjects |
Q101053897 | OpSeF: Open Source Python Framework for Collaborative Instance Segmentation of Bioimages |
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Q38925319 | Open Ephys electroencephalography (Open Ephys + EEG): a modular, low-cost, open-source solution to human neural recording |
Q38974600 | Open Ephys: an open-source, plugin-based platform for multichannel electrophysiology |
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Q93177644 | Open Health Imaging Foundation Viewer: An Extensible Open-Source Framework for Building Web-Based Imaging Applications to Support Cancer Research |
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Q40917756 | Open Source Bayesian Models. 2. Mining a "Big Dataset" To Create and Validate Models with ChEMBL. |
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Q98840094 | Open Source Brain: a collaborative resource for visualizing, analyzing, simulating and developing standardized models of neurons and circuits |
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Q57717763 | Open Source Database and Website to Provide Free and Open Access to Inactive U.S. Patents in the Public Domain |
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Q38965347 | Open Source High Content Analysis Utilizing Automated Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. |
Q67229983 | Open Source Implementation of Different Variants of Jiles-Atherton Model of Magnetic Hysteresis Loops |
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Q57717765 | Open Source Laser Polymer Welding System: Design and Characterization of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Multilayer Welds |
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Q110512094 | Open To Revisions: Some religious entrepreneurs have adopted an "open source" model, where rituals and doctrines can be rewritten as easily as computer code. |
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Q53105845 | Open door for open source? Leavitt promises developers he'll look at problems. |
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Q113441504 | Open innovation and within-industry diversification in small and medium enterprises: The case of open source software firms |
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Q62111920 | Open source Matrix Product States: Opening ways to simulate entangled many-body quantum systems in one dimension |
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Q38493136 | Open source clinical portals: a model for healthcare information systems to support care processes and feed clinical research. An Italian case of design, development, reuse, and exploitation. |
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Q62111912 | Open source matrix product states: exact diagonalization and other entanglement-accurate methods revisited in quantum systems |
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Q39424273 | Open source platform for collaborative construction of wearable sensor datasets for human motion analysis and an application for gait analysis. |
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Q38659151 | Open source software for automatic detection of cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy using convolutional neural networks. |
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Q115037081 | Open source software in teaching mathematics |
Q114919991 | Open source software in translator training |
Q38449633 | Open source software infrastructure for computational biology and visualization |
Q115044797 | Open source software licenses: Strong-copyleft, non-copyleft, or somewhere in between? |
Q114978214 | Open source software maintenance process framework |
Q114965452 | Open source software movement in the French central and local government: a retrospective and prospective exploratory study |
Q114977323 | Open source software no longer optional |
Q56743123 | Open source software projects as virtual organisations: competency rallying for software development |
Q24676773 | Open source software projects of the caBIG In Vivo Imaging Workspace Software special interest group |
Q114978205 | Open source software reliability model |
Q114389702 | Open source software reliability model with nonlinear fault detection and fault introduction |
Q92816349 | Open source software security vulnerability detection based on dynamic behavior features |
Q115044796 | Open source software success: Measures and analysis |
Q35131425 | Open source software to control Bioflo bioreactors |
Q94550387 | Open source software tool for the automated detection and characterization of epithelial cells from trace biological samples |
Q112287887 | Open source software toolchain for automated non-targeted screening for toxins in alternative foods |
Q114947537 | Open source software tools for computer aided drug design |
Q115038310 | Open source software usage on municipalities; a case study: Çankaya municipality |
Q114997310 | Open source software use in libraries |
Q114992183 | Open source software using New GEN LIB: a case study of international management institutue Bhubaneswar |
Q114923848 | Open source software, Benefits in the Economy of Bangladesh |
Q115148427 | Open source software-defined radio tools for education, research, and rapid prototyping |
Q115099556 | Open source software: A community of altruists |
Q113444977 | Open source software: Motivation and restrictive licensing |
Q115099188 | Open source software: The effects of training on acceptance |
Q113444382 | Open source software: analysis of available reliability models keeping security in the forefront |
Q114259486 | Open source software: determining the real risk posed by vulnerabilities |
Q114963668 | Open source software: emerging business models |
Q56686881 | Open source software––an evaluation |
Q56952276 | Open source standards on software process: a practical application |
Q45354063 | Open source synthetic biology: problems and solutions |
Q30978337 | Open source system for analyzing, validating, and storing protein identification data |
Q51810875 | Open source technologies for dyslexic pupils. |
Q41847454 | Open source tool for prediction of genome wide protein-protein interaction network based on ortholog information |
Q58395075 | Open source toolbox and web application for soil moisture validation |
Q57990950 | Open source tools and standardized data in cancer systems biology |
Q30821707 | Open source tools and toolkits for bioinformatics: significance, and where are we? |
Q22998480 | Open source tools for large-scale neuroscience |
Q30588327 | Open source tools for management and archiving of digital microscopy data to allow integration with patient pathology and treatment information |
Q33668806 | Open source tools for the information theoretic analysis of neural data |
Q38440993 | Open source tools in support of a multi-center prospective biomarker study in prostate cancer. |
Q57882817 | Open source tools to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning |
Q57882821 | Open source tools to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning |
Q57882825 | Open source tools to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning |
Q27327922 | Open source tracking and analysis of adult Drosophila locomotion in Buridan's paradigm with and without visual targets |
Q59385004 | Open source unified communications |
Q57740057 | Open source web application security: A static analysis approach |
Q84586849 | Open source will help drive EHR costs down. The use of open source in healthcare will break down many barriers, from high cost and lack of interoperability, to inaccessibility and complexity |
Q62747311 | Open source workflow systems in life sciences informatics |
Q110512327 | Open source, code and architecture: It is the Memes stupid |
Q95836979 | Open source, low-cost device for thermometric titration with non-contact temperature measurement |
Q80381383 | Open source: will you follow the cathedral or the bazaar model? |
Q91781456 | Open(G)PIAS: An Open-Source Solution for the Construction of a High-Precision Acoustic Startle Response Setup for Tinnitus Screening and Threshold Estimation in Rodents |
Q46611313 | Open-Source 3-D Platform for Low-Cost Scientific Instrument Ecosystem |
Q100728303 | Open-Source 3D Printable GPS Tracker to Characterize the Role of Human Population Movement on Malaria Epidemiology in River Networks: A Proof-of-Concept Study in the Peruvian Amazon |
Q86503007 | Open-Source Approach May Speed Drug Discovery |
Q42690217 | Open-Source Assisted Laboratory Automation through Graphical User Interfaces and 3D Printers: Application to Equipment Hyphenation for Higher-Order Data Generation. |
Q40492103 | Open-Source Automated Mapping Four-Point Probe |
Q41530333 | Open-Source Automated Parahydrogen Hyperpolarizer for Molecular Imaging Using (13)C Metabolic Contrast Agents. |
Q60700782 | Open-Source Change Logs |
Q110512110 | Open-Source Code-Based Tidal Modeling of Tropical and Temperate Waters |
Q56030763 | Open-Source Conceptual Sizing Models for the Hyperloop Passenger Pod |
Q89634433 | Open-Source Data Collection and Data Sets for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes |
Q30981650 | Open-Source Data and the Study of Homicide |
Q59277606 | Open-Source Demo System to Support Automated Identification and Tracking Workshops |
Q47309395 | Open-Source Device Tracks Mechanical Properties of Living Plant Cells in 3D. |
Q59765988 | Open-Source Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Chemistry Modeling for Hypersonic Flows |
Q47131908 | Open-Source Electronic Health Record Systems for Low-Resource Settings: Systematic Review. |
Q58517465 | Open-Source Electronic Resource Management System: A Collaborative Implementation |
Q61633123 | Open-Source Electronics As a Technological Aid in Chemical Education |
Q104687526 | Open-Source Federated Learning Frameworks for IoT: A Comparative Review and Analysis |
Q22272632 | Open-Source Genomic Analysis of Shiga-Toxin–Producing E. coli O104:H4 |
Q63929713 | Open-Source Hardware Is a Low-Cost Alternative for Scientific Instrumentation and Research |
Q63929712 | Open-Source Hardware in Education: A Systematic Mapping Study |
Q48586310 | Open-Source Health Care Software |
Q91260019 | Open-Source High-Throughput Phenomics of Bacterial Promoter-Reporter Strains |
Q89865551 | Open-Source Joystick Manipulandum for Decision-Making, Reaching, and Motor Control Studies in Mice |
Q38103290 | Open-Source LCA Tool for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Crude Oil Production Using Field Characteristics |
Q110512395 | Open-Source MATLAB Code for Hotspot Identification and Feeder Generation |
Q45773392 | Open-Source Medical Information Manager |
Q61444514 | Open-Source Multiparametric Optocardiography |
Q21090541 | Open-Source Photometric System for Enzymatic Nitrate Quantification |
Q56987054 | Open-Source Platform for Prostate Motion Tracking During in-Bore Targeted MRI-Guided Biopsy |
Q104797419 | Open-Source Portable Device for the Determination of Fluoride in Drinking Water |
Q52586914 | Open-Source Potentiostat for Wireless Electrochemical Detection with Smartphones. |
Q40235485 | Open-Source Radiation Exposure Extraction Engine (RE3) with Patient-Specific Outlier Detection |
Q91560074 | Open-Source Remote Gait Analysis: A Post-Surgery Patient Monitoring Application |
Q92374569 | Open-Source Routines for Building Personalized Left Ventricular Models from Cardiac MRI Data |
Q28749046 | Open-Source Science Makes Headway |
Q27327210 | Open-Source Selective Laser Sintering (OpenSLS) of Nylon and Biocompatible Polycaprolactone |
Q36185149 | Open-Source Sequence Clustering Methods Improve the State Of the Art. |
Q114373610 | Open-Source Software Adoption Among University Students in Emerging Countries |
Q97886507 | Open-Source Software Analysis Tool to Investigate Space Plasma Turbulence and Nonlinear DYNamics (ODYN) |
Q114936732 | Open-Source Software Application for Hydrogeological Delineation of Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones in the Singida Semi-Arid, Fractured Aquifer, Central Tanzania |
Q113436888 | Open-Source Software Development and Distributed Innovation |
Q115011300 | Open-Source Software For Scoring Complex Image-Based Assays |
Q113856885 | Open-Source Software Framework Integrates Data Analysis |
Q111897697 | Open-Source Software Implementation and Validation of the Split-Window Method for Automated Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 Data |
Q90359458 | Open-Source Software Tools, Databases, and Resources for Single-Cell and Single-Cell-Type Metabolomics |
Q114976934 | Open-Source Software and Hardware Platforms for Building Backscatter Systems |
Q115011059 | Open-Source Software for Controlling Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopes |
Q114937158 | Open-Source Software for Electromagnetic Scattering Simulation: The Case of Antenna Design |
Q58646341 | Open-Source Software in Computational Research: A Case Study |
Q119742020 | Open-Source Software in Medical Imaging: Case-Based Study with Interdisciplinary Innovative Product Design |
Q114373493 | Open-Source Software in the Classroom: Empowering Students to Self-Select Projects to Contribute |
Q114971636 | Open-Source Software in the Sciences: The Challenge of User Support |
Q58432645 | Open-Source Technologies for Maximizing the Creation, Deployment, and Use of Digital Resources and Information |
Q36723155 | Open-Source Telemedicine Platform for Wireless Medical Video Communication |
Q58580033 | Open-Source Tools for Dense Facial Tissue Depth Mapping of Computed Tomography Models |
Q91906415 | Open-Source Tools for Processing and Analysis of In Vitro Extracellular Neuronal Signals |
Q40344007 | Open-Source Wax RepRap 3-D Printer for Rapid Prototyping Paper-Based Microfluidics |
Q89995083 | Open-Source Whole Slide Image Preparation and Viewing Pipeline |
Q35777133 | Open-Source web-based Geographical Information System for health exposure assessment |
Q38755371 | Open-Source, Low Cost, Free-Behavior Monitoring, and Reward System for Neuroscience Research in Non-human Primates |
Q35811701 | Open-Source, Platform-Independent Library and Online Scripting Environment for Accessing Thermo Scientific RAW Files |
Q90240679 | Open-Source, Python-Based Redevelopment of the ChemShell Multiscale QM/MM Environment |
Q40351220 | Open-Source, Web-Based Dashboard Components for DICOM Connectivity |
Q48226860 | Open-Source-Based 3D Printing of Thin Silica Gel Layers in Planar Chromatography |
Q115144484 | Open-Source-Software für Controlling-Anwendungen |
Q114916097 | Open-Source-Software in Webapps - Zu den Folgen der Verwendung von GPL-lizenzierten Javascript-Programmen in Webapps |
Q114916105 | Open-Source-Software und Sanktionslisten-Screening |
Q114915950 | Open-Source-Software und Vergaberecht |
Q114945042 | Open-Source-Software zur Realisierung von Institutionellen Repositorien - Überblick |
Q100448497 | Open-source 128-channel bioamplifier module for ambulatory monitoring of gastrointestinal electrical activity |
Q57177255 | Open-source 3D printed sensors for hand strength assessment: Validation of low-cost load cell and fabric sensor-based systems |
Q21133602 | Open-source 3D-printable optics equipment |
Q87718715 | Open-source ImmGen: mononuclear phagocytes |
Q38902542 | Open-source LIMS in Vietnam: The path toward sustainability and host country ownership. |
Q110512617 | Open-source MATLAB code for GPS vector tracking on a software-defined receiver |
Q109609365 | Open-source QCD analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions at NLO and NNLO |
Q94060053 | Open-source QSAR models for pKa prediction using multiple machine learning approaches |
Q38817382 | Open-source Single-particle Analysis for Super-resolution Microscopy with VirusMapper |
Q38731602 | Open-source Software for Demand Forecasting of Clinical Laboratory Test Volumes Using Time-series Analysis |
Q111899881 | Open-source Software for Determining the Dynamic Areas of Interest for Eye Tracking Data Analysis |
Q118143547 | Open-source Software for Developing Appropriate Smart Manufacturing Technology for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) |
Q90971872 | Open-source add-on kit for automation of zone elution in planar chromatography |
Q37633549 | Open-source algorithm for automatic choroid segmentation of OCT volume reconstructions |
Q109934373 | Open-source algorithm for detecting sea ice surface features in high-resolution optical imagery |
Q88975309 | Open-source analytics tools for studying the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak |
Q60094992 | Open-source answer to bibliography problem |
Q28535314 | Open-source approaches for the repurposing of existing or failed candidate drugs: learning from and applying the lessons across diseases |
Q61815756 | Open-source automated chemical vapor deposition system for the production of two- dimensional nanomaterials |
Q59199823 | Open-source automated external defibrillator |
Q91570653 | Open-source automatic segmentation of ocular structures and biomarkers of microbial keratitis on slit-lamp photography images using deep learning |
Q80805751 | Open-source biology |
Q50053541 | Open-source chemogenomic data-driven algorithms for predicting drug-target interactions |
Q89838685 | Open-source code for self-consistent field theory calculations of block polymer phase behavior on graphics processing units |
Q30487344 | Open-source collaboration for Global Health: Science and Practice |
Q28681922 | Open-source colorimeter |
Q64100815 | Open-source data reveal how collections-based fungal diversity is sensitive to global change |
Q55883090 | Open-source development of solar photovoltaic technology |
Q57553142 | Open-source digital technologies for low-cost monitoring of historical constructions |
Q64356851 | Open-source discovery of chemical leads for next-generation chemoprotective antimalarials |
Q46489374 | Open-source do-it-yourself multi-color fluorescence smartphone microscopy |
Q28384594 | Open-source electronic data capture system offered increased accuracy and cost-effectiveness compared with paper methods in Africa |
Q57878129 | Open-source feature-tracking algorithm for sea ice drift retrieval from Sentinel-1 SAR imagery |
Q61447088 | Open-source food: Nutrition, toxicology, and availability of wild edible greens in the East Bay |
Q31092099 | Open-source guideseq software for analysis of GUIDE-seq data. |
Q30217272 | Open-source hardware and software and web application for gamma dose rate network operation |
Q93369815 | Open-source hardware designs for MRI of mice, rats, and marmosets: Integrated animal holders and radiofrequency coils |
Q28603394 | Open-source hardware for medical devices |
Q27324176 | Open-source image reconstruction of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data in ImageJ |
Q35671948 | Open-source image registration for MRI-TRUS fusion-guided prostate interventions |
Q68354131 | Open-source instructional materials in astronomy |
Q110512181 | Open-source interface to Bird's DSMC code for complex interaction |
Q57541113 | Open-source learning management systems: a predictive model for higher education |
Q37554927 | Open-source logic-based automated sleep scoring software using electrophysiological recordings in rats. |
Q57066659 | Open-source machine learning: R meets Weka |
Q50423279 | Open-source medical software on the net. |
Q55544945 | Open-source micro-tensile testers via additive manufacturing for the mechanical characterization of thin films and papers. |
Q36294696 | Open-source mobile digital platform for clinical trial data collection in low-resource settings |
Q30040196 | Open-source mobile water quality testing platform |
Q57894275 | Open-source modular solutions for flexural isostasy: gFlex v1.0 |
Q100952348 | Open-source open-access reaction time test (OORTT): an easy tool to assess reaction times |
Q59443156 | Open-source parametric 3-D printed slot die system for thin film semiconductor processing |
Q90030133 | Open-source pipeline for multi-class segmentation of the spinal cord with deep learning |
Q31147248 | Open-source platform for the analysis of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data |
Q28681290 | Open-source platform to benchmark fingerprints for ligand-based virtual screening |
Q42596516 | Open-source platforms for navigated image-guided interventions |
Q34286118 | Open-source point-of-care electronic medical records for use in resource-limited settings: systematic review and questionnaire surveys |
Q50482975 | Open-source products for a lighting experiment device |
Q55932962 | Open-source projects as incubators of innovation |
Q90719342 | Open-source python module for automated preprocessing of near infrared spectroscopic data |
Q96034363 | Open-source raspberry Pi-based operant box for translational behavioral testing in rodents |
Q52809893 | Open-source recombinant monoclonal secondary nanobodies |
Q36070819 | Open-source satellite enumeration to map households: planning and targeting indoor residual spraying for malaria |
Q36587474 | Open-source science |
Q29396065 | Open-source science takes on neglected disease |
Q57412330 | Open-source science to enable drug discovery |
Q57879343 | Open-source sea ice drift algorithm for Sentinel-1 SAR imagery using a combination of feature tracking and pattern matching |
Q59807606 | Open-source sensor for measuring oxygen partial pressures below 100 microbars |
Q33327059 | Open-source shared case library. |
Q24797005 | Open-source software accelerates bioinformatics |
Q24651207 | Open-source software and the primary care EMR |
Q111896856 | Open-source software compares Abel transforms for easy use |
Q118170053 | Open-source software for automated rodent behavioral analysis |
Q120338395 | Open-source software for geospatial analysis |
Q114962314 | Open-source software for modelling of free surface flows |
Q92736464 | Open-source software for mouse-tracking in Qualtrics to measure category competition |
Q120627804 | Open-source software for multi-GNSS inter-frequency clock bias estimation |
Q36701206 | Open-source software for radiologists: a primer |
Q118177945 | Open-source software for repositories |
Q115006043 | Open-source software for simulations and inversions of airborne electromagnetic data |
Q115009859 | Open-source software for structured illumination |
Q114971720 | Open-source software for the application of microphone array methods |
Q113752919 | Open-source software for two-dimensional Fourier processing of gridded magnetic data |
Q99247056 | Open-source software for ultrasound-based guidance in spinal fusion surgery |
Q114918274 | Open-source software in emerging technologies for economic growth |
Q115145072 | Open-source software in medical imaging: development of OsiriX |
Q118142452 | Open-source software library for real-time inertial measurement unit data-based inverse kinematics using OpenSim |
Q114388579 | Open-source software migration under sanctions conditions |
Q36781824 | Open-source software opportunities and challenges |
Q119831055 | Open-source software package for on-the-fly deskewing and live viewing of volumetric lightsheet microscopy data |
Q114389388 | Open-source software product line extraction processes: the ArgoUML-SPL and Phaser cases |
Q110125104 | Open-source software projects in music education: Stakeholders, structure and the development cycle |
Q111926221 | Open-source software sustainability models: initial white paper from the informatics technology for cancer research sustainability and industry partnership working group |
Q42660977 | Open-source software to conduct online rating studies |
Q114377584 | Open-source software tools for strategic noise mapping: a case study |
Q80211144 | Open-source software. What it means for the medical community |
Q115009070 | Open-source software: freedom from ethics? |
Q73640433 | Open-source software: just what the doctor ordered? |
Q36039842 | Open-source software: not quite endsville |
Q30487096 | Open-source solutions for SPIMage processing |
Q34752581 | Open-source surface mesh-based ultrasound-guided spinal intervention simulator |
Q21090593 | Open-source syringe pump library |
Q60221470 | Open-source system for millisecond-synchronized continuous video-EEG |
Q34700493 | Open-source three-dimensional printing of biodegradable polymer scaffolds for tissue engineering |
Q34686562 | Open-source toolkit for simple XML annotation |
Q110511351 | Open-source tools and benchmarks for code-clone detection |
Q31142725 | Open-source tools for data mining |
Q36771657 | Open-source tools for immersive environmental visualization |
Q53523305 | Open-source work even more vital to genome project than to software |
Q89475463 | Open-source, 3D-printed Peristaltic Pumps for Small Volume Point-of-Care Liquid Handling |
Q36462829 | Open-source, Rapid Reporting of Dementia Evaluations |
Q40476862 | Open-source, community-driven microfluidics with Metafluidics |
Q53403583 | Open-source, cost-effective system for low-light in vivo fiber photometry. |
Q53398573 | Open-source, high-throughput ultrasound treatment chamber |
Q53344180 | Open-source, low-cost, compliant, modular, underactuated fingers: towards affordable prostheses for partial hand amputations. |
Q39825429 | Open-source, low-cost, high-reliability solutions for digital imaging systems: example of a "dicom router". |
Q64915413 | Open-source, machine and deep learning-based automated algorithm for gestational age estimation through smartphone lens imaging. |
Q30374893 | Open-source, small-animal magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound system. |
Q40961951 | Open-source, vendor-independent, automated multi-beat tissue Doppler echocardiography analysis |
Q97550733 | Open-tES: An open-source stimulator for transcranial electrical stimulation designed for rodent research |
Q51544926 | Open3DALIGN: an open-source software aimed at unsupervised ligand alignment. |
Q51705465 | Open3DQSAR: a new open-source software aimed at high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields. |
Q33396753 | OpenADAM: an open source genome-wide association data management system for Affymetrix SNP arrays |
Q107398985 | OpenBook WordPress Plugin: Open Source Access to Bibliographic Data |
Q61813738 | OpenCASA: A new open-source and scalable tool for sperm quality analysis |
Q21090811 | OpenCFU, a New Free and Open-Source Software to Count Cell Colonies and Other Circular Objects |
Q115036783 | OpenCLC: An open-source software tool for similarity assessment of linear hydrographic features |
Q21284347 | OpenChrom: a cross-platform open source software for the mass spectrometric analysis of chromatographic data |
Q47219707 | OpenClinic GA Open Source Hospital Information System Enabled Universal Health Coverage Monitoring and Evaluation in Burundian Hospitals |
Q30845743 | OpenCyto: an open source infrastructure for scalable, robust, reproducible, and automated, end-to-end flow cytometry data analysis |
Q21284192 | OpenDMAP: an open source, ontology-driven concept analysis engine, with applications to capturing knowledge regarding protein transport, protein interactions and cell-type-specific gene expression |
Q94494908 | OpenDRS: An Open-source 24-hour Recall for Mobile Devices (P13-004-19) |
Q113307424 | OpenDrop: Open-source software for pendant drop tensiometry contact angle measurements |
Q114953990 | OpenEDGAR: Open Source Software for SEC EDGAR Analysis |
Q38477247 | OpenFilters: open-source software for the design, optimization, and synthesis of optical filters. |
Q33479413 | OpenFluo: a free open-source software for optophysiological data analyses |
Q42661291 | OpenFovea: open-source AFM data processing software |
Q28239170 | OpenGALEN: open source medical terminology and tools |
Q40256470 | OpenHELP (Heidelberg laparoscopy phantom): development of an open-source surgical evaluation and training tool. |
Q58124210 | OpenHeart Project-An Open-Source Research Community in the Field of Mechanical Circulatory Support |
Q110512354 | OpenIEC: an open-source code for interfacial energy calculation in alloys |
Q110512661 | OpenLB—Open source lattice Boltzmann code |
Q42602798 | OpenMDC: an open-source framework for medical device communication |
Q59745739 | OpenMEE : Intuitive, open-source software for meta-analysis in ecology and evolutionary biology |
Q21284208 | OpenMS - an open-source software framework for mass spectrometry |
Q57011809 | OpenMS and TOPP: Open Source Software for LC-MS Data Analysis |
Q33518707 | OpenMS and TOPP: open source software for LC-MS data analysis |
Q35556132 | OpenMS-Simulator: an open-source software for theoretical tandem mass spectrum prediction |
Q28278187 | OpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for mass spectrometry data analysis |
Q41249157 | OpenMebius: an open source software for isotopically nonstationary 13C-based metabolic flux analysis. |
Q61884491 | OpenMote: Open-Source Prototyping Platform for the Industrial IoT |
Q28710290 | OpenMx: An Open Source Extended Structural Equation Modeling Framework |
Q110511747 | OpenNAS: Open Source Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor HDL code generator for FPGA implementations |
Q36413682 | OpenNFT: An open-source Python/Matlab framework for real-time fMRI neurofeedback training based on activity, connectivity and multivariate pattern analysis. |
Q59828904 | OpenNMT: Open-Source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation |
Q58830704 | OpenOrd: an open-source toolbox for large graph layout |
Q115036766 | OpenPIV-MATLAB — An open-source software for particle image velocimetry; test case: Birds’ aerodynamics |
Q100693379 | OpenPepXL: An open-source tool for sensitive identification of cross-linked peptides in XL-MS |
Q109517920 | OpenPrompt: An Open-source Framework for Prompt-learning |
Q45852247 | OpenRefine (version 2.5). http://openrefine.org. Free, open-source tool for cleaning and transforming data |
Q92568662 | OpenSFDI: an open-source guide for constructing a spatial frequency domain imaging system |
Q114985591 | OpenSQUID: A Flexible Open-Source Software Framework for the Control of SQUID Electronics |
Q109010872 | OpenSR: An Open-Source Stimulus-Response Testing Framework |
Q59606480 | OpenSWPC: an open-source integrated parallel simulation code for modeling seismic wave propagation in 3D heterogeneous viscoelastic media |
Q57069164 | OpenSeismoMatlab: A new open-source software for strong ground motion data processing |
Q34074382 | OpenSesame: an open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences. |
Q33306019 | OpenSim: open-source software to create and analyze dynamic simulations of movement |
Q45844524 | OpenSpinMicroscopy: an open-source integrated microscopy platform. |
Q98784589 | OpenVape: an Open-Source E-Cigarette Vapour Exposure Device for Rodents |
Q89987300 | OpenVax: An Open-Source Computational Pipeline for Cancer Neoantigen Prediction |
Q114972467 | OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test, and Use Brain–Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual Environments |
Q59233593 | OpenVolcano: An Open-Source Software Platform for Fog Computing |
Q114967789 | Opening Up Intellectual Property Strategy: Implications for Open Source Software Entry by Start-up Firms |
Q59701785 | Opening the black box: an open-source release of Maxent |
Q56017219 | Opening up to open source: looking at how Moodle was adopted in higher education |
Q30667332 | Openwalnut: An Open-Source Tool for Visualization of Medical and Bio-Signal Data |
Q114980320 | Open‐source software for modeling sound propagation in the ocean. |
Q114980288 | Open‐source software for speech perception research |
Q114364689 | Operating System Development Based on Open Source Software in Online Learning Systems |
Q113752029 | Opportunities and Challenges Applying Functional Data Analysis to the Study of Open Source Software Evolution |
Q28280084 | OptFlux: an open-source software platform for in silico metabolic engineering |
Q91012335 | OptiJ: Open-source optical projection tomography of large organ samples |
Q29994684 | OptiMouse: a comprehensive open source program for reliable detection and analysis of mouse body and nose positions. |
Q33926888 | Optical structure recognition software to recover chemical information: OSRA, an open source solution |
Q114951240 | Optimal image segmentation protocol for 3D printing of aortic dissection through open-source software |
Q114971013 | Optimal planning for open source software updates |
Q115006756 | Optimisation analysis for reliability assessment based on stochastic differential equation modelling for open source software |
Q102130313 | Optimization of Prosthodontic Computer-Aided Designed Models: A Virtual Evaluation of Mesh Quality Reduction Using Open Source Software |
Q110512437 | Optimization of an industrial heat exchanger using an open-source CFD code |
Q114928380 | Optimized Test Case Generation for Object Oriented Systems Using Weka Open Source Software |
Q40795585 | Optimizing parameters of an open-source airway segmentation algorithm using different CT images. |
Q33236305 | Optimizing the use of open-source software applications in drug discovery |
Q58099254 | Optofluidic Modular Blocks for On-Demand and Open-Source Prototyping of Microfluidic Systems |
Q27998666 | OrChem - An open source chemistry search engine for Oracle(R) |
Q47141154 | OrChem: an open source chemistry search engine for Oracle. |
Q89547369 | Orbit Image Analysis: An open-source whole slide image analysis tool |
Q114371918 | Orcasound: Open source software for catalyzing conservation of endangered Southern Resident killer whales in real-time |
Q59603323 | Orfeo ToolBox: open source processing of remote sensing images |
Q114962093 | Organization of Free and Open Source Software Projects: In-between the Community and Traditional Governance |
Q118143386 | Organizational Influencers in Open-Source Software Projects |
Q111713445 | Organizational Learning in Health Care: Situating Free and Open Source Software |
Q111719345 | Organizational Learning in Health Care: Situating Free and Open Source Software |
Q114970445 | Organizational Participation in Open Source Software: Existing Literature and new Perspective |
Q58219906 | Organizational adoption of open source software |
Q114977835 | Organizational adoption of open source software |
Q113805658 | Organizational learning in open-source software projects: an analysis of debugging data |
Q83805404 | Organizing for openness: six models for developer involvement in hybrid OSS projects |
Q57006515 | Oscad: An open source EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design |
Q114954766 | Osimin - A meteorological data platform for processing SIMIN data built on open source software |
Q31126270 | OsiriX: an open-source software for navigating in multidimensional DICOM images |
Q62555586 | Osmar, the open-source microsyringe autosampler |
Q96829588 | Osprey: Open-Source Processing, Reconstruction & Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data |
Q107929562 | Osprey: Open-Source Processing, Reconstruction & Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data |
Q101146167 | Otolaryngology in the time of COVID: An overview of common open-source telemedicine platforms |
Q115147095 | Overcoming Social Barriers When Contributing to Open Source Software Projects |
Q42647745 | Overcoming health inequity: potential benefits of a patient-centered open-source public health infostructure |
Q58051404 | Overcoming open source project entry barriers with a portal for newcomers |
Q110500259 | Overview on Open Source Machine Learning Platforms-TensorFlow |
Q34420940 | OxMaR: open source free software for online minimization and randomization for clinical trials |
Q114370884 | P-sort: an open-source software for cerebellar neurophysiology |
Q111935126 | P60 Open Source Software for Cardiothoracic Research – Breaking Down Barriers |
Q37266100 | PACS for Bhutan: a cost effective open source architecture for emerging countries. |
Q62042863 | PAMELA: An open-source software package for calculating nonlocal exact exchange effects on electron gases in core-shell nanowires |
Q114980268 | PAMGUARD: Semiautomated, open source software for real‐time acoustic detection and localization of cetaceans. |
Q115036810 | PAPARA(ZZ)I: An open-source software interface for annotating photographs of the deep-sea |
Q35648652 | PASSIM--an open source software system for managing information in biomedical studies |
Q39225144 | PB-AM: An open-source, fully analytical linear poisson-boltzmann solver |
Q90452009 | PCAViz: An Open-Source Python/JavaScript Toolkit for Visualizing Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Web Browser |
Q91704059 | PES-Learn: An Open-Source Software Package for the Automated Generation of Machine Learning Models of Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces |
Q33932345 | PI: An open-source software package for validation of the SEQUEST result and visualization of mass spectrum |
Q114381764 | PING‐Mapper: Open‐Source Software for Automated Benthic Imaging and Mapping Using Recreation‐Grade Sonar |
Q35322527 | PLACE: an open-source python package for laboratory automation, control, and experimentation |
Q110511640 | PLIDflow: an open-source workflow for the online analysis of protein–ligand docking using galaxy |
Q30401854 | PLUS: open-source toolkit for ultrasound-guided intervention systems |
Q115027928 | PO-0935: Development of an open-source software platform for conventional and particle therapy |
Q110512670 | POINCARÉ CODE: A package of open-source implements for normalization and computer algebra reduction near equilibria of coupled ordinary differential equations |
Q42631026 | POLYS 2.0: An open source software package for building three-dimensional structures of polysaccharides. |
Q115038335 | POMES: An Open-source Software Tool to Generate Porous/Roughness on Surfaces |
Q21092881 | POSaM: a fast, flexible, open-source, inkjet oligonucleotide synthesizer and microarrayer |
Q114937938 | PPMaP: Reproducible and Extensible Open-Source Software for Plant Phenological Phase Duration Prediction and Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Q115147587 | PPPLib: An open-source software for precise point positioning using GPS, BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and QZSS with multi-frequency observations |
Q35582384 | PRESTO-Tango as an open-source resource for interrogation of the druggable human GPCRome. |
Q115147600 | PRIDE PPP-AR: an open-source software for GPS PPP ambiguity resolution |
Q52357405 | PRISM: An open source framework for the interactive design of GPU volume rendering shaders. |
Q39650340 | PROSIT Open Source Disease Models for Diabetes Mellitus |
Q42647064 | PROTEIOS: an open source proteomics initiative |
Q60110182 | PRYSM: An open-source framework for PRoxY System Modeling, with applications to oxygen-isotope systems |
Q38448672 | PSI3: an open-source Ab Initio electronic structure package |
Q90467863 | PSoC-Stat: A single chip open source potentiostat based on a Programmable System on a Chip |
Q89017100 | PTMscape: an open source tool to predict generic post-translational modifications and map modification crosstalk in protein domains and biological processes |
Q115036866 | PULsE: An open-source software for laser flash analysis |
Q114932480 | PV Monitoring System for a Water Pumping Scheme with a Lithium-Ion Battery Using Free Open-Source Software and IoT Technologies |
Q106685962 | PVGeo: an open-source Python package for geoscientific visualization in VTK and ParaView |
Q42674907 | PaDEL‐DDPredictor: Open‐source software for PD‐PK‐T prediction |
Q27065420 | PaDEL‐descriptor: An open source software to calculate molecular descriptors and fingerprints |
Q114843779 | Package Review as a Part of Free and Open Source Software Compliance |
Q93242531 | Palaeopermeability anisotropy and geometrical properties of sealed-microfractures from micro-CT analyses: An open-source implementation |
Q104537035 | Paleointensity.org: An Online, Open Source, Application for the Interpretation of Paleointensity Data |
Q68354182 | PandASoft: open source instructional laboratory administration software |
Q60546312 | Pandapower—An Open-Source Python Tool for Convenient Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Electric Power Systems |
Q58888959 | Panel: Opportunities and Risks for Open Source Software in Industry |
Q61443848 | PaperBot: open-source web-based search and metadata organization of scientific literature |
Q59302501 | ParaDockS - an open-source framework for molecular docking: implementation of target-class-specific scoring methods |
Q45789572 | ParaDockS – an open source framework for molecular docking. |
Q110511864 | Parallel solution, adaptivity, computational convergence, and open‐source code of 2d and 3d pressurized phase‐field fracture problems |
Q91722428 | Parametric CAD modeling for open source scientific hardware: Comparing OpenSCAD and FreeCAD Python scripts |
Q48563625 | Parametric modelling of cardiac system multiple measurement signals: an open-source computer framework for performance evaluation of ECG, PCG and ABP event detectors |
Q99239444 | Parametric nasopharyngeal swab for sampling COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses: Open source design, SLA 3-D printing and UV curing system |
Q115044590 | Parcel wise crop discrimination and web based information generation using remote sensing and open source software |
Q108281962 | ParsCit: an Open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package |
Q98657401 | Partially RepRapable automated open source bag valve mask-based ventilator |
Q111933778 | Participation in community-based free/libre open source software development tasks: the impact of task characteristics |
Q58223060 | Participation in online interaction spaces: Design-use mediation in an Open Source Software community |
Q115005640 | Participation in the Knowledge Society: the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement compared with participatory development |
Q110512388 | Particle Scale Modelling of Selective Laser Melting-Based Additive Manufacturing Process Using Open-Source CFD Code OpenFOAM |
Q42099927 | ParticleStats: open source software for the analysis of particle motility and cytoskeletal polarity |
Q114843805 | Passport Without A Visa: Open Source Software Licensing and Trademarks |
Q92194016 | Pastas: Open Source Software for the Analysis of Groundwater Time Series |
Q59557676 | Patchwork Prototyping with Open Source Software |
Q59557742 | Patchwork Prototyping with Open Source Software |
Q59557743 | Patchwork Prototyping with Open Source Software |
Q105844446 | Patent Commons, Thickets, and Open Source Software Entry by Start-Up Firms |
Q114981649 | Patent Protection of Computer-Implemented Inventions Vis-A-Vis Open Source Software |
Q24651917 | PathBuilder--open source software for annotating and developing pathway resources |
Q89558931 | Pathfinder: open source software for analyzing spatial navigation search strategies |
Q114969041 | Pathfinder: open source software for analyzing spatial navigation search strategies |
Q35880903 | Pathosphere.org: pathogen detection and characterization through a web-based, open source informatics platform |
Q95608120 | Patient Access to Their Health Record Using Open Source EHR |
Q57005528 | Patterns-based evaluation of open source BPM systems: The cases of jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark |
Q114977551 | Peer Review on Open-Source Software Projects |
Q114363329 | Pemanfaatan Free Apps dan Open-source Software sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Online SD Negeri 1 Terong Tawah |
Q114939676 | Pembuatan Server Lokal dan Sistem Informasi Desa Berbasis Open Source Software sebagai Media Penyimpanan Bahan Ajar di Kecamatan Gu, Kabupaten Buton Tengah, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara |
Q114930296 | Pengembangan Virtual Server dengan Proxmox VE 6.2 sebagai Cloud Computing berbasis Free/Open Source Software |
Q114999761 | Penguin in a new suit: a tale of how de novo entrants emerged to harness free and open source software communities |
Q108126940 | PepFun: Open Source Protocols for Peptide-Related Computational Analysis |
Q64882608 | PerLE: An "Open Source", ELearning Moodle-Based, Platform. A Study of University Undergraduates' Acceptance. |
Q114389700 | Perceptions of open‐source software developers on collaborations: An interview and survey study |
Q57563369 | Performance Analysis of Alternative Open Source Parallel Computing Approach to OpenMP on Multicore Processors |
Q114937761 | Performance Assessment of PPP Surveys with Open Source Software Using the GNSS GPS–GLONASS–Galileo Constellations |
Q114917676 | Performance Comparative Analysis Of Open Source Software for the New Generation of V-World Architecture Configuration |
Q92161709 | Performance and Accuracy of Four Open-Source Tools for In Silico Serotyping of Salmonella spp. Based on Whole-Genome Short-Read Sequencing Data |
Q115100158 | Performance enhancement and validation of the open-source software for modeling of ship infrared signatures (OSMOSIS) |
Q96438833 | Performance of an open source facial recognition system for unique patient matching in a resource-limited setting |
Q38649953 | Performance of an open-source heart sound segmentation algorithm on eight independent databases |
Q118143799 | Performance of the Deep Neural Network Ciloctunet, Integrated with Open-Source Software for Ciliary Muscle Segmentation in Anterior Segment OCT Images, Is on Par with Experienced Examiners |
Q90953040 | Performance of the SAEM and FOCEI Algorithms in the Open-Source, Nonlinear Mixed Effect Modeling Tool nlmixr |
Q66709931 | Performance variations of two open-source cloud platforms |
Q59148016 | Performance-Based Comparative Assessment of Open Source Web Vulnerability Scanners |
Q37161322 | Performing Quantitative Imaging Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization Using the Best of Open Source and Commercial Software Solutions. |
Q118143784 | Performing a Sonar Acceptance Test of the Kongsberg EM712 Using Open-Source Software: A Case Study of Kluster |
Q61901950 | Performing radiation therapy research using the open-source SlicerRT toolkit |
Q114945131 | Periodic Updates Relying on Open Source Software: An Impulse Approach* *This research was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under Grant P21410-G16. |
Q93076359 | Peripheral tumour targeting using open-source virtual bronchoscopy with electromagnetic tracking: a multi-user pre-clinical study |
Q50783524 | Perk Tutor: an open-source training platform for ultrasound-guided needle insertions |
Q31097724 | Persistence with Fingolimod Versus Dimethyl Fumarate in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Retrospective Analysis of us Open-Source Pharmacy Data |
Q30393622 | Personalized reminiscence therapy M-health application for patients living with dementia: Innovating using open source code repository |
Q58622502 | Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software |
Q115003510 | Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software. Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Scott A. Hissam, Karim R. Lakhani (Eds.) |
Q102056567 | PeskAAS: A near-real-time, open-source monitoring and analytics system for small-scale fisheries |
Q112206805 | PhEq_bootstrap: Open-Source Software for the Simulation of f2 Distribution in Cases of Large Variability in Dissolution Profiles |
Q34983558 | PhagoSight: an open-source MATLAB® package for the analysis of fluorescent neutrophil and macrophage migration in a zebrafish model |
Q52352171 | PharmTeX: a LaTeX-Based Open-Source Platform for Automated Reporting Workflow |
Q84561000 | Pharma embraces open source models |
Q115010938 | Phase-Field Simulations of Lithium Dendrite Growth with Open-Source Software |
Q36317788 | Phenobook: An open source software for phenotypic data collection |
Q31158709 | PhosphoScore: an open-source phosphorylation site assignment tool for MSn data |
Q113442612 | Photurgen: The open source software for the analysis and design of hybrid solar wind energy systems in the Caribbean region: A brief introduction to its development policy |
Q33506455 | Phynx: an open source software solution supporting data management and web-based patient-level data review for drug safety studies in the general practice research database and other health care databases |
Q89557595 | PhysOnline: An Open Source Machine Learning Pipeline for Real-Time Analysis of Streaming Physiological Waveform |
Q52688323 | PhysiCell: An open source physics-based cell simulator for 3-D multicellular systems |
Q34132139 | PhysioNet: physiologic signals, time series and related open source software for basic, clinical, and applied research |
Q30562541 | PhysioScripts: An extensible, open source platform for the processing of physiological data |
Q97522636 | PiDose: an open-source system for accurate and automated oral drug administration to group-housed mice |
Q30648106 | PiHelper: an open source framework for drug-target and antibody-target data |
Q88887402 | PiViewer: An open-source tool for automated detection and display of π-π interactions |
Q53830805 | Pilot Study of an Open-source Image Analysis Software for Automated Screening of Conventional Cervical Smears. |
Q36381354 | PipeCraft: Flexible open-source toolkit for bioinformatics analysis of custom high-throughput amplicon sequencing data |
Q114954163 | Piracy in Commercial vs. Open-Source Software Competition |
Q60912184 | Plant Screen Mobile: an open-source mobile device app for plant trait analysis |
Q53120784 | Plant breeders test drive first open-source seed bank |
Q105592721 | Planting Cedar: An Open Source Linked Data Vocabulary Manager at the University of Houston Libraries |
Q111934345 | PlatformCommander — An open source software for an easy integration of motion platforms in research laboratories |
Q38424779 | Plug-and-play Integration of dual-model based Knowledge Artefacts into an Open Source Ehr System |
Q113441063 | Policy recommendations for public administrators on free and open source software usage |
Q85057867 | PopHealth primer. ONC funds open-source software to streamline clinical quality measures reporting for meaningful use program |
Q115147108 | PorePy: an open-source software for simulation of multiphysics processes in fractured porous media |
Q57400686 | Porting Basque Morphological Grammars to foma, an Open-Source Tool |
Q47148417 | Post-processing open-source software for the CBCT monitoring of periapical lesions healing following endodontic treatment: technical report of two cases |
Q114980378 | Poster - 05: Automated analysis of MR distortion using a novel anthropomorphic phantom and open source software |
Q51349243 | Poster - Thur Eve - 06: Comparison of an open source genetic algorithm to the commercially used IPSA for generation of seed distributions in LDR prostate brachytherapy. |
Q114995268 | Practical Open Source Software for Libraries |
Q114380184 | Practical applicability of user experience capability/maturity models in the development processes of free and open-source software: a systematic literature review |
Q114918237 | Practical application of open source software tools in cryptography |
Q54444526 | Practical problems encountered during the cultivation of an open-source reconstructed human epidermis model on a polycarbonate membrane and protein quantification. |
Q104573575 | Practical, open source, GPU-accelerated, high-fidelity phase retrieval by simultaneous propagations |
Q59202386 | Practice tool based on open source SCADA for experimentation in nonlinear control using the inverted pendulum |
Q115040523 | Practitioner perceptions of Open Source software in the embedded systems area |
Q114954657 | Pragmatism Not Ideology: IBM's Love Affair with Open Source Software |
Q113442225 | Pragmatism, not ideology: Historical perspectives on IBM’s adoption of open-source software |
Q115007795 | Praktische Erfahrungen im teleradiologischen Einsatz mit der Open-Source-Software SecTelMed in Routine und Wissenschaft |
Q114381825 | Pre-Exascale Computing of Protein–Ligand Binding Free Energies with Open Source Software for Drug Design |
Q114380488 | Precision Fertilizer and Irrigation Control System Using Open-Source Software and Loose Communication Architecture |
Q38905545 | Preclinical target validation using patient-derived cells |
Q114928623 | Predicting Change Prone Classes in Open Source Software |
Q110512038 | Predicting Code Hotspots in Open-Source Software from Object-Oriented Metrics Using Machine Learning |
Q114929174 | Predicting Large-scale Coronal Structure for Parker Solar Probe Using Open Source Software |
Q114977562 | Predicting Stability of Open-Source Software Systems Using Combination of Bayesian Classifiers |
Q111897596 | Predicting Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use Open Source Software: A Combined View of the Technology Acceptance Model and Self-Determination Theory |
Q115040444 | Predicting bug-fixing time: A replication study using an open source software project |
Q110512373 | Predicting different levels of the unit testing effort of classes using source code metrics: a multiple case study on open-source software |
Q114978511 | Predicting of Open Source Software Component Reusability Level Using Object-Oriented Metrics by Taguchi Approach |
Q58707312 | Predicting residential structures from open source remotely enumerated data using machine learning |
Q114923526 | Predicting the Behaviour of Open Source Software using Object Oriented Metrics |
Q119957682 | Predicting the Change Impact of Resolving Defects by Leveraging the Topics of Issue Reports in Open Source Software Systems |
Q110510460 | Predicting the lifetime of pull requests in open‐source projects |
Q115144885 | Predicting the maintainability of open source software using design metrics |
Q114928453 | Prediction Models and Techniques for Open Source Software Projects |
Q58051510 | Prediction of Developer Participation in Issues of Open Source Projects |
Q114234478 | Prediction of bug‐fixing time based on distinguishable sequences fusion in open source software |
Q34590793 | Predictive modeling of anti-malarial molecules inhibiting apicoplast formation |
Q31041742 | Predictive models for anti-tubercular molecules using machine learning on high-throughput biological screening datasets |
Q35631178 | Predictive networks: a flexible, open source, web application for integration and analysis of human gene networks |
Q58051448 | Preliminary Empirical Identification of Barriers Faced by Newcomers to Open Source Software Projects |
Q114962346 | Preliminary Study on Open Source Software Implementation in the Malaysian Public Sector |
Q114959170 | Preliminary steps toward a general theory of internet-based collective-action in digital information commons: Findings from a study of open source software projects |
Q114365093 | Preparation of surgical guides through an open-source software: report of two cases |
Q59562765 | Preprocessor-based variability in open-source and industrial software systems: An empirical study |
Q114939549 | Presenting a decentralized, centrally governed, secure open source software solution for over-volunteering leveraging blockchain and biometrics |
Q110511863 | Pressure distribution in small hydrodynamic journal bearings considering cavitation: a numerical approach based on the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM® |
Q113308033 | Prest: Open-Source Software for Computational Revealed Preference Analysis |
Q28757543 | PrestOMIC, an open source application for dissemination of proteomic datasets by individual laboratories |
Q30376961 | Prima facie reasons to question enclosed intellectual property regimes and favor open-source regimes for germplasm. |
Q98394880 | Principles of computer-controlled linear motion applied to an open-source affordable liquid handler for automated micropipetting |
Q92914339 | Principles of open source bioinstrumentation applied to the poseidon syringe pump system |
Q114981488 | Private Benefits, Warm Glow, and Reputation in the Free and Open Source Software Production Model |
Q114954398 | Private Provision of Public Goods that are Complements for Private Goods: Application to Open Source Software Developments |
Q30381295 | ProDaMa: an open source Python library to generate protein structure datasets |
Q41878957 | Proactively monitoring departmental clinical IT systems with an open source availability system |
Q114381866 | Probelab ReImager: A Multi-Platform, Open Source Software for Electron Image and X-ray Map Visualization and Customization |
Q115011055 | Probelab ReImager: An Open-Source Software for Streamlining Image Processing in an Electron Microscopy Laboratory |
Q115011218 | Probelab ReImager: Open Source Software for Streamlining Image Processing |
Q44090048 | Probing the structure ofMycobacterium tuberculosisMbtA: model validation using molecular dynamics simulations and docking studies |
Q115149864 | Problem-formulation and problem-solving in self-organized communities: How modes of communication shape project behaviors in the free open-source software community |
Q84208617 | Proceedings of the 11th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) 2010. July 9-10, 2010. Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
Q110511994 | Process Aspects and Social Dynamics of Contemporary Code Review: Insights from Open Source Development and Industrial Practice at Microsoft |
Q114951255 | Processing Seismic Data with Open Source Software |
Q115000905 | Processing and indexing of electron backscatter patterns using open-source software |
Q114377382 | Processing outcrop point clouds to 3D rock structure using open source software |
Q108126843 | Processing single-cell RNA-seq data for dimension reduction-based analyses using open-source tools |
Q114954498 | Product Architecture and Quality: A Study of Open-Source Software Development |
Q114939588 | Profex and BGMN: Open-source software for phase analysis by X-ray diffraction |
Q114918114 | Progress of open source software for libraries-A literature review study |
Q59254292 | Progress on an open source computer-assisted structure elucidation suite (SENECA) |
Q114981755 | Project leaders as boundary spanners in open source software development: A resource dependence perspective |
Q59446678 | ProjectQ: an open source software framework for quantum computing |
Q120259597 | Promoting Open Source Software in Government: The Challenges of Motivation and Follow-Through |
Q114965712 | Promoting conceptual change through active learning using open source software for physics simulations |
Q118995203 | Promoting library innovation based on open source software |
Q38963735 | Proof-of-Principle of rTLC, an Open-Source Software Developed for Image Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Planar Chromatograms |
Q60546251 | Proposing an open-source model for unconventional participation to energy planning |
Q114928823 | Proprietary or open source software? Winner-takes-all competition, partial adoption and efficiency |
Q114928382 | Prospects of Open Source Software for Maximizing the User Expectations in Heterogeneous Network |
Q114966533 | Prostorové rozhraní informačního systému malé obce řešené v Open Source Software |
Q114920826 | Prosumer Marketing for the Open Source Software(OSS) utilizing the Social Media Platform |
Q59638473 | Protected Research Information Management Environment (PRIME) provides a secure open source data management option for clinical and scientific research |
Q59198809 | Protecting bias: Across time and ecology, open-source bat locality data are heavily biased by distance to protected area |
Q35314189 | ProteoAnnotator--open source proteogenomics annotation software supporting PSI standards. |
Q49140248 | ProteoCloud: a full-featured open source proteomics cloud computing pipeline. |
Q33349681 | ProteoWizard: open source software for rapid proteomics tools development |
Q58208907 | Proteus: An open source dynamically reconfigurable system-on-chip with applications to digital signal processing |
Q72053749 | Prototype Fund |
Q119847960 | Prototyping of a Secure Processor to Prevent Abuse of Robots Using Open Source Software |
Q34685700 | Protégé-2000: an open-source ontology-development and knowledge-acquisition environment. |
Q38370245 | Proving Value in Radiology: Experience Developing and Implementing a Shareable Open Source Registry Platform Driven by Radiology Workflow. |
Q36367823 | Psi4 1.1: An Open-Source Electronic Structure Program Emphasizing Automation, Advanced Libraries, and Interoperability |
Q93848705 | Psi4 1.4: Open-Source Software for High-Throughput Quantum Chemistry |
Q94945792 | Psi4 1.4: Open-source software for high-throughput quantum chemistry |
Q56031870 | Psi4: an open-source ab initio electronic structure program |
Q114924336 | PsiNorm: A fast, efficient and free open-source software for interpreting, reporting and archiving neuropsychological test results |
Q68741319 | PsrPopPy: an open-source package for pulsar population simulations |
Q34249136 | Pteros: fast and easy to use open-source C++ library for molecular analysis. |
Q114920390 | Public Firm Sponsorship of Open Source Software: A Knowledge-based Approach to Open Innovation |
Q94081132 | Public Health Decisions Using Point of Care Data from Open Source Systems in Africa |
Q114954507 | Public Intervention for Free/Open Source Software |
Q114363435 | Public Works Heritage 3D Model Digitisation, Optimisation and Dissemination with Free and Open-Source Software and Platforms and Low-Cost Tools |
Q28596241 | Public data and open source tools for multi-assay genomic investigation of disease |
Q114928834 | Public intervention for Free/Open Source Software |
Q105849345 | PublicationHarvester: An Open-Source Software Tool for Science Policy Research |
Q57463589 | PublicationHarvester: An open-source software tool for science policy research |
Q97479533 | Publish your software: Introducing the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) |
Q110510494 | Pull Request Governance In Open Source Communities |
Q115143106 | Pulse Physiology Engine: an Open-Source Software Platform for Computational Modeling of Human Medical Simulation |
Q57143252 | Pulseq-Graphical Programming Interface: Open source visual environment for prototyping pulse sequences and integrated magnetic resonance imaging algorithm development |
Q35119378 | Pure and Pseudo-pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp. |
Q117043981 | PyC2MC: An Open-Source Software Solution for Visualization and Treatment of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data |
Q33879551 | PyEEG: An Open Source Python Module for EEG/MEG Feature Extraction |
Q50107904 | PyFolding: Open-Source Graphing, Simulation, and Analysis of the Biophysical Properties of Proteins |
Q35047842 | PyGaze: an open-source, cross-platform toolbox for minimal-effort programming of eyetracking experiments |
Q91125139 | PyHab: Open-source real time infant gaze coding and stimulus presentation software |
Q36377708 | PyLDM - An open source package for lifetime density analysis of time-resolved spectroscopic data |
Q91722878 | PyLandStats: An open-source Pythonic library to compute landscape metrics |
Q35635759 | PyMedTermino: an open-source generic API for advanced terminology services |
Q114387814 | PyOECP: A flexible open-source software library for estimating and modeling the complex permittivity based on the open-ended coaxial probe (OECP) technique |
Q113205213 | PyPore3D: An Open Source Software Tool for Imaging Data Processing and Analysis of Porous and Multiphase Media |
Q100757212 | PySHS: Python Open Source Software for Second Harmonic Scattering |
Q42697116 | PySeqLab: an open source Python package for sequence labeling and segmentation. |
Q104566135 | PyTHang: an open-source wearable sensor system for real-time monitoring of head-torso angle for ambulatory applications |
Q118164071 | PyThea: An open-source software package to perform 3D reconstruction of coronal mass ejections and shock waves |
Q110512674 | PyVCI: A flexible open-source code for calculating accurate molecular infrared spectra |
Q114205640 | PyVT: A python-based open-source software for visualization and graphic analysis of fluid dynamics datasets |
Q90175617 | PyXAS - an open-source package for 2D X-ray near-edge spectroscopy analysis |
Q57894190 | PyXRD v0.6.7: a free and open-source program to quantify disordered phyllosilicates using multi-specimen X-ray diffraction profile fitting |
Q111149731 | Pycro-Manager: open-source software for customized and reproducible microscope control |
Q100518139 | Pyneal: Open Source Real-Time fMRI Software |
Q115100208 | Pytheas: An open-source software solution for local shear-wave splitting studies |
Q106685949 | Python Earth Engine API as a new open-source ecosphere for characterizing offshore hydrocarbon seeps and spills |
Q113199052 | Python and MatPlotLib based Open Source Software System for Simulating Images with point Light Sources in Attenuating and Scattering Media |
Q57088988 | Python class defining a machine learning dataset ensuring key-based correspondence and maintaining integrity |
Q108540453 | Pythonic Black-box Electronic Structure Tool (PyBEST). An open-source Python platform for electronic structure calculations at the interface between chemistry and physics |
Q53834684 | QMCPACK: an open source ab initio quantum Monte Carlo package for the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids. |
Q89339034 | QModeling: a Multiplatform, Easy-to-Use and Open-Source Toolbox for PET Kinetic Analysis |
Q114934043 | QMwebJS—An Open Source Software Tool to Visualize and Share Time-Evolving Three-Dimensional Wavefunctions |
Q115062789 | QPhenoMetrics: An open source software application to assess vegetation phenology metrics |
Q91985264 | QSAR-Co: An Open Source Software for Developing Robust Multitasking or Multitarget Classification-Based QSAR Models |
Q57924125 | QSpikeTools: An open source toolbox for parallel batch processing of extracellular neuronal signals recorded by substrate microelectrode arrays |
Q29654556 | QUANTUM ESPRESSO: a modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials |
Q110512569 | QUake-MD: Open-Source Code to Quantify Uncertainties in Magnitude–Depth Estimates of Earthquakes from Macroseismic Intensities |
Q111149860 | Qiber3D—an open-source software package for the quantitative analysis of networks from 3D image stacks |
Q58071641 | QmeQ 1.0: An open-source Python package for calculations of transport through quantum dot devices |
Q43017707 | QuBiLS-MAS, open source multi-platform software for atom- and bond-based topological (2D) and chiral (2.5D) algebraic molecular descriptors computations |
Q47108040 | QuPath: Open source software for digital pathology image analysis |
Q104765461 | QuPath: Open source software for digital pathology image analysis |
Q59426703 | QuTiP: An open-source Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems |
Q120937453 | Qualitative Research on Open Source Software Projects’ Knowledge Sharing Model Based on Grounded Theory |
Q114919698 | Quality Evaluation Method of Open Source Software |
Q30620607 | Quality control, analysis and secure sharing of Luminex® immunoassay data using the open source LabKey Server platform |
Q114389687 | Quality evaluation models or frameworks for open source software: A systematic literature review |
Q114928427 | Quality in Use Analysis to Evaluate User Experience of Open Source Software Compatible with MATLAB |
Q64056812 | Quanfima: An open source Python package for automated fiber analysis of biomaterials |
Q90921521 | Quantification of Spontaneous Tail Movement in Zebrafish Embryos Using a Novel Open-Source MATLAB Application |
Q99551350 | Quantification of colorimetric isothermal amplification on the smartphone and its open-source app for point-of-care pathogen detection |
Q50560584 | Quantification of fluorescence intensity of labeled human mesenchymal stem cells and cell counting of unlabeled cells in phase-contrast imaging: an open-source-based algorithm |
Q30422016 | Quantification of larval zebrafish motor function in multiwell plates using open-source MATLAB applications. |
Q52604707 | QuantifyMe: An Open-Source Automated Single-Case Experimental Design Platform |
Q35906207 | Quantifying demographic and socioeconomic transitions for computational epidemiology: an open-source modeling approach applied to India |
Q63807744 | Quantifying the Value of Open Source Hard-ware Development |
Q118143526 | Quantitative Analysis of <em>Aspergillus nidulans</em> Growth Rate using Live Microscopy and Open-Source Software |
Q114363238 | Quantitative Analysis of Aspergillus nidulans Growth Rate using Live Microscopy and Open-Source Software |
Q42695996 | Quantitative Image Feature Engine (QIFE): an Open-Source, Modular Engine for 3D Quantitative Feature Extraction from Volumetric Medical Images. |
Q114928313 | Quantitative Software Change Prediction in Open Source Web Projects Using Time Series Forecasting |
Q85356563 | Quantitative analysis of rabbit coronary atherosclerosis. Practical techniques utilizing open-source software |
Q99710702 | Quantitative analysis of subcellular distributions with an open-source, object-based tool |
Q55087932 | Quantitative diffusion measurements using the open-source software PyFRAP. |
Q114962816 | Quantitative evaluation of the process of open source software localization |
Q61510093 | Quantitative image analysis of gamma-H2AX foci induced by ionizing radiation applying open source programs |
Q101224747 | Quantitative structure-property relationships for the calculation of the soil adsorption coefficient using machine learning algorithms with calculated chemical properties from open-source software |
Q91974117 | Quantum Package 2.0: An Open-Source Determinant-Driven Suite of Programs |
Q93848744 | Quantum Package 2.0: An Open-Source Determinant-Driven Suite of Programs |
Q90685970 | R Open Source Programming Code for Calculation of the Kidney Donor Profile Index and Kidney Donor Risk Index |
Q39426603 | R-CMap-An open-source software for concept mapping. |
Q92362652 | RADAR-Base: Open Source Mobile Health Platform for Collecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Data Using Sensors, Wearables, and Mobile Devices |
Q99400088 | RAVE: comprehensive open-source software for reproducible analysis and visualization of intracranial EEG data |
Q120340576 | RBDtector: an open-source software to detect REM sleep without atonia according to visual scoring criteria |
Q69024085 | REBOUND: an open-source multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics |
Q57852434 | REDBACK: Open-source software for efficient noise-reduction in plate kinematic reconstructions |
Q58791667 | REHUNT: a reliable and open source package for restriction enzyme hunting |
Q49815278 | RHYTHM: An Open Source Imaging Toolkit for Cardiac Panoramic Optical Mapping. |
Q68420747 | RICH: open-source hydrodynamic simulation on a moving Voronoi mesh |
Q120411077 | RINEXAV: GNSS global network selection open-source software based on qualitative analysis of RINEX files |
Q57528160 | RIVICE—A Non-Proprietary, Open-Source, One-Dimensional River-Ice Model |
Q57788029 | RNAsik: A Pipeline for complete and reproducible RNA-seq analysis that runs anywhere with speed and ease |
Q93148697 | ROAST: An Open-Source, Fully-Automated, Realistic Volumetric-Approach-Based Simulator For TES |
Q113307609 | ROSS - Rotordynamic Open Source Software |
Q56894370 | RSEQREP: RNA-Seq Reports, an open-source cloud-enabled framework for reproducible RNA-Seq data processing, analysis, and result reporting |
Q62634307 | RTHybrid: A Standardized and Open-Source Real-Time Software Model Library for Experimental Neuroscience |
Q42615272 | RT_Image: an open-source tool for investigating PET in radiation oncology |
Q64261409 | RaCaT: An open source and easy to use radiomics calculator tool |
Q80988688 | RadioGraphics, informatics, bill G, and open source |
Q115102849 | RadioPharmaDose, a java-based open-source software for estimating and reporting internal radiation doses |
Q114381655 | Radiomics feature stability of open-source software evaluated on apparent diffusion coefficient maps in head and neck cancer |
Q39418922 | Radtracker: a web-based open-source issue tracking tool |
Q97550907 | RainbowSTORM: An open-source ImageJ plug-in for spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy (sSMLM) data analysis and image reconstruction |
Q114992104 | Raising the general public’s awareness and adoption of open source software through social Q&A interactions |
Q115042268 | Rallying competencies in virtual communities: A study of core processes and user interest in open source software projects |
Q90705337 | Ramf: An Open-Source R Package for Statistical Analysis and Display of Quantitative Root Colonization by Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi |
Q56992981 | RandSpg: An open-source program for generating atomistic crystal structures with specific spacegroups |
Q24651280 | Rapid "open-source" engineering of customized zinc-finger nucleases for highly efficient gene modification |
Q92747217 | Rapid Analysis of Diagnostic and Antimicrobial Patterns in R (RadaR): Interactive Open-Source Software App for Infection Management and Antimicrobial Stewardship |
Q42769124 | Rapid and efficient localization of depth electrodes and cortical labeling using free and open source medical software in epilepsy surgery candidates |
Q60922722 | Rapid and user-friendly open-source CRISPR/Cas9 system for single- or multi-site editing of tomato genome |
Q24676793 | Rapid development of medical imaging tools with open-source libraries |
Q94958523 | Rapid, highly accurate and cost-effective open-source simultaneous complete HLA typing & phasing of Class I & II alleles using Nanopore sequencing |
Q90441424 | RaspiReader: Open Source Fingerprint Reader |
Q114982803 | Rate-Based Queueing Simulation Model of Open Source Software Debugging Activities |
Q58927498 | RaySAR - 3D SAR simulator: Now open source |
Q114932858 | RcdMathLib: An Open Source Software Library for Computing on Resource-Limited Devices |
Q30422774 | Re-skilling the Social Practices: Open Source and Life–Towards a Commons-Based Peer Production in Agro-biotechnology? |
Q90621138 | Re: machine learning "red dot": open-source, cloud, deep convolutional neural networks in chest radiograph binary normality classification |
Q90621134 | Re: machine learning "red dot": open-source, cloud, deep convolutional neural networks in chest radiograph binary normality classification. A reply |
Q90782896 | Re: machine learning "red dot": open-source, cloud, deep convolutional neural networks in chest radiograph binary normality classification. Editor's reply |
Q108127167 | ReCiter: An open source, identity-driven, authorship prediction algorithm optimized for academic institutions |
Q111925613 | Reactive transport in aquatic ecosystems: Rapid model prototyping in the open source software R |
Q35585851 | Real-Time Motion Capture Toolbox (RTMocap): an open-source code for recording 3-D motion kinematics to study action-effect anticipations during motor and social interactions |
Q52622154 | Real-Time Processing Library for Open-Source Hardware Biomedical Sensors. |
Q42374663 | Real-World Use of Open Source Artificial Pancreas Systems |
Q91662929 | Real-time volumetric MR thermometry using 3D echo-shifted sequence under an open source reconstruction platform |
Q90630151 | Realistic anatomically detailed open-source spinal cord stimulation (RADO-SCS) model |
Q91887742 | Realistic volumetric-approach to simulate transcranial electric stimulation-ROAST-a fully automated open-source pipeline |
Q110511415 | Rebel code: the inside story of Linux and the open source revolution |
Q27065423 | Recent Developments of the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) - An Open-Source Java Library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics |
Q114918048 | Recent Growth and Developments in Open-Source Software on Digital Libraries in India |
Q110512624 | Recent advances in Apertium, a free/open-source rule-based machine translation platform for low-resource languages |
Q114967157 | Rechtliche Fallstricke des Einsatzes von Open Source Software und freier Software – Hinweise für die Praxis |
Q114961770 | Rechtsfragen der Open Source Software – über den Versuch, Linux zu monetarisieren |
Q114953718 | Recommending Open Source Software Projects to Developers |
Q37719838 | RecutClub.com: An Open Source, Whole Slide Image-based Pathology Education System |
Q114843727 | Red Flag Way: Exploring copyright protection, TRIPS and Open Source software licensing in the People’s Republic of China |
Q117043421 | RedStat: Leveraging open-source hardware by using low-cost computers and open-source software in a client-server wi-fi infrastructure for continuous monitoring and condition-controlled experiments |
Q100137070 | Redefining African Regions for Linking Open-Source Data |
Q114973004 | Reengineering framework for open source software using decision tree approach |
Q118767508 | Reference for Application of Open Source Software in Chinese Colleges |
Q87397024 | Reference management with open source tools |
Q115041599 | Refinement and resolution of just-in-time requirements in open source software and a closer look into non-functional requirements |
Q114377670 | ReflectSim: an open-source software for teaching optical light reflection of nanostructured materials |
Q114971755 | Reflections of an Online Geographic Information Systems Course Based on Open Source Software |
Q38445047 | Reflections on the role of open source in health information system interoperability. |
Q61733780 | Reflectometry With an Open-Source Software GNSS Receiver: Use Case With Carrier Phase Altimetry |
Q36024066 | Regulatory compliance requirements for an open source electronic image trial management system |
Q114920359 | Relational Coordination in an Open Source Software Project: The Role of Attention Networks |
Q121000792 | Relationship between distributed innovation,knowledge sharing and performance of open source software projects |
Q113441541 | Relationships between open source software companies and communities: Observations from Nordic firms |
Q110660641 | Release Process on Quality Improvement in Open Source Software Project Management |
Q113912689 | Release conventions of open‐source software: An exploratory study |
Q28551386 | Release of 50 new, drug-like compounds and their computational target predictions for open source anti-tubercular drug discovery |
Q111934594 | Relevance of the Cell Neighborhood Size in Landscape Metrics Evaluation and Free or Open Source Software Implementations |
Q115042196 | Reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software |
Q110661196 | Reliability analysis for multi-release open-source software systems with change point and exponentiated Weibull fault reduction factor |
Q115004962 | Reliability analysis of open source software systems considering the effect of previously released version |
Q114963505 | Reliability analysis using change-point concept and optimal version-updating for open source software |
Q114925416 | Reliability and Portability Assessment Tool Based on Hazard Rates for an Embedded Open Source Software |
Q88773708 | Reliability and validity analysis of the open-source Chinese Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) |
Q98907028 | Reliability and validity of the Chronojump open-source jump mat system |
Q113890666 | Reliability model of open source software considering fault introduction with generalized inflection S-shaped distribution |
Q118847577 | Remote Access to Library Based on SSL VPN Using Open Source Software |
Q115006954 | Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software |
Q36285387 | Remote Sensing of Urban Microclimate Change in L'Aquila City (Italy) after Post-Earthquake Depopulation in an Open Source GIS Environment |
Q114920582 | Remote consultation using open source software reinforced with web application in Tele-radiology: A real hospital practice |
Q114966472 | Remote sensing and GIs for ecologists: using open source software |
Q90648410 | RemoteEye: An open-source high-speed remote eye tracker : Implementation insights of a pupil- and glint-detection algorithm for high-speed remote eye tracking |
Q38459026 | Removing a barrier to computer-based outbreak and disease surveillance--the RODS Open Source Project |
Q91138813 | Removing deep brain stimulation artifacts from the electroencephalogram: Issues, recommendations and an open-source toolbox |
Q60431804 | RepRapable Recyclebot: Open source 3-D printable extruder for converting plastic to 3-D printing filament |
Q114933157 | Reproducibility and Practical Adoption of GEOBIA with Open-Source Software in Docker Containers |
Q92770950 | Reproducibility of Atrial Fibrosis Assessment Using CMR Imaging and an Open Source Platform |
Q111899826 | Reproducible Analysis Pipeline for Data Streams: Open-Source Software to Process Data Collected With Mobile Devices |
Q35582967 | Reproducible Matrix Deposition for MALDI MSI Based on Open-Source Software and Hardware |
Q115147082 | Reproducible research in computational economics: guidelines, integrated approaches, and open source software |
Q110570146 | Repurposing Open Source Software for Agile Digital Image Library Development |
Q115044784 | Reputation in an open source software community: Antecedents and impacts |
Q35568737 | Reqscan: An open source solution for laboratory requisition scanning, archiving and retrieval |
Q115100204 | ResIPy, an intuitive open source software for complex geoelectrical inversion/modeling |
Q118796463 | Research and Implementation of OPAC Search Machine Based on Open Source Software |
Q118797258 | Research and Realization of Network Monitoring System Based on Open Source Software |
Q57241373 | Research discovery through linked open data |
Q114927144 | Research on Case Teaching of Software Testing Course with Open Source Software |
Q114918475 | Research on Natural Language Processing Package using Open Source Software |
Q114918169 | Research on Open Source Software (OSS) with Special Reference to DSpace on Online Libraries |
Q119262894 | Research on Open-Source Software for Digital Libraries in Foreign Countries |
Q114916944 | Research on Programming Languages for Implementing of Monitoring System Based on Open-Source Software Automatic Testing Frameworks |
Q115037600 | Research on the Application of Open Source Software in Digital Library |
Q120981522 | Research on the Open Source Software Innovation Policy and Governance in the Digital Economy Era |
Q95426082 | Researchers use open-source software to fuse PET and MR data |
Q114960632 | Resistance as Motivation for Innovation: Open Source Software |
Q115042501 | Resources contributing to gaining competitive advantage for open source software projects: An application of resource-based theory |
Q64082151 | Retracted: Flavor-cyber-agriculture: Optimization of plant metabolites in an open-source control environment through surrogate modeling |
Q92746074 | Retraining an open-source pneumothorax detecting machine learning algorithm for improved performance to medical images |
Q114917675 | Retrieving Building Objects through 3D Intersection Operations based on Open Source Software |
Q42698393 | Retrospective, epidemiological cluster analysis of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epidemic using open source data |
Q56417469 | Return on investment for open source scientific hardware development |
Q114954556 | Returns from Social Capital in Open Source Software Networks |
Q115149133 | Returns from social capital in open source software networks |
Q115040435 | Reusability of open source software across domains: A case study |
Q110511328 | Reusability of open-source program code |
Q59242492 | RevKit: An Open Source Toolkit for the Design of Reversible Circuits |
Q55391797 | Review of "Data Analysis with Open Source Tools" by Philipp K Janert. |
Q55525454 | Review of "Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software" edited by Feller J, Fitzgerald B, Hissam SE and Lakhani KR. |
Q114977920 | Review of "The Definitive Guide to the Xen Hypervisor" (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series) David Chisnall, Prentice Hall PTR, 2007, $49.99, ISBN: 013234971X |
Q94543538 | Review of CT image reconstruction open source toolkits |
Q118797120 | Review of Open Source Software in Web Archive |
Q115000901 | Review of open source software for modelling and analysis of structures |
Q96223752 | Review of the application of the open-source software CilOCT for semi-automatic segmentation and analysis of the ciliary muscle in OCT images |
Q114954478 | Review on Open Source Software |
Q114949359 | Review on Quality Models for Open Source Software and its reflection on Social Coding |
Q115000291 | Review: Understanding Open Source Software Development |
Q31044520 | Reviewing and managing syndromic surveillance SaTScan datasets using an open source data visualization tool |
Q114851708 | Revisiting Linus’s law: Benefits and challenges of open source software peer review |
Q114950943 | Revisiting Open Source Software Development Models for Community-Based Digital Humanities Research Generation |
Q120082698 | Revisiting and updating the state of library open source software research |
Q114226587 | Revisiting reopened bugs in open source software systems |
Q108395533 | Revisiting the Importance of Open Access, Open Source, and Open Standards for Libraries |
Q114977880 | Revitalizing computing education through free and open source software for humanity |
Q114967158 | Rezension „Open Source Software“ |
Q112287147 | RhizoVision Explorer: open-source software for root image analysis and measurement standardization |
Q91893634 | RhythmicAlly: Your R and Shiny-Based Open-Source Ally for the Analysis of Biological Rhythms |
Q96580398 | Ridge to Reef Management Implications for the Development of an Open-Source Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen-Loading Model in American Samoa |
Q60914386 | Rift Valley fever: An open-source transmission dynamics simulation model |
Q96130507 | Rigbox: An Open-Source Toolbox for Probing Neurons and Behavior |
Q36267216 | RingDecomposerLib: An Open-Source Implementation of Unique Ring Families and Other Cycle Bases |
Q120820465 | Risk Based Testing of Open Source Software (OSS) |
Q120820497 | Risk Based Testing of Open Source Software (OSS) |
Q120081119 | Risk Factors and practices for the Development of Open Source Software from Developers’ Perspective |
Q59120548 | Risk management, a open-source approach |
Q114938156 | Robotic observation pipeline for small bodies in the solar system based on open-source software and commercially available telescope hardware |
Q40223001 | Robotics-assisted mass spectrometry assay platform enabled by open-source electronics |
Q41764930 | Robust Correlation Analyses: False Positive and Power Validation Using a New Open Source Matlab Toolbox |
Q56754570 | Robust rectification of aerial photographs in an open source environment |
Q59215375 | Robust, open-source removal of systematics in Kepler data |
Q27902277 | Rocker: Open source, easy-to-use tool for AUC and enrichment calculations and ROC visualization |
Q92997904 | Rodent Activity Detector (RAD), an Open Source Device for Measuring Activity in Rodent Home Cages |
Q35681868 | Role of Open Source Tools and Resources in Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery |
Q30938406 | Role of OpenEHR as an open source solution for the regional modelling of patient data in obstetrics |
Q56740206 | Roles and politeness behavior in community-based free/libre open source software development |
Q49155388 | Rosette tracker: an open source image analysis tool for automatic quantification of genotype effects |
Q102971374 | Rxnat: An Open-Source R Package for XNAT-Based Repositories |
Q56051994 | SALib: An open-source Python library for Sensitivity Analysis |
Q96112557 | SCALPEL3: A scalable open-source library for healthcare claims databases |
Q42630776 | SCI-Base: an open-source spinal cord injury animal experimentation database |
Q110512516 | SCIANTIX: A new open source multi-scale code for fission gas behaviour modelling designed for nuclear fuel performance codes |
Q113307847 | SCONE: Open Source Software for Predictive Simulation of Biological Motion |
Q31135770 | SCT: Spinal Cord Toolbox, an open-source software for processing spinal cord MRI data |
Q34401326 | SEWAL: an open-source platform for next-generation sequence analysis and visualization |
Q59393454 | SEcube™: An open-source security platform in a single SoC |
Q110512449 | SHEMAT-Suite: An open-source code for simulating flow, heat and species transport in porous media |
Q110512568 | SHERIFS: Open‐Source Code for Computing Earthquake Rates in Fault Systems and Constructing Hazard Models |
Q59184705 | SIFEM project: Semantic infostructure interlinking an open source finite element tool and libraries with a model repository for the multi-scale modelling of the inner-ear |
Q37067588 | SIVIC: Open-Source, Standards-Based Software for DICOM MR Spectroscopy Workflows |
Q31147282 | SIproc: an open-source biomedical data processing platform for large hyperspectral images. |
Q57763349 | SLStudio: Open-source framework for real-time structured light |
Q56837156 | SMAC — A Modular Open Source Architecture for Medical Capsule Robots |
Q97526128 | SOAPTyping: an open-source and cross-platform tool for sequence-based typing for HLA class I and II alleles |
Q33867219 | SOCR Motion Charts: An Efficient, Open-Source, Interactive and Dynamic Applet for Visualizing Longitudinal Multivariate Data |
Q38441474 | SOFA--an open source framework for medical simulation. |
Q60788081 | SOMA2 – open source framework for molecular modelling workflows |
Q114180735 | SPBC: A self-paced learning model for bug classification from historical repositories of open-source software |
Q114376850 | SPECFEM2D-DG, an open-source software modelling mechanical waves in coupled solid–fluid systems: the linearized Navier–Stokes approach |
Q110512058 | SPIDERMAN: an open-source code to model phase curves and secondary eclipses |
Q40281487 | SPIM-fluid: open source light-sheet based platform for high-throughput imaging |
Q110512298 | SPIS Open-Source Code: Methods, Capabilities, Achievements, and Prospects |
Q34475912 | SPLASSH: Open source software for camera-based high-speed, multispectral in-vivo optical image acquisition |
Q82677082 | SPORE series winner. Open source physics |
Q99209215 | SPiDbox: A low-cost, design and validation of an open-source "Skinner-box" system for the study of jumping spiders |
Q81475624 | SQL Clinic: the open-source alternative for electronic medical records |
Q111897133 | SRBF_Soft: a Python-based open-source software for regional gravity field modeling using spherical radial basis functions based on the data-adaptive network design methodology |
Q45743470 | SRV: an open-source toolbox to accelerate the recovery of metabolic biomarkers and correlations from metabolic phenotyping datasets |
Q52638348 | STATSLAB: An open-source EEG toolbox for computing single-subject effects using robust statistics |
Q92746722 | STEM: An Open Source Tool for Disease Modeling |
Q33818678 | STI-GMaS: an open-source environment for simulation of sexually-transmitted infections. |
Q30486640 | STORMSeq: an open-source, user-friendly pipeline for processing personal genomics data in the cloud |
Q42680008 | STR-validator: an open source platform for validation and process control. |
Q114980463 | SU-E-J-42: Customized Deformable Image Registration Using Open-Source Software SlicerRT |
Q114980457 | SU-E-QI-18: QUATTRO: An Open-Source Software Package for Quantitative Imaging Applications in Assessing Treatment Response |
Q36374854 | SU-E-T-219: A Free and Open Source DICOM Solution: DicomPack |
Q114980435 | SU-E-T-465: Implementation of An Automated Collision Detection Program Using Open Source Software for the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System |
Q38778923 | SU-E-T-570: Improvement to the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open Source Software System for the Multi-Dimensional Dose- Volume Histogram Analysis in Digital Image Communication in Medicine - Radiation Therapy (DICOM-RT) Treatme |
Q114980494 | SU-E-T-816: Application of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open Source Software System |
Q114980511 | SU-FF-J-158: An Open Source Software Tool for Treatment Planning for Small Animal Conformal Radiotherapy |
Q114980509 | SU-FF-T-118: Improvements to the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART) Open-Source Software System |
Q58089924 | SU-FF-T-320: Simple Acoustic Beam Model for Thermoradiotherapy Implemented in An Open Source Treatment Planning Research System |
Q114980523 | SU-FF-T-75: An Open-Source Software Tool to Support Film-Based IMRT Quality Assurance |
Q114980397 | SU-G-BRB-02: An Open-Source Software Analysis Library for Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance |
Q114980508 | SU-GG-T-141: Current Status of the Histogram Analysis in Radiation Therapy (HART): An Open-Source Software System |
Q114980513 | SU-GG-T-393: Improvements to the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research Open-Source Software System |
Q115001310 | SU2: the Open-Source Software for Non-ideal Compressible Flows |
Q52623534 | SUPRA: open-source software-defined ultrasound processing for real-time applications : A 2D and 3D pipeline from beamforming to B-mode. |
Q30966798 | SaDA: From Sampling to Data Analysis-An Extensible Open Source Infrastructure for Rapid, Robust and Automated Management and Analysis of Modern Ecological High-Throughput Microarray Data |
Q57943341 | SaX: An open source package for electronic-structure and optical-properties calculations in the GW approximation |
Q91222434 | Safe and Successful Completion of a Half Marathon by an Adult With Type 1 Diabetes Using a Personalized Open Source Artificial Pancreas System |
Q97569786 | Safer Viewing: A Study of Secondary Trauma Mitigation Techniques in Open Source Investigations |
Q115146304 | Samir Chopra, Scott D. Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source Software |
Q1620418 | Samizdat |
Q114924117 | Sampling Process Model for Coordination and Communication in Free/Open Source Software Projects |
Q118360906 | Satellite Interferometric Data Processing System Based on Astronomy Open Source Software |
Q114950883 | Satellite Monitoring system of Subalpine lakes with open source software: the case of SIMILE Project |
Q63243924 | Savings without sacrifice: a case report on open-source textbook adoption |
Q90784548 | ScaffoldGraph: an open-source library for the generation and analysis of molecular scaffold networks and scaffold trees |
Q63929698 | Scaffolding creativity with open-source hardware |
Q58208908 | Scalable Open-Source Architecture for Real-Time Monitoring of Adaptive Wiring Panels |
Q110512337 | Scalar collapse in AdS with an OpenCL open source code |
Q114927132 | Scale-Free Characteristic in Open Source Software: An Empirical Case Study |
Q114373638 | Scaling Open Source Software Communities: Challenges and Practices of Decentralization |
Q105080154 | Scholarly Communication Technology Catalogue |
Q114959169 | Schweik, Charles M. and Robert C. English (2012). Internet Success: A Study of Open-Source Software Commons. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press |
Q106953466 | Science and engineering databases in an open-source software world |
Q57006521 | Scilab on Cloud and Textbook Companion Project: A Web 2.0 Service for Open Source Education |
Q50217284 | Scintillate: An open-source graphical viewer for time-series calcium imaging evaluation and pre-processing. |
Q51808029 | ScreenMasker: An Open-source Gaze-contingent Screen Masking Environment. |
Q28550703 | Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis |
Q38695331 | Screening the Medicines for Malaria Venture Pathogen Box across Multiple Pathogens Reclassifies Starting Points for Open-Source Drug Discovery. |
Q33581187 | Screensaver: an open source lab information management system (LIMS) for high throughput screening facilities |
Q110512654 | Scripted GUI testing of Android open-source apps: evolution of test code and fragility causes |
Q49754272 | SeagrassDB: An open-source transcriptomics landscape for phylogenetically profiled seagrasses and aquatic plants. |
Q51600991 | SearchGUI: An open-source graphical user interface for simultaneous OMSSA and X!Tandem searches. |
Q113433488 | Security assessment of four open source software systems |
Q115040529 | Seeing eye to eye? An exploratory study of free open source software users’ perceptions |
Q80202508 | Seeking the source. As deployments begin to gather steam, the industry is taking a closer look at open-source solutions |
Q110511741 | Selected applications of an open-source three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic code in hydraulic engineering |
Q57751719 | Selected contributions from the Open Source Software Certification (OpenCert) workshops |
Q114988400 | Selecting the Best Reliability Model to Predict Residual Defects in Open Source Software |
Q114927127 | Selection Criteria of Open Source Software: First Stage for Adoption |
Q118847403 | Selection and Evaluation of Open Source Software of Digital Library |
Q58432650 | Selectively Employing Open-Source Resources for Online Learning |
Q114364604 | Seleksi Open Source Software ERP Yang Sesuai Dengan Karakter UMKM Indonesia |
Q61842300 | Self-Organization Patterns in Wasp and Open Source Communities |
Q56742341 | Self-organization of teams for free/libre open source software development |
Q115042224 | Self-organization process in open-source software: An empirical study |
Q81581113 | Self-organization versus hierarchy in open-source social networks |
Q30250887 | Semantic Analysis of Open Source Data for Syndromic Surveillance |
Q118797852 | Semantic Pattern Mapping Between RDBMS and Linked Data Based on Open Source Software |
Q114365836 | Semiautomatic Inventory and Geomorphological Characterization of Mass Movements Using High-Resolution Images and Open Source Software in the Ribeira De Iguape Valley, Brazil |
Q114385457 | Semiautomatic inventory and geomorphological characterization of mass movements using high-resolution images and open-source software in the Ribeira de Iguape Valley, Brazil |
Q115005244 | Server-Based Computing Solution Based on Open Source Software |
Q114977099 | Session details: Open source software: intellectual challenges to the status quo |
Q114991842 | Setting up shop: The business of open-source software |
Q115144406 | Shading analysis of urban squares using open-source software and free satellite imagery |
Q115145939 | Shape optimization of the ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump impeller using open-source software |
Q91722591 | Shape-based interpolation method in measuring intracranial volume for pre- and post-operative decompressive craniectomy using open source software |
Q115039460 | Shape-based interpolation method in measuring intracranial volume for pre- and post-operative decompressive craniectomy using open source software |
Q56742074 | Shared Mental Models among Open Source Software Developers |
Q34786045 | Sharing clinical decisions for multimorbidity case management using social network and open-source tools |
Q68960818 | Shark: introducing an open source, free, and flexible semi-analytic model of galaxy formation |
Q120645481 | Shimming toolbox: An open‐source software toolbox for B0 and B1 shimming in MRI |
Q107399331 | Shiny Fabric: A Lightweight, Open-source Tool for Visualizing and Reporting Library Relationships |
Q108863326 | ShinyArchR.UiO: User-friendly, integrative and open-source tool for visualisation of single-cell ATAC-seq data using ArchR |
Q115147075 | Should Economists Use Open Source Software for Doing Research? |
Q114987183 | Should You Adopt Open Source Software? |
Q95423173 | Should You Use Open-Source Software Applications in Your Practice? |
Q110512613 | Show me the code: spatial analysis and open source |
Q91316140 | ShuTu: Open-Source Software for Efficient and Accurate Reconstruction of Dendritic Morphology |
Q83402442 | SiGN-SSM: open source parallel software for estimating gene networks with state space models |
Q31143310 | SignS: a parallelized, open-source, freely available, web-based tool for gene selection and molecular signatures for survival and censored data |
Q45991445 | Sigviewer and Signalserver - Open Source Software Projects for Biosignal Analysis. |
Q107589846 | Silicone v1.0.0: an open-source Python package for inferring missing emissions data for climate change research |
Q107589858 | Silicone v1.0.0: an open-source Python package for inferring missing emissions data for climate change research |
Q95628220 | SimCOVID: An Open-Source Simulink-Based Program for Simulating the COVID-19 Epidemic |
Q39033801 | SimVascular: An Open Source Pipeline for Cardiovascular Simulation |
Q66624029 | Similarities, challenges and opportunities of Wikipedia content and open source projects |
Q58164564 | SimpactCyan 1.0: An Open-source Simulator for Individual-Based Models in HIV Epidemiology with R and Python Interfaces |
Q92059654 | SimpactCyan 1.0: An Open-source Simulator for Individual-Based Models in HIV Epidemiology with R and Python Interfaces |
Q34197339 | Simple Neurite Tracer: open source software for reconstruction, visualization and analysis of neuronal processes |
Q113272701 | Simple Physics With Python: A Workbook on Introductory Physics With Open-Source Software |
Q119849447 | Simple Remote Place Snowpack Depth Evaluation Procedure using Open-Source Software |
Q114961600 | Simple command-line open-source software to analyse behavioural observation video recordings |
Q119823271 | SimpleMind: An open-source software environment that adds thinking to deep neural networks |
Q58205978 | SimuMANET: Collaborative development of an open-source based remote tool for the lab |
Q119821353 | Simulating Combined Cycle and Gas Turbine Power Plant under Design Condition using Open-Source Software DWSIM |
Q114367480 | Simulating electron-excited energy dispersive X-ray spectra with the NIST DTSA-II open-source software platform |
Q59407376 | Simulating upgrades of complex systems: The case of Free and Open Source Software |
Q111934195 | Simulation Analysis of Circuit and Designing of PCB Layout of a CMOS based NAND Logic Gate using Open-Source Software eSim |
Q111925240 | Simulation Analysis of Circuit and Designing of PCB Layout of a CMOS based NOR Logic Gate using Open-Source Software eSim |
Q61248922 | Simulation of 3D MHD with free surface using Open-Source EOF-Library: levitating liquid metal in an alternating electromagnetic field |
Q115000836 | Simulation of Evolution in Structured Populations: The Open Source Software Package Altruist |
Q108874363 | Simulation of the flame describing function of a turbulent premixed flame using an open-source LES solver |
Q110512609 | Simulation of the self-propagating hydrogen-air premixed flame in a closed-vessel by an open-source CFD code |
Q114952681 | Simulation on Knowledge Diffusion in Open Source Software Community Using Multi-Agent Modeling |
Q60541306 | Simulations of quantitative shift in bio-climatic indices in the viticultural areas of Trentino (Italian Alps) by an open source R package |
Q120282420 | Single-Baseline Long-Distance RTK using a CLS GNSS Module and Open-Source Software: A Case Study from India |
Q33269766 | Single-cell quantification of molecules and rates using open-source microscope-based cytometry |
Q61538316 | Singularity Registry: Open Source Registry for Singularity Images |
Q58563028 | Sirepo: an open-source cloud-based software interface for X-ray source and optics simulations |
Q114948068 | Sistem Keamanan Multi Mail Server dengan Teknik Enkripsi OPENPGP pada Zimbra Exchange Open Source Software |
Q90709519 | Six Laws of Open Source Drug Discovery |
Q115042620 | Skills, division of labor and performance in collective inventions: Evidence from open source software |
Q30080030 | Skyline: an open source document editor for creating and analyzing targeted proteomics experiments |
Q41153718 | Sleep: An Open-Source Python Software for Visualization, Analysis, and Staging of Sleep Data |
Q115036834 | Sleep: a python open-source software for visualizing and scoring sleep data |
Q114848623 | Sleeping with your Smartphone * Computation and its Limits * Mobile Computing * Adopting Open Source Software * The Essential Guide to Home Computer Security * The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection |
Q115100974 | SlicerDBS – Open source software tool for visualization and post-operative assessment of DBS electrode placement |
Q47674310 | SlicerDMRI: Open Source Diffusion MRI Software for Brain Cancer Research |
Q92883392 | Small Animal Video Tracking for Activity and Path Analysis Using a Novel Open-Source Multi-Platform Application (AnimApp) |
Q30491213 | SmartR: An open-source platform for interactive visual analytics for translational research data |
Q56341854 | Smilei : A collaborative, open-source, multi-purpose particle-in-cell code for plasma simulation |
Q112714402 | SnackNTM: An Open-Source Software for Sanger Sequencing-based Identification of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Species |
Q103019226 | SnackVar: An Open-Source Software for Sanger Sequencing Analysis Optimized for Clinical Use |
Q98734175 | SnakeStrike: A Low-Cost Open-Source High-Speed Multi-Camera Motion Capture System |
Q107860992 | SoDaH: the SOils DAta Harmonization database, an open-source synthesis of soil data from research networks, version 1.0 |
Q58051433 | Social Barriers Faced by Newcomers Placing Their First Contribution in Open Source Software Projects |
Q115005967 | Social Capital Characteristics of Open Source Software Opinion Leaders |
Q59658401 | Social Lab: An ‘Open Source Facebook' |
Q114927998 | Social Network Structures in Open Source Software Development Teams |
Q57501376 | Social Networks in "The Mana World" - an Analysis of Social Ties in an Open Source MMORPG |
Q56742619 | Social dynamics of free and open source team communications |
Q114918233 | Social engineering of Open Source software |
Q115036388 | Social innovation with open source software: User engagement and development challenges in India |
Q60458233 | Social media and success in open source projects |
Q117043659 | Social movements and institutional entrepreneurship as facilitators of technology transition: The case of free/open-source software |
Q113316406 | Social network analysis of open source software: A review and categorisation |
Q38442032 | Social network of PESCA (Open Source Platform for eHealth). |
Q59557645 | Social participation in open source |
Q114086786 | Social-technical network effects in open source software communities: understanding the impacts of dependency networks on project success |
Q83808589 | Socialization in Open Source Software Projects: A Growth Mixture Modeling Approach |
Q83807754 | Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis |
Q115006712 | Socio-Technical Deliberation about Free and Open Source Software: Accounting for the Status of Artifacts in Public Life |
Q83807362 | Sociotechnical coordination and collaboration in open source software |
Q42696571 | Software Application Profile: Opal and Mica: open-source software solutions for epidemiological data management, harmonization and dissemination |
Q114989500 | Software Architecture Degradation in Open Source Software: A Systematic Literature Review |
Q114954179 | Software Open Source Per Una Pianificazione Partecipata Pii Inclusiva (Open Source Software for a More Inclusive Participatory Planning) |
Q114843771 | Software Patents and Open Source Models in Europe: Does the FOSS community need to worry about current attitudes at the EPO? |
Q114365533 | Software Reliability Prediction of Open Source Software Using Soft Computing Technique |
Q114927808 | Software Reuse in Open Source |
Q114368193 | Software reliability model of open source software based on the decreasing trend of fault introduction |
Q33511319 | Software tool for researching annotations of proteins: open-source protein annotation software with data visualization |
Q114939678 | Software, services and open source software for solving geodynamic problems |
Q114934203 | Software-Based Three-Dimensional Deconvolution Microscopy of Cytoskeletal Proteins in Cultured Fibroblast Using Open-Source Software and Open Hardware |
Q46369055 | Software-based measurement of thin filament lengths: an open-source GUI for Distributed Deconvolution analysis of fluorescence images |
Q110511527 | Solution of AePW-2 Test Cases Using Open-Source Code |
Q46202746 | Solvation Structure and Thermodynamic Mapping (SSTMap): An Open-Source, Flexible Package for the Analysis of Water in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories. |
Q120364282 | Solving Chemical Absorption Equilibria using Free Energy and Quantum Chemistry Calculations: Methodology, Limitations, and New Open-Source Software |
Q114917472 | Solving boundary value problems in the open source software R: package bvpSolve |
Q91330507 | Solving the jigsaw of conflict-related environmental damage: Utilizing open-source analysis to improve research into environmental health risks |
Q114922943 | Some Observations On Open Source Software Development On Software Engineering Perspectives |
Q29646122 | Some Simple Economics of Open Source |
Q115042294 | Something for nothing: management rejection of open source software in Australia’s top firms |
Q90583757 | Soundgen: An open-source tool for synthesizing nonverbal vocalizations |
Q97563486 | Source-based artifact-rejection techniques available in TESA, an open-source TMS-EEG toolbox |
Q120411079 | Source-o-grapher: A tool towards the investigation of software resilience in Open Source Software projects |
Q110512704 | Sourcerer: An infrastructure for large-scale collection and analysis of open-source code |
Q115040641 | Sourcing knowledge in open source software projects: The impacts of internal and external social capital on project success |
Q58391472 | Spatial and spatio-temporal modeling of meteorological and climatic variables using Open Source software |
Q115147399 | Special Issue on Open Source Software-Supported Robotics Research |
Q113440896 | Special issue on open source software development |
Q114984917 | Special issue on open-source software for engineering education: Pedagogical strategies beyond tools |
Q114967600 | Specification and Implementation of Open Source Software Suite for Realizing Communication Intelligence |
Q42701686 | Specvis: Free and open-source software for visual field examination. |
Q114387467 | SpeechToText: An open-source software for automatic detection and transcription of voice recordings in digital forensics |
Q114981694 | Sperm motility of Rhamdia quelen studied using computer-assisted analysis by open-source software |
Q114981071 | Sperm motility parameters forSteindachneridion parahybaebased on open-source software |
Q102319138 | SpheroidJ: An Open-Source Set of Tools for Spheroid Segmentation |
Q63430834 | Sphyga: a multiparameter open source tool for fabricating smart and tunable hydrogel microbeads |
Q114987814 | SpiderRadio: A cognitive radio network with commodity hardware and open source software |
Q57717735 | Sponsored Libre Research Agreements to Create Free and Open Source Software and Hardware |
Q30840188 | SpotMetrics: An Open-Source Image-Analysis Software Plugin for Automatic Chromatophore Detection and Measurement. |
Q29038763 | Sprint Driven Development: Agile Methodologies in a Distributed Open Source Project (PyPy) |
Q114948169 | Squatting at the Digital Campfire -Researching the Open Source Software Community |
Q114953115 | Stability and Efficiency of Communication Networks in Open Source Software Development |
Q58199614 | Stabilization of an open-source finite-volume solver for viscoelastic fluid flows |
Q42643005 | Stable funding for open source software? |
Q61716969 | Stagger: an Open-Source Part of Speech Tagger for Swedish |
Q38472481 | Standardising and mapping open-source information for crisis regions: the case of post-conflict Iraq |
Q114927888 | Standardization and Other Coordination Mechanisms in Open Source Software |
Q114918401 | Standards battles in open source software: the case of Firefox |
Q40078809 | Standards-based, open-source electronic health record systems: a desirable future for the U.S. health industry |
Q46634907 | Stanford university medical media and information technologies hosts open source surgical simulation workshop |
Q89745009 | Starviewer and its comparison with other open-source DICOM viewers using a novel hierarchical evaluation framework |
Q116052052 | State of Open Conference 2023 |
Q114985567 | State-of-the-Art Performance in Text-Independent Speaker Verification Through Open-Source Software |
Q114922940 | Statistical Analysis on Software Metrics Affecting Modularity in Open Source Software |
Q119262368 | Status Survey and Problem Analysis for Open Source Software of the New Generation OPAC |
Q120493851 | Status of JADE, an open-source software for nuclear data libraries V&V |
Q84184948 | Staying open. Open-source health IT gets boost from foundation |
Q60326064 | StellaR: A software to translate Stella models into R open-source environment |
Q44116297 | Stemming the tide. IBM contributes a tool to the open source community that may help contain the spread of emerging infectious diseases |
Q99201993 | Stent graft sizing for endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair using open source image processing software |
Q114933762 | Stewarding National User Groups to Strengthen Open Source Software Communities |
Q40153989 | StimSync: open-source hardware for behavioral and MRI experiments |
Q42692273 | StimTrack: An open-source software for manual transcranial magnetic stimulation coil positioning. |
Q89963952 | Stimulus Onset Hub: an Open-Source, Low Latency, and Opto-Isolated Trigger Box for Neuroscientific Research Replicability and Beyond |
Q114982094 | StoX: An open source software for marine survey analyses |
Q117042078 | Stochastic debugging based reliability growth models for Open Source Software project |
Q30993263 | Storage and retrieval of microarray data and open source microarray database software |
Q31160999 | Storing and Querying Longitudinal Data Sets in an Open Source EHR. |
Q114997178 | Strategic flexibility in open innovation – designing business models for open source software |
Q114966985 | Strategies for Applying Open Source Software to Defense Sector -Focused on Developing Countries- |
Q114927839 | Strategies for Improving Open Source Software Usability |
Q28654533 | Streamlined sign-out of capillary protein electrophoresis using middleware and an open-source macro application |
Q94081317 | Streamlining Foodborne Disease Surveillance with Open-Source Data Management Software |
Q122946081 | Strengthening digital infrastructure: A policy agenda for free and open source software |
Q55896174 | Striking a balance between trust and control in a virtual organization: a content analysis of open source software case studies |
Q111704905 | Structural constraints in Open Source Software development and their public policy implications |
Q34260787 | Structural informatics, modeling, and design with an open‐source Molecular Software Library (MSL) |
Q110511912 | Structural, petrophysical, and geological constraints in potential field inversion using the Tomofast-x v1.0 open-source code |
Q114363886 | Structure-from-Motion 3D Reconstruction of the Historical Overpass Ponte della Cerra: A Comparison between MicMac® Open Source Software and Metashape® |
Q115037886 | Structured analysis of the evaluation process for adopting open-source software |
Q114920356 | Structuring Dynamics of Novel Forms of Organizing: The Case of Apache Open Source Software |
Q114361292 | Student’s Awareness of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in Higher Education |
Q114939989 | Study of Data Mining Algorithms Using a Dataset from the Size-Effect on Open Source Software Defects |
Q87939524 | Study of medical education in 3D surgical modeling by surgeons with free open-source software: Example of mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap and creation of its surgical guides |
Q119021005 | Study on Application of Open Source Software in Domestic Libraries |
Q119675266 | Study on Dynamic Games Model of Open Source Software Innovation Based on Open Knowledge Disclosure |
Q61612840 | Study on the Capability of an Open Source CFD Software for Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics |
Q115002225 | Studying a physics problem with the help of open source software |
Q115146978 | Studying re-opened bugs in open source software |
Q114982703 | Studying the Practices of Logging Exception Stack Traces in Open-Source Software Projects |
Q57908756 | Studying the co-evolution of production and test code in open source and industrial developer test processes through repository mining |
Q110510501 | Studying the impact of CI on pull request delivery time in open source projects-a conceptual replication |
Q64068082 | Stytra: An open-source, integrated system for stimulation, tracking and closed-loop behavioral experiments |
Q107399184 | Subject Guides & More: Creatively Transforming an Open Source Management System |
Q42006633 | Suicide bombing of the Mineralnye Vody Train: case study in using open-source information for open-source health intelligence |
Q90322942 | Super-beacons: Open-source probes with spontaneous tuneable blinking compatible with live-cell super-resolution microscopy |
Q64267346 | Superimposition of 3D maxillary digital models using open-source software |
Q42121725 | Superplot3d: an open source GUI tool for 3d trajectory visualisation and elementary processing |
Q110511507 | Supervised Authorship Segmentation of Open Source Code Projects |
Q73173738 | Supporting Accessibility for Blind and Vision-impaired People With a Localized Gazetteer and Open Source Geotechnology |
Q59407178 | Supporting Custom Quality Models to Analyse and Compare Open-Source Software |
Q66677842 | Supporting FAIR Data Principles with Fedora |
Q59407464 | Supporting the Evolution of Free and Open Source Software Distributions |
Q40178620 | Surgical planning of Isshiki type I thyroplasty using an open-source Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine viewer OsiriX. |
Q58638174 | Surrogate-Based Optimization Using an Open-Source Framework: The Bulbous Bow Shape Optimization Case |
Q39710498 | Survalytics: An Open-Source Cloud-Integrated Experience Sampling, Survey, and Analytics and Metadata Collection Module for Android Operating System Apps. |
Q114922391 | Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software |
Q66711656 | Survival factors for Free Open Source Software projects: A multi-stage perspective |
Q114959156 | Sustainability and social responsibility reporting in open source software |
Q114950988 | Sustainability in Open Source Software Commons: Lessons Learned from an Empirical Study of SourceForge Projects |
Q56095862 | Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved? |
Q114379749 | Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Project Communities |
Q111898292 | Swiss Municipal Data Merger Tool: Open‐source Software for the Compilation of Longitudinal Municipal‐level Data |
Q114389407 | Switching intentions in the context of open-source software movement: The paradox of choice |
Q112723590 | SynBiopython: an open-source software library for Synthetic Biology |
Q110512321 | SynSing: open-source MATLAB code for generating synthetic signals in studies of animal acoustic communication |
Q57782420 | Synesketch: An Open Source Library for Sentence-Based Emotion Recognition |
Q98194917 | Syntacts: Open-Source Software and Hardware for Audio-Controlled Haptics |
Q56395738 | System for Informatics in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory: An Open-Source End-to-End Solution for Next-Generation Sequencing Clinical Data Management |
Q58626341 | System identification, estimation and control for a cost effective open-source quadcopter |
Q58645809 | SystemC Transaction-Level Modeling of an MPSoC Platform Based on an Open Source ISS by Using Interprocess Communication |
Q113223417 | Systematic Review of Machine Learning–Based Open-Source Software Maintenance Effort Estimation |
Q38761315 | TACIT: An open-source text analysis, crawling, and interpretation tool. |
Q34997621 | TBrowse: an integrative genomics map of Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q30827501 | TCGA-assembler: open-source software for retrieving and processing TCGA data |
Q59886191 | TDNetGen: An Open-Source, Parametrizable, Large-Scale, Transmission, and Distribution Test System |
Q114980451 | TH-A-19A-01: An Open Source Software for Proton Treatment Planning in Heterogeneous Medium |
Q114980382 | TH-E-209-03: Development of An In-House CT Dose Monitoring and Management System Based On Open-Source Software Resources -- Pearls and Pitfalls |
Q114951002 | TIM Lecture Series - Growing a Global Company Anchored on Open Source Software |
Q34850597 | TLM-Quant: an open-source pipeline for visualization and quantification of gene expression heterogeneity in growing microbial cells |
Q29547339 | TM4: a free, open-source system for microarray data management and analysis |
Q33441612 | TOPPView: an open-source viewer for mass spectrometry data |
Q24812021 | TOUCAN 2: the all-inclusive open source workbench for regulatory sequence analysis. |
Q57424417 | TRACC: an open source software for processing sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes |
Q39618237 | TREMOR12: An Open-Source Mobile App for Tremor Quantification |
Q34078536 | TRENTOOL: a Matlab open source toolbox to analyse information flow in time series data with transfer entropy |
Q46071264 | TRENTOOL: an open source toolbox to estimate neural directed interactions with transfer entropy |
Q92067238 | TRITEX: chromosome-scale sequence assembly of Triticeae genomes with open-source tools |
Q94521819 | TRUPATH, an open-source biosensor platform for interrogating the GPCR transducerome |
Q111149952 | TXM-Sandbox: an open-source software for transmission X-ray microscopy data analysis |
Q92042975 | TabSINT: open-source mobile software for distributed studies of hearing |
Q43736983 | Tackling hemodynamic analysis of the carotid artery using open-source software and computational fluid dynamics |
Q94653109 | Tactics: an open-source platform for planning, simulating and validating stereotactic surgery |
Q115144966 | Tag recommendation for open source software |
Q110511389 | TagNN: A Code Tag Generation Technology for Resource Retrieval from Open-Source Big Data |
Q115036816 | Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis |
Q58888983 | Talking about OSS: Making Sense of the Bazaar: 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering – Workshop Report |
Q50904445 | TandTRAQ: an open-source tool for integrated protein identification and quantitation |
Q57020107 | Tangible Modeling with Open Source GIS |
Q114980862 | Task‐based structures in open source software: revisiting the onion model |
Q34313520 | Tatool: a Java-based open-source programming framework for psychological studies |
Q114848203 | Taxonomy of technological risks of open source software in the enterprise adoption context |
Q64067149 | TeachOpenCADD: a teaching platform for computer-aided drug design using open source packages and data |
Q93846604 | Teaching Enzyme Catalysis Using an Open Source Framework for Interactive Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Reality |
Q115010800 | Teaching Principal Component Analysis Using a Free and Open Source Software Program and Exercises Applying PCA to Real-World Examples |
Q114927861 | Teaching Software Engineering with Free/Libre Open Source Projects |
Q62020290 | Teaching advanced equations of state in applied thermodynamics courses using open source programs |
Q114976519 | Teaching computer networking using open source software |
Q114977946 | Teaching cryptography with open-source software |
Q57020612 | Teaching introductory GIS programming to geographers using an open source Python approach |
Q110511369 | Teaching old code new clicks, or Xanadu™ goes open source |
Q114992093 | Teaching statistics in the context of social foresight. An applied approach based on the use of an open-source software |
Q55528911 | Teaching treatment planning for protons with educational open-source software: experience with FoCa and matRad. |
Q114977515 | Team Project Experiences in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) |
Q92847139 | Teburu-Open source 3D printable bioreactor for tissue slices as dynamic three-dimensional cell culture models |
Q63614444 | Technical Note: An open source library for processing weather radar data (wradlib) |
Q90179362 | Technical Note: An open source solution for improving TG-263 compliance |
Q88955334 | Technical Note: FreeCT_ICD: An open-source implementation of a model-based iterative reconstruction method using coordinate descent optimization for CT imaging investigations |
Q38654906 | Technical Note: FreeCT_wFBP: A robust, efficient, open-source implementation of weighted filtered backprojection for helical, fan-beam CT. |
Q90174121 | Technical Note: Integrating an open source Monte Carlo code "MCsquare" for clinical use in intensity-modulated proton therapy |
Q101568940 | Technical Note: MRQy - An Open-Source Tool for Quality Control of MR Imaging Data |
Q113856820 | Technical Note: Open‐Source Software for Water‐Level Measurement in Images With a Calibration Target |
Q48535809 | Technical Note: plastimatch mabs, an open source tool for automatic image segmentation |
Q120645491 | Technical note: rtdsm—An open‐source software for radiotherapy dose‐surface map generation and analysis |
Q115149748 | Techniques and processes for improving the quality and performance of open-source software |
Q114954195 | Technological Risks of Open Source Software Adoption in the Organizational Context Linux in Munich (LiMux) Case |
Q110650647 | Technology Coupling and Diffusion of Innovation: Evidence from Open Source Software Development |
Q114971858 | Technology Movements and the Politics of Free/Open Source Software |
Q38458096 | Teleradiology according to the x-ray ordinance--exemplary application of the open source software SecTelMed |
Q36042448 | Temporal bone radiology report classification using open source machine learning and natural langue processing libraries |
Q113308166 | Temporalis: an open source software for dynamic LCA |
Q28555216 | Ten Simple Rules for Developing Usable Software in Computational Biology |
Q28974707 | Ten Simple Rules for Providing a Scientific Web Resource |
Q28974693 | Ten simple rules for better figures |
Q116516348 | Ten simple rules for funding scientific open source software |
Q28974708 | Ten simple rules for getting ahead as a computational biologist in Academia |
Q83802812 | Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects |
Q24492824 | Ten simple rules for the care and feeding of scientific data |
Q110512447 | TendonMech: An open source high performance code to compute the mechanical behavior of tendon fascicles |
Q56083603 | Tensor calculus with open-source software: the SageManifolds project |
Q101061710 | Tensorpac: An open-source Python toolbox for tensor-based phase-amplitude coupling measurement in electrophysiological brain signals |
Q57213605 | TerraLib: An Open Source GIS Library for Large-Scale Environmental and Socio-Economic Applications |
Q59175360 | Testing SLURM open source batch system for a Tierl/Tier2 HEP computing facility |
Q110661198 | Testing coverage based reliability modeling for multi-release open-source software incorporating fault reduction factor |
Q110511296 | Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code |
Q111925446 | Testing the water: detecting artificial water points using freely available satellite data and open source software |
Q70934239 | Texture Analysis with MTEX – Free and Open Source Software Toolbox |
Q57824207 | ThManager: An Open Source Tool for Creating and Visualizing SKOS |
Q110511359 | The "Shut the f**k up" Phenomenon: Characterizing Incivility in Open Source Code Review Discussions |
Q53832394 | The 'PhenoBox', a flexible, automated, open-source plant phenotyping solution. |
Q114954382 | The 'Viral' Effect of Open Source Software: The Devil is Not so Black as He is Painted |
Q63929669 | The 100 Euro Lab: A 3-D Printable Open Source Platform For Fluorescence Microscopy, Optogenetics And Accurate Temperature Control During Behaviour Of Zebrafish, Drosophila And C. elegans |
Q28603708 | The 2015 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2015) |
Q28597847 | The 2016 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) |
Q47136267 | The 2017 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC). |
Q57262767 | The 2018 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (GCCBOSC 2018) |
Q100301273 | The 21st annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2020, part of BCC2020) |
Q114978390 | The ALPS Project: Open Source Software for Strongly Correlated Systems |
Q57589471 | The ALPS project release 1.3: Open-source software for strongly correlated systems |
Q57589463 | The ALPS project release 2.0: open source software for strongly correlated systems |
Q106933369 | The Advantages of Using Open Source Software in Libraries and Related Issues |
Q109010318 | The Advent of Open Source Democracy and Wikipolitics: Challenges, Threats, and Opportunities for Democratic Discourse |
Q110248806 | The Ames Stereo Pipeline: NASA's Open Source Software for Deriving and Processing Terrain Data |
Q111935782 | The Application and Limitations of a Low-Cost UAV Platform and Open-Source Software Combination for Ecological Mapping and Monitoring |
Q114967245 | The Architecture of Information: Open Source Software and Tactical Poststructuralist Anarchism |
Q99034219 | The Architecture of Open Source Applications |
Q99034435 | The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II: Structure, Scale, and a Few More Fearless Hacks |
Q56686882 | The Architecture of Participation: Does Code Architecture Mitigate Free Riding in the Open Source Development Model? |
Q59426450 | The BAU GIS system using open source mapwindow |
Q118767131 | The Basic Research of Middle School Information Technology Education Based Open Source Software |
Q59355512 | The Basin of Mexico Hydrogeological Database (BMHDB): Implementation, queries and interaction with open source software |
Q58113459 | The Bern Simple Climate Model (BernSCM) v1.0: an extensible and fully documented open source reimplementation of the Bern reduced form model for global carbon cycle-climate simulations |
Q58113437 | The Bern Simple Climate Model (BernSCM) v1.0: an extensible and fully documented open-source re-implementation of the Bern reduced-form model for global carbon cycle–climate simulations |
Q110511920 | The Big Effects of Short-term Efforts: Mentorship and Code Integration in Open Source Scientific Software |
Q30884089 | The BioJS article collection of open source components for biological data visualisation |
Q28652495 | The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) 2013 |
Q57327048 | The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) 2013 |
Q37734873 | The Biomarkers Consortium: practice and pitfalls of open-source precompetitive collaboration |
Q81918082 | The Biopsychology-Toolbox: a free, open-source Matlab-toolbox for the control of behavioral experiments |
Q114950973 | The Business of Open Source Software: A Primer |
Q90329245 | The CELLmicrocosmos Tools: A Small History of Java-Based Cell and Membrane Modelling Open Source Software Development |
Q115000620 | The Case for Open Source Software: The Interactional Discourse Lab |
Q115008228 | The Challenges of Open Source Software Alternatives |
Q57697955 | The Challenges of Open Source Software Development with Collaborative Environment |
Q27061829 | The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK): an open-source Java library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics |
Q113705140 | The Clerical Resolution Online Widget (CROW): creating open-source software to make clerical review easier. |
Q114953132 | The Commercialization of Open Source Software: Do Property Rights Still Matter? |
Q114976124 | The Common Optimization INterface for Operations Research: Promoting open-source software in the operations research community |
Q57706548 | The Complexities of Metal Detecting Policy and Practice: A Response to Samuel Hardy, ‘Quantitative Analysis of Open-Source Data on Metal Detecting for Cultural Property’ (Cogent Social Sciences 3, 2017) |
Q118797344 | The Construction of Campus Network Equipment Monitoring Platform Using Open Source Software |
Q115146957 | The Debsources Dataset: two decades of free and open source software |
Q51440801 | The Delta3D open source game engine |
Q122915833 | The Department of Defense (DoD) and Open Source Software |
Q114950949 | The Divergent Anarcho-utopian Discourses of the Open Source Software Movement |
Q57480959 | The Dynamics of Open Source Software Communities and Industrial Districts : the Role of Market and Non-Market Interactions |
Q56674127 | The Dynamics of Open-Source Contributors |
Q33520840 | The ERP PCA Toolkit: an open source program for advanced statistical analysis of event-related potential data |
Q118146893 | The ESCAPE Open-source Software and Service Repository |
Q56674132 | The Economic Motivation of Open Source Software: Stakeholder Perspectives |
Q58650250 | The Economics of Community Open Source Software Projects: An Empirical Analysis of Maintenance Effort |
Q115042622 | The Economics of Open Source Software Development |
Q56674133 | The Economics of Open Source Software: A Survey of the Early Literature |
Q114953905 | The Economics of Open Source Software: A Survey of the Early Literature |
Q56674129 | The Economics of Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond |
Q105884689 | The Economics of Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond |
Q114994915 | The Economy of Free and Open Source Software in the Preservation of Digital Artifacts |
Q50186720 | The Effect of 'Following' on Contributions to Open Source Communities |
Q114362465 | The Effect of Acquisitions on Open Source Software Development |
Q114919693 | The Effect on the Job Performance of Open Source Software Usage in Software Development |
Q114927950 | The Effects of Communication Patterns on the Success of Open Source Software Projects |
Q106934003 | The Emergence and Development of the Open Source Software of the New Generation OPAC |
Q63614439 | The Emergence of Open-Source Software for the Weather Radar Community |
Q114958437 | The Emergence of Open-Source Software in China |
Q114958435 | The Emergence of Open-Source Software in North America |
Q114971832 | The Emergence of an Organizational Field: The Case of Open Source Software |
Q28729937 | The EnzymeTracker: an open-source laboratory information management system for sample tracking |
Q57636149 | The Eucalyptus Open-Source Cloud-Computing System |
Q114966984 | The Evaluation of ITSM Open Source Software for Small Medium Organizations Based on ITIL v.3 Criteria using AHP Method |
Q114950985 | The Evolving Role of Open Source Software in Medicine and Health Services |
Q69161819 | The Exoplanet Simple Orbit Fitting Toolbox (ExoSOFT): an open-source tool for efficient fitting of astrometric and radial velocity data |
Q51579477 | The FARSIGHT Trace Editor: An Open Source Tool for 3-D Inspection and Efficient Pattern Analysis Aided Editing of Automated Neuronal Reconstructions |
Q59141569 | The Feasibility of Multidimensional CFD Applied to Calandria System in the Moderator of CANDU-6 PHWR Using Commercial and Open-Source Codes |
Q104101973 | The First, Comprehensive, Open-Source Culinary Medicine Curriculum for Health Professional Training Programs: A Global Reach |
Q36010173 | The Focinator - a new open-source tool for high-throughput foci evaluation of DNA damage |
Q114917990 | The Free Software Alternative: Freeware, Open Source Software, and Libraries |
Q111712831 | The Free and Open Source Software in Low - Income Countries: Emergent Properties? |
Q114945083 | The Functional Structure of Smart Home Based on Open Source Software Solutions |
Q92263812 | The Future Is Open: Open-Source Tools for Behavioral Neuroscience Research |
Q114926953 | The Future of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Hydrology and Water Resources Management |
Q58232077 | The Future of Supply Chain Information Systems: The Open Source Ecosystem |
Q30353531 | The Gaggle: an open-source software system for integrating bioinformatics software and data sources |
Q99712156 | The Genetic Code Kit: An Open-Source Cell-Free Platform for Biochemical and Biotechnology Education |
Q114384203 | The Geography of Open Source Software: Evidence from GitHub |
Q114843744 | The Gift that Keeps on Giving – Distribution and Copyleft in Open Source Software License |
Q38450075 | The Global Forum for Home Hemodialysis: a new open-source practical manual. |
Q114946964 | The Governance and Control of Open Source Software Projects |
Q114962967 | The Governance of Open Source Software Communities: An Exploratory Analysis |
Q91220572 | The HANDE-QMC Project: Open-Source Stochastic Quantum Chemistry from the Ground State Up |
Q114925373 | The ISIS-software family: from ‘Free and Open' to ‘Free and Open Source Software' |
Q101468067 | The ImageJ Ecosystem: open-source software for image visualization, processing, and analysis |
Q110511493 | The Impact of Co-evolution of Code Production and Test Suites through Software Releases in Open Source Software Systems |
Q114966600 | The Impact of Community and Commercial Open Source Software on the Quality Strategies of Software Producers |
Q114927993 | The Impact of Ideology on the Organizational Adoption of Open Source Software |
Q115004460 | The Impact of Open Source Software Commercialization on Firm Value |
Q114946980 | The Impact of Open Source Software on the Strategic Choices of Firms Developing Proprietary Software |
Q119821178 | The Impact of Peer Code Review on Software Maintainability in Open-Source Software: A Case Study |
Q114925444 | The Impact of Process Effectiveness on User Interest in Contributing to the Open Source Software Projects |
Q114928520 | The Impact of Project Initiators on Open Source Software Project Success |
Q110660693 | The Impact of Release Management on Open-Source Software Co-Creation |
Q114954359 | The Implications of Incumbent Intellectual Property Strategies for Open Source Software Success and Commercialization |
Q114933802 | The Importance of Free and Open Source Software and Open Standards in Modern Scientific Publishing |
Q114362462 | The Influence of Gatekeepers on Continued Participation in Open Source Software Projects |
Q114927803 | The Influence of Open Source Software Volunteer Developers’ Motivations and Attitudes on Intention to Contribute |
Q114364253 | The Influence of Open Source Software on Creativity, Communication and Students’ Social Life |
Q114978447 | The Influence of Risk Factors in Decision-Making Process for Open Source Software Adoption |
Q64105036 | The Innovations of Open Source |
Q107399188 | The Integrated Library System’s APIs, an Open-source Web 2.0 Catalog, and University Computing Live Happily Ever After |
Q118850052 | The Intellectual Property Research of Open Source Software |
Q58595171 | The Internet Connection: Open Source Library Software—Ready for Prime Time? |
Q111926162 | The Investigative Significance of Digital Artefacts Discovered in Forensic Images of Household IoT Devices Using Open-source Software |
Q30481069 | The JSpecView Project: an Open Source Java viewer and converter for JCAMP-DX, and XML spectral data files |
Q58625890 | The Jikes Research Virtual Machine project: Building an open-source research community |
Q132224810 | The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): Bringing Open-Source Software Practices to the Scholarly Publishing Community for Authors, Reviewers, Editors, and Publishers |
Q120076975 | The LHCb HLT2 Storage System: A 40-GB/s System Made of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Components and Open-Source Software |
Q105749596 | The Labor of Maintaining and Scaling Free and Open-Source Software Projects |
Q114927801 | The License Choices of SMEs doing Business with Open Source Software |
Q24798068 | The Longhorn Array Database (LAD): an open-source, MIAME compliant implementation of the Stanford Microarray Database (SMD) |
Q30401274 | The MUSOS (MUsic SOftware System) Toolkit: A computer-based, open source application for testing memory for melodies |
Q34669777 | The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit: challenges and advances : 10 years of open-source development |
Q58798720 | The MentalPlus® Digital Game Might Be an Accessible Open Source Tool to Evaluate Cognitive Dysfunction in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Exploratory Study |
Q30889304 | The MetaProteomeAnalyzer: a powerful open-source software suite for metaproteomics data analysis and interpretation. |
Q93853179 | The MolSSI QCArchive Project: An Open-Source Platform to Compute, Organize, and Share Quantum Chemistry Data |
Q33787372 | The Musite open-source framework for phosphorylation-site prediction |
Q53487819 | The MyHealthService approach for chronic disease management based on free open source software and low cost components |
Q114918281 | The Myth of Free: The Hidden Costs of Open Source Software |
Q28732141 | The National Alliance for Medical Image Computing, a roadmap initiative to build a free and open source software infrastructure for translational research in medical image analysis |
Q114962861 | The Nature of Hybrid Community: An Exploratory Study of Open Source Software User Groups |
Q114916868 | The Nebraska problem in open source software development |
Q120076973 | The Nodes Influence Maximization in Open Source Software Community Based on Probability Propagation Model |
Q57319939 | The OCRopus open source OCR system |
Q45919898 | The Open Source Brain Initiative: enabling collaborative modelling in computational neuroscience. |
Q55432404 | The Open Source GAITOR Suite for Rodent Gait Analysis. |
Q57799297 | The Open Source Seed Licence: A novel approach to safeguarding access to plant germplasm |
Q114958604 | The Open Source Software Paradigm |
Q124330562 | The Open Source Way |
Q58393924 | The Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2, version 2016 (ODIAC2016): a global monthly fossil fuel CO2 gridded emissions data product for tracer transport simulations and surface flux inversions |
Q58393934 | The Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic Carbon dioxide (CO2), version 2016 (ODIAC2016): A global, monthly fossil-fuel CO2 gridded emission data product for tracer transport simulations and surfac |
Q35725716 | The OpenMRS system: collaborating toward an open source EMR for developing countries. |
Q90959149 | The OpenPicoAmp-100k: an open-source high-performance amplifier for single channel recording in planar lipid bilayers |
Q27345579 | The OpenPicoAmp: an open-source planar lipid bilayer amplifier for hands-on learning of neuroscience |
Q56794600 | The Parasite Extinction Assessment & Red List: an open-source, online biodiversity database for neglected symbionts |
Q114967768 | The Penguin Has Entered the Building: The Commercialization of Open Source Software Products |
Q99033112 | The Performance of Open Source Applications |
Q114962959 | The Place of Free and Open Source Software in the Social Apparatus of Accumulation |
Q56115950 | The Political Agnosticism of Free and Open Source Software and the Inadvertent Politics of Contrast |
Q114958704 | The Political Economy of Open Source Software |
Q114971804 | The Political Economy of Open-Source Software in the United Kingdom |
Q56815912 | The Politics of Sequence: Data Sharing and the Open Source Software Movement |
Q114917397 | The Politics of Sequence: Data Sharing and the Open Source Software Movement |
Q68353367 | The Potential of Low-Cost UAVs and Open-Source Photogrammetry Software for High-Resolution Monitoring of Alpine Glaciers: A Case Study from the Kanderfirn (Swiss Alps) |
Q118797402 | The Practice on the Development of Software on the Chinese Academic Bibliometrics Based on the Open Source Software |
Q33235163 | The Primary Care Electronic Library (PCEL) five years on: open source evaluation of usage. |
Q42014341 | The Promise of Research on Open Source Software |
Q59890887 | The Propensity to Cycle Tool: An open source online system for sustainable transport planning |
Q91278806 | The Psychometric Properties of a Self-Administered, Open-Source Module for Valuing Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression Utilities |
Q56885461 | The Public Knowledge Project and the Simon Fraser University Library: A Partnership in Open Source and Open Access |
Q57760550 | The Public Knowledge Project: Open Source Tools for Open Access to Scholarly Communication |
Q115037603 | The R&D risk for proprietary software producer when open source software appears |
Q120820427 | The RISCOSS Platform for Risk Management in Open Source Software Adoption |
Q51989901 | The RODS Open Source Project: removing a barrier to syndromic surveillance. |
Q118853534 | The Research and Implementation of Library Unified Authentication Platform based on Open Source Software Free RADIUS |
Q115005265 | The Rhetoric of Free: Open Source Software and Technical Communication During Economic Downturns |
Q114843736 | The Rise and Evolution of the Open Source Software Foundation |
Q38370905 | The Role of Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Learning Health Systems. |
Q58811757 | The Role of Open Source Leadership in Developing High Technology Companies |
Q114363124 | The Role of Open Source Software in Mastering Technologies of an Information System and Its Implication to Technology Transfer |
Q63967421 | The Role of Open Source Software in Open Access Publishing |
Q114920690 | The Role of Open-Source Software in the Study of Embryogenesis |
Q57918086 | The Role of Participation Architecture in Growing Sponsored Open Source Communities |
Q115150641 | The Role of Technological Frames of Key Groups in Open Source Software Implementation in a Developing Country Context |
Q114384390 | The Rumor Categorizer: An open-source software for analyzing rumor posts on Twitter |
Q48792535 | The S-Space package: an open source package for word space models |
Q58219998 | The SQO-OSS Quality Model: Measurement Based Open Source Software Evaluation |
Q56674128 | The Scope of Open Source Licensing |
Q105886331 | The Scope of Open Source Licensing |
Q58542344 | The Search for a New OPAC: Selecting an Open Source Discovery Layer |
Q114927134 | The Selection Criteria of Open Source Software Adoption in Malaysia |
Q58888966 | The Servicitization of Peer Production: Reflections on the Open Source Software Experience |
Q105888066 | The Simple Economics of Open Source |
Q114928472 | The Social Order of Open Source Software Production |
Q60700641 | The SoftPro Project: Synergy-Based Open-Source Technologies for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation |
Q24288713 | The SpikerBox: a low cost, open-source bioamplifier for increasing public participation in neuroscience inquiry |
Q33267232 | The Stanford Microarray Database: implementation of new analysis tools and open source release of software |
Q37693930 | The State of Open Source Electronic Health Record Projects: A Software Anthropology Study. |
Q118997032 | The Sustainable Development Models of Library Open Source Software Community |
Q33347636 | The Systems Biology Research Tool: evolvable open-source software |
Q114947965 | The Takeoff of Open Source Software: A Signaling Perspective Based on Community Activities |
Q114981756 | The Third Design Space: A postcolonial perspective on corporate engagement with open source software communities |
Q36963974 | The TimeStudio Project: An open source scientific workflow system for the behavioral and brain sciences |
Q118850959 | The Total Design of Remote Access System for Digital Library Resources Based on Open-source Software |
Q110620983 | The Transformation of Open Source Software |
Q56864406 | The Types, Roles, and Practices of Documentation in Data Analytics Open Source Software Libraries |
Q90167282 | The UCSF Mouse Inventory Database Application, an Open Source Web App for Sharing Mutant Mice within a Research Community |
Q46049187 | The UNU-CBGs: development and deployment of a real international open source Casemix grouper for resource challenged countries |
Q122948437 | The United States Securing Open Source Software Act: What You Need to Know |
Q115008225 | The Uranie platform: an open-source software for optimisation, meta-modelling and uncertainty analysis |
Q59548850 | The Usability of Open Source Software |
Q114967017 | The Use of Open Source Software for Open Architecture System on CNC Milling Machine |
Q46631998 | The Use of Open Source Software to Enhance Public Health Initiatives. |
Q114847574 | The Use of Security Tactics in Open Source Software Projects |
Q111899916 | The Use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images and Open-Source Software for Cultural Heritage: An Example from Paphos Area in Cyprus for Mapping Landscape Changes after a 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake |
Q43389753 | The Use of the Free, Open-Source Program Jmol To Generate an Interactive Web Site To Teach Molecular Symmetry |
Q57529491 | The Value of Engaging with Open Source Communities |
Q124634448 | The Value of Open Source Software |
Q30888072 | The Visible Human data sets (VHD) and Insight Toolkit (ITk): experiments in open source software. |
Q114921982 | The Wall Street performer protocol: Using software completion bonds to fund open source software development |
Q30560932 | The Wasp System: an open source environment for managing and analyzing genomic data. |
Q36384838 | The Wiggle Index: An Open Source Bioassay to Assess Sub-Lethal Insecticide Response in Drosophila melanogaster |
Q98206204 | The XyloTron: Flexible, Open-Source, Image-Based Macroscopic Field Identification of Wood Products |
Q115036373 | The adoption of open source software in Uganda: Analyzing stakeholders and their underlying interests |
Q53850407 | The advantages of the use of open source software in geosciences. |
Q113442231 | The allocation of collaborative efforts in open-source software |
Q118143645 | The analysis of Blender open-source software cloth simulation capabilities |
Q37593681 | The antibody mining toolbox: an open source tool for the rapid analysis of antibody repertoires |
Q114992196 | The application profiles and development characteristics of library Open Source Software projects |
Q59158280 | The attraction of contributors in free and open source software projects |
Q61605161 | The best of adaptive and predictive methodologies: open source software development, a balance between agility and discipline |
Q33598871 | The biopsychology-nonlinear analysis toolbox: a free, open-source Matlab-toolbox for the non-linear analysis of time series data |
Q90748779 | The blenderFace method: video-based measurement of raw movement data during facial expressions of emotion using open-source software |
Q111919147 | The case for free and open source software in research and scholarship |
Q114997335 | The case for open source software in aeronautics |
Q114976179 | The case for open source software in the library market |
Q36039834 | The case for open-source software in drug discovery |
Q34643010 | The challenges of delivering bioinformatics training in the analysis of high-throughput data |
Q91175965 | The characteristics and capabilities of the available open source health information technologies supporting healthcare: A scoping review protocol |
Q115039832 | The characteristics and motivations of library open source software developers: An empirical study |
Q113689043 | The commercialisation of bioinformatics and the threat of open-source software |
Q115007602 | The commercialisation of bioinformatics and the threat of open-source software |
Q34524790 | The connectome mapper: an open-source processing pipeline to map connectomes with MRI |
Q24616756 | The connectome viewer toolkit: an open source framework to manage, analyze, and visualize connectomes |
Q114992205 | The context and state of open source software adoption in US academic libraries |
Q115040639 | The contingent role of interproject connectedness in cultivating open source software projects |
Q91305930 | The conventional gait model, an open-source implementation that reproduces the past but prepares for the future |
Q91554367 | The conventional gait model, an open-source implementation that reproduces the past but prepares for the future |
Q114929300 | The costs of a free, open-source software implementation: building ICCROM, a web-based archival catalogue using ICA-AtoM |
Q114992198 | The current state of library open source software research |
Q34030212 | The design and implementation of an open-source, data-driven cohort recruitment system: the Duke Integrated Subject Cohort and Enrollment Research Network (DISCERN) |
Q95792838 | The development and design of an electronic patient record using open source web-based technology |
Q115036824 | The dual network structure of organizational problem solving: A case study on open source software development |
Q115146137 | The economics of open source software for a competitive firm |
Q114997138 | The economy of free and open source software in the preservation of digital artefacts |
Q114928981 | The effect of competition from open source software on the quality of proprietary software in the presence of network externalities |
Q64410410 | The effect of information controls on developers in China: An analysis of censorship in Chinese open source projects |
Q48321851 | The effect of subject measurement error on joint kinematics in the conventional gait model: Insights from the open-source pyCGM tool using high performance computing methods |
Q115042276 | The effects of inbound open innovation, outbound open innovation, and team role diversity on open source software project performance |
Q50530431 | The evaluation of an open source online training system for teaching 12 lead electrocardiographic interpretation |
Q51702986 | The extensible open-source rigid and affine image registration module of the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK). |
Q110512270 | The faces of open source: The humans behind the code - [Resources_Geek Life] |
Q114981671 | The factors that affect the performance of open source software development - the perspective of social capital and expertise integration |
Q114384391 | The fake news graph analyzer: An open-source software for characterizing spreaders in large diffusion graphs |
Q115042284 | The faster the better? Innovation speed and user interest in open source software |
Q114962317 | The free/open source software movement: Resistance or change? |
Q115146319 | The governance of free/open source software projects: monolithic, multidimensional, or configurational? |
Q59355525 | The groundwater modeling tool for GRASS (GMTG): Open source groundwater flow modeling |
Q83804747 | The hard life of open source software project newcomers |
Q24676715 | The image-guided surgery toolkit IGSTK: an open source C++ software toolkit |
Q108449339 | The impact of Open Source Software and Hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy |
Q114928983 | The impact of commercial open source software on proprietary software producers and social welfare |
Q114379636 | The impact of leadership styles and motivations: lessons from Open Source Software projects for educational organizations |
Q115042503 | The impact of project capabilities on project performance: Case of open source software projects |
Q114965575 | The impact of project licence and operating system on the effectiveness of the defect-fixing process in open source software projects |
Q27010376 | The importance of open-source integrative genomics to drug discovery |
Q28680664 | The importance of using open source technologies and common standards for interoperability within eHealth: perspectives from the Millennium Villages Project |
Q113442233 | The institutions of open source software: Examining the Debian community |
Q114963599 | The interplay among software volatility, complexity and development outcomes: evidence from open source software |
Q113819336 | The interplay between volunteers and firm’s employees in distributed innovation: emergent architectures and stigmergy in open source software |
Q56486339 | The many meanings of open source |
Q42688545 | The masked priming toolbox: an open-source MATLAB toolbox for masked priming researchers |
Q90135161 | The mesoSPIM initiative: open-source light-sheet microscopes for imaging cleared tissue |
Q114962313 | The method of solving aeroelasticity problems for wind blade using open source software |
Q57482302 | The mobile sleep lab app: An open-source framework for mobile sleep assessment based on consumer-grade wearable devices |
Q115149750 | The moderating role of development stage in free/open source software project performance |
Q35650544 | The mzqLibrary--An open source Java library supporting the HUPO-PSI quantitative proteomics standard. |
Q114978221 | The need for effort estimation models for open source software projects |
Q59189896 | The open source RFortran library for accessing R from Fortran, with applications in environmental modelling |
Q56690075 | The open source movement: Key research questions |
Q111704706 | The open source software development phenomenon: An analysis based on social network theory |
Q114963330 | The open source software phenomenon as a role model for networked innovations in biotechnology: an exploratory study |
Q115040652 | The open source software phenomenon: Characteristics that promote research |
Q33294738 | The open-source neuroimaging research enterprise |
Q58160784 | The open-source software LRmix can be used to analyse SNP mixtures |
Q111705065 | The political agnosticism of free and open source software and the inadvertent politics of contrast |
Q115147373 | The potential for open source software in telecommunications operational support systems |
Q111898444 | The potential for the use of Open Source Software and Open Specifications in creating Web‐based cross‐border health spatial information systems |
Q113425669 | The problems of openness effective regulation of open source software |
Q114995289 | The rain forest and the rock garden: the economic impacts of open source software |
Q114921950 | The realities of Free/Libre/Open Source Software developers in Japan and Asia |
Q56517710 | The research data management platform (RDMP): A novel, process driven, open-source tool for the management of longitudinal cohorts of clinical data |
Q90116112 | The revolution will be open-source: how 3D bioprinting can change 3D cell culture |
Q58514565 | The rise of Firefox in the web browser industry: The role of open source in setting standards |
Q30047983 | The rise of open-source electronic health records |
Q115008560 | The rivals [open-source software] |
Q114929173 | The role of (Open Source) Software in Planetary Science |
Q83804767 | The role of mentoring and project characteristics for onboarding in open source software projects |
Q36781800 | The role of open-source software in innovation and standardization in radiology |
Q114926727 | The role of openness in open collaboration: A focus on open‐source software development projects |
Q115006433 | The role of social conventions in the diffusion of open source software: Implications for service industries |
Q93091627 | The self-assessment dilemma: an open-source, ethical method using Matlab to formulate multiple-choice quiz questions for online reinforcement |
Q101409855 | The smfBox is an open-source platform for single-molecule FRET |
Q118142939 | The social structure of free and open source software development |
Q114922091 | The social structure of free and open source software development (originally published in Volume 10, Number 2, February 2005) |
Q56754575 | The spatial domain matters: Spatially constrained species rarefaction in a Free and Open Source environment |
Q33422226 | The state and profile of open source software projects in health and medical informatics |
Q42652523 | The successes and challenges of open-source biopharmaceutical innovation |
Q115151103 | The thick of the fray: Open source software in libraries in the first decade of this century |
Q28382989 | The tissue microarray OWL schema: An open-source tool for sharing tissue microarray data |
Q24805881 | The tissue microarray data exchange specification: a community-based, open source tool for sharing tissue microarray data |
Q111704991 | The transformation of open source software |
Q56916483 | The unacknowledged convergence of open source, open access, and open science |
Q110512052 | The uneasy role of trade marks in free and open source software: you can share my code, but you can't share my brand |
Q110512053 | The uneasy role of trade marks in free and open source software: you can share my code, but you can't share my brand |
Q59557690 | The usability of open source software (originally published in Volume 8, Number 1, January 2003) |
Q38057609 | The use and role of open source software applications in public and not-for-profit hospitals in the United States |
Q60044731 | The use of open source GIS algorithms, big geographic data, and cluster computing techniques to compile a geospatial database that can be used to evaluate upstream bathing and sanitation behaviours on downstream health outcomes in Indonesia, 2000-200 |
Q51926524 | The use of open source and Web2.0 in developing an integrated EHR and e-learning system for the Greek Smoking Cessation Network |
Q34106299 | The use of open source bioinformatics tools to dissect transcriptomic data |
Q37598931 | The use of open source electronic health records within the federal safety net |
Q111900288 | The use of open source software platforms by Independent Software Vendors |
Q111900908 | The use of open-source software in the IBM corporate portal |
Q53819346 | The validity of open-source data when assessing jail suicides. |
Q114976115 | The value of open standards and open-source software in government environments |
Q64685358 | The viability of open source ILS |
Q38673782 | The €100 lab: A 3D-printable open-source platform for fluorescence microscopy, optogenetics, and accurate temperature control during behaviour of zebrafish, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans |
Q114997449 | TheSmall Angle Scattering ToolBox(SASTBX): an open-source software for biomolecular small-angle scattering |
Q110511850 | Theoretical equilibrium lead(II) solubility revisited: Open source code and practical relationships |
Q91124404 | TherMouseDuino: An affordable Open-Source temperature control system for functional magnetic resonance imaging experimentation with mice |
Q58596041 | ThereSearcherSoftware Suite: A Case Study of Library Collaboration and Open Source Software Development |
Q33945780 | Thermo-msf-parser: an open source Java library to parse and visualize Thermo Proteome Discoverer msf files |
Q110512687 | Thermoregulation model JOS-3 with new open source code |
Q62489748 | Thinger.io: An Open Source Platform for Deploying Data Fusion Applications in IoT Environments |
Q79563826 | This AI researcher is trying to ward off a reproducibility crisis |
Q98507555 | Three-Dimensional Printed Molds for Image-Guided Surgical Biopsies: An Open Source Computational Platform |
Q39003565 | Three-dimensional image reconstruction with free open-source OsiriX software in video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy and segmentectomy |
Q39935701 | Three-dimensional imaging MS of lipids in atherosclerotic plaques: Open-source methods for reconstruction and analysis. |
Q31165177 | Three-dimensional printing of X-ray computed tomography datasets with multiple materials using open-source data processing |
Q88822143 | Three-dimensional printing using open source software and JPEG images from optical coherence tomography of an epiretinal membrane patient |
Q92346864 | Three-dimensional printing-guided fenestrated endovascular aortic aneurysm repair using open source software and physician-modified devices |
Q51599134 | Three-dimensional structure generators of drug-like compounds: DG-AMMOS, an open-source package. |
Q87892308 | Three-dimensional surgical modelling with an open-source software protocol: study of precision and reproducibility in mandibular reconstruction with the fibula free flap |
Q41879375 | Three-dimensional volumetric rendition of cannon ball pulmonary metastases by the use of 3D Slicer, an open source free software package. |
Q51997516 | TigrScan and GlimmerHMM: two open source ab initio eukaryotic gene-finders |
Q59854580 | TissueStack: an Open Source HTML5 web based imaging viewer |
Q118797089 | To Build Knowledge Organization Systems of Digital Library Based on Open Source Software |
Q114979846 | To the Development of Open Source Software for the Reconstruction of CAD Models |
Q36343067 | Toil enables reproducible, open source, big biomedical data analyses |
Q114843226 | Tooling for Open Source Software License Compliance |
Q96110653 | Tools for Open Source, Subnational CGE Modeling with an Illustrative Analysis of Carbon Leakage |
Q110950045 | Tools4MSP: an open source software package to support Maritime Spatial Planning |
Q115151088 | Topic 3: Institutional repositories should be built on open source software |
Q114948634 | Topic Evolution and Emerging Topic Analysis Based on Open Source Software |
Q96615384 | TorchANI: A Free and Open Source PyTorch Based Deep Learning Implementation of the ANI Neural Network Potentials |
Q58148546 | Toward Open Source Kenya: Creating and Sharing a GIS Database of Nairobi |
Q50121899 | Toward Open-source Epidemiology |
Q85108169 | Toward Solving Social and Technical Problems in Open Source Software Ecosystems: Using Cause-and-Effect Analysis to Disentangle the Causes of Complex Problems |
Q114960526 | Toward a Community of Innovation in Community-Based Natural Resource Management: Insights from Open Source Software |
Q99611025 | Toward a More Valid Assessment of Behavioral Aggression: An Open Source Platform and an Empirically Derived Scoring Method for Using the Competitive Reaction Time Task (CRTT) |
Q38937439 | Toward a Wireless Open Source Instrument: Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Mobile Neuroergonomics and BCI Applications |
Q115144080 | Toward an Efficient Deployment of Open Source Software in the Internet of Vehicles Field |
Q56417322 | Toward an Open Source Civilization: (Innovations Case Narrative: Open Source Ecology) |
Q58167189 | Toward open source nano: Arsenic removal and alternative models of technology transfer |
Q111935022 | Toward the Health Measure for Open Source Software Ecosystem Via Projection Pursuit and Real-Coded Accelerated Genetic |
Q114962312 | Toward the development of open source software for the reconstruction of CAD-models |
Q104309832 | Towards A Global Cosmic Ray Sensor Network: CREDO Detector as the First Open-Source Mobile Application Enabling Detection of Penetrating Radiation |
Q93145470 | Towards An Open-Source Framework For The Analysis Of Cerebrovasculature Structure |
Q63929708 | Towards Attractive STEM Education by Using Open Source Hardware and Software |
Q114843799 | Towards Free/Libre Open Source Software (“FLOSS”) Governance in the Organisation |
Q97544826 | Towards Interoperability in Clinical Research - Enabling FHIR on the Open-Source Research Platform XNAT |
Q92817201 | Towards Interoperability in Clinical Research: Enabling FHIR on the Open Source Research Platform XNAT |
Q96635666 | Towards Precise Descriptions of Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software |
Q114363529 | Towards Sustainable Management of Mussel Farming through High-Resolution Images and Open Source Software—The Taranto Case Study |
Q57987435 | Towards a Marketplace of Open Source Software Data |
Q115149800 | Towards a better understanding of software evolution: an empirical study on open-source software |
Q62600011 | Towards a free open source process and device simulation framework |
Q57530206 | Towards a portable open-source tomography toolbox: Containerizing tomography software with docker |
Q113316398 | Towards a unified criteria model for usability evaluation in the context of open source software based on a fuzzy Delphi method |
Q111934830 | Towards an Online Database for Archaeological Landscapes. Using the Web Based, Open Source Software OpenAtlas for the Acquisition, Analysis and Dissemination of Archaeological and Historical Data on a Landscape Basis |
Q55833403 | Towards an Open Source Analysis Toolbox for Street Network Comparison: Indicators, Tools and Results of a Comparison of OSM and the Official Austrian Reference Graph |
Q114920353 | Towards an Open Source Software Development Life Cycle |
Q92779162 | Towards an Open-Source Oncology Electronic Medical Records System for Low-Resource Settings: Development of Chemotherapy Management in OpenMRS |
Q30485784 | Towards an international electronic repository and virtual laboratory of open data and open-source software for telehealth research: comparison of international, Australian and Finnish privacy policies |
Q58146905 | Towards automatically identifying paid open source developers |
Q109577442 | Towards national policy for open source hardware research: The case of Finland |
Q37936855 | Towards open collaborative health informatics - The Role of free/libre open source principles. Contribution of the IMIA Open Source Health Informatics Working Group |
Q114364619 | Towards open government through open source software for web analytics: The case of Matomo |
Q53574145 | Towards open-source, low-cost haptics for surgery simulation |
Q35639264 | Towards the Application of Open Source Software in Developing National Electronic Health Record-Narrative Review Article |
Q38975445 | Towards the Implementation of an openEHR-based Open Source EHR Platform (a vision paper). |
Q58778309 | Tracing catchment fine sediment sources using the new SIFT (SedIment Fingerprinting Tool) open source software |
Q34903461 | Track-A-Worm, An Open-Source System for Quantitative Assessment of C. elegans Locomotory and Bending Behavior |
Q30829746 | TrackNTrace: A simple and extendable open-source framework for developing single-molecule localization and tracking algorithms |
Q59640242 | Tracking Null Checks in Open-Source Java Systems |
Q42134714 | Tracking PACS Usage with Open Source Tools |
Q40340502 | Tracking and Quantifying Developmental Processes in C. elegans Using Open-source Tools |
Q60519760 | Tracking seasonal emergence dynamics of an invasive gall wasp and its associated parasitoids with an open-source, microcontroller-based device |
Q58117588 | Tracking the removal of buildings in rust belt cities with open-source geospatial data |
Q114922049 | Tragedy of the FOSS commons? Investigating the institutional designs of free/libre and open source software projects |
Q114950880 | Training Computational Scientists to Build and Package Open-Source Software |
Q114918030 | Training as a Determinant of Open Source-Software Applications Adoption in Universities |
Q108792455 | Training protocol for probabilistic Pavlovian conditioning in mice using an open-source head-fixed setup |
Q107399388 | Training the Next Generation of Open Source Developers: A Case Study of OSU Libraries & Press’ Technology Training Program |
Q111898699 | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Analysis Toolbox: A user friendly open source software for basic and advanced analysis and data sharing of TMS related outcomes |
Q114967264 | Transforming High School Classrooms with Free/Open Source Software: It's Time for an Open Source Software Revolution |
Q110512348 | Transient Simulation of Speed-No Load Conditions With An Open-Source Based C++ Code |
Q114928397 | Transmission Line Routing Using Open Source Software Q-GIS |
Q66710605 | Trdlo, an Open Source Tool for Building Transducing Dictionary |
Q114962924 | Trends in Free, Libre, Open Source Software Communities: From Volunteers to Companies / Aktuelle Trends in Free-, Libre-, und Open-Source-Software-Gemeinschaften: Von Freiwilligen zu Unternehmen |
Q114932067 | Trust Perceptions of Metadata in Open-Source Software: The Role of Performance and Reputation |
Q114963283 | Trust and Community in Open Source Software Production |
Q115005973 | Trust and Distrust in Open Source Software Development |
Q115008571 | Trust and vulnerability in open source software |
Q114928374 | Trust in Open Source Software Development Communities |
Q35095904 | Tumor homing peptides as molecular probes for cancer therapeutics, diagnostics and theranostics. |
Q118957415 | Turkey Open Source Platform |
Q114987086 | Twenty Years of Open Source Software: From Skepticism to Mainstream |
Q114843703 | Twenty-five years of school? Analysis of Free and Open Source software license texts |
Q114946969 | Two Rule-Based Natural Language Strategies for Requirements Discovery and Classification in Open Source Software Development Projects |
Q56579959 | Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla |
Q91634066 | Two open source designs for a low-cost operant chamber using Raspberry Pi™ |
Q115001022 | Type practical application in spectral analysis, combining Labview and open source software |
Q67200596 | Tým nadace Wikimedia Foundation získal významnou posilu |
Q115008121 | U-Shielder − an open source software for the estimation of gamma shielding using depleted uranium |
Q98226711 | UEP: an open-source and fast classifier for predicting the impact of mutations in protein-protein complexes |
Q61738419 | ULISES: An Open Source Code for Extrinsic Calibrations and Planview Generations in Coastal Video Monitoring Systems |
Q33626913 | UMLS-Interface and UMLS-Similarity : open source software for measuring paths and semantic similarity |
Q41111101 | UMMPerfusion: an open source software tool towards quantitative MRI perfusion analysis in clinical routine |
Q56998630 | UManSysProp v1.0: an online and open-source facility for molecular property prediction and atmospheric aerosol calculations |
Q57677513 | UR-SolarCap: An Open Source Intelligent Auto-Wakeup Solar Energy Harvesting System for Supercapacitor-Based Energy Buffering |
Q59754928 | Ultimate Debate 2010: Open Source Software—Free Beer or Free Puppy? A Report of the LITA Internet Resources & Services Interest Group Program, American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, June 2010 |
Q100306536 | Ultrasound speckle tracking to detect vascular distensibility changes from angioplasty and branch ligation in a radio-cephalic fistula: Use of novel open source software |
Q90945728 | Ultrasound-guided, open-source microneurography: Approaches to improve recordings from peripheral nerves in man |
Q114982747 | Uncovering the Periphery: A Qualitative Survey of Episodic Volunteering in Free/Libre and Open Source Software Communities |
Q110511854 | Undergraduate dynamics using the logic of multibody dynamics — Indigenous code and an open‐source software |
Q115038154 | Understanding Enterprise Open Source Software Evolution |
Q58888974 | Understanding Free/Open Source Software Development Processes |
Q30384579 | Understanding How the "Open" of Open Source Software (OSS) Will Improve Global Health Security. |
Q59121691 | Understanding Open Source Software Evolution Using Fuzzy Data Mining Algorithm for Time Series Data |
Q57317817 | Understanding Open Source Software at NASA |
Q114960627 | Understanding Open Source Software: A Research Classification Framework |
Q57529487 | Understanding Organization and Open Source Community Relations through the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model |
Q114946979 | Understanding Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects |
Q114928042 | Understanding Users' Contributions in Open Source Software Communities |
Q58051435 | Understanding and Supporting the Choice of an Appropriate Task to Start with in Open Source Software Communities |
Q38015506 | Understanding and creating value from open source drug discovery for neglected tropical diseases |
Q114385985 | Understanding community participation and engagement in open source software Projects: A systematic mapping study |
Q56740593 | Understanding group maintenance behavior in Free/Libre Open-Source Software projects: The case of Fire and Gaim |
Q115040579 | Understanding knowledge sharing activities in free/open source software projects: An empirical study |
Q110510404 | Understanding semi-structured merge conflict characteristics in open-source Java projects |
Q114967791 | Understanding the Motivations, Participation, and Performance of Open Source Software Developers: A Longitudinal Study of the Apache Projects |
Q114949583 | Understanding the Similarity of Log Revision Behaviors in Open Source Software |
Q114977527 | Understanding the community culture in open-source software projects |
Q115008572 | Understanding the requirements for developing open source software systems |
Q37214668 | Unexpected arrest-related deaths in america: 12 months of open source surveillance |
Q114922675 | Unified Software Development Model for Free/Open Source Software |
Q92010333 | Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia: A Comparison With Two Open-Source Softwares |
Q90914855 | Unpacking the Pathogen Box-An Open Source Tool for Fighting Neglected Tropical Disease |
Q110512515 | Unsteady 3-D RANS simulations of dust explosion in a fan stirred explosion vessel using an open source code |
Q114929835 | Unterstützung von Stilllegungsmaßnahmen auf Deponien unter Anwendung der Open Source Software SAGA-GIS |
Q104619435 | Unveiling six potent and highly selective antileishmanial agents via the open source compound collection 'Pathogen Box' against antimony-sensitive and -resistant Leishmania braziliensis |
Q114916107 | Unzulässige Umlizenzierung einer Open Source Software für Online Shops |
Q53820286 | Up-Down Reader: An Open Source Program for Efficiently Processing 50% von Frey Thresholds |
Q115036809 | Update 1.5 to “Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis”, (PII: S2352711016300152) |
Q111898902 | Update 2.0 to “Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis”, (PII: S2352711016300152) |
Q38769851 | Updating the U.S. Life Cycle GHG Petroleum Baseline to 2014 with Projections to 2040 Using Open-Source Engineering-Based Models |
Q47351486 | Upon the Shoulders of Giants: Open-Source Hardware and Software in Analytical Chemistry |
Q114362463 | Upstream First: An Ethnographic Study of Open Source Software Community |
Q62655580 | Urban land cover and land use classification of an informal settlement area using the open-source knowledge-based system InterIMAGE |
Q57838612 | Usability and open-source software development |
Q114851272 | Usability bugs in open-source software and online forums |
Q59548845 | Usability processes in open source projects |
Q96755999 | Use an open source Change Matters site to measure the vegetation index in the Western plateau of Anbar in Iraq |
Q50442977 | Use and Adaptation of Open Source Software for Capacity Building to Strengthen Health Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries |
Q47729263 | Use of CBCT Imaging, Open-Source Modeling Software, and Desktop Stereolithography 3D Printing to Duplicate a Removable Dental Prosthesis-A Proof of Concept |
Q111898366 | Use of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in the U.S. Department of Defense |
Q52561386 | Use of Free/Libre Open Source Software in Sepsis "-Omics" Research: A Bibliometric, Comparative Analysis Among the United States, EU-28 Member States, and China |
Q38131308 | Use of Open Source Software in Health Care Delivery - Results of a Qualitative Field Study. Contribution of the EFMI LIFOSS Working Group |
Q115007843 | Use of Open Source Software in Health Care Delivery – Results of a Qualitative Field Study |
Q35065568 | Use of an Innovative, Affordable, and Open-Source Short Message Service–Based Tool to Monitor Malaria in Remote Areas of Uganda |
Q111897592 | Use of an Open-Source Software to Examine Low Skeletal Muscle Mass in Penile Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study |
Q93080342 | Use of an open-source CAD software program and additive manufacturing technology to design and fabricate a definitive cast for retrofitting a crown to an existing removable partial denture |
Q54521835 | Use of an open-source Geographic Information System-based method for topographic analysis of nodular cutaneous lesions in dogs. |
Q111897753 | Use of free open source software technologies to enhance knowledge mobilization in smallholder agricultural communities in Sri Lanka |
Q59446960 | Use of open source distribution for a machine tool controller |
Q100633942 | Use of open source monitoring hardware to improve the production of MOFs: using STA-16(Ni) as a case study |
Q38523663 | Use of open-source software for adaptive measurement: Concerto as an R-based computer adaptive development and delivery platform |
Q114380994 | Use of open-source software platform to develop dashboards for control and automation of flow chemistry equipment |
Q87722831 | Use of the 3D surgical modelling technique with open-source software for mandibular fibula free flap reconstruction and its surgical guides |
Q110512104 | Use of the library with an open source code when developing the authorization server |
Q30726635 | Useful diagnostic biometabolic data obtained by PET/CT and MR fusion imaging using open source software |
Q56778254 | User Collaboration in Open Source Software Development |
Q115099637 | User acceptance model of open source software |
Q115144263 | User acceptance model of open source software: an integrated model of OSS characteristics and UTAUT |
Q58223067 | User and developer mediation in an Open Source Software community: Boundary spanning through cross participation in online discussions |
Q59548825 | Users of Open Source Software - How Do They Get Help? |
Q58762192 | Using 3-D open source software to facilitate students' spatial visualization skills |
Q114928429 | Using Data Mining Techniques with Open Source Software to Evaluate the Various Factors Affecting Academic Performance |
Q114928366 | Using Design of Experiments to Analyze Open Source Software Metrics for Change Impact Estimation |
Q114978477 | Using Ensembles for Class-Imbalance Problem to Predict Maintainability of Open Source Software |
Q33498956 | Using Free and Open-Source Bioconductor Packages to Analyze Array Comparative Genomics Hybridization (aCGH) Data |
Q114960524 | Using Free/Libre and Open Source Software in the Geological Sciences |
Q57019510 | Using GRASS with other Open Source tools |
Q110512481 | Using Open Source Code Libraries for Robust Design Analysis |
Q27144456 | Using Open Source Computational Tools for Predicting Human Metabolic Stability and Additional Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, and Toxicity Properties |
Q57495907 | Using Open Source Projects in software engineering education: A systematic mapping study |
Q59195487 | Using Open Source Social Software as Digital Library Interface |
Q114927817 | Using Open Source Software Components to Implement a Modular Web 2.0 Design for Map-Based Discussions |
Q114945967 | Using Open Source Software for Undergraduate “Programming” Course |
Q114954840 | Using Open Source Software in Developing a Web-accessible Database of Sweetpotato Germplasm Collections in Kenya |
Q114930127 | Using Open Source Software to Engage in Real-Life Problem Solving |
Q114953087 | Using Open Source Software to Investigate Put-Call Relationships of Shanghai Warrants |
Q107399361 | Using Open Source Tools to Create a Mobile Optimized, Crowdsourced Translation Tool |
Q57643241 | Using Open-Source Components to Process Interferometric TerraSAR-X Spotlight Data |
Q59400103 | Using Open-Source Data to Identify Participation in the Illicit Antiquities Trade: A Case Study on the Cypriot Civil War |
Q114987624 | Using Open-Source Software Defined Radio Platforms for Empirical Characterization of Man-Made Impulsive Noise |
Q114363141 | Using Open-Source Software for Business, Urban, and Other Applications of Deep Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics Tools |
Q114928930 | Using Open-Source Software for Sign Language Learning and Assessment |
Q110512368 | Using SPEC CPU2006 to evaluate the sequential and parallel code generated by commercial and open-source compilers |
Q115151064 | Using a free open source software to teach mathematics |
Q101478908 | Using a simple open-source automated machine learning algorithm to forecast COVID-19 spread: A modelling study |
Q48327693 | Using an open source model to accelerate schistosomiasis drug research |
Q42633345 | Using an open source observational tool to measure the influence of the doctor's consulting style and the computer system on the outcomes of the clinical consultation |
Q39729863 | Using an open-source PACS virtual machine for a digital angiography unit: methods and initial impressions. |
Q98196215 | Using an open-source tablet perimeter (Eyecatcher) as a rapid triage measure for glaucoma clinic waiting areas |
Q45988674 | Using chemical structure in open-source chemical text mining. |
Q114977420 | Using humanitarian free and open source software (HFOSS) to introduce computing for the social good |
Q62398786 | Using low cost open source UAVs for marine wild life monitoring - Field Report* |
Q56331392 | Using multi-date satellite imagery to monitor invasive grass species distribution in post-wildfire landscapes: An iterative, adaptable approach that employs open-source data and software |
Q113858488 | Using open data and open-source software to develop spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for achieving healthy and sustainable cities |
Q53403917 | Using open source accelerometer analysis to assess physical activity and sedentary behaviour in overweight and obese adults. |
Q115000900 | Using open source software CNC controllers and modular multi-axis mechanical structure as integrated teaching environment for CAD/CAM/CAE training |
Q114997205 | Using open source software for digital libraries |
Q114843373 | Using open source software for web application security testing |
Q114929334 | Using open source software in development of computer-aided design systems for radar |
Q57573582 | Using open source software in engineering studies to teach water operation & management |
Q114987274 | Using open source software in product development: a primer |
Q113427396 | Using open source software securely |
Q114977878 | Using open source software to engage students in computer science education |
Q59462932 | Using open source technologies and open internet resources for building an interactive video based learning environment that supports learning analytics |
Q96691977 | Using open-source data to explore distribution of built environment characteristics across Kerala, India |
Q63929702 | Using open-source hardware to support disadvantaged communications |
Q96770401 | Using open-source intelligence to detect early signals of COVID-19 in China, Descriptive study |
Q94552320 | Using open-source software and digital imagery to efficiently and objectively quantify cover density of an invasive alien plant species |
Q113854299 | Using open-source software technologies and standardized data structures to build advanced applications for high-throughput experimentation environments |
Q52103502 | Using open-source solutions to teach computing skills for student research |
Q115042208 | Using the DEMO methodology for modeling open source software development processes |
Q92485159 | Using the Open-Source MALDI TOF-MS IDBac Pipeline for Analysis of Microbial Protein and Specialized Metabolite Data |
Q42607273 | Using the open-source statistical language R to analyze the dichotomous Rasch model |
Q40131306 | Utility of an open-source DICOM viewer software (OsiriX) to assess pulmonary fibrosis in systemic sclerosis: preliminary results |
Q115006532 | Utilization of Open Source Software in Nigeria Academic Libraries: Matters Arising |
Q60700467 | Utilization of Open Source Spatial Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—An Appraisal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Approach |
Q110511384 | Utilization of Open-Source OpenFOAM Code to Examine the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Linear Jet Propulsion System with or without Stator in Bollard Pull Condition |
Q37658091 | Utilization of open source electronic health record around the world: A systematic review |
Q120653053 | Utilization of open‐source software in teaching the physics of P‐N diodes |
Q105446328 | Utilizing an Open-Source Workflow for the Analysis of Atom Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Materials |
Q56398200 | Utilizing open source software to facilitate communication of chemistry at RSC |
Q99251420 | Utilizing open-source platforms to build and deploy interactive patient-reported quality of life tracking tools for monitoring protocol adherence |
Q42673724 | V-Xtractor: an open-source, high-throughput software tool to identify and extract hypervariable regions of small subunit (16S/18S) ribosomal RNA gene sequences |
Q106369243 | VADER: A flexible, robust, open-source code for simulating viscous thin accretion disks |
Q108126882 | VANTAGE6: an open source priVAcy preserviNg federaTed leArninG infrastructurE for Secure Insight eXchange |
Q28647741 | VASIR: An Open-Source Research Platform for Advanced Iris Recognition Technologies |
Q114985126 | VDEES: A virtual development environment for embedded software using open source software |
Q90399555 | VETA: An Open-Source Matlab-Based Toolbox for the Collection and Analysis of Electromyography Combined With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
Q111927414 | VIFECO: An Open-Source Software for Counting Features on a Video |
Q31114334 | VISDA: an open-source caBIG analytical tool for data clustering and beyond |
Q115043679 | VMStools: Open-source software for the processing, analysis and visualisation of fisheries logbook and VMS data |
Q97528903 | VOLT: a novel open-source pipeline for automatic segmentation of endolymphatic space in inner ear MRI |
Q114987631 | VOLTTRON: An Open-Source Software Platform of the Future |
Q64249509 | VO₂FITTING: A Free and Open-Source Software for Modelling Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Swimming and other Exercise Modalities |
Q30838513 | VREX: an open-source toolbox for creating 3D virtual reality experiments. |
Q39249686 | VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics |
Q59740066 | VULCAN: An Open-source, Validated Chemical KineticsPythonCode for Exoplanetary Atmospheres |
Q30884201 | ValWorkBench: an open source Java library for cluster validation, with applications to microarray data analysis. |
Q96121873 | Validation of PATHFx 2.0-an open source tool for estimating survival in patients undergoing pathologic fracture fixation |
Q102136154 | Validation of a new open-source method for automatic delineation and dose assessment of the heart and LADCA in breast radiotherapy with simultaneous uncertainty estimation |
Q58870398 | Validation of an Open Source Finite Element Biphasic Poroelastic Model. Application to the Intervertebral Disc Biomechanics |
Q88719829 | Validation of an Open-Source Tool for Measuring Carotid Lumen Diameter and Intima-Media Thickness |
Q57715845 | Validation of an open source CFD code to simulate natural ventilation for agricultural buildings |
Q34782452 | Validation of an open source framework for the simulation of blood flow in rigid and deformable vessels |
Q114977720 | Validation of object oriented metrics using open source software system |
Q110512136 | Validation of open source code BEM++ for simulation of acoustic problems |
Q114377930 | Validation of the applicability of the particle-based open-source software DualSPHysics to violent flow fields |
Q57726796 | Validity of network analyses in Open Source Projects |
Q57918103 | Value Capture and Value Networks in Open Source Vendor Strategies |
Q63807733 | Value creation in open-source hardware communities: Case study of Open Source Ecology |
Q64119161 | VasoTracker, a Low-Cost and Open Source Pressure Myograph System for Vascular Physiology |
Q115147052 | VeriSiMPL 2: An open-source software for the verification of max-plus-linear systems |
Q110511910 | Verification of the Open Source Code, OpenFOAM to the External Flows |
Q33444590 | VideoHacking: Automated Tracking and Quantification of Locomotor Behavior with Open Source Software and Off-the-Shelf Video Equipment |
Q54008024 | Viewpoint: Why "open source" misses the point of free software |
Q114852208 | Vikrant Narayan Vasudeva: Open Source Software and Intellectual Property Rights |
Q115149283 | Virtual Reality (VR) and Open Source Software: A Workflow for Constructing an Interactive Cartographic VR Environment to Explore Urban Landscapes |
Q119998686 | Virtual collaborative spaces: a case study on the antecedents of collaboration in an open‐source software community |
Q34115961 | Virtual liver resection and volumetric analysis of the future liver remnant using open source image processing software |
Q115042291 | Virtual organizational learning in open source software development projects |
Q57600931 | Virtual placements for informatics students in open source business across Europe |
Q119593274 | Virtual preoperative planning and 3D tumoral reconstruction with Horos open-source software |
Q33350262 | VirtualLeaf: an open-source framework for cell-based modeling of plant tissue growth and development. |
Q28607643 | Virtualization of open-source secure web services to support data exchange in a pediatric critical care research network |
Q37061804 | VirusMapper: open-source nanoscale mapping of viral architecture through super-resolution microscopy |
Q114936498 | VisWebDrone: A Web Application for UAV Photogrammetry Based on Open-Source Software |
Q64061175 | Visbrain: A Multi-Purpose GPU-Accelerated Open-Source Suite for Multimodal Brain Data Visualization |
Q33388943 | Vision egg: an open-source library for realtime visual stimulus generation |
Q114915437 | Visual GDML, an open-source software for building and visualizing Geant4 geometry based on the GDML markup language |
Q113876914 | Visualization and Quantification of the Unrepaired Complete Atrioventricular Canal Valve Using Open-Source Software |
Q33834487 | Visualize: a free and open source multifunction tool for proteomics data analysis |
Q92149765 | Visualizing Infection Surveillance Data for Policymaking Using Open Source Dashboarding |
Q57726872 | Visualizing social interaction in open source software projects |
Q56989449 | Visualizing time and geography of open source software with storygraph |
Q28603357 | Visualizing, editing and simulating neuronal models with the Open Source Brain 3D explorer |
Q110510848 | Vocabulary and time based bug‐assignment: A recommender system for open‐source projects |
Q91976237 | Void sorcerer: an open source, open access framework for mouse uroflowmetry |
Q114977787 | Volunteers' participation in open source software development |
Q58779370 | WASS: An open-source pipeline for 3D stereo reconstruction of ocean waves |
Q30936631 | WHATIF: An open-source desktop application for extraction and management of the incidental findings from next-generation sequencing variant data |
Q40606218 | WIRM: an open source toolkit for building biomedical web applications |
Q98782318 | WU-NEAT: A clinically validated, open-source MATLAB toolbox for limited-channel neonatal EEG analysis |
Q36183083 | WUFlux: an open-source platform for 13C metabolic flux analysis of bacterial metabolism |
Q114960618 | Waiting for Usable Open Source Software? Don't Hold Your Breath! |
Q62098043 | WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials |
Q39740401 | Watching Kinetic Studies as Chemical Maps Using Open-Source Software |
Q110512239 | Water Resources Modeling Tools - Open Source Code versus Proprietary Software |
Q114154145 | Wayback Machine: A tool to capture the evolutionary behavior of the bug reports and their triage process in open-source software systems |
Q114926532 | Web Based GIS for Tourism Development Using Effective Free and Open Source Software Case Study: Gondor Town and Its Surrounding Area, Ethiopia |
Q25257063 | Web GIS in practice IV: publishing your health maps and connecting to remote WMS sources using the Open Source UMN MapServer and DM Solutions MapLab |
Q114384361 | Web Generator: An open-source software for synthetic web-based user interface dataset generation |
Q59557681 | Web Mash-ups and Patchwork Prototyping: User-driven technological innovation with Web 2.0 and Open Source Software |
Q38380542 | Web accessibility and open source software |
Q58823086 | Web service based spatial forest information system using an open source software approach |
Q114972740 | Web-Based solution for Mapping Application using Open-Source Software Server |
Q51974304 | Web-MCQ: a set of methods and freely available open source code for administering online multiple choice question assessments |
Q114918003 | Web-based Mineral Information System of Thailand Using Free and Open Source Software and Open Geospatial Consortium |
Q115036102 | Web-based electronic obstetric record using open-source software |
Q54539794 | Web-based open source application for the randomization process in clinical trials: RANDI2. |
Q34685956 | Web-based physician order entry: an open source solution with broad physician involvement. |
Q96590243 | Webina: An Open-Source Library and Web App that Runs AutoDock Vina Entirely in the Web Browser |
Q115001160 | Weekly sea surface temperature from SNPP-VIIRS data using open source software |
Q58051475 | What Do the Asserts in a Unit Test Tell Us about Code Quality? A Study on Open Source and Industrial Projects |
Q114954468 | What Economists Know About Open Source Software - Its Basic Principles and Research Results |
Q46219676 | What Is the Price of Open-Source Software? |
Q114916965 | What Is the Role of the Sensitive Construct Theory in Free and Open Source Software Development? |
Q114367224 | What Leaders Really Do for Open Collaborations: Focusing on Open Source Software Development Projects |
Q114927859 | What Makes Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Projects Successful? An Agent-Based Model of FLOSS Projects |
Q111934251 | What Open Source Software Research Can Teach Us About Public Blockchain(s)?—Lessons for Practitioners and Future Research |
Q110510485 | What are the Characteristics of Reopened Pull Requests? A Case Study on Open Source Projects in GitHub |
Q115143795 | What drives developing countries to select free open source software for national spatial data infrastructure? |
Q114922542 | What drives innovation processes in modern biotechnology and open source software? |
Q56486337 | What is the “Source” of Open Source Hardware? |
Q115040642 | What makes a good contributor? Understanding contributor behavior within large Free/Open Source Software projects – A socialization perspective |
Q60708784 | What makes computational open source software libraries successful? |
Q115146906 | What to share, when, and where: balancing the objectives and complexities of open source software contributions |
Q30483814 | What's mine is yours-open source as a new paradigm for sustainable healthcare education |
Q113441514 | When does community participation enhance the performance of open source software companies? |
Q104791015 | When open source design is vital: critical making of DIY healthcare equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Q59389619 | When to make proprietary software open source |
Q120259600 | Where the Cathedrals and Bazaars Are: An Index of Open Source Software Activity and Potential |
Q110512461 | White House Supporting Open Source Code |
Q97527515 | White-box software test generation with Microsoft Pex on open source C# projects: A dataset |
Q114954538 | Who Chooses Open Source Software? |
Q114922027 | Who connects with whom? A social network analysis of an online open source software community |
Q114976399 | Who is an open source software developer? |
Q57752043 | Who is going to mentor newcomers in open source projects? |
Q115005374 | Who is not developing open source software? non-users, users, and developers |
Q114953172 | Why Do Developers and Firms Contribute to the Production of Open Source Software? |
Q115005008 | Why Governments Innovate: Adoption and Implementation of Open Source Software by Four European Cities |
Q114953194 | Why Hackers Do What They Do: Understanding Motivation and Effort in Free/Open Source Software Projects |
Q114953845 | Why Open Source Software Can Succeed |
Q56690076 | Why Open Source software can succeed |
Q63929696 | Why Open Source?: Exploring the Motivations of Using an Open Model for Hardware Development |
Q114371073 | Why computing students should contribute to open source software projects |
Q113436880 | Why develop open-source software? The role of non-pecuniary benefits, monetary rewards, and open-source licence type |
Q115042613 | Why do commercial companies contribute to open source software? |
Q58051477 | Why do newcomers abandon open source software projects? |
Q114962243 | Why do users choose Open Source software? Analysis of the network effect / Dlaczego użytkownicy wybierają oprogramowanie Open Source? Analiza efektu sieciowego |
Q63929715 | Why makers make what they make: motivations to contribute to open source hardware development |
Q83809965 | Why modern open source projects fail |
Q60216080 | Why open source? |
Q64100519 | Wi-PoS: A Low-Cost, Open Source Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Hardware Platform with Long Range Sub-GHz Backbone |
Q87833362 | WikiSpeech – enabling open source text-to-speech for Wikipedia |
Q108370072 | Wikimedia Open Source |
Q114290381 | Wikispeech |
Q56778257 | Will the Open Source Movement Survive a Litigious Society? |
Q114967830 | Willingness to Pay in an Open Source Software Environment |
Q115001848 | Wind turbine control: open-source software for control education, standardization and compilation |
Q38782490 | Wine yeasts identification by MALDI-TOF MS: Optimization of the preanalytical steps and development of an extensible open-source platform for processing and analysis of an in-house MS database. |
Q47303508 | With open-source arms. |
Q36782372 | Wndchrm - an open source utility for biological image analysis |
Q68361016 | Wolf testing: open source testing software |
Q63739168 | Women in Free/Libre/Open Source Software: The Situation in the 2010s |
Q113771157 | Women’s Participation in Open Source Software: A Survey of the Literature |
Q118143535 | Workflow for High-content, Individual Cell Quantification of Fluorescent Markers from Universal Microscope Data, Supported by Open Source Software |
Q30882255 | Workflow for high-content, individual cell quantification of fluorescent markers from universal microscope data, supported by open source software |
Q113878918 | Workflow in open-source software for computed tomography analysis: technical note |
Q101054162 | Workflow of digitally guided direct composite resin restorations using open source software and 3D printing: a clinical technique |
Q90523189 | Workflow-centred open-source fully automated lung volumetry in chest CT |
Q66708249 | Working for free? Motivations of participating in open source projects |
Q110512660 | World of code: enabling a research workflow for mining and analyzing the universe of open source VCS data |
Q96351419 | Worm-align and Worm_CP, Two Open-Source Pipelines for Straightening and Quantification of Fluorescence Image Data Obtained from Caenorhabditis elegans |
Q91289994 | WormBot, an open-source robotics platform for survival and behavior analysis in C. elegans |
Q36108408 | WormGender - Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement |
Q30983886 | WriteSim TCExam--an open source text simulation environment for training novice researchers in scientific writing |
Q113273159 | X-Light: an open-source software written in Python to determine the residual stress by X-ray diffraction |
Q38433004 | XDesign: an open-source software package for designing X-ray imaging phantoms and experiments. |
Q85857521 | XGlycScan: An Open-source Software For N-linked Glycosite Assignment, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Data from Mass Spectrometry-based Glycoproteomic Analysis |
Q40476526 | XMIPP: a new generation of an open-source image processing package for electron microscopy. |
Q33530176 | XTandem Parser: an open-source library to parse and analyse X!Tandem MS/MS search results |
Q60331871 | XVis: an educational open-source program for demonstration of reciprocal-space construction and diffraction principles |
Q30577599 | XeNA: an automated 'open-source' (129)Xe hyperpolarizer for clinical use |
Q99547617 | XeUS: A second-generation automated open-source batch-mode clinical-scale hyperpolarizer |
Q59568862 | Xface open source project and smil-agent scripting language for creating and animating embodied conversational agents |
Q58345107 | XtalOpt Version r10: An open–source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q62160736 | XtalOpt Version r12: An open-source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q58345102 | XtalOpt version r11: An open-source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q56993178 | XtalOpt version r7: An open-source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q56993014 | XtalOpt version r9: An open-source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q56993184 | XtalOpt: An open-source evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction |
Q114997200 | YADE‐OPEN DEM: an open‐source software using a discrete element method to simulate granular material |
Q83688078 | ZeBase: An Open-Source Relational Database for Zebrafish Laboratories |
Q91296234 | ZeMo: An Open Source Water Quality Monitoring System for Aquaria |
Q88352219 | ZebraPace: An Open-Source Method for Cardiac-Rhythm Estimation in Untethered Zebrafish Larvae |
Q38412191 | Zebrafish Database: Customizable, Free, and Open-Source Solution for Facility Management. |
Q114963259 | ZebrafishMiner: an open source software for interactive evaluation of domain-specific fluorescence in zebrafish |
Q30891825 | Zherlock: an open source data analysis software |
Q110510912 | Zsmell – Code Smell Detection for Open Source Software |
Q114963279 | Zum barrierearmen Katalog mit Open-Source-Software: Ein Praxisbericht aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig |
Q114962843 | Zur Präferenz der öffentlichen Hand für Open-Source-Software |
Q80413841 | [GNU Pattern: open source pattern hunter for biological sequences based on SPLASH algorithm] |
Q83172520 | [High function PACS utilizing Osirix, an open source software] |
Q98170272 | [Interactive, semi-automatized and open source computational model applied to respiratory viruses surveillance] |
Q84582292 | [Mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap. Experience of virtual reconstruction using Osirix®, a free and open source software for medical imagery] |
Q85233932 | [Maximizing return on investment for public health with open-source medical hardware] |
Q84968153 | [Open source biotechnology: synopsis of a meeting of two revolutions] |
Q80233548 | [Osirix: free and open-source software for medical imagery] |
Q64047354 | [Registries for rare diseases : OSSE - An open-source framework for technical implementation] |
Q83076677 | [The use of open source software in graphic anatomic reconstructions and in biomechanic simulations] |
Q59904112 | aConCorde: Towards an open-source, extendable concordancer for Arabic |
Q35655756 | adLIMS: a customized open source software that allows bridging clinical and basic molecular research studies |
Q115036821 | anyFish 2.0: An open-source software platform to generate and share animated fish models to study behavior |
Q57984273 | astroplan: An Open Source Observation Planning Package in Python |
Q93118144 | bAIcis: A Novel Bayesian Network Structural Learning Algorithm and Its Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Against Open-Source Software |
Q114389314 | bSTAB: an open-source software for computing the basin stability of multi-stable dynamical systems |
Q96023327 | bayes4psy-An Open Source R Package for Bayesian Statistics in Psychology |
Q31169851 | biomechZoo: An open-source toolbox for the processing, analysis, and visualization of biomechanical movement data. |
Q57609769 | cODA: An Open-Source Framework to Easily Design Context-Aware Android Apps |
Q33263441 | cPath: open source software for collecting, storing, and querying biological pathways |
Q28601899 | cSPider - Evaluation of a Free and Open-Source Automated Tool to Analyze Corticomotor Silent Period |
Q28603558 | caTissue Suite to OpenSpecimen: Developing an extensible, open source, web-based biobanking management system |
Q96222884 | cando.py: Open source software for predictive bioanalytics of large scale drug-protein-disease data |
Q57661591 | carl: a likelihood-free inference toolbox |
Q33454215 | ccPDB: compilation and creation of data sets from Protein Data Bank |
Q33840310 | compomics-utilities: an open-source Java library for computational proteomics |
Q42695242 | dcmqi: An Open Source Library for Standardized Communication of Quantitative Image Analysis Results Using DICOM. |
Q115043610 | dnamatch2: An open source software to carry out large scale database searches of mixtures using qualitative and quantitative models |
Q43923980 | drLumi: An open-source package to manage data, calibrate, and conduct quality control of multiplex bead-based immunoassays data analysis |
Q38985874 | e-Assessment in a Limited-Resources Dental School Using an Open-Source Learning Management System |
Q30590250 | eMZed: an open source framework in Python for rapid and interactive development of LC/MS data analysis workflows |
Q110511694 | eQE: An open‐source density functional embedding theory code for the condensed phase |
Q56742130 | eResearch Workflows for Studying Free and Open Source Software Development |
Q39894821 | eSlide suite: an open source software system for whole slide imaging |
Q94946025 | eT 1.0: An open source electronic structure program with emphasis on coupled cluster and multilevel methods |
Q27902349 | eTOXlab, an open source modeling framework for implementing predictive models in production environments |
Q60584822 | eWALL: An Open-Source Cloud-Based eHealth Platform for Creating Home Caring Environments for Older Adults Living with Chronic Diseases or Frailty |
Q61938624 | eWaterCycle: a hyper-resolution global hydrological model for river discharge forecasts made from open source pre-existing components |
Q57590289 | eicCluster software, an open-source in silico tool and on-surface syntheses, an in situ concept, both exploited for signal highlighting in high-resolution mass spectrometry to ease structure elucidation in planar chromatography |
Q92289835 | ezTrack: An open-source video analysis pipeline for the investigation of animal behavior |
Q114980769 | fusionImage: An R package for pan‐sharpening images in open source software |
Q42217335 | g_mmpbsa--a GROMACS tool for high-throughput MM-PBSA calculations. |
Q30389806 | geWorkbench: an open source platform for integrative genomics |
Q113878743 | genES-MDA: A generic open-source software package to solve inverse problems via the Ensemble Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation |
Q109657015 | geomIO: An Open‐Source MATLAB Toolbox to Create the Initial Configuration of 2‐D/3‐D Thermo‐Mechanical Simulations From 2‐D Vector Drawings |
Q88989675 | ggCyto: next generation open-source visualization software for cytometry |
Q91721811 | glyXtoolMS: An Open-Source Pipeline for Semiautomated Analysis of Glycopeptide Mass Spectrometry Data |
Q91922764 | glypy: An Open Source Glycoinformatics Library |
Q115002256 | goGPS: open source software for enhancing the accuracy of low-cost receivers by single-frequency relative kinematic positioning |
Q64455906 | gprMax: Open source software to simulate electromagnetic wave propagation for Ground Penetrating Radar |
Q36072126 | gr-MRI: A software package for magnetic resonance imaging using software defined radios |
Q57088982 | graynet: single-subject morphometric networks for neuroscience connectivity applications |
Q60522981 | hillR: taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and similarity through Hill Numbers |
Q90383093 | i-Tree cool river: An open source, freeware tool to simulate river water temperature coupled with HEC-RAS |
Q92032847 | iBEX: Modular Open-Source Software for Digital Radiography |
Q38621817 | iCAVE: an open source tool for visualizing biomolecular networks in 3D, stereoscopic 3D and immersive 3D. |
Q90971612 | iEEGview: an open-source multifunction GUI-based Matlab toolbox for localization and visualization of human intracranial electrodes |
Q31161484 | iELVis: An open source MATLAB toolbox for localizing and visualizing human intracranial electrode data. |
Q30840408 | iElectrodes: A Comprehensive Open-Source Toolbox for Depth and Subdural Grid Electrode Localization |
Q31090068 | iMap4: An open source toolbox for the statistical fixation mapping of eye movement data with linear mixed modeling |
Q57857801 | iMatTOUGH: An open-source Matlab-based graphical user interface for pre- and post-processing of TOUGH2 and iTOUGH2 models |
Q87822383 | iMatrixSpray: a free and open source sample preparation device for mass spectrometric imaging |
Q50884390 | iSpectra: An Open Source Toolbox For The Analysis of Spectral Images Recorded on Scanning Electron Microscopes |
Q38548485 | illuminaio: An open source IDAT parsing tool for Illumina microarrays |
Q30830627 | itom: an open source metrology, automation, and data evaluation software |
Q27702187 | jCompoundMapper: An open source Java library and command-line tool for chemical fingerprints |
Q58462799 | jSPyDB, an open source database-independent tool for data management |
Q38424250 | jTerm: an open source terminology server |
Q34038598 | jTraML: an open source Java API for TraML, the PSI standard for sharing SRM transitions |
Q33529193 | jmzML, an open-source Java API for mzML, the PSI standard for MS data |
Q30829531 | jqcML: an open-source java API for mass spectrometry quality control data in the qcML format |
Q55167368 | jsMolEditor: an open source molecule editor for the next generation web. |
Q59329726 | knnAUC: an open-source R package for detecting nonlinear dependence between one continuous variable and one binary variable |
Q110512345 | kspectrum: an open-source code for high-resolution molecular absorption spectra production |
Q107129541 | landscapemetrics : an open‐source R tool to calculate landscape metrics |
Q42667825 | mGen--An Open Source Framework for Generating Clinical Documents |
Q42646051 | mMass data miner: an open source alternative for mass spectrometric data analysis |
Q115045214 | mVMC—Open-source software for many-variable variational Monte Carlo method |
Q64043037 | matchbox: An open-source tool for patient matching via the Matchmaker Exchange |
Q42649669 | metaMS: an open-source pipeline for GC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics |
Q91179059 | micrIO: an open-source autosampler and fraction collector for automated microfluidic input-output |
Q93842984 | mmpdb: An Open Source Matched Molecular Pair Platform for Large Multi-Property Datasets |
Q88708549 | mmpdb: An Open-Source Matched Molecular Pair Platform for Large Multiproperty Data Sets |
Q92028047 | motoRneuron: an open-source R toolbox for time-domain motor unit analyses |
Q61479449 | mrivis: Medical image visualization library for neuroscience in python |
Q30939318 | ms-data-core-api: an open-source, metadata-oriented library for computational proteomics |
Q42645147 | ms_lims, a simple yet powerful open source laboratory information management system for MS-driven proteomics. |
Q33862968 | mvp - an open-source preprocessor for cleaning duplicate records and missing values in mass spectrometry data |
Q96438739 | nPAsym: an open-source plugin for ImageJ to quantify nuclear shape asymmetry |
Q41438666 | nSTAT: open-source neural spike train analysis toolbox for Matlab. |
Q36551070 | openBIS ELN-LIMS: an open-source database for academic laboratories |
Q115010890 | openCrys: Open-Source Software for the Multiscale Modeling of Combined Antisolvent and Cooling Crystallization in Turbulent Flow |
Q53268696 | osni.info-Using free/libre/open source software to build a virtual international community for open source nursing informatics |
Q110511668 | p-winds: An open-source Python code to model planetary outflows and upper atmospheres |
Q104691355 | pMAT: An Open-Source Software Suite for the Analysis of Fiber Photometry Data |
Q30050695 | pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves |
Q105264612 | patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening |
Q64291129 | pizza: an open-source pseudo-spectral code for spherical quasi-geostrophic convection |
Q33862380 | pkDACLASS: Open source software for analyzing MALDI-TOF data |
Q58063560 | ppOpen-HPC: Open Source Infrastructure for Development and Execution of Large-Scale Scientific Applications on Post-Peta-Scale Supercomputers with Automatic Tuning (AT) |
Q110512672 | ppohDEM: Computational performance for open source code of the discrete element method |
Q35553574 | prine |
Q30488394 | psiTurk: An open-source framework for conducting replicable behavioral experiments online |
Q28647697 | pvsR: An Open Source Interface to Big Data on the American Political Sphere |
Q93154818 | py2DIC: A New Free and Open Source Software for Displacement and Strain Measurements in the Field of Experimental Mechanics |
Q115011249 | py4DSTEM: Open Source Software for 4D-STEM Data Analysis |
Q30382358 | pyAudioAnalysis: An Open-Source Python Library for Audio Signal Analysis. |
Q36605445 | pyElectrode: An open-source tool using structural MRI for electrode positioning and neuron mapping |
Q60020784 | pyLIMA: An Open-source Package for Microlensing Modeling. I. Presentation of the Software and Analysis of Single-lens Models |
Q35535891 | pyNS: an open-source framework for 0D haemodynamic modelling |
Q64065404 | pyPhotometry: Open source Python based hardware and software for fiber photometry data acquisition |
Q102131177 | pycotem: An open source toolbox for on-line crystal defect characterization from TEM imaging and diffraction |
Q52604858 | pytc: Open-Source Python Software for Global Analyses of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Data. |
Q57590292 | quanTLC, an online open-source solution for videodensitometric quantification |
Q57894679 | r.avaflow v1, an advanced open-source computational framework for the propagation and interaction of two-phase mass flows |
Q28537716 | rDock: a fast, versatile and open source program for docking ligands to proteins and nucleic acids |
Q33557237 | rNMR: open source software for identifying and quantifying metabolites in NMR spectra |
Q30497422 | radR: an open-source platform for acquiring and analysing data on biological targets observed by surveillance radar |
Q64027643 | rapidSTORM: accurate, fast open-source software for localization microscopy |
Q57725027 | rdefra: Interact with the UK AIR Pollution Database from DEFRA |
Q97587047 | rdmc: An Open Source R Package Implementing Convergent Adaptation Models of Lee and Coop (2017) |
Q120411088 | reg-sgc: An open-source software for regularized Simple Graph Convolution |
Q115043608 | relMix: An open source software for DNA mixtures with related contributors |
Q106351084 | rhizoTrak: a flexible open source Fiji plugin for user-friendly manual annotation of time-series images from minirhizotrons |
Q42627435 | sMOL Explorer: an open source, web-enabled database and exploration tool for Small MOLecules datasets |
Q93226417 | schema: an open-source, distributed mobile platform for deploying mHealth research tools and interventions |
Q35042226 | sfDM: Open-Source Software for Temporal Analysis and Visualization of Brain Tumor Diffusion MR Using Serial Functional Diffusion Mapping. |
Q30485608 | shRNAPred (version 1.0): An open source and standalone software for short hairpin RNA (shRNA) prediction |
Q92242569 | ssNake: A cross-platform open-source NMR data processing and fitting application |
Q92955999 | tableone: An open source Python package for producing summary statistics for research papers |
Q113308042 | tidyLPA: An R Package to Easily Carry Out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) Using Open-Source or Commercial Software |
Q30900361 | tranSMART: An Open Source Knowledge Management and High Content Data Analytics Platform |
Q30707649 | tranSMART: An Open Source and Community-Driven Informatics and Data Sharing Platform for Clinical and Translational Research |
Q106994144 | trapper : an open source web‐based application to manage camera trapping projects |
Q55413144 | viGEN: An Open Source Pipeline for the Detection and Quantification of Viral RNA in Human Tumors. |
Q59675091 | xFitter 2.0.0: An Open Source QCD Fit Framework |
Q35630321 | xGDB: open-source computational infrastructure for the integrated evaluation and analysis of genome features |
Q99406442 | zOPT: an open source optical projection tomography system and methods for rapid 3D zebrafish imaging |
Q31126933 | zanardi: an open-source pipeline for multiple-species genomic analysis of SNP array data. |
Q115011085 | μManager: Open Source Software for Light Microscope Imaging |
Q115005675 | ‘Hybrid’ open source software virtual communities of practice – a conceptual framework |
Q56034294 | ‘Patches don’t have gender’: What is not open in open source software |
Q114997063 | “Constructing the users” in open source software development |
Q107398929 | ‡biblios: An Open Source Cataloging Editor |
Q118143101 | Open-source software als brug tussen de auditor en de statisticus |
Q45024205 | Les logiciels produits par les administrations sont passés en Open Source par défaut (et voici pourquoi) |
Q106264714 | DigiBESS: una biblioteca digitale open source |
Q104661502 | Il software open source per la gestione integrata delle biblioteche: una nuova risorsa? |
Q106247462 | La diffusione di software open source per la gestione di biblioteche in Italia |
Q106246074 | Open source e biblioteche |