Common Workflow Language

open standards project

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Abstract is: The Common Workflow Language (CWL) is a standard for describing computational data-analysis workflows. Development of CWL is focused particularly on serving the data-intensive sciences, such as Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry. A key goal of the CWL is to allow the creation of a workflow that is portable and thus may be run reproducibly in different computational environments. The CWL originated from discussions in 2014 between Peter Amstutz, John Chilton, Nebojša Tijanić, and Michael R. Crusoe (at that time their respective affiliations were: Galaxy, Arvados, Seven Bridges, and Michigan State University) at the Open Bioinformatics Foundation BOSC 2014 codefest. CWL is supported by multiple analysis runners and platforms such as Apache Airflow (via CWL-Airflow ), Arvados, Rabix, Cromwell workflow engine, Toil, REANA - Reusable Analyses and CWLEXEC for IBM Spectrum LSF, and was identified in 2017 as one of the future trends for bioinformatics pipeline development. Several additional analysis environments are currently implementing support for CWL including Pegasus and Galaxy.

Wikimedia Commons category is Common Workflow Language

Common Workflow Language is …
instance of (P31):
file formatQ235557
open standardQ681263
workflow languageQ105695317

External links are
P2037GitHub usernamecommon-workflow-language
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11h3lfyctn
P1163media typeapplication/cwl
P10027official forum URL
P856official website
P1324source code repository URL
P2002X (Twitter) usernamecommonwl
P2397YouTube channel IDUCNQreTPvvlM0sdu2dL6Mm3Q

P485archives atZenodoQ22661177
P50authorNebojša TijanićQ56477250
Peter AmstutzQ56477255
John ChiltonQ41046233
Michael R. CrusoeQ47708044
P3320board memberPeter AmstutzQ56477255
Jeff GentryQ56477980
Stian Soiland-ReyesQ34388171
John ChiltonQ41046233
Brandi Davis-DusenberyQ43137624
Michael R. CrusoeQ47708044
Hervé MénagerQ48247177
P488chairpersonMichael R. CrusoeQ47708044
P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P1343described by sourceMethods included: Standardizing computational reuse and portability with the Common Workflow LanguageQ113847491
P1195file extensioncwl
P112founded byNebojša TijanićQ56477250
Peter AmstutzQ56477255
John ChiltonQ41046233
Michael R. CrusoeQ47708044
P8324funderEuropean CommissionQ8880
Chan Zuckerberg InitiativeQ21623039
P366has usescienceQ336
P2650interested inopen scienceQ309823
open dataQ309901
Open BiologyQ7095958
Workflows for e-ScienceQ54021931
Open life sciencesQ27726895
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P463member ofSoftware Freedom ConservancyQ2896872
Joint Roadmap for Open Science ToolsQ53729922
P135movementopen science movementQ52989815
P749parent organizationSoftware Freedom ConservancyQ2896872
University of MelbourneQ319078
University of California, Santa CruzQ1047293
Wellcome Sanger InstituteQ1142544
Institute for Systems BiologyQ1829731
Pasteur InstituteQ391083
Broad InstituteQ4971893
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterQ5120231
Galaxy platformQ5518091
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthQ5676556
EMBL AustraliaQ30253726
Netherlands eScience CenterQ30297165
Seven Bridges Genomics (United States)Q50039372
iPlant CollaborativeQ7393086
Taverna workbenchQ7689070
Texas Advanced Computing CenterQ7707491
Big Data to KnowledgeQ17443297
P1056product or material producedopen-source softwareQ1130645
open standardQ681263
P348software version identifier1.0.2

Reverse relations

Q2896872Software Freedom Conservancyhas part(s)P527
Q113847491Methods included: Standardizing computational reuse and portability with the Common Workflow Languagemain subjectP921

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      Common Workflow Languagewikipedia

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