Test-retest reproducibility of a multi-atlas automated segmentation tool on multimodality brain MRI

scientific article published on 04 September 2019

Test-retest reproducibility of a multi-atlas automated segmentation tool on multimodality brain MRI is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID6790328
P698PubMed publication ID31483562

P50authorAndreia FariaQ87081511
P2093author name stringYue Li
Michael I Miller
Johnny Hsu
Susumu Mori
Can Ceritoglu
Thiago J R Rezende
Brunno M Campos
Marcondes C França Junior
Kwame Kutten
P2860cites workFreeSurferQ28124699
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Scan-rescan reliability of subcortical brain volumes derived from automated segmentationQ37195488
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P921main subjectreproducibilityQ1425625
P577publication date2019-09-04
P1433published inBrain and BehaviorQ20708466
P1476titleTest-retest reproducibility of a multi-atlas automated segmentation tool on multimodality brain MRI

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