Multi-atlas segmentation with joint label fusion and corrective learning-an open source implementation

scientific article published on 22 November 2013

Multi-atlas segmentation with joint label fusion and corrective learning-an open source implementation is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/fini/WangY13
P932PMC publication ID3837555
P698PubMed publication ID24319427
P5875ResearchGate publication ID259249900

P2093author name stringHongzhi Wang
Paul A Yushkevich
P2860cites workA generative model for image segmentation based on label fusionQ24600552
Combination strategies in multi-atlas image segmentation: application to brain MR dataQ33410713
Comparison of AdaBoost and support vector machines for detecting Alzheimer's disease through automated hippocampal segmentationQ33584857
Nearly automatic segmentation of hippocampal subfields in in vivo focal T2-weighted MRIQ34126524
A learning-based wrapper method to correct systematic errors in automatic image segmentation: consistently improved performance in hippocampus, cortex and brain segmentationQ34629097
Symmetric diffeomorphic image registration with cross-correlation: evaluating automated labeling of elderly and neurodegenerative brainQ34656983
Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion.Q37395662
Entangled Decision Forests and Their Application for Semantic Segmentation of CT ImagesQ38487835
Multi-atlas segmentation with robust label transfer and label fusionQ38601680
Spatial Bias in Multi-Atlas Based SegmentationQ41532910
Automated extraction of the cortical sulci based on a supervised learning approachQ43897431
Auto-Context and Its Application to High-Level Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image SegmentationQ46086947
Towards accurate, automatic segmentation of the hippocampus and amygdala from MRI by augmenting ANIMAL with a template library and label fusion.Q48213285
Automatic anatomical brain MRI segmentation combining label propagation and decision fusionQ48465201
Multi-atlas-based segmentation with local decision fusion--application to cardiac and aortic segmentation in CT scansQ51856970
Evaluation of atlas selection strategies for atlas-based image segmentation with application to confocal microscopy images of bee brainsQ52000529
Patch-based segmentation using expert priors: application to hippocampus and ventricle segmentationQ53312931
Decision forests for tissue-specific segmentation of high-grade gliomas in multi-channel MRQ63387348
Non-local STAPLE: An Intensity-Driven Multi-atlas Rater ModelQ85835122
P921main subjectopen-source softwareQ1130645
P577publication date2013-11-22
P1433published inFrontiers in NeuroinformaticsQ25474550
P1476titleMulti-atlas segmentation with joint label fusion and corrective learning-an open source implementation

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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