User and developer mediation in an Open Source Software community: Boundary spanning through cross participation in online discussions


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User and developer mediation in an Open Source Software community: Boundary spanning through cross participation in online discussions is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/ijmms/BarcelliniDB08

P50authorFrançoise DétienneQ112108041
P2093author name stringFlore Barcellini
Jean-Marie Burkhardt
P2860cites workThe top five reasons for lurking: improving community experiences for everyoneQ55952454
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P921main subjectopen-source softwareQ1130645
P577publication date2008-07-01
P1433published inInternational Journal of Human-Computer StudiesQ15752486
P1476titleUser and developer mediation in an Open Source Software community: Boundary spanning through cross participation in online discussions

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cites work (P2860)
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