Land Cover Classification and Monitoring: the STEM Open Source Solution

Land Cover Classification and Monitoring: the STEM Open Source Solution is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P50authorDamiano GianelleQ56755383
Markus NetelerQ3849666
P2093author name stringMarkus Neteler
Damiano Gianelle
Michele Dalponte
Luca Delucchi
Fabio Remondino
Francesco Nex
P2860cites workRecursive Feature Selection with Significant Variables of Support VectorsQ36184659
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P921main subjectopen-source softwareQ1130645
land coverQ3001793
P577publication date2015-01-01
P1433published inEuropean Journal of Remote SensingQ50816511
P1476titleLand Cover Classification and Monitoring: the STEM Open Source Solution

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