Abstract is: Blacklight is an open-source Ruby on Rails engine for creating search interfaces on top of Apache Solr indices. The software is used by libraries to create discovery layers or institutional repositories; by museums and archives to highlight digital collections; and by other information retrieval projects.
open-source software | Q1130645 |
software component | Q17176533 |
P973 | described at URL | https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/tool-or-service/FONfye |
https://tapor.ca/tools/996 | ||
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0hppjs7 |
P856 | official website | http://projectblacklight.org/ |
P1972 | Open Hub ID | blacklight |
P3417 | Quora topic ID | Project-Blacklight |
P1324 | source code repository URL | https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight |
P195 | collection | Text Analysis Portal for Research | Q3979414 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace | Q131847864 | ||
P275 | copyright license | Apache License | Q616526 |
P6216 | copyright status | copyrighted | Q50423863 |
P1547 | depends on software | Apache Solr | Q2858103 |
P1343 | described by source | Bibliographic Scan of Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure | Q96472645 |
Scholarly Communication Technology Catalogue | Q105080154 | ||
P178 | developer | University of Virginia | Q213439 |
P366 | has use | web development | Q386275 |
information retrieval | Q816826 | ||
publishing | Q3972943 | ||
disseminating | Q123819226 | ||
creating | Q123819227 | ||
P571 | inception | 2009-10-30 | |
P2284 | price | 0 | |
P277 | programmed in | Ruby | Q161053 |
P348 | software version identifier | 8.8.2 |
Q96584300 | Gumshoe | depends on software | P1547 |
Q56657725 | Build great web search applications quickly with Solr and Blacklight | main subject | P921 |
Blacklight (software) | wikipedia | |
Blacklight (logiciel) | wikipedia |
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